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Steel Minister Reviews Environment & Forest Clearances of CPSEs

India’s Steel Minister Mr Ram Chandra Prasad Singh reviewed the Environment Clearance and Forest Clearance issues of Central Public Sector Enetrprises under Ministry of Steel pending with Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change and State Governments. The issues pertaining of Steel Authority of India Ltd, National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd, Orissa Mineral Development Corporation Ltd Manganese Ore (India) Ltd & Kudremudk Iron Ore Company Ltd were deliberated in detail.

Steel Minister was apprised that Ministry is regularly interacting with MoEF&CC, who is proactively working towards granting the Environment Clearance and Forest Clearance approvals in a time bound manner and many issues have been already resolved.

Respective Division Heads briefed the Steel Minister about the issues pending for approval at MoEF&CC and also with various State Governments.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Nucor Completes Acquisition of Insulated Metal Panels Business

US steel maker Nucor Corporation has successfully completed its acquisition of Cornerstone Building Brands' insulated metal panels business for a cash purchase price of approximately USD 1 billion, subject to customary adjustments. The Nucor management team is in place and the CENTRIA and Metl-Span brands acquired from Cornerstone Building Brands are now a part of the newly created Insulated Panel Group, which also includes the Company's existing IMP business, TrueCore.

Nucor Insulated Panel Group President Mr Jeff Carmean said "We are excited to officially welcome our CENTRIA and Metl-Span teammates as part of the Nucor team. Adding these two brands to our Insulated Panel Group will allow us to provide our customers with a full range of products to service high-end architectural applications, as well as the quickly expanding cold storage and warehousing markets."

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Scheme for Revival of Pakistan Steel Mill Approved

The Dawn reported that Pakistan’s Cabinet Committee on Privatisation has approved the issuance of Scheme of Arrangement by the Privatisation Commission for the revival of Pakistan Steel Mill. The CCoP directed PC to expedite the process of soliciting Expression of Interest and make efforts to close the transaction at the earliest. The approval has now paved the way for PC to file the SOA with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. This will include updated financial reports of the PSM and its subsidiary, approved by the Privatisation Com­mission Board for transferring the utility connections to the newly formed subsidiary without encumbrances, approval for the retention of the new subsidiary either by the government of Pakistan or PSM and the desired size of divestment among others.

The CCoP has already approved the transferring of ‘Identified Core Ope­rating Assets’ into wholly-owned subsidiary of PSM through the scheme of arrangement as provided in the Companies Act of 2017, followed by the sale of majority shares of the newly-formed subsidiary (without transferring of full ownership) to strategic private sector partner.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
SRI Quality System is Responsible Steel Certification Body

SRI Quality System Registrar has announced that it has been approved as the first US-based certification body for the Responsible Steel standard. Responsible Steel is the steel industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standards and certification initiative to address sustainability within the sector. SRI is a leading global certification body for steel, metal and materials companies, and its sustainability and ESG assessment practices are the fastest growing segment of the service portfolio. Responsible Steel CEO Ann Clare Howard, said “Responsible Steel aims to use trusted third-party certification to make a positive difference in the responsible production of steel. We welcome SRI Quality System Registrar as one of the approved certification bodies. Deep experience in the steel sector and a broad sustainability agenda will be a great asset in auditing steel production members against strict principles and standards. “

Responsible Steel, a non-profit organization, is the steel industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standards and certification initiative. Its mission is to maximize steel’s contribution to a sustainable society, achieved through the cooperation and mutual commitment of businesses, civil society representatives and other stakeholders at all levels of the steel supply chain.

SRI Quality System Registrar is an international evaluation body headquartered in Japan. Founded in 1991, SRI is ANAB, RvA, IATF, AA1000, USGBC (GBCI), WELL (IWBI), and Responsible Steel certified, quality, sustainability & ESG, information security, and green building.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Republic Steel Fined for Releasing Emissions

The Canton Republic reported that Republic Steel has been fined USD 50,000 for exceeding court-ordered maximums for airborne lead emissions on July 3 and July 9. An air quality monitor on Georgetown Road across from Republic's Northeast Canton mill registered lead emissions of 1.67 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air on July 3 and 2.37 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air on July 9. The EPA federal maximum for airborne lead emissions is 0.15 micrograms per cubic meter of air over a three-month period, but a July 2 court order decreed that if the Georgetown Road monitor recorded a one-day reading above 1.5 micrograms, it would trigger a USD 25,000 fine and a production shutdown.

The court order also compelled the company to analyze its air filtration systems for improvements, take measures to prevent dust on the mill's grounds from being kicked into the air and to hire a compliance officer.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency ordered the company to cease leaded steel production, the source of the emissions.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Europlasteks to Make Steel Pipes in Belarus

BelTA reported that OOO Europlasteks Invest will spend over EUR 5 million on setting up a steel pipes unit in Free Economic Zone Grodnoinvest in Smorgon in Grodno Oblast in Belarus. The first products may be made as early as in 2022. Most of the output will be exported to Central Asia, Western Europe, the Near East and the Middle East.

The project provides for building new premises and renovating existing buildings located in plot No11, sector 1 of free economic zone Grodnoinvest. Equipment will be acquired to start making steel pipes and steel sections.

The project will allow creating 20 jobs in Smorgon in addition to substituting imports and making the spare premises part of the economy once again.

The metal-processing enterprise will be Europlasteks Invest's second project in FEZ Grodnoinvest. The company is now building an enterprise to make cotton yarn and goods made thereof.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Ryerson Reports Second Quarter 2021 Results

Leading value-added processor and distributor of industrial metals Ryerson Holding Corporation has reported second quarter revenues of USD 1.4 billion,, an increase of 23.7% compared to USD 1.1 billion for the first quarter of 2021, with average selling prices 20.1% higher and tons shipped 2.9% higher. Gross margin expanded sequentially to 18.1% in the second quarter of 2021 compared to 17.2% in the first quarter of 2021. Net income attributable to Ryerson Holding Corporation for the second quarter of 2021 was USD 113 million.

Ryerson noted sequential shipment per day improvement in our industrial equipment, food and agriculture and commercial ground transportation end-market sectors during the second quarter of 2021 and we continue to receive positive demand forecasts from these customers, despite persisting supply challenges. Consumer durable, metal fabrication and machine shop and HVAC sector end-markets saw declines relative to the first quarter of 2021 in North America on supply side constraints across labor, materials and transportation inputs.

The notable price increases in carbon steel products that began in the second half of 2020 have continued to climb as lead times remain extended. Mill capacity has been above 80% for the past several months and futures prices remain elevated through year-end. Likewise, LME aluminum gained 11% in the second quarter of 2021 and nickel prices appreciated 9%. At this point, Ryerson anticipate that prices across all three of our primary commodities will remain elevated at or near twelve-month highs through the third quarter and that price normalization will be gradual given supportive demand conditions.

Ryerson President & Chief Executive Officer Mr Eddie Lehner said "Halfway through our 179th year in business, our future has never looked brighter because of the committed resolve and adaptiveness of each of my Ryerson teammates working together to provide great customer experiences no matter the circumstances. Given the number and magnitude of the challenges encountered over the past eighteen months, we are all witnesses and participants in bringing out the best in one another. Looking back over the quarter and ahead, more signs are emerging that support a sustained manufacturing expansion featuring recyclable industrial metals that are at the epicenter of current and future societal needs. With supply still unable to meet current and anticipated demand, manufacturing order backlogs keep rolling over and extending, lending further support to favorable pricing dynamics.”

Ryerson is optimistic about the third quarter industry environment. Pricing across all three of Ryerson's primary product lines continues to increase while the Company expects volumes to follow normal seasonality patterns. Therefore, Ryerson anticipates third quarter 2021 revenues in the range of USD 1.5 billion to USD 1.6 billion with sequential average selling prices 10 to 12% higher and shipments flat to down 3% compared to the second quarter of 2021.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Thyssenkrupp Continues Positive Trend in 3rd Quarter

In the 3rd quarter of the current 2020/2021 fiscal year, thyssenkrupp continued its good performance of previous quarters and achieved a significant improvement on both the previous quarter and the prior-year figures, which were severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The group of companies recorded a 3rd-quarter order intake of EUR 8.8 billion, almost double the figure for the prior-year period. Between April and June, sales increased by 51 percent to EUR 8.7 billion. Adjusted EBIT amounted to EUR 266 million, up significantly from the prior-year figure of minus EUR 693 million and also from the prior quarter EUR 220 million. Almost all segments contributed to this positive performance with their earnings improvements. In particular, Materials Services posted record earnings. For the full year 2020/2021 thyssenkrupp has confirmed the earnings forecast raised recently with the half-year figures.

thyssenkrupp AG CEO Ms Martina Merz said “We are on track with our transformation of thyssenkrupp. The environment remains very challenging but we are delivering on those aspects that are in our control. The figures show that our numerous restructurings and performance measures are taking effect. With the sale of our mining business and the Infrastructure business unit, we have also achieved major milestones in focusing our portfolio. This will quickly have a positive effect. Nevertheless, our ‘Performance first’ principle remains our top priority. In other words, we’re on the right course and we’re progressing well. But we’re doing even more and not letting up.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
*Credit Suisse verhoogt koersdoel Aperam van 49,00 naar 54,00 euro
*Credit Suisse handhaaft Outperform advies op Aperam
Beursblik: Credit Suisse verhoogt koersdoel Aperam
Koersdoel naar 54,00 euro.

(ABM FN) Credit Suisse heeft vrijdag het koersdoel voor Aperam verhoogd van 49,00 naar 54,00 euro bij een ongewijzigd Outperform advies.

Aperam heeft in het tweede kwartaal een aanzienlijk hogere aangepaste EBITDA geboekt dan verwacht, aldus analist Carsten Riek.

Verder is Aperam ook positief gestemd over het derde kwartaal, wat een verrassing was, meent Riek.

Daarom heeft Credit Suisse de verwachtingen voor 2021 met 21 procent verhoogd en met 11 procent voor 2022.

Met een basisdividend van 1,75 euro per aandeel en een aandeleninkoopprogramma ter waarde van 100 miljoen euro zal er in 2022 ongeveer 240 miljoen euro terug naar de aandeelhouders vloeien. De balans van Aperam is volgens de bank dan ook "in goede conditie", en dat geeft ruimte om de aandeelhouder nog beter te belonen.

Het aandeel Aperam steeg vrijdag 1,0 procent naar 54,18 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481
Mineral Resources plans 30mt Ashburton iron ore hub

Mineral Resources (MinRes) is planning to build a new iron ore production centre in Western Australia with a capacity of 30 million tonnes/year, Kallanish notes. This planned Ashburton hub will include the Bungaroo South and Kumina mines.

''The outlook for Mineral Resources is positive, notwithstanding the impacts related to COVID-19 and the cost pressures creeping into the West Australian resources sector,'' the company said.

It notes that construction will start in September 2021 and complete before end-2023.

The Ashburton hub is near the port town of Onslow. Mineral Resources managing director Chris Ellison said he thought Ashburton would still be able to survive when the iron ore price went down. ''When the transhippers are running, Onslow will be our lowest cost port in WA and that'll be the fourth port that we operate out of,'' he said.

By Kallanish Team
Tata Steel profiteert van hogere staalprijzen
Van onze redacteur 08:12

De Europese tak van Tata Steel liet ook een duidelijk herstel zien met een productiegroei van ruim 17%, tot 2,33 miljoen ton. Hollandse Hoogte / Herman Wouters

Staalconcern Tata Steel, het Indiase moederbedrijf van het hoogovencomplex in IJmuiden, heeft in het tweede kwartaal stevig kunnen profiteren van de gestegen staalprijzen. Daardoor is de onderneming erin geslaagd de omzet ruimschoots te verdubbelen ten opzichte van dezelfde periode vorig jaar.

Onder de streep hield Tata Steel omgerekend €1,12 mrd over, iets meer dan analisten gemiddeld hadden verwacht. Een jaar geleden was nog sprake van ruim een half miljard verlies.

Ook de Europese tak van het bedrijf liet duidelijk herstel zien met een productiegroei van ruim 17%, tot 2,33 miljoen ton staal, en een bedrijfswinst van €177 mln. Cfo Koushik Chatterjee gaf in een persbericht aan positief te zijn over de komende kwartalen.

Door de uitbraak van de coronapandemie raakte de staalindustrie een jaar terug nog in zwaar weer verzeild. Fabrieken moesten sluiten vanwege de lockdowns. Ook de vraag kwam destijds een stuk lager uit. In Europa stonden de marges vorig jaar zo onder druk dat Tata Steel zelfs sprak van een onhoudbare situatie.

Volgens bestuursvoorzitter Thachat Viswanath Narendran hebben overheidsbeleid en de vaccinatieprogramma's het ondernemersklimaat en het consumentenvertrouwen sterk doen verbeteren, maar hij maakt zich wel zorgen over de snelle opmars van de deltavariant voor de productie en de levering van staal.

Dat de Europese tak verbetering toont is een meevaller voor het Indiase concern. Tata Steel probeert al jaren om zijn Europese of Nederlandse tak af te stoten, onder meer vanwege de hogere lonen en strengere milieuregels in Europa. Eerder dit jaar liep een deal met de Zweedse branchegenoot SSAB stuk. Het hoogovencomplex in IJmuiden zou niet duurzaam genoeg zou zijn.

Eerder deze maand werd bekend dat Tata Steel Nederland, het voormalige Hoogovens in IJmuiden, de 56-jarige Narendan als voorzitter van de raad van commissarissen krijgt.

De benoeming van Narendran als hoogste toezichthouder komt nadat de Indiase eigenaar van het voormalige Hoogovens een herbenoeming torpedeerde van Peter Blauwhoff als onafhankelijke voorzitter van de toezichthouders. Blauwhoff en Tata verschilden van mening over de gewenste toekomst van het Nederlandse dochterbedrijf. Moederbedrijf Tata wil de Nederlandse en de Britse activiteiten splitsen.

Lees het volledige artikel:
Baosteel Zhanjiang delays blast furnace commissioning

China Baowu Group subsidiary Baosteel Zhanjiang Steel will delay the start up of its new 5,050m³ blast furnace, and it is uncertain whether it can be done this year, according to the company’s secretary of the board, Kallanish notes.

The unit was scheduled to be put into production in August, with a design capacity of 4.02 million tonnes/year of iron (see Kallanish passim).

The delay coincides with China’s actions to reduce crude steel output. At Baowu’s second quarter 2021 work conference on 6 August, the group pledged to cut output in the second half of 2021.

“This is a political issue with no room for bargaining, and it must be resolutely implemented,” Baowu’s chairman Chen Derong stated. He also said that Baowu will use limited quotas to produce high value-added products and promote joint reorganisation.

In addition, the postponement of projects is an “indirect” and “secretive” measure taken by China to maintain steel production at 2020’s level, a source believes. Other blast furnace projects due to commission this year appear to have been delayed and sources suggest that mills are being quietly asked to hold off on any new commissioning to help China meet its production targets.

By Kallanish Team
Chinese scrap declines, imports quiet

China's scrap prices have fallen even though scrap supply has declined slightly and demand has remained flat.

On Friday, Kallanish assessed Chinese 6mm+ heavy scrap delivered to mills in eastern China's Yangtze River Delta at CNY 3,744/tonne ($578/t) including VAT. This is unchanged since Thursday but CNY 6/t lower compared with the previous Friday.

Data from information provider Fubao shows that 49 independent electric arc furnace mills in China saw a 64.8% operating rate and 75.6% utilisation rate last week. The operating rate was up by 1.9% and utilisation increased by 6.4% compared with the previous week.

The profitability of electric arc furnace steel mills has recovered with the weakening of scrap prices and stable steel prices, so the operating rate and capacity utilization rate of steel mills have increased. Some EAF steel mills resumed production after power curtailments ended, but it is currently uncertain whether power supply restrictions will affect production again.

Last week, the average daily volume of scrap delivered to 147 steel enterprises was 329,500 tonnes, a decline of 6.9% on-week, Fubao data shows. The average daily scrap consumption of these mills last week was 350,900t, down by 0.59% on-week.

Scrap import transactions are still difficult to conclude, and some traders have stayed away from the import market entirely. The reduction in steel production will first affect the demand for scrap, market traders said. Last Friday, Kallanish assessed Chinese HRS 101 imports at $560/t cfr China,unchanged on-week.

By Kallanish Team
Severstal ramps up daily melts to increase output

Russian steelmaker Severstal has completed a set of measures to increase the daily volume of converter steel melts from 82 to 86 at its Cherepovets Steel Works (CherMK), the company says.

The final project was the overhaul of the continuous casting plant No. 4 (UNRS-4). In particular, UNRS-4 was equipped with a new secondary cooling system, which automatically changes the intensity of cooling of the cast billet depending on the casting speed, metal temperature, the chemical composition of the steel grade and the width of the cast billet.

Also, at UNRS-4, five-roller sections were replaced with new units with "middle supports," the enterprise claims.

“In March, we announced a target forecast for steel production up to 13 million tonnes in 2023,” said Severstal’s ceo Alexander Shevelev. “Modernisation of UNRS-4, along with UNRS-1, which was completed last year, is one of the sources for achieving long-term goals in the Upstream direction. Modernisation of the UNRS-4 will allow to reduce the modifications due to deviations in the quality of the surface of slabs and rolled products, to increase productivity by increasing the overhaul intervals.”

The 86 heats is a record high level, which CherMK will sustainably provide and our team continues to look for opportunities for a further daily increase in converter steel production, he added.

In total, Severstal allocated RUB 1.5 billion ($20.4 million) to modernise these two units as part of the comprehensive program to increase the production of high-quality steel at the CherMK, Kallanish notes. The reconstruction of the URNS-4 was carried out in 26 days instead of the planned 32 days.

Severstal’s revenue gained 56.8% on-year to $5.17 billion in H1 as a result of higher prices and sales volumes (see Kallanish passim). Six-month sales rose 4% on-year to 5.3mt. Crude steel output grew 1% to 5.7mt, driven by the EAF-1 start-up in April.

Svetoslav Abrossimov Bulgaria
Rebar prices lift up Saudi Al Yamamah earnings

Al Yamamah Steel reported a 7% on-year decline in revenue in the nine months through June to SAR 1.29 billion ($344.9 million), though net profit jumped 560% to SAR 167.7m due to higher construction segment sales prices and lower costs.

Profit also rose 8.4% on-quarter due to a 29.6% increase in the selling prices of the products demanded by the construction sector, according to the report seen by Kallanish.

On a quarterly basis, the net profit in Q2 2021 at SAR 65m was 8.3% higher than SAR 60m in Q1 2021.

Yamamah’s construction segment comprises the production of steel pipe, and subsidiaries Yamamah Space Structures and 600,000 tonnes/year re-roller Al Yamamah Factory for Reinforcing Steel Bars, in which Yamamah has a 72.5% stake. Yamamah Steel offers lighting and transmission poles, high masts, overhead transmission lines and telecom towers.

Burak Odabasi Turkey
ASEAN billet market edges down

Billet suppliers are lowering export offers to Southeast Asia while the region continues to grapple with strict curbs imposed to rein in rising Covid-19 cases. Importers are not in a hurry to book because demand for finished steel is slow, Kallanish notes.

Offers for blast and electric arc furnace 5sp billet are prevailing at $705-710/tonne cfr Manila. An importer says that this is for Vietnamese, Russian and Indian material. Last week, Vietnamese origin blast and EAF billet was offered at $5/t higher during the 6 August week.

A trader heard that Russian 125mm billet is offered at $710/t cfr Manila. A supplier is inviting bids for Russian billet at $700/t cfr, another importer says. “Prices are soft. Demand is moving but slow,” he says. "I can't see anyone paying this price in Philippines today," a regional trader in Singapore says.

Blast furnace billet from Vietnam is offered at $680/t fob or $710/t cfr Manila, down $10/t from the week before. The market for commercial rebar and even angles is struggling, another Manila trader says.

Induction furnace billet from India is heard at $670-680/t cfr Manila in the week of 13 August. Vietnamese induction furnace billet is offered at $695-700/t cfr Manila.

Kallanish assessed 5sp/ps or Q275 120/125/130mm square billet on Friday at $700-705/t cfr Manila, $10 lower on-week.

Anna Low Singapore
Chinese rebar stabilizes despite rebounding futures

The Chinese rebar spot market struggled to increase alongside a recovery in futures prices last week. The spot market is still suffering from weak demand, Kallanish notes.

In Shanghai on Friday afternoon, 20mm HRB400 rebar was trading at CNY 5,100-5,120/tonne ($787-790/t), unchanged from the week before. On the Shanghai Futures Exchange on Friday the January 2022 rebar contract closed CNY 40/t higher than Thursday at CNY 5,482/t, and CNY 103/t higher than the October 2021 contract last Friday.

The spot market fluctuated last week, but Friday's spot trading volumes fell, undermining prices. The reduction in steel production in the past week has stimulated market expectations of tight supply, but sales have fallen short of expectations. Although the strong futures stimulated the confidence of traders, the sluggish demand ment traders were unable to lift sales volumes.

According to data released by the China Iron & Steel Association on Friday, in the first ten days of August 2021, key steel companies produced 20.44 million tonnes of crude steel, 18.33mt of pig iron and 19.16mt of finished steel. Among them, the daily output of crude steel was 2.04mt, a decrease of 2.97% from late July and a year-on-year decrease of 4.4%. The daily output of pig iron and finished steel was 1.83mt and 1.92mt respectively, down 2.66% and 9.46% from late June, and seeing 5.09% and 4.16% lower year-on-year.

By Kallanish Team
Port Hedland iron ore shipments slide in July

As the global steel market entered a quiet period in the summer, Australia's Port Hedland saw iron ore exports fall significantly in July, Kallanish notes.

Pilbara Ports Authority data shows Port Hedland iron ore exports slumped by 12% month-on-month to 44.3 million tonnes, but were still up by 2% compared with July 2020.

China is still the largest importer, taking about 38.6mt of Port Hedland iron ore shipments. This was an 8% decrease compared to June 2021 data but a 1.2% increase year-over-year compared to the 38.1mt imports in July 2020.

At the same time, shipments to South Korea and Japan have also fallen sharply due to weaker demand. South Korea took 2.8mt of iron ore from Port Hedland in July, down 29% on-month and down 12.4% on-year. Japan's shipments also fell by more than 28% to 1.74mt from 2.42mt last month, but this is still up 71% compared with July last year.

Port Hedland handles iron ore shipments for BHP Billiton, Fortescue Metals Group and Roy Hill.

By Kallanish Team
Baosteel transfers capacity quotas to Magang

Baosteel Special Steel plans to transfer the steelmaking capacity from its two 40-tonne electric arc furnaces to Ma'anshan Iron & Steel (Magang), also a subsidiary of Baowu Group.

Kallanish notes from the steelmaker that a total of 280,000 tonnes/year of steel capacity quotas will be transfered to Magang. Magang will use these quotas to build two 150-t converters for its new special steel project.

Magang has not yet detailed the special steel project, but started the construction of this project in November 2020. China's official efficiency reuirements suggest that building two 150-t converters will add 3.4 million tonnes/year of carbon steel capacity or 3m t/y special steel capacity to the steelmaker.

By Kallanish Team
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