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Even wat over Merrimack en over de ontwikkelingen rond MM-093.
Ik heb n.a.v. een paar zorgelijke berichten hier wat desk research gedaan en op het gevaar af hier al mogelijk besproken info te plaatsen,dit:

- Merrimack haalde in juni 2008 $60 miljoen op en verwacht nog dit jaar de resultaten van de fase 2 RA-studie te publiceren.

Zestig miljoen is niet slecht voor een relatief klein bedrijf en vormt een mogelijke weerspiegeling van het vertrouwen van de investeerders in de te publiceren resultaten.

"CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 10, 2008 – Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of novel treatments for autoimmune disease and cancer, today announced that it has raised $60 million in a Series F private equity financing.
Existing and new investors participated in the financing including Credit Suisse First Boston Next Fund, Inc.,Crocker Ventures, HNI Holdings, Limited, funds advised by Noonday Asset Management, L.P., TPG-Axon Capital, and WT Investment Advisors Fund LP.
Proceeds from the financing will be used to advance Merrimack’s proprietary pipeline of biologic therapies targeting autoimmune disease and cancer. The Company’s lead product, MM-093, is currently in a Phase 2 study in rheumatoid arthritis and a pilot study in patients with autoimmune uveitis. Results from the two
studies are expected later this year."

- De fase 2 studie betreffende MM-093 voor patienten met reumatoide arthritis is volgens inderdaad afgerond.

Op naar fase 3 !

beur schreef:

.................Op naar fase 3 !
Ik roep het al jaren aan 1 stuk dat ik niets van de koers verwacht hier, al vanaf 2$ en het klopt aardig tot nu toe, ik werd steeds voor gek uitgemaakt door een aantal hier maar goed. jullie zijn echt veel te verlieft op dit aandeel wat zeer gevaarlijk is blijkt nu het gaat steeds lager en lager.Dit soort aandeeltjes komt niets van terecht...zie CRTX die met TWEE goedgekeurde produkten van 4,5$ naar 0,12 is gezakt >>>> sluipende dag na dag jaar na jaar net zoals gtcb <<<< Is laatst voor een habbekrats opgekocht en zo zal het hier ook gaan, dus staar je nu maar weer niet te veel blind op dat fase3 aub.

Durver72* schreef:


.................Op naar fase 3 !
[/quote]Ik roep het al jaren aan 1 stuk dat ik niets van de koers verwacht hier, al vanaf 2$ en het klopt aardig tot nu toe, ik werd steeds voor gek uitgemaakt door een aantal hier maar goed. jullie zijn echt veel te verlieft op dit aandeel wat zeer gevaarlijk is blijkt nu het gaat steeds lager en lager.Dit soort aandeeltjes komt niets van terecht...zie CRTX die met TWEE goedgekeurde produkten van 4,5$ naar 0,12 is gezakt >>>> sluipende dag na dag jaar na jaar net zoals gtcb <<<< Is laatst voor een habbekrats opgekocht en zo zal het hier ook gaan, dus staar je nu maar weer niet te veel blind op dat fase3 aub.
Ten eerste heb ik als vaste poster sinds 2002 geen idee wie jij bent en is ontgaat het me dus volkomen dat jij dit al jaren roept.
Ten tweede is, afgaande op de inhoud en teneur van jouw bijdrage, een serieuze reactie al te veel eer.
En als ik toch bezig ben: een leuk artikeltje over de verschillen tussen humaan AT op basis van plasma en rhAT.

Plasma & Recombinant Human Antihrombin -- Detailed Discussion
Manufacturing Process of rhAT and hpAT
Commercially available human plasma-derived AT (hpAT) concentrates are isolated and purified from the plasma of thousands of human blood donors. The manufacturing processes for all hpAT concentrates differ in their details depending on the manufacturer. Each of the processes also includes at least one viral inactivation step (usually heat treatment) and in some cases a nanofiltration step has been incorporated to provide an additional level of viral safety. Viral validation studies for the hpAT manufacturing processes have demonstrated a
³ 2 to ³ 14 log10 reduction of a variety of viruses [2-6].

RhAT is isolated from the milk of the transgenic goats and conventionally purified using tangential flow filtration, heparin affinity chromatography, nanofiltration, anion exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography [7]. The production goat herd for recombinant AT is highly controlled. A high level of donor control and testing is a key parameter in the viral safety strategy for rhAT. In addition to the high level of donor control and goat testing, the rhAT-containing milk must test negative for viruses when assessed in vitro on four cell cultures (human MRC-5, monkey Vero, BHK-21, and goat turbinate) to screen for adventitious viruses. The manufacturing process for rhAT has also been validated for its viral removal capacity. The rhAT viral validation studies demonstrated that a significant virus reduction of greater than or equal to 8.5 to greater than or equal to 25.3 log10 was accomplished across the distinctly different modes of the rhAT process [8].

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), such as new-variant Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (nvCJD) in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and scrapie in sheep and goats, also must be considered in assuring the safety of products made from human or ruminant sources. Human donors are monitored for CJD and nvCJD and potentially contaminated blood, plasma pools, and products made from them have been recalled or traced when a contributing donor has been diagnosed with CJD. All GTC goats are certified free of scrapie in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Scrapie Flock Certification Program and various risk minimization measures have been instituted to reduce any potential risk from this TSE in this highly controlled closed donor goat population. In addition, the rhAT purification process has been validated for its ability to remove greater than or equal to 11.3 log10 scrapie [8].

Structural Characteristics of rhAT and hpAT
The amino acid sequence of rhAT purified from transgenic goat's milk is structurally indistinguishable from hpAT. Both rhAT and hpAT contain the same 4 N-linked glycosylation sites (Asn 96, 135, 155, 192). The monosaccharide composition of rhAT differs from that of hpAT [7]. The main glycosylation differences are the presence of fucose and GalNAc, a higher level of mannose, and a lower level of galactose and sialic acid in rhAT. There is also substitution of 40-50% of the N-acetyl neuraminic acid with N-glycolyl-neuraminic acid.

There are two forms of AT in human plasma having different heparin affinities, but the same molar inhibitor activity toward thrombin [9, 10]. Approximately 85-95% of circulating hpAT has glycosylation on 4 Asn residues. This fully glycosylated form is referred to as the alpha-form. The remainder (5-15%) of circulating hpAT, referred to as the beta-form, lacks glycosylation at Asn 135 and has a 3-10 fold higher heparin affinity than the alpha-form [10]. RhAT has a four-fold higher affinity for heparin as compared to hpAT, similar to that reported for the beta-form of hpAT [7].

Several laboratories have determined that differences in glycosylation of AT do not affect the intrinsic rate constant of the uncatalyzed or heparin catalyzed inhibition of thrombin, indicating that the carbohydrate chains solely affect heparin binding and not heparin activation or proteinase binding functions [11, 13]. Thus, glycosylation differences do not impact the major biological activity of AT which is thrombin inhibition, but do explain the differences in affinity for heparin and in pharmacokinetics. The specific activity of rhAT is identical to various hpAT preparations in in vitro thrombin and factor Xa inhibition assays in the presence of excess heparin (~6 IU/mg) [7, 14, 15]. A lower concentration of heparin was required for rhAT than for hpAT for inhibition of both enzymes, but similar to the beta form of hpAT. Thus, rhAT closely resembles hpAT with respect to its activity for both thrombin and factor Xa in the presence of saturating levels of heparin [7].

It is important to note that differences in glycosylation between hpAT and rhAT do not appear to elicit immune reactions, since none of the patients treated with rhAT during various clinical studies have developed an antibody response, suggesting that rhAT is immunologically tolerated [16-18].

ludwig mack

beur schreef:


.................Op naar fase 3 !
[/quote]Ik roep het al jaren aan 1 stuk dat ik niets van de koers verwacht hier, al vanaf 2$ en het klopt aardig tot nu toe, ik werd steeds voor gek uitgemaakt door een aantal hier maar goed. jullie zijn echt veel te verlieft op dit aandeel wat zeer gevaarlijk is blijkt nu het gaat steeds lager en lager.Dit soort aandeeltjes komt niets van terecht...zie CRTX die met TWEE goedgekeurde produkten van 4,5$ naar 0,12 is gezakt >>>> sluipende dag na dag jaar na jaar net zoals gtcb <<<< Is laatst voor een habbekrats opgekocht en zo zal het hier ook gaan, dus staar je nu maar weer niet te veel blind op dat fase3 aub.
Ten eerste heb ik als vaste poster sinds 2002 geen idee wie jij bent en is ontgaat het me dus volkomen dat jij dit al jaren roept.
Ten tweede is, afgaande op de inhoud en teneur van jouw bijdrage, een serieuze reactie al te veel eer.
iem die vandaag intreedt, zonder enige introductie n.b. .......

beur, ga er dan niet op in, laat hem ......

beur, dank voor je bijdrages!

ludwig mack
Laatste 0,1900 15:32 100
+/- 0,0100 5,56%
Slot 0,1800 13-11-08
Open 0,2000 15:30
Hoog 0,2000 15:30
Laag 0,1900 15:30
Volume 7.000

beur schreef:


.................Op naar fase 3 !
[/quote]Ik roep het al jaren aan 1 stuk dat ik niets van de koers verwacht hier, al vanaf 2$ en het klopt aardig tot nu toe, ik werd steeds voor gek uitgemaakt door een aantal hier maar goed. jullie zijn echt veel te verlieft op dit aandeel wat zeer gevaarlijk is blijkt nu het gaat steeds lager en lager.Dit soort aandeeltjes komt niets van terecht...zie CRTX die met TWEE goedgekeurde produkten van 4,5$ naar 0,12 is gezakt >>>> sluipende dag na dag jaar na jaar net zoals gtcb <<<< Is laatst voor een habbekrats opgekocht en zo zal het hier ook gaan, dus staar je nu maar weer niet te veel blind op dat fase3 aub.
Ten eerste heb ik als vaste poster sinds 2002 geen idee wie jij bent en is ontgaat het me dus volkomen dat jij dit al jaren roept.
Ten tweede is, afgaande op de inhoud en teneur van jouw bijdrage, een serieuze reactie al te veel eer.
ten derde: leer eerst eens fatsoenlijk Nederlands voordat je ons komt "waarschuwen" (echt onwijs nobel van je trouwens). Als je een stukje van vijf regels kan typen zonder daarin twee grote fouten ga ik je misschien serieus. Heeeeeeel misschien (maar reken er maar niet op).


Wanneer we onveranderd sluiten is, bij de relatieve hoge omzetten van de laatste 1 a 2 weken waarbij de koers elke dag een centje lager gezet werd, de 0,16 wellicht het dieptepunt gebleken.
maar goed dat je de omzet 'relatief hoog' noemt,
met een gemiddelde van 265k stuks,
wat een waarde heeft van ruw geschat 35.000 euro per dag wat van eigenaar wisselt vindt ik het erg weinig.
maar dat is van de ander kant gezien ook weer goed.
we kunnen verschrikkelijk hard omhoog bij goedkeuring 02-09.

Last Sale $ 0.1698
Change Net / % unch
Best Bid / Ask $ 0.165 / $ 0.17
1y Target Est: $ 0.50
Today's High / Low $ 0.17 / $ 0.16
Share Volume 248,572
50 Day Avg. Daily Volume 265,112
Previous Close $ 0.1699
52 Wk High / Low $ 1.19 / $ 0.161
Shares Outstanding 102,916,000
Market Value $ 17,475,136.80
P/E Ratio NE
Forward P/E (1yr) NE
Earnings Per Share $ -0.36
NASDAQ Official Open Price: $ 0.1608
Date of NASDAQ Official Open Price: Nov. 18, 2008
NASDAQ Official Close Price: $ 0.161
Date of NASDAQ Official Close Price: Nov. 17, 2008

Crisis In The Lab: Biotech Bankruptcies Are Looming

By Ed Silverman // November 21st, 2008 // 7:47 am

empty-pockets1The global economic crisis has cut funding for biotechs to the lowest level in a decade, triggering bankruptcies and threatening development of drugs based on biomedical breakthroughs, Bloomberg News writes.

In the past month, at least five biotechs filed for bankruptcy. Those at highest risk have experimental compounds moving into costly human research. The amount raised this year by biotechs fell by $9.7 billion through September, or 54 percent, compared with the same period in 2007, according to Burrill & Company, a life sciences investment bank. That may mean work on dozens of potential treatments will stall or die as workers are fired and early research projects are shelves, Bloomberg writes.

“I’m looking down the barrel of a gun,” says Tom Mathers, ceo at Peptimmune, a privately held, six-year-old biotech in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that is struggling to pay for clinical trials of a multiple sclerosis drug. He cut staff by more than half to 22 people, moved to smaller offices to conserve $6.5 million on hand and is delaying research on new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.

US biotechs are raising less cash than they have in a decade, according to Burrill. Financing fell to $8.2 billion through September, from $17.9 billion last year. Venture capital funding fell 16 percent, to $2.9 billion, Bloomberg writes.

“For the first time in the history of the biotech industry, you’re going to see unprecedented levels of bankruptcies and dissolutions,” David Strupp, managing director in the life sciences group at Canaccord Adams, a research and investment bank, tells Bloomberg. “This all will play out in the next six to nine months.”

Biotech bankruptcies have been rare because struggling companies often dodged trouble through mergers, licensing or development deals, or through investors willing to make cash infusions, he adds. Now, though, a large number are “not cycling out of this queue,” Strupp explains to Bloomberg. “Wall Street won’t finance them, and the pharmaceutical industry can’t buy all of them. They keep marching forward without the ability to get saved.”

Peptimmune’s most advanced drug, PI-2301, is a multiple sclerosis treatment designed to be taken weekly. It would compete with Teva Pharmaceutical’s daily treatment Copaxone, which generated $1.7 billion in sales last year. Peptimmune is counting on positive data from a study due in 2009 to show its drug is better than Copaxone. “If the multiple sclerosis program doesn’t do well, it will be very difficult for this company to raise money,” Mathers tells Bloomberg.

And Bloomberg makes an interesting point: Four of six MS treatments approved by the FDA were developed by biotechs.

Peptimmune, with no products on the market, has raised and spent about $85 million. Biotechs without products on the market, or those unable to access equity markets by selling shares, are the ones in most need of cash to fund clinical studies. Yet biotech initial public offerings have almost disappeared, with just one, for $5.8 million, so far in 2008. That’s down from 28 IPOs that raised $1.7 billion last year and from 66 in 2000 that garnered $6.5 billion, Bloomberg writes.

The most likely to seek bankruptcy are those with less than six months of cash on hand, just a few drugs in development and no definitive clinical data to attract a funding partner, Andrew Busser, principal at Symphony Capital, tells Bloomberg. Twenty-five percent of the 370 public US biotechs have less than six months of cash, according to data compiled by the BIO trade group.

A Darwinian pruning of the weakest is inevitable, and isn’t necessarily to be mourned, according to Peter Wysong, a health care investment banker for Natixis Bleichroeder. “Most people would probably say there have been too many biotechnology companies that have been like the walking dead,” he tells Bloomberg. “The deaths will be concentrated among companies that have little to offer.”

Earlier this month, MicroIslet, a San Diego developer of diabetes treatments, and Accentia Biopharmaceuticals, of Tampa, Florida, sought bankruptcy protection to reorganize, each citing an inability to raise money.

MicroIslet spent $50 million during the past decade developing an experimental treatment for Type 1 diabetes that would involve transplanting insulin-producing cells harvested from the pancreas of pigs into diabetics to allow them to forego insulin injections. The treatment, tested in animals but not in humans, came from technology developed at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

With the company $3 million in debt and needing millions more to begin clinical studies, private investors turned away, leaving MicroIslet without money for human tests, according to ceo Michael Andrews. “We’re at a stage that a lot of companies are in, where it’s time to raise money but there’s no clinical data and you’re not a brand new company coming out of academia,” he tells Bloomberg. “I suspect there will be a number of companies that will go down this path.”

In October, AtheroGenics, which was developing a diabetes drug, filed for bankruptcy after defaulting on $302 million in debt the previous month. Orchestra Therapeutics also filed last month. The long-struggling company was co-founded in 1986 by the late Jonas Salk, the polio-vaccine developer who sought to find a way to immunize patients against AIDS, Bloomberg points out.

Recently, Amylin Pharmaceuticals announced plans to cut 16 percent of its workforce, or about 340 employees, to try to save $80 million in 2009. And Cell Genesys halted work on a prostate cancer med after deaths were reported in a study, and will fire 230 workers, or 80 percent of its workers, by year-end, Bloomberg reminds us.

The lucky ones find buyers among bigger drugmakers to keep research programs alive. That’s what happened to Genelabs Technologies, which develops of hepatitis C treatments and last month agreed to be bought by Glaxo for $57 million. Genelabs’ market value had plunged to $10 million and its stock had lost 82 percent of its value this year before the deal was announced, Bloomberg notes.

“The sign over Wall Street for small biotechs is ‘closed for the season,’” Genelabs ceo Fred Driscoll tells Bloomberg.

Other biotech that are unable or unwilling to find a partner will go into “hibernation, just doing enough to keep the technology alive and waiting for a better day,” Glen Giovannetti, who heads Ernst & Young’s Biotechnology Center, tells Bloomberg.

Investors will likely return to biotech once the economy stabilizes because the industry still promises attractive returns, according to Brent Milner, managing director of health care investing at Stanford Financial Group, an investment bank. “Stock-picking will come back in vogue and people will ask, ‘Where are the 30 percent growers?” Milner tells Bloomberg. “When that happens, everyone will again look to biotech because everyone loves a lottery ticket. I think there is a long-term silver lining.”

Source: Bloomberg News

Grtz CV
ludwig mack
laatste zin: everyone loves a lottery ticket.........

capra, dank voor plaatsen.
zo word je bewust van de netelige toestand, als je dat al niet was.
He cut staff by more than half to 22 people, moved to smaller offices to conserve $6.5 million on hand and is delaying research on new drugs for Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.

Kijk daar kan Cox nog wat van leren,
cut staff by half en moved to smaller offices
de trekzak.
wordt het nu toch nog een aandeel van 1 cent?
het voordeel is wel dat ze hem dan niet nog meer omlaag kunnen manupuleren.

ludwig mack

sinterklaasismijngod schreef:

zitten er uberhaupt nog mensen in deze poep emmer?
daar zitten vaak de schatten, praat maar eens met een archeoloog, hahahaahah
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