Volkswagen LNG Car Freighters from January 2020
Volkswagen Group Logistics is the first company to use two car freighters powered by liquefied natural gas in overseas traffic. The two charter ships of Siem Car Carriers were launched last Friday in Xiamen in China. Both ships will replace two of the nine conventional heavy oil-powered cargo ships currently used by Group logistics on the Atlantic between Europe and North America. The SIEM CONFUCIUS will be integrated into this service from January 2020 after its transfer from Asia to Europe. The second ship will start operations in spring 2020 in the same area.
The two technologically advanced ships, each 200 meters long and 38 meters wide, have 13 car decks and a capacity of 7,500 RT, which corresponds to approximately 4,700 vehicles of the Volkswagen Group model mix. So far, only a few smaller ships for rolling cargo have been built with LNG propulsion for short-haul traffic; for overseas vehicle shipments, Group logistics is a pioneer for this type of propulsion.
Both vehicle transporters are powered by a 12,600 kW dual-fuel marine engine with direct injection and exhaust gas treatment from MAN Energy Solutions of the Volkswagen Group. In addition to liquid, deep-frozen natural gas, they can also be operated with environmentally friendly e-gas produced via Power-to-X or biogas. In eco-speed mode, the ships are running 16.5 knots (30.6 km/h). With their two tanks, each holding 1,800 cubic meters, the transporters have similar vehicle capacities and ranges compared to conventional heavy oil-powered ocean freighters.
Source : Strategic Research Institute