Goede post Antonius..
Dit zijn mooie dingen, ik citeer:
Actually Cedric, there's a link in the article that will take you to
where they did estimate the amount of sales.
At the time they made the estimate, they were basing it on an
estimated 500,000 people afflicted with CFS. Today however, that
estimate is 4,000,000 people in the United States.
Using their formula, but with 4,000,000 instead of 500,000:
At $15,000 cost per patient per year, they estimated $7,500 profit for
HEB per patient.
They estimated 20% of patients was severe enough to require treatment:
(20% of 4,000,000 = 800,000)
And then they conservatively estimated that only 20% of those would
actually be given ampligen:
(20% of 800,000 = 160,000)
And so,
$7,500 X 160,000 = $1,200,000,000
(and HEB has 85 million shares, i think) so:
1,200,000,000 / 85 Million shares = $14.11
en: A lottery ticket with fair chance of winning
Haha, alsssssssssssssssssssss....