Voorheen_bekend_als_Test schreef op 21 november 2023 20:00:
1. Formal reduction of the accounting item “Issued premium” and of the share capital by absorption of lossesProposal of resolution: The meeting decides to reduce the accounting item “Issue premium” by absorption of losses as resulting from the annual accounts closed on 31 December 2022, by an amount of € 13,653,439.07, to reduce it from € 13,653,439.07 to € 0.00.
The meeting then decides to reduce the share capital by absorption of the losses by an amount of € 55,429,423.55, to reduce it from € 88,378,224.25 to € 32,948,800.70. The reduction of the accounting item “Issue premium” and of the share capital shall be done without cancellation of shares.
2. Acknowledgement of the effective realisation of the reduction of the accounting item “Issue premium” and of the share capital.Proposal of resolution: The meeting acknowledges and requests me, as a notary, to authentically acknowledge the effective realisation of the above reduction of the accounting item “Issue premium” by an amount of € 13,653,439.07 and so that the accounting item “Issue premium” is thus effectively reduced to €0.00.
The meeting also acknowledges and requests me, as a notary, to authentically acknowledge the effective realisation of the above reduction of the share capital by an amount of € 55,429,423.55 and so that the share capital is thus effectively reduced to € 32,948,800.70.
3. Amendment of Article 5 of the Articles of Association.Proposal of resolution: In order to bring the Articles of Association into line with the above decisions,the meeting resolves to amend and replace Article 5 of the Articles of Association with the following text: “The company's share capital is set at 32,948,800.70 EUR, represented by 41,428,572 shares which do not contain a face value, each representing an equal share of the share capital.”