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elektrische auto, redding van de autobranche?

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BYD Secures Landmark eBus Order for Israel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
09 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Leading eBus manufacturer BYD has been successful in winning the majority share of Israel’s largest ever electric bus tender. The substantial order for 100 new generation BYD 12-metre eBuses has been placed by Egged, Israel’s largest city and intercity public transport operator. The order comes as part of Egged’s initiative to expand its fleet of zero-emissions buses with the support of Israel’s Public Transport Authority and the Ministry for Environmental Protection. The new eBuses, due for delivery before the end of 2022, will enhance those currently operating in the city of Haifa, and further strengthens Israel’s transition to emissions-free transportation for a cleaner and quieter environment.

It is also the largest order for BYD eBuses in Israel to date. Egged has been a customer of BYD since 2017, and already has 24 BYD eBuses in its fleet currently operating in Haifa and Jerusalem. It is through Egged’s experience of operating BYD eBuses and the fleet’s proven reputation for performance, quality and reliability, that cemented the successful outcome of the tender for BYD.

Across Israel, there are currently 37 BYD electric buses in operation in the cities of Haifa, Jersualem, Tel Aviv, Modin and the Sharon area which combined, have covered 5 million electric kilometres, reducing over 5000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

The pure-electric eBuses on order for Israel are powered by the latest generation BYD Iron-Phosphate Battery technology with increased energy density for an even longer driving range, as well as an extended battery life. The 422 KWh battery delivers an impressive driving range of over 400km on a single charge under SORT conditions. Modern in styling, the eBus has been designed for high levels of passenger comfort, while also having a spacious and comfortable area for the driver too.
Renault Zoe krijgt nul sterren bij Europese veiligheidstest

De elektrische Renault Zoe scoort slecht als het om veiligheid gaat. Dat is althans de conclusie van de test van het Euro New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP). De auto mag volgens het NCAP wel de weg op, omdat hij aan de normen voldoet, maar mist essentiële moderne veiligheidstechnologie.

Het NCAP heeft een veiligheidsbeoordelingssysteem met vijf sterren gecreëerd, naar eigen zeggen om consumenten en bedrijven te helpen op een eenvoudigere manier voertuigen te vergelijken. Daardoor kan gemakkelijker worden bekeken wat de veiligste keuze is.

De beoordelingen zijn niet bindend, omdat het NCAP geen voertuigen certificeert voor gebruik op de weg. Europese consumenten letten echter wel op de uitkomsten van de tests. Autofabrikanten schermen ook actief met goede ratings bij het aanprijzen van voertuigen.

De Zoe krijgt nul sterren. Het is de derde keer dat een auto een nulscore krijgt. Dit kan de verkoop van het model schaden, waardoor Renault mogelijk gedwongen wordt aanpassingen te doen. Het NCAP heeft onder andere kritiek op de zijairbag, die slechter zou zijn dan in eerdere modellen.

Renault verzekert in een reactie dat de Zoe een veilig voertuig is, dat aan alle wettelijke veiligheidsnormen voldoet. Verder spant Renault zich naar eigen zeggen voortdurend in om aan de steeds strengere regels te kunnen voldoen. De automaker ging niet in op de airbagkwestie.

'Renault zet bij overgang naar elektrisch rijden minder in op veiligheid'

Tot en met september was de Renault Zoe de op twee na best verkochte elektrische auto in Europa, achter de Tesla Model 3 en de Volkswagen ID.3. Met één ster kwam ook de Dacia Spring niet al te best uit de test. De Dacia Logan en Sandero haalden twee sterren.

Dacia is onderdeel van Renault. Volgens het NCAP toont de slechte score van Renault en Dacia aan dat de fabrikant bij de overgang naar elektrisch rijden minder in lijkt te zetten op veiligheid.

Een aantal andere voertuigen kreeg vijf sterren, waaronder de elektrische iX van BMW, de elektrische Mercedes-Benz EQS van Daimler, de Qashqai van Nissan en de VW Caddy van Volkswagen.

ADS-TEC Energy to Supply EV Chargers to Spain

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Leading battery buffered ultra-fast charging technology provider ADS-TEC Energy GmbH has entered into a purchase agreement with one of Europe’s largest energy suppliers to have ultra-fast charging systems from ADS-TEC Energy operating in Spain by the end of the year. This agreement is part of the Customer’s plan to deploy a comprehensive public charging network in the country. The first ChargeBox units are already delivered and will be installed on main motorways of Spain, and others will follow in the next few months. The ultra-fast charging stations will be open to the public and accessible around the clock.

One of the greatest barriers to the scale up of EV charging is the permitting and long timelines to handle the increasing demands resulting from wide-spread rapid charging needs. ADS-TEC Energy’s technology platforms are extraordinary in their ability to provide ultra-fast charging capabilities on the existing infrastructure by using batteries as buffers between the grid and the vehicle. Specifically, ADS-TEC platforms charge slowly from the low voltage grid, and then deliver stored energy to electric vehicles at ultra-fast rates of up to 320 kilowatts.
TotalEnergies to Install 800 EV Charges in Ghent Belgium

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

After Brussels and Antwerp, TotalEnergies has won a call for tenders from the municipality of Ghent, Belgium’s third largest city, for the installation and operation of electric vehicles public charging stations, with 800 new public charge points by 2025. With this agreement, the city of Ghent will enhance its public network for EV. These new charging stations, to be installed by TotalEnergies and operated for the next ten years, will be supplied with 100% renewable electricity generated by offshore wind power in the North Sea off the coast of Belgium.

In accordance with the process agreed on with the City, individuals and professionals in Ghent (residents, taxi companies, car-sharing firms, local businesses) may start, as of today, to submit requests for charge points’ installation near their premises, workplaces or homes. To optimize the existing network, the City of Ghent will also analyze the usage rate of EV charging stations already in operation to determine if the current offering should be reinforced with additional charge points in certain districts.
EBRD to Finance New Electric Buses for Novi Sad in Serbia

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Citizens of Serbia’s second-largest city will benefit from more comfortable, greener public transport thanks to an investment backed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. EUR 8 million loan to the city of Novi Sad will finance the purchase of up to 10 electric buses and accompanying charging infrastructure. The new buses will be used on two of the city’s busiest routes and will replace old, polluting diesel buses, thus helping to reduce air pollution in the city centre. The replacement of the old bus fleet is expected to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25 per cent from current levels.

The EBRD financing will be accompanied by technical assistance to the Novi Sad public transport company on the preparation of tender documents and certain environmental and social elements of the project, as well as support for the procurement process.

The investment is part of Novi Sad’s wider engagement in the EBRD Green Cities programme, which supports cities keen to invest in green and sustainable infrastructure and to address key environmental challenges.

Under the Green Cities programme, the EBRD has already assisted the Novi Sad public transport company with the purchase of 29 new buses as part of an ongoing fleet renewal programme. The buses, which significantly reduce polluting emissions, have been in use since March 2021.
Toyota wil tegen 2030 meer dan 3 miljoen elektrische voertuigen per jaar verkopen
14/12/21 om 09:00
Bijgewerkt om 09:00
Bron : Belga

Toyota wil vanaf 2030 zowat 3,5 miljoen elektrische wagens per jaar verkopen. De Japanse autoproducent is ook van plan om tegen dan 30 nieuwe elektrische modellen op de markt te brengen. Dat heeft CEO Akio Toyoda dinsdag aangekondigd op een persconferentie in Tokio.

In eerder vooruitzichten had Toyota nog gerekend op 2 miljoen verkochte exemplaren per jaar tegen 2030. Maar nu wordt de lat bijna dubbel zo hoog gelegd. Zo moet Lexus, het luxemerk van de groep, in 2030 volledig elektrisch zijn in Europa, Noord-Amerika en China. Vijf jaar later moet dat wereldwijd het geval zijn.

Voorts zal het bedrijf ook de investeringen in de ontwikkeling van batterijen in de loop van het decennium laten stijgen tot 2.000 miljard yen (15,6 miljard euro), wat 33% meer is dan de investering die in september werd aangekondigd.

Lees ook: Autonoom rijden: Mercedes is iedereen te snel af

In vergelijking met heel wat andere autofabrikanten, heeft Toyota lang geaarzeld om zich op volledig elektrische voertuigen te focussen. Het bedrijf had zich eerder op hybride voertuigen en op waterstof gericht. Maar dit jaar werd de knop omgedraaid en heeft Toyota al verschillende aankondigingen over 100% elektrische wagens gedaan.
Toyota to Set Up Automotive Battery Plant in North Carolina

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Toyota Motor North America announced that North Carolina Greensboro-Randolph Megasite has been chosen as the location for Toyota’s new USD 1.29 billion automotive battery manufacturing plant, to be named, Toyota Battery Manufacturing, North Carolina. When it comes online in 2025, TBMNC will have four production lines, each capable of delivering enough lithium-ion batteries for 200,000 vehicles?with the intention to expand to at least six production lines for a combined total of up to 1.2 million vehicles per year.

The $1.29 billion investment, including funds to develop land and facilities, made by Toyota and Toyota Tsusho will be partially funded from a total investment of approximately $3.4 billion previously announced on October 18, which did not include funds for developing land and facilities, and is expected to create 1,750 new American jobs.
bp Acquires EV Fleet Charging Provider AMPLY Power in US

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

bp has taken its first major step into electrification in the US with the acquisition of AMPLY Power, an electric vehicle charging and energy management provider for fleets that operate trucks, transit and school buses, vans and light-duty vehicles.

Founded in 2018, AMPLY Power aims to make EV adoption easy for fleets. The California-based firm has two offers for fleet operators:

Fully financed Charging-as-a-Service (CaaS) – AMPLY Power provides solutions for the charging of customers’ fleets, including the procurement and installation of hardware, software and operational and maintenance costs. Customers sign 5-to-10year agreements for these services and AMPLY Power charges customers a flat usage rate ($/kWh or $ per mile driven).

Customer-financed Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) – For customers who prefer to own their charging infrastructure, AMPLY Power offers a software and operate model where customers pay an annual license and service fee for software and managed services. AMPLY Power can manage these customers’ fleet electrification infrastructure services.

AMPLY Power’s innovative OMEGA Charge Management System software helps fleet operators manage energy costs and optimizes performance by providing real-time monitoring of EV charging operations and preventative maintenance for both vehicles and chargers.

This investment is aligned with bp’s plan to scale-up next generation mobility solutions, providing the fastest, most reliable and convenient network of?charging and digital solutions?for customers, including individual drivers and fleet operators. By 2030, bp aims to nearly double earnings1 from its global convenience and mobility businesses while delivering returns in the range of 15-20%. During this time, bp plans to grow its global network of EV charging points from around 11,000 today to more than 70,000.
GM Investing at Bedford Aluminum Plant for Chevrolet Silverado EV

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

General Motors announced plans to invest more than USD 51 million to install state-of-the-art equipment at its Bedford, Indiana aluminum die casting foundry to support the manufacture of drive unit castings for the upcoming Chevrolet Silverado EV and other current casting applications. The renovation work will begin immediately at the facility. Earlier this year, the 1 million square-foot site began producing electric drive unit castings for the 2022 GMC HUMMER EV Pickup and 2024 GMC HUMMER EV SUV. Production of the 2022 GMC HUMMER EV Pickup will begin this month at GM’s Factory ZERO assembly plant, located in Detroit and Hamtramck, Michigan.

GM’s Bedford plant opened in 1942 and is a leader in aluminum die casting capabilities. The site’s nearly 900 hourly and salaried workers manage semi-permanent mold and die casting processes that produce cylinder heads, cylinder blocks, transmission cases, structural components, and drive unit housings used in Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac vehicles. Bedford’s union team members are represented by UAW Local 440 and IBEW Local 16.
VS onthult plan voor half miljoen laadstations voor elektrische auto's
NU.nl/AP 5 uur geleden
© Aangeboden door NU.nl

De Amerikaanse regering is van plan om 500.000 oplaadstations voor elektrische voertuigen te bouwen. Om de Amerikaanse auto-industrie te hervormen, wil de regering van president Joe Biden ook de prijs van elektrische auto's verlagen.

"De toekomst van het vervoer in ons land en over de hele wereld is elektrisch", zei vicepresident Kamala Harris bij een oplaadvoorziening in een buitenwijk van de stad Maryland.

De infrastructuurwet ter waarde van 1 biljoen dollar (886,4 miljard euro) die Biden in november ondertekende, maakt een nationaal netwerk van oplaadstations mogelijk. Daarvoor is 5 miljard dollar gereserveerd.

De wet voorziet ook in een extra bedrag van 2,5 miljard dollar aan lokale subsidies voor de bouw van oplaadstations op het platteland en in achterstandsgebieden.

Het wetsvoorstel van 2 biljoen dollar voor sociaal beleid en milieubeleid, dat nu in behandeling is bij de Senaat, omvat ook een aanschafsubsidie van 7.500 dollar. Daarmee moet de aanschaf van een elektrische auto aantrekkelijker worden.

Elektrische auto's voor iedereen bereikbaar maken
"We willen elektrische voertuigen voor iedereen bereikbaar maken,? zei Harris. Door openbare opladers op het platteland, in steden en in buitenwijken te installeren, wil de VS het mensen "makkelijker maken om elektrisch te gaan", zei de vicepresident. Volgens Harris is "uitzoeken waar en hoe je hem kunt opladen" nu nog het grootste obstakel voor mensen die een elektrische auto willen kopen.

Het stimuleren van de aanschaf van elektrische personenwagens en bedrijfsauto's zou bijdragen aan Bidens doel om de VS in 2050 klimaatneutraal te maken. Tegelijkertijd moet het voor duizenden nieuwe banen zorgen, aldus het Witte Huis.

De inspanning moet de VS ook helpen om China voorbij te streven qua verkoop van elektrische voertuigen.
Hij gaat onbetaalbaar worden de Elec Car...en waardoor? er is bijna geen Graphite meer op de markt te krijgen en wat er nog is word peperduur.

If Tesla's Got Troubles, Everyone Should Worry.

Solaris Electric Buses to Debut in Zdunska Wola in Poland

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

The public transport operator Miejskie Przedsiebiorstwo Komunikacji, in the town of Zdunska Wola, has signed a contract for the delivery of four e-buses, along with charging infrastructure. Solaris has been awarded this order after winning a tender launched by the carrier. The zero-emission Urbino 12 vehicles will hit the streets of the town by the end of 2022. This is not the first contract to have been carried out for Zdunska Wola by the manufacturer from Bolechowo, yet the ordered vehicles will be the first electric buses to be put into service in the town. The contract is worth slightly over PLN 10 million.

The town of Zdunska Wola has taken its first step on the track towards e-mobility. The four Solaris Urbino 12 electric buses ordered by the carrier stand out due to their quietness and lack of local emissions. Thanks to the appropriate configuration of batteries and the charging infrastructure, they can operate for up to 24 hours a day. Their low noise emissions and vibration levels make them particularly suited for use in the centres of towns and cities. The inhabitants of Zdunska Wola will soon have the opportunity to see this for themselves thanks to the Urbino electric buses which, in 2022, will run on lines operated by MPK.

The new e-buses will be powered by state-of-the-art High Energy batteries, with a total nominal capacity of 280 kWh, and be charged via a socket, placed above the first, right-hand wheel arch. In addition, the carrier has opted to purchase charging infrastructure, i. e. two dual chargers that enable each to concurrently recharge two buses with a charging power of 40 kW or one bus with a charging power of 80 kW. Smooth operation of the 12-metre e-buses will be ensured by an electric central traction motor.

The comfortable bus interior, equipped with fully automated air-conditioning for the whole vehicle, will offer space for 75 people, including 29 seated. In addition, four seats in each bus will be specially adjusted to transport passengers with disabilities. The buses will also feature numerous amenities and modern solutions such as illuminated USB charging ports. Passengers will begin their journey by boarding through doors arranged in a 2-2-2 layout.
TDS to Buy 10 BYD ETM6 eTrucks in the Netherlands

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Top Delivery Services has made a major commitment to emission-free city distribution following the purchase of 10 BYD ETM6 pure-electric eTrucks in collaboration with Bluekens EV, strategic partner and BYD eTruck dealer for the Netherlands. The vehicles will be used specifically for eco-friendly zero-emission delivery services of IKEA in Amsterdam. In the search for a solution for the goal of IKEA, TDS got in touch with Bluekens EV. BYD eTruck dealer, Bluekens EV based in Breda, experts in emission-free city logistics and also fleet management solutions.

As well as this knowledge, Bluekens EV also offered TDS the advantage of a 360-degree sales and aftersales service plan. This is enhanced further with a range of added value services including charging infrastructure, fleet management and completes leasing solutions.

A multitude of innovative features inherent to the BYD ETM6 eTrucks makes them the ideal zero-emission vehicles to fulfil environmental goals, while also being very safe, quiet and practical for operating in high density city centres. Powered by BYD Iron-Phosphate Battery technology, the BYD ETM6 zero-emission electric truck offers the longest driving range, 200 km with a full load, in the market within its 7.5 tonnes category, as well as extended battery life and high levels of safety.

TDS is a joint venture of logistic service providers comprising Holwerda Transport, Transportbedrijf P.A. van Rooyen and Brakenhoff Transport.
Cathie Wood blijft X-Peng aandelen kopen ondanks koersdalingen.
ARK invest bezit nu al 619923 aandelen ter waarde van 27,57miljoen.
Paris Taxi Company Pulls Tesla Model 3 From Streets After Crash Leaves 1 Dead, 20 Injured
Wed. 15 Dec 2021

The largest taxi company in Paris has suspended its use of Tesla’s (NASDAQ:TSLA) Model 3 after a fatal crash involving the electric vehicle in the French capital over the past weekend.

What Happened: According to a report in The Guardian, a driver for the G7 taxi company lost control of his Tesla Model 3 on Saturday night in Paris’ southeastern 13th district, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to 20 others, with three people currently in intensive care.

Reuters quoted a Parisian police source who said the driver of the Model 3 had stopped at a red traffic light, but the vehicle unexpectedly sped forward, hitting and dragging a cyclist who later died. The driver attempted to stop the vehicle by steering into obstacles, including trash bins. The driver was given an alcohol test that came back negative.

What Happens Next: Parisian prosecutors are conducting an investigation, and the nature of the incident raised concerns over whether there was a malfunction in the vehicle.

However, France’s transportation minister, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, said in a radio interview that there were “no elements that would lead one to believe it was tied to a technical problem.” And G7 Deputy Chief Executive Yann Ricordel said Tesla informed his company that there was no technical fault on the vehicle in question.

Tesla’s safety record has been tarnished after several fatal crashes tied to the autopilot function on its vehicles. It is not clear if the driver in the Paris crash was using the autopilot function
VDL Bus Delivers 23 Citeas Buses to De Lijn in Belgium

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Dec, 2021, 5:55 am

The long-standing cooperation between VDL Bus & Coach and the Flemish public transport company De Lijn has reached a new milestone. With the delivery of 24 new generation Citeas, part of a new framework contract, the milestone of more than 1,000 VDL buses operating under the flag of De Lijn throughout Flanders and Brussels has been reached.

It is also the first time that De Lijn has ordered the new generation of Citeas. This concerns the Citea LF-122 type in a two-door and a three-door variant. The new city buses from VDL Bus & Coach are entirely based on an electric drive train and have trendsetting features. The e-buses have a 490 kWh battery pack and are ideally suited for city and regional transport, offering a high level of service.
ADL & BYD Supply 12 Electric Double Deck Buses to Xplore Dundee

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Dec, 2021, 5:51 am

Alexander Dennis Limited and BYD UK jointly announced that their electric vehicle partnership, the UK’s leading electric bus producer, has supplied 12 British-built electric double deck buses to bus operator Xplore Dundee where they will cut out emissions along one of Scotland’s most polluted streets.

Built locally in Scotland at ADL’s factory in Falkirk utilising BYD’s pioneering expertise in batteries and integrated powertrain technology, the dozen BYD ADL Enviro400EV are Dundee’s first zero emission buses. Once driver training is complete early in the new year, they will run on Xplore’s service 28, serving the Dundee’s Lochee Road which is the fourth most polluted street in Scotland. Their introduction will further improve local air quality in a city that is at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution with a council-owned fleet of more than 150 EVs and which is gaining recognition worldwide for its ambition and vision.

All the pure-electric buses benefit from BYD Iron-Phosphate Batteries, an advanced battery technology that delivers an impressive driving range of up to 160 miles on a single charge, making them a practical and efficient choice for busy operators such as Xplore Dundee.

joe123 schreef op 15 december 2021 12:41:

Cathie Wood blijft X-Peng aandelen kopen ondanks koersdalingen.
ARK invest bezit nu al 619923 aandelen ter waarde van 27,57miljoen.
Heb er al veel maar net te laat om nog onder de 41 bij te kopen... Heb uiteindelijk ander aandeel dat veel te fel afgestraft werd bijgekocht
Ga er vanuit dat xpeng vandaag terug goed omhoog gaat, na stevige recovery al gisteren
Drie grote truckbouwers gaan samenwerken rond laadnetwerk

Volvo Group, Daimler Truck en Traton Group (MAN, Scania, Navistar, Volkswagen) zetten samen een joint venture op om doorheen Europa een openbaar netwerk van laadpunten te realiseren waar elektrische zware vrachtwagens en bussen hun batterijen kunnen opladen. De gezamenlijke onderneming zal telkens voor een derde in handen zijn van de drie partijen en zal in 2022 van start gaan, eens alle regelgevende processen zijn doorlopen.

Het is de bedoeling om de komende vijf jaar minstens 1.700 hoogperformante laadpunten te voorzien langs en in de buurt van autosnelwegen, in logistieke centra en op bestemmingspunten.

Traton wint 1,9 procent, Volvo Group 2,3 procent en Daimler Truck 1,2 procent. Vermoedelijk hebben de stijgingen niets met de samenwerking rond laadpunten te maken, maar zijn ze meer een gevolg van het algemene optimisme dat donderdag op de beurzen heerst.

Volvo’s Electric Trucks Tested in Extreme Winter Weather

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
20 Dec, 2021, 5:34 am

Many of us have experienced that the battery in the phone loses power when the blistering cold sets in. To avoid the same fate, Volvo Trucks has tested it´s electric trucks in extremely cold weather close to the Arctic Circle. What happens to a battery-powered truck when the thermometer shows minus 25 degree Celsius and hard winds set in? To find out, Volvo Trucks has conducted winter tests in the far northern part of Sweden.

One tangible result of the winter testing is a new feature called Ready to Run. This feature prepares the truck for the workday, when needed by pre-heating, or if operating in very warm weather, by cooling the batteries and the cab of the truck. The optimal temperature for the batteries is around plus 25 degree Celsius and the driver can easily start the preheating or precooling, remotely via an app.

Electric trucks are an important part of the solution for reducing CO2 emissions, but so far they represent only a modest percentage of the total truck market. Only a few hundred all-electric heavy-duty trucks have been delivered to transporters in Europe this year.
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