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DeZwarteRidder schreef:

. [/quote]
als de omgekeerde split gewoon doorgaat en je aandeeltjes nogmaals gedecimeerd worden in waarde...???
Die RS gaat absoluut door. VM komt op de BAVA met een zielig verhaaltje dat als je tegenstemt ze niet meer van het strafbankje komen en faillissement in het verschiet ligt. Wat doe je dan? Je stemt vóór. Dit los van het feit dat hij het met een meerderheid van aandelen het voor het zeggen heeft.

schreef op 29 november 2012 17:42:

Die RS gaat absoluut door. VM komt op de BAVA met een zielig verhaaltje dat als je tegenstemt ze niet meer van het strafbankje komen en faillissement in het verschiet ligt. Wat doe je dan? Je stemt vóór. Dit los van het feit dat hij het met een meerderheid van aandelen het voor het zeggen heeft.
Natuurlijk gaat dat door, maar ik probeer Henk voor te bereiden op iets wat hij nog nooit heeft meegemaakt en dus weleens heel hard aan kan komen (op z'n effectenstaat)

Bovendien willen wij Henk niet missen op dit forum, toch....??

Bullish. schreef op 28 november 2012 17:53:



Ik heb het nog nooit tegen een vent gezegd... en dat jij nou uitgerekend de eerste moet zijn... IK HOU VAN JE!

Stichting "De PassieWaard" in Zuid-Beijerland. Een dagactiviteitencentrum voor mensen met niet-aangeboren hersenletsel, mensen met chronische aandoeningen en voor mensen in de beginfase van dementie. Operationeel sinds 1 januari dit jaar, opgezet en draaiend zonder een stuiver overheidssubsidie en met de volle inzet van uitsluitend vrijwilligers.

Eerder deze week hebben we als bestuur gesproken over het idee alle Quote-500-leden aan te schrijven voor een kleine donatie aan "De PassieWaard", maar donaties zijn welkom uit alle hoeken van de samenleving!

"De PassieWaard", Zuid-Beijerland | Rabo rekening: 1594.59.486

Interessant. Ik ben van mening dat je in ons maatschappelijk systeem voornamelijk stinkend rijk kunt worden als je minimaal neigt naar een antisociale persoonlijkheidsstoornis. En die stelling is volledig logisch te verdedigen en te beredeneren.
Ben daarom erg benieuwd naar de uitkomst van jullie plan om de Quote-500-leden aan te schrijven. Ik zie mijn ongelijk graag een keer bewezen. Zeker als het goede doel erbij gebaat is.

En ja, deze Lord gelooft veel minder in het goede dan zijn hoog verheven titelgenoot.

De Lord
i]Dear Lord,[/i]

Met u vrees ik dat een actie als het aanschrijven van de Quote-500 bedroevend weinig zal opleveren. Deze doelgroep gaat natuurlijk gebukt onder een stortvloed van bedelbrieven. En daar hebben ze een broertje aan dood; ze ruiken het al aan de envelop. Zo'n mailing kost ook al een slordige 500 euro - ofwel een tegenwaarde van 15.000 Spykertjes - en wordt door de butlers van de respectievelijke ontvangers linea recta aan het oud-papier toegevoegd. Persoonlijk voel ik er niets voor, maar er zijn altijd meer meningen.

Tegelijkertijd weet ik wel dat 'charity' een issue is dat aandacht heeft. Voor een grijpstuiver kan men zo de 'zonden van het grootverdienen afkopen' - zolang het bedrag dan tenminste wel fiscaal verrekenbaar is - en het karakter van het doel meerwaarde biedt voor de eigen status.
Dat is een realistische (en voor sommigen cynische) kijk op de gedachte.

De enkele keer dat ik hier eerder aandacht aan 'mijn' - want met hart en ziel bij de club betrokken - goede doel heeft meer opgeleverd. En u weet vast wel aan wie wij nog steeds veel dank verschuldigd zijn. ;)

Kortom, heeft u suggesties, schroom dan alstublieft niet deze kenbaar te maken.

Met oprechte groet van uw immer dienstwillige...

Ach, met een beetje voorstudie en de juiste benadering is uit ieders hol wel wat goud te krabben. Dat zie je aan een VM. ;-)
Photo: Dorothea Tuch AP / Scanpix
Saab being investigated for economic crimes
Updated: Wednesday, November 28 at 19:00 (published Wednesday, November 28th at 14:57), News P4 West 6 comments
Saab being investigated by the Economic Crimes Bureau where the company is suspected of crimes against Swedish tax law. While the administrators consider that Saab should have filed for bankruptcy before.
Prosecutor: "Crimes against tax"

Spyker may be required on money
The receivers can get to recover funds from, among others, Spyker, when large amounts of money have been transferred while Saab was insolvent. But Victor Muller, Spyker's CEO, has not heard anything about recovery.

Hear the interview with prosecutors Olof Sahlberg
- There is a notification received from the Inland Revenue, it is alleged breaches of the Swedish tax law, says Olof Sahlgren, prosecutors EBM.
- Notification was received in May this year.
Are there individuals who are suspected?
- There are in the current situation is not any person who is served suspicion of crime, says Olof Sahlgren.
Economic Crimes Bureau investigates sense now for crimes committed after the notification was received from the Tax Authority. But it is not just Tax questioning how Saab handled before bankruptcy on December 19 last year.
The bankruptcy trustee believes that the management of the company should have filed for bankruptcy before, it shows an outline of the story that manages P4 West has taken note of.
The trustees believe that Saab was insolvent as early as the beginning of 2011 and it became apparent during production shutdown in april last year that Saab would be unable to pay its debts. But Saab filed for bankruptcy until 19 december, more than half a year later.
The trustees writes: "Someone financing activities during fiscal 2011 was not, and was never assured. Attempts during the year to provide the company's liquidity was insufficient and unfit and causes us not to any other conclusion."
According to the administrators handled Saab styresearbete and financial reporting and follow-up in a good way until the end of 2010-2011. After that there was a significant difference both in quality and quantity, type managers.
In interviews and documentation have been in bankruptcy until the financial reporting and directives down to production management, purchasing and ekonomifunktioer gradually became more and more scarce.
The receivers also points out that there are a number of transactions in 2011, when Saab was fighting for its survival, as questionable as they were when the company was insolvent. Among other things, it is about payments made between Saab companies and money paid to Victor Muller's company Spyker.
Since the transactions were made while Saab was insolvent, the receivers can get to claim back the money to the bankruptcy estate.
Several transactions have led to large amounts transferred between companies in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands, reports SVT Mission Review.
There are also uncertainties concerning Chinese Young's investment in Saab's technology.

Victor Jensen
victor.jensen ?@ sverigesradio.se
0522-67 00 64
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Fierce battle between Saab management and bankruptcy trustees
Updated: Thursday 29 November at 16:45 (published Thursday, November 29th at 16:45), News P4 West 1 comment
P4 West is aware of the secret papers showing that the battle between the parts of Saab's management and bankruptcy is tough. The dispute is whether Saab should have filed for bankruptcy before, during early 2011.

From the document:
"In conclusion, it is true that the company could not pay its debts after they fell due. Given that existed a variety of stakeholders who have been willing to finance the business, and the company has actually been able to obtain bridge financing in the period after April 2011, the inability not be considered other than temporary. Until the night before the bankruptcy was discussed a financing arrangement with Youngman would secure the financing of the company for a long time. Payment inability has been made only with the GM, the night of 19 December 2011, without funding solution Youngman touched their right, announced that they would oppose any collaborations with Youngman and Youngman for the reason withdrew funding. "reads a document.

Saab Automobile had no money and was insolvent at the beginning of last year and should already have filed for bankruptcy. It says the administrators in the management report to be submitted to Vänersborg on Friday and P4 West has taken note of.

But from the Saab Keep the criticism of the story manages biting. P4 West have read documents in which several people in the top management says that they do not agree that Saab was insolvent from the start of 2011.

"In addition to that there are several conditions that have not been considered in the story, it seems your assessment to be made on the basis that any attempt made to rescue operations during the year 2011 was doomed to failure.", Says the answer to the receivers.

Saab managers believe that there were many opportunities to find funding, such as the Chinese companies Pang Da and Youngman.

In another document to the administrators who P4 West've read, it appears that Saab got money continuously during the autumn of 2011, although it was about in the context of smaller sums in the range of 20-30 million.

Managers point out that neither the National Debt Office or other financiers had been willing to provide additional funding if they did not believe that there were opportunities for "repayment of loans."

Saab informed continuously including Debt Office, the EIB and GM of the financial situation and that they nevertheless maintained his confidence that the company could solve the cash crisis and start building cars again, arguing Saab peaks.

- Nominee story is a bad desktop product with no basis in reality, says a source within the management to P4 West.

According to information provided to P4 West is wide criticism against administers the story of former board members and directors.

In a summary writes Saab heads that it is true that the company could not pay its debts, but says that there were many reasons not to file for bankruptcy at the beginning of the year.

One person in line at Saab stands the question of law always match reality.

- Is there anyone with a heart would be able to press the button and file for bankruptcy when there were opportunities left to save the company? It would have made the 3500 employees jobless.

- I was in any case not managed it if not all possibilities have been away, says victim to P4 West.

P4 West has been in contact with bankruptcy trustees press office stating that they do not leave any comments at the moment.
Spyker may be required on money
Published: Wednesday 28 November at 17:50, News P4 West
Bankruptcy trustees may recover money from, among others, Spyker, when large amounts of money have been transferred while Saab was insolvent. But Victor Muller, Spyker's CEO, has so far not heard anything about recovery, according to his Swedish legal counsel.

- He has not received any recycling requirements of the trustees, said Patrik Stahl.
Normally, a claim for recovery to come within one year of the bankruptcy, which means that managers have until 19 december on.
Patrick Stahl and Victor Muller has taken note of the draft management report that P4 West read, and they have intended their comments to the administrators.
- Since I do not know how the final version will be when managers submit it to the district court, I would not make any comments, explains Patrick Stahl.
He says he does not know that there is an ongoing criminal investigation into suspected tax evasion at Saab.
There are also uncertainties concerning Chinese Young's investment in Saab's technology.

Succes he jongens!
Saab's board may have to pay creditors
Updated 2012-11-29 18:50. Published 2012-11-29 18:39

Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall / Scanpix

Board members dropped out one by one last year and only CEO Victor Muller was left to the end. Yet all of us have to pay creditors out of their own pocket.

Saab Automobile's board members quit one by one last year and only CEO Victor Muller was left to the end. Yet all of us have to pay certain creditors out of their own wallet.

According to TT considers bankruptcy to Saab's board did not react in time to the capital, that will be a buffer to meet the liabilities, shrank.

The company was in bankruptcy in early 2011, claims managers, and in the spring, in April and May, they believe that Saab's equity was less than half of the registered share capital. When the Companies Act requires that a so-called balance sheet drawn up. But it did not Saab until August.

Therefore, the former board members get in trouble.

"Directors will be personally liable for debts incurred after the date when control balance would have been," says Borje Andersson, head of Ackordscentralen in Gothenburg.

Providers who have not been paid can sue the individual members. There is also a company that has a business to run such processes. Above all, Victor Muller, who can suffer, but also the other members as General Counsel and the employee did not resign until June.

Nominee's report, which is scheduled to be sent by courier from Gothenburg to Vänersborg on Friday, addressing the issue of capital shortage. As the managers want to investigate recovery from Victor Muller and the controversial transaction.

Saab's leadership, when it commented on a draft management report opposed managers assess both the time of insolvency and balance sheet. Many are critical of inaccuracies in the report.

Leading people believe that there was a realistic chance of saving the company until the bankruptcy was a fact December 19th after GM put a stop to Chinese involvement.

Nominee story is bankruptcy trustees description of why Saab went bankrupt.

"The district court only stamps and file the story. However, the data in it can be used as the probative value of the other processes, for example, if a creditor does directors," says Borje Andersson.
Muller and GM required 35 million
Updated 2012-11-29 10:12. Published 2012-11-28 18:31

Photo: Bjorn Larsson Rosvall / Scanpix

The receivers of Saab Automobile will direct recycling requirements of approximately 35 million against the former major shareholders Victor Muller and General Motors, claiming SVT. "I'm certainly not surprised," said Rolf Åbjörnsson, lawyers and insolvency expert.

Almost a year after Saab bankruptcy is tomorrow's time for the administrators to present their nominee report. According to Swedish Television, SVT, directed harsh criticism against the company management under bankruptcy has pushed the company further even though it was insolvent at the beginning of 2011.

SVT reported on Wednesday that the receivers will require recovery of approximately $ 40 million from three parties: the administrator Guy Lofalk, the former owner General Motors and the latest great owner Victor Muller, who was also president and chairman of the company.

The data on the recycling requirements directed at Guy Lofalk later disappeared from SVT's website. This is because he had contacted SVT and that the data are incorrect.

"This is a scandal," says Guy Lofalk to Di.

SVT will explain this to you probably have read an earlier version of the report manages, and recovery requirements against Guy Lofalk may have been deleted.

According to SVT was bankruptcy trustees earlier recoveries against Guy Lofalk, which now seems to have died out of about 5 million. According to SVT remains when about 35 million to be driven back to the estate, since according to the administrators about the money that was paid out when Saab was already insolvent.

The largest claims against the former owner General Motors, which according to SVT's information will be required on the equivalent to about 27 million by Saab Automobile disbursed to pay off debts.

Victor Muller says he does not know that the administrators targeted recovery claims against him, and therefore can neither confirm nor deny the reports.

"No comments. Report has not even been published yet."

Rolf Åbjörnsson, lawyer and specialist in insolvency law, is not surprised that the administrators of the SVT requires recycling.

"It's almost a natural consequence when you run a company this long to ruin," he says.

To successfully get back any money, however, another matter.

"For GM, it is actually impossible., We are talking about a major U.S. corporation who shall be sued in the United States," said Rolf Åbjörnsson.

Yesterday also confirmed EBM that there is an ongoing criminal investigation involving Saab Automobile. The origin must have been a notification from the Tax.

"Before the news of the day, I had no knowledge of any such investigation and I have no knowledge of it whatsoever," writes Victor Muller to di.se.

Di has no result sought bankruptcy of Saab Automobile.
Saab was driven too long with empty cash
Saab should have filed for bankruptcy almost a year ago. It is stated in the draft of the story manages to become public on Friday. By this token managers carmaker Saab significantly harder than including the Court of Appeal does.


Victor Muller and Saab's General Counsel Kristina Geers going to file bankruptcy 19 December 2011. Almost a year too late, consider bankruptcy. Photo: Kent Eng

Deadline is, after several grant applications for suspension, set to Friday 30 November. Then thus the comprehensive management report for the Saab companies' bankruptcies as the district court in Vanersborg.

But TTELA has already been able to draft the final version, a 50-page document, which liquidators Anne-Marie Pouteaux and Hans L. Bergqvist and addressing the causes of the bankruptcy and the time when Saab ended up in bankruptcy.

Already in 2011

The latter is thus when it is considered not to have been able to pay their debts on time and the problem can not be considered temporary.

You mean the administrators that Saab was insolvent at the beginning of 2011, and therefore should have filed for bankruptcy much earlier than December 19.

By this token, in practice this all the rescue attempt that was made in 2011 as hopeless.

Audit report

In support of its conclusion, the bankruptcy of a report from the accounting firm Grant Thornton, who believes that "the time of Saab's bankruptcy is attributable to early 2011, and later in the production shutdown April 6, 2011."

The underlying reasons for the bankruptcy of the managers assessment is hardly news: Saab was when Spyker took over from GM in a relatively miserable economic condition. The recovery proved to be more difficult than you thought and confidence in the marque damaged after previous owner's decision to liquidate.

"Serious situation

Add to that an overly optimistic business plan, a damaged supply chain and failed attempts to bring investment and loans and requirements for third-party approval and you have bankruptcy causes in a small nutshell.

In late March 2011, the then CEO Jan Ake Jonsson have assessed "the situation as serious and that a solution erfodrades immediately."

Voted down

The trustees noted in its report, which is based on interviews with management and administrator Guy Lofalk, it spontaneously provided the information consistently been restrained and sketchy.

The review, however, contains a lot of information, including on tours around the reconstruction, Vladimir Antonov Youngman and that some of Saab's management on 10 april considered it was not appropriate to apply for reorganization.

The proposal was voted down, however, and it was only in September that it proceeded to action. The application was initially rejected in the district court, but then yes of Appeal for Western Sweden.

Continues investigated

A handful of transactions in 2011 will continue to be investigated as managing the story.

Mainly there are three pieces that could generate money, recycling, the bankruptcy estate. It's about loss of revenue from GM - including more than $ 23 million in warranty costs, professional fees to the company TUG where Muller himself to have received money and Guy Lofalks salary as administrator.


There are many indications that the investigation of these can be time consuming, and it is only when they are ready to Saab bankruptcy is considered completed. Before that teaches the sum "Saab's new owners," electric car consortium NEVS, paid for the estate remain classified.

Footnote: TTELA have unsuccessfully sought Saab's bankruptcy.
Dus samengevat. De curatoren willen geld zien van onder meer Muller en Spyker en daarnaast loopt er een onderzoek naar economic crimes. En de transactie van het IP naar YM wordt onderzocht. Dat laatste heb ik ook altijd al geroepen.

Het is gewoon een ordinaire oplichter die man.

Goed nieuws Henk! Up up up!
Dit nieuws was nota bene eergisteren al bekend. Wat zijn dat voor snurkers bij de nederlandse pers?
"Directors will be personally liable for debts incurred after the date when control balance would have been," says Borje Andersson, head of Ackordscentralen in Gothenburg.

Providers who have not been paid can sue the individual members. There is also a company that has a business to run such processes. Above all, Victor Muller, who can suffer, but also the other members as General Counsel and the employee did not resign until June.

Leuk, dus schuldeisers kunnen een individuele claim indienen tegen de board members die hoofdelijk aansprakelijk zijn. En er is een bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in dit soort claims. Dat wordt nog lachen!
Ok BNR had het wel opgepikt

Victor Muller kan nieuwe claims verwachten
Door Harmen Simon Teunis
29 NOVEMBER 2012 08:20 | BNR.NL

Saab kon begin vorig jaar de rekeningen al niet meer betalen, bijna een jaar voor het bedrijf failliet ging. Dat kan de toenmalige eigenaar van Saab, Victor Muller, geld gaan kosten.
Nyland: advocaten kunnen claimen dat het geld dat in die periode is uitgegeven, terugbetaald moet worden
Vrijdag komt het rapport uit van de commissie die onderzoek doet naar het faillissement van Saab. Jan Nylander, journalist bij de Zweedse televisie, heeft de eerste versie van het rapport gelezen.

De belangrijkste conclusie: Saab had begin vorig jaar al moeite met het voldoen van de betalingsverplichtingen, ruim voor het bedrijf failliet ging. “Ik heb de eerste versies van het rapport gezien. Daarin staat beschreven dat Saab Automobile al in het begin van 2011 betalingsproblemen had. Dat is ruim tien maanden voordat het bedrijf bankroet raakte in december 2011."

Schuldeisers cirkelen boven Muller, Spyker en GM
Die tijdsbepaling is belangrijk. Want als Saab al wist dat het failliet ging, kan al het geld dat is uitgegeven in die periode worden opgeëist door de schuldeisers. “Als een bedrijf zich realiseert dat het de schulden op langere termijn niet kan betalen, moet het een faillissement aanvragen. Als ze wel doorgaan, kunnen advocaten claimen dat het geld dat in die periode is uitgegeven, terugbetaald moet worden aan alle bedrijven en mensen waar Saab geld aan verschuldigd is", zegt Nylander.

Dat betekent concreet dat de advocaten gaan proberen geld terug te halen bij General Motors en bij Victor Muller. “De advocaten willen onderzoeken of het mogelijk is om ruim drie miljoen euro terug te krijgen van General Motors. Ze willen ook de betalingen terugzien die aan Muller zijn gedaan. Een bedrag van ruim 800.000 euro.”

GM niet bang
Of zo’n claim heel kansrijk is, valt nog te bezien. Een proces tegen General Motors zal gevoerd moeten worden in de Verenigde Staten. En dat wordt heel lastig. Nylander: “Ik heb advocaten in Zweden gesproken. Zij zeggen dat als je achter General Motors aan gaat, een van de grootste bedrijven in de VS, is er een kleine kans van succes. Want het is een van de grootste en machtigste bedrijven ter wereld."

Zo machtig als General Motors en Spyker zijn Muller natuurlijk niet, maar de advocaten zullen volgens Nylander alle claims bestrijden. “Ik heb het document gelezen dat Muller’s Zweedse advocaten hebben gepresenteerd. Zij gaan het aanvechten. Zij vinden dat Muller helemaal niets terug hoeft te betalen", aldus Nylander.

Of zo’n claim heel kansrijk is, valt nog te bezien. Een proces tegen General Motors zal gevoerd moeten worden in de Verenigde Staten. En dat wordt heel lastig. Nylander: “Ik heb advocaten in Zweden gesproken. Zij zeggen dat als je achter General Motors aan gaat, een van de grootste bedrijven in de VS, is er een kleine kans van succes. Want het is een van de grootste en machtigste bedrijven ter wereld."

Moet je tegen Muller zeggen, die denkt daar 3 miljard te halen. Deze hele affaire is trouwens koren op molen voor de advocaten van GM. Die lachen zich een breuk nu. Saab was begin 2011 namelijk al failliet, hoe kun je GM dan verantwoordelijk houden voor het niet instemmen met een deal eind 2011.
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