Electrical Vehicle Recharge in 10 Minutes
According to a team of engineers, electric vehicle owners may soon be able to pull into a fueling station, plug their car in, go to the restroom, get a cup of coffee and in 10 minutes, drive out with a fully charged battery. Penn State University Professor Chao Yang Wang said that "We demonstrated that we can charge an electrical vehicle in ten minutes for a 200 to 300 mile range. And we can do this maintaining 2,500 charging cycles, or the equivalent of half a million miles of travel. His team realized that if the batteries could heat up to 140 degrees F for only 10 minutes and then rapidly cool to ambient temperatures, lithium spikes would not form and heat degradation of the battery would also not occur. The 10-minute trend is for the future and is essential for adoption of electric vehicles because it solves the range anxiety problem.”
He added “Taking this battery to the extreme of 60 degrees Celsius or 140 degrees F is forbidden in the battery arena. It is too high and considered a danger to the materials and would shorten battery life drastically."
Lithium-ion batteries degrade when rapidly charged at ambient temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit because, rather than the lithium ions smoothly being inserted into the carbon anodes, the lithium deposits in spikes on the anode surface. This lithium plating reduces cell capacity, but also can cause electrical spikes and unsafe battery conditions. Batteries heated above the lithium plating threshold, whether by external or internal heating, will not exhibit lithium plating.
Source : Strategic Research Institute