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Xinjiang Xin'an Special plans EAF upgrade

Xin'an Special Steel in Changji City in Xinjiang plans to start construction of a new electric arc furnace (EAF) and close two old EAFs in September this year. The new electric arc furnace will be put into production in October next year, Kallanish notes.

The company says its new 120-tonne EAF will reach 400,000 t/y of special steel capacity, even though the nameplate capacity for an EAF of this size is 900,000 t/y. The government does not require EAF replacement projects to reduce overall production capacity, but new capacity addition is also prohibited. Therefore, if the steelmaker wants to run the furnace at a higher utilization rate legally, it will need to purchase quotas from other companies.

Two 75-t EAFs will be closed before the new capacity is commissioned, with a total of 400,000 t/y special steel capacity.

By Kallanish Team
Brazil’s Cosan forms mining JV, eyes iron ore

Brazilian energy group Cosan is entering the mining and logistics business through a joint venture with Aura Minerals, Kallanish learns from Cosan. The JV will own exploration rights for three mineral projects in Brazil’s State of Pará, with significant potential for iron ore reserves.

As part of this investment strategy, Cosan has agreed to acquire the Sao Luis port from China Communications Construction Company in a BRL 720 million ($133.7m) deal.

“We are initiating a new project through an investment fund structure that will invest in new businesses with our own resources and, eventually, with third parties’ resources,” Cosan says.

Aura Minerals is a copper and gold producer, part of the Paulo Brito Group. The JV intends to export minerals through Sao Luis port. The first mineral project is expected to start operation in 2025.

The JV will be headed by former Vale and CSN executive Juarez Saliba de Avelar.

Todor Kirkov Bulgaria
UAE sees sharp rebar price decrease

Emirates Steel (ESI) has, as expected, announced September-delivery rebar prices to give direction to the deadlocked United Arab Emirates rebar market, Kallanish notes.

ESI's September-delivery prices for 8-32mm rebar are at AED 2,610/tonne ($710) ex-works, a sharp decrease from AED 2,956/t ($805) for August deliveries. During August, ESI concluded rebar deals mostly at AED 2,750-2,800/t, depending on volume, due to subdued domestic demand and safeguard measures in Saudi Arabia in the form of the rules of origin decree.

ESI is offering a discount on its new rebar price of AED 90-140/t, depending on volume, comments one sector participant.

The price decrease is expected to be followed by other UAE rebar producers, who are expected to quote at AED 2,450-2,550/t. ESI has not yet announced its wire rod price for September delivery but is expected to do so this week.

Abu Dhabi-based ESI is a 3.5 million tonnes/year crude steel capacity steelmaker producing rebar, wire rod and heavy sections. By the end of this year, ESI will merge with another Abu Dhabi-based company, Arkan, which produces cement, concrete products, glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP) and PVC pipe.

Burak Odabasi Turkey
De recente correctie van Aperam vindt plaats binnen de stijgende trend. Zolang de koers boven de top van medio mei rond €48,81 weet te blijven, oogt het technische beeld redelijk positief.

Die steun van €48,81 wordt gevormd door de top van 10 mei. Het koersdoel ligt rond €58 (berekend koersdoel).

Ons huidige advies: aanhouden in de defensieve lange termijn beleggingsportefeuille.

De 200-dagenlijn van Aperam (rode glooiende doorlopende lijn) laat een opwaarts verloop zien. Dit geeft een positieve technische conditie weer.

De B.O.B.-lijn (blauwe glooiende doorlopende lijn) stijgt en suggereert betere prestaties vergeleken met de rest van de markt.
Covid-19 hits Vietnam's July steel production

Vietnam's crude steel production in July this year was reduced due to the outbreak of Covid-19, but sales were the level on-month, Kallanish notes.

In July, Vietnam's steel production declined by 6.48% from June to around 2.4 million tonnes, but this was still up by 13.8% on-year, according to official data from the Vietnam Steel Association (VSA). Steel sales meanwhile reached 2.1mt, remaining stable from June and up 7.4% on-year.

This led production and sales in the first seven months to increase by 33.5% and 30.7% on-year respectively, to 18.32mt and 16.16mt.

Steel exports in July rose by 5.96% from June to 658,207t, increasing by 55% on-year. Total steel exports so far this year were 4mt, up by 78.9% on-year.

By Kallanish Team
Iran tightens export restrictions again

The Mining Industries Office under Iran’s Ministry of Industry, Mining, and Trade has suspended a number of steelmakers’ export licences effective 22 August for three months.

Companies that did not comply with providing 70% of their production to the Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME) were removed from the previous list of firms allowed to export, in effect since 14 June.

Following the revision, 49 suppliers of long products, 31 of which are limited to a 1,000 tonnes/month capacity, and 21 semi-finished steel suppliers are allowed to export during the next three months. In the previous list, 102 companies were included, meaning some big companies are restricted in the new one, sector participants tell Kallanish.

During the coming three months, if the delisted companies comply with the regulation to supply 70% of output to the IME, they will have a chance to regain their export permit. Moreover, companies are entitled to appeal their licence withdrawal.

IME regulates the market for steel in Iran, setting prices at much lower than the global average. This is in order to offer the local market steel at cheaper than export prices.

The Iranian Steel Producers’ Association (ISPA) has criticised the temporary ban on some exporters, citing the long steel surplus in Iran’s domestic market and the need for export income other than from oil.

The newly-elected Iranian government's nominated industry, mining, and trade minister, Seyed Reza Fatemi Amin, has received support from various associations in the private sector, including the mining sector. The latest decision indicates he will go by the rule book, sector participants comment.

Burak Odabasi Turkey
Iron ore slump 'irrational', says Anglo's Brazil ceo

UK-headquartered miner Anglo American has reaffirmed that its Brazil-based iron ore production will be between 24-25 million tonnes in 2021. Most of this output will be exported to China, South Korea, Taiwan and the Middle East. So said company chief executive for Brazil Wilfred Bruijn in an interview with Brazilian publication Estadão.

Strong fluctuations in iron ore price have affected the company's balance sheet, but should not impact investments in the country, Kallanish notes.

“The sudden devaluation of iron ore is an irrational move, and the best is to ‘watch from the stands’ as the commodity fluctuates,” Bruijn commented.

The current instability is creating uncertainty over market development in 2022, he added.

“The Chinese government's regulatory measures to reduce steel production would result in lower demand for raw materials,” Bruijn explained. “The feeling is that the iron ore price deceleration would stop at some point, but that's not what is happening.” Despite the price collapse, values remain above pre-pandemic levels and prices could rebound as a result of tight supply and growing demand, the executive observed.

The current market scenario should not affect Anglo’s investment plan in Brazil, where the miner plans to place $250 million into maintenance works and improving operations.

The company is advancing to meet the target of using 100% energy from renewable sources this year. According to Bruijn, the Minas-Rio unit has only 4% left to reach the goal due to an old power supply contract.

Todor Kirkov Bulgaria
Alien Metals prepares for Phase 3 drilling at Hancock Iron Ore Project
Francesca Morgan
Vox Newswire
10:21, 24th August 2021

Alien Metals
(UFO ) announced that preparations have begun to optimise the Phase 3 drilling programme on the Hancock Iron Ore Project which is anticipated to be completed in 4Q21.?

The global minerals exploration and development firm said these preparations follow final laboratory assay results from the second phase of drilling which have now been received.?

The Phase 2 drilling has ‘clearly defined significant widths of direct shipping ore (DSO) from surface’ at the Sirius Extension Prospect and the Western Ridges Prospect with all intersections from the Sirius Extension Project pointing to a contiguous DSO grade deposit.

The results will be included in the maiden resource estimation work and mining studies that Alien recently started. Initial results from these programmes are expected next month.

To date, significant intersections from the Western Ridges Prospect include, inter alia, 10m @ 58.37% of iron, 10m @ 60.20% of iron, 11m @ 59.46% of iron and 10m @ 60.32% of iron.

“We are now confident that the current drill spacing is sufficient to enable the delineation of a maiden JORC resource to be calculated for the Sirius Extension Prospect,” said the firm.

Alien said the “excellent results” confirm its initial pXRF readings and that it is “excited to push ahead with a third drilling program to in-fill existing DSO grade intersections, mainly on ridge C and E, to potentially enable a second DSO grade resource to be calculated.

Figure 1: Location of Hancock Iron Ore Project, Western Australia

(Source: Alien Metals)

The next drilling phase at Hancock, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, is designed to target the delineation of a maiden resource estimate at the Western Ridges Prospect.?

Bill Brodie Good, CEO & Technical Director of Alien Metals commented: “At each new step the Hancock tenement is shaping up to be a significant development opportunity for Alien.?

He said Alien has now defined “a robust DSO grade iron ore orebody” at the Sirius Extension Prospect and that the Company is looking to bring this project online as soon as is practical.

“We also believe that the Western Ridges Prospect provides a significant opportunity to open a second front on the potential development schedule within this outstanding tenement.”

Figure 2: Significant drilling results to date, Sirius Extension, Hancock Tenement, August 2021

[Source: Alien Metals]

John Battista, Principal Mining Consultant, Mining Plus, said “Based on our conceptual study-level work to date, the Hancock project has the potential to be developed into a niche direct-shipping iron ore producer in the heart of the world-famous Pilbara region of Western Australia.”

View from Vox
In recent weeks, Alien has received ‘encouraging’ initial results from its drilling program at the Hancock Iron Ore project, widening its understanding of the mineralisation of the area.???

Today’s news also follows Alien’s recent execution of a conditional Share Sale Agreement which increased its effective interest in the Hamersley Iron Ore Direct Shipping Ore Project.??

With Alien having acquired a more meaningful stake in the Hamersley project (from 51% interest to over 90%) in addition to the continued high price of iron ore and high demand Alien said it expects to drive Hamersley forward while continuing to deal with the necessary paperwork for maiden drilling on the highly prospective Brockman Licence further west.??

Iron ore prices have risen to record highs with expectations building that benchmark prices could get to $200 a tonne which would beat the $194 hit more than a decade ago. As a result of the solid prices, Alien Metals believes its iron ore projects will deliver significant value.?????

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Groei mondiale staalproductie vertraagt verder
In juli stijging van 3 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De mondiale staalproductie is in juli opnieuw minder hard gestegen dan in de maanden ervoor. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van brancheorganisatie World Steel Association.

In totaal vervaardigden de 64 staalproducerende landen vorige maand 161,7 miljoen ton staal, een stijging van 3,3 procent op jaarbasis. Dat was in juni nog bijna 12 procent, in mei zo'n 17 procent en in april zelfs meer dan 23 procent.

In China, wereldwijd met afstand de grootste fabrikant van staal, daalde de productie in juli met ruim 8 procent tot 86,8 miljoen ton. In de VS was sprake van een forse stijging van bijna 38 procent tot 7,5 miljoen ton. Duitsland zag de productie met bijna 25 procent toenemen.

In India, Rusland en Brazilië was in juli sprake van een groei van 13 tot 14 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
SAIL BSP Develops Welding Technology for NCC Grade Rails

Engineers of Steel Authority of India Limited working at SAIL’s Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel and SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant has developed a unique welding and post-weld-controlled cooling program for Nickel-Chromium-Copper or NCC grade rails. The NCC rail which was developed in joint collaboration with Indian Railway’s research wing RDSO and IIT Kanpur under government initiative on Technology Mission on Rail Safety for laying rails in coastal regions and corrosion prone locations of Indian Railways network has shown remarkable performance under field trials over the years.

The NCC rails are prone to develop undesired microstructure and hardness in the heat-affected zone of the weld joint with conventional welding procedure. A team of RDCIS engineers have developed the strategy of welding of NCC rails through experiments at the RDCIS laboratory. The research findings were implemented at the Rail Welding Machine in Universal Rail Mill of Bhilai Steel Plant. URM modified the welding software and annealing program as per the need. After the five phases of welding experiments on NCC rails at URM, the final welding program has been developed and approval exercise as per the protocol of Indian Railway’s Flash Butt Welding Manual (Revised in 2012) was taken in July, 2021.

The approval tests were witnessed and certified by Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited. The welding joint successfully cleared the approval test. The development has enabled BSP to supply these rails in a 260 metre welded panel with a sound and acceptable weld joint. Indian Railways were looking for these rails in 260 metre welded panels for laying tracks in coastal regions. The NCC rails guarantee double the life than normal rails under hostile corrosive environments in coastal areas.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
MOL & Tata Steel to Cut GHG Emissions in Bulk Carriers

Leading global marine transport group Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd, 100% subsidiary MOL Drybulk Ltd and Tata Steel Limited have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop and deploy an environment friendly bulk carrier. The objective of the agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the ocean transportation of raw materials for production of steel. In the initial stage, the partnership will explore the environmental benefits and commercial and operational feasibilities of various technologies. This will include the, "Wind Challenger, a hard sail, which would reduce emissions by harnessing wind energy.

MOL has been jointly studying the technology with cross-industrial partners and the first vessel to be equipped with the Wind Challenger is slated to start operation in 2022.

Tata Steel’s Chief Group Shipping and Director RM Procurement Mr Ranjan Sinha said "Tata Steel as a signatory of Responsible Steel is committed to aligning its shipping activities with responsible environmental behaviour. We are pleased to be joining hands with MOL, a reputed global marine transport company, in combining efforts towards sustainable shipping."

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Essar Steel to Reenter Indian Steel Sector via Kadapa Plant Soon

Essar Steel, which lost a long drawn battle for its Hazira steel plant in 2019, appears to be making a re-entry into Indian steel sector soon. The Hindu reported that YSR Steel Corporation Limited and Essar Steel are likely to reach an agreement in a couple of months on the financials and operational aspects of the integrated steel plant being set up at Sunnapurallapalle and Peddanandluru villages of Jammalamadugu Mandal of YSR Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh at an estimated cost of INR 12,000 crore. The joint venture partners already have the debt-equity ratio in mind, but it is to be formalised by the State government on the basis of the recommendations of the SBI Capital Markets Limited, which has been appointed the transaction adviser.

Meanwhile, the State government is learnt to be trying to raise funds from the sovereign funds of the UK and Qatar among a host of potential sources, and the officials concerned are seized of the matter in order to start constructing the plant at the earliest. While the basic infrastructure, namely electricity and water, are in various stages of creation, the plan for laying a railway line from Muddanur has been changed to route it from the Jammalamadugu Proddatur line. This is because of the difficulty in negotiating the tough gradients and reserve forest (which requires environmental clearances) if a way is to be made from Muddanur side to the plant site. A bridge is to be laid on the Penna River in the alternative route, but the overall cost of the railway line is said to be significantly less than what is entailed by the line originally planned.

The Chief Minister wants the project to be taken forward without further delay as considerable time has passed by since its conception and choosing Essar Steel as the JV partner. He has directed the officials to be prepared to extend support to the Essar Steel to help in coping up with the vagaries of the market and overcoming certain financial constraints it has been facing for the last two years.

Andhra Pradesh Government has issued orders to induct Essar Steel Limited as the strategic partner for developing a high-grade steel plant under a joint venture in the Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh in May 2021.Essar Steel was selected as recommended by SBICAP.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Nippon Steel to Launch Corrosion Resistant Coated Steel ZEXEED

Users of high corrosion resistance steel will have a wider range of choice when an addition to the product line made by Nippon Steel goes on the market in October 2021. The new product, ZEXEED, has twice the resistance in flat areas than conventional high corrosion resistant steel now in use. ZEXEED has superior corrosion resistance that far exceeds both that of post-plating, commonly used in the civil engineering and social infrastructure sectors, and conventional high corrosion resistant steel. Tests conducted by Nippon Steel confirmed that ZEXEED’s corrosion resistance of flat areas is about twice as high as that of the conventional steel of the same kind and about 10 times higher than that of hot-dip galvanized steel.

By taking advantage of the excellent corrosion resistance of ZEXEED, we will not only reduce life cycle costs by extending the service life of our products, but also meet the various needs of our customers and society, such as the urgent issues of measures to counter aging social infrastructure, as well as process and labour saving associated with the decrease in the working population.

Since 2000, Nippon Steel’s high corrosion resistant coated steel SuperDyma and ZAM have been adopted by manufacturers in the building materials, automobiles, home appliances, and industrial machinery industries, and their cumulative global sales have reached approximately 15 million tonnes. ZEXEED was developed to satisfy the market demand for higher corrosion resistance. ZEXEED will particularly be an excellent material of choice to be used for projects in a harsh environment or in coastal or other areas with high humidity and high temperature.

Nippon Steel will also launch the Nippon Steel High Corrosion Resistant Coated Steel Sheet Series by adding the newly developed ZEXEED to our existing high corrosion resistant coated products with various functions that we have developed over our long history. The company has been a leader in the industry regarding high corrosion resistant coated steel for many years, and has developed a wide variety of functions to steel and an extensive menu of products that no other company can offer.

Through the provision of ZEXEED and the new Series, Nippon Steel is contributing to the realization of a safer and more secure society, as well as to the reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact, and ultimately to the establishment of a recycling-oriented society.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Tenova Takes Leading Role in European Steel Technology Platform

The European Steel Technology Platform reconfirmed Tenova CEO Mr Roberto Pancaldi as member of the Board of Directors in the position of Vice President. For the Techint Group company, which has always been committed to developing innovative technologies for a sustainable metals production, ESTEP represents an important framework to actively contribute to the green transition of the European steel industry.

The Platform, which became an independent legal entity in March 2018 with thirteen founding members, has the goal of engaging all stakeholders within the steel sector, from research institutes to industrial players, to implement collaborative actions and innovative projects aimed at addressing the challenges posed by a sustainable growth of the European steel industry. These include decarbonization, circular economy, energy efficiency and digitalization.

Moreover, ESTEP members celebrated an important milestone: the official signing of the Clean Steel Partnership, a public-private partnership developed in the context of the EU goal and policies to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, supporting the European leadership in the transformation of the steel industry into a climate-neutral sector preserving its competitiveness on the global market. Enrico Malfa, Director of Research & Development at Tenova, was appointed as member of the Partnership’s Board.

Tenova not only has a role in the Board, but also plays an operative role in several Focus Groups of ESTEP in order to share experience and know-how on specific topics, actively contributing to and fostering the promoted initiatives. Specifically, the company takes part in the Circular Economy FG, where Mr Enrico Malfa is Chairman, and in the FG Low Carbon & Energy Efficiency FG and Smart Factory FG.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vietnam Extends AD Duty on H Beam Steel Imports from Malaysia

Vietnamese media VNA reported that Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade has decided to maintain the anti-dumping measure imposed on some H-shaped steel products from Malaysia since April 2021.The MoIT launched an anti-dumping probe into H-shaped steel products imported from Malaysia on August 24, 2020. This anti-dumping duty could be reviewed and adjusted as in line with legal regulations.

It noted that before 2017, Malaysia had not produced and exported H-shaped steel to Vietnam. However, after Vietnam levied anti-dumping duties on H-shaped steel from China in 2017, Malaysia’s exports of similar products to Vietnam have risen strongly, to over 213 billion VND in 2019 and 848 billion VND in 2020. As there were signs of H-shaped steel manufactured in Malaysia and then exported to Vietnam to circumvent the anti-dumping duties on similar products from China, the MoIT decided to impose an anti-dumping tax rate of 10.64 percent on some products hailing from Malaysia.

This rate is lower than the current duty on H-shaped steel imported from China, about 22 percent on average, and also lower than the rate proposed by domestic manufacturers, 16.3 percent.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
UK Extends AD Duty on Welded Tubes Imports from Belarus & China

UK’s Department for International Trade published Trade Remedies Notice 2021/08 on 9 August 2021 continuing the anti-dumping duty on welded tubes and pipes of iron or non-alloy steel originating in Belarus and China, at the rates off 38.1% and 90.6%. The products of Belarus origin are also subject to steel safeguard measures. Should the imports become liable to the 25% safeguard duty (if the quota exhausts) the anti-dumping duty rate for Belarus will be reduced from 38.1% to 13.1% until the quota re-opens. China is exempt from safeguard measures for this product.

The anti-dumping duty on the products, originating in Russia has been revoked, with effect from 30 January 2021.

The Department for International Trade is currently exploring the possibility for reimbursement of those measures which ended on 30 January 2021.

The products concerned are classified within the following commodity codes:

7306 3041 20

7306 3049 20

7306 3077 80

The anti-dumping duties do not apply to the following code from 30 January 2021:

7306 3072 80

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Imposes AD Duty on Seamless Pipes from Korea, Russia & Ukraine

Based on affirmative final determinations by the US Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission, the US Department of Commerce is issuing antidumping duty orders on seamless carbon and alloy steel standard, line, and pressure pipe seamless pipe from Korea, Russia and Ukraine. The estimated weighted-average dumping margins are as follows:

Korea - 4.48%

Russia - 209.72%

Ukraine - 23.75%

On July 2, 2021, Commerce published in the Federal Register its affirmative final determinations in the less-than-fair-value investigations of seamless pipe from Korea, Russia, and Ukraine. On August 16, 2021, the ITC notified Commerce of its affirmative final determinations that an industry in the United States is materially injured, by reason of the less-than-fair-value imports of seamless pipe from Korea, Russia, and Ukraine.

Therefore Commerce will direct US Customs and Border Protection to assess, upon further instructions by Commerce, antidumping duties equal to the amount by which the normal value of the foreign like product exceeds the export price (or constructed export price) of subject merchandise, for all relevant entries of seamless pipe from Korea, Russia, and Ukraine.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Algeria to Launch New Production Unit at Bellara Steel Complex

ZAWYA reported that Algeria will launch a new steel production unit as part of a large complex that was constructed by an Algerian-Qatari venture on its North-eastern Mediterranean coast a few years ago, The new unit is located in Djen Djen Port in Jejel province, where the Bellara Steel Complex was built in 2017 with a total production capacity of more than two million tonnes a year

Bellara’s assistant manager Mr Sifyan Chayeb told the Algerian Elkhbar Arabic language daily that “Bellara Complex now comprises 8 production units, which have been fully commissioned except the unit in Djen Djen Port This unit will be commissioned before the end of this year and this will boost Algeria’s steel output and exports.”

He added that the complex is running at full output capacity and that it has allowed Algeria to slash steel imports and export the surplus 200,000-300,000 tonnes to Italy, China and other countries in May for the first time.

Algeria and Qatar signed a collaboration agreement for the construction of the Bellara steel complex in late 2013. The plant was gradually commissioned between 2017 and 2019 and is jointly owned by the Algerian Qatari Steel Complex.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Interpipe Steel Raises Steel Production by 20%

Ukrainian steel pipe maker Interpipe’s electric steelmaking complex Interpipe Steel has increased steel production to 537,000 tonnes in January-July 2021. 79,000 tonnes of steel were produced in July. In 2020, the company reduced steel production by 11.2% compared to 2019, to 758,700 tonnes.

Interpipe is a Ukrainian industrial company, a manufacturer of seamless pipes and railway wheels. The company’s products are supplied to more than 80 countries all over the world through a chain of commercial offices located in the CIS, Europe, the United States and the Middle East.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Steel Imports in Jan-Jul’21 Up 17% YoY

Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported that the US imported a total of 3,010,000 net tons of steel in July 2021, including 2,060,000 net tons (of finished steel (up 2.8% and 0.5%, respectively, vs. June final data). Through the first seven months of 2021, total and finished steel imports are 17,729,000 net tons and 12,086,000 net tons, up 17.4% and 20.6%, respectively, vs. the same period in 2020. Annualized total and finished steel imports in 2021 would be 30.4 million net tons and 20.7 million net tons, up 38.0% and 28.4%, respectively, vs. 2020. Finished steel import market share was an estimated 21% in July and is estimated at 20% over the first seven months of 2021.

Key finished steel products with a significant increase in imports in July compared to June are sheets and strip all other metallic coatings (up 48%), sheets and strip galvanized hot dipped (up 29%), mechanical tubing (up 25%), tin plate (up 16%), heavy structural shapes (up 14%) and cut lengths plates (up 11%).

Products with a significant year-to-date (YTD) increase vs. the same period in 2020 were hot rolled sheets (up 76%), plates in coils (up 52%), cut lengths plates (up 44%), sheets and strip all other metallic coatings (up 41%), wire rods (up 40%), wire drawn (up 22%), hot rolled bars (up 17%), heavy structural shapes (up 16%), tin plate (up 13%), sheets and strip hot dipped galvanized (up 12%) and cold rolled sheet (up 12%).

In July, the largest volumes of finished steel imports from offshore were from South Korea (293,000 NT, up 7% from June final), Vietnam (101,000 NT, up 165%), Taiwan (77,000 NT, down 8%), Germany (70,000 NT, down 27%) and Japan (67,000 NT, down 44%).

For the first seven months of 2021, the largest offshore suppliers were South Korea (1,624,000 NT, up 27% vs. the same period in 2020), Japan (590,000 NT, up 22%), Turkey (485,000 NT, up 29%), Germany (480,000 NT, up 14%) and Taiwan (434,000 NT, up 17%).

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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