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China draws up plans to promote standardization in electric vehicles

China said it will work to improve levels of standardization in its electric vehicle industry - a sector it is aggressively promoting to help combat smog and to position the country as a leading car-making giant in the future.

This year its standardization efforts will focus on recharging, battery design and fuel consumption, the industry ministry said in a statement.

China will also work to promote its own standards and benchmarks for electric and plug-in electric vehicles overseas, taking advantage of economies of scale to become a global leader in standardization, it said.

Beijing is seeking to engineer a dramatic shift away from conventional gasoline cars with strict production quotas for the so-called new energy vehicles (NEVs), prompting a flurry of deals as both foreign and domestic automakers race to ensure they do not fall short.

Some 777,000 NEVs were sold in China in 2017, a jump of 53 percent on the year and the most sold in any one country. Beijing aims to bring annual sales to 2 million units by 2020.

China has already drawn up more than 100 technological benchmarks relating to electric vehicles but lack of standardization has been identified as one of the major challenges facing the sector. Some local governments have even set different requirements to restrict firms from other regions from accessing their markets.

A lack of standardization has also made it harder to create safe and cost-efficient automated recycling facilities, delegates to China's parliament said this month. China will have to deal with an estimated 170,000 tonnes of spent electric vehicle batteries this year.

Source : Reuters
Metals and Electric Cars – A Revolution in Making

Geology For Investors reported that there’s a revolution going on in the auto industry right now. Tesla, Inc. has proven demand for electric vehicles and invited the entire industry to join in the fun. From the Bolt to the Volt, from the Focus to the Leaf, pure electric and hybrid cars are pouring off the assembly lines in ever greater numbers. In their own way they are picking a new class of winners in the metals space. This article will briefly discuss some of the rationale behind the excitement and the implications for the demand and use of metals in the future.

Recent forecasts seem to have everyone in the mining sector excited; BHP Billiton estimates there will be 140,000,000 EV’s on the road by 2035, the International Energy Agency estimates 150,000,000. This compares to a little over a 1,200,000 today and means a greater than 11,500% increase in twenty years. This is not including hybrids. Shell is also predicting peak oil demand within the next 5 – 15 years, further supporting estimates for a decline in combustion-powered transportation.

Metal Demand
The metal requirements of each vehicle model and manufacturer can vary depending on the design and manufacturing process. In current Tesla models, lithium, graphite, cobalt, copper, titanium, aluminium and nickel are used. For a Nissan Leaf the battery uses quantities of manganese. Other cars use a different suite of metals including “rare earth elements” in electronics and steel to reinforce the chassis at critical points. What is not needed is a platinum group metal catalytic converter, as there is no exhaust to catalyze.

There are some commonly used metals whose demand may increase as EV and hybrid usage and manufacturing increase.

An average gasoline-powered car uses some 20 kg of copper, mainly as wiring. A hybrid uses 40 kg. A fully electric car uses 80 kg of copper (176 pounds) per car. There is an estimate demand at 11,000,000 tonnes of new copper for EV’s alone, with potential upside in other green technologies. For reference, the entire market for copper for all uses is only 36,000,000 tonnes per annum. This sort of demand could potentially bring lower-grade copper deposits into production.

Lithium is a critical component in modern batteries and a source of much excitement lately in the mining sector. A plug in hybrid use about 12 kg of lithium, a standard electric car 22 kg, and a Tesla Model S over 50 kg of lithium per car. A 1% increase in EV penetration into the market would increase lithium demand by 70,000 tonnes per year.

Cobalt is another critical component of current EV Batteries. Use varies by maker, but a Tesla Model S uses about 8 kg of cobalt per battery. Much of the world’s cobalt supply comes from limited reserves in the Central African Copper Belt and these reserves may be depleted in mere decades if EV demand increases as projected. Expect substitution unless new stable supplies are brought into production.

Nickel is a critical component in Tesla’s current designs, where the battery cathode is 80% nickel. It is also used in other EV’s to a lesser extent. A shift of 10% of the global fleet to electric cars is estimated to expand the nickel market by 20% from 2,000,000 tonnes per annum to 2,400,000 tonnes per annum.

Graphite is a critical component of current battery designs and is a perceived choke point in some supply chain projections. The Tesla Model S uses 54 Kilograms per car currently supplied from China. Graphite is not rare by any stretch. It is a common waste mineral in VMS base-metal deposits and can be found in many other geologic settings. The problem is in purity and quality from these sources, and the currently preferred source for manufacturers is high purity graphite synthesized from petroleum coke.

The opportunity for miners currently lies in high quality, high purity hydrothermal graphite deposits which can meet or exceed synthesized graphite qualities at a lower cost of production and smaller environmental footprint. The graphite market could grow by 93,000 tonnes per annum on EV’s alone.

Rare Earth Elements
Rare Earth Elements were all the rage a few years ago when China’s near-monopoly and it’s squeeze on the market for rare earths started making the news. Rare earth metals are used in powerful magnets for DC motors by some manufacturers, but Tesla uses AC induction motors that don’t use magnets. Rare earth’s will continue to have a place in specific applications such as electronics and specialized glass, but the existence of alternatives for manufacturers will likely prevent demand and pricing from getting out of hand.

Already a global economic pillar, with many, many uses, aluminum stands to gain some market share from iron as the metal of choice for the body of the car. Much lighter than iron, it allows electric cars to vastly extend their range. Aluminum is not rare and the impact on demand from EV’s is not expected to make much of a dent in the market.

Powdered Graphite

Other Metals

Manganese is used in the batteries of the Nissan leaf and in the Chevy Volt. Manganese is not rare and the metal has under-performed of late.

Titanium is a super hard metal which is used in the undercarriage of Tesla models to protect the battery pack from damage.

The Future

As the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. Innovations in petroleum usage replaced expensive and declining whale oil stocks. Now here we are replacing petroleum-powered transportation with electric vehicles. The EV revolution is in it’s infancy and already in this list above we are seeing substitution and alternative technologies upsetting practical and perceived market demands. Innovation is like that, especially when high costs or limited supply make finding alternatives a necessity. Miners will need to do their own innovating in order to provide future-tech with it’s raw materials at a cost manufacturers can live with.

Source : Geology For Investors
Volvo troeft Tesla af en komt als eerste met volledig elektrische truck

Volvo is de eerste truckfabrikant die een volledig elektrische vrachtauto op grote schaal wereldwijd gaat verkopen. Bedrijven en overheden kunnen hem – ook in Nederland – vanaf nu bestellen.

Niek Schenk 12-04-18, 10:00 Laatste update: 15:19

Ook Tesla is druk bezig met de ontwikkeling van elektrische vrachtauto’s, maar de Zweden zijn Elon Musk te slim af en beginnen volgend jaar als eerste met grootschalige serieproductie. De Volvo van het bestaande type FL kan worden ingezet voor stadsdistributie, maar bijvoorbeeld ook als vuilnisauto. Met volledig opgeladen batterijen komt de truck 300 kilometer ver. Het opladen duurt – afhankelijk van het type stroomaansluiting – 2 tot 10 uur.

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Tesla's elektrische vrachtwagen maakt eerste commerciële rit
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Tesla experimenteert momenteel met vrachtauto’s voor het goederenvervoer over lange afstand, waar overigens ook Volvo aan werkt. Andere fabrikanten, onder meer in China, hebben ook al de eerste stappen gezet op het gebied van volledig elektrische trucks.

Elektrische vrachtauto’s betekenen nog meer dan elektrische personenauto’s winst voor het milieu. Juist het vrachtvervoer is immers een van de grootste veroorzakers van luchtvervuiling en geluidsoverlast in woongebieden. Volgens Volvo maken de stille trucks het mogelijk meer werk 's nachts uit te voeren, zodat de verkeersdrukte in de stad beter wordt gespreid.

Over de prijs wil Volvo nog niets zeggen, maar voorlopig zullen elektrische trucks duurder zijn dan vrachtauto’s die op diesel rijden. Dat komt onder meer door het grote en kostbare batterijenpakket dat ervoor nodig is. De verwachting is echter dat de prijzen voor autobatterijen de komende jaren zullen dalen, omdat ze op steeds grotere schaal geproduceerd zullen worden en omdat er nieuwe technologie op komst is. Bovendien wordt de hogere prijs van de elektrische truck voor een belangrijk deel gecompenseerd doordat stroom goedkoper is dan diesel. En elektrische aandrijving heeft minder onderhoud nodig dan de techniek van een verbrandingsmotor.

Dit jaar al wordt proefgedraaid met de elektrische trucks in Göteborg, de thuisbasis van Volvo Trucks. De eerste gebruikers daar zijn het afvalverwerkingsbedrijf Renova en het transportbedrijf TGM.

'Autofabrikanten vertragen elektrische auto om dieselvoorraad te slijten'

Autofabrikanten worden beschuldigd van het uitstellen van de introductie van schonere hybride en elektrische voertuigen tot de huidige voorraad diesels is verkocht.

Erik Kouwenhoven 12-04-18, 05:00

De beschuldigende instantie is milieu-instituut Transport & Environment, een in Brussel gevestigde organisatie die zich bezighoudt met milieuvraagstukken in de Europese auto- en transportsector. In 2021 moeten fabrikanten de gemiddelde CO2-uitstoot van hun personenauto's terugbrengen tot 95 gram per kilometer. Volgens Transport & Environment liggen alle serieuze automerken - afgezien van Fiat - op koers om die doelstellingen te halen met de komst van een reeks nieuwe elektrische modellen. Er werd echter beweerd dat deze voertuigen al eerder konden worden gelanceerd, maar dat de fabrikanten de boel vertragen om op die manier hun winst te maximaliseren met bestaande SUV's en diesels.

De groei van het aantal nieuwe elektrische auto's gaat volgens milieuonderzoekers verdacht langzaam. Pas in 2021 als er nieuwe wetgeving komt, halen alle fabrikanten plotseling toch hun doelstellingen door de introductie van zeer veel elektrische auto's. © Transport & Environment
(zie bijlage)

Uit een analyse van de 50 best verkopende modellen in Europa bleek dat vorig jaar slechts zes modellen - oftewel twaalf procent van deze populaire auto's - een volledige model-upgrade had gekregen. Dat is veel minder dan gemiddeld. Ook zijn er vorig jaar maar heel weinig nieuwe plug-in hybride of elektrische voertuigen gelanceerd. Volgens het instituut is dat de ware reden dat vorig jaar voor het eerst in tijden de CO2-uitstoot voor het eerst in tien jaar weer is toegenomen.

Op dit moment zijn er slechts 20 elektrische auto's te koop in Europa, in 2021 zullen dat er meer dan honderd zijn. Greg Archer, directeur schone voertuigen bij de milieuorganisatie: ,,Autofabrikanten zijn schaamteloos, ze zeuren dat ze hun CO2-doelstellingen niet kunnen halen zeggen dat dit komt door de dalende dieselverkoop, terwijl ze oude, inefficiënte, krachtige SUV's pushen om hun winst te maximaliseren. De consument en het milieu betalen daarvoor de prijs."

Germany ready to support electric car battery makers - Mr Altmaier

Reuters reported that the German government is ready to offer support to the makers of batteries for electric vehicles, Economy Minister Mr Peter Altmaier, saying one possibility might be to exempt them from some energy levies.

Mr Altmaier said the production of batteries for electric cars was not necessarily a matter for carmakers, but the future manufacture of battery cells must be guaranteed. The German government would support that.

He said that a possibility might be to exempt the batteries' energy-intensive production from some electricity charges. He added that decisions must be made soon on electric vehicles and future technology in cars.

Source : Reuters
Elektrische trekker met verlengkabel komt eraan
Een autonome, elektrische John Deere trekker van 400 pk
ZF to set up EUR 100 million plant for electro mobility units in Serbian

ETAuto reported that German auto supplier ZF is expanding its e-mobility division by building a new facility for electro mobility products in the Serbian city of Pan?evo. The company is investing more than EUR 100 million in the project. In the long term, the ZF Pan?evo location will have a workforce of 1,000.

Mr Michael Hankel, member of the Management Board of ZF Friedrichshafen and responsible for Production and Electro mobility, said that “The demand for our electric motors and all-electric drives develops dynamically. Since vehicles with hybrid and all-electric drives are set to become more established in the future, we are adapting our worldwide production network to cope with the rise in demand.”

Source : ETAuto
Invest in electric cars or lose out - Mr Altmaier

Reuters reported that the German automotive industry must invest heavily in electric car technology and develop battery production facilities in Europe to keep up with global competitors, Economy Minister Mr Peter Altmaier said in a newspaper interview. Mr Altmaier told Germany's newspaper that the carmakers needed to invest high "two-digit billion amounts" in electric car technology, saying he did not understand why the firms had hesitated for so long.

He said that investments were also needed in battery production, given expected demand for many millions of electric batteries that could help firms earn good money.

He added that "Otherwise we'll have to accept that a large part of the added value will be produced in Asia or the United States, instead of here with us."

The German car industry, which accounts for some 800,000 jobs in Europe's biggest economy, is struggling with a global backlash against diesel cars after Volkswagen admitted in 2015 that it had cheated US exhaust tests.

To help reduce pollution levels and avoid a total ban on diesel vehicles, VW, Daimler and others have stepped up development of electric cars.

The new German coalition government plans to ease the tax burden on drivers of electric vehicles, provide at least an additional 100,000 charge points across the country and subsidise car-sharing to push a shift to greener transportation.

Source : Reuters
Ola announces to put 10,000 electric vehicles on road in 12 months

Ola announced ‘Mission: Electric’, with a commitment to place 10,000 e-rickshaws and electric auto-rickshaws in its service in the next 12 months. Building on the pioneering electric vehicles (EVs) pilot by the company in Nagpur, Ola believes electrification can improve outcomes for drivers, customers, and its business model. The company will develop ‘Mission: Electric’ as a platform to bring one million EVs on the road by 2021. Ola will work with driver-partners, cities, vehicle manufacturers and battery companies to make sustainable technologies cost-effective and viable in daily mobility.

Ola is the market leader in app-based hailing and intends to leverage its scale to bring cleaner, more comfortable and safer products to market, a press release by the firm said. Ola is in discussions with several state governments to create an appropriate policy environment to deploy electric three-wheelers. It is also talking to OEM partners and EV innovators globally to bring vehicles on the road in a planned and phased manner. With the addition of 10,000 vehicles across three cities, Ola is quickly set to become one of the largest EV fleet operators in the world.

Mr Bhavish Aggarwal, co-founder and CEO of Ola, said that “Three-wheelers are a vital means of transportation and a source of livelihood for millions of people every day. It also represents an immediate opportunity to improve outcomes for all stakeholders while reducing pollution across towns and cities. Less than a year ago, we launched India’s first multi-modal electric pilot in Nagpur. After more than 4 million electric km travelled and many lessons learned, we are significantly expanding our commitment to electrify mobility in India,” he added.

Source : Financial Express
Automobili Pininfarina to launch world's newest sustainable luxury car

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, part of the USD 19 billion Mahindra Group, announced the launch of Automobili Pininfarina, the world's newest sustainable luxury car brand. Automobili Pininfarina, promoted by Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, will be based in Europe. The company will design, engineer and manufacture high technology, extreme performance, luxury electric vehicles for the most discerning global customers.

Automobili Pininfarina will combine Pininfarina's legendary automotive design prowess with Mahindra's growing electric vehicle (EV) expertise gained from its participation in the Formula E electric racing car championship. Automobili Pininfarina plans to launch its first model, a `Pininfarina' badged electric hypercar, in 2020.

Paolo Pininfarina, Chairman, Pininfarina SpA, "We are pleased to welcome the new company, Automobili Pininfarina which represents an additional client for Pininfarina SpA, joining the list of the many prestigious car makers for which we will be designing cars in the future. This project helps me and my family to realize my grandfather's dream of seeing outstanding innovative cars solely branded Pininfarina on the roads"

According to Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra Group, "Italy's renowned design expertise produces objects of true beauty and unique style. Drawing upon the pedigree and design vocabulary of the Pininfarina aesthetic heritage we will develop a rare collector's item that only a handful of connoisseurs will ever own. It will be an innovative and pioneering product powered by high technology. The Mahindra Group has bet big on electric vehicles. They are the future, and when power, beauty and high end EV technology come together in one car — that will be the perfect luxury vehicle, that will give car lovers the freedom to roam without impacting the planet adversely."

Dr. Pawan Goenka, Managing Director, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. and Chairman, Mahindra Racing, said, "We believe that this is the perfect time to launch Automobili Pininfarina, given Mahindra's growing EV expertise from our participation in Formula E racing where we are currently second in the constructors' and drivers' championships, and Pininfarina's design expertise that will allow us to develop stylish, extreme-performance, electric vehicles for global markets."

Automobili Pininfarina will be led by Michael Perschke, as its Chief Executive Officer. Michael brings with him over 25 years of experience with premium German brands at both headquarter director-level as well as in various market roles. He was the Managing Director of Audi in India and a member of the Management Board of Volkswagen Group Sales India, from 2010 to 2013. Michael will play an instrumental role in developing the strategy for Automobili Pininfarina. He will be joined by Per Svantesson as Chief Operating Officer. Per brings with him relevant experience including his stints with the Volvo Group and NEVS.

Mr Michael Perschke, CEO, Automobili Pininfarina, said that "Establishing Automobili Pininfarina as a leading sustainable luxury brand is our strategic vision and will be a dream come true. It will combine 88 years of iconic design heritage with leading edge electric vehicle competence of the Mahindra Group and Mahindra Formula E racing. It's a powerful combination. I am honoured to lead Automobili Pininfarina and our ambition is to make it a respected and desirable brand recognized by connoisseurs who value design heritage, substance and sustainable high performance EV technology."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Vattenfall stort zich op elektrische auto's

Gepubliceerd op 20 apr 2018 om 08:33 | Views: 1.008

STOCKHOLM (AFN) - Het Zweedse energieconcern Vattenfall gaat zich nog sterker richten op oplaadpunten voor elektrische auto's. Het moederbedrijf van het Nederlandse Nuon heeft de ambitie om een leidende positie op te bouwen in Noordwest-Europa met laadpalen voor elektrisch aangedreven voertuigen.

Vattenfall heeft hiervoor een nieuw bedrijfsonderdeel opgezet waar nu zestig mensen werken. De onderneming heeft momenteel al 8800 oplaadpunten in Zweden, Duitsland en Nederland en is van plan nieuwe markten te betreden zoals Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk en Noorwegen. Het energieconcern mikt op een jaarlijkse verdubbeling van het netwerk en een omzet van omgerekend bijna 100 miljoen euro over vijf jaar.

Om het gebruik van elektrische auto's verder te promoten is Vattenfall bezig om zijn vloot van 3500 bedrijfsauto's te vervangen door elektrische modellen. Dat moet in 2022 zijn gedaan. De strategie van Vattenfall is er verder op gericht om binnen één generatie volledig vrij te zijn van het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen.
VW's Electrify America to install EV chargers at Walmart stores
Auto News - Published on Fri, 20 Apr 2018
Image Source: reuters.com

Reuters reported that Volkswagen AG unit Electrify America will install electric vehicle charging stations at more than 100 Walmart Inc store locations in 34 US states by mid-2019 as part of Electrify's plans to bolster charging infrastructure across the country, the two companies said.

Mr Mark Vanderhelm, vice president for energy at Walmart, the world's largest retailer, told Reuters "We recognize that electric vehicles are going to grow and become more relevant. We are trying to get out in front of that."

The Walmart charging stations are part of a broader Electrify America project to install 2,000 chargers at nearly 500 charging stations across the country by June 2019.

Wayne Killen, Electrify America's senior director for infrastructure, said that 80 percent of the Walmart charging stations would be at store locations alongside highways, while the remaining 20 percent would be in metro areas.

Killen said the highway locations will primarily provide chargers for trips between U.S. cities but also cross-country journeys along Interstate 10 between Santa Monica, California and Jacksonville, Florida, plus Interstate 80 that runs from San Francisco and Teaneck, New Jersey.

Major automakers including General Motors Co and Ford Motor Co have announced plans to invest tens of billions of dollars on families of electric vehicles over the next few years, in a direct challenge to money-losing Tesla Inc.

Source : Reuters
Amplats invests in Dutch tech company in fuel cell drive

Reuters quoted Anglo American Platinum as saying that it had invested an unspecified amount in High-Yield Energy Technologies (HyET), a Dutch technology company, as part of its drive to promote fuel cell vehicles which require platinum catalysts. A global push for lower-emission transport raises the prospect of weaker demand for platinum, whose biggest industrial use is in diesel vehicles.

Other big miners are positioning themselves for the shift from the combustion engine by betting on lithium and cobalt used in electric vehicle batteries.

Amplats said in a statement that HyET "has developed electrochemical hydrogen compression technology that will support the adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles." It said the highly compressed hydrogen could store more energy than conventional batteries.

It said that "The ability to cost-effectively and reliably compress hydrogen will play an important part in accelerating the adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles and other vehicles such as fuel cell powered trucks and buses."

So far the take-up of hydrogen vehicles is small, and industry experts say their wider use is years away at best, with high purchase prices and a lack of refueling stations the major barriers.

Source : Reuters
Unieke Maybach ‘sedan-SUV’ moet de meest luxueuze 4x4 ter wereld worden

Dankzij een internet-lek kunnen we vroegtijdig de foto’s zien van de SUV-conceptcar die Maybach volgende week officieel onthult in Peking. Over twee jaar wordt de productieversie verwacht.

Erik Kouwenhoven 20-04-18, 19:07
Het was slechts een kwestie van tijd dat ook Maybach met een super-de-luxe SUV zou komen en deze zou laten debuteren in het SUV-land bij uitstek: China. Dat het momenteel nog om een conceptcar gaat is slechts een formaliteit. Binnen nu en een paar jaar volgt het productiemodel. De auto is een mengelmoes tussen de S-Klasse en de GLE.

© Mercedes-Benz
In tegenstelling tot wat werd verondersteld, is het dus geen erg luxueuze versie van de Mercedes GLS geworden, maar een model met een geheel eigen persoonlijkheid. De meest in het oog springende designkenmerken van de Ultimate Luxury Concept zijn ongetwijfeld zijn ‘sedan-kont’, de in tweeën gedeelde achterruit en de turbineachtige wielen. De ‘sedan-SUV’ is vierwielaangedreven en is voorzien van vier elektromotoren, goed voor een gezamenlijk vermogen van 750 pk. De accu van 80 kWh geeft hem een rijbereik van 500 kilometer.

© Mercedes-Benz
Ook opvallend: het overdadige gebruik van verchroomde delen. Hier misschien niet direct ieders smaak, maar op de Chinese markt zijn kopers gek op glimmertjes. Ook het interieurs is zeer luxueus aangekleed met Nappaleer, chroom en rosé-goud. Een theepot met bijbehorende kopjes heeft een plek gekregen op de over de gehele lengte van het interieur doorlopende middentunnel.

Voor afbeeldingen, zie link:

Innovatief Chinees automerk wil de wereld veroveren

China is een nieuw automerk rijker, dat de wereld moet gaan veroveren. Het merk heeft daartoe allerlei topmensen uit de Europese auto-industrie aangetrokken. De opmerkelijke Byton Concept werd deze week onthuld in Milaan.

Erik Kouwenhoven 20-04-18, 07:20 Laatste update: 08:04
De Byton is een SUV die vooral van opzij en aan de achterzijde wel wat weg heeft een Range Rover. De indrukwekkend ogende auto heet weliswaar simpelweg Concept, maar is al voor 85 procent productieklaar. De auto maakte zijn Europese debuut op de Design week in Milaan. Aan het hoofd van Byton staan Carsten Breitfeld en Benoit Jabob, beiden zijn werkzaam geweest voor BMW i. Ook de marketingbaas komt bij BMW i vandaan. De technische ontwikkeling wordt gedaan door David Twohig, die afkomstig is van Alpine.

© Byton
500 kilometer
Hoe mooi de buitenkant ook is, voor Byton is het bijzaak. Het gaat bij de auto in de eerste plaats om het bieden van een aangename verblijfsruimte. Het dashboard bestaat uit een groot scherm. Die tonen niet alleen de snelheid en navigatie, maar ook beelden van de camera's die de achteruitkijkspiegel en de zijspiegels vervangen. Voor de bijrijder biedt het scherm entertainment, zoals het kijken van video's of het spelen van computergames. De Byton heeft gezichtsherkenning, waarmee automatisch persoonlijke voorkeuren worden geladen. De auto is ook al klaar voor zelfstandig rijden en is voorzien van twee elektromotoren, die samen 400 pk sterk zijn. De auto krijgt een actieradius van ongeveer 500 kilometer en wordt volgend jaar gelanceerd in China. Een jaar later volgt de introductie in Europa.

Voor afbeeldingen, zie link:

Elon Musk laat 24 uur per dag Tesla’s produceren

Tesla wil honderden extra werknemers aannemen om 24 uur per dag exemplaren te gaan bouwen van zijn Model 3. Dat blijkt uit een uitgelekte e-mail van topman Elon Musk.

Erik Kouwenhoven 19-04-18, 20:16
Door non stop te gaan produceren hoopt Musk dat eind juni elke week 6.000 stuks van Model 3 van de band kunnen rollen. De verhoogde productie is nodig om de beloofde doelstelling van 5.000 wagens per week te halen, met een realistische foutenmarge, klinkt het in de e-mail.

Musk zegt ook dat elke afdeling of toeleverancier die niet aan de doelstellingen kan voldoen, hem persoonlijk ‘een zeer goede uitleg zal moeten geven waarom niet, en een plan om het probleem op te lossen’. De e-mail komt daags nadat de Amerikaanse fabrikant van elektrische wagens bekendmaakte opnieuw de productie van Model 3 tijdelijk op te schorten.

Chinese BYD plans 50pct localisation for eBuses in 2 years

ET reported that Chinese e-vehicles giant BYD, which has won major orders in India, does not get any subsidy in its country, its Indian partner Goldstone Infratech said, refuting Indian rivals’ claims that they face unfair competition. Additionally, a Goldstone Infratech spokesperson told ET, the company will be able to localise half the components for electric buses being built for India, in the next two years.

He said that “BYD is a global company, widely held and backed by marquee investors like Warren Buffett and Samsung Electronics, with manufacturing facilities across the globe. There are no export subsidies given on Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers. Such concerns are unfounded.”

The spokesperson said that “Goldstone-BYD buses comply with all localisation norms under Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric Vehicles (FAME) policy and Make in India. We expect to ramp up localisation component above 50% in next two years.”

A government official said Ashok Leyland has localisation of 37%, while Tata Motors is at 35%. Batteries that comprise a major cost of EVs are not manufactured in India and companies import them from the likes of China, Japan and South Korea.

Source : ET
China auto show ambitions to become leader in electric car

Economic Times reported that the biggest global auto show of the year showcases China's ambitions to become a leader in electric cars and the industry's multibillion dollar scramble to roll out models that appeal to price-conscious but demanding Chinese drivers.

Auto China 2018, which opens this week, follows Beijing's decision to allow full foreign ownership of Chinese automakers in a move to make the industry more flexible as it promotes electrics.

The ruling Communist Party has transformed China into the biggest market for electrics with billions of dollars in subsidies to producers and buyers. Now, Beijing is winding down that support and shifting the financial burden to automakers with sales quotas that push them to develop models Chinese drivers want to buy.

That is reflected in the auto show lineup: Global and Chinese brands including General Motors Co, Volkswagen AG and Nissan Motor Co. plan to display dozens of electrics and hybrids, from luxurious SUVs to compacts priced as low as 152,000 yuan (USD 24,000).

Communist leaders see electric cars as both a way to clean up smog-choked cities and a key ingredient in plans to transform China into a global competitor in an array of technology fields from robotics to solar power to biotech.

Mr Christopher Robinson, who follows the industry for Lux Research said that "Just in the last two or three years, China rose from being a very small player in the global EV market to be nearly 50 percent of sales in 2017."

Mr Robinson said that "It attracted nearly every automaker in the world."

Starting in 2019, automakers will be required to earn credits by selling electrics or else buy them from competitors. More stringent fuel efficiency standards will require a big share of each brand's sales to be non-gasoline models.

Global automakers say electrics should account for 35 to over 50 percent of their China sales by 2025.

Mr Roland Krueger, chairman of Infiniti Motor Co, Nissan's luxury brand said that "There is huge potential for vehicle electrification here."

Chinese sales of electrics and gasoline-electric hybrids rose 154 percent in the first quarter over a year earlier to 143,000 units, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. That compares with sales of just under 200,000 for all of last year in the United States, the No. 2 market.

GM plans to display five all-electric vehicles including a concept Buick SUV it says can travel 600 kilometers (375 miles) on one charge, plus a hybrid Cadillac XT5 28E.

Source : Economic Times
Zelfs Ferrari, moet er aan geloven!!!

Ferrari tests electric car in Italy
Auto News - Published on Thu, 26 Apr 2018
Image Source: indiatimes.com

Economic Times reported that two years ago, Mr Sergio Marchionne dubbed the notion of a Ferrari that can run without the aggressive growl of its 12-cylinder engines “obscene.” Today, it’s a reality. Mr Marchionne, Ferrari’s chief executive officer, said that the supercar manufacturer has been quietly very quietly testing a gasoline electric hybrid car “you could run silently” at a track near its headquarters in the northern Italian town of Maranello.

A video posted on YouTube last month shows a car at the Ferrari track making no sound as it accelerates from a full stop. While Ferrari has no plans to produce a full-electric car before 2022, the company is developing vehicles that will show “the full power of electrification,” Marchionne told Bloomberg Television.

Next year, Ferrari will start offering the technology in a sports car, its first model that can run entirely on battery power for any significant distance. The hybrid engine will soon be an option on all new models, and from 2020 the carmaker will use it as the sole drivetrain for its first sport-utility vehicle, which Marchionne says will be the fastest SUV on the market.

Marchionne, 65, long a sceptic about electric cars, is embracing hybrid technology as the shift away from combustion engines picks up speed. In his final five-year business plan for the supercar maker before he retires, to be presented in September, Marchionne will set a goal of doubling profits to EUR 2 billion by 2022 and new models with unconventional engines will play a big role in reaching that target.

Analysts expect Ferrari to boost annual production to almost 15,000 cars, from 9,000 last year. The expansion will focus on attracting wealthy customers who might not buy a screaming sports car that can top 200 miles per hour but would pay more than USD 300,000 for a distinctive luxury ride they can take to the office or on a weekend trip to the countryside.

Ferrari’s growing interest in electric motors mirrors the strategies of many of its highperformance rivals. Porsche next year plans to introduce its first all-electric sports car, a coupe called the Mission E. Aston Martin will start selling an electric version of the Rapide in 2019. And Bentley in March introduced a hybrid version of its Bentayga SUV and says that by 2025 all its vehicles will offer some sort of electric drivetrain.

Source : Economic Times
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