Niet het duimpje in de mond stoppen.
Gewoon op dit draadje plaatsen.
Voor die enkeling die de CMD niet helemaal heeft gelezen ( het transcript )
Maarten Verbeek – the IDEA! – Research Analyst
Maarten Verbeek, the IDEA!. Firstly, looking at your capital allocation. And to understand you correctly?
You say that you first want to do something about returning cash to shareholders when you have a stable
free cash flow, does that imply that it won't be before 2025? So, as of 2026?
Taco Titulaer – TomTom – Chief Financial Officer
Well, I think there are a couple of things. So, two things are important. Independence. So, no debt and a
strong cash position. Now, we've reached that. The second is, knowing that you're in an operation where
you create free cash flow, and also have the forecast that that will continue. That could be in 2024, but not
in 2023. And if we reach our target as we explained, it will be in 2025.
Could be in 2024, maar zeker in 2025 :-)
Taco hoe zie je de ontwikkeling van de FCF vanaf nu tm 2025.
Taco Titulaer – TomTom – Chief Financial Officer
Yeah, the only year that was missing on the chart was 2024. So, I could say linear, but yeah. We had that
discussion, of course, in preparing for today. The key element is the timing of the ramp-up of Enterprise
revenue, and how fast we can sign up these new contracts, and when that revenue will come in. So, I think,
to answer it in 2024, we will make profits and I think it will be a single-digit – probably a low single-digit
percentage. And the real increase will come the year after.
Als je dit zo zegt, heb je die contracten toch al binnen !!
2024 winst ? ja probably a low single-digit
Nou nog 1tje dan.
Taco Titulaer – TomTom – Chief Financial Officer
Oh, okay. Now, I think that the effect that we've seen – the split between operational growth and IFRS
growth will get smaller over time, first of all.
ja ja voor sommigen gaat dit zelfs boven de pet :-)
Taco zegt dus : het betekent dat we dus naar jaarabonnementen gaan.
Harold zei het al in het verleden, connected gaat naar jaarabonnementen.
Dus geen betaling van de oem als de auto van de band rolt voor 6 of 7 jaar.
Dat betekent dus dat de FCF bijna niet meer uit groei deferred komt, maar bijna alleen uit de winst :-)
Eigenlijk moet ik wijzer zijn, gezien mijn uitspraak, laat hem maar erbij lopen .