harrysnel schreef op 26 september 2011 15:41:
Boehringer Ingelheim (Simon Sturge is daar SVP Biopharmaceuticals) start met biosimilars.
www.boehringer-ingelheim.com/news/new...Boehringer Ingelheim is al actief op het gebied van speciality generics (generic injectables) via dochter Bedford Laboratories.
www.bedfordlabs.com/BedfordLabsWeb/indexEr is verschil tussen biosimilars en injectable generics maar:
"Although generic specialty injectables and biosimilars are very different businesses, there is obvious overlap, starting with the complexity of the manufacturing and ending with the distribution channels, largely hospitals and clinics. Given the similarities, having experience in generic injectables would be a plus in the race to reach the market with biosimilars.
Not surprisingly, most of the players in generic injectables are also developing biosimilar strategies, including Hospira, Pfizer and Sandoz."
www.gabionline.net/Generics/News/Grow...Sturge kent de technologische mogelijkheden van Octoplus en misschien dat het contract dat in de presentatie wordt genoemd met Boehringer Ingelheim zal zijn.