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Kunnen ook shorters zijn die de koers doen zakken.
Zal dan wel van korte duur zijn.
Ik gun niemand verlies maar het is nu wel lekker rustig op de koffiekamer. Dat was heel anders geweest als de koers omhoog was gegaan.

sesamstraat schreef:

Kunnen ook shorters zijn die de koers doen zakken.
Zal dan wel van korte duur zijn.
morgen zijn we het vergeten, tis te hopen dat diegene die gekocht hebben rustig blijven zitten.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Key Points of SINA Corporation Q2 2008 Conference Call
Below are the key management comments in the Q2 '08 earnings call of SINA Corporation (USA) (NASDAQ:SINA):

On Chinese Economy

I think as we all discuss these days that the overall macroeconomics conditions in China is slowing down a little bit in terms of the growth and especially in certain areas, like stock market and the housing market you see starting to declining in recent months. And general view is that it's not going to get better in near future, I mean at least in the next few quarters.

On China Internet Industry

According to newly published semi-annual China Internet report by CNNIC, the number of Chinese Internet users reached 253 million by the end of June 2008, making China the country with largest Internet population. The rapid growth of China Internet population has significantly increased penetration of Internet media in China, especially in northern areas, making Internet an increasingly competitive media for marketing purpose.

Another encouraging result from the recent Internet report is that more than 81% of Chinese Internet users get their news from Internet. This figure is almost 10% higher than the previous survey and it is also higher than that of most other countries, and it is a strong indication of the power of Internet media in China. This trend is in favor of our future growth and SINA is undoubtedly the most influential online media company in China.

On Online Advertising Business

In the second quarter, we continue to see accelerated growth for advertising business in China market. On a year-over-year basis, advertising revenues for China grew by 59%. SINA's strong verticals continued to perform well. Advertising revenues from automobile, finance and real estate combined grew by 92% on year-over-year basis, accounting for 58% of our total advertising revenues for the second quarter. Real estate overtook financial service as the best performing sector for the ad revenue growth in the second quarter with 159% year-over-year growth. We believe that we will continue to be very competitive in these vertical areas in the future.

Despite a slowdown in the Chinese economy and the decline in stock and housing markets, we see continuing shift of marketing dollars from traditional media to online as advertisers seek more cost-effective marketing campaigns, as well as better reach for a more affluent audience.

And in terms of advertising business, overall, I think you did the right comment that there will be some slowdown overall on the advertising market in general given the economic condition in China. There is no question about that, but as I commented on my opening remarks that we do not really expect that online will be impacted that much on overall basis given that Internet population is growing very fast in China, and people becoming more selective in terms of their media selection for the advertising and online obviously is the one area that is getting more market share vis-à-vis the traditional media. And I believe that given that overall situation that we still believe that online advertising is still going to grow very nicely in China.

On Mobile Value-Added Services (MVAS) Business

I think the fact that we have been able to rebound our service and revenue in this particular business has a lot to do with the more stabilized operating policy environment in China, especially with China Mobile here. As I explained to people early on in the previous conference call that the current operating policy actually is more favorable to big players. The players tend to have more – a better product, better service and tend to follow the rule more closely – in other words, tend to have better treatment from China Mobile because they have a ranking system, the better performer will get better score and the inventory, I mean, they will get better treatment from China Mobile in a lot of areas.

On Impact of Beijing Olympics

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics Games. SINA is fully prepared to present the very best online media coverage of the event to our Chinese Internet users and to provide a state-of-the-art marketing platform for our customers. 10 years ago, SINA made its name in China by successfully covering the French FIFA World Cup through Internet. Since then, every major sport event coverage has helped SINA to create traffic records and take its brand to the next level. We are confident that we will repeat our success this time. In the third quarter, we will incur significantly higher content costs for the Olympic Games and we will also spend extra marketing dollars to promote our brand, which in turn will impact our margins negatively. We believe these are the right investments to make as these investments will bring in new users and new customers which will help us build the foundation for our growth in long-term.

we have a good feeling about growth of Olympic Games in Q4, given our – through our channels and our customers and also especially the big customers in our major industries, major sectors. We still have a good feeling about fourth quarter but I really cannot quantify the number or even give you a range about what kind of growth rate we will have in Q4, because typically, as you know, that we probably will have a much better feeling in the beginning quarter when we actually ramp up our backlog. But it's now still a little early for us to have a very quantifiable base to say exactly what kind of growth range will be for the fourth quarter, but my feeling is that, or our estimate is that definitely Q4, compared to Q3, Q4 will be slightly down, so Q4 will be in a total dollar amount somewhere between Q2 and Q3's numbers, but how much it will be down will be depending on – I think the major factor probably is the economy and other, if there anything happens in any major industry, but that's something is beyond our control but on an overall basis, our feeling is that Q4 is going to be slightly down from Q3; it's going to be a number between Q2 and Q3's number.

We actually do not really calculate exactly what is Olympic-related revenues for Q2. As explained before, this is really hard to do because some of these are Olympic sponsors, some of these are not Olympic sponsors but they are really doing some sort of campaign related to the game or the theme of the game in China. So, it's really difficult to quantify or classify what exactly or who exactly is a customer for Olympic Games or not. But overall, I think Q2 really heated up a little bit from Q1's level because of the beginning of the torch relay in China, and so we do have some extra dollars from the torch relay campaign from the Olympic sponsors. And also, some of the other non-Olympic sponsors are also spending more money in Q2 to really use this opportunity to promote their brand – or doing a sort of ambush marketing in China. So basically I think it's an overall mix picture but to – as I said before, Olympic is an important factor for growth in '08 especially in Q3 and to a lesser extent in Q2 but I think that the direct impact for Olympic Games really happens in Q3. Q2, if there was anything, it's
Sina shares down after expenses jump

Thursday August 7, 1:40 pm ET

Sina shares down following news of rising expenses, despite beating Wall Street estimates

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Sina Corp. fell Thursday after the Chinese Internet portal beat estimates for the latest quarter but revealed an unexpected rise in sales and marketing costs.
The U.S.-listed stock was down $3.53, or 8 percent, at $40.41 in midday trading.

Sina late Wednesday said net income grew 74 percent from a year ago to $25.2 million, or 42 cents per share, in the second quarter. Excluding items, earnings were 43 cents per share, above the average Wall Street estimate of 40 cents per share.

Revenue rose 53 percent to $91.3 million.

Analyst Jason Avilio at Kaufman Bros. said sales and marketing expenses were $3.4 million higher than anticipated, eating up an increase in gross advertising margin. With the expenses in mind, he cut his price target on the stock to $70 from $78, but remained positive on its long-term prospects.

Jason Brueschkel at Citigroup lowered his target price by $10 to $55, because of a global re-evaluation of advertising-based businesses.

het is speculeren of Buffet hier in stapt, dus daar hecht ik weinig aan. Maar ik ben zelf wel weer ingestapt, 38,06..
The Artist gaf vorige week een instapadvies met oog op de komende cijfers. De koers was toen boven $43. Ik heb het niet gedaan. 't zal ongetwijfeld een goede onderneming zijn, maar als de jaargrafiek maatgevend is kan de koers eerstnog verder omlaag alvorens weer de weg naar boven te vinden.

fintech schreef:

The Artist gaf vorige week een instapadvies met oog op de komende cijfers. De koers was toen boven $43. Ik heb het niet gedaan. 't zal ongetwijfeld een goede onderneming zijn, maar als de jaargrafiek maatgevend is kan de koers eerstnog verder omlaag alvorens weer de weg naar boven te vinden.
Het is denk ik de 4e keer dat ik Sina koop, maar ik heb wel steeds tussentijds winst genomen. Tussen de 35 en de 50 kan je perfect traden. Tot hij een keer echt los gaat, waar The Artist op hoopt. Nou ja, dan zien we wel weer.
Sina komt wat terug op zijn dreuntje, na de cijfers.

Analisten blijven positief ondanks de vreemde reactie na de resultaten.

Nog even en we zitten terug boven de 40$, en dan kunnen we voor de zoveelste keer proberen uit te breken.


The Artist schreef:

Sina komt wat terug op zijn dreuntje, na de cijfers.

Analisten blijven positief ondanks de vreemde reactie na de resultaten.

Nog even en we zitten terug boven de 40$, en dan kunnen we voor de zoveelste keer proberen uit te breken.

terug op 40$

The Artist schreef:

[quote=The Artist]
Sina komt wat terug op zijn dreuntje, na de cijfers.

Analisten blijven positief ondanks de vreemde reactie na de resultaten.

Nog even en we zitten terug boven de 40$, en dan kunnen we voor de zoveelste keer proberen uit te breken.


terug op 40$
Ben je als particulier op de beurs,of heb je een bedrijf ?

Durfinvest schreef:

Ben je als particulier op de beurs,of heb je een bedrijf ?
Artist heeft een opvangcentrum en Petrus staat bij de ingang.

Mvg Peerke

Durfinvest schreef:

[quote=The Artist]
[quote=The Artist]
Sina komt wat terug op zijn dreuntje, na de cijfers.

Analisten blijven positief ondanks de vreemde reactie na de resultaten.

Nog even en we zitten terug boven de 40$, en dan kunnen we voor de zoveelste keer proberen uit te breken.


terug op 40$
[/quote]Ben je als particulier op de beurs,of heb je een bedrijf ?
stuur eens een mailtje


ik ben bovenal een particuliere profiteur.
Dit berichtje is goud waard voor Chinabeleggers.

The Wrong Way to Invest in China

By Todd Wenning

August 14, 2008

According to Morningstar, the iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index ETF (FXI) is not only one of the 25 most popular exchange-traded funds on the market today, it is also the most-traded China-focused ETF. Over the past three months, the FXI has traded an average of nearly 19 million shares each day.

"That's great," you might think. "Investors are finally realizing that China is a place where they need to be invested." That might be true, but if so, they're going about it the wrong way.

Seriously red tape
Some investors confuse the FXI with a proper way to invest in the Chinese growth story. That just isn't the case, for a variety of reasons.

By investing in FXI, you're not sufficiently tapping into the entrepreneurial sprit of the Chinese people. See, FXI tracks a FTSE/Xinhua index mainly comprising state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In fact, of the top 10 holdings of the ETF … 10 are SOEs (or are subsidiaries of SOEs, which for my purposes are one and the same).

In terms of past performance, that hasn't been so bad. The iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 ETF has averaged returns of 26% per year over the past three years and currently holds CNOOC (NYSE: CEO) and Huaneng Power (NYSE: HNP) among its top holdings. Looking to the future, though, FXI isn't the right train on which to hitch your China investment dreams.

A little background
SOEs have traditionally been the dominant players in the Chinese economy. In 1958, during the days of Chairman Mao, more than 97% of the Chinese economy was under the control of the government (PRC) through the use of SOEs.

Granted, things have changed over the past 50 years, following the economic reforms of Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s and '80s. Today there are far fewer SOEs, but they still make up a significant chunk of China's GDP and are mostly found in the energy, telecommunications, and financial sectors. The government keeps many of them alive by infusing them with capital -- and one of the ways that it has done so is by -- wait for it -- taking them public.

The Chinese government has certainly reduced its ownership of some SOEs, but given the size of those companies and the size of the government's remaining ownership, it could be a long time before those SOEs are fully privatized. Just imagine if the PRC decided to suddenly dump its 40% stake in Aluminum Corp. of China (NYSE: ACH) into the public markets. It would be an utter disaster for those shares.

The bottom line is that, despite the loosening of the PRC's grip, SOEs still do not put shareholder interests first. Their motivation is still at least partly political, so you're better off looking for Chinese companies that have your interests at heart.

This one will go to the hares
While the SOEs join the free markets at a tortoise's pace, non-SOE Chinese companies like Focus Media Holding (Nasdaq: FMCN), LDK Solar (NYSE: LDK), and SINA (Nasdaq: SINA) are flying by them in terms of innovation and ability to react to global economic movements. Moreover, all three of these Chinese companies are led by entrepreneurs who are representative of the Chinese growth story. These are the types of companies -- not the SOEs -- that may turn out to be some of the best stocks of the next 10 years.

For this reason, Motley Fool Global Gains advisor Bill Mann is looking beyond the realm of Chinese SOEs. As Bill recently counseled investors:

The only reason to invest in SOEs is to find the ones that have special status that the entrepreneurial companies will not be able to ford. But one will do much better investing in the companies than investing in a basket that has a few speedboats and 18 anchors. Buying FXI to take advantage of Chinese growth is like buying cow chips because you like steak. Sure, there's some value in there, but who wants to dig through that other stuff?

That's why Bill and his team of Global Gains analysts made their second trip to China a few months back to meet with some of the country's most promising companies. The team also made stops in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Singapore. If you'd like to read their reports and take a peek at all the Global Gains recommendations, a free 30-day trial to the service is yours. Click here to get started.

This article was originally published on June 3, 2008. It has been updated.

Todd Wenning bets you he can throw a football over them mountains. He does not own shares of any company mentioned. Focus Media Holding and CNOOC are Global Gains picks. Huaneng Power International is an Income Investor recommendation. Huaneng Power International and Focus Media Holding are Rule Breakers picks. SINA is a Stock Advisor recommendation. The Fool's disclosure policy has large talons.
@The Artist,

jij hebt mij diverse keren laten verdienen met SINA, waarvoor dank.

In ruil mijn tip voor jou : kijk eens naar Stada Arzneimittel. Een generieke medicijnenfabrikant die recent aangaf niet langer double digit groei te kunnen volhouden en daarop van 50 naar 30 zakte. Dat is echt veel te fors, ik kocht op 34 en gisteren nog op 30,80 (vandaag 32,50 slot).

Toevallig zag ik vandaag ook een artikel in BB die de daling ook overdreven vonden en op mid 40 koers al een koopadvies gaven en nu een ultra sterk koop advies op deze koersen.

Ga je plezier van krijgen, eerste koersdoel 40 euro voor einde jaar. Maar misschien al voor die tijd fors hoger op overnamegeluiden.

Staat genoteerd in Frankfurt.

groet novastar

novastar schreef:

@The Artist,

jij hebt mij diverse keren laten verdienen met SINA, waarvoor dank.

In ruil mijn tip voor jou : kijk eens naar Stada Arzneimittel. Een generieke medicijnenfabrikant die recent aangaf niet langer double digit groei te kunnen volhouden en daarop van 50 naar 30 zakte. Dat is echt veel te fors, ik kocht op 34 en gisteren nog op 30,80 (vandaag 32,50 slot).

Toevallig zag ik vandaag ook een artikel in BB die de daling ook overdreven vonden en op mid 40 koers al een koopadvies gaven en nu een ultra sterk koop advies op deze koersen.

Ga je plezier van krijgen, eerste koersdoel 40 euro voor einde jaar. Maar misschien al voor die tijd fors hoger op overnamegeluiden.

Staat genoteerd in Frankfurt.

groet novastar
nou hoe kan je op je wenken worden bediend zeg, te laat wsl om ze te kopen. Overnamegesprekken gaande met een partij uit Israel. Meer dan 10% erbij nu op 35,50...

novastar schreef:

@The Artist,

jij hebt mij diverse keren laten verdienen met SINA, waarvoor dank.

In ruil mijn tip voor jou : kijk eens naar Stada Arzneimittel. Een generieke medicijnenfabrikant die recent aangaf niet langer double digit groei te kunnen volhouden en daarop van 50 naar 30 zakte. Dat is echt veel te fors, ik kocht op 34 en gisteren nog op 30,80 (vandaag 32,50 slot).

Toevallig zag ik vandaag ook een artikel in BB die de daling ook overdreven vonden en op mid 40 koers al een koopadvies gaven en nu een ultra sterk koop advies op deze koersen.

Ga je plezier van krijgen, eerste koersdoel 40 euro voor einde jaar. Maar misschien al voor die tijd fors hoger op overnamegeluiden.

Staat genoteerd in Frankfurt.

groet novastar

nou hoe kan je op je wenken worden bediend zeg, te laat wsl om ze te kopen. Overnamegesprekken gaande met een partij uit Israel. Meer dan 10% erbij nu op 35,50...
Israel behoort tot de top qua technologie wereldwijd, dus dat is een positieve ontwikkeling.
Ik ben er weer uit op 40. Niet dat ik in hogere koersen geloof, maar korte winst en zovele kansen.

Stada Arzneimittel is er ook uit op 36 en heb nu mijn geld gestopt in Rowan Company (ticker RDC).

Zeg maar de Vs combi Fugro-SBM. Al vele ritjes mee gemaakt, gekocht aan USD 35,19. Nog zo'n overnamekandidaat op deze koersen.

novastar schreef:

Ik ben er weer uit op 40. Niet dat ik in hogere koersen geloof, maar korte winst en zovele kansen.

Stada Arzneimittel is er ook uit op 36 en heb nu mijn geld gestopt in Rowan Company (ticker RDC).

Zeg maar de Vs combi Fugro-SBM. Al vele ritjes mee gemaakt, gekocht aan USD 35,19. Nog zo'n overnamekandidaat op deze koersen.
RDC tegen de markt in op 36,35 (>3% plus vandaag). Stada terug op 35 en Sina op 38. Laat ik maar zwijgen over de zaken die niet zo goed gingen..

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