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Plug Power breaks ground for Georgia green hydrogen production plant

New York-based Plug Power says it has broken ground on an $84 million green hydrogen
production plant in Camden County, Georgia, Kallanish reports.
The facility will produce 15 short tons/day of liquid green hydrogen when it is completed before
year-end 2021, the company says.

The plant, designed to serve customers in the southeast US, will produce liquid green hydrogen
using 100% renewable energy. It will be staffed by 74 workers.

Plug Power had previously announced green hydrogen production plants in Pennsylvania and
New York. The company is working towards producing 500 st/d of green hydrogen by 2025. Its
goal is to establish the first North American green hydrogen supply network.

The company is the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen globally and has built more hydrogen
refuelling stations than any other company globally.

Bob Downing USA
thyssenkrupp conducts hydrogen study in Emirates

thyssenkrupp has been awarded a contract to perform a technical study for a new green hydrogen
and green ammonia project by the Emirati company Helios.

A water electrolysis plant as well as a facility for sustainable ammonia production are planned to
be constructed at Kizad in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, based on thyssenkrupp technology.
The planned facility will integrate thyssenkrupp’s green hydrogen and green ammonia
technologies, Kallanish hears from the German group. The first phase will incorporate a multi-megawatt electrolyser plant and an ammonia production facility with a capacity of 20,000 tonnes/
year with a next step to increase this to 200,000 t/y. It will be the first commercial plant to produce
CO2-free green ammonia from renewable resources in the UAE, thyssenkrupp claims.

“This project is another important milestone for in the UAE’s shift to a lower carbon renewable
energy future,” say M. K. Saiyed, managing director of Helios. “The new facility will produce green
ammonia which is an energy carrier that enables easy transportation of renewable energy e.g. via
ship. It can also be used as emission-free transport fuel and in the fertiliser and chemical

Helios Industry is a privately-owned special project vehicle company (SPV), and plans to invest
over AED3.67 billion ($1 billion) in the construction of the facility over several years. The plant will
use solar power to electrolyse water and split molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

Christian Koehl Germany
Everfuel presents second quarter 2021 results on Thursday, 19 August
Herning, 12 August 2021 – Everfuel A/S will release its financial results for the second quarter and first half of 2021 on Thursday, 19 August at 07:30 CEST.
CEO Jacob Krogsgaard and CFO Anders Bertelsen will present the company's results at 09:30 CEST and invite investors, analysts, and media to join the live webcast presentation. The presentation is expected to last up to one hour, including Q&A, and can be followed via live webcast.
Join the results webcast via the following link:
Everfuel Second Quarter 2021 Presentation
Questions can be submitted through the online webcast during the presentation. A recorded version of the presentation will be made available at www.everfuel.com after the presentation has concluded.
The quarterly report and presentation will also be made available on the Everfuel webpage and at www.newsweb.no.
For additional information, please contact:
Anders Bertelsen, CFO, +45 21 35 43 03, ab@everfuel.com
About Everfuel | www.everfuel.com
Everfuel is making green hydrogen for zero emission mobility commercially available across Europe, offering competitive all-inclusive hydrogen supply- and fueling solutions. We own and operate green hydrogen infrastructure and partner with vehicle OEMs to connect the entire hydrogen value chain and seamlessly provide hydrogen fuel to enterprise customers under long-term contracts. Green hydrogen is a 100% clean fuel made from renewable energy and key to electrification of the transportation sector in Europe and a sustainable future. We are a young ambitious company, headquartered in Herning, Denmark, and with activities in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and a plan to grow across Europe. Everfuel is listed on Euronext Growth in Oslo under EFUEL.
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This release was sent by Everfuel A/S

Q2 2021 Webcast invite

Russia upgrades hydrogen export forecast by 2050

Potential volumes of hydrogen exports from Russia to the world market in 2050 may range from 15-50 million tonnes/year according to the new concept for the development of hydrogen energy, which the government approved on 5 August and published this week.

In the draft of this concept in April, it was assumed that by 2050, from 7.9-33.4m t/y of hydrogen would be exported from the country per year, earning more than $100 billion/y.

In the final version of the concept, there is no information on the expected revenue from sales of hydrogen abroad. But the forecast for its production and export has been increased by 1.5-2X.

Thus, if an estimate of the export of 33.4m t/y of hydrogen at $100 billion, then supplies of 50m t could bring Russia about $150 billion annually, Kallanish notes. The document was developed by the Ministry of Energy and agreed with companies and relevant departments.

The approved version of the concept states that the level of exports will depend on the rate of development of the global low-carbon economy and the growth in demand for hydrogen in the world market.

According to the Ministry of Energy, the demand for environmentally friendly hydrogen may grow significantly due to the plans of the European Union to achieve complete carbon neutrality by 2050.

The concept for the development of hydrogen energy contains a list of hydrogen production technologies, including steam reforming of methane, pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, gasification of coal and carbon-containing materials. Also, the production of hydrogen on the basis of nuclear power plants and technology for capturing, storing, transporting and using carbon dioxide and electrolysis of water with the creation of alkaline, solid-polymer and solid oxide electrolysers.

Svetoslav Abrossimov Bulgaria
Russia can become leader in hydrogen production: Gazprom

Russia can maintain its position as an exporter on the European market due to the supply of blue hydrogen, says head of the contract structuring and pricing department at Gazprom Export Sergei Komlev.

“Europe is already moving towards the announced goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050,” he says in an interview with corporate magazine Gazprom. “The intermediate target under this policy is to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030. In practice, reaching carbon neutrality means eliminating fuels, which are a source of greenhouse gases.”

Russia can replace the short supply of natural gas at least partially with hydrogen produced from it, Kallanish notes.

According to him, the production of blue carbon-neutral hydrogen is already possible - its cost is estimated at around $2/tonne.

"In the future, this will ensure the Russian Federation's role as a leading global exporter of blue hydrogen, which will have a positive impact on the reputation of the gas industry, stop the devaluation of gas assets, and open the way for responsible financing of projects in the field of decarbonated natural gas.”

Komlev notes that the export of blue hydrogen, which is produced from methane, is fraught with a number of difficulties, since the Europeans do not consider it sufficiently environmentally friendly, in contrast to the same green hydrogen, which is produced by electrolysis on the basis of renewable energy sources. At the same time, the production of blue hydrogen today costs $ 1.4-1.5/kilogram of fuel, while green is $ 2.5-6/kg.

“For the future of the Russian gas industry, the choice of a model for organising hydrogen energy is extremely important and hydrogen based on natural gas should be an undoubted priority in this choice," the Gazprom representative says.

In his opinion, inaction on the issue of positioning blue hydrogen as a fuel for a carbon-neutral future may also mean tacit recognition that Russia has no choice but to fit into the new geopolitical order exactly as the Europeans demand: through massive investments in the development of renewable energy sources and export of green hydrogen.

According to the Ministry of Energy, Russia can export abroad up to 33.4 million t of hydrogen worth up to $100.2 billion, which could account for up to 20% of the global market for this product in 2050.

Svetoslav Abrossimov Bulgaria
Podcast | Vormt groene waterstof de ultieme oplossing voor het klimaatprobleem?

Nu de bocht is ingezet naar een klimaatneutraal energiesysteem, komt ook waterstof steeds nadrukkelijker in beeld als de energiebron van de toekomst. En daarin schuilen kansen voor beleggers.

Europa beschouwt groene waterstof als een belangrijk onderdeel van de Green Deal die de EU tegen 2050 klimaatneutraal moet maken.

‘Om te evolueren naar een klimaatneutraal energiesysteem moeten we af van de CO2-uitstoot die het gevolg is van fossiele brandstoffen. De elektrificatie van onze economie is een belangrijk stuk van de puzzel, kijk naar de uitrol van elektrische wagens. Maar niet alle toepassingen lenen zich tot elektrificatie, denk aan grote industriële processen. En dan komt waterstof in beeld als potentieel wondermiddel’, zegt Joris Franck, analist van de materiaalsector bij KBC Asset Management.

Groene waterstof heeft het grote voordeel dat er bij de verbranding geen CO2 vrijkomt. ‘Bovendien is het in principe mogelijk om waterstof voor lange tijd op te slaan, waardoor je vraag en aanbod van energie over verschillende seizoenen heen op elkaar kunt afstemmen’, zegt Freddy Van Bogget, Innovation Manager van KBC Groep. Daarmee biedt waterstof een alternatief voor hernieuwbare energie uit wind en zon, waarvan de productie afhankelijk is van de natuurelementen. Franck: ‘Waterstof heeft het potentieel om uit te groeien tot de alleskunner van de hedendaagse economie.’

Waterstof is een eigenaardig element uit de tabel van Mendeljev. Het is het meest voorkomende en lichtste chemische element. In geïsoleerde vorm komt het nooit voor in de natuur, het bindt zich altijd aan andere chemische elementen. Watergas moeten we dus produceren. Dat kan op twee manieren. Je kan aardgas onder grote druk zetten en opwarmen. Zo komt er waterstof vrij, maar ook CO2, wat natuurlijk niet de bedoeling kan zijn van een groene energiebron. Maar je kan waterstof ook genereren via elektrolyse: door water onder stroom te zetten, komt er zowel waterstof als zuurstof vrij. En als de stroom bovendien wordt opgewekt met hernieuwbare energie, krijg je dus groene waterstof.

Ondanks het grote potentieel wordt groene waterstof vandaag nog niet massaal geproduceerd, want daar is een enorme hoeveelheid elektriciteit voor nodig. Daarvoor hebben we vandaag eenvoudigweg te weinig hernieuwbare energie. Van Bogget: ‘Er is nog een lange weg af te leggen vooraleer waterstof op grote schaal kan worden ingezet. De eerste stappen worden nu pas gezet.’

Er is ook een economische reden. Franck: ‘Het is momenteel nog veel te duur om groene waterstof te produceren. Die kostprijs kan alleen naar beneden als er voldoende schaalgrootte is, wat nog niet het geval is. In de aanvangsfase moeten overheden de sector dus ondersteunen met subsidies. Zodra er voldoende schaalgrootte is bereikt, wordt het wel economisch rendabel. Net zoals we hebben zien gebeuren bij de zonnepanelen.’

Verschillende bedrijven in verschillende sectoren spelen in op waterstof. Dat kunnen interessante beleggingskansen zijn’, zegt Franck. In eerste instantie denkt de aandelenanalist aan de producenten van hernieuwbare energie.

‘Die productie moet de komende jaren echt wel enkele versnellingen hoger schakelen om te kunnen voldoen aan de stijgende vraag vanuit de waterstofsector.’

Een andere subsector in het universum van waterstof zijn de chemische bedrijven die hun knowhow gebruiken voor de uitbouw van de waterstofeconomie. En dan zijn er nog de producenten van de toestellen die gebruikt worden om waterstof te produceren of de brandstofcellen om waterstof om te zetten in elektriciteit.

‘Een hele nieuwe energiesector is zich aan het ontwikkelen. Daar kunnen beleggers van profiteren’, besluit Franck.

Barren Wuffett
Plasma Kinetics May Revolutionize Hydrogen Storage For EVs


One of the main advantages it presents is mass. The “cassette” with this hydrogen-filled film would offer the same amount of hydrogen a tank with hydrogen pressed at 5,000 psi would without the extra energy for compressing the gas. That would allow the Plasma Kinetics solution to store hydrogen generated by renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power plants.


The leading edge of this tech is cost. It does not need the expensive carbon fiber tanks in which hydrogen is currently stored. According to Smith, the Plasma Kinetics technology already costs only 20% of what batteries demand.

Tallgrass Energy Acquires Stake in Escalante H2 Power

Tallgrass Energy LP announced that it has closed on the purchase of a 75 percent membership interest in Escalante H2 Power. EH2 Power is developing a first-of-its-kind hydrogen-to-power project at Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc.’s Escalante Generating Station near Prewitt, New Mexico, by converting the retired coal-fired power plant into a clean hydrogen-fired power generating facility.

Tallgrass acquired its membership interest in EH2 Power from Denver-based Brooks Energy Company. The ownership of Newpoint Gas, LLC will retain a 25 percent membership interest in EH2 Power and continue to partner with Tallgrass in EH2’s development of the hydrogen conversion project at the Escalante Station.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Rosen Group Test Facility for Transportation Hydrogen in Pipelines

Rosen Group is expanding its hydrogen capabilities by exploring the safe transportation of hydrogen in pipeline infrastructure. This will see the construction of a new test facility, set to be built in Lingen in Germany, and will explore material and exposure tests in a hydrogen atmosphere at a temperature of up to 200 degree Celsius and a pressure of up to 150 bar. This facility is expected to be completed in early 2022.

With the construction of the laboratory, Rosen Group offers the industry all the material testing methods necessary to ensure the safe transportation of hydrogen in pipelines.

In addition, internal research and development activities in the field of hydrogen will be supported and promoted.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Blue hydrogen may delay real low-carbon technology: study

Researchers at Cornell and Stanford universities claim blue hydrogen has a much higher greenhouse gas emissions rate than burning natural gas or coal for heating purposes, Kallanish reports.

According to the study published on 12 August, blue hydrogen, which is produced from natural gas with carbon capture and storage technology, isn’t as “green” or low carbon as many portray. It found that CO2 equivalent emissions for blue hydrogen are only 9-12% less than for grey hydrogen – produced by steam reforming of methane in natural gas.

“Far from being low carbon, greenhouse gas emissions from the production of blue hydrogen are quite high, particularly due to the release of fugitive methane,” the study says. “While CO2 emissions are lower, fugitive methane emissions for blue hydrogen are higher than for grey hydrogen because of an increased use of natural gas to power the carbon capture.”

Controversially, the greenhouse gas footprint of blue hydrogen is over 20% higher than burning natural gas or coal for heat; and 60% higher than burning diesel oil for heat, the researchers state. Such finding goes against claims that blue hydrogen is clean because the emissions from natural gas have been captured, and that the fuel technology remains extremely important to help swift the energy industry away from polluting fossil fuels.

The analysis assumes captured CO2 can be stored indefinitely, “an optimistic and unproven assumption,” the researchers note. “Even if true though, the use of blue hydrogen appears difficult to justify on climate grounds,” they conclude.

With binding carbon-neutrality deadline to meet, the UK is betting on blue hydrogen to help it reach a target production capacity of 5 gigawatts by 2030. It will host the world’s first large-scale blue hydrogen project at H2H Saltend, developed by Equinor. Another massive planned project is the H2Teesside project led by bp with a capacity of 1 GW from 2027.

For Rami Reshef, ceo of GenCell, the country should look to green ammonia to ensure the “cleanest and most economic methods for hydrogen synthesis.” He says that there are many obstacles to building out a hydrogen economy, mostly due to the high complexity and cost of hydrogen transport and storage.

“Seeking intermediate solutions to expand the production of hydrogen, natural gas manufacturers have invested much effort to capture and storage the carbon from CO2 and methane in order to produce blue hydrogen. Currently, this is done at lower costs than producing green hydrogen using existing technologies,” explains Reshef.

“Extracting hydrogen on demand from green ammonia, however, remains a promising method for economically producing green hydrogen,” he defends. “Ammonia has high hydrogen density, and it’s possible to extract hydrogen from it, on-demand. Given the vast infrastructure that exists already, ammonia is much easier and more affordable to transport than hydrogen, and is also an efficient means for storing surplus renewable energy produced from solar or wind. This approach could drastically reduce the costs and associated CO2 footprint of hydrogen for energy.”

The researchers suggest blue hydrogen is a “distraction” and something that may delay needed action to truly decarbonise the global energy economy. The fuel has been mostly promoted by oil and gas producers in a “move” from natural gas, which in turn, should boost demand for natural gas.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Hydrogen power offers jobs boost, says government

Thousands of new jobs could be created by investing in clean hydrogen fuel to power vehicles and heat homes, the government says.

Ministers have unveiled a strategy for kick-starting a hydrogen industry, which they say could attract billions of pounds in investment.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the fuel was also essential for UK efforts to reach net zero emissions.

He said it had the potential to provide a third of UK energy in future.

Because of the current higher cost involved in producing hydrogen compared to existing fuels, subsidies are been proposed to overcome the gap. The government has launched a consultation on this plan.

Labour also backs hydrogen's potential, but said the government had failed to invest as much as other countries.

Using hydrogen gas as a fuel produces only water as a by-product, rather than greenhouse gases such as CO2, which are harmful for the climate. It can be used to power fuel cells - devices that generate electricity through an electrochemical reaction - used in a turbine for electricity or burned in a boiler and vehicle engine.

As such, it is a clean, versatile energy source that could power cars, trucks and trains, heat our homes and generate the power needed for industrial processes such as steel production.

Is the hydrogen tech 'revolution' hope or hype?
Can hydrogen fuel help drive towards green future?
The government plans to deliver 5GW of hydrogen production capacity by 2030, estimating that the industry could be worth £900m and support more than 9,000 jobs by the same date.

Hydrogen-powered trains are undergoing tests
"Today marks the start of the UK's hydrogen revolution. This home-grown clean energy source has the potential to transform the way we power our lives and will be essential to tackling climate change and reaching net zero," said Mr Kwarteng.

"Our strategy positions the UK as first in the global race to ramp up hydrogen technology and seize the thousands of jobs and private investment that come with it."

Reaching net zero by 2050 will involve cutting emissions as much as possible and then balancing out any remaining ones by planting trees or burying CO2 underground.

The potential role of hydrogen in achieving this target has been highlighted by a government analysis suggesting 20-35% of the UK's energy consumption by 2050 could be hydrogen-based.

A low-carbon hydrogen economy could deliver emissions savings equivalent to the carbon captured by 700 million trees by 2032, the government claims. It would help decarbonise polluting industries such as chemical production and oil refining and heavy transport such as shipping and rail.

Getty Images
Experts say there is an urgent need to reduce emissions from home heating
Alan Whitehead MP, Labour's shadow minister for energy and the green new deal, said hydrogen power had a "significant role" to play in decarbonising the economy.

But he added: "The belated publication of this hydrogen strategy needs to be followed up with urgent action. That is what we will judge the government on because too many of the Tories' warm words and targets on climate change have not been followed up with practical steps.

"It is regrettable that the Conservatives have failed to match the investment shown by other countries and key decisions have been delayed, such as mandating that all boilers must be hydrogen-ready."

The government is proposing subsidies for the hydrogen industry along the lines of those credited with driving down the cost of offshore wind power.

It will also review the infrastructure - thought by some to be very costly - needed to underpin hydrogen power in the UK.

Ministers want a twin-track approach to hydrogen production.

So-called blue hydrogen is made using fossil fuels, but its environmental impact can be mitigated by capturing and storing greenhouse emissions underground. Green hydrogen, meanwhile, is made using renewable energy.

The Hydroflex made a 25-mile round-trip in Warwickshire, reaching speeds of up to 50 mph
Though blue hydrogen is not as clean as the green form, it is cheaper.

Environmental campaigners say there is too much focus in the strategy on blue hydrogen. Jess Ralston, an analyst at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, said the government should "be alive to the risk of gas industry lobbying causing it to commit too heavily to blue hydrogen and so keeping the country locked into fossil fuel based technology". This, she added, would make reaching net zero more difficult and costly.

Philip Dunne MP, chair of the environmental audit committee, commented: "While the twin track approach proposed, supporting both green and blue hydrogen production, is positive, it is also important that substantial capacity for carbon capture is developed, so as to avert release of damaging emissions currently created in blue hydrogen production."

In fact, one study by researchers in the US has suggested that blue hydrogen could release more carbon than burning natural gas.

Dr Jan Rosenow, from the Regulatory Assistance Project, an organisation dedicated towards accelerating the transition to clean energy, said: "As the strategy admits, there won't be significant quantities of low-carbon hydrogen for some time. We need to use it where there are few alternatives and not as a like-for-like replacement of gas.

He said the plan confirmed that "hydrogen for heating our homes will not play a significant role before 2030. The government's strategy shows that less than 0.2% of all homes are expected to use hydrogen to keep warm in the next decade. This means that for reducing emissions this decade, hydrogen will play only a very marginal role.

"But we cannot wait until 2030 before bringing down emissions from heating. The urgency of the climate crisis requires bold policy action now."
Market Reports

India to increase green hydrogen push towards energy independence

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi believes green hydrogen will enable the country to achieve a “quantum jump” in energy independence, Kallanish reports.

Speaking at the 75th Independence Day ceremony on Sunday, Modi announced the national hydrogen strategy, which is aimed at Asian nation energy self-sufficient before it completes 100 years of independence. The leader noted that India currently spends over Rs 12 lakh crores ($161.74 billion) per year in energy imports.

“For the progress of India, it’s necessary for India to be energy independent,” says Modi. “Whatever work India is doing today, the biggest goal, which is going to give India a quantum jump, is the field of green hydrogen. I am announcing the National Hydrogen Mission today.”

Details into the strategy set to make India a global hub for green hydrogen are yet to be disclosed.

Oil and gas companies in the country, mostly state-owned, have previously pledged to making hydrogen the fuel of the energy transition. The idea is to produce blue hydrogen from natural gas and use the CO2 captured in other manufacturing processes.

However, as international pressure mounts on India to reduce carbon emissions and step up its climate change mitigation measures, the country is also focusing on scaling up renewable energy.

The government also announced a national automobile scrappage policy phasing out old vehicles in an environmentally-friendly way and providing benefits for steel and ancillary industries.

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Nikola wins $2m grant from US DOE for autonomous hydrogen refueling

Arizona-based Nikola Corp says it is getting $2 million from the USA Department of Energy to advance research into autonomous refuelling technologies for future hydrogen fuelling stations, Kallanish reports.

Autonomous fuelling is part of the industry’s effort to ensure fast, efficient and safe fuelling of a large onboard storage system to be less than 20 minutes for heavy-duty vehicles. The Nikola project is expected to address this goal by working to develop an autonomous fuelling system that can rapidly refuel heavy-duty fuel-cell electric trucks while minimising labour and challenges linked to ergonomics and maintenance of equipment.

“This funding is essential to advance key hydrogen fuelling technologies that can improve the overall efficiency of fuel-cell commercial vehicles, while maintaining the safety and reliability standards required,” says Pablo Koziner, president, energy and commercial, in a statement. “The work we are doing with DOE and our partners on fuelling technology is part of Nikola’s holistic approach to the hydrogen ecosystem, supplementary to our work on heavy-duty vehicles, infrastructure and energy solutions.”

The news from the company comes two weeks after founder and former chairman Trevor Milton was indicted on fraud charges.

Bob Downing USA

Everfuel and ASKO plan cooperation on rollout of H2 infrastructure for heavy-duty long-haul trucking in Norway
Herning, Denmark, 18 August 2021 – Everfuel A/S and ASKO AS have entered a letter of Intent (LoI) for developing a joint coordinated plan for applying Enova for support to vehicle procurement and the establishment of green hydrogen infrastructure for decarbonizing heavy-duty long-haul trucking in Norway.
ASKO is Norway’s largest grocery and catering wholesaler with an extensive domestic network of central and regional warehouses and a comprehensive logistics operation. ASKO is also a leading national cargo transporter, operating a fleet of about 700 large and medium-sized owned and leased trucks. The company has a stated objective of becoming zero-emission by 2026. Everfuel is expanding its European production, distribution and network of hydrogen fueling stations.
“Our ambition is to develop a hydrogen refueling station network in Europe and Norway to decarbonize transport of goods and people on road, rail and by sea. Everfuel will develop the hydrogen supply and distribution to make this reliable and competitive. Strong partnerships with leading logistics companies such as ASKO is a key element of executing our strategy and ensuring coordinated progress towards a green transport system in Norway and across Europe,” says Jacob Krogsgaard, the CEO of Everfuel.
The Oslo-Trondheim corridor, with its requirements for hydrogen refueling stations, is considered well-suited as a potential pilot for a full-scale roll-out of infrastructure enabling efficient zero-emission transport of goods. ASKO has since 2019 been testing hydrogen as a fuel in Trondheim together with Scania and will apply its experience when developing infrastructure for the Oslo-Trondheim corridor. Under the LoI, Everfuel and ASKO will provide mutual support for each other’s applications for public grants supporting funding of truck procurement and development of H2stations. This also includes, if necessary, hydrogen production to cover demand along the selected traffic corridor.
“We introduced our zero-emission target from 2026 as early as in 2017. ASKO is deeply engaged in various climate measures and believe that this initiative may help accelerate the green transition,” says Svein Sollie, Head of Transport at ASKO
“For ASKO to procure hydrogen trucks, we need them to be delivered to our specifications, that they meet can meet our operational requirements in our vehicle fleet ant to an acceptable cost. Then, hydrogen needs to be available in the sufficient volumes from enough filling stations with the right locations. This is demanding, not in least in relation to Enova, and it is one of the main reasons for our coordination with Everfuel,“ Sollie continues.
Everfuel will invite additional local and national transport companies to join the planned rollout of infrastructure to ensure a comprehensive testing of hydrogen as a fuel for heavy goods transport. Everfuel will, as part of this development, also facilitate refueling of light vehicles such as taxi fleets, cargo-vans and service vehicles.
Both companies have an ambition to apply Enova for funding as soon as the required conditions such as accessibility to vehicles and sites as well as total project economy are met.
«We hope that the conditions in the application process are clarified during the second half in order for both trucks and filling stations to be operative in time for meeting the zero emission targets,” says Everfuel’s Jacob Krogsgaard.
About Everfuel | www.everfuel.com

Press release
August 17, 2021 – Oslo, Norway
Nel ASA: Nel receives purchase order for a H2Station® fueling station solution for taxis in Aarhus
(Oslo, 17 August 2021) Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL) Nel Hydrogen Fueling, a subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel, OSE:NEL) has received a purchase order from Everfuel A/S (Everfuel, EFUEL) for the delivery of a H2Station®fueling station for a fleet of taxis in Aarhus, Denmark
“We are very happy to continue our collaboration with Everfuel and to take part in building out further infrastructure for hydrogen in Denmark. There is a huge potential in using hydrogen as fuel for fleets of both light- and heavy-duty vehicles and we are excited to work with Everfuel to extract learning from the installation of the station in Aarhus” says Jens Egholt Rasmussen, Senior Director Global Sales, Nel Hydrogen Fueling.
The H2Station®will be installed in Aarhus during 2022 and will be used as a prototype for a movable station solution to serve light duty vehicles and as a demo for fueling of heavy-duty vehicles. The parties have agreed not to disclose the value of the contract.
“We are excited to further expand the hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark based on fueling technology from Nel. The station will be a prototype of a moveable station, which is an important step to reduce installation time and costs to make hydrogen commercially competitive. This prototype of the Everfuel moveable station will take us in the right direction by reducing both installation time and costs for civil works. The location in Denmark’s second largest city, Aarhus, will support the city’s fuel cell taxi fleet, and we look forward taking yet another step in decarbonizing transportation” says Jeppe Mikkelsen, the COO of Everfuel.
For further information, please contact:
Jon André Løkke, CEO, +47 907 44 949
Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02 097
About Nel ASA | www.nelhydrogen.com
CB&I Storage Solutions Design for Large Liquid Hydrogen Sphere

McDermott International Ltd announced that its CB&I Storage Solutions business has completed the design of a 40,000 cubic meter liquid hydrogen sphere as part of a study awarded by a leading natural gas producer earlier this year. This study confirms the feasibility of scaling up liquid hydrogen solutions beyond what was previously thought possible and positions us to better serve our customers in this growing industry.

The conceptual design for a double-wall liquid hydrogen sphere with a storage capacity of 40,000 cubic meters is approximately eight times larger than the world's largest liquid hydrogen sphere currently under construction by CB&I Storage Solutions for NASA.

CB&I Storage Solutions is the world's leading designer and builder of storage facilities, tanks and terminals.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Market Reports

Port, partner to develop blue hydrogen production project in Texas

The Port of Corpus Christi and Howard Midstream Energy Partners are planning to convert Howard’s Javelina refinery services facility into a carbon-neutral blue hydrogen production facility in south Texas, Kallanish reports.

The parties have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop the first carbon-neutral hydrogen production facility in the region.

The Javilena facility is connected to six local refineries with about 60 million cubic feet/day of hydrogen production through as combination of hydrogen entrained in the refineries’ waste gas that the facility processes and hydrogen produced through a steam methane reformer process.

Currently, the hydrogen is sold back to the refineries and other industries where it is used to remove impurities like sulfur during the refining process. The port and Howard plan to scale up hydrogen production for export to overseas demand centres.

Under the agreement, Howard will capture its carbon emissions at Javelina, and the parties will work together on capture and storage options. Geologists at the University of Texas-Austin have concluded that the Texas Gulf Coast region is uniquely suited for injection and storage of pressurised carbon dioxide in formations offshore under the Gulf of Mexico.

The port of Corpus Christi has committed to developing the needed infrastructure for the hydrogen project and says it is eager to become a carbon capture and sequestration management hub. It is now a major hub for shipping crude oil and natural gas to overseas markets.

Bob Downing USA
Russia’s hydrogen exports to reach $20-30 billion: official

The volume of hydrogen supplies from Russia to the European union may reach at least $20-30 billion by 2030, according to special representative of the Russian president for sustainable development Anatoly Chubais.

“The Russian hydrogen upstream is a colossal national project that we can and should deploy in the coming, if not quarters, then at least years," Chubais said at a seminar in Moscow.

He noted that the EU intends to increase the hydrogen market to 10 million tonnes/year by 2030, half of which will need to be covered by imports, Kallanish notes.

“This creates excellent opportunities for Russian business, as there is an extensive network of pipelines in Russia that can be used to supply this type of fuel without any modernization,” according to Chubais. “Russia has the ability to produce hydrogen fuel, as well as a very cheap way to transport it.”

Earlier this month, Russia published the new concept for the development of hydrogen energy. According to the document, the potential volumes of hydrogen exports from Russia to the world market in 2050 may range from 15-50m t/y.

In the draft of this concept in April, it was assumed that by 2050, from 7.9-33.4m t/y of hydrogen would be exported from the country per year, earning more than $100 billion/y.

In the final version of the concept, there is no information on the expected revenue from sales of hydrogen abroad. But the forecast for its production and export has been increased by 1.5-2X.

Thus, if an estimate of the export of 33.4m t/y of hydrogen at $100 billion, then supplies of 50m t could bring Russia about $150 billion annually. The document was developed by the Ministry of Energy and agreed with companies and relevant departments.

Svetoslav Abrossimov Bulgaria
UK plans to become global hydrogen leader

The UK announced Tuesday a hydrogen strategy aimed at kick starting a “world-leading hydrogen economy,” unlocking £4 billion ($5.49 billion) in investment and creating over 9,000 jobs by 2030.

Yet, the long-delayed roadmap fails to provide details on how the country will achieve its target of having 5 gigawatts of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030. The strategy is based on a “twin track” approach supporting both green and blue hydrogen, but the government will disclose further details on its production strategy only next year.

The government will provide £105 million in funding to support “polluting industries,” while also consulting on the design of a £240m Net Zero Hydrogen Fund, Kallanish reports.

The first funding package includes £55m towards the Industrial Fuel Switching Competition, aimed at enabling heavy industries to switch from natural gas to low carbon hydrogen as source of energy; £40m for the Red Diesel Replacement Competition with a view to get the construction, quarrying and mining sectors to ditch red diesel consumption; and £10m for the Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator.

The second is planned to support the commercial deployment of new low carbon hydrogen production plants across the UK.

For now, the government is committing to undertake a review to develop the network and storage infrastructure needed to underpin a thriving hydrogen sector; work with the industry to assess safety and feasibility of mixing 20% hydrogen into the gas supply; and launch an action plan in early 2022 setting out how exactly companies can secure supply chain opportunities in hydrogen.

“Early government action coupled with strong private sector backing earned the UK a world leading status,” in offshore wind, the government says, noting similar approach will be used for hydrogen. It’s consulting on a preferred hydrogen business model to overcome the cost gap between low carbon hydrogen and fossil fuel.

Graham Cooley, ceo of electrolyser manufacturer ITM Power, described the announcement as “a very welcome step in helping British companies cement their positions as world leaders in hydrogen technology.”

Other companies and stakeholders welcomed the announcement and public commitment to the alternative fuel. However, some highlighted that the UK already has a lot of catching up to do in order to become a global hydrogen leader.

“This hydrogen race has well and truly started and, despite the publication of today’s strategy, other countries are moving further and faster than the UK. For example, Chile, France and South Korea have hydrogen production targets that are more ambitious than the UK,” says the Hydrogen Strategy Now campaign group. “But as well as increasing the supply of hydrogen, we must stimulate demand in parallel. We would therefore have liked the strategy to set out a bolder vision for hydrogen in transport, heat and industry.”

GlobalData’s energy transition analyst Barbara Monterrubio, says the strategy could still leave the country lagging European peers.

“The 5 GW goal appears relatively achievable, as GlobalData already tracked the equivalent of 4.6 GW in proposed projects, with further early-stage projects potentially adding more capacity to the pipeline. However, this is far behind the Netherlands and Germany, which already have 15 GW and 14 GW of respective projects in the pipeline.

“Emphasis needs to shift towards green hydrogen which, with scale, can displace dirty hydrogen economically, while carbon capture technologies should temporarily provide a quick win in carbon reduction,” says Tom Mason, ceo of Bramble Energy. “The UK has some world leading hydrogen technology businesses and the execution of the full strategy will propel these businesses to compete on a global scale.”

Gabriela Farhangi UK
Barren Wuffett
AFC Energy technology to power ABB operations in Estonia

AFC Energy’s hydrogen fuel cell system will today (August 16) arrive in Estonia to be integrated into ABB’s operations as part of a joint product development agreement signed in December.

The milestone follows six months of electric engineering and control design, and now complete, the system can be installed as a high-power electric vehicle charging product for grid constrained environments.

Once delivered, it is thought that the system will take a few weeks to be installed. A team of three AFC technicians will accompany the system to support ABB to capture key data from the operations.

Adam Bond, CEO of AFC Energy, said, “Today signifies a further important milestone in our relationship with ABB in bringing to market a leading high power, zero emission, electric vehicle charging solution for adoption in many of the world’s grid constrained environments.

“As Governments around the world continue to make large strides in the electrification of transport, it is paramount that consumers have the confidence that high power charging will exist in locations where the grid is currently restricted.

“Partnering with a market leader such as ABB to address these and other challenges in the decarbonisation of transport is an essential part of our go to market strategy for the mobility sector.”

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