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RDS blijft reserves aanvullen. Ze zien duidelijk potentieel in de oilsands.

Toronto stocks rise on Teck's C$17.8 bln Inco bid
Mon May 8, 2006 4:58 PM ET

Shell Canada (SHC.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) lost 98 Canadian cents, or 2.4 percent, to C$40.02. The oil producer and refiner said on Monday it will offer C$2.4 billion for junior oil sands producer BlackRock Ventures Inc. (BVI.TO: Quote, Profile, Research).

this story was taken from


Shell starts selling gasoline with ethanol
Posted: 2:40 AM | May 11, 2006
Abigail L. Ho

OIL refiner Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp. will start selling gasoline with 10-percent ethanol this Thursday, a company official said.

Shell alternative fuels project manager Michael Velasco said the sale of ethanol-blended gasoline directly from its pumps was in support of the Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels Program and was also part of Shell's efforts to "assist the country towards energy independence, better environment quality and creation of jobs in the rural areas."

"In order to help ensure the success of the ethanol-blended gasoline in the Philippines, we have taken on our 25 years of global expertise in formulating bio-fuels," Velasco said. "We have employed the best practices used in countries like Brazil, US, Sweden and Thailand, that have contributed towards making Shell the leading retailer of biofuels in the world."

With Thursday's launch, Shell becomes the second oil company in the Philippines to sell ethanol-blended gasoline straight from its pumps.

Seaoil Petroleum Corp., an importer of finished oil products, started selling gasoline with 10-percent ethanol in selected service stations in Metro Manila in August and nationwide in October.

Seaoil president Glenn Yu recently said that since the launch of its ethanol-blended gasoline, the company had sold 2.5 million liters of the bio-fuel.

Ethanol-blended gasoline accounts for five percent of Seaoil's total revenue, he said.

Industry leader Petron Corp. has committed to blend ethanol with its gasoline eventually, under a memorandum of understanding with San Carlos Bio-Energy Inc., a joint venture of the government's National Development Co. and Bronzeoak Philippines.

Petron plans to produce 100,000 liters of bio-ethanol a day in its distillery plant by 2007. With

Royal Dutch Shell heeft woensdag in totaal 1.800.000 eigen aandelen A ingekocht. Dat heeft het Brits-Nederlandse oliebedrijf woensdagavond bekendgemaakt.

In totaal werden in Amsterdam 1.500.000 aandelen gekocht voor EUR 26,94 per aandeel. Daarnaast heeft Shell in Londen 300.000 aandelen A ingekocht tegen een prijs van 1.847,30 pence per aandeel. Al deze stukken worden ingetrokken.
Na het intrekken van de aandelen bedraagt het aantal uitstaande aandelen A van Royal Dutch Shell 3.872.875.000. Per 10 mei staan nog 2.759.360.000 aandelen B uit.

Shell liet op 2 februari weten in 2006 tot USD 5 miljard eigen aandelen te willen inkopen, net als in 2005. Bij de eerstekwartaalcijfers en update over de strategie op 4 mei liet het bedrijf echter weten dat het meer eigen aandelen verwacht in te kopen dan de eerder aangegeven USD 5 miljard.

In het eerste kwartaal van 2006 kocht Shell voor USD 1,5 miljard aan eigen aandelen in, goed voor 0,7% van de uitstaande stukken. In 2005 werd voor USD 5 miljard aandelen ingekocht en ingetrokken, wat overeenkomt met 2,3% van het totale aantal uitstaande aandelen. Shell kocht in 2004 voor een bedrag van circa USD 2 miljard aan eigen aandelen in.

Is iemand bij machte uit te leggen waarom de koers meestal daalt op dagen dat RDS eigen aandelen inkoopt?
Of is mijn blik vertroebeld?
Shell koopt elke dag aandelen in. Wel wat meer gisteren dan eerder, misschien klopt dat verhaal dat ze voor 10 miljard gaan inkopen dit jaar.
Kan volgend jaar het dividend weer probleemloos omhoog.
Gisteren ex-dividend overigens.
LAGOS - Een ontploffing van een oliepijpleiding in Nigeria heeft vrijdag ten minste honderd mensen het leven gekost. De leiding explodeerde vlak bij de Nigeriaanse economische hoofdstad Lagos, meldde het televisiestation Channels.
12 May 2006 09:20 GMT DJ Shell Bids For Two New Blocks In Syria- Spokesman>RDSB.LN

Copyright © 2006, Dow Jones Newswires

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Anglo-Dutch major Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB.LN) has submitted bids for two exploration blocks in Syria's current bidding round and is awaiting the result, a company spokesman said Thursday.

Syrian petroleum minister Sufian al-Alao told Dow Jones Newswires last month that Shell had a good chance of winning the blocks.

"Shell gave us the best conditions and a final decision will be made by the end of May," he said. The blocks are located in the south-east of Syria, near the Iraqi border, he added.

The terms of the license would be about seven years and the company should spend $50 million on oil and gas exploration, al-Alao said.

He added Shell has had a presence in Syria for 20 years. The country produces 415,000 barrels per day of crude oil, with France's Total SA (TOT) among the other European producers in Syria.

The European majors' continued interest in the Middle East country comes as some U.S. companies are either moving out, or are considering a pullout.

ConocoPhillips (COP) and Devon Energy Corp. (DVN) have already exited Syria, while earlier this week Marathon Oil Co. (MRO) signed a deal with Syria to resolve a long-standing contract dispute, a step that could allow it to withdraw.

In May 2004, U.S. President George W. Bush banned all U.S. exports to Syria, except for food and medicine, in accordance with the Syria Accountability Act. The 2004 sanctions require federal permits to export most oil field technology to Syria.

Company Web site:

-By Nahed al-Ali and Benoit Faucon, Dow Jones Newswires; +44-20-7842-9266;

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

'Olie- en gasvoorraden raken niet uitgeput'
Volgens Jeroen van der Veer, gedelegeerd bestuurder van Shell, klopt het niet dat de wereld binnen afzienbare tijd geen olie- en gasvoorraden meer heeft.

(tijd-nieuwslijn) -'Tijdens de algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders zei Van der Veer nog dat ' het merendeel van de gemakkelijk te produceren bronnen wel al in productie werden genomen.'

Van der Veer benadrukte dat er bronnen moeten worden ontwikkeld die minder gemakkelijk te produceren zijn of zich in gebieden met moeilijke omstandigheden bevinden, inclusief onconventionele bronnen. 'Dit vergt grote investeringen, geavanceerde technologie en vaardigheden om zeer uitdagende projecten te realiseren.''

Shell Canada is volgens Van der Veer hierbij succesvol met de oliezanden in Alberta, waar Shell onlangs ook toegang heeft gekregen tot zeer grote volumes zware ruwe olie.

Shell stelde onlangs, bij de presentatie van de eerstekwartaalcijfers en de strategische update, dat het uitdagender is om 100 procent van de geproduceerde bewezen reserves over de periode van 2004 tot 2008 te kunnen vervangen, omdat olie en gas uit onconventionele bronnen niet volgens de SEC-regels als bewezen reserves kunnen worden geboekt. Onconventionele bronnen zijn bijvoorbeeld oliezanden.

12:34 - 16/05/2006
Shell-CEO: 'Sakhalin blijft mooie investering'16 mei 2006, 12:38 uur
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Shell-chief executive Jeroen van der Veer zegt dinsdag dat het omstreden Sakhalin II project in Rusland "een mooie investering" is, ondanks de gestegen kosten.

Tijdens de aandeelhoudersvergadering zegt hij dat het project inmiddels voor ongeveer 70% is voltooid. Hij herhaalt de verwachting dat de eerste gasleveringen vanuit het gebied, gelegen aan de Russische oostkust, in 2008 plaats zullen vinden.

Het Sakhalin project is omstreden vanwege grote milieuprotesten en de uit de hand gelopen kosten. Vorig jaar moest Shell nog melden dat de kosten van het project tweemaal zo hoog uit zullen komen dan de in eerste instantie ingeschatte $10 miljard.

Shell heeft een belang van 55% in het project. De andere bedrijven die participeren zijn Mitsui (25%) en Mitsubishi (20%).

Milieugroeperingen bekritiseren daarnaast de invloed die het project kan hebben op de walvisstand in het gebied en andere gevolgen voor het milieu.

Shell herhaalt dinsdag verder in 2006 $19 miljard te investeren.

Naar verwachting zal het oliebedrijf tussen nu en 2009 vijftig grote projecten in bedrijf nemen. Doordat echter de kosten fors zijn gestegen, zal Shell de timing en omvang van een aantal projecten aanpassen.

Van der Veer herhaalt ook dat de 100%-vervangingsratio, de mate waarin Shell de opgepompte olie kan vervangen door nieuwe - bewezen- reserves, in de periode 2004-2008 niet langer heilig is. 'Het is niet langer een doelstelling, maar een resultaat van gemaakte investeringskeuzes'.
Shell ziet wereld olie- en gasvoorraden niet uitgeput
Dinsdag 16 Mei 2006 13:52
Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Het is niet zo dat de wereld binnen afzienbare tijd geen olie- en gasvoorraden heeft. Maar het merendeel van de gemakkelijk te produceren bronnen is inderdaad ook al in productie genomen. Dat heeft Shell-bestuursvoorzitter Jeroen van der Veer dinsdag gezegd tijdens de algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders.

Van der Veer benadrukte dat er bronnen moeten worden ontwikkeld die minder gemakkelijk te produceren zijn of zich in gebieden met moeilijke omstandigheden bevinden, inclusief onconventionele bronnen. 'Dit vergt grote investeringen, geavanceerde technologie en vaardigheden om zeer uitdagende projecten te realiseren.'

Shell Canada is volgens Van der Veer hierbij succesvol met de oliezanden in Alberta, waar Shell onlangs ook toegang heeft gekregen tot zeer grote volumes zware ruwe olie.

Shell stelde onlangs, bij de presentatie van de eerstekwartaalcijfers en de strategische update, dat het uitdagender is om 100% van de geproduceerde bewezen reserves over de periode van 2004 tot 2008 te kunnen vervangen, omdat olie en gas uit onconventionele bronnen niet volgens de SEC-regels als bewezen reserves kunnen worden geboekt. Onconventionele bronnen zijn bijvoorbeeld oliezanden.

Shell neemt Keniaanse bezittingen BP over

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Shell heeft het belang van de Britse concurrent BP in hun gezamelijke Keniaanse olieverkoopbedrijf overgenomen. Daarover hebben de olieconcerns donderdag overeenstemming bereikt.
Shell en BP hielden ieder een belang van 50 procent in diverse Keniaanse ondernemingen, waaronder 130 benzinestations en twee distributiecentra. Over de financiele voorwaarden van de koop doet de Nederlands-Britse oliemaatschappij geen uitspraken.

mellow gold schreef:

Shell neemt Keniaanse bezittingen BP over

AMSTERDAM (ANP-AFX) - Shell heeft het belang van de Britse concurrent BP in hun gezamelijke Keniaanse olieverkoopbedrijf overgenomen. Daarover hebben de olieconcerns donderdag overeenstemming bereikt.
Shell en BP hielden ieder een belang van 50 procent in diverse Keniaanse ondernemingen, waaronder 130 benzinestations en twee distributiecentra. Over de financiele voorwaarden van de koop doet de Nederlands-Britse oliemaatschappij geen uitspraken.

Shell mag Keniaase bezittingen BP niet overnemen

NAIROBI (ANP) - De Keniaanse regering heeft een akkoord dat Shell had gesloten met BP geblokkeerd. De Nederlands-Britse oliegigant wilde het belang van de Britse concurrent in hun gezamenlijke Keniaanse olieverkoopbedrijf overnemen.
De Keniaanse minister van Financiën Amos Kimunya zegt te willen voorkomen dat Shell een monopolie zou krijgen op de verkoop van olieproducten in Kenia. Shell en BP hebben ieder een belang van 50 procent in diverse Keniaanse ondernemingen, waaronder 130 benzinestations en 2 distributiecentra. Shell wil eerst overleg met de minister voor het concern in beroep gaat tegen de afwijzing.

Het wordt de hoogste tijd dat minister Bot weer eens op reis gaat naar Kenia. Daar valt vast te (onder)handelen.
Shell hervat productie op Mars-platform

NEW YORK (ANP-AFX) - Shell heeft zijn olie- en gasproductie op het Mars-platform in de Golf van Mexico deels hervat. Dat heeft het olieconcern maandag gemeld.
Het platform was sinds augustus gesloten net voordat Orkaan Katrina de regio teisterde. Het productieniveau van voor de orkaan wordt tegen het eind juni verwacht, aldus Shell.
Shell in Talks to Invest in China National Refinery

May 22 (Bloomberg) -- Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe's second-largest oil company, said it's in talks about investing in a 19.3 billion-yuan ($2.4-billion) oil refinery being built by China National Offshore Oil Corp. in southern China.

Shell wants to invest in the refinery to integrate the facility with an adjacent $4.3 billion chemical joint venture with China National Offshore, Lim Haw Kuang, chairman of Shell's companies in China, said today at Daya Bay in Nanhai, an area in the southern province of Guangdong.

Shell and China National Offshore, the nation's third- largest oil company, started operating the petrochemical venture in Huizhou city in January. Nearby, China National is building its first refinery to process as much as 12 million metric tons a year of crude oil into fuels starting in June 2008 and to supply naphtha to the chemicals joint venture.

``We want to be an integrated chain in the downstream business,'' Lim said. ``We want to participate in the value chain when it makes economic sense.''

China National Offshore, the parent company of overseas- listed Cnooc Ltd., in December began work on the refinery to benefit from increasing demand for fuels and chemicals. China National Offshore said it will use mostly its own oil pumped from offshore China at the refinery.

China's Consumption

China's oil consumption is rising, partly because of increased demand for oil products such as naphtha, used as a raw material in chemicals. Companies including BASF AG, the world's biggest chemical maker, are expanding output in China as they sell more of their chemical products for use in autoparts, packaging and plastics.

China's economy expanded by an average 10 percent over the last three years and maintained that pace in the first quarter as investment in factories, real estate and other fixed-assets accelerated. The Chinese government forecast economic growth may average 7.5 percent a year over the next five years, Premier Wen Jiabao said in March.

China's chemicals demand is forecast to keep expanding in line with the economy, said Tan Ek Kia, vice president of ventures and development for Shell Chemicals in Asia Pacific and the Middle East, prompting a plan to expand output at the Nanhai venture.

``Definitely it is in our plan to expand,'' Tan said. ``It's still early days, but we are focusing more on expansion from debottlenecking,'' or removing output restrictions in any part of the process that limits overall production.

Shell wants to reduce the cost of naphtha that the joint venture processes into chemicals, Tan said.


The chemicals venture is testing various types of condensate as feedstock at the plant, which is also designed to process naphtha, gasoil and liquefied petroleum gas, Simon Lam, chief executive of Cnooc & Shell Petrochemicals Co., which operates the chemicals plant at Daya Bay, said today.

Government curbs on fuel prices have prevented refiners from passing on higher costs to consumers. China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., Asia's largest refiner, lost $1.03 processing each barrel in the first quarter, and losses will extend into the second quarter, Chief Financial Officer Zhang Jiaren said on April 28.

``China will move towards international pricing for its oil products,'' Shell's Lim said. ``The question is how soon, but the scope is opening.''

Libya says Shell to accelerate Libyan gas plans
Tue May 23, 2006 9:16 AM ET

By Tom Bergin

LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L: Quote, Profile, Research) plans to accelerate a major integrated natural gas exploration and liquefaction project in Libya, the country's most senior oil official told the Reuters Global Energy Summit on Tuesday.

Shell and Libya signed a deal last year that gave the Anglo-Dutch firm access to 5 exploration blocks in the prospective Sirtes basin in return for agreeing to overhaul and expand a Libyan liquefied natural gas plant to boost its capacity to 3.2 from 0.7 million tons per annum.

"They even want, from what I understand, to expedite their work on revamping this LNG plant," Shokri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Company, said by telephone from Tripoli.

He said Shell officials had also told him they wished to move faster with the next phase of the project that would expand the plant's capacity to freeze gas for transport in tankers.

"They want to come quicker with the second phase of the LNG plant," Ghanem said.

Shell was not immediately available for comment.


Shell Canada's Mather sees consolidation
Tue May 23, 2006 3:36 PM EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shell Canada Ltd. Chief Executive Clive Mather said on Tuesday he expects further consolidation among Canada's heavy oil industry and that his company will be among the buyers.

Mather earlier this month agreed to pay C$2.4 billion ($2.2 billion) for BlackRock Ventures Inc., a small Canadian heavy oil and oil sands company. He told the Reuters Global Energy Summit in New York that more deals in the sector will soon emerge.

"I suspect there will have to be further consolidation going forward," Mather said.

"I don't think (merger and acquisition) activity is going to stop soon. And from our point of view we want to ensure we maintain our position as one of the major players in heavy oil."

Shell Canada, 78-percent owned by Royal Dutch Shell, is expanding its Canadian oil sands operations. The company's plans include a multibillion dollar investment in its oil sands mine and upgrading refinery in northern Alberta, boosting capacity to half-a-million barrels of oil over the next decade from about a current 155,000 barrels a day.

The Calgary, Alberta-based firm is also planning a 100,000 barrel a day oil sands operation in Alberta's Peace River region, adjacent to some BlackRock operations.

The acquisition of BlackRock, which closes next month, adds 14,000 barrels of oil a day to Shell Canada's production, a 6.7 percent boost. It is the first corporate purchase carried out by Shell Canada in two decades, but Mather said the deal won't strain his company's balance sheet or threaten its debt rating.

Further purchases will come if potential targets are not priced too high, he added.

"We will continue to look at opportunities as they present themselves which offer value," he said. "You can buy assets and you can buy companies, but can you get them at a price that is attractive, long-term, to you?"

Last week a Canadian oil industry association estimated that output from the oil sands would rise to nearly 4 million barrels a day by 2020, up from daily production of just more than 1 million barrels last year.

That production boost will come from the C$100 billion in investment expected in the region over the next decade.

Canada's oil sands contain 174 billion barrels of oil. It's a resource second in size only to Saudi Arabia's reserves but which is more expensive and technically challenging to extract.

Mather, whose company is Canada's No. 3 oil exploration and refining firm, said the increase in production will require additional investments in refineries and new markets. The firm is looking to expanding its markets in the U.S. Midwest and California.

Other oil sands producers have begun seeking alliances with U.S. refiners in the Midwest. But while Mather said Shell Canada has talked to American rivals, it has little interest in a formal agreement so far.

"We're engaged in those conversations because we are a major player and we are interested to know what the options may be," he said. "But we haven't got very far because my primary interest is our own manufacturing capacity and the needs of the Canadian market."

($1=$1.11 Canadian)

24 May 2006 02:43 GMT DJ Japan's Inpex In Ichthys Logistics Talks With Shell

Copyright © 2006, Dow Jones Newswires

MELBOURNE (Dow Jones)--Japanese petroleum explorer Inpex Corp. (1604.TO) said Wednesday that it is in talks with Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB.LN) about potential for logistics cooperation at their Browse Basin gas projects offshore Western Australia but that Inpex isn't looking at a joint development.

"I can assure you that Inpex is not seeking to enter into a joint development with anybody" in the region, a Perth-based spokesman for Inpex said.

The talks Inpex has had with Shell are over the potential to cooperate in areas such as transport and shipping offshore Australia's northwest, he said.

Inpex is keen to develop its US$6 billion Ichthys liquefied natural gas project and become a major producer in its own right. It has sought to pour cold water on recent comments from both Shell and Woodside Petroleum Ltd. (WPL.AU) that there is potential for joint development in the region. Woodside, like Inpex, is planning a standalone LNG development from its fields in the Browse Basin. Shell is planning to drill 12 exploration wells at its WA-371-P plot, which is next to Ichthys.

Shell, Mobil Under Threat as Russia Calls for Review of Foreign-Operated Oil Projects
Created: 26.05.2006 10:59 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 10:59 MSK, 4 hours 27 minutes ago


Russia’s natural resources ministry called for a review of the two largest foreign oil projects in the country, even as senior officials sought to assure EU leaders that Russia was a reliable energy partner, The Financial Times reported Friday.

The ministry said the legal agreements underpinning oil and gas developments on Sakhalin Island, on Russia’s eastern flank, were ineffective and should be reviewed. It said it planned to ask the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, to review production-sharing agreements signed in the 1990s, saying they were damaging Russia’s national interests.

PSAs are legal contracts between companies and governments, which underpin investments and are designed to safeguard foreign companies from political volatility.

Any review of PSAs would threaten the two largest foreign investments in Russia: the Sakhalin-1 project, on which ExxonMobil and its partners have already spent nearly $5 billion; and the Sakhalin-2 project, in which Royal Dutch Shell and its partners are investing $20 billion.

Affiliates in Rosneft hold a 20 per cent stake in Sakhalin-1. Under the terms of an asset swap agreed last year, Gazprom is also set to acquire a 25 per cent state in Sakhalin-2.

For international oil companies, a reduction in their stake in Russian projects — which for many constitute major investments — would be a serious loss at a time when they are finding it more difficult to locate new sources of oil elsewhere. Most of the foreign companies in Russia are finding their reserves bases are already shrinking.

However, two Russian ministers insisted separately that all Moscow’s agreements with foreign energy companies would be honored, suggesting a rift had opened within the government.

Speaking on the margins of a European Union-Russia summit in Sochi, Viktor Khristenko, energy minister, told the Financial Times that there were elements of the agreements Russia was no longer happy with. “If I was signing them again today, I would do it differently,” he said. “But they are legal obligations for us. We are fulfilling them and we expect our partners to fulfill them.”

German Gref, Russia’s economy minister, added: “We can only work in the framework of the existing agreements.”

Chris Finlayson, the head of Shell’s Russia operation, said the company had been told recently by the energy ministry that existing PSAs would be honored. “I have no reason to doubt this,” he said.

ExxonMobil said: “While we will not comment on the recent news reports, we have a strong working relationship with the Russian government and the ministries responsible for Sakhalin-1.”

Nevertheless, the statement by Russia’s resources ministry comes as the Kremlin moves to reassert control over energy resources, helping state-controlled companies such as Rosneft and Gazprom gain influence.

The ministry of natural resources, as well as some senior politicians, argue PSAs may be the wrong model for their country.

The first oilman to argue against PSAs was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the jailed Russian oil tycoon. He argued that Russia was too civilized a country for PSAs. “Their argument is that PSAs may be fine for Africa, but not for Russia,” one foreign executive says.

Russia’s natural resources ministry also said it would start legal proceedings against Total, the French oil company, for allegedly violating its licensing conditions for the development of the Kharyaga oil field in the north of Russia.

The ministry said: “We have all the evidence that Total’s use of the oil field is not effective.” Total declined to comment
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