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Boskalis gaat kabels aanleggen voor windmolenpark

Waarde contract circa 100 miljoen euro.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Boskalis heeft via dochterbedrijf VBMS een contract ter waarde van 100 miljoen euro gekregen van ScottishPower Renewables voor de aanleg van kabels voor het offshore windmolenpark East Anglia ONE. Dit maakte de maritieme dienstverlener woensdag bekend.

De werkzaamheden omvatten het leveren, installeren en begraven van kabels voor het windmolenpark dat in het zuidelijke deel van de Noordzee komt te liggen. Het park krijgt maximaal 102 windmolens die in totaal tot 714 megawatt aan energie kunnen produceren.

Het project, waar ook het niet-beursgenoteerde Van Oord aan deelneemt, gaat pas begin 2019 beginnen en zal naar verwachting halverwege 2020 zijn afgerond.

Op een groene beurs noteerde het aandeel Boskalis 1,1 procent hoger op 35,26 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Jaja, ze hopen dus dat wordt besloten om kolencentrales te sluiten MET een compensatievergoeding.
Laten we dat maar niet doen en laat ze maar met hun verliesgevend object zitten.
Houden we de moderne wel open en houden we de veel vuilere elders (duitsland bruinkool) buiten onze deur.

"Nuon heeft besloten op termijn te stoppen met kolen. Directe aanleiding is het mislopen van de biomassasubsidie die nodig is om de Hemweg-centrale te verduurzamen.

Vanaf het begin van de discussie over de uitfasering van de Nederlandse kolencentrales heeft Nuon aangegeven open te staan voor zowel het verduurzamen van onze laatste kolencentrale, als een vroegtijdige sluiting mits dat eerlijk en verantwoord zou gebeuren voor zijn medewerkers. De Hemweg kolencentrale heeft een technische levensduur tot 2034, een rendement van 42 procent en een vermogen van 630 megawatt.

De recentelijke ontwikkeling betekent dat vervroegde sluiting met een compensatie of verkoop van de centrale aan een andere partij de enige overgebleven opties zijn.

De sluiting van kolencentrales in Nederland lijkt met de toekenning van de biomassa bijstooksubsidies aan RWE, Engie en Uniper ver weg. Nuon en moederbedrijf Vattenfall zien echter een toekomst zonder kolen: ‘Wij blijven daarom bereid om te praten over vervroegde sluiting. Wij hopen dat de overheid snel duidelijkheid verschaft over haar plannen om kolen in Nederland uit te faseren."
Deense windmolenmaker bescheiden na topjaar

Gepubliceerd op 8 feb 2017 om 13:03 | Views: 872

AARHUS (AFN/DPA) - De Deense windmolenmaker Vestas verwacht niet dat topjaar 2016 snel zal worden overtroffen. Vestas-topman Anders Runevad zei woensdag dat het bedrijf dit jaar, in het meest gunstige geval, de resultaten van afgelopen jaar zal evenaren.

Runevad benadrukte dat, ondanks de voorzichtige prognoses, de marktomstandigheden voor de windenergiesector goed zijn. Ook ziet de toekomst voor windenergie, als volwaardig alternatief voor vervuilende energie, er rooskleurig uit.

Vestas zag de omzet afgelopen jaar met 22 procent stijgen tot 10,2 miljard euro. Het aantal orders steeg met 16 procent waardoor er nu voor 9,5 miljard euro aan opdrachten in de pijplijn zitten bij het bedrijf. Daarmee ligt het aantal bestellingen ook veel hoger dan waar kenners door de bank genomen van uitgingen.

Onder de streep hield Vestas 965 miljoen euro over, 41 procent meer dan een jaar eerder.
France announces 3GW onshore wind tender

A Flash Note from Make Consulting analyzes the dynamics that must be in place for the tender to draw broad participation while contributing to steady cost reduction. An effective balance of tendering and open-door procedure could potentially enable France to deliver on its renewable energy targets while fostering cost reduction.

Keys points in the research include:
France announced a 3-GW tender plan for onshore wind, with the first auction slated to take place in November 2017
An exemption option from participating in tenders may be provided for projects with up to six turbines
The tenders will enable hitting wind targets and driving cost reduction.

Source : Wind Power Engineering
Nuon wil 250.000 zonnepanelen (70 megawattpiek) bij windparken

Na een pilot van moederbedrijf Vattenfall wil Nuon in Nederland 6 zonneparken bij windparken bouwen; goed voor 250.000 zonnepanelen en 70 megawattpiek.

In 2015 installeerde Vattenfall bij wijze van pilot in Wales een zonnepark bij Parc Cynog Wind Farm. Deze zonnepanelen leveren ongeveer een kwart van de energie van de turbines. De resultaten van de pilot zijn dusdanig goed dat Nuon vanaf nu bij de ontwikkeling van windparken in Nederland tevens zonneparken wil realiseren, op dezelfde locatie.

Inmiddels wordt de bouw van zonneparken voorbereid op plekken waar een netaansluiting met voldoende capaciteit beschikbaar is of komt. Dat is met name het geval bij de windparken, maar ook bij bestaande productielocaties. Nuon wil zonnecentrales realiseren in de Eemshaven, Hemweg, Velsen, Wieringermeer, Oudendijk en Haringvliet. In totaal gaat het dus om ruim 250.000 zonnepanelen.

Het grootste zonnepark wil Nuon realiseren in de Wieringermeerpolder, waar dit najaar de bouw start van een nieuw windpark. In 2017 en 2018 neemt Nuon de definitieve investeringsbeslissingen.

Nuon wil haar klanten en omwonenden van wind- en zonneparken de mogelijkheid bieden om mee te investeren, bijvoorbeeld via crowdfunding. Daarnaast overweegt Nuon om niet alleen zonneparken te realiseren bij windparken, maar ook om de parken standaard te voorzien van grote batterijen. Hiermee experimenteert Nuon momenteel bij het prinses Alexia-windpark in Zeewolde. Ook bij windpark Haringvliet wil Nuon deze batterijen plaatsen, in combinatie met een zonnepark. Over dit ‘energielandschap’ moet de formele besluitvorming nog plaatsvinden, maar de gemeente Goeree-Overflakkee wil energieneutraal zijn in 2020 en het duurzaamheidsbeleid combineren met innovatie. Het initiatief van Nuon sluit daar op aan. De batterijen zijn bedoeld om de duurzame stroom op te slaan bij minder vraag dan aanbod van duurzame energie. Dit om te voorkomen dat de duurzame stroom onbenut blijft, en om bij te dragen aan de stabiliteit van het elektriciteitsnet.

ENSCHEDE - Naar schatting driekwart miljoen energiemeters in Nederlandse meterkasten geven verkeerde standen weer. Ze worden beïnvloed door andere energiebronnen in de omgeving.

Vooral veel statische meters wijzen een fors hoger verbruik aan dan feitelijk het geval is. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van de Universiteit Twente (UT) en Hogeschool van Amsterdam. De energiebranche ontkent dit.

De statische energiemeters die de afgelopen jaren zijn geplaatst zijn te goedkoop en te simpel. Frank Leferink, hoogleraar EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) verbonden aan de UT zegt dat veel moderne electronica (dimmers, gsm-opladers, led-lampen, etc.) een storende werking hebben op statische en slimme meters. "De ontwerpers van de meters hebben daar niet goed genoeg over nagedacht." Het onderzoek wijst uit dat vooral te hoge meterstanden optreden.

Hier het hele artikel: www.tubantia.nl/regio/enschede-en-omg...
The evolution of wind power in 2016 - GWEC

Wind Power Engineering reported that the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and renewable energy software company Greenbyte. The interactive map reveals the cumulative installed capacity per country, continent and the world from 1981 to 2017. Let’s take a closer look at the figures and see what has happened in the past twelve months.

Last year again, China’s well-oiled wind machine added 23,328 MW. With 168,690 MW installed capacity, China remains the world’s largest regional market for new wind power development.

The Evolution of Wind Power comes from the cooperation between The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and renewable energy software company Greenbyte.

An Asian newcomer on the map this year is Pakistan which almost doubled its installed wind power capacity in 2016 to 591 MW. Another fast-moving Asian is South Korea – with a 19% increase from last year to 1,031 MW installed wind power capacity the country is now the fourth-biggest wind power nation in Asia.

France had an excellent year in 2015 with 1,073 MW installed and still managed to double its growth in 2016 to nearly 12 GW of clean wind energy in total. About 1,000 kilometers south of France, South Africa also had the wind in its sails, reaching 1,471 MW of installed capacity, a 28% increase from 2015.

2016 was also a great year for Latin America; Brazil kept its impressive and steady growth with more than 2 GW installed, totaling 10,740 MW and Chile’s and Uruguay’s respective installed wind power capacity grew more than 30%.

Established wind power nations Germany and USA have kept a steady growth with 10% new capacity added in 2016 respectively. Notable in 2016, Germany crossed the 50 GW mark in installed wind power capacity.

Other countries that experienced significant growth in installed wind power capacity last year were Chile up 34.5% to 1,424 MW, Uruguay up 30% to 1,210 MW and Peru up 39% to 241 MW, Turkey up 23% to 6,081 MW and Netherlands up 20.5% to 4,328 MW.

Greenbyte strives to make renewable energy production more abundant, more efficient and more available for future generations worldwide. We provide a cloud-based software platform to developers, owners and operators of wind turbines that give valuable insight to increase power output. Our products are offered as Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that is quick to implement and easy to learn for managers, analysts, and technical staff.

Source : Wind Power Engineering
Offshore wind generation to fuel demand for T&D equipment market in Europe

According to the latest market study released by Technavio, the T&D equipment market in Europe is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 4% during the forecast period. The report entitled, T&D Equipment Market in Europe 2017-2021, provides an in-depth analysis of the market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends.

Power cables accounted for the largest market share of the transmission and distribution market in Europe mainly because of the high number of grid interconnections among countries.

This report also includes an up-to-date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Thanikachalam Chandrasekaran, a Lead Analyst at Technavio for power research, said that “In Europe, the investment in transmission and distribution equipment is likely to rise due to the increase in aggressive renewable energy mandates by the EU. The wind-power generation, especially from offshore wind turbine installations in the North Sea, will require different types of T&D equipment, including switchgear and control gears, power cables, power transformers, and distribution transformers.”

The research analysis categorized the T&D equipment market in Europe into three major product segments: Power cables; Transformers; and Switchgear.

Power cables
The power cables segment accounted for the largest market share of the transmission and distribution market in Europe. This is primarily due to the high number of grid interconnections among countries and the high renewable-power generation in the region.
Grid interconnection projects are promoted to create an integrated energy market and to enhance the security of energy supply. In these projects, high loads of electricity will be transferred from one European country to another, in turn, driving the demand for power cables in the region.

Thanikachalam said that “Europe is the leader for offshore wind-power generation in the world, and these wind farms are located miles away from the grid requiring power to be transmitted over long distances, which drives the need for power cables in the region.”

Key markets for transformers in Europe include Germany, France, and the UK. Renewable energy sources are well-established and well-integrated into electricity grids in Europe. For the past decade, power utilities in Europe have profoundly adopted the wind, solar, hydro, and other forms of renewable energy sources.

Also, the region is also home to well-defined T&D infrastructure. Therefore, the transformers market in Europe is expected to witness steady growth. Technavio expects most of the market demand to stem from renovation activities.

The demand for switchgear is primarily fueled by the growing urbanization and industrialization across Europe. Consumers need a reliable and uninterrupted power supply to operate various day-to-day electrical as well as electronic appliances. Reliability of such devices is ensured through proper functioning of the overall electric network.

Switchgear is installed not only in the power utilities but also in various industrial and commercial units. Therefore, the market can be expected to grow at a robust pace during the forecast period.

The top vendors highlighted by Technavio’s energy market research analysts in this report are:

Source : Wind Power Engineering
Vattenfall to cooperate with ABO Wind

Wind Power Monthly reported that by 2020 Vattenfall hopes to expand its share in Germany's estimated over-54GW onshore capacity. It is aiming to install 200MW, a modest target in contrast with rival energy company EnBW's aim of 1GW onshore by 2020 — up from around 250MW at present.

In all, Vattenfall currently operates 930MW of onshore wind, of which just 13.5MW is located in Gemany.

Explaining why Vattenfall is only now looking at the German onshore wind sector, a Vattenfall spokesman told Windpower Monthly: "Vattenfall is investing in offshore and onshore wind in north west Europe and wants to show more presence in Germany.

He said that "Hopefully there will be further cooperations with other wind project developers in Germany."

ABO Wind said the agreement is complementary to its traditional close cooperation with energy cooperatives.

With onshore wind auctions beginning in Germany this year, "Vattenfall, as one of the larger energy companies, offers security", said Petra Leue-Bahns, ABO Wind's head of onshore.

Vattenfall's cooperation with ABO Wind follows similar moves by other German energy companies, such as EnBW's cooperation with wind developer WSB Neue Energien announced September 2016, and MVV Energie's acquisition of wind developers Juwi and Windwaerts in 2014.

With around 400 employees, ABO Wind plans and installs turnkey wind projects. Since 1996, it has implemented around 1.6GW of onshore capacity, mostly in Germany.

Source : Wind Power Monthly
EnBW Hohe see 500MW offshore wind farm to proceed with Siemens & Enbridge
Published on Wed, 22 Feb 2017

Clean Technica reported that the 497 megawatt EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm off the coast of Germany is set to proceed following Canadian energy infrastructure company Enbridge’s decision to invest in the project, and German engineering company Siemens committing for the first time to provide complete construction work.

German public utility company EnBW made a final construction and investment decision back at the end of 2016, and appointed Siemens to provide not just the wind turbines, but full construction work, including providing the foundations. This week, the project received its last green light, with Canadian energy infrastructure company Enbridge acquiring 49.9% of the shares in the Hohe See project.

The EnBW Hohe See offshore wind project is set to be constructed in the “exclusive economic zone” in the North Sea, off the coast of Germany. It will cover an area of approximately 42 square kilometers, and upon completion will have a total capacity of 497 megawatts (MW) thanks to 71 Siemens 7 MW wind turbines. The project is estimated to be able to provide electricity for around 560,000 average households.

Mr Frank Mastiaux, EnBW CEO said that “With Enbridge at our side, we can realise our largest offshore wind farm to date and at the same time generate financial scope through this participation for the development of new projects. This is now the third successful participation model with which we are sharing the risk and represents another major step in the implementation of our EnBW 2020 strategy.”

Mr Mastiaux said that “With an investment volume of around 1.8 billion euro, we have not only taken one of the largest investment decisions in the history of our company but despite the currently difficult economic conditions, we are continuing to rigorously invest in the implementation of our strategy and through EnBW Hohe See we are developing another cornerstone for safeguarding the future of EnBW. Following its commissioning in 2019, the wind farm will make a substantial contribution to our Group operating result.”

Siemens will begin manufacturing the 71 SWT-7.0-154 wind turbines from its new nacelle plant in Cuxhaven beginning in the middle 2018, with delivery expected for early 2019. Siemens will also provide the large monopile foundations, measuring up to 80 meters and with a weight of 1,500 tonnes.

Mr Michael Hannibal, Offshore CEO at Siemens Wind Power, said that “We are happy to apply our full scope of engineering services at EnBW Hohe See offshore wind project. The extended scope makes this 497-megawatt wind power plant one of the largest projects that we have ever executed. Our customer thereby benefits from the proven experience of a multinational company along the entire value chain of large offshore wind projects.”

Source : Clean Technica
Global leader project aims to bring about sea change in tidal power costs

The National reported that a GLOBAL leader in tidal technology has linked up with two Orkney-based companies in a bid to bring down the cost of renewable energy production.

Dutch company Tocardo Tidal Power has burst on to the tidal scene in the UK with the InToTidal project kick-off and the arrival of Tocardo’s system in Orkney last week in preparation for its deployment at the European Marine Energy Centre’s (EMEC’s) grid-connected tidal test site. It is the start of Tocardo’s planned 20-year commercial demonstration project at EMEC’s Fall of Warness site.

With the installation of the system, Tocardo is getting ready for a large scale roll-out of its generic solution for tidal energy production.

Led by Tocardo, the project brings together Orkney-based companies EMEC and Leask Marine, and French research institute IFREMER. Tocardo has already been working with international shipyard Damen, as well as Leask Marine, Bryan J Rendall Electrical and Aquatera in Orkney for the system deployment at EMEC’s tidal site.

Mr Hans van Breugel, CEO of Tocardo Tidal Power, said: “Our work at EMEC is an important step in de-risking and improving Tocardo’s offshore tidal power technology. Tocardo’s benchmark is to produce energy at the cost of offshore wind in the near future. To be able to achieve this, the tidal energy sector needs to be able to increase the installed volume of equipment.

Mr Breugel said that “In that respect it is important to see a support scheme suitable for the marine energy sector, to encourage technology companies like Tocardo to build out on an industrial scale in the UK. A revenue-based support mechanism, decreasing over time, has proved to be best in creating a new industry through market incentives, as learned from, as an example, the industry growth of the Danish wind energy sector.”

He said that “Tocardo is ready to become one of the larger inward investment companies into the marine energy sector, with a strong operational and production base in Scotland and Wales. The UK is extremely well positioned as a maritime nation to create new jobs from the growing tidal energy industry.”

Source : The National

En lees dan het artikel. Netbeheerders de dupe? Die verkopen voor nog geen dubbeltje elektriciteit. Hun nadeel -moeilijker netbeheer?- valt in het niet bij de leveranciers waarvan het gestolen wordt.
De splitsing van net en producent is overduidelijk erg moeilijk te begrijpen.
Netbeheerders verdienen goud en producenten kermen onder de zucht van de markt en diefstal van hun product.
Waarom? Netbeheerders zijn absolute monopolisten en hebben alleen met de oerdomme ACM te maken. De C moeten ze veranderen in een P. Dat doet de waarheid recht.
EUROPE POWER-Spot mixed, strong wind power output weighs in France

Reuters reported that European electricity prices for next-day delivery diverged on Wednesday as increased production from renewable wind power sources weighed on French prices, while German prices rebounded on a forecast sharp fall in wind power supply.

German spot power price for Thursday delivery rose 20.65 percent or 4.75 euros to 27.75 euros ($29.14) per megawatt hour (MWh), a rebound from the previous day's fall. The contract for Friday delivery gained 5 euros to 31.75 euros/MWh.

Wind power output is expected to reverse course in Germany on Thursday, falling sharply by 6.6 gigawatts (GW) day-on-day to 23.7 GW, according to Thomson Reuters data.

In France, the power contract for Thursday delivery fell 4.79 percent or 2.25 euros to 44.75 euros/MWh on a strong wind power output and a slight increase in nuclear power.

French wind power supply will rise by 1.4 GW on Thursday to 7.2 GW, the data showed, while EDF's 900 MW Tricastin 1 nuclear reactor is expected to resume production after a planned maintenance outage.

Electricity consumption in both countries is expected to fall by 250 megawatts each to a combined total forecast consumption of 140 GW compared with 140.4 GW the previous day.

French grid operator RTE's forecast showed that peak demand is expected to hover around 69 to 72 GW at the end of the week and though next week as temperatures remain mild above the seasonal norm.

In the year-ahead curve, the German Cal '18 baseload contract fell 0.16 percent to 30.65 euros/MWh.

The equivalent French year-ahead contract fell 0.28 percent 36 euros/MWh, tracking the fall in other fuels.

European carbon emissions prices slipped 0.99 percent to 5 euros a tonne.

In eastern Europe the Czech baseload price for Thursday gained 6.73 percent to 27.75 euros/MWh. The year-ahead contract fell 0.49 percent to 30.55 euros.

Source : Reuters
Iberdrola completes installation of first turbine at 350MW Wikinger offshore wind farm

Spanish electric utility Iberdrola announced it has completed the installation of the first of 70 5-megawatt wind turbines at the 350 megawatt (MW) Wikinger offshore wind farm off the coast of Germany.

Iberdrola announced on Monday the completed installation of the first wind turbine, the first of 70 5-MW Adwen wind turbines known as WK16. The turbines are being installed by Fred Olsen’s Brave Tern, one of two self-elevating, self-propelled jack-up vessels dedicated to installing offshore wind turbines.

Upon completion, the Wikinger offshore wind farm will have benefited from investments totaling around €1.4 billion, and is expected to generate enough clean electricity to power more than 350,000 households.

Jürgen Blume, Head of Iberdrola in Germany said that “We are delighted to reach yet another key stage of Wikinger’s construction programme which is testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire project team. Our Wikinger project is progressing well, and we are on target with our plans for full export at the site later this year.”

While this is something of a small project, in the grander scheme of things, the involvement of the Brave Tern was enough to capture my interest. The Brave Tern is one of two vessels (along with the Bold Tern) that are able to elevate themselves off the surface of the water, stabilizing themselves off massive jacks from the ocean floor. The vessels are able to work in water depths ranging from 5.5 meters to more than 60 meters, and are able to manage a typical payload of up to 7,600 tonnes.

Source : Clean Technica
Construction to start in April at largest Fosen sub-project - Contractor

Contractor Veidekke said that construction is set to start in April at the largest section of Europe’s biggest onshore wind project, the €1.1bn ($1.2bn) 1GW Fosen Vind in Norway.

Norwegian company Veidekke has been awarded a NKr400m ($47.7m) contract to build the 80-turbine Storheia, the largest of the six wind farms at the giant complex.

Veidekke said that "Work will start in April with plans to build 60km of internal roads, 80 turbine foundations and other infrastructure."

It said that under the deal, Veidekke will also draw approximately 300,000 metres of cables and put up one service building, a transformer station building and three transformer cells.

It added that "When the work is completed the wind farm will be ready for the erection of wind turbines from the second quarter of 2019."

Source : rechargenews.com
Siemens Win Power secures wind turbines contract in northern Germany

Power-Technology reported that Siemens Wind Power has secured two contracts for supplying 13 of its gearless turbines to Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein states in northern Germany.

As part of the deal, Siemens Wind Power will be responsible for installation and commissioning its six units of SWT-3.3-130 to WPD Windpark Damme, an electric utility company operating in Damme region.

Siemens will supply seven units of the type SWT-3.0-113, for the Karlum project in the northern part of Schleswig-Holstein.

The deal will also see Siemens provide maintenance services to WPD Windpark Damme for a period of 15 years and 20 years for the Karlum project.

Siemens has already worked with WPD Windpark Damme last year, where it commissioned its wind turbines for a project near the A1 motorway and was connected to the power grid in the same year.

Source : Power-Technology
TenneT haalt miljard op voor windparken

Gepubliceerd op 29 mrt 2017 om 16:39 | Views: 104

ARNHEM (AFN) - Hoogspanningsnetbeheerder TenneT heeft 1 miljard euro opgehaald voor de financiering van netaansluitingen van windparken op zee. Dat maakte het bedrijf woensdag bekend. TenneT gaf zogeheten groene hybride obligaties uit met een rendement van krap 3 procent en een looptijd van 7 jaar.

In de komende tien jaar steekt TenneT naar verwachting 9 miljard tot 11 miljard euro in offshore-windenergieprojecten in Nederland en Duitsland.

In de periode tot 2019 verwacht TenneT 7000 megawatt aan aansluitcapaciteit te realiseren in het Duitse gedeelte van de Noordzee, genoeg voor het transport van het jaarlijkse stroomverbruik van 7 miljoen huishoudens. Voor de kust van Nederland verwacht TenneT in 2023 circa 3500 megawatt aan aansluitcapaciteit te hebben gerealiseerd.
EU approves Danish support for offshore wind energy farm

The European Commission said that Denmark's support for the 600 megawatt Kriegers Flak offshore windfarm is in line with the European Union's state aid rules.

Competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager said in a statement, that "The Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm will help to cut carbon dioxide emissions while the support is carefully designed to avoid distorting competition in electricity markets."

Ms Vestager said that "I'm glad to be able to approve state support for this project."

Source : Reuters
Aanhoudingen in onderzoek naar beleggingsfraude bij Hollandsche Wind

De soap rond Hollandsche Wind krijgt een nieuw hoofdstuk. De FIOD heeft gisteren doorzoekingen verricht in 4 woningen (Zutphen, Steenderen, Hengelo en Terschuur) en bij 5 bedrijfslocaties (Amersfoort , Den Haag, Lelystad en Arnhem). Er zijn 3 verdachten aangehouden. Er is beslag gelegd op meerdere auto’s. Bij de actie waren ca. 100 mensen betrokken. Het onderzoek staat onder leiding van het Functioneel Parket en is in samenwerking met de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) tot stand gekomen.

Hollandse Wind werd half maart failliet verklaard, slechts een week nadat de FIOD beslaglegging deed bij het bedrijf.

De doorzoekingen en aanhoudingen van deze week vonden plaats in het kader van een strafrechtelijk onderzoek naar fraude met beleggingen in windmolenparken en vastgoed. Eerder werd dus al beslag gelegd op bankrekeningen en onroerend goed in dit onderzoek met een geschatte waarde van meer dan 3 miljoen euro. Het fraudebedrag wordt op dit moment op meer dan 8 miljoen euro geschat. Het onderzoek naar de totale omvang van de fraude wordt voortgezet.

Volgens de websites van de beleggingsproducten met de namen Hollandsche Wind en Noordenwind wordt het ingelegde geld geïnvesteerd in windmolenparken en vastgoed. Hierbij worden aan investeerders hoge rendementen beloofd. Het vermoeden is echter dat het ingelegde geld anders besteed wordt dan beloofd en dat het hier om beleggingsfraude gaat. Verdachten zouden inmiddels nieuwe beleggingsproducten uitgeven onder de naam Morvan Capital en Bright Invest.

Het onderzoek is gestart na aangiften van diverse banken. Zij zagen grote onverklaarbare stortingen op bankrekeningen en meldden dit bij de FIOD.

Britain goes 24 hours without using any coal-generated power - Report

National Grid confirmed that Britain had gone a full 24-hour cycle without using coal to produce any of the country's electricity. Agency said that all electricity produced until late Friday night was generated from a mix of sources, but mainly gas fired and nuclear powered generating stations. Wind, biomass, and imported energy were also used on Friday.

National Grid's Cordi O'Hara said that "To have the first working day without coal since the start of the industrial revolution is a watershed moment in how our energy system is changing. Britain benefits from highly diverse and flexible sources of electricity. Our energy mix continues to change and National Grid adapts system operation to embrace these changes."

The 24-hour cycle started Thursday when a coal fires power plant at West Burton went offline.

O'Hara said that "The 24 hour cycle was confirmed at 22.50 hours on Friday, after which we started to use coal-fired generation again. We can't (tell) when this new record will be broken."

Earlier this week, a new record was set on Thursday, when Britain went for 19 hours without using any coal-fired generation of electricity.

Britain's first public coal fire power plant opened in London in 1882 and since then coal has played a daily part in generating the country's electricity.

The British government aims to phase out Britain's last coal-fired power stations by 2025 in its program to cut carbon emissions.

Source : First Post
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KPN +1,94%
Basic-Fit +1,91%


ASMI -3,90%
Air France-KLM -3,33%
IMCD -3,20%
BESI -3,00%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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