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Morgenochtend cijfers YARA. Hopelijk moge deze goed zijn en anders is het nog knarsetanden tot 5 mei. Idd een bevrijding uit dit belabberde koersverloop zou prettig zijn.
Wederom positief nieuws!

DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends
Anhydrous Price Hits $700 Per Ton for First Time Since 2015
4/21/2021 | 5:00 AM CDT
Russ Quinn
By , DTN Staff Reporter
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The average retail price of anhydrous increased 4% compared to last month to $700 per ton. It's the highest price since the fifth week of June 2015. (DTN chart)
OMAHA (DTN) -- The upward momentum in fertilizer prices appeared to level off this week. The average retail price of all eight major fertilizers increased; however, none were up a significant amount, which DTN considers a price move of 5% or more.

This is the first week since the beginning of February that no fertilizer's price was up by double-digit percentage points.

For the second week of April 2021, the average retail prices of anhydrous, UAN28 and UAN32 increased by 4%. Anhydrous had an average price of $700/ton, UAN28 $345/ton and UAN32 $387/ton.

One interesting note was the anhydrous price at $700/ton. The last time it was this high was the fifth week of June 2015. The price that week was $705/ton.

Urea prices increased 3% to $509/ton, while 10-34-0 increased 2% to an average price of $609/ton.

DAP had an average price of $624/ton, MAP $702/ton and potash $432/ton. All represented a 1% increase.

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On a price per pound of nitrogen basis, the average urea price was at $0.55/lb.N, anhydrous $0.43/lb.N, UAN28 $0.62/lb.N and UAN32 $0.60/lb.N.

The higher cost of retail fertilizer is making other forms of nutrients more attractive. In an article titled "Fertilizer Costs Make Manure Look Better," Ohio State University Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Assistant Matthew Nussbaum wrote farmers should consider manure as another choice for nutrients for crops.

Nussbaum said if farmers do choose manure for a fertilizer source, there are certain practices they should utilize. These would include proper storage methods and incorporating applied manure within 24 hours of application when possible.

"A study by the University of Minnesota showed that 40% of manure nitrogen is lost after sitting on the field surface for more than four days," Nussbaum wrote. "Other studies have shown that simply disking over surface applications is enough incorporation to reduce nitrogen loss."

Nussbaum said having a manure analysis done is another important practice. Manure nutrient levels vary widely among livestock species, time of year and management practices, he said.

To read the entire article, click on the following link: .

With retail fertilizer prices moving higher over recent months, all fertilizers are now higher in price from a year ago.

Potash is now 17% more expensive, 10-34-0 is 30% higher, urea is 33% more expensive, UAN32 39% higher, anhydrous is 42% more expensive, UAN28 is 46% higher, DAP is 52% more expensive and MAP 62% is higher compared to last year.

DTN collects roughly 1,700 retail fertilizer bids from 310 retailer locations weekly. Not all fertilizer prices change each week. Prices are subject to change at any time.

DTN Pro Grains subscribers can find current retail fertilizer price in the DTN Fertilizer Index on the Fertilizer page under Farm Business.

Retail fertilizer charts dating back to 2010 are available in the DTN fertilizer segment. The charts included cost of N/lb., DAP, MAP, potash, urea, 10-34-0, anhydrous, UAN28 and UAN32.

Apr 13-17 2020 410 433 370 384
May 11-15 2020 413 433 370 388
Jun 8-12 2020 406 430 363 367
Jul 6-10 2020 405 427 360 360
Aug 3-7 2020 416 430 357 354
Aug 31-Sep 4 2020 431 442 348 361
Sep 28-Oct 2 2020 439 459 338 362
Oct 26-30 2020 448 477 332 358
Nov 23-27 2020 456 495 337 359
Dec 21-25 2020 474 535 365 363
Jan 18-22 2021 493 563 379 387
Feb 15-19 2021 600 648 404 457
Mar 15-19 2021 616 693 424 496
Apr 12-16 2021 624 702 432 509
Date Range 10-34-0 ANHYD UAN28 UAN32
Apr 13-17 2020 468 492 236 279
May 11-15 2020 468 492 237 280
Jun 8-12 2020 468 472 235 276
Jul 6-10 2020 467 461 233 272
Aug 3-7 2020 465 455 222 262
Aug 31-Sep 4 2020 459 436 216 254
Sep 28-Oct 2 2020 457 424 212 250
Oct 26-30 2020 456 423 209 249
Nov 23-27 2020 457 424 210 249
Dec 21-25 2020 463 461 210 250
Jan 18-22 2021 481 482 215 251
Feb 15-19 2021 522 530 245 288
Mar 15-19 2021 596 671 331 373
Apr 12-16 2021 609 700 345 387
One interesting note was the anhydrous price at $700/ton. The last time it was this high was the fifth week of June 2015. The price that week was $705/ton.

Om even aan te geven,omtrent die tijd in 2015 piekte het aandeel op 36 euro op overname verwachting met CF ind. en CF piekte op 65$ inmiddels heeft OCI de gehele investeringronde van jaren achter zich en in omvang (omzet) is het bedrijf veel verder gegroeid en schulden gaan omlaag er zijn in de periode 2015 tot heden geen aandelen uitgegeven (geen verwatering) en ook geen aandeel spiltsing geweest,CF koerst nu rond de 48$ en dit drama komt net boven de 18 wat zie ik over het hoofd en waarom helpen koopadviezen van zakenbanken niet bij dit aandeel.
Dit is het rendement als je OCI 5 jr in bezit zou hebben.

5 Jahre 18,466 € -1,60%

In precies dezelfde tijd heeft YARA 5jr.een resultaat van +24,8 % opgeleverd buiten het dividend wat YARA elk jaar betaalde van 2,5 tot 3,5 %
Dit alles geeft duidelijk aan dat OCI na ook al die jaren en loze beloften van Sawaris een drama aandeel is geweest en mogelijk blijft ,want het vertrouwen in deze toko is diep triest,nu Sawaris gescoort heeft met zijn belegging (gisteren gemeld door BB) is het beste wat hij nu kan doen voor de aandeel houders,haal die Toko van de beurs met een premie van 30%,want de markt gelooft het niet.

Zeitraum Kurs %
1 Woche 43,62 € +1,47%
1 Monat 43,37 € +2,05%
6 Monate 30,74 € +43,98%
1 Jahr 29,66 € +49,22%
5 Jahre 35,484 € +24,73%
De beurswaarde van YARA is nu 13,8 miljard euro (daar zitten ook de schulden in)
beurswaarde van OCI is nu 3,78 miljard euro (ook daar zitten de schulden in)

jessebrown schreef op 22 april 2021 14:07:

Dit is het rendement als je OCI 5 jr in bezit zou hebben.

5 Jahre 18,466 € -1,60%

In precies dezelfde tijd heeft YARA 5jr.een resultaat van +24,8 % opgeleverd buiten het dividend wat YARA elk jaar betaalde van 2,5 tot 3,5 %
Dit alles geeft duidelijk aan dat OCI na ook al die jaren en loze beloften van Sawaris een drama aandeel is geweest en mogelijk blijft ,want het vertrouwen in deze toko is diep triest,nu Sawaris gescoort heeft met zijn belegging (gisteren gemeld door BB) is het beste wat hij nu kan doen voor de aandeel houders,haal die Toko van de beurs met een premie van 30%,want de markt gelooft het niet.
Een auto besturen die je ook niet door in de achteruitkijkspiegel te kijken. Je kijkt vooruit.

Het is allemaal bekend dat er forse investeringen zijn gedaan en dat nu het moment is gekomen om te verzilveren. We gaan het met vertrouwen zien de komende weken
Ik ben er opzich wel van overtuigd dat die Sawiris ervoor gaat zorgen dat OCI uiteindelijk geld gaat opleveren voor zijn aandeelhouders. Hij heeft niet voor niets afgelopen coronajaar dik 7.500.000 aandelen opgekocht in de markt. Het is meer de vraag, wanneer wil hij cashen en tegen welke prijs. Nu de marktprijzen voor alle producten hoog zijn? Het kan zo maar verkeren dat bij komende kwartaalcijfers er iets moois staat te gebeuren, alhoewel ze dat ook zeggen bij de staatsloterij.. ;p
Just lucky
Met een bod van 20 ben ik nu ook tevreden, wacht nog even tot de cijfers en ben dan weg.
Sectorgenootjes staan wederom in de plus. Het schiet maar niet op met dit aandeel. Zijn er voortekenen dat de cijfers slecht gaan zijn?
Just lucky

BultiesBrothers schreef op 22 april 2021 15:56:

Sectorgenootjes staan wederom in de plus. Het schiet maar niet op met dit aandeel. Zijn er voortekenen dat de cijfers slecht gaan zijn?
Laatste weken totaal geen omzet; met een paar kleine ordertjes heb je 100% controle, tel uit je winst.
De Russen.

PhosAgro releases 1Q21 operating results
Published by Nicholas Woodroof, Deputy Editor
World Fertilizer, Thursday, 22 April 2021 09:35

PhosAgro has reported that its fertilizer output in 1Q21 increased by 2.2% y/y to 2.7 million t.
Production in the phosphate segment increased by 2.3% y/y due to an increase in the production of premium NPK fertilizers, whose share in the phosphate segment rose from 36% to 39%. This increase was made possible by upgrades to improve the output of phosphoric acid production equipment.

Output in the nitrogen segment increased by 2.3% y/y due to an increase in production of commercial ammonium sulphate.

Sulfuric acid production increased by 8% y/y to 1.8 million t. The reason for this considerable increase was that the new sulfuric acid production unit in Cherepovets, launched in early 2020, reached full capacity. With an annual nameplate capacity of 1.1 million t, the new production line will increase the company’s self-sufficiency in sulfuric acid.

In 1Q21, sales of PhosAgro’s phosphate-based fertilizers amounted to 2.1 million t, which was comparable to sales from a year earlier. The volume of fertilizer sales remained at a typical level for this period despite a sharp increase in prices.

The slight decrease in DAP/MAP sales volumes in 1Q21 to the level of the previous year was due to a delay in the dispatch of several vessels with products at the end of March due to severe ice conditions.

Other factors that had an impact on total sales were an increase in sales of premium brands of NPK(S) fertilizers in the European, Russian and Latin American markets, where a strong recovery in seasonal demand was observed.

As a result, the share of NPK(S) brands in total sales in 1Q21 increased to 49%, up from 47% a year earlier.

In 1Q21, PhosAgro sold 0.8 million t of nitrogen-based fertilizers, an increase of 12% y/y. An increase in sales was observed for all brands of nitrogen-based fertilizers, driven by both high seasonal demand and the affordability of fertilizers for end users.

Export sales of PhosAgro fertilizers increased 6.7% y/y to 2 million t, driven by a strong recovery in seasonal demand in Europe, Latin America and North America.

Domestic mineral fertilizer sales volumes in 1Q21 amounted to about 0.9 million t, a nearly twofold increase from the previous quarter and at the same level as 1Q20. Sales of NPK and ammonium nitrate grades were driven by the growth in the affordability of fertilizers for end users and the large size of the agricultural sector in Russia.

PhosAgro CEO Andrey Guryev said: “Constantly improving operating performance and increasing fertilizer production volumes are key objectives of our long-term development strategy. In our efforts to meet these goals, we are building a large production facility at our site in Volkhov. The first production lines with a nameplate capacity of nearly 300 thousand tonnes of MAP per year have already been launched, and once the project is completed, the total capacity of the new production units at the Volkhov site will reach almost 900 thousand tonnes, which will ensure long-term growth of PhosAgro’s operating results.

“Global prices for phosphate-based fertilizers rose throughout the first quarter on the back of excellent affordability with respect to the primary crop basket, seasonal demand and low carry-over stocks in India, South Asia and the United States. Right now, the spring season is almost at an end, and we may see a slight decrease in demand during the off-season.”
Goede cijfers van andere bedrijven uit dezelfde sector, alleen dan minder nitrogen business. Het enige wat de resultaten van OCI een beetje heeft kunnen drukken is misschien die winterkou in februari waardoor er fabrieken stil hebben gelegen. En sorfert heeft dacht ik een tijdje stilgelegen (kan artikel niet vinden).
GlobeNewswire (Europe)
23.04.2021 | 08:05
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Yara International ASA: Yara delivers improved returns with continued premium product growth
Oslo, 23 April2021:Yara reports improved first-quarter results, as improved pricing more than offset the impact of higher energy cost.First-quarter net income wasUSD14 million (USD 0.05 per share) compared with USD -119 million (USD -0.43 per share) a year earlier.

The main elements of the first-quarter results are:

EBITDA excl. special items1 was USD 585 million, up from 504 million a year earlier, as improved pricing more than offset higher natural gas cost
Continued premium product growth
USD 2.7 billion free cash flow2 the last 12 months
8.6% ROIC3, up from 6.9% a year earlier
"Yara delivers its eleventh consecutive quarter with improved capital returns, with EBITDA excluding special items up 16%, and continued growth in premium sales. The Yara organization continues to perform well in a demanding environment," said Svein Tore Holsether, President and Chief Executive Officer of Yara.
Yara delivers improved returns with continued premium product growth

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Yara International ASA
Fri, April 23, 2021, 8:00 AM
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Oslo, 23 April 2021: Yara reports improved first-quarter results, as improved pricing more than offset the impact of higher energy cost. First-quarter net income was USD 14 million (USD 0.05 per share) compared with USD -119 million (USD -0.43 per share) a year earlier.

The main elements of the first-quarter results are:

EBITDA excl. special items1 was USD 585 million, up from 504 million a year earlier, as improved pricing more than offset higher natural gas cost

Continued premium product growth

USD 2.7 billion free cash flow2 the last 12 months

8.6% ROIC3, up from 6.9% a year earlier

“Yara delivers its eleventh consecutive quarter with improved capital returns, with EBITDA excluding special items up 16%, and continued growth in premium sales. The Yara organization continues to perform well in a demanding environment,” said Svein Tore Holsether, President and Chief Executive Officer of Yara.

"Our cash flow also continued to improve, with 2.7 billion US dollars of free cash flow generated over the last four quarters. We will consider further cash returns in the coming quarters, in line with Yara’s capital allocation policy,” said Holsether.

First-quarter operating income was USD 322 million, compared with USD 248 million a year earlier. Earnings per share excluding currency effects and special items was USD 0.80, compared with USD 0.39 per share in first quarter 2020. EBITDA excluding special items was USD 585 million, compared with USD 504 million a year earlier.

Yara’s industry fundamentals are robust, as the twin challenges of resource efficiency and environmental footprint require significant transformations within both agriculture and the hydrogen economy. Yara’s leading food solutions and ammonia positions are well placed to both address and create business opportunities from these challenges.

Link to report, presentation and webcast 23 April at 12:00 CEST:

1) For definition and reconciliation of EBITDA excl. special items, see APM section in 1Q report page 27
2) Net cash provided by operating activities minus net cash used in investment activities, see cash flow statement in 1Q report page 14
3) Return on invested capital, for definition and reconciliation of ROIC see APM section in 1Q report page 29

Note on Alternative performance measures: Alternative performance measures are
defined, explained and reconciled to the Financial statements in the APM section
of the Quarterly report on pages 28-33.
Yara heeft vooral geprofiteerd van hogere prijzen, volumes zijn minder dan een jaar geleden. Hadden dit q1 ook 3 ammonia fabrieken offline, in een periode van hoge vraag. Hopen dat oci dat gat deels heeft kunnen opvullen.

marcobol schreef op 23 april 2021 08:44:

Yara heeft vooral geprofiteerd van hogere prijzen, volumes zijn minder dan een jaar geleden. Hadden dit q1 ook 3 ammonia fabrieken offline, in een periode van hoge vraag. Hopen dat oci dat gat deels heeft kunnen opvullen.
Klopt,deze cijfers zullen vandaag zeker geen boost geven,ik denk dat OCI beter heeft gepresteerd maar dat zien we pas over 2 weken.
UPDATE 2-Yara eyes more cash returns to shareholders despite profit miss
By Reuters Staff


(Adds detail, background)

OSLO, April 23 (Reuters) - Norwegian fertiliser company Yara posted a smaller-than-expected 16% rise in quarterly core profit on Friday, and said it would consider further cash returns to shareholders in the coming quarters.

The company is seeing rising prices for its fertilisers at a time of high global grain demand, but also an increase in energy costs at its plants.


First-quarter earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA), excluding non-recurring items, rose to $585 million from $504 million a year earlier, lagging the $612 million median expectation of 11 analysts polled by Refinitiv.

Yara generated a free cash flow of $2.7 billion in the last four quarters and saw a return on invested capital (ROIC) of 8.6% in the January-March period, the 11th straight quarter of improved ROIC.

“We will consider further cash returns in the coming quarters, in line with Yara’s capital allocation policy,” Chief Executive Officer Svein Tore Holsether said in a statement.


Wheat, rapeseed and other crop futures contracts, important indicators of income in the farming industry and thus the need for fertilisers, have surged amid strong demand globally and supply concerns linked to cold weather in the United States.

But Oslo-listed Yara also expects to pay $180 million more for natural gas, a key component in the production of nitrogen fertilisers, in the second quarter of 2021 compared to a year earlier, and $220 million more in the third.

The company last year announced plans to cut all CO2 emissions from a major ammonia plant in Norway, aiming to make the ammonia from “green” or clean hydrogen - using renewable electricity rather than natural gas - for agriculture, shipping and other use.

Yara’s share price, which had risen 24% year-to-date, fell 3.4% in early trade on Friday. (Reporting by Terje Solsvik, editing by Victoria Klesty and Subhranshu Sahu)
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