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Hydro Signs MoU with Everfuel on Industrial Scale Hydrogen

Hydro’s renewable hydrogen company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Everfuel. The two companies will seek to establish a framework for coordinated development, operation, and optimization of hydrogen electrolysers based on renewable energy in Europe. Hydro’s new renewable hydrogen company aims to take a leading role as a developer, owner and operator in the hydrogen sector, enabling the switch from gas to renewable energy-based hydrogen at several of Hydro’s own sites as well as developing and serving the external market.

Replacing natural gas for heating purposes in aluminium production with carbon-free hydrogen will contribute towards Hydro’s global commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030.

As communicated at Hydro’s quarterly presentation on April 27, Hydro is currently maturing 3-5 projects in Norway and Europe. Some of these projects are part of the cooperation with Everfuel.

According to the MoU signed with Everfuel on May 20, the two companies will seek to establish a framework for coordinated development, operation, and optimization of hydrogen electrolysers based on renewable energy in Europe. The companies intend to develop elecotrolysers next to Hydro-owned aluminum plants delivering hydrogen to the aluminium plants as well as to the transport sector.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Solaris to Supply 13 Hydrogen Buses for Frankfurt

Solaris Bus & Coach has won a tender call for the delivery of 13 hydrogen-powered buses. This call was made by the company In-der-City-Bus which is in charge of public transport in Frankfurt. The contract marks yet another success for the manufacturer which has been gradually expanding its reach in the electromobility segment, supplying hydrogen buses, electric buses and trolleybuses to a growing number of European cities.

The technology used in the Urbino hydrogen makes for absolutely environmentally friendly transport, thanks to the use of energy supplied by a fuel cell (of 70 kW); the sole by-products of the chemical reaction that takes place in it are heat and steam. Electric power generated in the process of reverse electrolysis is transferred directly to the driveline, consisting of an axle with electric motors. What is more, each bus will be fitted with an additional electric power storage facility, i.e. a Solaris High Power battery. The hydrogen needed to propel the bus will be stored in gaseous form, in roof-stacked tanks.

The Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen buses will be fitted with a range of top-notch Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) solutions that support the driver’s work, including the MirrorEye system in which cameras replace conventional side mirrors thus improving road visibility for the driver. The camera view is transmitted to the in-vehicle displays. Interestingly, the screens can also show distance indicator lines for various parts of the bus, for instance its rear, particular doors or the axles, which will make it easier, and above all safer, for the driver to manoeuvre and to park.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

'Belegger' schreef op 26 mei 2021 23:45:

[...]Het heeft inderdaad mijn interesse. Als ik het goed heb volg jij een opleiding op het gebied van duurzame energie.

Momenteel heb ik geen enkel individueel aandeel in een "duurzaam" bedrijf. Enkel indirect doordat ik nog een plukje heb van iShares Global Clean Energy UCITS ETF (IE00B1XNHC34). Om nog even bij ETF's te blijven, wil ik ook noemen L&G Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF (IE00BMYDM794) en VanEck Vectors Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF (IE00BMDH1538).

Een portefeuille samenstellen blijft maatwerk. Voor een duurzaam deel van een portefeuille zie ik persoonlijk wel iets in een combinatie van groene nutsbedrijven en bedrijven die de apparatuur leveren. Het Clean Energy ETF van iShares bestaat voor ongeveer 50% uit groene nutsbedrijven, voor ongeveer 25% uit industrie (voornamelijk windmolens en waterstof) en voor ongeveer 25% uit technologie (voornamelijk gerelateerd aan Solar). In beginsel zaten er 30 aandelen in dit ETF 30 met uit mijn hoofd alleen Plug Power en PowerCell voor waterstof. Onder druk van de markt (liquiditeitszorgen) is dit uitgebreid naar 80 aandelen. Daarmee zijn er meer waterstofaandelen bijgekomen zoals bijvoorbeeld NEL, maar de groene nutsbedrijven zijn ook uitgebreid met bijvoorbeeld NextEra en Iberdrola. Dit ETF vind ik een mooie hoeksteen voor een duurzaam deel van een portefeuille.

Van begin 2020 tot begin 2021 heb ik verschillende "duurzame" aandelen gehad. Dat begon met Plug Power rond de USD 4. Later ben ik daar opnieuw ingestapt met voor mijn doen grotere bedragen en heb ik gestaffeld gekocht op USD 8, USD 12 en USD 15. Die positie heb ik later in plukjes verkocht voor USD 50-65. Een ander aandeel waar ik geluk mee heb gehad is Enphase. Die maken solar systemen, maar niet de panelen. Daarbij kun je denken aan de halfgeleiders en opslagsystemen. Daar heb ik geluk gehad door rond de USD 40 bij te kopen toen de koers kelderde o.b.v. een rapport van een "short seller" die eerder eenzelfde actie had uitgehaald. Die positie heb ik afgebouwd rond +/- USD 160-200. Verder heb ik wat verdiend aan McPhy en Ørsted. Daarnaast heb ik kleinere posities gehad in diverse andere aandelen, maar daarmee ben ik per saldo niets opgeschoten. Heb ik daarmee verstand van zaken? Nee dat niet. Ik heb gewoon geluk gehad, vorig jaar was het niet zo moeilijk om geld te verdienen met "duurzame" aandelen.

Een bekende uitspraak in beleggersland is "don;t fight de FED/ECB". Qua duurzame energie inclusief waterstof zou ik daar haast aan toe willen voegen "don't fight the EU". Daarmee zie ik mogelijkheden voor de markt en dan met name voor zware toepassingen zoals bijvoorbeeld in de industrie. Aangezien ik zelf geen electrolyzer in elkaar kan zetten, vind ik niet dat ik het recht heb om het af te doen als simpele techniek. Aan de andere kant moet je electrolyzers ook weer niet vergelijken met high tech zoals bijvoorbeeld ASML. De markt van electrolyzers is uiteindelijk ook gewoon een industrie net zoals bijvoorbeeld de vele toeleveranciers die onderdelen maken voor auto's en het gaat erom erom hoeveel je kunt produceren, met welke specificaties en tegen welke prijs.

Met beleggen probeer ik te kijken naar de keten. Zo kun je voor de productie van waterstof kijken hoe groene nutsbedrijven bewegen in plaats van olie- en gasbedrijven waar men vaak begint. Voor toepassingen kun je kijken naar bijvoorbeeld de staalindustrie, maar ook naar projecten waarbij waterstof wordt gecombineerd met bijvoorbeeld ammoniak of methanol etc. Bij waterstof gaat mijn persoonlijke voorkeur en interesse uit naar de productie (plus opslag/distributie en gebruik in het groot). Dit in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld discussies over accu vs. waterstof voor personenwagens.

Plug Power zet in op verticale integratie en dat volg ik met interesse. Aan de andere kant komt het soms wat Amerikaans schreeuwerig op mij over, net zoals bijvoorbeeld Nikola die Europa (als een soort achtergebleven gebied) wel eventjes zou voorzien van waterstof. Wat dat betreft heb ik qua bedrijf dan meer iets met NEL en het management dat zich wat mij betreft onderscheidt door te bouwen aan autonome groei. Dat blijkt bijvoorbeeld uit het feit hoe zij partners zoeken voor Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) daar waar enkele Europese concurrenten eerder op schoot lijken te kruipen bij Big Oil. Tot zover een voorbeeld van twee bedrijven, maar beleggen in de aandelen is nog een ander verhaal. Laat ik het erop houden dat waterstofaandelen nog genoeg ruimte hebben om te groeien in hun waardering :)

Kort en bondig is dit bericht al lang niet meer, dus voor nu laat ik het hier maar even bij. Schroom niet om je inzichten te delen.

Ik geef geen (beleggings)advies en volgens mij mag ik dat ook helemaal niet...
Je eerste zin klopt, alleen leer ik daar de techniek en niet de markt. Ik vind het lastig om te beoordelen want aan de ene kant wordt hier in Europa en ook vooral hier in Nederland veel ingezet op waterstof. Er is echt geloof dat dit voor de groene toekomst gaat zorgen. Maar aan de andere kant zijn de bedrijven en consumenten niet bereid om iets meer te betalen voor groene waterstof dan de goedkope benzine (die overigens wel steeds duurder wordt).
Zolang de mindset van de consument niet verandert zal de energietransitie alleen maar vanuit de overheid gepushed moeten worden en dan hebben we nog een lange lange weg te gaan voordat de infrastructuur ingericht is op rijden op waterstof/accu's.
Met deze reden ben ik voorzichtig met mijn waterstof aandelen en vind ik het lastig of een bedrijf zoals NEL niet overtroffen wordt door een gigant zoals cummins, siemens, shell en andere bedrijven die zich bezighouden gassen/brandstoffen.

Daarnaast vind ik dat er teveel gekeken wordt naar bussen/boten/vrachtwagens/auto's met een waterstofcel aan boord. Ik ben van mening dat als de infrastructuur niet verbeterd wordt rond het tanken van waterstof dat deze projecten van verschillende fabrikanten alleen maar verlieslijdende producten zijn.
Een voorbeeld van twee rapporten/onderzoeken uit 2018/2019. Het IEA schreef destijds "less than 0.1% of global dedicated hydrogen production today comes from water electrolysis", terwijl IRENA schreef "4% of the global hydrogen supply is produced via electrolysis":

Dergelijke berichtgeving vind ik verwarrend, want 0,1% en 4% ligt niet een beetje bij elkaar in de buurt. Maar goed, laten we even uitgaan van die 4%. Dan valt er voorlopig nog genoeg te doen om die 96% verder te verduurzamen (daar zit natuurlijk ook al blauw bij). Die verduurzaming kan groen (electrolysis) of blauw (Carbon Capture). Vandaar mijn voorkeur voor de productie van waterstof, dan kun je de toekomst van het (weg)transport ook als een bijzaak zien.

Waterstof zie ik overigens niet als dé oplossing, maar als een onderdeel/schakel binnen een totaaloplossing. Je kunt je ook richten op een kleurtje (groen of blauw) zonder jezelf de beperking op te leggen dat het alleen met waterstof moet. Daarbij kun je denken aan bijvoorbeeld wind, solar, waterkracht, Carbon Capture (CCUS), batterijen, waterstof, meststoffen, ammoniak, methanol, ethanol, van alles passeert de revue.

Ter afsluiting nog een IRENA rapport uit 2020: irena.org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/...
Ørsted & POSCO to Collaborate on Wind & Hydrogen in South Korea

Ørsted and POSCO have signed of a Memorandum of Understanding to expand their relationship. POSCO and its affiliates will apply the group's joint capabilities to support the development of Ørsted's 1.6 GW offshore wind projects off the coast of Incheon City. Moreover, Ørsted and POSCO will conduct feasibility studies on potential collaboration on renewable hydrogen. With this MoU, Ørsted takes another significant step, in addition to the company's flagship Incheon projects, in pioneering renewable energy development in Korea and supporting Korea in the country's transition to clean energy.

Ørsted has a well-established relationship with POSCO, whose steel business has been one of the strategic global suppliers and a trusted partner supplying over 100,000 tons of steel for Ørsted's Hornsea 1 and three other offshore wind farms. In December 2020, POSCO Group joined the Korean government's decarbonisation declaration, announcing its ambition to become a leading renewable hydrogen company and reaching carbon neutrality by 2050.

Ørsted recently started construction of its first renewable hydrogen demonstration project H2RES in Denmark and is involved in nine renewable hydrogen projects in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Korea has set an ambitious target of installing 12 GW offshore wind capacity by 2030. In September 2020, Korean President Moon Jae-in further announced the Green New Deal which targets net zero emissions by 2050.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
(ABM FN) DEME gaat samen met Bekaert, Colruyt en John Cockerill groene waterstof produceren in de consortium Hyve. Dit liet de Belgische baggeraar vrijdagochtend weten.

De Vlaamse onderzoekcentra's imec en VITO maken ook deel uit van het consortium.

“Met Hyve kan Vlaanderen een voortrekkersrol spelen in de uitrol van een waterstofeconomie en de transitie naar een koolstofneutrale industrie”, klonk het.

HydrogenPro, H2V Industry and Mitsubishi Power Europe Join Forces to Develop Green Industrial Hydrogen Projects
FuelCellsWorksMay 27, 2021
HydrogenPro H2V Industry and Mitsubishi Power Europe Join Forces to Develop Green Industrial Hydrogen Projects
HydrogenPro AS: HydrogenPro (OSE:HYPRO), H2V Industry and Mitsubishi Power Europe have entered into an MoU forming a consortium that will develop and deliver green industrial hydrogen projects

Oslo, Paris–HydrogenPro (OSE: HYPRO), H2V Industry and Mitsubishi Power Europe have entered into an MoU forming a consortium that will develop and deliver green industrial hydrogen projects.

This MoU will form a long-term partnership, combining the value proposition and expertise of H2V Industry, HydrogenPro and Mitsubishi Power Europe supporting the European and French initiatives to reach the decarbonisation goals.

Through this MoU the consortium partners will develop and deliver large scale hydrogen projects, including currently on-going projects.

H2V Industry will take on a lead role in the development phase, whereas HydrogenPro and Mitsubishi Power Europe will contribute with their expertise in the design, engineering, system and components, as well as their procurement competence. The current projects are founded on HydrogenPro´s 100MW high pressure modular system and represent the first large industrial scale projects, positioning the partnership in a global leading position.

The partnership will also establish schemes to provide significant European supply content. An investigation has been started to determine European sourcing, manufacturing and/or assembly in France.

H2V Industry, owned by the French based Samfi Invest group (Samfi) is a leading player in the hydrogen space in France. H2V Industry is actively pursuing several green industrial scale hydrogen projects, on top of the present ones, where HydrogenPro has been contracted to supply the electrolyser installations for these sites.

“H2V Industry is pleased to further reinforce its technical and economical offerings through this partnership with our trusted partners Mitsubishi Power Europe and HydrogenPro. The opportunity to manufacture and assemble key components of the hydrogen value chain in France is a major driver to secure our projects, both in terms of capacity and services” says Jean Marc Leonhard, Managing Director of H2V.

Mårten Lunde, CEO of HydrogenPro, adds: “We are pleased to reinforce our relationship with strong partners H2V Industry and Mitsubishi Power Europe, both actively leading the global and European energy transition. There are several attractive opportunities being developed in France which are ideal for the use of our leading high-pressure alkaline technology. HydrogenPro will leverage its new, improved and cost leading CAPEX-OPEX electrolyser technology for large industrial hydrogen installations, reducing power consumption by 14% giving a significant cost advantage compared to other technologies.”Set featured image

Markus Bruegmann, Head of New Business and Senior Vice President for Mitsubishi Power Europe concludes: “The energy sector is experiencing significant and rapid change, driven by policy shifts and technological innovation, renewable energy evolution and widespread digital adoption. “At Mitsubishi Power Europe we are excited to leverage our capabilities to deliver low carbon solutions. These hydrogen projects, which will use HydrogenPro´s leading technology, are part of our strategy to provide short- and long-term energy storage solutions. With Mitsubishi Power’s Service offering, including digitalization solutions — such as the advanced analytics technology embedded in TOMONITM digital solutions — support H2V Industry decarbonization and business performance goals with seamless plant operations, high reliability, optimized operations and maintenance (O&M) as well flexibility and increased efficiency.”

About HydrogenPro
HydrogenPro was founded in 2013 and the Company’s principal business is to provide customised turn-key plants for large-scale production of green hydrogen to global industrial clients. The Company’s activities include design, engineering and optimization of such plants, purchasing of parts, components and sub-systems for integration into complete plants and systems for hydrogen production. The activities also include commissioning and testing of such plants before they are accepted by clients of the Company. As part of its business model, the Company will also seek to secure service and maintenance agreements related to such hydrogen production plants.
The Company aims to be a world leading designer and supplier of alkaline electrolyser technology plants and solutions that meet the highest requirements for safety, reliability and long lifetime at competitive cost.
For more information, please visit: www.hydrogen-pro.com

H2V INDUSTRY is an industrial company for the mass production of hydrogen by electrolysis of water based on certified 100% renewable energy.
H2V INDUSTRY ‘s project is to build plants for the production of decarbonised hydrogen by electrolysis of water. This hydrogen will reduce the carbon impact of natural gas in the networks and contribute to the decarbonisation of industry and transport. By 2025, H2V Industry will produce 200,000t of hydrogen per year from an electrical power of 1475MW.
For more information please visit: h2vproduct.net/en/h2v-industry-home/

About Mitsubishi Power in Europe, Middle East and Africa
Mitsubishi Power is a leading provider and innovator of technology and solutions for the energy sector, who with its predecessor companies have had a presence in the region since 1908. Today, there are more than 1,000 employees across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with centers of excellence in Germany, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in addition to customer support capabilities in countries across the region. Mitsubishi Power designs, manufactures and maintains equipment and systems that drive decarbonization and ensures the delivery of reliable power. Among its solutions are a wide range of gas turbines, including hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines and solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), and an experienced services business with an extensive reach across the entire region. Committed to providing exemplary service and working with customers, Mitsubishi Power’s TOMONI™ intelligent solutions leverages advanced analytics, adaptive control technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning to make power plants smarter, lowering emissions, increasing flexibility and supporting decarbonization. Mitsubishi Power is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., whose engineering and manufacturing businesses span energy, infrastructure, transport, aerospace and defence.
For more information, please visit: power.mhi.com/regions/emea/

May 31, 2021
Platinum Free Biocatalyst for Fuel Cells and Water Electrolysis

An enzyme system for the hydrogen industry
An enzyme could make a dream come true for the energy industry: It can efficiently produce hydrogen using electricity and can also generate electricity from hydrogen.

The enzyme is protected by embedding it in a polymer. An international research team with significant participation of scientists from Technical University of Munich (TUM) has presented the system in the renowned science journal Nature Catalysis.

Enzyme for Platinum Free Fuel Cells
Structure of the hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans: In its active center, an iron-sulfur cluster catalyzes the oxidation of hydrogen to protons as well as the reduction of protons to hydrogen. Additional iron-sulfur clusters enable the electron transfer to the surrounding polymer.
CREDIT: Dr. James Birrell / MPI CEC
Fuel cells turn hydrogen into electricity, while electrolysers use electricity to split water to produce hydrogen. Both need the rare and thus expensive precious metal platinum as a catalyst. Nature has created a different solution: Enzymes, referred to as hydrogenases. They catalyze the conversion of hydrogen very quickly and almost without energy loss.

However, in the past these biocatalysts were not considered suitable for industrial use because of their high sensitivity to oxygen. Now a research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Marseille and the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion has succeeded in embedding the sensitive enzymes in a protective polymer in a way that makes them viable for use in technical hydrogen conversion.

Durability vs. activity

“When the sensitive hydrogenases are embedded in suitable polymers they continue to work for several weeks, even in the presence of oxygen,” says Nicolas Plumeré, Professor for Electrobiotechnology at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability. “Without this protection they lose their activity within a matter of minutes.”

Embedding the hydrogenases in polymers whose side chains can transfer electrons, referred to as redox polymers, had nevertheless two decisive disadvantages: a high level of resistance countervailed the flow of electrons through the redox polymer. This required the investment of energy which was then lost in the form of heat. And the embedded hydrogenases completely lost their ability to generate hydrogen.

Fine tuning potential

With a clever selection of the right polymer side chains, the research team has now succeeded in setting the redox potential of the polymer in such a way that only a small overvoltage is necessary to overcome the resistance.

More detailed investigations then revealed that the potential of the side chains had shifted slightly to positive values due to the embedding in the polymer matrix. In a further attempt they used a side chain with a corresponding negative potential. This trick was the breakthrough: The hydrogenase was now capable of catalyzing the reaction in both directions without energy loss.

Biocatalyst for hydrogen conversion

Utilizing this system the research team then built a fuel cell, in which oxygen is reduced by the enzyme bilirubin oxidase from the bacterium Myrothecium verrucaria, while the hydrogenase embedded in the polymer film oxidizes the hydrogen from the bacterium desulfovibrio desulfuricans, generating electricity in the process.

The cell achieved a value, with an open circuit voltage of 1.16 V, the highest ever measured for a system of this type and close to the thermodynamic maximum. With three milliamperes per square centimeter the cell achieved a very high power density for biological cells at the same time.

The system can also be used for the reverse reaction, producing hydrogen by consuming electrons: The energy conversion efficiency is close to 100 percent, even with power densities of over four milliamperes per square centimeter.

Blueprint for new biocatalysts

“The reduction in energy loss has two decisive advantages,” says Nicolas Plumeré. “First, it makes the system significantly more efficient; second, the heat generated in a fuel cell stack at high performance levels would pose a problem for biological systems.”

In order to make their system competitive with systems that use platinum-based catalysts, the team’s ongoing research is now focused on improving the stability of the hydrogenases at higher power densities.

Furthermore, the findings can also be transferred to other highly active but sensitive catalysts for energy conversion and electrosynthesis. Direct objectives here are primarily carbon dioxide-reducing enzymes that can use electricity to produce liquid fuels or intermediate products from carbon dioxide.

The research was funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), by the French Center National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Aix Marseille Université, the German Research Foundation (DFG) joint funding with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the DFG priority program “Iron – Sulfur for Life” (SPP 1927), the Max Planck Society and in the case of the RESOLV cluster of excellence by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the German Federal States.

Publication: Reversible H2 oxidation and evolution by hydrogenase embedded in a redox polymer film
Steffen Hardt, Stefanie Stapf, Dawit T. Filmon, James A. Birrell, Olaf Rüdiger, Vincent Fourmond, Christophe Léger & Nicolas Plumeré
Nature Catalysis Vol. 4, 251-258 (2021) – DOI: 10.1038/s41929-021-00586-1

Photo: Embedded in a protecting polymer, hydrogenases can catalyze the conversion of hydrogen in fuel cells and water electrolysis. Side chains of the polymer enable the electron transfer. Dawit T. Filmon, scientist with Prof. Nicolas Plumere, professorship for bioelectrochemistry at the TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability, holds a starting material for these side chains in his hands.
Effe hier gedropt: inflatie versus tech-aandelen (waar de H2 aandelen onderdeel van zijn).

Inflatie is hét dominante thema op de financiële markten. Beleggers zijn gevoelig voor rentestijgingen en reageren daarom nu hypersensitief op ieder signaal over inflatie. De angst is groot. Waart er een inflatiespook rond? Laten we eens de schijnwerper zetten op de oorzaken van allerlei prijsstijgingen om de angst op waarde te schatten.

Statistische basiseffecten. Veel van wat de prijzen laat oplopen is puur statistiek. Wat van een lage basis komt, zal snel een enorme sprong laten zien. Zo ervaart menig automobilist de snelle stijging van prijzen aan de pomp in de portemonnee. Een jaar geleden lagen benzine en dieselprijzen op laagterecords als gevolg van de corona-uitbraak. De terugkeer naar normaal betekent een stijging van jewelste. Maar dit effect is technisch en volgend jaar verdwenen.

Pandemie-effecten. Soms schiet de prijs zelfs voorbij het oude niveau, zoals ook bij brandstof. Dit komt door verstoringen in de leveringsketen. Tekorten in het containervervoer en de opslagcapaciteit zijn ontstaan door de pandemie. Deze prijsstijgingen etteren langer door. Bovendien kiezen meer bedrijven voor een toeleveringsketen dichter bij huis tegen hogere kosten.

Opgekropte vraag. Wie kijkt naar de oplopende prijzen van vakantiehuisjes of andere recreatie ziet het verlangen van consumenten naar hun oude leven. Mensen zijn bereid om flink te betalen voor dat wat ze noodgedwongen moesten nalaten. Opgehoopte spaargelden maken dat ook mogelijk, maar dat effect verdwijnt.

Oncoventioneel monetair beleid. Prijstoenames zijn zichtbaar in activaklasses door acties van centrale banken om rentes laag te houden. Het meest in het oog springende voorbeeld daarvan is de huizenprijs. Dit speelt in alle landen, maar in Nederland nog eens extra met de hoogste huizenprijsstijging in twintig jaar door aanbodtekort. Ook aandelen- en obligatiekoersen krijgen een slinger via de opkoopprogramma’s van centrale banken.

Met deze vier griezelfactoren ontbreekt nog wel één cruciale laatste letter voordat er ook echt sprake is van een 'spook': de k van Krapte.

Als krapte ontstaat, raakt de economie oververhit met stijgende prijzen tot gevolg. Let daarbij vooral op krapte in de arbeidsmarkt. Zodra hogere prijzen zich vertalen in de looneisen, kunnen die op hun beurt weer leiden tot hogere prijskaartjes. In de jaren zeventig maakten dit soort haasje-over-effecten van tijdelijke inflatie een structureel probleem. Vooralsnog is van hogere loonstijgingen geen spoor te bekennen in Europa. Pas als kraptes optreden, verandert het acroniem van de oorzaken echt in 'spook', en dan is er heel wat meer reden om te schrikken dan nu.

Ria Roerink werkt bij DNB; de column geeft niet per definitie de mening van de bank weer.
Urker viskotters moeten zo snel mogelijk overschakelen van diesel op waterstof. Dat is haalbaar, duurzaam en financieel interessant. Dat zegt Harm Post, boegbeeld van de maritieme sector op Urk.

Germany Investing in Several Large Scale Hydrogen Projects

Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economics BMWi and the Federal Ministry of Transport BMVI have selected 62 large scale hydrogen projects, which are to be state-funded as part of a joint European hydrogen project Important Project of Common European Interest IPCEI. The EUR 8 billion is made up of federal and state funds. Around EUR 4.4 billion comes from the Federal Ministry of Economics and up to EUR 1.4 billion from the Federal Ministry of Transport. The remaining funds are made available by the federal states. Investments totalling EUR 33 billion are to be triggered, including more than EUR 20 billion from private investors. The lion’s share of the funding will be directed towards building electrolysers and hydrogen pipelines. Germany’s major steel manufacturers will receive EUR 2 billion between them in funding for hydrogen related decarbonisation projects.

The 62 major hydrogen projects were selected from more than 230 project outlines received and represent the entire value chain of the hydrogen market. In the BMWi department, 50 project outlines were selected. These include project sketches for generation plants that together comprise more than 2 gigawatts of electrolysis capacity for the production of green hydrogen. This corresponds to 40% of the target set in the National Hydrogen Strategy of 5 gigawatts by 2030.

Hydrogen pipeline projects will advance with a total length of around 1,700 km. A particularly large amount of emissions can be saved in the CO2-intensive steel industry. ArcelorMittal, Stahl Holding Saar, Salzgitter Stahl and Thyssenkrupp Steel have submitted investment projects.

A number of innovative projects in the chemical industry use the CO2-free production of hydrogen for the production of ammonia or synthetic fuels for freight or air traffic.

The Federal Ministry of Transport is funding 12 projects in the mobility sector. These concern the development and manufacture of fuel cell systems and vehicles, from cars to trucks to municipal vehicles.

In addition, for example, the development of a nationwide and cross-border networked hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is being promoted. Also, the aerospace and maritime sector is addressed.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
New Flemish Consortium Hyve to invest in Hydrogen

A group of organisations, consisting of Bekaert, Colruyt Group, Deme, Imec, John Cockerill and Vito have joined forces to invest in the production of green hydrogen. The newly established consortium called ‘Hyve’ aims to produce green hydrogen using electrolysis in a cost-efficient and sustainable way at a gigawatt scale. The consortium members will combine their expertise to develop new components for electrolysers to generate green hydrogen cost-effectively.

The members encompass the whole value chain with the following responsibilities:

1. Flemish research centres Imec and Vito, which are partners in EnergyVille, will leverage their knowledge to boost the efficiency of the electrolysis technology. Imec’s expertise in solid-state electrolytes, electrode surfaces, and process technology at the nanoscale is combined with VITO’s expertise in membranes, catalysis, and system integration.

2. Bekaert, supplier of Metallic Porous Transport Layers for electrolysis, will supply the appropriate materials.

3. mJohn Cockerill, producer of alkaline electrolysers, will integrate the results into its production.

4. DEME, a dredging and offshore energy services provider, aims to use novel electrolysers to convert wind and solar energy into green hydrogen and derived green products (e-fuels). Its ‘Hyport’ concept aims to import cheap green hydrogen products into Europe.

5. Colruyt Group will support research applications for sustainable transport. It is operating a hydrogen refuelling station, testing hydrogen-powered forklifts and the first heavy-duty trucks, collaborating on a green hydrogen plant in Zeebrugge through the energy holding company Virya Energy and is exploring e-fuels via Dats24. The group also put its first 44-ton hydrogen-powered electric heavy-duty truck in Europe on the roads.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hydrogen Projects in Saar Region Clear First IPCEI Hurdle

The energy company STEAG, the energy technology company Siemens Energy, the grid operator Creos Deutschland, the Saarbahn public transport company, and the SHS steel companies (Stahl-Holding-Saar with its companies Dillinger and Saarstahl) developed a joint project idea aimed at establishing a cross-border and prospectively green hydrogen economy. Together, the project partners submitted an application to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for funding of the project as an important hydrogen project of common European interest, IPCEI for short. German Federal Economics Minister Mr Peter Altmaier announced that the project proposal had successfully passed the first selection round. The project is now invited to participate in the second phase, the so-called match making at the European level.

A drop of bitterness was the announcement made during the press conference that the Saarbahn project component will, for the time being and within the framework of the IPCEI selection procedure, remain without a positive decision. However, when asked, the Federal Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier, stated at the press conference that this in no way meant that this part of the project would remain entirely without funding. Instead, talks were underway with those in charge in order to find alternative solutions.

The six partners see this overall good news as a confirmation of their joint approach to establishing a hydrogen economy in a cross-border European network. For the further procedure leading to a notification for the selected projects, i.e. the EU Commission’s approval under state aid legislation, the partners are counting on the joint project continuing to convince with its transnationality and diversity on the offtake and consumption sides. All project partners are determined to seize this important opportunity, not only for the companies involved, but for the Saarland as a whole.

mosaHYc – Transport of hydrogen

The mosaHYc project, jointly undertaken by the distribution grid operators Creos and GRTgaz, aims to use an existing gas infrastructure to develop a cross-border high-pressure grid for the transport of hydrogen. The aim is to create infrastructure is a of 100 kilometers that will enable hydrogen producers and consumers in the “Grande Région” to develop business models in industry, the heat market and the transport sector. Account has to be taken here of the interplay between the various pipeline sections in the Völklingen (Germany), Carling (France), Bouzonville (France) and Perl (Germany) area in the Saarland and in France, as well as safety aspects. In the context of a feasibility study, the existing pipelines are being examined and prepared for conversion to hydrogen. In addition, it is being examined to what extent an existing pipeline route between Völklingen and Saarbrücken can be used for the transport of hydrogen.

HydroHub Fenne

The HydroHub Fenne project (2 x 17.3 MWel or 664 kg H2 per hour, equivalent to approx. 5,800 t H2 per year) pursued by STEAG and Siemens Energy, which has already been selected as a “Living lab for the energy transition”, is to be the first PEM (proton exchange membrane) electrolysis plant of significant scale. The plant is to be built in Völklingen in the Saarland on the site of an existing STEAG power plant, taking a brownfield approach and making continued use of existing structures without any far-reaching changes or environmental impact. The plant will use electricity from renewable sources (“green electricity”) for electrolysis, producing green oxygen and green hydrogen. The green electricity will be partly generated by STEAG in its own plants, e.g. by STEAG New Energies or STEAG Solar Energy Solutions, or procured on the market via green power purchase agreements (“green PPAs”).

TraficHdeux – Public transport with fuel cell vehicles

Unfortunately, the Saarbahn project TraficHdeux was not selected in the IPCEI procedure. Nevertheless, Saarbahn is holding on to its strategy of converting 60 percent of its bus fleet to fuel cells as an alternative drive system by 2030. To achieve this, the Saarbrücken transport company is counting on the announced funding from the Federal Ministry of Transport. The “TraficHdeux” project initiated by Saarbahn aims to build up the infrastructure for operating cross-border public transport with hydrogen-powered fuel cell trains and buses. The core of this project is the reactivation of non-electrified or only partially electrified rail lines across national borders. In addition, the construction of a filling station infrastructure at the STEAG power plant site in Völklingen is planned. The bus fleet is also to be converted to zero-emission operation as quickly as possible. By 2030, Saarbahn will have to replace around 85 solo and articulated buses. The majority of these are to be procured as zero-emission vehicles. In addition, a small-scale electrolyzer is to be installed to ensure supply until the connection to the mosaHYc pipeline is completed. In order to make optimum use of the excess capacity available during the start-up phase, the filling station is therefore also to be made accessible to other municipal companies and commercial users.

H2SYNgas (SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar)

The Saarland steel industry, with the companies Dillinger and Saarstahl, plays a key role as an industrial consumer in the strategic development of the regional cross-border hydrogen value chain. Use of hydrogen is required to reduce emissions from processes in the steel industry. Within the scope of the “H2SYNgas” innovation project, a technology is being developed at a blast furnace operated by ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH, a joint subsidiary of Dillinger and Saarstahl, which will enable the use of the company's own process gases and, in addition, substantial quantities of hydrogen for the blast furnace process. The synthesis gas generated from the company's own process gases will be enriched with hydrogen. This hydrogen-rich mixed gas will then be used as a reducing agent for the reduction of iron ore, replacing coke in the blast furnace process and thus avoiding CO2 emissions. Following the coke-oven gas injection system already installed at the blast furnaces in Dillingen in 2020, SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar is set to take the next step on the road to CO2-neutral steel production in the Saar region by implementing this new innovative technology.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
3 RWE Hydrogen Projects in Germany Preselected under IPCEI

Three hydrogen projects in which RWE is involved have been shortlisted for funding from the Important Project of Common European Interest programme: a joint project with partners from the GET H2 initiative as well as the AquaPrimus 2 and HyTechHafen-Rostock projects. This was announced by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology BMWi and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure BMVI. These ministries are coordinating the pre-selection of projects at the German national level.

Nominated projects with RWE participation

1. As part of the GET H2 project: the construction of a 300 megawatts (MW) electrolysis plant for the production of green hydrogen in Lingen, the creation of a hydrogen storage facility in Epe, the construction of a plant for the production of green steel in Salzgitter, and the conversion of a gas pipeline connecting Marl, Duisburg and the Salzgitter site to the Dutch gas network. The joint project by the partner companies bp, Evonik, Nowega, OGE, RWE and SalzgitterFlachstahl aims to create a cross-border infrastructure to link the production, transport, storage and industrial use of green hydrogen between Lingen, Gelsenkirchen, the Dutch border and Salzgitter.

2. As part of the AquaVentus initiative: the AquaPrimus 2 project, in which two 14MW offshore wind turbines with integrated water electrolysis are to be erected off the coast of Heligoland by 2025 under the leadership of RWE. The plants shall then be connected to Heligoland by pipeline. For this RWE is working in close collaboration with multiple partners on the project, including Shell and the technology providers Siemens Gamesa and Siemens Energy. AquaPrimus 2 is part of the AquaVentus initiative, which intends to use electricity from offshore wind turbines in combination with offshore electrolysis on an industrial scale. Electrolysis plants in the North Sea with a total volume of 10 gigawatts (GW) are planned for 2035. From Heligoland, the hydrogen is to be transported onshore via a collection pipeline.

3. HyTechHafen-Rostock: The construction and operation of 100 MW of electrolysis capacity in the Rostock seaport for the production of green ammonia. RWE is working with Rostock Port and other local partners on this project. The project is part of the plan to comprehensively transform Rostock and the Rostock seaport to carbon-free energy supply and storage, fed from renewable sources. In the long term, hydrogen generation capacities of up to 1 GW are to be created on site.

According to the German government, a total of 8 billion euros in funding is available for German projects, with which the BMWi, the BMVI and the German federal states intend to drive forward the development of the hydrogen economy in Germany and Europe. 230 project applications were submitted. After technical examination and evaluation, 62 projects have now been shortlisted to take part in a selection process at the European level. In this so-called matchmaking process, the projects proposed by the EU states and Norway will be linked up with each other and evaluated. The European matchmaking process will start on 8 June. The first funding decisions are expected to be released in spring 2022.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Total Supports Hydrogen Taxi Operator Hysetco in Paris

Total has announced the acquisition of a stake in Hysetco, a French company dedicated to the development of hydrogen mobility in cities. Hysetco owns the largest fleet of hydrogen taxis in the world, launched in 2015 and operated in the Île-de-France region under the Hype brand, as well as hydrogen stations. The Hype project aims to demonstrate for the first time on a large scale the viability of zero-emission hydrogen vehicles for urban mobility. With the acquisition of a 20% stake, Total joins Hysetco’s historical shareholders: STEP (Société du Taxi Electrique Parisien), Air Liquide, Toyota and Kouros.

Hysetco currently owns around 700 taxis in Paris, with still a majority of diesel vehicles that will transition gradually to become exclusively comprised of hydrogen vehicles by 2024. The hydrogen taxis are fueled by a dedicated network of hydrogen stations operated by Hysetco. This network is expected to expand in the coming years to support the growth of hydrogen vehicle fleet. Total will make its network of service-stations available to Hysetco to contribute to the growth of this network of hydrogen stations.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
BMW Group Sets Goals for Hydrogen as Future Technology

The BMW Group has clear goals for effective climate protection and sustainable mobility up to the year 2030 and products and production are affected. As a green plant, Leipzig aims not only to be carbon-neutral but also to operate carbon-free production. BMW Group Plant Leipzig Director Mr Hans-Peter Kemser said “Our solution to the challenges of environmental policy is technological innovation. Technology is where the key to the future lies and it’s our constructive response for climate protection. Our vision is to fully decarbonise production by replacing fossil fuels with future fuels in the shape of green hydrogen.”

In a first step, hydrogen is already being used in logistics to power tractors and forklifts carrying required parts to the assembly lines. The first such vehicles went into service back in 2013, and Plant Leipzig now operates 81 in total. With a further 37 to be added shortly, Plant Leipzig will have the largest hydrogen-powered logistics fleet in Germany. Like conventionally powered vehicles, the hydrogen fleet has the great advantage of being very quick to refuel – and the filling stations take up little space.

The Hydrogen Summit also provided the backdrop for BMW Group Plant Leipzig to inaugurate its fourth on-site hydrogen filling station. The first went on stream in 2013 in the BMW i bodyshop and was the only indoor H2 refuelling station in Germany at the time. Two more followed in 2018, and a fourth is now also set to supply the steadily rising number of hydrogen vehicles. About 50 kg of hydrogen are put into their tanks every day – all of it certified green since day one.

BMW Group Plant Leipzig has always been planned as a “green plant” and has set standards in sustainability in many areas, from production of the electric BMW i3 and BMW i8 to the site’s four wind turbines and battery farm, and the hydrogen-powered vehicles operating in intralogistics. A holistic approach to advancing sustainability has been the goal throughout.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hyundai Motor working on affordability of hydrogen powered vehicles

Hyundai Motor’s Saehoon Kim says infrastructure for hydrogen powered electric vehicles will be ready “faster than expected”, as the auto company bets big on fuel cell technology.

Kiwa en Alliander openen eerste waterstofhuis van Nederland

Kiwa en Alliander hebben in Apeldoorn het Hydrogen Experience Centre geopend. In het waterstofhuis wordt de toepassing van waterstof in de gebouwde omgeving naar de praktijk gebracht.

In het Hydrogen Experience Centre laten Kiwa en Alliander zien dat waterstof in de gebouwde omgeving als brandstof is te gebruiken. Tegelijkertijd willen zij monteurs en installateurs opleiden en vertrouwd maken met het overzetten van de aardgasinfrastructuur op waterstof.

2 cv-ketels
Het Hydrogen Experience Centre in Apeldoorn is ingericht als woonhuis met een keuken, een meterkast en een volledig warmtesysteem. Er hangen 2 cv-ketels: 1 op waterstof en 1 op aardgas. De leidingen in het huis kunnen voor demo-of trainingsdoeleinden worden aangesloten op een ketel naar keuze. In het demohuis wordt de toepassing van waterstof in de gebouwde omgeving naar de praktijk gebracht. Het fungeert als kenniscentrum waar de laatste inzichten in de energietransitie en waterstoftoepassingen worden gedeeld.

‘De overheid heeft besloten dat in 2050 alle huizen in Nederland van het aardgas af moeten zijn’, zegt Daan Schut, chief transition officer van Alliander. ‘Wij beschouwen waterstof als een van de mogelijkheden om aardgas te vervangen. Het bestaande aardgasnet is met een aantal beperkte aanpassingen geschikt te maken om waterstof te distribueren tot in de woning. Het reguliere gasnet gebruiken voor waterstof is dan ook een veelbelovende optie voor de toekomst. De volgende stap is dat we laten zien hoe dit er in de praktijk uitziet. Met deze demowoning bieden we woningeigenaren, leveranciers en beleidsmakers de mogelijkheid om dit zelf te ervaren.’

Pilot in Lochem
De bewoners van de wijk Berkeloord in Lochem – die door Alliander als pilot beoogd is voor het omzetten van woningen met een aardgasaansluiting op waterstof – kunnen in het Hydrogen Experience Centre zien welke aanpassingen hiervoor nodig zijn. Berkeloord is een wijk waar veel woningen met een monumentenstatus staan. Door de bouw is waterstof de beste optie om deze woningen duurzaam te verwarmen.

Het Hydrogen Experience Centre is naast een demonstratie- vooral een opleidingslocatie. Omdat de meeste monteurs en installateurs nog weinig ervaring hebben met het ombouwen van gasnetwerken voor het gebruik van waterstof hebben Alliander en Kiwa de handen ineengeslagen. Zo is Kiwa in Nederland opleider op het gebied van waterstof in de energietransitie en kan Kiwa op deze locatie werken met waterstof. Paul Hesselink, chief executive officer van Kiwa: ‘De behoefte aan vakmensen die de energietransitie in de praktijk gaan brengen, groeit snel. Deze demowoning biedt technici de benodigde opleidingsfaciliteiten om Nederland een stap dichterbij het behalen van de klimaatdoelen te brengen. Kiwa heeft veel kennis in huis van alle aspecten van het waterstofsysteem: van productie en transport tot distributie en eindgebruik. We hebben bovendien veel experts op gas- en materiaalgebied.’


Door Els Stultiens


UNITED Airlines with Zero Emission BOOM Overture ultrafast Supersonic Jets!

The carrier announced Thursday it’s buying 15 planes from Boom Supersonic with the option to purchase 35 more at some point. Boom’s first commercial supersonic jet, the Overture, has not been built or certified yet. "Once operational, Overture is expected to be the first large commercial aircraft to be net-zero carbon from day one, optimized to run on 100% sustainable aviation fuel" It is expected to roll out in 2025, fly in 2026 and start to carry passengers in 2029. It is targeting the start of passenger service in 2029 with a plane that could fly at Mach 1.7 and cut some flight times in half. That means a flight from New York to London that typically lasts seven hours would only take 3½ hours.

“Boom’s vision for the future of commercial aviation, combined with the industry’s most robust network in the world, will give business and leisure travelers access to a stellar flight experience,” United CEO Scott Kirby said in a release announcing the deal. hile the terms of the sale were not disclosed, the companies believe the deal will generate immediate benefits.

Since it was founded in 2014, Denver-based Boom Supersonic has raised $270 million in capital and has grown to 150 employees. For founder and CEO Blake Scholl, landing a firm order with a legacy airline validates his vision of bringing back supersonic flights. he supersonic Concorde flew commercial flights from 1976 until October 2003.

“The world’s first purchase agreement for net-zero carbon supersonic aircraft marks a significant step toward our mission to create a more accessible world,” Scholl said in a statement. For United, ordering Boom supersonic jets fits with the strategy Kirby has outlined since becoming CEO a year ago. Kirby is aggressively trying to develop opportunities for the airline. Earlier this year, United took a stake in eVTOL start-up Archer Aviation while partnering with Mesa Airlines to order 200 electric aircrafts being designed to fly short distances. That came after United announced a multimillion dollar investment in a carbon capture start-up and committed to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

Part of what made buying supersonic jets appealing to United is Boom’s plan to power the planes with engines that will run on sustainable aviation fuel. As BOOM Supersonic started to work at their BOOM Overture Propulsion system together with Rolls Royce, which is working on the huge launching a new Rolls Royce MTU Series 500 Engine that is HYDROGEN READY...

The company plans to make its first flight later this year with a demonstrator jet called the XB-1. If it goes as planned, Boom will begin production of the Overture in 2023 and conduct its first flight in 2026. The ultimate hurdle will be winning certification by regulators, including the Federal Aviation Administration.

When that happens, United expects to target long-haul international flights between key large cities around the world, like San Francisco to Tokyo and New York to Paris. United vice president of corporate development Mike Leskinen said the Overture could dramatically alter some of the airline’s busiest international routes. “If we can cut the time to fly from the East Coast of the U.S. to certain cities in Europe and do it with Zero Emissions, we think that’s very attractive,” he said.
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