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Siemens to modernize main drives of Aperam's HR mill in Belgium

Siemens has won an order to replace the existing DC main drives of the finishing mill at Aperam's stainless steel plant in Chatelet in Belgium with more powerful AC systems.

This project is part of comprehensive modernization plans within Aperam's Leadership Journey to reduce costs and improve profitability. The drives will be modernized in seven stages during scheduled annual maintenance stoppages, completion is expected by the end of 2019. The first conversion work is planned for mid 2013.

A total of seven stands are to be modernized at the finishing mill of Aperam's hot rolling mill. Siemens will supply the motors, converters and transformers for this and will handle installation supervision, commissioning and training. All seven stands of the finishing mill in Chatelet will be equipped with identical compact twelve-megawatt machines which will be used for the first time. Adapting the existing structural environment presents an exceptional challenge, especially with regard to the existing different motor foundations.

The modernization project will be carried out jointly by the Siemens Competence Center for electrical and automation engineering in the steel industry in Erlangen in Germany and by Siemens Belgium.

Aperam has six production sites in Europe and Brazil with an annual capacity of 2.5 million tonnes of flat stainless steel products for a wide range of applications. The company is quoted on the stock markets of Amsterdam, Paris and Luxembourg. Its main European stainless steel plants are located in Chatelet and Genk, Belgium, and Gueugnon and Isbergues in France.

Source - Siemens
World Record - Siemens furnace switchgear achieves rated currents of 4500 amperes

Simetal Sivac-X 4K supplies electric arc furnaces with power up to 300 MVA The Simetal Sivac-X 4K furnace switchgear from Siemens has reliably switched a rated current of more than 4,500 amperes with a single circuit breaker in the test laboratory during the course of a successful type test according to IEC 62271.

This is significantly more than conventional furnace switchgears achieve.

The switchgear has a rated voltage of 40.5 kilovolts, and can supply electric arc furnaces with power up to 300 MVA. The lightning impulse voltage is 200 kilovolts, which also makes the switchgear suitable for the North American market. The switchgear has achieved the fault arc qualification of IAC A FLR of 40 kA/1 s, thus also meeting the highest demands for personnel safety. The core component is the 3AH4 medium-voltage circuit breaker, which has a life cycle of up to 120,000 switching cycles. The type test according to IEC 62271-200 was performed by the CESI group in Mannheim and Berlin.

The Simetal Sivac-X 4K switchgear is designed to meet the extreme requirements of high-power electric arc furnaces, and ensures a reliable power supply as well as safe plant operation. Long maintenance intervals of up to 10,000 switching cycles increase availability and reduce operating costs. The 3AH4 range of frequency circuit breakers are designed for use under extreme environmental conditions. These include high temperatures, high air pollution, unstable operating currents, frequent short-circuit releases, and operating cycles with more than 100 switching cycles per day. For this reason, the circuit breakers have a rugged, insulated support design, and are equipped with freely accessible vacuum interrupters. This enables the interrupters to be replaced easily at the end of their service life of about 30,000 switching cycles.

The circuit breaker is specifically designed so that air can flow freely along the heatsinks. This enables the switching device to operate at up to 4,500 amperes in an ambient temperature of up to +40°C without forced cooling. The drive for the 3AH4 circuit breaker range is designed for up to 120,000 switching cycles over its entire life cycle.

About 400 furnace switchgear systems of the Simetal Sivac-X range are in use worldwide.

Source - Siemens
Siemens offers solutions in oil and gas at POGEE

The News reported that Siemens oil and gas stall at POGEE, the international oil and gas exhibition at the Expo Centre drew a lot of attention from the visitors that included customers, policymakers, media and oil and gas entrepreneurs from across the country and 20 other countries participating in the event.

The Siemens stall offers end to end solutions in oil and gas and also in other sectors of energy, as well as information on healthcare solutions available with the company. Customers demonstrated keen interest in the power generation solutions including oil and gas and alternative energy solutions such as solar, wind and biomass. Some players in the field also approached Siemens officials at the stall for joint ventures.

Dr Farooq Sattar chief guest and federal Minister for Overseas Pakistanis visited the Siemens stall and inquired about innovations. Mr Tahir Alyana VP of oil and gas for Siemens Pakistan and Mr Ziaul Islam Zuberi head of communication and government affairs Siemens Pakistan received the chief guest on his arrival at the stall.

It said that this year a record number of 200 companies have participated in POGEE that included names such as Siemens, GE, Eland Cables, Agility, MAPNA and Gulf Oil and Gas as well as a large number of Chinese companies.

Source - Thenews.com.pk
Katar stockt milliardenschweren Anteil an Siemens auf

Von Ursula Quass und Alex Delmar-Morgan DOW JONES NEWSWIRES DOHA (Dow Jones)--Katar setzt seine Einkaufstour bei führenden europäischen Unternehmen fort. Jüngste Trophäe im Einkaufskorb der Araber ist der Münchener Technologiekonzern Siemens, bei dem der Golfstaat Anfang Mai die meldepflichtige 3-Prozent-Marke überschritt. Mit dem Paket, das an der Börse derzeit einen Wert von rund 1,85 Milliarden Euro besitzt, gewinnt der Wüstenstaat zwar keinen maßgeblichen Einfluss bei Siemens, sichert sich aber seine strategischen Interessen an einem Unternehmen ab, das mit dem Wüstenstaat zahlreiche Energie- und Infrastrukturprojekte abgeschlossen hat.

Laut einer Pflichtmitteilung besitzt Katar seit Montag vergangener Woche 3,04 Prozent an dem DAX-Konzern. Zuvor hatten die Araber bereits 2,5 Prozent und weitere Optionen besessen, wie ein Siemens-Sprecher sagte. "Wir nehmen das zur Kenntnis", fügte er hinzu. Ob Katar weitere Anteile erwerben wolle, sei nicht bekannt. "Aber wir freuen uns natürlich, wenn Investoren am nachhaltigen Erfolg des Unternehmens teilhaben wollen."

Das Interesse Katars an Siemens kommt dabei nicht von ungefähr. Eine mit der Sache vertraute Person sagte Dow Jones, Katar habe schon lange versucht, ein großes Stück an Siemens zu erwerben. Der DAX-Konzern hat in den vergangenen Jahren millionenschwere Verträge mit den Katarern für Energie- und Infrastrukturprojekte abgeschlossen. Der nun aufgestockte Anteil sei daher mehr als strategische Beteiligung zu sehen, sagte die Quelle. "Die enge Beziehung zwischen Katar und Siemens ist kein Geheimnis."

Dennoch glauben Analysten nicht daran, dass die Araber demnächst im großem Stil bei dem Technologiekonzern einsteigen werden. Oliver Drebing von Alsterresearch rechnet nicht damit, dass Katar seinen Anteil an Siemens groß ausbauen wird. Vielmehr gehe es dem Golfstaat in erster Linie um eine Diversifikation seines Vermögens. Dass Katar in Siemens investiere, sei für Siemens ein Vertrauensbeweis, "aber kein großes Ereignis".

Dennoch sei Siemens mehr als nur ein reines Finanzinvestment, sagte Commerzbank-Analyst Ingo-Martin Schachel. "Ein Investment in Siemens passt. Das Unternehmen hat eine ganz gute Marktrepräsentanz dort." Das Interesse sei dabei durchaus beiderseits: Die Beteiligung der Katarer könne für Siemens bei Geschäften in der Region "leicht positiv sein".

Der Anteilserwerb an Siemens ist Teil einer Strategie Katars. Mithilfe seines Staatsfonds, der ein Gesamtvermögen von mehr als 100 Milliarden US-Dollar kontrolliert, hatte der Golfstaat in den vergangenen Monaten seine Investitionen in erstrangige europäische Großunternehmen vorangetrieben. Seinen enormen Reichtum, den das Land vor allem den reichen Gasvorkommen verdankt, nutzte das Land in den vergangenen Jahren, um eine ganze Reihe von Minderheitenanteilen an Firmen wie Total, Shell oder eben Siemens zu erwerben.

Der Staatsfonds der Katarer war dabei so aktiv wie kaum ein anderer Akteur und nutzte die Finanzkrise geschickt, um auf Schnäppchenjagd zu gehen. So hält der Staatsfonds auch Anteile an Credit Suisse und Barclays. Zu den prestigeträchtigen Trophäen zählt auch das Luxus-Kaufhaus Harrods in London.

Katar hat neben europäischen auch bei deutschen Firmen zugeschlagen. Ende 2010 hatten die Araber 9,1 Prozent am Baukonzern Hochtief erworben. Ein Jahr zuvor hatten sie für 10 Milliarden Dollar 17 Prozent der Stimmrechtsanteile von Volkswagen und 10 Prozent der Stimmrechtsanteile an Porsche erworben.

-Von Ursula Quass und Alex Delmar-Morgan, Dow Jones Newswires; +49(0)69 29725 100; ursula.quass@dowjones.com, alex.delmar-morgan@dowjones.com DJG/DJN/uqu/kgb/sha (END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 16, 2012 08:31 ET (12:31 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.- - 08 31 AM EDT 05-16-12
Qatar amasses USD 4 billion stake in Siemens

Reuters reported that Qatar has accumulated a small stake in Siemens, Germany's most valuable company worth roughly EUR 2.4 billion adding to the natural gas rich country's portfolio of minority investments around the world.

The German industrial group said that a subsidiary of the state owned Doha Insurance Company had exceeded the 3% threshold in voting shares on May 7th 2012 which triggered the mandatory disclosure.

The Gulf nation's immense supply of natural gas has made it so rich, that it has been snapping up assets at a breakneck pace as it struggles to find enough attractive investment opportunities to keep up with its constantly growing cash pile.

As a result, Qatar has been the most active of the Gulf region's sovereign investors in recent years, buying stakes in companies including Credit Suisse, Barclays, Agricultural Bank of China, Santander Brasil as well as London's famed Harrods department store.

Alone in Germany it controls 17% voting stake in Volkswagen and one tenth of the unlisted common shares in automotive holding Porsche SE. The state also owns a holding in construction group Hochtief.

Last week, sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority bought a stake in Royal Dutch Shell and earlier reports said that it was looking at 3% to 5% stake.

Source - Reuters
Siemens surpassed its sustainability targets in fiscal 2011

Announced in the company's Sustainability Report 2011, this achievement included a reduction in Siemens' carbon dioxide emissions of 22% on a revenue adjusted basis, compared to fiscal 2006. The target for emissions reduction was 20%. Compared to fiscal 2006, Siemens also cut its water consumption 33% on a revenue-adjusted basis considerably surpassing its 20% target. Ms Barbara Kux, Siemens Managing Board member and Chief Sustainability Officer said that "Sustainability is our guiding principle and creates major business opportunities for our company. We've made significant progress in this respect with regard to both our internal and our external targets."

Sustainability is a key driver of Siemens' business. In fiscal 2011, Siemens generated revenue of EUR 30 billion with its Environmental Portfolio an amount equal to around 40 percent of the company's total sales and a nine percent increase over fiscal 2010. Siemens is now one of the world's largest suppliers of ecofriendly technology. By the end of fiscal 2014, the company intends to increase revenue from the products and solutions in its Environmental Portfolio to at least €40 billion also driven by new, innovative products and achieving above-average growth in the area of renewable energies, for example.

Siemens also clearly surpassed its target for reducing customers' carbon emissions. The company originally planned to cut annual CO2 emissions at its customers by roughly 300 million tons by the end of fiscal 2011. The actual reduction totaled about 320 million tons an amount equal to the total annual CO2 emissions of Berlin, Delhi, Hong Kong, Istanbul, London, New York, Singapore and Tokyo combined.

Ms Barbara Kux said that "We owe these successes to the outstanding commitment of our employees and partners. As the impressive assessments of external observers also attest, we're on the right track.”

In fiscal 2011, Siemens further improved on its performance of the previous year to again capture the No. 1 spot in the Diversified Industrials category of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. The company also won the 2011 German Sustainability Award for its sustainability strategy.

Source - Siemens
Siemens to supply its first Chilean wind project

Siemens Energy has received an order for 50 wind turbines for the El Arrayan wind power plant in Chile. This is the German turbine manufacturer's first wind project in Chile.

Siemens officials said that this 115 MW wind project will be developed as a joint venture between Pattern Energy and AEI. The El Arrayan Wind Farm is located on the coast, about 400 kilometers north of Santiago. When completed, it will be the largest wind project in Chile.

Siemens will deliver, install and commission the 2.3 MW turbines. Installation has been scheduled to begin about a year from now, with start up expected in early 2014.

Source - Breakbulk Staff
Siemens to modernize main drives in two hot rolling mills of ArcelorMittal in Europe

Siemens has won an order to replace existing DC main drives in finishing mills with more powerful AC systems in the ArcelorMittal plants in Dunkirk, France, and Ghent, Belgium.

The two projects are part of comprehensive modernization plans for boosting productivity and reducing costs, within the scope of which the two hot rolling mills are also to be modernized for the processing of steel grades that demand more sophisticated production technology.

The drives will be modernized in several stages during scheduled annual maintenance stoppages, and completion is expected by the end of 2016. The first conversion work is planned for late 2012 and subsequently on a yearly base.

In the finishing mills of the two hot rolling mills of ArcelorMittal, a total of 13 stands are to be modernized. Siemens will supply the motors, converters and transformers for this, and will handle installation supervision, commissioning and customer training. To achieve maximum possible standardization, the same Sinamics SM150-based converter technology will be used in both plants. In Dunkirk, each stand has three DC machines in series. Adapting the existing structural environment presents a special challenge. Siemens had to design a single AC motor with a higher total power but outer dimensions which makes the motor fit on the same foundation as a single DC machine. The solution is twelve-megawatt compact machines, which will be used for the first time.

The finishing line in Ghent has a 14-megawatt pedestal bearing machine to meet higher requirements regarding achievable rolling torques. The modernization projects will be carried out jointly by the Siemens Competence Center for electrical and automation engineering in the steel industry in Erlangen, and Siemens Belgium.

The integrated production complexes of ArcelorMittal Atlantique in Dunkirk, and ArcelorMittal in Ghent, belong to the Flat Carbon Europe Division. The Dunkirk site has an annual capacity of 4.7 million tons of hot strip.

Siemens will modernize the drives of seven finishing stands here in a total of four steps. Initial work on one of the mill stands is planned for December 2012. ArcelorMittal Ghent has a wide hot-strip mill and produces around five million tons of flat steel a year for applications in the automobile industry and domestic appliance industries, for example. In Ghent, a total of six finishing stands will be modernized in three stages, the first in December 2012 within just twelve days shut down time.

Source - Siemens
Siemens to modernize pickling line tandem cold mill at voestalpine Stahl

voestalpine Stahl GmbH, a company of the listed voestalpine Group, has placed an order with Siemens to modernize the coupled tandem pickling line No 1 at its Linz plant in Austria.

The flat tank pickling process will be renewed, new mechanical components will be installed in some plant sections and the electrical, automation and safety technology will be updated according to the state of the art. This is intended to further improve the pickling process and also to boost operating reliability. The order volume is in the two digit euro millions range. The project will be completed in September 2014.

The coupled tandem pickling line at voestalpine Stahl GmbH in Linz is designed for strip widths of up to 1,640 millimeters and thicknesses from 0.3 to 3 millimeters, and has an annual production capacity of 2.3 million tons of cold strip. It consists of a hydrochloric acid flat tank turbulence pickling system and a five stand tandem mill. The pickling line and tandem cold mill were already coupled and modernized in the mid 1990s with the contribution of Siemens VAI.

Within the scope of the current modernization project, the entry and coupling area will be provided with new bridle units to adjust the optimum strip tension. In the flat tank pickling line, the pickling tanks 3 and 4 will be replaced and completely new piping for pickling acid feeding and discharge will be installed. To improve monitoring of process parameters, the instrumentation will also be renewed. Moreover, there will be a new pickling model for the pickling process and some still existing DC drives will be replaced with Sinamics S120 three phase drive systems. The pickling process will be equipped with modern fluids technology, including low pressure mill stand valve stands and valve stands for the pickling exit.

In the tandem mill, at the stands 4 and 5 the existing DC drives will be replaced with Sinamics SL synchronous drives, the main drive clutches will be replaced and the intermediate stand areas will be modernized. The existing three phase supplies of the regulated auxiliary drives will be replaced with new Sinamics S120 units.

Siemens is also renewing the complete basic and process automation including the tandem pickling line's process models. To facilitate system diagnostics and to simplify operation, the visualization system will be updated and all main and local control desks will be replaced.

Siemens is also responsible for the installation and commissioning of the modernization, and the necessary conversions will be implemented during four scheduled plant shutdown periods.

Source - Siemens

Siemens to supply compact vacuum degassing plant to Jailaxmi Casting

Jailaxmi Casting & Alloys Pvt Ltd an Indian steelmaker, has awarded Siemens VAI Metals Technologies, India an order to supply a 35 tonne vacuum degassing plant to its production plant in Aurangabad.

The new degassing plant will be able to process around 110,000 tonnes of liquid steel per annum.

This is the first order for a Siemens degassing plant since the recent development of a compact plant design. The new plant is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of 2012.

Jailaxmi Casting and Alloys runs a mini mill melt shop in Aurangabad, Maharashtra State, India. The company has been producing special and alloy billets and bars since 2005 for the automotive industry and the regional construction industry. With the new vacuum degassing plant, Jailaxmi Casting and Alloys will further improve the quality of its crude steel in order to continue to reliably fulfill its customers' continually rising quality requirements.

Siemens will design and supply the entire mechanical and electrical equipment for the vacuum degassing plant. This includes the vacuum tank, the cover structure, including a simplified lifting device for the shop crane, the gas cooler and the vacuum filter. The plant will be driven by a mechanical vacuum pump.

An extremely short project run time of just seven months has been calculated. This has been made possible by a compact plant design. For example, the cover of the vacuum tank has been designed so that it can be moved by the shop crane. This eliminates the need for special lifting devices, transport carriages, and secondary plant equipment such as a hydraulic system and electrical drive systems. The elimination of these systems saves not only on investment and maintenance expenditure, but also reduces the overall weight of the degassing plant.

Source - Siemens
Siemens provides new tool for automated quality control during continuous casting

Siemens is providing operators of continuous casting plants with a new tool for automated quality control the Simetal Quality Expert. The expert system compares quality elated process parameters with the actual values in production and such analyzes the quality of the products. It supports the plant operator with online alarm signals and a quality forecast.

With the Quality Expert implemented, inspection and post processing of the products become obsolete to a great extent. Material losses and handling activities are significantly reduced and at the same time form the basis for consistently higher product quality. This in turn lowers production costs. Because all relevant product and process data are automatically entered, evaluated and stored, the system also provides a basis for certification, for example according to the ISO 9001 standards.

Quality Expert is a completely new development and replaces the VAI Q quality assurance system that has been installed in more than 200 plant systems. The new system was developed with the objective in mind of providing the plant operator with the most flexible tool for consistent and dynamic provision of all relevant data. The system can be quickly and simply adapted to changing production conditions. This is supported by a sophisticated data tracking system and a rule editor that is configurable according to user requirements. The quality forecast is made by means of configurable rules or optional self learning algorithms. Because the quality forecast data of the Quality Expert are immediately available following production, lower quality products can be removed directly from the process chain. Products meeting the quality standards, on the other hand, can be further processed.

Effective quality control and assurance are important competitive factors in the manufacturing of modern steel grades for sophisticated applications. Final customers expect from steel producers gap free documentation of quality related parameters and procedures that fully comply with certified standards. The implementation of specially designed and highly automated quality assurance systems is required in order to process and supply the large volumes of production and quality data.

The user interface of the Simetal Quality Expert can be integrated with the operating and monitoring system of other products in the Simetal series, including the CC Optimization process optimization package for casting plants, the Dynacs strand cooling system and the DynaGap soft reduction solution.

Source - Siemens
Tegenvallend KW3 voor Siemens, realisatie outlook lastig

MUNCHEN (Dow Jones)--Siemens AG (SIE.XE) heeft in het derde kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar 2011-12 grotendeels onder de verwachting van analisten gepresteerd. Ook meldt het Duitse industriele conglomeraat donderdag dat het lastig zal worden om de winstverwachting voor de rest van zijn boekjaar te realiseren.

"We zien een groeiende terughoudendheid bij onze klanten om te investeren en er is een sterkere economische tegenwind", licht chief executive Peter Loescher de kwartaalcijfers donderdag toe.

De nettowinst van Siemens kwam in het derde kwartaal uit op EUR832 miljoen, waar analisten een winst van EUR1,32 miljard hadden voorzien. De daling was met name te wijten aan een negatief effect van EUR443 miljoen gerelateerd aan de bedrijfstak Osram. Siemens meldt donderdag dat het streeft naar een beursgang van de lampendivisie.

Nieuwe orders daalden op kwartaalbasis met 23% naar EUR17,8 miljard. Vooral in de divisies Steden & Infrastructuur en Energie was er sprake van een merkbare afname. De orders in die divisies daalden met respectievelijk 45% en 28%. De daling was het meest merkbaar in Europa en het Amerikaans continent, aldus Siemens.

Analisten hadden voor het kwartaal EUR19,86 miljard aan nieuwe orders verwacht. Op jaarbasis kwam de opbrengst uit het aantal orders wel hoger uit dankzij een grote opdracht van Deutsche Bahn.

De omzet steeg op jaarbasis met 10% naar EUR19,5 miljard, meer dan de EUR18,95 miljard die analisten hadden voorzien. De omzetstijging was te danken aan gunstige valuta-effecten en een sterke vraag in Azie en het Amerikaans continent.

Siemens verwacht voor de rest van zijn boekjaar, dat 30 september eindigt, een book to bill ratio van 1, waar het eerder nog een hogere ratio voorzag. Tevens verwacht het concern dat het lastig wordt om de doelstelling van een winst uit voortgezette activiteiten van tussen EUR5,2 miljard en EUR5,4 miljard te halen.

Het aandeel sloot woensdag 0,5% hoger.

Door Friedrich Geiger; vertaald en bewerkt door Marleen Groen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 5715 200; marleen.groen@dowjones.com
Siemens chairman Mr Cromme considering resignation - Report

Bloomberg, citing unidentified members of the board in a preview, reported that Mr Gerhard Cromme supervisory board chairman of Siemens is considering resigning his position.

The board is discussing several possibilities.

Mr Cromme may take over as head of the Krupp Foundation, replacing Mr Berthold Beitz.

Source - Bloomberg

Siemens to supply three H class single shaft units for POSCO project

South Korea's POSCO Energy has awarded Siemens an order worth EUR 400 million to supply three H class single shaft units for the 420 MW POSCO plant project.

For Siemens this is the fourth order from a South Korean buyer of H class technology within 18 months, following orders for the Bugok III, Ansan and Andong combined cycle power plants.

Siemens Energy said that in total, seven of these high performance turbines were sold to South Korea.

The new POSCO Power units will be built on an existing site in the Metropolitan City of Incheon approximately 30 kilometers west of Seoul. The gas fired plant will have an installed capacity over 420 MW each and will reach a gross efficiency of over 61%. Start of commercial operation is scheduled for summer 2014.

Under the contract with POSCO Energy, Siemens will deliver three SGT6-8000H gas turbines, three SST6-5000 steam turbines, three hydrogen cooled SGen6-2000H generators, the SPPA-T3000 instrumentation and control system for the power plant, parts of the BoP equipment, as well as the basic design. Siemens is responsible for installation and commissioning of the plant.

The plant will have a single-shaft design. A synchronous self shifting clutch is installed between the generator and the steam turbine, including three integrated Benson Heat Recovery Steam Generators. A long term service contract has been signed to ensure reliable and economic operation of the three units.

Mr Jin Won Park VP of Construction Division of POSCO Energy said that "We opted for the Siemens H class technology particularly because it is associated with very high efficiency and short start-up times together with a high level of operational flexibility and availability."

The three H class single shaft power units are designed for 250 starts per year and will need only 30 minutes from a hot start to full load.

Mr Park added that "Due to the very limited space at our site we are pleased that Siemens found the right solution to integrate and optimize the new units according to our needs."

As an answer to space limitations, Siemens designed the new plant in such a way that the three units will be erected in one building.

Mr Lothar Balling head of Gas Turbine Power Plant Solutions in the Fossil Power Generation Division of Siemens Energy said the new project continues builds on the company's relationship with POSCO Energy which started with the POSCO Unit 1 project back in the 1990s.

Source - Gas to Power Journal

Siemens to supply billet caster to Armenian steel mill

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies has received an order from ASCE Group OJSC to deliver a continuous billet casting plant for its Charentsavan location.

Thus, the Armenian steel producer is the first company to operate a compact and cost efficient continuous billet casting plant for carbon steels that complies with the new plant design presented by Siemens in 2011.

The two strand casting plant is designed for production of 200,000 tonnes of billets per year.

Commissioning of the plant is planned for mid 2013.

ASCE Group OJSC is the market leader in scrap recycling in Armenia and operates an arc furnace based compact steel plan in Charentsavan.

At the end of 2011 the company had already ordered a bar rolling mill from Siemens, which is also to commence production in mid 2013.

The rolling mill receives its material from the new continuous billet casting plant. It features a machine radius of six meters and will produce 200,000 tonnes of billets annually with a square cross-section of 120x120 millimeters. Both quality steel and low and medium carbon steel can be cast. The scope of delivery also includes the basic automation (level 1) and also the operator control and monitoring system.

The continuous billet casting plant was conceived in accordance with the new plant design presented by Siemens in 2011. Each line has a casting capacity of 100,000 tons annually. The individual lines can be operated independently of one another. Thus, the plant's capacity can always be utilized optimally depending on the available quantity of liquid steel.

Source - Siemens


Gaat dus voor ruim 3 miljard eigen aandelen inkopen! Prima intitiatief bij een belabberd beurssentiment. Op artikel rust copyright, dus zelf even aanklikken. Koers plus 4,5 procent! Dat is alvast mooi meegenomen.
Siemens to supply a combined pickling line and tandem cold-rolling mill to VAMA in China

Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co Ltd ordered a combined pickling line and tandem cold rolling mill from Siemens VAI Metals Technologies. The line is part of a new cold-rolling complex being erected at Loudi in the Chinese province of Hunan.

After the first stage of construction, the line will produce 1.5 million tonnes of cold rolled strip per year, primarily for the automotive industry.

Start up of the new pickling line and tandem cold-rolling mill is scheduled for mid 2014.

Siemens is engineering and supplying the entire mechanical and electrical equipment, including auxiliary equipment such as the hydraulic, pneumatic and safety systems, for the combined pickling line and tandem cold rolling mill of VAMA in Loudi. The cold-rolling and pickling line are being equipped with a common and consistent automation system consisting of basic and process automation and special process models. This will allow achievement of a high degree of availability and yield while maintaining the same level of product quality. All installed systems and components are part of the Siroll CM system developed specially for cold-rolling mills. Siemens is also responsible for monitoring the installation and startup activities of the pickling line tandem cold mill.

The tandem mill consists of four six high rolling stands with an installed power rating of 7,000 kW per stand. The maximum roll force is 35,000 kN, making it possible to roll especially high strength steels within narrow tolerances. SmartCrown rolls, special actuators and control systems ensure high accuracy with the specified flatness of the final product. The strip entry thickness lies between 1.8 and 6.0 mm, and the final thickness ranges between 0.5 and 2.5 mm. Strip widths range between 900 and 1,890 mm. The maximum rolling speed reaches 1,400 m/min. A wide range of steels can be processed in the line, including mild, high-strength, low-alloyed, IF, DP, TRIP and bake-hardening (BH) grades. Even high-strength steels with tensile strengths of up to 1,200 N/mm² can be processed in the line.

Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive C, Ltd was founded in September of 2010 and is a joint venture company of ArcelorMittal and the Chinese Valin Iron & Steel Group Co Ltd and Hunan Valin Iron & Steel Co Ltd. The production plant in Loudi will supply high-quality sheets to the Chinese automotive industry. In its initial construction stage, the new cold-rolling mill is designed for an annual production capacity of 1.5 million tons of steel strip and can be expanded to produce an annual volume of two million tons.

Source - Siemens
Koers nu 72,70 Euro ofwel PLUS 6,35 procent.

D'r zullen wat shorters in Duitse aandelen, in de DAX en in Siemens het verdomd benauwd gekregen hebben.

Prima zo! De investeerder heeft genoeg geduld mogen beoefenen. Nu mogen die shorters eens flink knijpen. Zie overigens ook heel wat andere DAX-aandelen, maar Siemens springt eruit. Het werd tijd!

Siemens gaat de obligatiehouders de aandeelhouders laten plezieren.De wereld op zijn kop in beleggersland.Wat een zottekesspel.
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ASMI +2,78%
ASML +2,10%
Aegon +1,82%
BESI +1,78%


Avantium -6,17%
Pharming -4,41%
ForFarmers -3,21%
Heineken -2,55%
Alfen N.V. -2,20%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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