20.000 put contracten :)
Wellicht dat het allemaal vooral ook koerssturen is vanwege bij elkaar enorme optiebelangen... heb met een aankoop op 1,807 alles weer terug nu... de dood of de gladiolen :)
Notable Put Options Activity in Alcatel Lucent
Posted on 02/29/12 at 2:35pm by Michael J. Zerinskas [1]
Shares of Alcatel Lucent (NYSE: ALU [2]) are lower on the session by 2.76%, currently trading at $2.47. The stock has been moving largely higher over the past three months and is currently trading above the 50-day moving average.
Options traders are focusing on puts today. The strike seeing the heaviest action is the January 2013 $1.50 put, which has traded 23,300 times on open interest of 2,390 contracts.
Put volume is outpacing call volume by 12 to 1.
Alcatel Lucent SA is engaged in mobile, fixed, Internet Protocol (IP [3]) and optics technologies, applications and services. The Company is a partner of service providers, enterprises, industries and governments worldwide.