welshterrier schreef:
factors for price drop today 6 minutes ago 1 mm's sweeping for stop losses (BIG TIME-FROM 4.54 TO 2.12 IN LESS THEN 3 MINUTES)
2 then af's article (which made it look more legit that he may be right)
3 newbies selling because they didn't understand what was happening(probably thinking there was fda news leak about rejection)
4 bashers adding to the drop by posting more of their bullsh*t and seeing what was happening .people might have been convinced they were right..so they sold.
5 it's friday..people wanna take their profit ,..sh*t it ran from $1.68 on friday to $4.54 today..a big run up on not much news. and considering it only dropped a buck..that's not to bad considering everything it got hit with today.