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Kapitein Noach schreef:

Je hebt nu nog maar een link nodig voor Shell nieuwtjes:
dit is gewoon goed!! Nu het optrekken van Shell nog. Zag er in de loop van de dag aardig uit. Mijn idee. Er zitten nog teveel korte termijn lui in, die er uit willen omdat ze er in zitten voor de korte termijn. Bij nalezing is dat wel een aardige statement voor Johan Cruijf!
Desalniettemin zie mijn eerdere opmerkingen: fundamenteel is het een kanjer
Shell-advies verhoogd door Lehman Brothers

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Zakenbank Lehman Brothers heeft zijn advies voor de aandelen van oliemaatschappij Shell verhoogd naar ’overweight’ van ’equal weight’. De broker voorziet gunstige macro-economische ontwikkelingen voor de sector en gaat uit van een stijgende olieprijs in de jaren 2008-2010.
Lehman verhoogt zijn wpa-taxaties voor Europese olieconcerns voor de periode 2006-2010 met 10 procent. Daarentegen gaat Goldman Sachs de taxaties voor 2006 verlagen. Voor Shell gaat Goldman nu uit van een wpa van 3,64 dollar (was 4,23 dollar).
’Shell keert nog niet terug naar Nigeria’

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Shell en andere grote oliemaatschappijen zijn niet van plan de productie in de Niger-delta in Nigeria te hervatten zolang er geen wapenstilstand is afgekondigd door rebellen. Dit meldt persbureau Reuters woensdag op basis van bronnen bij de olieconcerns.
De bedrijven komen vandaag bijeen met vertegenwoordigers van de Nigeriaanse regering en bewoners van de Niger-delta om de onrust in het gebied te bespreken. Volgens de bronnen is de kans dat er tijdens die bijeenkomst iets wordt bereikt erg klein omdat vooraanstaande militanten ontbreken.
De rebellen eisen dat er meer inkomsten uit oliewinning terugvloeien naar de lokale bevolking. Volgens de rebellen profiteert de bevolking nu nauwelijks van de miljarden die Shell en de andere olieconcerns met de opgepompte olie verdienen.
4 Apr 2006 18:46 GMT *DJ Moody's Assigns Aa1 Issuer Rtg To Shell Fin (NETHERLANDS) B.V.>

4 Apr 2006 18:48 GMT PRESS RELEASE:Moody's Assigns Aa1 Issuer Rtg To Shell Fin

The following is a press release from Moody's Investors Service:

New York, April 04, 2006 -- Moody's Investors Service assigned an issuer rating of Aa1 to Shell Finance (Netherlands) B.V. (SFN). SFN is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDS), which has Aa1 issuer and long-term debt ratings. SFN's function is to issue financial guarantees, as needed, on behalf of RDS's core operating subsidiaries. SFN also conducts inter-group funding for RDS and is also a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Shell Petroleum N.V. (SPNV), which is a Group Holding Company of RDS with ownership of RDS's operating subsidiaries. The rating outlook for SFN is negative, reflecting RDS's negative rating outlook.

This is the first time Moody's has assigned an issuer rating to SFN. The issuer rating is standalone, without explicit credit support from RDS or from SPNV. The Aa1 issuer rating is equivalent to parent RDS's issuer rating, reflecting SFN's importance to RDS's core operations, the parent's direct involvement in and oversight of SFN, and SFN's solid capitalization in the form of B 4 billion contributed by SPNV.

The B 4 billion capital contribution provides 1:1 cash equivalent collateralization of guarantees, which will be limited to standard financial guarantees of stated amount and tenor. The collateral is in the form of a short-term deposit held by SPNV and is callable by SFN on 48 hours notice, as necessary, to pay beneficiary guarantee claims.

SFN's liquidity and ability to pay are bolstered by the standard 30 day payment terms of the guarantees. To the extent any guarantees are drawn, they would become short-term loans repayable to SFN by the affiliated RDS operating subsidiaries, thereby preserving SFN's collateral position and capacity to issue guarantees. In addition, the collateral can only be used to satisfy guarantee claims.

Moody's notes it also rates $1.2 billion of two long-term bonds issued by SFN. These are rated Aa1, pari passu with the parent, based on RDS guarantees. However, these bonds mature in the relative near-term (2007-2008). RDS has confirmed to Moody's that in the future SFN will no longer issue external debt or incur any external liabilities other than the guarantees, precluding other third-party claims against the collateral.

SFN's Aa1 issuer rating is based on RDS's continued 100% ownership and oversight and by the limitation of scope in the guarantee activities discussed above. Moody's expects SFN's issuer rating and outlook to continue to track RDS's long-term rating and outlook.

Royal Dutch Shell plc, one of the world's largest integrated oil companies, is headquartered in the Hague in the Netherlands.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires

7 Apr 2006 23:16 GMT DJ Shell, Bolivia's State Co YPFB In Talks -Spokeswoman

Copyright © 2006, Dow Jones Newswires

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB.LN) is currently talking to Bolivia's state-run energy company YPFB to study joint opportunities, a Shell spokeswoman said Friday.

Shell's Bolivian contacts come as President Evo Morales has sparked concern among many established players after threatening to nationalize the country's natural gas and oil industry.

"Shell views this meeting (earlier this week) with Bolivian hydrocarbon officials as a constructive step in furthering discussions between Shell and YPFB," the spokeswoman said. "We expect to reach agreement soon on how we will jointly analyze opportunities as we move forward," she said, adding "We have no firm projects or planned investments at this time."

YPFB said Monday that Russian gas monopoly OAO Gazprom (GSPBEX.RS) aims to sign a letter of understanding in the coming days to cooperate on natural gas projects with the country's state-run company.

Earlier Monday, Morales had said his government will neither expropriate foreign firms nor take over industrial properties. But Morales said March 20 that he would issue a decree to nationalize the country's oil and gas industry by July 12.

It remains unclear just what a nationalization of the sector will look like. The uncertainty has strained relations between the government and oil and gas companies including Brazil's state-run oil firm, Petroleo Brasileiro (PBR), or Petrobras. BG Group PLC (BRG) has frozen any expansion palns in tje country.

Company Web site:

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

Gasprom: An der Börse mehr wert als Shell

Moskau (dpa) - Der russische Erdgasriese Gasprom ist nach einem Kurssprung zum drittwertvollsten Unternehmen der Energiebranche in der Welt geworden. Nach einem Plus von rund sieben Prozent für die Gasprom-Aktie sei der vom Staat kontrollierte Konzern mit einem Marktwert von fast 225 Milliarden Dollar an Shell vorbeigezogen.

Der Erdgasriese Gasprom ist zum drittwertvollsten Unternehmen der Energiebranche in der Welt geworden.

Das meldete die Nachrichtenagentur Interfax am Montag. Mehr wert seien noch ExxonMobil (375 Mrd Dollar) und BP (242 Mrd Dollar). Allerdings ist der Handel mit Gasprom-Aktien vor allem international immer noch deutlich eingeschränkt.

Shell Plans To Open 300 New Gas Stations In Brazil-Report

Monday April 17, 9:43 AM EDT

RIO DE JANEIRO -(Dow Jones)- Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB) (RDSB.LN) plans to open 300 new gasoline stations in Brazil in the next two years, eying a 17% to 18% market share there, the Valor newspaper said Monday.

Shell has earmarked $50 million out of a $200 million investment budget for this year for the distribution expansion. The company now has 2,000 gasoline stations in Brazil, which in January had a market share of 13.8%, the newspaper said.

Brazil's state-run oil firm Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR), or Petrobras (PBR), and local distribution firm Distribuidora Produtos Petroleo Ipiranga (DPPI4.BR) are the No.1 and No.2 distributors in the country, respectively.

Shell plans to increase its fuel sales from 11 billion liters per year now to 14 billion liters per year, Valor said.

The company also want to increase its share in the market for vehicular natural gas, or VNG, a fast growing market in Brazil, and hopes to be able to team up with Petrobras (PBR) in the development of gas fields in the Santos Basin off Sao Paulo state.

-By Bernd Radowitz, Dow Jones Newswires; +55-21-3288 5004; bernd.radowitz@

Shell Nederland verkoopt meer olieproducten

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Shell heeft vorig jaar ondanks de hoge olieprijs meer olieproducten in Nederland verkocht. De Nederlandse werkmaatschappij van het olieconcern verkocht omgerekend 46,2 miljoen vaten tegen 45,3 miljoen vaten in 2004. Ook de verkoop van chemische producten steeg licht
Dat bleek woensdag uit de cijfers van de Shell-dochter.
"Shell Nederland heeft het goed gedaan," constateerde president-directeur Rein Willems van de Nederlandse werkmaatschappij woensdag. Het olieconcern investeerde het afgelopen jaar 530 miljoen euro in Nederland. Dat is minder dan een jaar eerder, maar Shell zal de komende jaren voldoende geld steken in Nederland, benadrukte Willems. "Er zijn beslissingen genomen om onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D) in Nederland uit te breiden", sprak Willems.
De oliemaatschappij bestiert momenteel circa vijftig onbemande pompen langs de Nederlandse wegen. Als het aan de Nederlandse verkoopdirecteur Thomas Casparie ligt, worden dat er uiteindelijk honderd. De 550 Shell-pompstations in Nederland hadden vorig jaar een marktaandeel van 25 procent.

Shell launches world's first wind-powered gas field
Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:34 PM BST

LONDON, April 19 (Reuters) - The world's first offshore gas field powered entirely by renewable energy has started up in the UK North Sea, project owners Shell <RDSa.L> and ExxonMobil <XOM.N> said on Wednesday.

The Cutter project in the southern North Sea uses a platform powered by wind and solar energy that produce zero carbon dioxide emissions, the firms said in a statement.

Cutter cost 80 million pounds ($142.9 million) to develop.

"This development is a real example of innovative thinking, transferring the latest generation of renewable technology into the existing oil and gas industry," Britain's Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said in the statement.

Cutter's launch comes as Britain's battles to get back on track to meet its own targets on curbing CO2 emissions which have been rising recently. Britain is on course to meets its Kyoto Protocol targets.

The Cutter field will produce up to three million cubic metres of gas a day -- roughly one percent of daily UK demand -- for at least 15 years.

Shell said the unmanned platform, which rests on a single leg, was cheaper to build than conventional platforms and allows access to small pockets of gas that otherwise would be uneconomical to exploit.

Shell owns 51.3 percent of the project, with ExxonMobil holding the balance.


© Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by

Shell Philippines says 2005 profit nearly doubled
Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:18 PM BST

MANILA, April 20 (Reuters) - Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp., a unit of Royal Dutch Shell <RDSa.L>, said on Thursday its net income nearly doubled last year due to better refining margins and higher export sales.

It said it made a net income of 5.7 billion pesos ($110.9 million) last year, up from the previous year's 2.98 billion.

Edgar Chua, country chairman of Pilipinas Shell, said increased sales of lubricants in the domestic market also helped his firm achieve hefty profits last year.

"After many years of delivering returns which are below market performance, 2005 saw a return on equity of 10.3 percent with our 5.7 billion pesos net income after tax," Chua said in a statement.

At the beginning of deregulation of the Philippine oil industry in 1998 and up until 2005, the company's return on equity averaged 3.7 percent, he said.

Chua said he hoped that last year's financial turnaround of his firm would serve as an indication that Shell's Philippine operations can deliver fair and reasonable returns to its shareholders on a sustained basis.

"This could also strengthen Shell's confidence in further investments in the downstream Philippine oil industry, where it has been an active player since 1914," he said.

Shell operates a 110,000 barrels per day refinery in the Philippines, second only to Petron Corporation's <PCOR.PS> 180,000 barrels per day.

Last month, Petron said its 2005 net income jumped 77 percent to a record 6.04 billion pesos due to higher export margins.

A senior Philippine energy official said earlier this month Pilipinas Shell is considering expanding its refinery in the Philippines.

Shell put its refinery business in the Philippines under review after rival Caltex (Philippines) closed its 72,000 bpd refinery in the country in late 2003 and converted the facility into a storage depot for petroleum products.

Caltex, which is owned by Chevron Corp. <CVX.N>, said its 49-year old refinery was too small to compete in the Asian market and too outdated to produce the cleaner fuels required by the Philippines' environmental laws.

Shell officials have said the company not only needed to review oil demand projections in the Philippines up to 2010, but also the competitiveness of its refinery compared with other refiners in Asia.

Shell has also said it will need a lead time of three years if it decides to expand its refinery to meet the higher fuel standards set by the Philippines' Clean Air law.

It also said expansion of the refinery would require an investment of between 30 billion and 60 billion pesos. ($1=51.40 pesos)
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB) (RDSB.LN) said Thursday its Mars oil and gas platform - the largest producing platform in the Gulf of Mexico - would resume full production by the end of June, earlier than initially estimated.

Shell, which operates Mars via a U.S. unit, earlier said it expected the platform to resume full production by the second half of 2006. Before Mars was forced to cease output due to damage wreaked by Hurricane Katrina, it produced 140,000 barrels a day of oil and 156 million cubic feet a day of natural gas.

Mars is designed to produce 220,000 b/d of oil and 220 MMcf/d of gas.

Based on progress made to date, Shell expects that construction activity necessary for initial production at Mars will be complete by the end of April.

"A brief re-commissioning and start-up process will follow, and partial production is expected to resume in the second half of May," Shell said in a press release. "Mars production is expected to be restored to pre-Katrina rates by the end of June."

-By Anna Raff, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4426
Shell zet in op onbemande pompstations
Shell Nederland gaat het aantal onbemande tankstations de komende jaren flink uitbreiden tot pakweg honderd. Op de onbemande tankstations moeten klanten 'snel en gemakkelijk' kunnen tanken.

Tanken op de onbemande pompstations is ook goedkoper. Met de uitbreiding van het aantal zogeheten 'Shell Express'-tankstations wil het olieconcern inspelen op de steeds grotere behoefte van automobilisten om snel, prijsbewust en zonder veel rompslomp te tanken.

'Prijs is een belangrijke reden voor de klant om ergens wel of niet te tanken. Bovendien is onbemand tanken goedkoper. We willen dat aantal in een paar jaar verdubbelen', zei directeur Thomas Casparie van Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij (SNV) woensdag bij een lunchbijeenkomst op het SNV-kantoor in Capelle aan den IJssel.


Nederland telt nu 550 Shell-stations, waarvan er ongeveer vijftig onbemand zijn. Omdat het aantal stations sporadisch mag worden uitgebreid, zal het aantal bemande stations iets afnemen ten gunste van onbemande. De retaildirecteur is niet bang dat Shell daardoor inkomsten misloopt als bemande tankstations worden omgebouwd tot onbemande. 'Wij willen dat onze klanten kunnen kiezen tussen twee naast elkaar bestaande concepten. Afhankelijk van de lokale marktsituatie bekijken wij welke tankstations het beste af zijn als ze onbemand zijn.'

Volgens Casparie geeft al 80% van de Shell-stations een korting op brandstof. 'We hebben daar niet altijd invloed op, want meer dan de helft van de Shell-tankhouders zijn zelfstandige ondernemers.'

Volgens de retaildirecteur heeft de benzinebranche 'niet zozeer te maken met consolidatie, maar meer met nieuwe spelers en een steeds scherpere prijsconcurrentie'.

Dat komt mede door de afschaffing van eeuwigdurende concessies van pompstations langs snelwegen, waar Shell en andere oliemaatschappijen jarenlang hebben kunnen profiteren. De concessies die vrij op de markt komen, worden vervolgens weer geveild. Bestaande oliemaatschappijen en nieuwkomers kunnen zich daarop inschrijven. De 550 Shell-tankstations zijn goed voor een Nederlands marktaandeel van 25%. Wereldwijd heeft Shell 40.000 tankstations.



mellow gold schreef:

Shell launches world's first wind-powered gas field
Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:34 PM BST

LONDON, April 19 (Reuters) - The world's first offshore gas field powered entirely by renewable energy has started up in the UK North Sea, project owners Shell <RDSa.L> and ExxonMobil <XOM.N> said on Wednesday.

The Cutter project in the southern North Sea uses a platform powered by wind and solar energy that produce zero carbon dioxide emissions, the firms said in a statement.

Cutter cost 80 million pounds ($142.9 million) to develop.

"This development is a real example of innovative thinking, transferring the latest generation of renewable technology into the existing oil and gas industry," Britain's Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said in the statement.

Cutter's launch comes as Britain's battles to get back on track to meet its own targets on curbing CO2 emissions which have been rising recently. Britain is on course to meets its Kyoto Protocol targets.

The Cutter field will produce up to three million cubic metres of gas a day -- roughly one percent of daily UK demand -- for at least 15 years.

Shell said the unmanned platform, which rests on a single leg, was cheaper to build than conventional platforms and allows access to small pockets of gas that otherwise would be uneconomical to exploit.

Shell owns 51.3 percent of the project, with ExxonMobil holding the balance.


© Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by

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Shell and ExxonMobil boost UK Energy Supply
by: OilOnline
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Shell U.K. Limited, on behalf of itself and co-venturer Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited (an ExxonMobil subsidiary), announced an increase in gas supply to the UK with the commencement of gas production from the Cutter field in the southern North Sea. The Cutter development will use wind and solar technologies in the production of natural gas.

The design of the Cutter field Trident Monotower installation is based on the construction of offshore wind turbines and therefore rests on a single leg. The lower construction and maintenance costs - the fabrication cost alone is around 40% of that of traditional platforms - of the unmanned Monotower platform, compared to conventional designs, enables the access and recovery of small pockets of resources that previously would have been deemed uneconomical.

Using renewable energy sources that have zero CO2 emissions to power the platform further reduces the environmental footprint. The design of Cutter is virtually identical to that of the NAM (Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, a 50/50 subsidiary of Shell Nederland B.V. and ExxonMobil) K17 platform in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. Using a common approach to design and installation for both platforms resulted in substantial cost savings for these cross-border fields.

Tom Botts, Executive Vice President, Shell Exploration & Production in Europe, said: “This is a world first in innovative, environmentally-sustainable design. Production from the Cutter field will increase Shell’s contribution to UK security of energy supplies and highlights our continued commitment to development of North Sea opportunities. This is another step forward for Shell in developing marginal gas fields through world-class project management.”

Malcolm Wicks, UK Energy Minister, said: “Every new development in the UKCS is important - but this development is a real example of innovative thinking, transferring the latest generation of renewable technology into the existing oil and gas industry to secure more energy for the UK without increasing carbon emissions.”

Robert Olsen, Chairman and Production Director, ExxonMobil International Limited said: “We are pleased with the start-up of Cutter. It is an example of the use of an innovative approach to expand UK gas supplies. This project is further demonstration of our continuing commitment to the development of oil and gas resources in the North Sea.”

Cutter is based in the southern sector of the North Sea, some 75 miles (120 km) from the Norfolk coast. It exports to the Bacton Gas Plant over the Shell-operated Carrack and Clipper platforms, a total distance of around 175 km in length to the UK Norfolk coast.

Plateau gas production is estimated to be some 3 million standard cubic meters of gas and associated liquids a day into the UK. The field is expected to be producing for at least 15 years. K17 plateau gas production is estimated to be some 2 million standard cubic metres of gas a day. Field life is expected to be some 20 years.

Shell will offer to market State of Alaska’s natural gas

Kristen Nelson

Petroleum News

Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski met in The Hague April 11 with Malcolm Brinded, Royal Dutch Shell executive director, exploration and production.

The governor’s office said Shell expressed interest in marketing Alaska’s share of natural gas from the proposed Alaska natural gas pipeline and indicated it would soon submit an independent proposal to the state to market its gas. Shell is one of the largest transporters and marketers of natural gas in the world, the governor’s office said.

“One of the key features of the gas pipeline contract is that the state will take its gas in kind,” Murkowski said in an April 12 statement. “While this provides significant financial benefits to the state, some have expressed concern about the state’s capacity to market that gas.

“It is of tremendous value to have a worldwide industry leader and expert in gas marketing and transportation such as Shell express interest in marketing the state’s gas.”

Cam Toohey, Alaska government and external affairs manager, Shell Exploration & Production, told Petroleum News that Shell and the governor had a good meeting in The Hague. He said Shell considers the discussion preliminary and has nothing further to disclose at this time.

Coral Energy Shell’s North American gas affiliate

Shell Trading affiliate Coral Energy, headquartered in Houston, is, according to the company’s Web site, the exclusive marketer of Shell Oil’s North America natural gas production, some 2 billion cubic feet of production per day, and has overall sales volumes of more than 9 bcf per day.
Shell Trading promotes its services as including “experts in energy marketing and trading, risk management, energy utilization, asset and supply portfolio management, financial services, power generation, and natural gas transportation and storage.”

The company said its natural gas capabilities include a “broad geographic presence” allowing it “to take supply just about anywhere” and expertise in risk management which means it can help its customers “manage price volatility.”

Shell Trading said it can “originate deals ranging from basic commodity supply contracts to complex structured transactions.” The company said it participates “in all North American gas markets, with trading operations in Houston, Syracuse, San Diego and Calgary.”

The complexities of the gas trading business was one of the issues raised by former Department of Natural Resources employees who resigned last year over differences with the administration on the gas pipeline fiscal contract negotiations.

Marty Rutherford, former DNR deputy commissioner, told a Pac Com audience in February that “gas trades very differently and many more times than oil, creating transportation, marketing and valuation challenges,” and allowing “participants to continually try to ‘game’ the system and create extra profit opportunities” within transactions “at the expense of less sophisticated players.”

Syngas assistance requested

Murkowski also requested that Shell appoint a team of experts to evaluate a syngas project for Beluga coal. The governor’s office said syngas could provide feedstock for Agrium’s Kenai nitrogen facility and could also be used to provide gas to the Marathon and ConocoPhillips liquefied natural gas plant, which faces export authorization renewal in 2009.
The project could also develop a coal co-generation plant for power or for reinjection of carbon dioxide from the coal syngas back into Cook Inlet wells to maintain production, the governor’s office said. Syngas can also be used to create synthetic petroleum, which could be exported or used in Alaska.

The governor’s office said the state will create a team to begin detailed examination of a syngas project with Shell and other interested parties.

“Every effort must be made to ensure the continued operation of the two Kenai area plants, which are major employers,” Murkowski said. “We have the resource — coal — and the promise of technology to fully unlock the potential of that resource to benefit Alaskans.”

The governor’s office said there was a detailed discussion on development of hydrogen as a clean, sustainable source for power generation in rural areas. Iceland is using hydrogen on some buses and cars and will be supplying it to fishing vessels and a prototype is currently operational in a village in Norway. A wind turbine provides the power to produce the hydrogen which is then stored and powers two 600 kilowatt fuel cell generators.

“This technology has the potential to be of tremendous benefit to our rural regions,” Murkowski said. “With the high cost of energy in rural Alaska, it is critical that we fully explore alternative sources of energy.”

Web posted Saturday, April 22, 2006

Dutch Shell ready to market Alaska natural gas

By the Journal of Commerce

Royal Dutch Shell told Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski in meetings in the Hague that Shell is interested in marketing Alaska's royalty share of North Slope gas production if a natural gas pipeline is built, Murkowski spokeswoman Becky Hultberg said April 13.

Shell expressed interest in marketing Alaska's state-owned gas and indicated that the company would soon submit an independent proposal to the state to market its gas, Hultberg said. Shell is one of the largest transporters and marketers of gas in the world, she said.

Murkowski met April 11 with Malcolm Brinded, Shell's executive director for exploration and production.

"One of the key features of the gas pipeline contract is that the state will take its gas in kind. While this provides significant financial benefits to the state, some have expressed concern about the state's capacity to market that gas" Murkowski said in a statement released from his office. "It is of tremendous value to have a worldwide industry leader and expert in gas marketing and transportation such as Shell express interest in marketing the state's gas."

Under the contract the state has negotiated with North Slope producers, Alaska will make its 12.5 percent share of royalty as well as production taxes in kind, rather than in cash, and would be responsible for transporting and marketing the gas. The production tax share of gas depends on pending changes to Alaska's oil and gas production, tax which are now pending in the state Legislature.

The total volume of royalty and tax gas Alaska would control could be between 800 million cubic feet per day and 1 billion cubic feet per day, state officials have said on background. This would make Alaska one of the largest marketers of gas in North America, they said.

Alaska's deal with the producers is mostly agreed on, but Murkowski is waiting for the Legislature to complete work on the production tax revision before completing work on a final section of the agreement that covers taxes.

DOHA (Dow Jones)--Though Iran's nuclear dispute with the west is grabbing the headlines on a daily basis now, the oil industry can expect to stay involved in the Islamic nation for decades, Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSB.LN) chief executive Jeroen van der Veer said Saturday.

"One has to realize that with Iran when you look at both the oil and gas reserves that they have a very strong position as a country," van der Veer said.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the 10th International Energy Forum here, the Shell executive said: "In the complete order of magnitude," looking at Iran and the nuclear energy challenge "you see only the short-term politics."

He said oil prices were being influenced now by concerns about Iran but ultimately would respond to fundamental factors, such as the swelling crude inventories across consuming nations.

"You see a lot of emotion and I understand that," van der Veer said, referring to the price of oil. "You have to pay a lot. But in the end, one has to look at fundamentals. The fundamentals are the stock position, how people will react to demand and at the moment there is no demand unmet in the world."

He said there was enough "(refining) capacity in the world" and that currently oil prices have a lot to do with psychology.

Oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange breached $75 a dollar for the first time Friday, the fourth record close in a week.

The Shell executive also expressed long-term confidence in the Gulf Coast region, speaking just days after the company said its massive Mars platform in the deepwater Gulf would be up and running next month, earlier than planned and in time for the start of the 2006 storm season.

As regards the company's preparations for this year, expected to be another active Atlantic season, van der Veer said: "I leave that to the technical people. I am convinced that our technical people will think heavily about it."

Mars, the largest oil and gas producing platform in the Gulf of Mexico, will resume output in the second half of May. When Hurricane Katrina struck in August 2005, the part of the Mars platform above water collapsed due to strong winds. After the storm passed, Shell posted a photograph on its Web site showing the damage - a chilling reminder of the hurricanes' threat to the Gulf's energy industry.

-By Yee Kai Pin, Dow Jones Newswires; 65-6415-4062;

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 22, 2006 08:49 ET (12:49 GMT)

Shell-advies verhoogd door ING

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Het beleggingsadvies voor Shell is verhoogd door analisten van ING naar ’hold’ van ’sell’. In het licht van de geopolitieke spanningen rond Iran bracht ING maandag een rapport uit over de oliesector.

mellow gold schreef:

Shell-advies verhoogd door ING

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Het beleggingsadvies voor Shell is verhoogd door analisten van ING naar ’hold’ van ’sell’. In het licht van de geopolitieke spanningen rond Iran bracht ING maandag een rapport uit over de oliesector.

Dat zijn toch loosers. De meeste adviesbureau's beginnen nu stillaan shell op te trekken. Alsof er nu iets veranderd is. Waar zaten zij met hun analyses vorig jaar? Hoe onafhankelijk is zo'n advies nog?
Shell Canada's Q1 profit rises to $447 million from year-ago $417 million

Canadian Press

Monday, April 24, 2006

CALGARY (CP) - Riding on high fuel prices and refining profits, Shell Canada Ltd. (TSX:SHC) says its first-quarter earnings rose to $447 million from a year-earlier $417 million.

Earnings for the quarter ended March 31 amounted to 53 cents a diluted share, compared with 50 cents per share a year ago, the Calgary-based company reported Monday. Analysts' consensus forecast was for earnings of 54 cents a share, before one-time items, according to Thomson Financial.

Total revenues increased to $3.5 billion from $3 billion.

"Strong commodity prices and refining margins contributed to the quarter-over-quarter increase," the firm said in a release. "Cash flow from operations for the first three months of 2006 was $722 million, up $85 million from $637 million compared with the first quarter of 2005."

Exploration and production earnings rose to $173 million from $136 million, while oilsands earnings increased to $120 million from $98 million.

The oil products division achieved record earnings of $154 million, up from $123 million in 2005.

"The strength of Shell Canada's integrated business was demonstrated by

our first-quarter performance," CEO Clive Mather said in a release.

"The oil products business achieved record quarterly earnings. The E&P (exploration and production) business has increased drilling activity and committed to de-bottleneck infrastructure constraints in the (Athabasca) basin-centred

gas business. Oilsands performance was impacted by the conveyor belt

replacement, but the business has recovered quickly to full production."

On the Toronto stock market Monday afternoon, Shell Canada shares were down 64 cents at $44.10.

© The Canadian Press 2006
Shell urged to abandon $20bn Siberian pipeline that could drive whale species to extinction

By Jonathan Brown

25 April 2006
Spring is being keenly awaited on Sakhalin in Russia's far east after another long winter. But when it finally comes in June it offers little prospect of a thaw in relations between environmentalists and Shell.

With the melting of the ice after eight months, the Anglo-Dutch oil giant is set to enter a crucial offshore construction phase in the development of its $20bn [£11.2bn] oil and gas programme. Wildlife campaigners say the price of the pipeline could be the extinction of a species of whale.

Campaigners, including WWF, are demanding that Shell abandon its plans to begin the work, claiming the company has failed to persuade an independent panel of scientists that its activities will not harm a critically-endangered population of western grey whales. The cetaceans are due to arrive in their breeding grounds when work begins.

An international panel of scientists, which met recently in Vancouver, said that the loss of a single breeding mother could result in the extinction of the species. WWF and others have also highlighted the existence of emaciated whales in the area which, it is claimed, suggests disruption to their feeding patterns.

Opponents of the underwater pipeline say Shell's own evidence shows that noise from last year's work exceeded 130decibels - the point at which whales become disorientated and change their direction of travel. There is also concern over reports of mass bird kills with more than 5,000 oil-covered guillemots, crested auklets and thick-billed murres discovered on the shores of the Shiretoko Peninsula in Japan last month. While there is no evidence to link the deaths to the project, they have raised further fears over the devastating effect a future oil spill could have on the environment around Sakhalin.

Campaigners hope such concerns have been considered by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) whose latest consultation on a planned $300m loan for the project ended in London on Friday. The EBRD has been under pressure from green groups, including Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, CEE Bankwatch and Pacific Environment, to reject the application by Sakhalin Energy Investment Company of which Shell owns 55 per cent. The application will now be considered at board level.

James Leaton of WWF said Shell had failed to make its case. "Shell must stop this project now and assess the condition of the whale population this summer ... Shell is ignoring the science, and the EBRD cannot guarantee the future of the whales, so they should not finance the project."

Shell, however, said it had been given the green light by the panel, which was convened to mollify international concern over the plight of the whales. "It is clear that the scientists are ready for us to go ahead with the offshore work programme for 2006," a Shell spokesman said. The company said it hoped to finish the pipelines within a year to minimise disruption, scheduling the loudest activities away from the whales' feeding areas, and making changes to its vessels to reduce the risk of collision with whales. Shell also claimed to have changed the route of the pipeline to avoid the feeding area of the whales.

Shell is not the only oil giant on the receiving end of criticism this week. BP's chairman, Peter Sutherland, announcing record profits of £11bn, was forced to face down claims the company had an "endemic problem" with its safety record. It followed a fatal fire at its Texas city refinery, a pipeline leak in Alaska and the capsizing of its $1bn platform in the Gulf of Mexico.

An industry analyst, Iain Armstrong of Brewin Dolphin Securities, believes the record profits resulting from soaring oil prices is masking turbulent times. Last year, companies were forced to contend with accidents, natural disasters, mounting environmental scrutiny and an increased tax burden. Ironically, one of the most promising areas was in renewable energy sources, with companies investing huge amounts in the new technologies, he said.

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