honky tonk girl schreef:
[quote=The Artist]
wat is er eigenlijk ondertussen al gebeurt en hoe zit het nu fundamenteel, kort en bondig, met dit aandeel.
Hi Artist
Toevallig vannacht een samenvatting gelezen op I.V., is dit bondig genoeg?
Someone asked me to send them a summary, in email, of the opportunity with Campbell. I typed this up tonight (see below), for that purpose.
I am posting this “quick summary” here, if anyone else wants to use it. Anyone here should feel free to copy this info, and do whatever you want with it.
Weekly chart:
stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=CCH.TO&p=W&...TinyURL link to the same weekly chart
(If long link doesn’t work for you):
tinyurl.com/2eha5m Our Key points (opinions)
1) Campbell is being “downplayed” by Management while Institutions and Insiders accumulate. Numerous examples on our website – read the “Chronicles of the Downplay”.
2) Management refuses to promote while this accumulation is taking place
3) Insiders may want Nuinsco Resources to buy them. Nuinsco (NWI.TO) now owns about 25% of CCH, fully diluted (see early warning report in Sedar.com)
4) On-going production costs at the Copper Rand copper/gold mine (now producing) should be about:
- $1.25 USD per pound copper
- Gold byproduct will be “free” (its byproduct)
- Early 2004 slide show showed 50,000 ounces gold per year and 18 million plus copper (just that one mine).
- Even the Prospectus (downplayed) shows around 26,000 ounces gold production per year (from just Copper Rand, one mine). The Campbell Prospectus is in Sedar, filed around September 2006.
Message board post:
Last two quarters in 2005 = Very important to analyze
www1.investorvillage.com/smbd.asp?mb=...5) They will be starting production from the “Corner Bay" mine in October. I estimate production costs of $0.75 per pound copper, simply because of the shallow depths and high grades. Grades are 5% - 7% copper for the whole deposit (250 million lbs of copper resource – not 43-101 compliant yet).
But Copper Rand is 43-101 complaint, I believe. Both mines have Geologist Technical Reports in Sedar, filed around September 2006.
Message board post:
My estimate of Corner Bay production costs (under $0.75 per pound copper)
www1.investorvillage.com/smbd.asp?mb=...That’s 2 mines in production by end of 2007, and they have other projects after that.
We are estimating looking at a forward PE of just 1, based on 2008 earnings. We think Campbell can earn $80 million or more at full production (both mines will soon be operating, and they have other projects coming after that.
We hang out on the InvestorVillage message board – there are links on the website. I can answer any question on the message board (or via email, but I only check this email account every few days).