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Dinsdag 26 mei 2009

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Ik ga maar eens dagdraadjes openen voor Citigroup, kijken of daar animo voor is.

Citigroup is redelijk stabiel op dit moment. Is het wachten op het omzetten van de preferente aandelen in gewone aandelen? Dat zou een boost moeten geven?

d.d. 7 mei 2009
Citi to Expand Public Exchange Offers by $5.5 Billion to Meet U.S. Government Stress Test Requirements
Expanded Transaction Does Not Require Additional U.S. Government Investment or Conversion of Additional U.S. Government Preferred Shares

NEW YORK – Citi announced today that it will expand its previously disclosed public exchange offers by $5.5 billion. This increase reflects the results of the U.S. government's Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP).

"The government's stress test was a rigorous process that assessed our capital and confirms our view that Citi's plans and actions will give it the financial strength to weather an adverse stress scenario," said Vikram Pandit, Chief Executive Officer of Citi. "The results also reflect 15 months of continuous work, tough decisions and steady execution towards a strong and stable Citi with a clear strategy for the future."

In the past 15 months, Citi has achieved the following milestones:

•Reduced expenses by 25% and headcount by almost 20% from the peak in 4Q '07
•Reduced the balance sheet by 23% from the peak in 3Q ‘07
•Completed 23 divestitures
•Announced the Morgan Stanley/Smith Barney joint venture and the sale of Nikko Cordial Securities
•Strategically focused Citi by separating the company into Citicorp and Citi Holdings
"Citi has a unique global franchise and global network that we will continue to strengthen," said Mr. Pandit. "There is no other institution in the world that offers the services we offer in the places we offer them. We bring the world to our clients and our clients to the world. Today, Citi serves 98% of the Fortune 500 and 99% of the Global Fortune 500 and we look forward to continuing to execute on our strategy and fully realize the power of Citi's extraordinary global franchise."

Citi will expand its public exchange offers previously announced on February 27, 2009 by increasing the maximum amount of preferred securities and trust preferred securities that it will accept in exchange for common stock from $27.5 billion to $33 billion to further increase Tier I Common without any additional U.S. government investment or conversion of U.S. government securities into common shares. The conversion price of $3.25, the exchange factors and the priority of trust preferred securities accepted in the exchange offers will remain unchanged from the transaction terms as previously announced. (See attached transaction summary)

Consistent with the previous announcement, the U.S. government will continue to match the exchanges by public and private holders up to a maximum of $25 billion face value of its preferred stock at the same conversion price. The U.S. government will also continue to exchange the portion of its existing preferred securities that are not exchanged for common shares into new trust preferred securities with an annual coupon of 8%.

Citi said that it expects to launch the public exchange offers shortly after further SEC review of our S-4 and finalization of definitive agreements with the U.S. government reflecting the transaction terms previously agreed with the U.S. government.

This transaction could increase Tier I Common of the company from the first quarter level of $22.1 billion to as much as $86.2 billion, which assumes the exchange of $33 billion of preferred securities and trust preferred securities, the maximum eligible under this transaction. Citi's TCE which was $30.9 billion on March 31, 2009 will increase by as much as $60.4 billion to up to $91.3 billion.

Based on the maximum eligible conversion, the U.S. government would own approximately 34% of Citi's outstanding common stock and existing shareholders would own approximately 24% of the outstanding common shares.

As previously announced, Citi intends to continue to pay full dividends on the preferred shares through and until the closing of the public exchange at which point these dividends will be suspended. It remains Citi's intention not to pay common stock dividends during this period. Citi also reconfirms that it has no plans to suspend distributions at current rates on its trust preferred securities. A replay of the webcast will be available at
Zit zelf ook in Citigroup.. voor +/- 3,20 usd... maar echt opschieten doet Citi niet..

Maar voor de langere termijn zeker de moeite waard

Toyoton schreef:

Zit zelf ook in Citigroup.. voor +/- 3,20 usd... maar echt opschieten doet Citi niet..

Maar voor de langere termijn zeker de moeite waard
ik zit zelf te twijfelen om erin te gaan.
stijgen gaat de koers zekers maar dat kan nog wel een hele tijd duren.
ik bedoel er is zoveel onduidelijkheid bij deze bank. hij kan ook over een paar weken weer rond de 2,70 a 3 staan.


Dhr. Slot schreef:

Zit zelf ook in Citigroup.. voor +/- 3,20 usd... maar echt opschieten doet Citi niet..

Maar voor de langere termijn zeker de moeite waard

ik zit zelf te twijfelen om erin te gaan.
stijgen gaat de koers zekers maar dat kan nog wel een hele tijd duren.
ik bedoel er is zoveel onduidelijkheid bij deze bank. hij kan ook over een paar weken weer rond de 2,70 a 3 staan.

wanneer hij op 2,70 kom dan ga ik weer bijkopen denk ik.. zeker met deze Usd koers..
Ik zit zelf in meer risico volle fondsen (GM, RBS, AIG, Citi en ING). Maar hier kan je wel de meeste winsten pakken.. (of niet natuurlijk)
Is een aandeel dat je op de plank moet leggen en als er een heel dik pak stof op ligt er eens naar kijken.

Misschien ook voor de korte ritjes, maar daarmee voeldoe ik precies aan de statistieken. (veel handelen met "0" als resultaat).


Toyoton schreef:

Zit zelf ook in Citigroup.. voor +/- 3,20 usd... maar echt opschieten doet Citi niet..

Maar voor de langere termijn zeker de moeite waard
ik weet niet t kan ook zomaar zijn dat de koers toch ineens gek gaat doen en een paar sprintjes naar boven neemt. Ik kan eigenlijk bijna geen goede informatie vinden waaruit je wat ideeen kan halen.
de geplande conversie moet maar eens snel plaatsvinden (zou na de strestest resultaten worden uitgevoerd), maar tot op heden is het zeer vaag allemaal. dit houdt het aandeel op het moment gegijzeld.

verder heeft morgan stanley (volgens yahoo de meeste banken geupgrade, waarvan C met maar liefst 50%). dat er opwaartse potentie zit in het aandeel is duidelijk, maar het management van citigroup lijkt de common te drukken/niet te veel te laten stijgen. wie weet spelen zij het arbitrage spel ook.

maar goed, pre-market staat C 1% in de min momenteel.

ps. global2, mooi die dagdraadjes; ik zal ze volgen.
jammer dat het forum verkeerd is gespeld trouwens.

relikwie schreef:

de geplande conversie moet maar eens snel plaatsvinden (zou na de strestest resultaten worden uitgevoerd), maar tot op heden is het zeer vaag allemaal. dit houdt het aandeel op het moment gegijzeld.

verder heeft morgan stanley (volgens yahoo de meeste banken geupgrade, waarvan C met maar liefst 50%). dat er opwaartse potentie zit in het aandeel is duidelijk, maar het management van citigroup lijkt de common te drukken/niet te veel te laten stijgen. wie weet spelen zij het arbitrage spel ook.

maar goed, pre-market staat C 1% in de min momenteel.

ps. global2, mooi die dagdraadjes; ik zal ze volgen.
jammer dat het forum verkeerd is gespeld trouwens.
Wat is het koersdoel nu?
The Citigroup Pricing Anomaly
by: Donald Marron May 26, 2009 | about stocks: C / C.P

This Recent weeks have witnessed yet another case of law-breaking in the financial sector: Citigroup (C) is violating the law of one price.

When the market closed last Friday, there were at least three different ways you could invest in Citigroup’s common stock:

Simple: You could buy common shares of Citigroup, just as you would with any publicly-traded company.
Preferred: You could buy shares of preferred stock that will convert into common shares. Citi has announced, for example, that it intends to convert each share of Series F preferred into about 7.3 shares of common stock.
Synthetic: You could buy and sell options in a way that replicates the financial returns from owning Citi stock. For example, you could buy a call option with a strike price of $4, sell a put option with the same strike price, and set aside $4 in a bank account. Taken together, those investments will give you the same financial returns as owning a share of Citigroup common stock. (I am gliding over some small details here.)
In normal times, the law of one price would imply that you should pay nearly identical prices under any of these approaches. Transaction costs might allow prices to stray a bit from one another, and the preferred might trade at a small discount if the conversion isn’t completely certain.

But any price differences should be small as arbitrageurs buy stock the inexpensive way and sell it the expensive way.

That isn’t the case today.

When the markets closed last Friday, the cost of buying 1,000 shares of Citigroup in these three ways were (using price quotes from Yahoo and ignoring transaction costs):

Method / Cost

Simple / $3,670

Preferred / $3,052

Synthetic / $3,160

Note: The preferred calculation is based on the Series F; other preferreds give slightly different values. The synthetic is based on options that mature in September 2009 with a strike price of $4.

What’s going on here? Why does it appear that investors in the common stock are overpaying by as much as 20%?

A natural hypothesis for the difference between the simple approach (buying common) and the preferred approach (buying preferred) is that Citigroup might change the terms of the announced conversion.

Citi has, however, changed the terms on several occasions, most recently with the filing of a draft registration statement with the SEC.

Still, there’s always some risk that the terms may become less favorable. (There appears to be little reason to worry that Citigroup will cancel the conversion; Citi desperately needs to increase common equity to meet the requirements of the stress test and to limit the Federal government’s ownership stake.)

A competing hypothesis is that the spread persists because arbitrageurs are finding it difficult or expensive to exploit the pricing differences. Indeed, some reports indicate that they are finding it hard to find common shares to short. As we learned during the technology bubble, when shorting becomes difficult, stock prices can get persistently overvalued.

As a result, it may well be that the price of Citigroup common stock is too high, not that the price of the preferred is too low or is weighed down by concerns about the conversion.

That view is reinforced by the pricing of the synthetic strategy. The low price of synthetic shares suggests that sophisticated investors really do believe that the fair value of Citi common shares is less than the going market price. Arbitrageurs, for example, may be using options, rather than short-selling, to hedge long positions in the preferred.

If that’s true, then the discount on the preferred is, in fact, relatively small; on Friday, the preferred closed at only a 3.5% discount to the synthetic price of Citigroup.

These pricing anomalies are interesting from an investment perspective, of course, but they also raise important policy questions. First, deviations from the law of one price usually indicate that something is wrong in our financial system. Liquid, efficient capital markets generally minimize such obvious pricing disparities. Ether market imperfections or government actions prevent them from doing so.

If so, what are the specific problems here? Limited risk appetite among hedge funds? Implicit and explicit government limitations on short shelling?

There is also a distributional question of who benefits from these disparities and who gets hurt. Most notably, who is buying the common shares at (what appear to be) inflated prices?

Comments welcome.

Disclosure: I don’t have any investment position in any Citigroup securities. That might change, of course, if someone can convince me that the preferred shares are undervalued, rather than the common shares being overvalued.


Toyoton schreef:

de geplande conversie moet maar eens snel plaatsvinden (zou na de strestest resultaten worden uitgevoerd), maar tot op heden is het zeer vaag allemaal. dit houdt het aandeel op het moment gegijzeld.

verder heeft morgan stanley (volgens yahoo de meeste banken geupgrade, waarvan C met maar liefst 50%). dat er opwaartse potentie zit in het aandeel is duidelijk, maar het management van citigroup lijkt de common te drukken/niet te veel te laten stijgen. wie weet spelen zij het arbitrage spel ook.

maar goed, pre-market staat C 1% in de min momenteel.

ps. global2, mooi die dagdraadjes; ik zal ze volgen.
jammer dat het forum verkeerd is gespeld trouwens.

Wat is het koersdoel nu?
=DJ UPDATE: Morgan Stanley Raises Price Targets On Large Banks


NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Large bank stocks are set to rise over the next year or two as the pace of economic decline begins to slow, Morgan Stanley analysts said Friday.

The firm raised its price target on the 16 large bank stocks it covers by an average of 33% and said that most would be able to repay TARP money by the fourth quarter; it raised its price target for Bank of America Corp. (BAC) 28% to $32, Citigroup Inc. (C) 50% to $6, JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) 33% to $60 and Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) 33% to $44.

Morgan Stanley's report follows an upgrade of the large banks Thursday by Goldman Sachs on a similar rationale: that there are signs of a bottom in the pace of decline in several broad economic indicators, including jobless claims, industrial production, factory utilization and home prices.

Morgan Stanley's assumption about rising bank stocks rests on the projection that there was some stabilization in indicators including initial jobless claims, which fell 12,000 to 631,000 last week after a sharp spike the previous week to 643,000. The firm also said it saw signs of slowing deterioration in April in the nearly unchanged factory capacity utilization report, and a slower pact of contraction in industrial production.

Though the note was generally positive for the banking sector, Morgan Stanley did downgrade SunTrust Banks Inc. (STI) to underweight from equal weight, saying it is behind its peers in raising loss provisions, and will have to raise them significantly over the next year to catch up.

Dhr. Slot schreef:

1800 st gekocht op 3,70.
had een lagere opening verwacht trouwens
gezien het artikel van seekingalpha (common 20% overbought) vind ik het wel gedurft. verwacht je een klim op korte termijn of is het voor de lange termijn?

relikwie schreef:

[quote=Dhr. Slot]
1800 st gekocht op 3,70.
had een lagere opening verwacht trouwens

gezien het artikel van seekingalpha (common 20% overbought) vind ik het wel gedurft. verwacht je een klim op korte termijn of is het voor de lange termijn?
nee wel voor langere tijd.
verwacht dat ze na de zomer wel een stuk hoger staan.
kan natuurlijk altijd nog een flinke daling komen, maar ik heb gok gewoon genomen en wacht maar af.

Dhr. Slot schreef:

[quote=Dhr. Slot]
1800 st gekocht op 3,70.
had een lagere opening verwacht trouwens

gezien het artikel van seekingalpha (common 20% overbought) vind ik het wel gedurft. verwacht je een klim op korte termijn of is het voor de lange termijn?

nee wel voor langere tijd.
verwacht dat ze na de zomer wel een stuk hoger staan.
kan natuurlijk altijd nog een flinke daling komen, maar ik heb gok gewoon genomen en wacht maar af.

Citigroup is nu geduld aandeel. Blijft behoorlijk stabiel liggen. Er is twee keer een enorme spurt geweest zoals op tweede paasdag en de week daarna. In juni richting de vijf dollar. I am sure.

Global2 schreef:

Dayhigh tot nu toe 3.82$
blijft steken rond 3,76,
ja iets is beter dan niets,
Oh come on, Dow +200, can't this stock move a little! 10 minutes ago Let's get that conversion over and done with so that C can participate in this upside action!

Posted @ yahoo

Amerikanen worden ook gaar van dat gehang van Citi.
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