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Siemens wil energietak op eigen benen zetten

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2019 om 18:24 | Views: 181

MÜNCHEN (AFN) - Industrieconcern Siemens wil zijn divisie die zich bezighoudt met krachtcentrales afsplitsen. Die tak moet uiterlijk volgend jaar september een eigen beursnotering krijgen, heeft het Duitse bedrijf aangekondigd. Siemens houdt zelf een belang, en daarmee een stevige vinger in de pap bij het nieuwe bedrijf. Ook het belang dat Siemens heeft in windturbinemaker Siemens Gamesa moet in het nieuwe bedrijf worden ondergebracht.

Het af te splitsen onderdeel maakt onder meer turbines voor gascentrales. De energietak van Siemens heeft het al een tijdje moeilijk. Enkele jaren terug werd een reorganisatie aangekondigd. Onder meer een vestiging in Hengelo die gasturbines maakte, moest dicht en werd later overgenomen door VDL.

De stappen vormen onderdeel van een plan van Siemens om zijn productportefeuille aan te scherpen. De raad van commissarissen is al akkoord.
Siemens Gamesa reports record order backlog of EUR 23.6 billion

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has reported the results of the first half (October-March) and the second quarter (January-March) of fiscal year (FY) 2019. Revenue increased by 6% YoY in the first half, to UR 4,651 million, the EBIT margin pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs stood at 6.8%, and net profit increased from UR 0 million in the same period last year to UR 67 million this year In the second quarter, revenue increased by 7%, to UR 2,389 million, the EBIT margin pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs amounted to 7.5%, and net income rose 40% YoY to UR 49 million. Solid commercial activity enabled the company to fully cover the low end of the FY 2019 revenue guidance range (UR10,000-11,000 million). The company has logged orders worth EUR 10.9 billion in the last twelve months (+8% YoY), driven by strong performance in all segments

Siemens Gamesa has become the first wind turbine manufacturer to attain an investment grade rating. The company obtained a BBB- long-term credit rating, with positive outlook, from Standard & Poor’s (S&P), and a Baa3 outlook stable rating from Moody’s. Siemens Gamesa has debuted in the public rating arena within investment grade.

Commercial activity remained strong during the period, with a record order backlog of EUR 23.6 billion (+7% YoY), fully covering the low end of the FY 2019 revenue guidance range, providing enhanced visibility for following years.

Order intake amounted to EUR 2.5 billion in the second quarter of FY 2019, driven by Service, where order intake increased by 11% year-on-year. In the last twelve months, order intake amounted to €10.9 billion (+8% YoY), supported by strong performance in all segments.

During the quarter, Siemens Gamesa continued to reinforce its technological leadership. After presenting a 10 MW offshore wind turbine, the SG 10.0-193 DD, the company has unveiled a new platform with the SG 5.8-155 and SG 5.8-170 wind turbine models, including the largest Onshore rotor in the market. This platform is a combination of proven and next-generation technologies, with a highly flexible design which makes it suitable for a broad range of sites. Production of the SG 5.8-155 model is scheduled to commence in Q4 2020, while the SG 5.8-170 will start in Q1 2021.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Bags Order For wpd’s 640 MW Yunlin Offshore Wind Power Project In Taiwan

Following its selection as preferred supplier in May 2018, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has received the firm order by wpd offshore to supply the 640 megawatt (MW) Yunlin offshore wind power plant in Taiwan. Located approximately six kilometers from shore in the Taiwan Strait, the plant will feature 80 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines. This first firm order in Asia Pacific for the SG 8.0-167 DD also includes a 15-year long-term service agreement. Construction is expected to start in 2019, with turbine installation beginning in 2020.

Mr Andreas Nauen CEO of the Offshore Business Unit at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy said that “We are extremely satisfied that the preferred supplier agreement we reached with wpd offshore one year ago has materialized into a firm order. It is furthermore encouraging to be able to introduce the SG 8.0-167 DD in APAC with an order of this volume. There is an increasing number of such sizeable opportunities in the region, and we are looking forward to contributing further to the growth of offshore wind in this part of the world.”

As announced in October 2018, the project will feature localized towers in 2021, via CS Wind and Chin Fong Machine Industrial’s partnership in Taichung harbor. It thereby satisfies official localization requirements on turbine components.

Mr Niels Steenberg, SGRE General Manager Offshore for the APAC region, added that “We are very proud that all the preparation work we did together with wpd and our suppliers unfolds into this important milestone. As the first large scale project in Taiwan, Yunlin will be setting up the scene for other later developments, and we will be needing continued support from local authorities and our partners to take on the challenges ahead.”

The SG 8.0-167 DD wind turbine has a rated capacity of 8.0 megawatts (MW), and a rotor with a 167-meter diameter. It has a swept area of 21,900 m2, and uses the SGRE B81 blade, which measure 81.4 meters. By 2020, more than 1,000 SGRE Direct Drive offshore wind turbines will be operating in three different continents globally.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Starts Electrothermal Energy Storage Pilot At Hamburg Altenwerder

In a world first, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has begun operation of its electric thermal energy storage system. The heat storage facility, which was ceremonially opened in Hamburg-Altenwerder, contains around 1,000 tonnes of volcanic rock as an energy storage medium. It is fed with electrical energy converted into hot air by means of a resistance heater and a blower that heats the rock to 750°C. When demand peaks, ETES uses a steam turbine for the re-electrification of the stored energy. The ETES pilot plant can thus store up to 130 MWh of thermal energy for a week. In addition, the storage capacity of the system remains constant throughout the charging cycles. The aim of the pilot plant is to deliver system evidence of the storage on the grid and to test the heat storage extensively. In a next step, Siemens Gamesa plans to use its storage technology in commercial projects and scale up the storage capacity and power. The goal is to store energy in the range of several GWh in the near future. One gigawatt hour is the equivalent to the daily electricity consumption of around 50,000 households.

The Institute for Engineering Thermodynamics at Hamburg University of Technology and the local utility company Hamburg Energie are partners in the innovative Future Energy Solutions project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy within the “6. Energieforschungsprogramm” research programme. TU Hamburg carries out research into the thermodynamic fundamentals of the solid bulk technology used.

By using standard components, it is possible to convert decommissioned conventional power plants into green storage facilities (second-life option). Hamburg Energie is responsible for marketing the stored energy on the electricity market. The energy provider is developing highly flexible digital control system platforms for virtual power plants. Connected to such an IT platform, ETES can optimally store renewable energy at maximum yield.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Builds 9000 HP Propulsion System To Boost Indian Railways Haulage Capabilities

Siemens is equipping Indian Railways 9000HP electric locomotive with the first indigenously-designed and produced integrated propulsion system and steel tank transformer. This propulsion system is uniquely designed to suit requirements of the 9000HP locomotive. Indian Railways is upgrading its electric locomotives from 6000HP to 9000HP as part of its rail electrification initiative.

Siemens is supplying high power traction converters, motors, drive systems and steel tank transformer, which will be part of the propulsion equipment for 9000HP freight and passenger locomotives. These locomotives will boost the haulage capacity of Indian Railways by around 50%, thereby improving average speed and utilization of rolling stock assets. The advanced technology aims to save traction energy cost, thereby reducing fuel expenses and carbon emissions. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) has pre-commissioned this indigenous 9,000HP electric locomotive and trial runs will commence soon.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens schrapt opnieuw duizenden banen

Siemens AG
106,02 2,60 2,51 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Siemens AG
105,42 2,06 1,99 % Euronext Brussel
Siemens AG
105,70 2,32 2,24 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens is van plan om de komende jaren nog eens 2.700 banen te schrappen, ditmaal bij zijn energietak. Dit maakte het Duitse bedrijf dinsdag bekend.

Van de 2.700 banen die tot 2023 bij Siemens verdwijnen, gaat het om 1.400 arbeidsposities in Duitsland. Het banenverlies is onderdeel van een geplande kostenbesparing die het concern 500 miljoen euro op moet leveren.

In mei kondigde Siemens aan dat het zijn energiedivisie zou afsplitsen. Het nieuwe bedrijf moet uiterlijk in september 2020 naar de beurs.

Ondanks de reorganisatie komen er tot 2023 wel meer banen bij binnen het bedrijf. Siemens verwacht dat het aantal functies wereldwijd met 10.000 toeneemt.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
Siemens Gamesa Bags Order For 376 Mw Formosa 2 Offshore Wind Project In Taiwan

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has conditionally received an order for the supply of offshore wind turbines including a 20-year full Service agreement for the 376megawatt Formosa 2 Offshore Wind Farm Project in Taiwan. The awarding consortium partners are Macquarie Capital and Swancor Renewable Energy Co. A firm order is subject to the consortium's final investment decision. The project will be located in Miaoli county, and utilize 47 units of the SG8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbine. SGRE will also be responsible for the full servicing of the turbines for 20 years, including the provision of spare parts and tools to help ensure the reliability and optimal performance of the power plant.

Offshore construction is planned to begin in 2020. Formosa 2 will be located close to the site of the Formosa 1 power plant, which will consist of a total of 22 SGRE offshore wind turbines when installation of Phase 2 iscompleted later this year.

Mr Niels Steenberg, Executive General Manager of Siemens Gamesa Offshore for Asia-Pacific said that “We are delighted to continue our close collaboration with Swancor and Macquarie in Taiwan, which started on Formosa 1, Taiwan’s very first offshore wind power project. Siemens Gamesa is committed to the success of those early developments, which will lay the foundations for a prosperous and sustainable offshore wind industry in the market.”

Formosa 2 is set to be one of the first projects completely built out of the Taiwanese government’s zonal development program. This initiative was launched to promote a 5.5 GW offshore wind build-out by 2025.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Receives First Offshore Wind Preferred Supplier Nomination In Japan

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy recently received its first preferred supplier nomination for an offshore wind project in Japan. The agreement with customer Obayashi Corporationcurrently includes using SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbinesfor the Northern Akita Offshore Wind Farm project, and a long-term service agreement. Commercial operation date is scheduled from 2024 onwards.All deliveries are subject to Obayashi Corporation’s final investment decision.

The Northern Akita pipeline will reach a capacity of up to 455 MW at a site located in the northern region of Tohoku, Japan. According to the 2018 law promoting offshore wind in Japan, Obayashi Corporation is required to participate in a national tender to secure development rights for the project.

In addition, Obayashi Corporation and Siemens Gamesa also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote benefits to the local society throughout the project.Under the terms of thisMoU, both parties will work together toenforcethe highest available industry standards regarding installation and maintenance of the turbines for the project.They will also support the development of local infrastructure for offshore wind businesses, explore possibilitiesto collaborate with suppliersin the project area, as well as fosterinformation exchange with residents and local stakeholders.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Awarded Largest Repowering Order by Midamerican Energy

Siemens Gamesa has been selected by MidAmerican Energy Company for the Rolling Hills wind power project for a total of 429.3 MW, the largest repowering order to date in North America. The company will repower the project with 163 SG 2.7-129 and 18 previously sold SWT-2.3-108 wind turbines.

Rolling Hills is located in Adair, Adams and Cass counties in Iowa and currently features 193 SWT-2.3-101 turbines. The repowering project includes replacement of the blades, hubs and nacelles for all units, and top tower sections for the SG 2.7-129 units. Commissioning of the project is expected for late 2021.

Mr José Antonio Miranda, CEO of Onshore Americas at Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy said that “We are excited to provide upgraded equipment and technology to the Rolling Hills project in Iowa, a national leader in the wind energy industry. This new project is a testament to MidAmerican Energy’s confidence in us as well as Iowa, where we have supplied them with more than 2.6 GW. The blades will be produced right there in Iowa and the nacelles and hubs will come from neighboring Kansas, making this a truly local project.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens to Supply Power Equipment & Services for 840MW Power Plant in Iraq

As part of its long-term support to expand Iraq’s power infrastructure, Siemens has received an order to supply gas and steam turbines and generators as well as long-term power generation services for the 840 MW Maisan Combined Cycle Power Plant, located in Maisan Governorate in the southern region of Iraq. Both CITIC Construction Co Ltd, the engineering procurement and construction firm building the plant, and Iraqi developer Maisan Power Company part of Raban Al-Safina for Energy Projects, which is owned by Raban Al-Safina Group awarded the contract valued at more than 284 million euros to Siemens.

The independent power project is expected to deliver first power by March 2021 and enter full combined cycle mode by early 2022. The plant will enable sufficient electricity supply to meet the needs of more than three million Iraqis in additional to supporting the industrial sector. The Siemens scope of supply includes two STG5-4000F gas turbines, one SST5-4000 I-L steam turbine, three SGEN5-2000H generators, along with automation and control systems, transformers and related electrical equipment, the fuel gas system, and supervision during the implementation period by the Siemens team.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Windturbinebouwer Siemens Gamesa afgestraft

De Spaans-Duitse windturbinebouwer Siemens Games is op de beurs ruim 13% gekelderd, nadat het bedrijf een 53% lagere nettowinst rapporteerde en kampt met lagere prijzen voor turbines. Het bedrijf heeft te maken met tegenwind in opkomende markten en hevige concurrentie in offshore wind. Dat heeft het bedrijf dinsdag bekendgemaakt.

De nettowinst van het bedrijf kelderde het afgelopen kwartaal naar €21 mln. Analisten geraadpleegd door Bloomberg rekenden gemiddeld op ruim twee keer zoveel. De omzet groeide wel met bijna 24% naar €2,6 mrd. Ook het bedrijfsresultaat verbeterde, met 13%, en het bedrijf haalde zelfs een recordbedrag van bijna €5 mrd aan nieuwe orders binnen.

Lagere prijzen

De vooruitzichten zijn echter een stuk somberder. Siemens Gamesa verwacht een daling van zijn offshore windactiviteiten vanwege de hevige concurrentie op die markt, zei financieel directeur David Mesonero in een conference call met analisten, meldt Bloomberg. '2019 is een buitengewoon jaar, dat waarschijnlijk niet zal worden herhaald', aldus Mesonero.

De winst staat bij Siemens Gamesa onder druk doordat windparkontwikkelaars steeds lagere prijzen voor de turbines weten te bedingen. Daardoor namen de marges af.

'De belangrijkste impact op de winstgevendheid is de aanhoudend lagere prijs in de orderportefeuille gedurende de periode, volatiliteit in opkomende markten en uitdagingen bij de implementatie van een aantal windparken op land', aldus het bedrijf in een persverklaring.


Ook zorgt de Brexit voor onzekerheid. Groot-Brittannië is de grootste markt ter wereld voor offshore wind. 'We analyseren de Brexit op wekelijkse basis', aldus Markus Tacke, bestuursvoorzitter van Siemens Gamesa in de conference call. 'We moeten nog steeds uitvinden wat een mogelijke Brexit betekent voor ons.'

Winstval voor Siemens

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Siemens heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal de winst onder druk zien staan. Dit bleek donderdag uit de cijfers van het Duitse conglomeraat over het derde kwartaal van het lopende gebroken boekjaar.

De winst daalde van 1,11 miljard naar 1,03 miljard euro. Daarentegen steeg de omzet van 20,47 miljard naar 21,28 miljard euro.

Terwijl de divisies Mobility en Healthineers het beter deden, stonden Digital Industries en Gas-and-Power onder druk.

Siemens Healthineers zag de winst stijgen van 285 miljoen naar 348 miljoen euro en de omzet van 3,3 miljard naar 3,6 miljard euro, zo bleek eerder deze week al.

Medio juni meldde Siemens al 2.700 banen te gaan schrappen bij zijn energietak.

Het orderboek groeide afgelopen kwartaal met 8 procent naar 24,5 miljard euro.

Siemens herhaalde de outlook voor dit jaar. Dit betekent onder meer een winst per aandeel van 6,30 tot 7,00 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Siemens Gamesa Doubled Net Income To EUR 88 Million In First 9 Months

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy reported the results of the first nine months (October-June) and the third quarter (April to June) of fiscal year 2019. Revenue increased by 12% YoY in the first nine months of FY 2019, to EUR 7,283 million, and by 23% YoY in the third quarter, to EUR 2,632 million, driven by strong performance in all businesses, with record activity in offshore.

The company ended the first nine months of FY 2019 with EBIT pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs of EUR 475 million, equivalent to an EBIT margin pre PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 6.5%. In the third quarter, EBIT pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs amounted to EUR 159 million, equivalent to an EBIT margin pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 6.1%. The main impact on profitability was persisting lower pricing in the order backlog during the period, emerging market volatility and execution challenges in some onshore projects, partly offset by synergies, improvements in productivity and higher year-on-year sales volume.

The company doubled net income to EUR 88 million in the first nine months of FY 2019, while net income in the third quarter was EUR 21 million. Net debt amounted to EUR 191 million at 30 June, driven by the increase in working capital ahead of peak wind turbine activity in the fourth quarter.

Performance is in line with the guidance range for FY 2019 (revenues of EUR 10,000-EUR 11,000 million and EBIT margin pre PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 7-8.5%), despite the third quarter being affected by emerging market volatility and execution challenges in some onshore projects. Although short-term headwinds temporarily hamper group margins, Siemens Gamesa’s long-term prospects remain solid thanks to a record backlog, geographical and business diversification and one of the most competitive product portfolios, both onshore and offshore.

The company will update on its competitive business strategy and performance in a Capital Markets Day during the first half of 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Strengthens its Position In India

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has secured its first order in India with Alfanar for the supply of 206 units of the SG 2.2-122 wind turbines for two wind farms, totalling 453 MW. Both projects will be located in Bhuj, Gujarat, where the company will supply 202 MW for one project and 251 MW for the other. The wind farms are expected to be commissioned by 2020. The SG 2.2-122 is specifically optimized for low wind, low turbulence sites typical of the Indian market, thanks to extremely low power density and high efficiency. This turbine has been crucial to cement Siemens Gamesa leading position in India having sold over 1 GW in the current fiscal year.

Mr Ramesh Kymal, Onshore CEO of Siemens Gamesa in India said that “Alfanar is already our customer globally and we are happy to announce this first deal with the company in India. Repeated big orders such as this certainly boosts our confidence and demonstrates customers’ trust in our capabilities. With the SG 2.2-122 – a turbine made for India, we expect to deliver better value to our customers through innovative, tailor-made solutions.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens to Upgrade Hindustan Zinc Power Assets

Technology major Siemens will upgrade Hindustan Zinc's power assets and manufacture six 80 MW steam turbines for the mining major. The turbines would be manufactured at Vadodara factory. Siemens said that "Siemens will modernise and commission 80 MW steam turbines to Hindustan Zinc. The modernisation of the power assets of Hindustan Zinc includes state-of-the-art design steam turbine components and digital technologies. Siemens will also provide on-site project services on a turnkey basis.”

Mr V Jayaraman, Head of Power Plants at Hindustan Zinc, said that "We are aiming at higher efficiencies of power generation from steam turbines along with higher generation. Further, the modular project execution will ensure lower outage. Operations will be more economical and using latest technologies help reduce carbon footprint, which is in sync with our groups philosophy."

Mr Gerd Deusser, Head, Gas and Power, Siemens, said that "The upgraded 80 MW steam turbines is the best-in-industry and ensures high flexibility, reduces emissions and maintains high reliability. By leveraging our experiences and technological leadership, we will continue to provide highly efficient steam turbines to customers."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
World’s Largest Wind Turbine Blade Test Stand Built by Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has begun construction of the world’s largest wind turbine blade test stand in Aalborg, Denmark. The site will be capable of performing full-scale tests on the next generations of SGRE rotor blades and is expected to be fully operational before the end of 2019. This significant R&D investment in extensive testing will represent additional savings for SGRE’s clients in the future. Such high value-adding R&D activities enable the company to significantly reduce the risk of technical issues and simultaneously deliver wind turbines that are innovative and reliable.

The gigantic structure in Aalborg will have more steel rebar reinforcement per square meter than a wind turbine foundation, so that it has the capability to accelerate the test and prove full reliability over the lifetime of the blade in the shortest possible time, while full respecting IEC regulations.

Mr Vicente Garcia Mueoz, Head of Validation Means Management at SGRE said that “The first tests will be on the 94 meter-long blades for the SG 10.0-193 DD offshore wind turbine, which are almost the same length as one soccer field. We are however building the test stand to accommodate the blade sizes that we will see in the future.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Launch Wind industry Partners in Taiwan

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy held a launch ceremony with local government authorities and wind industry partners in Taiwan for what will be the company’s first offshore nacelle assembly facility outside of Europe. Construction is due to begin in 2020 at the site located in the port of Taichung. This represents an important milestone for the company in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region. Siemens Gamesa currently has offshore nacelle assembly and manufacturing facilities in Germany and Denmark. The parcel of land being developed in Taiwan measures over 30,000 square meters, and will be used for nacelle assembly, testing, warehousing, office buildings, and outdoor storage. Siemens Gamesa is also working closely with Taiwan International Ports Corporation to establish inbound and outbound logistics in newly-established quaysides nearby.

Construction is planned to begin in 2020, and production in 2021. The facility will then support Orsted’s 900 MW Greater Changhua 1 & 2a project, for which the SG 8.0-167 DD turbine will be used. In later years, it will provide an option for the supply of nacelles to other regional projects.

Mr Andreas Nauen CEO of the Offshore Business Unit in SGRE said that “Our strategic investment in Taichung harbor with this nacelle assembly facility continues as previously communicated. Doing so ahead of the local content requirement timeframe demonstrates our confidence in the long-term potential of offshore wind power for Taiwan and other APAC markets. The strong foothold we are building here will enable us to better meet our customers’ needs in this market and in other parts of the region.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Announced 1,000th Steam Turbine Completion Milestone from Vadodara Factory

Siemens Limited announced a key milestone for its steam turbine factory in Vadodara with the roll-out of the 1,000th steam turbine from the factory. The 1,000th turbine is a 29 MW waste heat recovery steam turbine for JK Cement, the second largest manufacturer of white cement in India. Waste heat recovery is an economic method to increase the overall efficiency of the plant and, thus, lower fuel demand. The Siemens Steam Turbine factory in Vadodara manufactures steam turbines of up to 200 MW for the domestic and overseas markets. The factory, with its world-class facilities, has been operational since 2004 and is an established Center of Competence for steam turbines from 2 to 100 MW used in industrial applications. Spread over an area of 6,500 square meters, the factory manufactures single-stage and multi-stage steam turbines for industrial applications in addition to providing after sales and repair services.

Mr Gerd Deusser Head Gas and Power, Siemens Ltd, said that “Siemens has maintained its strong market position in the power generation sector in India with a significant installed generating capacity operating on Siemens turbines. The latest milestone further solidifies Siemens’ standing in the industrial applications space. Siemens has a wide portfolio across the energy value chain to meet customer requirements.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Confirmed Member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices in 2019

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy keeps constituent member, again this year, of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indices (DJSI World), which tracks the economic, social and environmental performance of leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide. This is the tenth occasion the company has been selected for this index and the fourth year in a row. Additionally it was included in the European index (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Europe, DJSI Europe).

Siemens Gamesa is the only Spanish company included within the machinery and electrical equipment category (IEQ), which comprises a total of 115 companies from all over the world.

Moreover, Siemens Gamesa scored particularly well in the areas of Codes of business conduct, Product stewardship, Innovation management, Strategy for emerging markets and Supply chain management. These results definitely place Siemens Gamesa as a reputed global sustainability leader in the eyes of stakeholders, financial analysts and the public at large.

Following this last rebalancing exercise corresponding to 2019, the DJSI World is made up of 318 companies and DJSI Europe of 142 components. Created in 1999, the index selects and tracks the performance of world-leading companies in the sustainability field. Managed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM, in 2018 the invited universe consisted of the 2,500 largest-cap companies comprising the S&P Global BMI (broad market index); ultimately a little over 10% of the assessed universe with the most sustainable economic, social and environmental policies and initiatives was selected. The index in turn allows investors to invest in superior business models that are likely to remain attractive for the long haul. On the other hand, this process offers to companies’ insights highlighting opportunities and risks deriving from economic, environmental and social trends and developments that may have an impact on their competitive position.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Siemens Gamesa Continues to its Commitment to Sustainable Development

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy continues to pass milestones in its commitment to sustainable development, having raised to EUR 1.25 billion the amount of guarantees that qualify as green as they contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In a deal arranged with BNP Paribas, the company converted a EUR 240 million guarantee line into a green line and signed an additional line for EUR 110 million. That EUR 350 million is in addition to the €900 million in guarantees arranged with other banks.

Siemens Gamesa will use this line to fund its business of manufacturing and selling onshore and offshore wind turbines worldwide, with a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals relating to "Affordable and clean energy" and "Climate action".

David Mesonero, CFO of Siemens Gamesa said that "This deal is a further step in our commitment to being one of the main drivers of sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals reflect a new understanding that global development must integrate economic growth, social well-being and environmental protection. At Siemens Gamesa we are focused on driving this global process and contributing to attaining those goals. In fact, our wind turbines produce clean energy for millions of homes and contribute to combating climate change, one of the main challenges that we face at present.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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