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Waarbij MC5 toch minstens 1 jaar eerder was met uitbrengen...

kweet niet of de Rockland band nu wel iets is om te gaan starten, zo in deze week.Ben op zoek naar uw motieven.
Hengelen op dun ijs naar deze smakelijke knapperige junior: Golden Harp, net een goede inverdiendeal gesloten op een van hun claims, die ze weliswaar 60% kost, maar 6M C$ oplevert aan drillkapitaal, en dat heeft ook wel wat nietwaar...

Volume is vooralsnog flinterdun, met kleine orders op 0.20 en grotere op 0.15!

MC eh uhh rond de 5




Avino Assays Up to 0.80m of 5,522 g/t Ag & 1.304 g/t Au at San Gonzalo
Keep drilling boys:)

haas schreef:

Avino Assays Up to 0.80m of 5,522 g/t Ag & 1.304 g/t Au at San Gonzalo
Keep drilling boys:)

p.s. je vergeet nog de zinc,koper en lood grades!
Sea Green capital, geen positie...

geen nieuws sinds 2009,
Vandaag ineens order 1,2 mio stuks op 0,015, gem 4k!



Sea Green Capital Corp. (Sea Green) is a development-stage exploration company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of resource properties primarily in Canada through direct and joint holdings. Sea Green’s properties include Casa Berardi, Quebec; Bristol Township, Ontario; Godfrey and Jessop Townships, Ontario; Beschefer, Quebec, and Ogden Township Project, Ontario. The Company holds a 70% interest in 104 staked claims covering 1,664 hectares adjacent to the Cancor/Cambior base metal and gold discoveries in Laberge Township, Quebec. It has a 40% interest in nine claim blocks covering 1,328 hectares in Godfrey and Jessop townships, west of Timmins. Sea Green has a 20% interest in the one claim block in Bristol Township. As of June 30, 2009, the Company had not generated any revenues.

Sea Green Capital (WKN: A0HFYM) Rohstoff-Schnäppchen mit gigantischem Kurspotential

29.06.2009 | 13:27:12

Sea Green Capital:
Unterbewertete Rohstoffaktie mit positivem
Auch wenn es in den Tagen um den Jahreswechsel ruhiger wurde um einen unserer Rohstoff -Favoriten, Sea Green Capital (WKN: A0HFYM), so war das Unternehmen alles andere als untätig: Sowohl bei der Finanzierung der zahlreichen Minenprojekte, als auch bei der "Projektpipeline" selber haben sich in den vergangenen Wochen massive Fortschritte ergeben, die auch in den nächsten Wochen für optimistisch stimmende Nachrichten sorgen sollten. Wir erwarten noch im Januar weitere positive News aus dem Unternehmen.

Einer der wichtigsten Schritte nach vorne ist sicherlich der Abschluss des ersten Teils einer aktuell laufenden Finanzierungsrunde 700.000 Einheiten, jeweils bestehend aus einer Aktie und einem halben Optionsschein , wurde zu 15 Cent platziert und sorgen so für Einnahmen von 105.000 Dollar. Im zweiten Teil der Finanzierungsrunde sollen bis Ende Januar noch einmal 600.000 Dollar eingenommen werden. Platziert werden ebenfalls Einheiten zu 15 Cent, diesmal bestehend aus einer Aktie und einem kompletten Optionsschein. Während die Aktien für einen Viermonatszeitraum Restriktionen beim Verkauf unterworfen sind, können mit je Optionsschein innerhalb eines Jahres eine Aktie zum Preis von 25 Cent bezogen werden – mithin deutlich oberhalb des aktuellen Kurses.

Auch von den Minenprojekten des Unternehmens kommen erfreuliche Nachrichten: Jüngst hat Sea Green Capital seinem Explorationsportfolio zwei weitere aussichtsreiche Projekte durch Akquisitionen hinzugefügt. Bereits Ende Dezember meldete Sea Green Capital den Erwerb von 100 Prozent eines Minenprojektes, bestehend aus acht Einheiten, das 15 Kilometer nordöstlich von Kirkland Lake in Nord-Ontario liegt. Das Gebiet wurde bereits von verschiedenen Gesellschaften exploriert. So haben Bohrungen im Jahr 1998 Zinkmineralisierungen nachgewiesen. Das Unternehmen plant für den Februar weitere Bohrungen, um nach weiteren Mineralisierungen zu suchen, die in diesem Bereich bereits nachgewiesen wurden (u.a. Gold und Silber).

Heute vermeldete das Unternehmen die Akquisition eines weiteren viel verprechenden Minenprojektes in Ontario, das insgesamt aus 17 Grubenfeldern mit insgesamt 86 Einheiten besteht. Das Gebiet liegt auf Erfolg versprechenden Gesteinsschichten, die vor allem polymetallische massive vulkanische Sulfide beinhalten. Sea Green Capital plant zur Exploration der zu erwartenden Basismetall-Vorkommen entsprechende geophysikalische Untersuchungen, die im zweiten Quartal stattfinden sollen.

Auch von den anderen Projekten des Unternehmens werden Fortschritte gemeldet: So wird in naher Zukunft beim Projekt "Godfrey-Jamieson" weiter gebohrt. Dadurch sollen Basismetall-Adern in den bereits entdeckten Gesteinsschichten weiter definiert werden. Bei einem anderen Projekt sollen im Februar Bohrungen beginnen, mit denen vier feststehende geophysikalische "Targets" getestet werden. Bei zweien steht Gold im Fokus des Interesses, bei den beiden anderen "Targets" polymetallische massive Sulfide.

Unser Fazit bleibt daher unverändert positiv: Die Aktie ist hoch interessant. Bei knapp 3 Millionen Euro Marktkapitalisierung und diesen Wert massiv übersteigenden Rohstoffvorkommen des Unternehmens besteht weiter enormes Aufwärtspotenzial für die Aktie. Der zu erwartende positive Newsflow sollte dabei eine positive Kursentwicklung stützen.
kijk kijk
nieuws van Aurizon over Casa Berardi (p.s. dit is een producerende mijn)

heeft iemand een link dat Sea Green idd partner is voor dit project?
lijkt me stug. hebben ze een stuk land in de buurt van de mijn?

Sep 27, 2010
Infill Drilling Confirms Continuity of the High Grade Mineralization of the 123 Zone at the Casa Berardi Mine
View News Release in PDF Format

Aurizon Mines Ltd. (TSX: ARZ; NYSE Amex: AZK) is pleased to report further results from infill drilling of the 123 Zone from the exploration drift on the 810 metre level at its Casa Berardi Mine in north-western Quebec.

Part of the current exploration program is focused on the upper and depth extensions of the 123 Zone, located approximately 1.0 kilometre east of the West Mine shaft, with the objective of extending the known mineralization.

Underground drilling has completed a further six new holes on a 50 metre spacing. The program is targeting a series of previously outlined stacked mineralized lenses within a south-east dipping host corridor, 200 metres thick by 1,000 metres of vertical strike. The thickness of the individual lenses within the corridor is in the range of 3 to 35 metres.

Four out of six drill holes returned mineralized values having a metal factor above 10 (true width in metres x the gold grade in grams per tonne), or higher. A table of all the drill hole results are included in this release and are illustrated on the attached sketch. The six drill holes cover an area of approximately 200 metres along strike to a depth of 200 metres below the 810 metre level.

The best results were 10.0 grams of gold per tonne over 35.1 metres (true thickness) in hole CBP-0194 and 9.1 grams of gold per tonne over 27.3 metres (true thickness) in hole CBP-0193, and were intersected approximately 50 metres and 100 metres, respectively, from the previously reported 42.1 grams of gold per tonne over 21.5 metres (true thickness) in hole CBP-0160 (see Aurizon news release dated August 30th 2010). These results indicate that there is a high grade core within the 123 Zone, extending over a strike distance in the order of 200 metres vertically by 50 metres horizontally and having an approximate thickness of 25 metres. The deepest hole to date in the 123 Zone is CBP-0115 (see Aurizon news release dated February 11th 2010) at 1,100 metres which intersected two structures: 5.5 grams of gold per tonne over 10 metres (true thickness) and 20.7 grams of gold per tonne over 0.7 metres (true thickness).

As at December 31, 2009, the 123 Zone contained inferred mineral resources of 714,000 tonnes at a grade of 9.4 grams of gold per tonne, or 216,000 ounces.

In the 123 Zone, gold mineralization occurs in quartz veins, cherty units and massive sulphide structures located between the South 123 Zone break to the east and the South break to the west in a volcanic bearing environment. This corridor extends for more than 1.0 kilometre vertically, containing distinct stacked lenses.

"The continuity in thickness and grade of the mineralized system in the 123 Zone confirms the potential to extend the mineralization at depth and to find more mineralization along strike of this structure" said Gilles Carrier P. Eng., Principal Exploration Geologist.


Underground drilling will continue with two rigs from the 810 metre exploration drift to define the down dip extension of the zone. The 123 Zone remains open to depth and along strike to the east, however step out drilling is limited due to the orientation of the mineralization relative to the drill bases at the 810 metre exploration drift. The two drill rigs will primarily perform infill drilling of the 123 Zone in order to upgrade the resources identified in the campaign. A drill rig has recently started at the 550 metre track drift to verify the upper extension of the zone. An updated mineral resource estimate is expected to be completed by year-end.

As previously reported, $2.8 million will be invested in the second half of 2010 to commence a ramp from the 810 metre level down to approximately the 1,000 metre level which will provide drill bases to test the depth extensions of both the 123 and 118 Zones as well as commence mine development of these zones.
grappig: op de website van Green Sea is het project Quebec ( Casa Berardi ) under revision.

Dit nog wel van de website van Aurizon geplukt:

Casa Berardi - Lake Shore option

Lake Shore Gold Corp. ("Lake Shore") Lake Shore has announced that it will conduct an approximate 10,700 metre diamond drill program in 2010 on both East and West blocks of the optioned property. The program will include approximately 6,000 metres in 23 holes designed to confirm the continuity and expand the mineralization of the G zone in the East Block area. Drill results from the G zone include 8.58 grams per tonne gold over 10.4 metres and 6.84 grams per tonne gold over 3.10 metres. Drilling of the G zone has identified mineralization to a vertical depth of 280 metres within a strike length of 500 metres. The G zone is located approximately 7.5 kilometres to the east of the Casa Berardi processing facility.

Lake Shore Gold heeft dus gebied gestraddled en is gaan drillen. Heeft dit er mss mee te maken?

Op de website van Lake Shore gold staat weer niets bijzonders zo op het eerste gezicht.

Kom op jongens: spitten! :)

September 27, 2010
ESO Completes First Drill Program on Donna Gold Property With Sulphide Mineralization in 6 Holes. Mikwam Ontario Gold Project Drilling Planned. Seismic Surveys Planned for Lithium Projects.

The recent improvement in the price of gold to more than US$1290 per ounce (US$40/g) has caused ESO to review its Mikwam Gold project in the Casa Berardi Deformation Zone located in Ontario, about 40 kms West of Aurizon Mines' (TSX-ARZ) Quebec gold producer, Casa West. A 2006 NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for Mikwam, using a 1.0 g/t gold cut off, gave:

Grade Au Contained
Category Tonnes g/t Au Ounces
Indicated 238,000 3.23 25,000
Inferred 879,000 2.42 68,000
September 17, 2010
Beaufield Stakes 7918 Hectares at Casa Berardi
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 17, 2010) - Beaufield Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:BFD) has map staked 7918 hectares in the Casa Berardi area of Quebec. The claims cover a grouping of humus geochemical anomalous reported by the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources in a 1980 survey. The newly staked claims are in the vicinity of claims held by Aurizon Mines Ltd and Agnico Eagle Mines.

For information on the Casa Berardi property please refer to the Beaufield website: www.beaufield.com.
July 22, 2010
Adventure Gold Inc., Rt Minerals Corp., and Lake Shore Gold Corp. Announce Deep Drilling Program Update


Adventure Gold Inc. is a mining exploration company focused on discovering high quality gold deposits in the Abitibi greenstone belt located in north-west Quebec and north-east Ontario - one of the richest gold deposit areas in the world. Adventure Gold holds quality assets in Val-d'Or, Timmins West as well as along the Casa-Berardi-Cameron and Detour Lake Gold Breaks. The Company is led by a determined management and technical team with extensive exploration and mine production experience.
het volume komt maar van 1 house af, 121: Jennings

12:46 PM EDT 0.035 2,000 0.025 002 007
12:46 PM EDT 0.020 13,000 0.010 002 124
12:13 PM EDT 0.015 200 0.005 121 121
12:13 PM EDT 0.015 401,000 0.005 121 121
12:12 PM EDT 0.015 400 0.005 121 121
12:12 PM EDT 0.015 802,000 0.005 121 121
12:05 PM EDT 0.020 17,000 0.010 019 124
12:05 PM EDT 0.020 3,000 0.010 019 007
12:01 PM EDT 0.020 2,000 0.010 079 007
9:58 AM EDT 0.020 5,000 0.010 009 007

July 29, 2010
Sona Closes Private Placement for $1.2 Million; 3,000-Metre Diamond Drilling Program to Commence

Sona holds a 100 percent interest in two other promising properties: The Callaghan Project is located in Nevada, within 80 kilometres of several producing mines, and is underlain by the Roberts Mountain Thrust, a major structural setting for gold deposits. The Montgolfier Project is located in Quebec, 40 kilometres east of the multimillion-ounce Casa Berardi Mine gold deposit.
July 22, 2010
Lake Shore Gold Confirms and Expands Mineralization in "G Zone" at Casa Berardi East

- CE-10-30 intersects 11.54 gpt over 3.89 m and CE-10-32 intersects 4.75 gpt over 1.00 m and 3.10 gpt over 1.00 m near west edge of G Zone, extends mineralization 120 m down dip of previous drilling.

- CE-10-29 intersects 40.20 gpt over 0.42 m, 8.41 gpt over 1.40 m, 6.74 gpt over 1.28 m and 5.81 gpt over 1.57 m, confirms continuity of mineralization near east limit of the G Zone.

- Results suggest potential for shallow depth gold resource within 7 kilometers of Casa Berardi Mine and Mill Complex.
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