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Nikkelprijs schiet hoger

(ABM FN) De nikkelprijs is vrijdag flink gestegen, nadat bekend werd dat Indonesië de export van het metaal aan banden zal leggen.

Volgens bronnen van The wall Street Journal zou Indonesië de nikkelexport al in december willen controleren.

Daarmee handelde de Indonesische regering voortvarender dan menig handelaar had voorzien.

Nikkel werd circa 10 procent duurder. Inmiddels staat de prijs op het hoogste niveau in zo’n 5 jaar tijd.

"Dit is een game changer voor de markt", meent analist wenyu Yao van ING.

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New Projects to Boost Nickel Price

Rapidly rising use of nickel in the batteries that power electric vehicles over coming years means higher prices are needed to incentivise the development of new projects to boost supplies of the metal. To compete with conventional cars powered by internal combustion engines , electric vehicles must be able to go further on a single charge. That means more nickel, used to store energy in the cathode part of lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, is needed. Consultancy Roskill estimates most new greenfield nickel projects would need prices at USD 22,000 a tonne or above, though that would to an extent depend on byproducts such as cobalt, whose prices have slumped. Nickel prices on the London Metal Exchange are around USD 15,700 a tonne. Prices need to be higher now as nickel mines can take five or more years to develop.

Mr Jack Anderson, an analyst at Roskill said that "You need a much higher purity nickel for batteries. To build more capacity you need significantly higher prices. Nickel has been dominated by the stainless steel industry, which uses the lowest-cost, low-grade material coming from Indonesia and the Philippines."

Mr Jim Lennon, managing director at Red Door Research said that "Depending on the adoption of 8-1-1 technology, the amount of nickel per car could on average go from 20 kg to between 40 and 50 kg by 2025.”

Source : Reuters
Nikkelprijs zet sector in beweging

Gepubliceerd op 2 sep 2019 om 08:28 | Views: 1.743

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De aandelen van Europese bedrijven die zijn blootgesteld aan de nikkelmarkten weten maandag de aandacht weer op zich gericht. Het metaal noteert op het hoogste peil sinds 2014, na een recente ban van Indonesië op de uitvoer van nikkel.

Nikkel wordt gebruikt voor roestvrijstaal. Onder meer Aperam, een producent van nikkellegeringen, kan daardoor bewegen. Het bedrijf was vrijdag al een van de grootste stijgers bij de middelgrote fondsen in Amsterdam. Ook Eramet ging fors omhoog en zet die stijging waarschijnlijk voort en ook het Russische Norilsk Nickel profiteert naar verwachting.
Nickel Jumps to Four Year Highs as Indonesia Export Ban Looms Large

Seeking Alpha reported that nickel prices soar to their highest levels in more than four years after Indonesia, the world's top producer of the metal, said it would ban exports of raw ore in December, sooner than traders had expected. Refined nickel futures jumped more than 9% to USD 17,935 per tonne on the LME following multiple media reports that the energy and mineral resources minister said Indonesia will bring forward a planned 2022 ban in an effort to attract more processing business rather than just exporting raw materials.

Analysts said that the ban almost certainly will push the global market in refined nickel to a deficit. Other factors also are contributing to nickel shortages, including concerns that a recent waste spill at a Papua New Guinea plant could cause the closure of the facility, which produces 32.5K tonne per year of nickel.

Longer term, nickel consumption is expected to rise as governments around the world seek to clean up dirty city air, raising demand for electric vehicles.

Source : Seeking Alpha
Brazilian Nickel Supply Not Enough to Avoid Global Shortage

Bnamericas reported that at the moment, nickel supply from Brazil where mining giants Vale and Anglo American are the largest producers, has only a relatively small role in helping offset expected shortages following the Indonesian ore export ban recently announced. Mr Wenyu Yao senior commodities strategist at Dutch financial services and insurance group ING told BNamericas that "You will also need to consider the shipping costs from South American ports to the biggest consumer – China compared with Indonesia or the Philippines, which are much closer to China.”

About 3,900 tonne of Vale's mined nickel comes from its Brazilian operation, Onca Puma, where output dropped 30.4% YoY. Compared to Q1, output was down 9.3%.

Furthermore, nearly half of Vale's nickel comes from Canada, with a smaller portion produced in the company's operations at New Caledonia.

Mr Wenyu said that last year Canada contributed around 8% of global nickel mine supply and its output has seen a 15% YoY decline. He added that "New Caledonia is helping... but we don't think Canada and Brazil could do much help in the short term in light of the supply gap that Indonesia's ore export ban will cause to the global market.”

Source : Bnamericas
Philippines Miners to Boost Ore Output as Jakarta Sets Shipment Ban

Philippine nickel miners are expected to boost ore production next year when Indonesia bans exports of the raw material used in stainless steel and batteries. Mr Dante R. Bravo, president of the Philippine Nickel Industry Association said that “This supposed export ban from Indonesia will boost production from the local miners, particularly next year once it takes effect simultaneous with the start of the mining season.”

The Philippines, which has 29 nickel mines and two nickel processing plants, usually ends its mining season in October, when heavy rains and strong winds hamper mining and shipping operations. Production resumes in March or April of the following year.

He noted that Indonesian ore was generally of a higher grade than ore from the Philippines.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nickel Likely to Hit USD 20000 a Tonne on Indonesia Ban - Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs expects nickel prices to reach USD 20,000 a tonne in three months, a level not seen since May 2014, after Indonesia said it would expedite a ban on nickel ore exports by two years to the end of 2019. The ban would remove 10% of global supply and create substantial supply uncertainty. After reaching USD 20,000, nickel will recede to USD 18,000 in six months and USD 16,000 in 12 months as supply and demand respond to higher prices, according to Goldman's base case scenario where Indonesia confirms the full ore ban by end-2019.

It added that "At the same time, given that no official document has so far been published we cannot rule out that some exceptions could be announced.”

Source : Reuters
Indonesia to Ban Nickel Exports from January 2020

The Jakarta Post reported that Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has announced that Indonesia will stop nickel exports as of January 1 next year to accelerate the establishment of domestic smelters while its nickel reserves are limited. According to coal and minerals director general Bambang Gatot Ariyono, Indonesia would need 81 million tons nickel ore supply per year as it currently has 11 working smelters and would build 25 more.

Mr Bambang said that the ban of nickel ore exports was in line with the national plan to accelerate the establishment of smelters so that Indonesia could sell value-added nickel products such as stainless steel slabs. He said that “We already exported 38 million tonnes up until July this year. At this rate, we would need to think about our reserves especially if we keep issuing exports permits.”

Source : The Jakarta Post

voda schreef op 4 september 2019 19:54:

Indonesia to Ban Nickel Exports from January 2020

The Jakarta Post reported that Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has announced that Indonesia will stop nickel exports as of January 1 next year to accelerate the establishment of domestic smelters while its nickel reserves are limited. According to coal and minerals director general Bambang Gatot Ariyono, Indonesia would need 81 million tons nickel ore supply per year as it currently has 11 working smelters and would build 25 more.

Mr Bambang said that the ban of nickel ore exports was in line with the national plan to accelerate the establishment of smelters so that Indonesia could sell value-added nickel products such as stainless steel slabs. He said that “We already exported 38 million tonnes up until July this year. At this rate, we would need to think about our reserves especially if we keep issuing exports permits.”

Source : The Jakarta Post
Prachtig nieuws weer voor Aperam en weer eens een aanbeveling voor/ aan voda, topman !
Nickel Mining Indefinitely Suspended in Southern Philippines

Reuters reported that a nickel mining hub in southern Philippines, which produces mostly high grade material, has suspended extraction operations indefinitely as the regional government conducts an industry audit. Environment, Natural Resources and Energy Minister Abdulraof Abdul Macacua said that the government of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao has suspended operations of all four mining companies in its jurisdiction.

He added that “The suspension order was due to the ongoing review of mining policy in BARMM.”

Source : Reuters
Philippine Suspended Nickel Mining in Southern Philippines

Philippine Environment, Natural Resources and Energy Minister Abdulraof Abdul Macacua said that nickel mining operations across four unspecified sites in the Philippines' Tawi Tawi region will be halted indefinitely to facilitate the implementation of the country's Bangsamoro Responsible Mining law. The suspension will further reduce the country’s declining nickel output, which fell by 16.6% year on year in 2018 to 19.5 million tonnes.

The southern Philippines region was responsible for 90% of the 2.66 million wet metric tonnes of high-grade nickel ore exported to China in the first half of 2018 and accounted for 27% of the total 15.8 million wmt of nickel ore exported there over the same period.

Source : Metal Bulletin
Nickel market records deficit in January to July 2019 - WBMS

World Bureau of Metal Statistics announced that The nickel market was in deficit during January to July 2019 with apparent demand exceeding production by 78.7 Kilo tonne. In the whole of 2018 the calculated deficit was 95.7 Kilo tonne.. Reported stocks held in the LME at the end of July 2019 were 62.7 Kilo tonne lower than at the end of the previous year. Refined production in January to July 2019 totalled 1308.5 Kilo tonne and demand was 1387.1 Kilo tonne.

Mine production during January to July was 1419.1 Kilo tonne, 93 Kilo tonne above the comparable 2018 total. Chinese smelter/refinery output increased by 67 Kilo tonne compared with 2018 and apparent demand was 120 Kilo tonne higher than in the previous year.

World apparent demand was 56 Kilo tonne higher than the previous year. No allowance is made in the consumption calculation for unreported stock changes

In July 2019, nickel smelter/refinery production was 214.1 Kilo tonne and consumption was 230 Kilo tonne.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China August Nickel Ore Imports from Indonesia up 26.5%

Reuters reported that China’s nickel ore imports from Indonesia rose 26.5% YoY in August, China’s customs data showed that as stainless steel producers stocked up on raw materials ahead of a ban on exports from the Southeast Asian country. Following weeks of speculation, top nickel miner Indonesia confirmed on September 2 it would ban nickel ore exports from January 1 next year as it seeks to process more of its resources at home.

China, the world’s biggest stainless steel producer and the top importer of nickel ore, imported 5.72 million tonnes of nickel ores and concentrates in total last month, up 5.5% from July. That was the highest monthly number since September 2018 but was 7.5% lower YoY, data from China’s General Administration of Customs showed.

Source : Reuters

Speciaal rapport: De Gray Mining zet zijn reeks indrukwekkende boorresultaten voort in zijn 100% eigendom Pilbara Gold Project na de aankondiging van sterke gouden hits van een onlangs afgerond aircore programma in de Mallina Deposit.

De scène is ingesteld voor een potentieel belangrijke upgrade van goudbronnen in Mallina na de publicatie van indrukwekkende resultaten voor exploratieboringen en bevestiging dat er al een RC-boorprogramma aan de gang is.

Resultaten van luchtboringen in Mallina, inclusief een opvallende hit van 40 meter met een waardering van 3,9 gram goud per ton vanaf een diepte van 8 meter, werden vanochtend aan de markt gemeld.

Beleggers hielden van het nieuws, in eerste instantie daalden de aandelenkoersen tot 5.9c in de vroege handel.

De Gray technisch directeur Andy Beckwith beschreef de resultaten als "zeer bemoedigend". Ze ondersteunen de "agressieve boorcampagne van het bedrijf gericht op het substantieel vergroten van middelen".

Samen met de nieuwe ondiepe goudzones van kwaliteit die in Mallina zijn geïdentificeerd, kondigde De Gray de ontdekking aan van nieuwe goudzones drie kilometer ten westen van de afzetting.

Mallina heeft een gedefinieerde grondstof van 3,83 miljoen ton erts die 13 gram goud per ton sorteert, voor een hoeveelheid van 160.700 gram bevat goud. Dit is gebaseerd op boren tot medio 2018 en wordt gehost langs een 7 kilometer lang gedeelte van de Mallina-schuifzone.

De afzetting en de omliggende exploratiedoelen hebben een aanzienlijk opwaarts potentieel, en Mallina ligt slechts ongeveer 15 kilometer van de afzetting Withnell.

Withnell is momenteel de grootste enkele aanbetaling binnen Het Greb's Pilbara Gold Project (PGP) en biedt een bron van 4,65 miljoen ton aan 2,9 g / t goud voor 429.300 ounces.

De Gray zei dat de nieuwste resultaten van Mallore de reden waren om vervolgboringen daar naar voren te brengen, met een Reverse Circulation (RC) -installatie die al bezig was om de nieuw geïdentificeerde lodes en verdere luchtboringen beter te definiëren om later deze week te beginnen.

De rest van het jaar doorboren bij de PGP zal zich richten op de vooruitzichten van Mallina, Withnell en de Toweranna.

In juli onthulde De Gray een stijging van 21% van de Total Mineral Resource bij de PGP. Het staat momenteel op 29,65 miljoen ton en sorteert 1,7 g / t goud voor 1,68 miljoen ounces.

Bijna tweederde van de middelen bevindt zich in de categorieën Gemeten en Geïdentificeerde hogere betrouwbaarheid.

Verwacht een gestage stroom van verder nieuws in de komende weken, met het bedrijf dat op 22 augustus bevestigde dat ze drie boorplatforms in werking hadden over het Pilbara Gold-project.


bron koersdoelen De Beursman.

Nickel ore inventories at Chinese Ports Decline to 12.37 million wmt

SMM reported that nickel ore inventories across all Chinese ports declined for a fourth straight week, dropping 460,000 wmt from a week ago to 12.37 million wmt as of Friday September 27. Stocks in metal content dipped 3,600 mt to 104,000 mt.

Stocks across seven major Chinese ports decreased by 230,000 wmt and came in at 10.09 million wmt as of September 27.

Source : SMM
S&P Global Ratings sees Nickel Prices in 2019 at USD 17000

S&P Ratings said the upside to nickel could be limited. The metal has been supported throughout 2019 following revised export regulations from Indonesia, one of the world’s biggest suppliers. It said “We currently believe the major bullish impact is likely to be relatively short term, with market stabilizing through2020. The demand stemming from the stainless steel industry, though showing supporting healthy statistics recently, is susceptible to fluctuations driven by trade tensions, and we deem the current level of nickel prices to be unsustainable for the steel producers.”

S&P Ratings sees nickel prices averaging USD 17,000 per tonne for the remainder of 2019, USD 15,000 per tonne in 2020, USD15,500 per tonne in 2021 and USD 16,000 per tonne in 2022.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
31 Nickel Smelters to Come on Stream in Indonesia By 2022

Indonesian Government aims to build 31 nickel smelters by 2022, with 20 projected to open next year to help the production of electric car components. Head of the mineral exploration business at the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Mr Andri Budhiman said at a recent seminar that with many smelters going into operation, there was no concern about the supply of electric car components. Mr Budhiman explained that Indonesia’s proven nickel reserves of 698 million tonnes could only guarantee the supply for refining facilities for 7.3 years. Meanwhile, the country’s estimated nickel reserves stand at 2.8 billion tonnes.

MEMR Regulation No. 4/2009 prescribes that mining companies are required to process and refine raw materials to raise added values. Then, the minimum processing and refining limits for metal minerals, non-metals and rocks have been regulated by the MEMR Regulations No. 5/2017 and No.25/2018.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nickel Climbs as Indonesia Blocks Exports

Nickel prices rose as top producer Indonesia said it would temporarily stop ore exports ahead of a ban due to come into force next year. Benchmark nickel on the London Metal Exchange ended up 1.1% at USD 16,830 a tonne. Capital Economics analyst Kieran Clancy said “Nickel is already up more than 50 per cent this year and traders have factored in the end of Indonesian exports, so news of more stoppages was not enough to move prices significantly.”

On-warrant nickel stocks in LME-registered warehouses have plunged to 30,300 tonnes from more than 110,000 tonnes in August, the lowest since 2007.

Source : Strategic Research Institut
Indonesia Stops Nickel Ore Exports

Indonesian nickel producers agreed on Tuesday to immediately cease ore exports, two months earlier than the scheduled date of January 1, 2020 the government's announced last month, a deadline already brought forward by two years. Mr Prihadi Santoso, chairman of the Processing and Smelting Companies Association (P3I welcomed the agreement to halt nickel ore exports and said local smelters were committed to buy up all the ore. He said "We have met and we are united. We only want the Republic of Indonesia to succeed. This is a time to stop exporting and to manage our resources domestically.”

Indonesia implemented an ore export ban in 2014 only to reverse course and relax it in 2017, when the government said companies would have five years to prepare and start building homegrown smelters. The government said the decision is aimed at speeding up smelter construction in the country, which has almost a quarter of all nickel reserves

Indonesia currently has 14 operating nickel smelters and 27 under development.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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