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ROSATOM to Make Equipment for BREST-OD-300 Power Unit

Within the project of construction of the power unit with the BREST-OD-300 fast neutron reactor at the site of the Siberian Chemical Combine, an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM in Seversk in Tomsk Region in West Siberia, the contracts are signed for manufacturing and supply of main technological equipment of the reactor installation. In particular, SCC and CKBM, an enterprise of the machine-building unit of ROSATOM Atomenergomash, signed a contract for manufacturing and supply of equipment for the refueling complex. Also, production, supply and installation supervision of steam generators for the reactor facility will be provided by ZiO-Podolsk Machine-Building Plant, another enterprise of Rosatom’s machine-building unit.

Most of the technical solutions for the BREST-OD-300 reactor installation itself and its main equipment are innovative and have never been applied at any nuclear facility so far. The equipment of the reactor must ensure operations during the entire service life at high temperatures, high fluxes of ionizing radiation, in the flows of heavy liquid-metal coolant. The structural materials must have high corrosion and radiation resistance, as well as high temperature resistance to ensure reliability. Unlike NPPs with light-water VVER reactors, where refueling is performed at "cooled" reactor, the BREST-OD-300 project provides that these operations will be carried out at the temperature of the liquid-lead coolant of the primary circuit over 400° C. Before loading into the core, the fuel assemblies will be heated up in a special chamber and then placed into the core filled with a melt of lead coolant. For the manufacturing of equipment capable of fail-safe operation under extreme conditions, the enterprises of ROSATOM have carried out large-scale work, including R&D, design and engineering, selection of unique materials, development of models and testing stands, modeling of the processes and drawing the final technical projects.

The production of high-tech equipment for the reactor facility is supposed to take from three to five years, installation of the main equipment should be completed in 2025.

The power unit with an installed electric capacity of 300 MW with an innovative fast neutron reactor is the key facility of the experimental demonstration energy complex, which is under construction at the site of Siberian Chemical Combine as part of the strategic “Proryv”, or the “Breakthrough” project. In addition to the power unit, the EDEC will include the on-site closed nuclear fuel cycle, embracing the unit for fuel fabrication (re-fabrication) of mixed nitride uranium-plutonium nuclear fuel, as well as the unit for irradiated fuel reprocessing. The “Breakthrough” project is aimed at development of the new technological platform of the nuclear power industry capable of solving the current issues of handling and storage of spent nuclear fuel and waste.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Brabant onderzoekt kernenergie vanwege tekort aan wind- en zonne-energie

Brabant gaat onderzoek doen naar de mogelijke inzet van kernenergie, omdat de provincie er rekening mee houdt dat er niet genoeg elektriciteit met windmolens en zonnepanelen opgewekt kan worden.

Dat meldt de provincie in de Uitvoeringsagenda Energie 2021-2023.

Doelstellingen behouden
De Uitvoeringsagenda Energie 2021-2023 is een herijking van het Uitvoeringsprogramma Energie 2020-2023. Brabant stelt hiermee in te zetten op andere en nieuwe accenten in de uitvoering. ‘Geen fundamenteel andere koers, wel nieuwe accenten in de uitvoering’, aldus de provincie.

De provincie blijft haar energiedoelstellingen nastreven ten aanzien van duurzame energie – te weten 50 procent van de energie in 2030 opwekken uit duurzame bronnen – en CO2-reductie – in 2030 50 procent reductie van de CO2-uitstoot ten opzichte van 1990.

De provincie Brabant verwelkomde vorig jaar een nieuwe coalitie bestaande uit de VVD, Forum voor Democratie, CDA en Lokaal Brabant. Kernenergie werd destijds al als een mogelijke optie genoemd in het coalitieakkoord.

‘Er wordt op dit moment al een groot aantal opwekprojecten gerealiseerd en voorbereid in Brabant, met name op het gebied van zonne- en windenergie’, schrijft het provinciebestuur nu in de uitvoeringsagenda. ‘Een opgave die zich sterk ruimtelijk manifesteert. Naast elektriciteit uit wind en zon zien we in Brabant ook potentie voor andere (innovatieve) technieken. Dit omdat we er rekening mee houden dat de groei van weersafhankelijke duurzame energie wellicht niet (tijdig) voldoende zal zijn voor de gestelde doelen. Daarom doen we onder andere onderzoek naar de mogelijke inzet van kernenergie. We richten ons hierbij zowel op conventionele (generatie III) uranium reactoren, als op de innovatieve generatie IV-reactoren (waaronder thorium MSR).’

Brede discussie
De resultaten van het onderzoek zijn het startpunt voor een brede discussie in en tussen Gedeputeerde Staten en Provinciale Staten.

Op basis van de discussies wordt in de komende periode een provinciaal standpunt bepaald en een vervolgaanpak uitgewerkt.

Provincies zijn verdeeld over nieuwe kerncentrale
ANP 2 uur geleden

Provincies zijn verdeeld over nieuwe kerncentrale© Copyright ANP 2021 Provincies zijn verdeeld over nieuwe kerncentrale

MAASTRICHT (ANP) - Provincies zijn verdeeld als het gaat om de mogelijke komst van een nieuwe kerncentrale op hun grondgebied. Limburg, Flevoland, Overijssel en Zuid-Holland zullen daar vooralsnog geen medewerking aan verlenen. Zeeland en Noord-Brabant zijn wel positief.

De Zeeuwse gedeputeerde Jo-Annes de Bat zegt dat Zeeland goed te spreken is over de huidige kerncentrale in Borssele. De bedrijfsvergunning loopt af in 2033, maar de provincie wil de centrale ook daarna openhouden. Zeeland zou er graag nog een tweede kerncentrale bij zetten en kijkt ook naar de mogelijkheid een thoriumcentrale te bouwen. Een kerncentrale die op thorium werkt veroorzaakt minder kernafval.

Noord-Brabant "verwelkomt kernenergie als onderdeel van de energiemix van met name na 2030", zegt gedeputeerde Eric de Bie. Al benadrukt hij dat de provincie nog geen standpunt heeft ingenomen over de vestiging van een nucleaire centrale. Eind deze maand verschijnt een onderzoek naar kernenergie dat TNO heeft uitgevoerd in opdracht van Noord-Brabant. Daarin is ook de mogelijkheid van een thoriumcentrale meegenomen. "Wanneer het onderzoek gereed is, geven Gedeputeerde Staten aan hoe zij verder aan de slag willen met kernenergie", aldus De Bie.


Flevoland, Overijssel en Zuid-Holland willen wel nadenken over een kerncentrale die zou werken op thorium, maar volgens wetenschappers is die techniek op zijn vroegst pas rond 2050 commercieel beschikbaar. Kernafval is voor Flevoland, Overijssel en Zuid-Holland het grootste pijnpunt. In de Omgevingswet heeft Flevoland opgenomen dat er geen medewerking wordt verleend aan de vestiging van een kerncentrale, zolang er geen oplossingen zijn voor het afval en de veiligheid. Ook in Overijssel en Zuid-Holland (Tweede Maasvlakte) gelden dergelijke besluiten.

Gedeputeerde Staten van Limburg sluiten kernenergie in de provincie op langere termijn niet uit, blijkt uit antwoorden van GS op vragen van Forum voor Democratie. Gedacht kan dan worden aan ergens rond 2050. Maar op dit moment is er geen aanleiding om een vestigingslocatie te onderzoeken, nu het Rijk al andere plekken op het oog heeft, aldus GS. Het college verwees daarbij naar Eemshaven (Groningen), Borssele en de Tweede Maasvlakte. Het Overijsselse Kampen is in 2018 genoemd.

Eemshaven lijkt echter geen optie meer te zijn. Premier Mark Rutte zei zondag nog in het RTL-verkiezingsdebat dat een nieuwe kerncentrale in Groningen kan komen. Daarop kreeg hij veel kritiek vanuit de noordelijke provincie. De fracties van GroenLinks in Groningen en Drenthe hebben samen met hun groene collega's in de Duitse deelstaat Nedersaksen hun provinciebesturen onmiddellijk opgeroepen om "alles in het werk te stellen om het kabinet een andere koers te laten varen".

De fracties zijn faliekant tegen en zeiden al genoeg last te hebben van de gaswinning. Rutte zei donderdagmorgen in het Radio 1 Journaal dat hij het "een beetje verkeerd had ingeschat". Hij wilde niet meer zeggen waar zo'n centrale wel moet komen.
Beloyarsk NPP BN-800 Fast Reactor Eefueling with MOX Fuel

Power unit No. 4 of the Beloyarsk NPP with the BN-800 reactor has been connected to the grid and resumed operations upon completion of the scheduled maintenance. For the first time the refueling has been carried out with uranium-plutonium fuel only. The first batch of 18 MOX fuel assemblies was loaded into the reactor core in January 2020, and now 160 assemblies more with fresh MOX fuel have been added (replacing the assemblies with enriched uranium). Thus, the BN-800 core is now one-third filled with innovative fuel. From now on, only MOX fuel will be loaded into this reactor.

The fuel assemblies were manufactured at the Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region). Distinct from traditional nuclear fuel with enriched uranium, MOX fuel pellets are based on the mix of nuclear fuel cycle derivatives, such as oxide of plutonium bred in commercial reactors, and oxide of depleted uranium which comes from defluorination of depleted uranium hexafluoride (UF6), the so-called secondary tailings of uranium enrichment facilities.

The BN-800 reactor was initially launched with a hybrid core, partially loaded with uranium fuel produced by Elemash, TVEL’s fabrication facility in Elektrostal (Moscow region), and partially with experimental MOX fuel bundles manufactured at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region (NIIAR).

Serial batch-production of MOX fuel started in late 2018 at the site of the Mining and Chemical Combine. The launch of this unique highly automatized fabrication shop-floor had been provided due to the broad cooperation of Russian nuclear industry enterprises with the coordination role of TVEL Fuel Company, which is also the official supplier of the MOX fuel to Beloyarsk NPP.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Develops Nitride Fuel for BREST-OD-300 Fast Reactor

Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company research facility Bochvar institute has developed fuel rod design based on nitride uranium-plutonium fuel, MNUP fuel, for the BREST-OD-300 fast neutron reactor. This fuel rod project will be applied for commercial manufacturing of nitride fuel to be launched as part of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex, which is under construction in Seversk in Tomsk region.

At the same time, Rosatom’s Nuclear Fuel Division continues development of the second-generation fuel rods for the BREST-OD-300 with a higher burnout level, which will be used when MNUP fabrication will shift to the re-fabrication stage meaning that irradiated fuel of the first load after irradiation and reprocessing will be used for fresh fuel fabrication.

The Siberian Chemical Combine (an enterprise of Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company) continues the construction of the MNUP fuel fabrication/re-fabrication module as part of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex. On 10 February 10 2021, the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) issued a license to for construction of BREST-OD-300, the world's first power unit with a lead-cooled fast neutron reactor.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Polar Crane Beams Installed at Rooppur NPP Unit 1

Specialists of subcontracting companies Trest RosSEM, LLC Roin World and JSC Energospetsmontazh have performed a scope of works related to installation of two beams of the polar crane on the rail track at Rooppur NPP Unit 1 in Bangladesh. hese are basic steel structures of the crane, by means of which further transportation and installation operations for main process equipment of the containment (reactor pressure vessel, steam generators, pressurizer) will be performed. The polar crane beams were installed using a heavy tracked crane Liebherr in the reactor pressure vessel at elevation +38,500 m.

Currently, works related to installation of the crane structures and mechanisms on the crane track are under way.

Due to the crane moving on a circular track, it will be capable of performing all handling works at any point of the reactor compartment.

It is planned to complete the works on the polar crane installation this June, which will be followed by installation of oversized and heavy equipment of the reactor plant of the first NPP unit.

After the NPP commissioning, the crane will be used for repair works and fuel transportation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Acquires 49% Stake in Korean Enertech International

RENERA LLC, ROSATOM’s integrator company for the energy storage business, has finalized the deal to acquire 49% share of Enertech International Inc, a South Korean manufacturer of electrodes, lithium-ion storage cells and energy storage systems. The signed agreement also includes building a facility for manufacturing of lithium-ion cells and energy storage systems in Russia, with at least 2 GWh production capacity by 2030. The start of the first stage of production is scheduled for 2025. Llithium-ion batteries made in Russia will be applied in electric vehicles (buses and cars), special equipment and in power grids.

The alliance with the Korean partner is a part of ROSATOM’s strategic development of non-nuclear businesses. Energy storage is an end-to-end technology in ROSATOM’s portfolio of new businesses, which makes it possible to create high-tech products which are in demand in the new technological paradigm.

Lithium-ion batteries are considered to be one of the most advanced and popular energy storage technologies. Due to the combination of affordable prices and high performance, such batteries have become the key component for development of environmentally friendly passenger transport – electric vehicles. Establishment of a world-class battery production enterprise in Russia would also become a landmark event for the national automotive industry. Reducing dependence on imports, associated commercial risks and, as the result, lower cost of the final products could become an incentive for production growth and widespread introduction of Russian-made electric transport.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RWE Welcomes Phase Out of Nuclear Energy in Germany

RWE has welcomed the mutual agreement between nuclear power plant operators and the responsible ministries of the German federal government regarding the outstanding regulation of compensation for the accelerated phase-out of nuclear energy in Germany. After 10 years, a comprehensive solution has now been found to settle the compensation to the companies, a step that has been called for repeatedly by the federal constitutional court.

The court had previously ordered the legislator in both December 2016 and September 2020 to settle the compensation for the approved electricity volumes that could no longer be produced by the phased-out nuclear power stations as well as for frustrated investments. The agreement now found is subject to implementation in the respective clauses of the German Nuclear Energy Act Atomgesetz as well as a public law contract between the operators and the federal government. In addition, a state aid audit by the EU Commission is required.

For RWE, this procedure is relevant in terms of compensation for a 25.9 terawatt hours electricity volumes from the Mülheim-Kärlich power plant as well as frustrated investments resulting from the 2011 decision to phase out nuclear energy in Germany. The agreement provides for the nuclear power plant operators to receive a compensation of 33.22 euros/MWh for the nonproduced electricity volumes. In addition, RWE would receive around 20 million euros to compensate for frustrated investments.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Completes New Stages in ATF Development Program

ROSATOM has completed the scheduled milestone in development of Russian accident tolerant fuel. The Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (NIIAR) in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region, has completed the second cycle of irradiation of the experimental fuel assemblies with VVER and PWR fuel rods in the MIR research reactor. Each fuel assembly contains 24 fuel elements with four various combinations of cladding and fuel matrix materials. Fuel pellets were made of traditional uranium dioxide, as well as uranium-molybdenum alloy with increased density and thermal conductivity. Zirconium alloy with a chromium coating and chromium-nickel alloy were either used as the rod cladding material.

After each irradiation cycles, several fuel rods of each fuel assembly were extracted for further post-irradiation studies, and the new non-irradiated samples were installed instead. All the irradiated fuel rods have been remaining hermetic.

Furthermore, the Bochvar Institue (a research facility of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM) has started the project of developing the fabrication technology for uranium disilicide pellets (U3Si2) as another option for the ATF fuel matrix. An experimental U3Si2 ingot has been manufactured for the further producing of powder and pellets.https://www.rosatom.ru/upload/medialibrary/32f/32f00e419b93265fc0b3b1fbe12590f8.jpg

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Launches Site for CFR-600 (China) Fuel Fabrication

Elemash Machine-building plant (an enterprise of ROSATOM’s TVEL Fuel Company in Elektrostal, Moscow region) has launched a production site for fuel fabrication for the CFR-600 reactor, China’s flagship project in the field of fast neutron reactors. The enterprise has modernized the whole shop-floor for fast reactors, which involved development and installation of unique equipment. The “dummy” fuel bundles for CFR-600 are already manufactured for testing.

The new production site was established for fulfillment of the contract between TVEL and the Chinese company CNLY (a subsidiary of CNNC Corporation) for supply of uranium fuel for the CFR-600 reactor, including start-up loading, as well as refueling for the first seven years of the power unit operation. The start of the CFR-600 fuel supplies to China is scheduled for 2023.

The new equipment will be also used to produce fuel for both Chinese CFR-600 and CEFR fast reactors, as well as for the Russian BN-600 reactor of the Beloyarsk NPP. In the near future, production of the standard BN-600 will start on the new shop-floor.

For reference:

The CFR-600 fuel contract was signed in compliance of the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the joint construction and operation of the demonstration fast reactor in China. It is a part of a large-scale program of bilateral cooperation in nuclear industry for the decades ahead. In particular, the agreement covers construction of innovative power units of the Russian design (generation III +) with VVER-1200 reactors at two sites in China - Tianwan NPP and Xudabao NPP.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vattenfall to Benefit from German Nuclear Phase Out Understanding

The German Government announced cornerstones of an understanding with E.ON, EnBW, RWE and Vattenfall to terminate disputes on German nuclear phase out and to implement German Constitutional Court rulings on such matter. The German Constitutional Court has confirmed twice that Vattenfall was discriminated as it could not use its production rights in its own nuclear power plants whereas competitors could. The understanding is designed to terminate such discrimination. According to the understanding, Vattenfall would receive a compensation of EUR 1,425 million, subject to taxation.

The details of the understanding need to be worked out in a corresponding agreement and a law, that is to be passed by the German Parliament. All commitments will be subject to the EU Commission’s confirmation that the compensation does not include state aid.

It furthermore includes additional sale of production rights by Vattenfall to E.ON for EUR 181 million to cover the remaining lifetime of E.ON:s nuclear plants. Adding this to the compensation by the Government will thus result in total EUR 1,606 million for Vattenfall. The previous sales of nuclear production rights from nuclear power plant Krümmel to E.ON will be reversed. The understanding also addresses compensation for stranded investments in the lifetime prolongation that do not regard Vattenfall.

Part of the overall understanding with the industry is to terminate all kind of related disputes including the court proceedings initiated by E.ON against Vattenfall and the proceedings of Vattenfall against Germany under The Energy Charter Treaty and other proceedings.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Starts Construction of Akkuyu NPP Unit 3 in Turkey

A ceremony commemorating the start of Unit 3 construction was held at the site of the first Turkish nuclear power plant Akkuyu. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined the ceremony via videoconference. Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Dönmez, ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev and Akkuyu Nuclear JSC CEO Anastasia Zoteeva were present at the Akkuyu NPP site. At the ceremony, the leaders of the two countries gave permission to start construction work by pouring the first concrete into the foundation of Unit 3. Speaking at the event, Alexey Likhachev noted that construction work was progressing rapidly.

The construction license for Unit 3 was issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK) on November 13, 2020. Concrete is being poured onto the reinforced base of the power unit. The foundation is divided into 16 work zones, so-called sections. Concrete pouring at each section will be carried out round the clock, and a technical shelter will protect the site from precipitation. Concrete will be poured to a height of 2.6 meters; the average volume of each section will be 1,100 cubic meters. The total amount of concrete mixture poured into the foundation slab as part of the concrete pouring works will be 17,000 cubic meters.

The whole set of preparatory works preceded the foundation slab concrete pouring: arrangement of water drawdown, excavation of the pit, arrangement of the concrete pad and waterproofing, foundation reinforcement and installation of embedded parts. Specialists are present on site to control the concrete pouring process, including experts from the concrete batching plant laboratory, representatives of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC, main construction contractor TITAN 2 IC IÇTAS INSAAT ANONIM SIRKETI Joint Venture, as well as employees of the independent construction supervision organization Assystem EOS, a French engineering company.

Construction and installation works are now being carried out simultaneously at the construction sites of all four Akkuyu NPP power units. The concreting of the foundation slab of Akkuyu NPP Unit 1 was completed in March 2019. Up to this date, the core catcher, dry protection, the cantilever truss, and support and thrust trusses have been installed in the unit’s reactor building. The work continues on concreting the walls of the internal structures of the containment, construction of structural contour walls and internal walls, pre-assembly and preparation for installation of the third tier of the inner containment shell.

The concreting of the foundation slab of Akkuyu NPP Unit 2 began on April 8, 2020 and was completed in early June 2020. Construction of the circular reactor building walls followed at the unit. Concrete pouring of the annular floor was carried out, the core catcher was installed in the design position, and the first tier of the internal containment shell was erected. Installation of the support truss in the design position is the next milestone planned for this year within the framework of the power unit construction.

The application documentation for the Akkuyu NPP Unit 4 construction license was submitted to NDK on May 12, 2020. Preparations are underway at the construction site for the construction of a foundation pit for the unit.https://www.rosatom.ru/upload/medialibrary/282/2826bca74792f980537a9c83079bf3dc.jpg

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Rostechnadzor Certifies Unit 6 of Leningrad NPP

On March 10, Head of the North European Interregional Department for Supervision over Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Rostechnadzor Sergey Perevoshchikov delivered the statement of conformance of Unit 6 to requirements of technical regulations and project documentation to Director of Leningrad NPP Vladimir Pereguda. The day before, the final 15-day integrated tests of the new power unit were completed. During those tests, the power unit operated without issues at the nominal power.

By the commissioning time, Unit 6 of Leningrad NPP will produce more than 2 bln kWh of electricity. According to preliminary estimates, after its commissioning, the economic effect as additional taxes to the budget of Leningrad Region will be more than RUB 3 bln a year.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Dummy Fuel Assemblies Loading at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP

On March 7, the specialists initiated loading dummy fuel assemblies into the reactor of power unit No.2 of Belarus NPP. This process is a prerequisite and a kind of a dry run of the fuel load into the reactor, and includes, inter alia, handling of transport and process operations regarding the DFA movement from the special fresh fuel storage facility to the reactor building and confirmation of the refueling machine readiness. Dummies are true copy of fuel assemblies, having the same design in terms of weight, dimensions and materials, but do not contain nuclear fuel. They are intended for use during commissioning at the stage of cold and hot tests of the reactor plant.

Belarus NPP having two VVER-1200 reactors with the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed in Ostrovets (the Republic of Belarus). The Russian III+ generation design that is fully compliant with the international standards and the International Atomic Energy Agency safety recommendations, has been selected for the first NPP in Belarus. The Belarus NPP Unit 1 has become the first Gen III+ unit in operation built abroad based on the Russian technologies.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Russia May Qualify Nuclear Energy as Green Source of Energy

On March 16, 2021, at the site of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, representatives of VEB.RF (state development corporation), the Bank of Russia (Russian Central Bank), the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Energy, and representatives of banking and business community discussed the draft national Taxonomy of green projects prepared by VEB.RF. The document was developed taking into account the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities and providing for the Russian economy features. The main goal of the document is to stimulate "green" activities and projects aimed at combating climate change and increasing the efficiency of natural resources exploitation.

The list of green activities of the Russian Taxonomy also includes nuclear power, which generates no direct CO2 emissions putting it on a par with renewable sources. Projects in ecotourism, hydrogen and gas engine transport, forest-climatic and agricultural projects, transport infrastructure projects, as well as projects that reduce carbon dioxide emissions are now also considered green in Russia.

Seven of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals deal with environmental protection. One of the instruments of protecting the environment is green finance (investments tied to sustainable development metrics). Today, this financial instrument is at the initial development stage in Russia. However, the 2019-2021 Russian financial market development roadmap provides for attracting investors focused on financing sustainable development projects.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Subsidiary to Supply Nuclear Fuel to Egypt

ROSATOM’s TVEL Fuel Company’s Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant and the Egyptian Atomic Energy Agency signed the contractual documents for supplies of another batch of the low-enriched fuel components to Egypt in 2021. The supplies are carried out under the long-term frame contract for exports of Russian-made nuclear fuel components for ETRR-2 reactor concluded between NCCP and EAEA under coordination of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM. The products range includes uranium components, as well as products made of the aluminum alloy, and aluminum powder.

The first shipments under this contract were performed in 2020. Due to the close and efficient cooperation between the Customer and the Supplier, NCCP successfully fulfilled the contractual obligations despite the COVID-19 related restrictions.

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant PJSC (NCCP, Novosibirsk) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of nuclear fuel for NPPs (nuclear power plants) and research reactors in Russia and foreign countries. It is also the Russian manufacturer of lithium metal and its salts. The Plant is the Member of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ons kernafval begraven? Hier kan het
Kernenergie heeft weer de aandacht, en daarmee ­nucleair afval. Waar kunnen we dit opbergen?

Welk afval?
Afgedankte splijtstof uit kerncentrales. Een aanzienlijke meerderheid in de nieuwe Tweede Kamer noemt kernenergie als optie, omdat de voordelen immens zijn. Een dobbelsteentje brandstof zou al meer dan genoeg stroom leveren voor het jaarverbruik van een huishouden — zonder CO2-uitstoot. Maar dan moeten we wel wat doen met het afval uit diezelfde centrale. Warm, stralend en nog duizenden jaren lang gevaarlijk. Beoogd coalitiepartner ChristenUnie bijvoorbeeld noemt specifiek dit als het grote euvel.

Artist’s impression van een ondergrondse opslag in Zweden illustratie: SKB

Hoe kunnen we dit oplossen?
Wegstoppen in de bodem. Letterlijk in de Boomse klei, een vrij harde en zware kleilaag die straling kan afremmen, amper grondwater doorlaat en scheurtjes vanzelf kan dichten. Die laag zit al zo’n dertig miljoen jaar onder het Nederlandse grondoppervlak en lijkt er ook nog wel even te blijven. Bouwers zouden op paar honderd meter diepte een gangenstelsel kunnen graven waarin radioactieve vaten minstens 100.000 jaar kunnen blijven zitten. Daarna is het stralingsgevaar geweken.

Hoeveel afval moeten we kwijt?
Ongeveer 32 olympische zwembaden vol. Op dit moment hebben we één kernreactor in Nederland voor energievoorziening (Borssele) en ontvangen we nucleair afval uit bijvoorbeeld ziekenhuizen. Dit zal bij elkaar 80.000 m3 stralend afval opleveren in honderd jaar tijd, aldus staatsbedrijf Covra, dat het materiaal verzamelt. Vooral uit zorg en uit onderzoek. Maar stel dat de geest echt uit de fles komt en er een tweede kernreactor wordt gebouwd, dan krijgen we bijvoorbeeld ook meer lange cilindrische vaten met hoogradioactief materiaal. In de praktijk groeit de afvalstapel dan met grofweg een kwart, zegt Covra. Van ruim dertig olympische zwembaden naar een slordige veertig, voor in de berging.

Kernafval opslaan op 300 meter diep is volgens de plannen veilig en mogelijk.

Gaat dat niet weglekken?
Dat zou niet mogen. Het materiaal zit in een dikke verpakking die het een tijd moet uitzingen, en anders moet de kleilaag eventuele lekken tegenhouden. Alleen moet er dan met die bodem zelf niets meer gebeuren, ook niet na overstromingen, aardbevingen of ander onheil. In principe kan dat, laten geologen weten, als je maar diep genoeg zit. ‘We hebben de vraag gekregen wat er in een miljoen jaar tijd kan gebeuren’, zegt Michiel van der Meulen, hoofdgeoloog bij TNO, over dit vraagstuk. ‘Dan heb je het bijvoorbeeld over een nieuwe ijstijd. Van de Noord-Nederlandse ondergrond weten we dat smeltwater onder een ijskap honderden meters diepe geulen kan uitslijpen.’ De plannen zijn nog niet tot in detail uitgewerkt, maar de voorlopige stelling is dat een berging op minstens 300 meter diep zou kunnen.

En waar in Nederland kan dit?
Er zijn wel paar kanshebbers en plekken die misschien afvallen, want Boomse klei is niet overal gelijk verdeeld. In Middelburg is de laag vrij dun en bevindt hij zich dicht onder het oppervlak. Bij Eindhoven is de laag een stuk dikker, maar dan weer anderhalve kilometer diep. Er zijn gebieden waar de laag zelfs afwezig is, zoals bij Enschede en in Zuid-Limburg. Maar dan blijven er veel locaties over. Het hoeft niet eens per se deze kleilaag te zijn, stelt Covra. Er zijn ook andere kleilagen waarin het misschien lukt. In 2018 presenteerde de organisatie een rapport met de strekking dat het in 2130 moet gebeuren en zo’n ondergrondse bergplaats ongeveer €2 mrd gaat kosten. Alleen waar, daaraan wil niemand zijn vingers branden. Geologisch kan het misschien, nu nog maatschappelijk. Een klus voor de politiek.

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/futures/1377863/ons-kernafval-b...
ROSATOM Ships One More Batch of Equipment to Kudankulam NPP

On March 16, 2021, the Industrial Ruby marine vessel left the port of St. Petersburg with a batch of equipment for Kudankulam NPP that is under construction in India. This is the first of lot of equipment for Kudankulam Units 3 and 4 this year and the 24th under the project. The lot with 2173 cubic meters of equipment that was planned to be shipped was promptly loaded on the vessel. The 24th lot included air locks for passive heat removal system, pumping equipment, penetrations, valves, switchgear cabinets and pipelines.

On the way to India, the vessel will call at the port of Hamburg to collect a batch of equipment that has been fabricated by European manufacturers and then will set course for India.

Power units No 3,4 and 5,6 are the second and the third stages of Kudankulam NPP constructed under AES-92 design with VVER-1000 (V-412) reactor type. The technical solutions implemented in Kudankulam design characterize further evolutionary development of NPPs with VVER-reactors of high power and transition to creation of a new, reliable, safe and feasible power unit.

New power units of Kudankulam NPP comply with the most up-to-date safety requirements of IAEA.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Manufacturing Passive Core Flooding Systems for Akkuyu NPP

ROSATOM machine-building division Atomenergomash’s Volgodonsk Branch of JSC AEM-technology has started a new project manufacturing Passive Core Flooding System Tanks for the Akkuyu NPP Unit 1 in Turkey.

Atommash will manufacture the Passive Core Flooding System Tanks for Units 1 and 3 of the Akkuyu NPP under construction. Each Passive Core Flooding System Tanks consists of three shells and two bottoms. The shells are manufactured of 60 mm thick stainless steel sheet. Twenty-four shells are used for the set of Passive Core Flooding System Tanks.

Some of the blanks were already subjected to the incoming inspection, the bottoms and shells are being machined. On turning-boring machines, edges are cut for circumferential welds, on horizontal boring machining centers work is carried out with holes and nozzles. Preparation for penetrant test is performed. The assembly of sleeves was started on the bottoms of the tanks.


Passive Core Flooding System Tank belongs to the second stage of passive NPP safety systems. The system includes 8 hydraulic tanks with a volume of 120 cubic meters. During operation at the plant, an aqueous solution of boric acid is stored in tanks, heated to a temperature of about 60 degrees. When the pressure in the primary circuit drops below a certain level, the liquid is automatically supplied to the reactor and the core is cooled.

The Akkuyu NPP project in Turkey includes four power units with Russian VVER reactors of the generation III+ with increased safety and improved technical and economic characteristics. The Rosatom engineering division carries out the design and construction of the facility. The electric capacity of each NPP unit will be 1200 MW.

For reference:

JSC Atomenergomash is a supplier of equipment for the reactor plant and the turbine hall for all four units of the plant. The Akkuyu NPP is the world's first nuclear power plant project implemented according to the BOO (“build-own-operate”) model.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Kernenergie is best wel duurzaam en dus... steun graag
Han Dirk Hekking 11:00

Vooruitblikkend en verdiepend: dit is de wekelijkse dosis Europamania — alles wat je moet weten over ontwikkelingen in Europa. In deze editie: kernenergie is best wel duurzaam, juridische zorgen voor Ursula von der Leyen en Brits-Europese vaccinprikjes.

De kerncentrale Golfech in Zuid-Frankrijk. Foto: Reuters

1. Kernenergie is duurzaam, en dus... EU-steun!
Is kernenergie duurzaam en dus aan te prijzen als klimaatbeleid uit de Europese Green Deal? Die vraag zingt al een tijdje in Brussel rond. Frankrijk, Slowakije, Hongarije, Polen, Roemenië, Slovenië en Tsjechië vinden alvast van wel. De zeven landen stuurden er de Europese Commissie recent een brief over.

Alle technologieën die kunnen leiden tot klimaatneutraliteit (het EU-doel voor 2050) verdienen actieve ondersteuning, vinden de zes. Eerder had Brussel nog niet veel zin om op kernenergie het predikaat 'duurzame investering' te plakken. Frans Timmermans zei vorig najaar tegen het FD dat Brussel niks tegen kernenergie heeft. Maar ja, de kosten, en dat afval...

Financiering en subsidiëring van kerncentrales is dus ingewikkelder. En dat is onfortuinlijk voor de fans van nucleaire energie: nieuwe centrales kosten sowieso handenvol geld. De bouw ervan verloopt traag (de centrale Olkiluoto 3 in Finland bijvoorbeeld had al moeten draaien in 2009 maar...).

Voor de zeven landen is kernenergie evenwel belangrijk vanwege al draaiende centrales (neem Frankrijk, Hongarije), of grote plannen daarvoor (bijvoorbeeld Polen, Tsjechië). Ze hopen dus dat Brussel wat toegeeflijker is (vorige week kwam al uit dat gas wat gunstiger in de Brusselse boeken kan komen).

En kernenergie? Persbureau Reuters meldde afgelopen weekeinde dat het gemeenschappelijk onderzoekscentrum van de EU (JRC) in een advies al wat positiever is gestemd.

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/economie-politiek/1378548/kerne...
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