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Western Australia & Port of Rotterdam to Collaborate on Hydrogen

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
07 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Western Australia is continuing to solidify its leading role on the global renewable hydrogen stage with a Memorandum of Understanding signed with Europe’s largest sea port, the Port of Rotterdam. The MoU builds on work underway by the McGowan Government in Western Australia and by the Port of Rotterdam, and covers a number of areas for cooperation. The two parties will work together to investigate the renewable hydrogen export supply chain between Western Australia and the Port of Rotterdam, including production, storage, transport and the use of renewable hydrogen.

The State Government and the Port of Rotterdam will also collaborate on opportunities for knowledge sharing relating to policy, regulation and technology developments.

Underpinned by the Dutch Government’s national hydrogen strategy, the Port of Rotterdam is setting itself up as a major hydrogen import hub for Europe.
Column: waterstof nodig, maar nog lang niet volgroeid

Gisteren, 14:30

Waterstof is zo’n beetje verworden tot de heilige graal in de transitie naar een emissievrije economie. In de vele verhalen en artikelen over waterstof is de teneur vaak hetzelfde. Je kunt het eenvoudig in tanks opslaan en het lijkt via de bestaande infrastructuur van gasleidingen relatief makkelijk te vervoeren. En er zijn grote hoeveelheden waterstof nodig om alle emissievrije ambities die we de komende jaren hebben waar te maken. Alleen de capaciteit om al die waterstof te maken is er nog lang niet.

Waterstof is een belangrijke energiebron voor de toekomst, maar moet nog worden opgeschaald.
Waterstof is een belangrijke energiebron voor de toekomst, maar moet nog worden opgeschaald.? BLOOMBERG
Het gaat in al die artikelen natuurlijk niet om grijze of blauwe variant, maar juist om de groene waterstof. Die emissievrije versie krijg je door de inzet van hernieuwbare elektriciteit in het productieproces van deze schone brandstof. Het grootste probleem is wel dat er grote investeringen gedaan moeten worden – zowel in hernieuwbare bronnen, die de benodigde energie opwekken, als in elektrolysecapaciteit voor de productie van waterstof.

Dat maakt dat een rendabel groen waterstofplaatje nog erg lastig is. Natuurlijk helpt de relatief hoge gasprijs van nu een handje om die betaalbaarheid te verbeteren. Maar er is inmiddels wat meer hoop, in ieder geval in Europa.

’Hoge gasprijs hebben we juist nodig’

Frans Timmermans
Zelfs de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie Ursula von der Leyen – niet de minste – sprong ervoor in de bres. „Groene waterstof is de energie van de volgende generatie”, zei ze vorige week tijdens de European Hydrogen Week 2021. Het gaat volgens haar om opschaling van de productie van schone waterstof in Europa en verdere uitbreiding van de toepassingen ervan. Onze eurocommissaris Frans Timmermans was een paar jaar geleden ook al zo lyrisch: „Waterstof is de rockster voor nieuwe energie in de wereld.” En ook afgelopen week spatte de ambitie bij Frans er nog steeds vanaf: „The stars are made of hydrogen, so let’s reach for the stars.”

Von der Leyen – maar ik denk Timmermans vast ook wel – is er in ieder geval maar wat trots op dat Europa op het waterstofdossier ’s werelds pionier is. Want in haar speech geeft ze aan dat van de laatste 200 aangekondigde waterstofprojecten wereldwijd zich er ruim 110 in Europa bevinden, dat is 55%. Daarmee is de kans groot dat groene waterstof meer en meer een hoofdrol gaat opeisen in de klimaatneutrale economie, in ieder geval binnen Europa.

’Bij Tata is maken van ’groene’ staal met waterstof binnen 10 jaar haalbaar’

Europa gaat dus inzetten op waterstof. Bittere noodzaak ook, want het is inmiddels wel duidelijk dat we het met alleen geothermie, wind- en zonne-energie niet gaan redden. Daarvoor zijn de elementen te onvoorspelbaar en te variabel. Von der Leyen en Timmermans zetten daarom graag in op de doorontwikkeling van waterstof. Beide geven echter ook aan dat er op waterstofgebied nog veel moet gebeuren.

Economische historici wijzen graag op het belang van onverwachte technologische innovatie, die vervolgens dan dient als de rode lap voor de economische vooruitgang. Innovatie is dus in een economisch systeem broodnodig.

Waterstofreus uit VS telt $115 miljoen neer voor bedrijf uit Alphen aan den Rijn

Wat dat betreft hebben we in Nederland met groene waterstof alvast een fraai initiatief. Met de Hydrogen Valley in Noord-Nederland doen de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en de Hanzehogeschool verder onderzoek naar de opschaling en betaalbaarheid van groene waterstof. Aan hun de schone taak om aan het waterstofhoofdstuk weer wat meer boeiende materie toe te voegen. Iets dat Von der Leyen en zeker Timmermans vast nog trotser gaat maken.

Casper Burgering werkt bij het Economisch Bureau van ABN Amro als senior econoom en is onderdeel van de afdeling Sustainability Research. Disclaimer: Deze column is niet bedoeld als beleggingsadvies. Het is evenmin een aanbieding of uitnodiging tot koop of verkoop van enig financieel instrument. Reageren? Mail naar vragen@dft.nl. En lees hieronder eerdere columns van Burgering terug:

Column: kick-out kerstbomen snijdt hout?
Column: wereldleiders bij de klimaattop zijn te ambitieus
Column: een bijna onuitputtelijke bron van energie ligt onder onze voeten

ENGIE & Masdar to drive UAE’s Green Hydrogen Economy

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

ENGIE and Masdar have signed a strategic alliance agreement to explore the co-development of a UAE-based green hydrogen hub. The two companies are looking to develop projects with a capacity of at least 2 GW by 2030, with a total investment in the region of USD 5 billion. This partnership aims to capture synergies and complementarities between Masdar, as an investor and developer of renewable energy projects, and ENGIE’s leadership position in green hydrogen deployment to establish an early mover position in the UAE’s hydrogen market.

By leveraging existing infrastructure, the companies will initially target local supply, with the aim of expanding capacity to create a giga-scale green hydrogen hub for the GCC, with the potential to export to other markets.
bp Plans Major Green Hydrogen Project in Teesside in UK

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

bp is planning a new large-scale green hydrogen production facility in the North East of England that could deliver up to 500Mwe of hydrogen production by 2030. To be developed in multiple stages, HyGreen Teesside is expected to match production to demand and build on experience to drive down costs. bp is aiming to start production by 2025, with an initial phase of some 60MWe of installed hydrogen production capacity. A final investment decision on the project is expected in 2023.

Hygreen Teesside is the latest addition to bp’s integrated UK business portfolio, which includes 3GW gross of offshore wind in the Irish Sea, delivering 16,000 UK charging points by 2030 and bp and Aberdeen city’s partnership deal. bp is working with industry, local administration such as Tees Valley Combined Authority ?and the UK government to increase the pace of decarbonization in transport.

bp’s blue and green hydrogen projects in Teesside, together with the proposed Net Zero Teesside power project, is expected to further support economic development and regeneration in Teesside. Creating high-quality jobs in both construction and operation phases, the projects will support local education, skills development and the development catalyze a highly skilled UK-based hydrogen supply chain.

HyGreen Teesside is expected to fuel the development of Teesside into the UK’s first major hydrogen transport hub, leading the way for large-scale decarbonization of heavy transport, airports, ports and rail in the UK.

The combined 1.5GW capacity of HyGreen Teesside and H2Teesside could deliver 30% of the UK government’s target of developing 5GW of hydrogen production by 2030. Industries in Teesside account for over 5% of the UK’s industrial emissions and the region is home to five of the country’s top 25 emitters.
Sinopec Launches Green Hydrogen Project in Xinjiang in China

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Global Times reported that China's state-owned oil giant Sinopec announced that the country's first 10,000-ton-level photovoltaic green hydrogen demonstration project has started construction in Kuqa city, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the largest of its kind in the world. With a total investment of nearly 3 billion yuan (USD 470 million), the project, which is expected to complete in 2023, will produce 20,000 tons of green hydrogen annually. The project aims to produce green hydrogen through a water electrolysis system powered by a 300-megawatt solar power station.

Meanwhile, key equipment and core material used in the project including photovoltaic module, electrolyzer and hydrogen storage tank will be locally manufactured, boosting the development of the domestic hydrogen production equipment sector. It is estimated that the plant will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 485,000 tons a year once it is put into operation, and will contribute 130 million yuan to local GDP while also generating more than 18 million yuan in tax revenues.

Green hydrogen is produced from renewable sources such as solar and wind energy. It basically does not produce greenhouse gas emissions during its production process, and is therefore considered "zero-carbon hydrogen." Sinopec is currently the largest hydrogen producer in China, producing approximately 3.9 million tons of hydrogen per year.
One of the Largest Green Hydrogen Projects in the World: Thyssenkrupp Signs Contract to Install Over 2GW Electrolysis Plant for Air Products in NEOM
FuelCellsWorksDecember 13, 2021

fuel cells works, One of the Largest Green Hydrogen Projects in the World: Thyssenkrupp Signs Contract to Install Over 2GW Electrolysis Plant for Air Products in NEOM
LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa — Air Products (NYSE:APD) has awarded thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers a contract to supply a more than two-gigawatt (2 GW) electrolysis plant for one of the world’s largest green hydrogen projects at NEOM in Saudi Arabia. Under this contract, thyssenkrupp will engineer, procure and fabricate the plant based on their large-scale 20 megawatt (MW) alkaline water electrolysis module. Upon commissioning, the project partners ? NEOM, ACWA Power and Air Products (“NEOM Green Hydrogen Company”) ? will operate the facility, which will produce hydrogen to be synthesized into carbon-free ammonia for export exclusively by Air Products to global markets. Engineering and procurement activities have been initiated, and the start of production is scheduled for 2026.

Strong partnership with strong sustainability lever

In July 2020, Air Products, together with ACWA Power and NEOM, announced the signing of an agreement for world-scale green hydrogen-based ammonia production facility powered by renewable energy. thyssenkrupp was selected by its strategic partner Air Products early in the project as technology supplier and has worked intensively on early engineering and project development. The signing of the project contract is a key milestone of both companies’ joint effort over the past year to use their complementary technology, engineering and project execution strengths to develop green hydrogen production facilities. The realization of the project leverages thyssenkrupp’s large-scale technology supporting Air Products’ development of green hydrogen for sustainable transportation, chemicals and power generation.

Dr. Samir J. Serhan, Chief Operating Officer at Air Products, says: “This project milestone with thyssenkrupp furthers our strong progress at NEOM to deliver carbon-free hydrogen on a massive scale in the Kingdom and for the world. The development and execution of this innovative megaproject is one of many required to drive a successful energy transition, and we look forward to continuing to develop, build, own and operate facilities that help address the world’s significant energy and environmental challenges. This project is the kickoff to become a frontrunner in the green hydrogen economy.”

“As a world market leader in electrolysis we bring in two decisive factors to realize such gigawatt projects: With our large-scale standard module size and gigawatt cell manufacturing capacity per year together with our Joint Venture partner De Nora we are able to deliver large capacity projects today,” says Denis Krude, CEO of thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers. “With this gigawatt project, we are committed to invest into ramping up our manufacturing capacities further. We also aim for a strong local setup which is key to delivering customized service solutions throughout the entire plant life-cycle and enables our strategic partner in their vision to become a global decarbonization pioneer.”

About thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers

thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers offers world-leading technologies for high-efficiency electrolysis plants. The company, a Joint Venture with Industrie De Nora, has extensive in-depth knowledge in the engineering, procurement, and construction of electrochemical plants and a strong track record of more than 600 projects with a total rating of over 10 gigawatts already successfully installed. With its water electrolysis technology to produce green hydrogen, the company offers an innovative solution on an industrial scale for green value chains and an industry fueled by clean energy – a major step towards a climate-neutrality.

About Air Products

Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for 80 years. Focused on serving energy, environment and emerging markets, the Company provides essential industrial gases, related equipment and applications expertise to customers in dozens of industries, including refining, chemical, metals, electronics, manufacturing, and food and beverage. Air Products is also the global leader in the supply of liquefied natural gas process technology and equipment. The Company develops, engineers, builds, owns and operates some of the world’s largest industrial gas projects, including: gasification projects that sustainably convert abundant natural resources into syngas for the production of high-value power, fuels and chemicals; carbon capture projects; and world-scale carbon-free hydrogen projects supporting global transportation and the energy transition.

The Company had fiscal 2021 sales of $10.3 billion from operations in over 50 countries and has a current market capitalization of over $65 billion. More than 20,000 passionate, talented and committed employees from diverse backgrounds are driven by Air Products’ higher purpose to create innovative solutions that benefit the environment, enhance sustainability and address the challenges facing customers, communities, and the world. For more information, visit airproducts.com.

In Picture: Dr. Samir J. Serhan, Chief Operating Officer of Air Products (left), and Denis Krude, CEO of thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers (right), December 2021. Air Products awarded thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers a contract to supply a more than two-gigawatt electrolysis plant for one of the world’s largest green hydrogen projects at NEOM in Saudi Arabia.

SOURCE Air Products; thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers
Vanaf 1 januari 2022 is Frankrijk 6 maand voorzitter van de Raad van de EU
Frankrijk gaat zelf € 8 miljard investeren in projecten van "gemeenschappelijk Europees belang" met toekomst!
cc: Reuters

Deze 5 Europese PIIEC-projecten zijn…
  • elektrische batterijen (€ 1,5 miljard) o.a Douvrin-project

  • halfgeleiders (€ 1.7 miljard) o.a. STMicroelectonics

  • waterstof (€ 3 miljard) o.a. Air Liquide en Mcphy

  • gezondheid (€ 1,5 miljard)
  • cloud (€ 300 miljoen) o.a Douvrin-project

Deze investeringen zijn met name bedoeld om "nieuwe waarde ketens in Europa te hebben en om te concurreren met China en de Verenigde Staten op alle kritieke technologieën", aldus minister Bruno Le Maire.

De Europese Commissie heeft haar over het algemeen strikte staatssteunregels tijdelijk versoepeld voor belangrijke projecten van gemeenschappelijk Europees belang (IPCEI) (= PIIEC)

Frankrijk wil voor haar komende voorzitterschap van de EU-raad, alle EU landen overtuigen om massaal, in deze 5 sectoren, van de toekomst te investeren.

Blijkbaar is er geen toekomst voor (mini) kerncentrales....
thyssenkrupp to Supply 2GW Electrolysis System NEOM in Saudi Arab

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:24 am

Air Products has placed an order with thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers to supply an electrolysis system with an output of more than two gigawatts one of the world's largest projects for the production of green hydrogen in NEOM in Saudi Arabia. As part of this contract, thyssenkrupp will develop, procure and manufacture the system based on its 20 megawatt module for alkaline water electrolysis. After commissioning, the project partners NEOM, ACWA Power and Air Products, NEOM Green Hydrogen Company will operate the system. The hydrogen produced is synthesized into climate-neutral ammonia, which Air Products exports to the global market exclusively. Planning and procurement work has already been initiated and commissioning is scheduled for 2026.

In July 2020, Air Products, together with ACWA Power and NEOM, announced the signing of an agreement for a plant to produce green hydrogen-based ammonia on a global scale using renewable energy. thyssenkrupp was selected as a technology supplier by its strategic partner Air Products early on in the project and has worked intensively on early engineering and project development.

thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers offers world-leading technologies for highly efficient electrolysis systems. The company, a joint venture with Industrie De Nora, has extensive know-how in the planning, procurement and construction of electrochemical systems.
Beste forumleden, wat denken jullie van POWERTAP HYDRO.CAP.CORP, zijn erg veel teruggezakt!
Ik kan geen nieuws vinden waarom dit aandeel zover is teruggezakt.
ExxonMobil To Explore Potential for Southampton Hydrogen Hub

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

SGN, Macquarie’s Green Investment Group and Esso Petroleum Company, Limited announced today that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the use of hydrogen and carbon capture to help reduce emissions in the Southampton industrial cluster. Southampton has one of the largest industrial sectors in the United Kingdom, and is both a critical element of the country’s energy supply chain and an important gateway for trade in global markets.

An initial feasibility study by SGN and GIG shows the annual hydrogen demand from the cluster, which is home to ExxonMobil’s Fawley complex, could rise to as much as 37 TWh by 2050, including the heating demand of 800,000 homes across the South of England. An increase in the use of hydrogen with carbon capture would help reduce emissions in the area’s industrial sector and stimulate the local economy through the conversion of the natural gas network, while helping reduce emissions from domestic heating and transport.

The feasibility study estimated that carbon capture facilities could initially capture approximately 2 million tonnes of CO2 per year, including from initial hydrogen production of around 4.3 TWh of hydrogen per year. This could also attract significant investment in the community, support existing employment and stimulate the creation of local jobs. If technical and business feasibility is confirmed, and with the right Government support, hydrogen production could commence as early as 2030.
Hyzon & Woodside Join Hands for Hydrogen Production

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Hyzon Motors Inc announced an agreement to collaborate on developing supply of zero carbon intensity hydrogen and building demand from medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicle customers in the United States and Australia. Under the agreement, the companies will evaluate opportunities to develop green hydrogen production facilities (hubs). Initially, the project will focus on liquid hydrogen supply projects to support Hyzon’s future liquid hydrogen onboard mobility use cases – including ultra-long range trucks already under development, and aviation, marine and rail applications.

The hydrogen hubs will be developed and located to serve existing and potential demand for Hyzon ultra-long-range trucks and future high energy usage mobility use cases, thus creating a highly utilized and efficient hydrogen ecosystem. The companies will collaborate in assessing and developing customer demand for fleet conversions, in addition to usage in Woodside and its affiliates’ operations internationally.

For Woodside, Australia’s leading natural gas producer, the partnership with Hyzon supports its strategy to complement its established LNG business with new energy projects that are cost-competitive and scalable with customer demand. Woodside has announced plans to establish a hydrogen production facility in Oklahoma and is progressing land acquisition opportunities aligned to growth markets in the US. Hyzon supports this development by providing access to hydrogen off-take through its heavy-duty vehicle customers.
Nobian gaat samenwerken met GIG in groen waterstofbedrijf
Van onze redacteur 08:00

Chemiebedrijf Nobian en de Green Investment Group (GIG) gaan samenwerken in een nieuw bedrijf gericht op de productie van groene waterstof. Dat melden de twee partijen dinsdagochtend. Het bedrijf, Hydrogen Chemistry Company genaamd, wil waterstof gaan leveren voor grote industrieën zoals de luchtvaart, staalproductie, chemie en raffinaderijen.

Waterstof geldt als een van de belangrijkste energiedragers om de CO2-uitstoot van de vervuilende industrie en zwaar transport te verduurzamen en de klimaatdoelen te behalen, want bij verbranding komt alleen water(damp) vrij. Groene waterstof wordt gemaakt van elektriciteit uit duurzame bronnen zoals zon en wind.

Nobian is de voormalige basischemicaliëntak van Nouryon en voorheen AkzoNobel en produceert onder meer zout, chlooralkali en chloormethanen. GIG is onderdeel van het Australische Macquarie, naar eigen zeggen een van 's werelds grootste investeerders in hernieuwbare energie. Beide partijen hebben een aandeel van 50% in het nieuwe bedrijf. De deal zal naar verwachting in maart 2022 worden afgerond, mits de toezichthoudende instanties goedkeuring verlenen.

Al projecten op de planning
Nobian beheert al meerdere installaties in Nederland en Duitsland voor de productie van chloor en natronloog, waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van een technologie die vergelijkbaar is met de technologie voor het maken van groene waterstof. GIG heeft al meerdere deals in waterstof aangekondigd in verschillende regio's.

Mede daardoor beschikt het bedrijf al over een projectportfolio van meer dan 400 megawatt aan elektrolyseprojecten. Dit omvat onder meer een geplande installatie van 60 megawatt in Delfzijl, die waterstof zal leveren voor de productie van hernieuwbare methanol en vliegtuigbrandstoffen, een project van 100 megawatt in IJmuiden om duurzame staalproductie mogelijk te maken, en een fabriek van 250 megawatt in Rotterdam om waterstof uit fossiele bronnen te vervangen.

Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/bedrijfsleven/1423377/nobian-ga...

Remykat schreef op 14 december 2021 08:21:

Beste forumleden, wat denken jullie van POWERTAP HYDRO.CAP.CORP, zijn erg veel teruggezakt!
Ik kan geen nieuws vinden waarom dit aandeel zover is teruggezakt.
Het enige wat ik weet dat zo enige tijd geleden de strategie van "investeringsbedrijf in duurzame energie waaronder H2 tankstations" helemaal verschoven hebben en "H2 tank installaties" en daar de focus en core-business van hebben gemaakt.
De daling van het aandeel is al zeer lang bezig en of het daar iets mee te maken, weet ik niet zeker.
Ik heb ze met dik verlies weggedaan...
[quote alias=nine_inch_nerd id=13881707 date=202112140931]

Het enige wat ik weet dat zo enige tijd geleden de strategie van "investeringsbedrijf in duurzame energie waaronder H2 tankstations" helemaal verschoven hebben en "H2 tank installaties" en daar de focus en core-business van hebben gemaakt.
De daling van het aandeel is al zeer lang bezig en of het daar iets mee te maken, weet ik niet zeker.
Ik heb ze met dik verlies weggedaan...
Bedankt voor je reactie, ook ik heb dik verlies, nu rond de 40%! Eigenlijk en wellicht tegen beter weten in hou ik ze nog vast..
Laten we afwachten.
Nogmaals bedankt.
Eerste positie ingenomen in Linde Plc, de USA, Duitse, UK, producent van industriële (waaronder waterstof) en medische gassen en waterzuivering toepassingen. (meer info bij de Duitse bedrijven op het forum)

De 2e speler in deze defensieve ologopolie markt, is het kleinere Franse Air Liquide.

Mijn positie in NEL, blijft wel !!! (gem aankoop aan Nok 9,97)

Maar Linde Plc geeft meer stabiliteit...

Joni-2 schreef op 16 december 2021 11:39:

Eerste positie ingenomen in Linde Plc, de USA, Duitse, UK, producent van industriële (waaronder waterstof) en medische gassen en waterzuivering toepassingen.

De 2e speler in deze defensieve ologopolie markt, is het kleinere Franse Air Liquide.

Mijn positie in NEL, blijft wel !! (gem aankoop aan Nok 9,97)

Maar Linde Plc geeft meer stabiliteit...
Heel even in Linde gezeten. Wil je je geld safe wegzetten met een fijn jaarlijks rendement, dan zit je bij Linde goed. Stijgt heel langzaam maar gestaagd. Geen aandeel om 'snel' geld te maken. Jammergenoeg wel een duur aandeel.
Voor long een goede keuze!

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 16 december 2021 11:45:


Heel even in Linde gezeten. Wil je je geld safe wegzetten met een fijn jaarlijks rendement, dan zit je bij Linde goed. Stijgt heel langzaam maar gestaagd. Geen aandeel om 'snel' geld te maken. Jammergenoeg wel een duur aandeel.
Voor long een goede keuze!
Voor mij is die langzame stijging voldoende...inderdaad, voor lange termijn...

YTY: 44,9%
3 Y: 116%

Ze bezitten ook ruim 18% van ITM Power plc, vandaar dat ze de laatste jaren steeds beter boeren... (naast hun waterzuivering afdeling)

H2GT-Lingen Hydrogen to Power Pilot Starts in Lingen in Germany

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

With the joint-demonstration project "H2GT-Lingen", German energy company RWE Generation SE and Japanese comprehensive heavy-industry manufacturer Kawasaki Heavy Industries are planning to install a hydrogen-fueled gas turbine based on renewable green hydrogen in Lingen, Germany. The gas turbine generator set "GPB300 / L30A" with an electrical power output of 34 MWei. will be used to reelectrify hydrogen. H2GT-Lingen will be one of the world's first pilots to test 100% hydrogen-to-power conversion on an industrial scale turbine.

At the site of its gas-fired power plant in Lingen, RWE intends to generate green hydrogen with electrolysers powered by renewable electricity. The company is planning to build a first 100-MW electrolysis plant in Lingen by 2024, which is to be expanded to 2 GW by the end of the decade.

Kawasaki's gas turbine provides the maximum possible fuel flexibility. It can operate with 100% hydrogen, 100% natural gas and with any combination of both. This flexibility will be indispensable, as during the initial phase the amount of hydrogen available for reconversion will fluctuate over time before 100% hydrogen operation will be possible throughout. Kawasaki has developed two different types of combustion systems to achieve 100% hydrogen operation. One is a diffusion flame, the other a Dry-Low-Emission (DLE) combustor. In the beginning, the diffusion flame combustor will be used for the H2GT-Lingen project. The diffusion flame combustor will use water injection to achieve low emissions. In a subsequent phase, the installed diffusion flame combustor will be replaced by a Micro-Mix DLE combustor (MMX-combustor).

In order to become climate-neutral by 2040, RWE is planning to switch its gas-fired power plants from natural gas to hydrogen over time, as one option for decarbonisation. With H2GT-Lingen, RWE is gaining experience in operating a hydrogen-fired turbine.'
Zero Emission Yacht WINZ MARU Sailing by Wind & Hydrogen

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd, together with Ouchi Ocean Consultant Inc, the National Maritime Research Institute of National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Smert Design Co Ltd, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences of The University of Tokyo, West Japan Fluid Engineering Laboratory Co Ltd, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai and Mirai Ene Planning LLC have been promoting zero emission business utilizing wind power and hydrogen "Wind Hunter Project since last November. Recently the Project successfully conducted a demonstration experiment using the yacht "WINZ MARU" in Sasebo-city, Nagasaki in Japan.

During strong wind, the yacht use wind power to generate electricity using a underwater turbine to produce and store hydrogen onboard. Durign weak wind(blue arrows), the stored hydrogen is used at hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity to rotate a propeller.

Five experimental sailings have been conducted as of November 24 2021 and series of cycles has been successfully demonstrated

(1) power generation by ocean wind

(2) hydrogen production

(3) hydrogen storage

(4) fuel cell power generation

(5) propulsion by electric propeller

Everfuel enters the German green hydrogen market with the award of long-term public supply contract
Herning, Denmark, 17 December 2021 – Everfuel A/S is pleased to announce that the fully owned subsidiary Everfuel Deutschland GmbH has been awarded a contract by a German public organisation in the Frankfurt area for the provision of a hydrogen refuelling station and long-term hydrogen supply.
The agreement includes a refuelling station, associated services and hydrogen delivery for a minimum of three years with potential extension for two additional years. The parties have agreed not to disclose the contract value.
Closing date for submission of complaints is 10 days from today, and formal contractual signing can take place after this period at the earliest.
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TomTom +1,96%


Avantium -7,57%
IMCD -6,26%
ASMI -6,17%
ArcelorMittal -4,76%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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