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Nippon Steel to Restart Relined Blast Furnace 3 at Nagoya Works

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Aug, 2022, 6:18 am

Japanese steel giant Nippon Steel has relined the No 3 Blast Furnace at Nagoya Works from January to June 2022 and has decided to start of operations of the by around the end of August 2022. Nippon Steel said “We will continue to respond to changes in global and domestic steel demand, and will implement prompt and appropriate manufacturing.”

Nippon Steel Corporation has decided to reline the No 3 blast furnace of its Nagoya Works in June 2020 in order to maintain and further enhance competitiveness of the Nagoya Works’ upstream integrated production, which is a key to appropriately respond to customer needs and to prevail jointly with customers in global competition. After the relining, advanced IT and other leading-edge technologies from Japan and abroad will be adopted in the No 3 blast furnace to realize stable production and higher productivity.

Furnace capacity: 4,425 cubic meters

Investment amount: Approximately JPY 49 billion

Contractor: Nippon Steel Engineering
US Steel, Equinor & Shell to Explore Clean Energy Opportunities

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Aug, 2022, 6:21 am

United States Steel, Equinor US and Shell US have entered into a non-exclusive Cooperation Agreement to advance a collaborative clean energy hub in the Ohio County in West Virginia in Pennsylvania region. The hub would focus on decarbonization opportunities that feature carbon capture utilization and storage, as well as hydrogen production and utilization. The development of this hub, and its associated infrastructure, would generate new, sustainable jobs, stimulate economic growth, and help achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions.

The regional CCUS and hydrogen hub aligns with both the United States’ and project partners’ ambitions to realize net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To support its development, Equinor and Shell will jointly apply for US Department of Energy funding designated for the creation of regional clean energy hubs. US Steel is evaluating the role it may play in the hub, including as a potential funding participant, customer, supplier, or partner.

With an abundance of low carbon gas, a robust industrial sector, and a skilled workforce, the tri-state region boasts the optimal location for a potential hub. Equinor and Shell are uniquely positioned to help develop a clean energy hub in the region with each having several operational projects around the world. US Steel is a historic innovator and leader in the energy efficient production of steel. And, it has a strategy focused on creating a more sustainable future for all its stakeholders.
BHP Take on Real Estate Sector Issues in China

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Aug, 2022, 6:24 am

Global mining giant BHP while announcing results for FY 2022 has provided in-depth view on real estate sector China, which to a great extant decided the health of Chinese steel sector. BHP’s Market Analysis & Economics Vice President Dr Huw McKay wrote “China’s housing market has often been at the centre of counter–cyclical policy shifts. It is also the biggest wild card in the remainder of calendar 2022 and into calendar 2023. Our current diagnosis is that what ails Chinese housing is not a demand problem, it is a supply–side problem. More specifically, the resolution of the current issue lies within the nexus of developer balance sheets, macro–prudential controls on the same and risk–averse financiers, who have lost confidence over the last twelve months or so in the face of high–profile defaults.”

Dr McKay wrote “It is instructive to compare the present situation to the extended real estate downturn of the mid–2010s. The earlier cycle was characterised by an excessive inventory of unsold properties, with substantial over–building in lower tier cities intersecting with tightening purchase controls on out–of–town investors against a backdrop of policy uncertainty under the anti–corruption drive, property tax pilots and the national housing ownership registry. Such was the depth of the issue that “housing de–stocking” that it became a macroeconomic priority in parallel with the execution of President Xi’s signature Supply Side Reform initiative.”

Dr McKay also wrote “The excess inventory problem at the national level was also the collective expression of hundreds of demand–supply mismatches across China’s various city tiers. The resolution required a transfer of real assets from the balance sheet of developers to the balance sheet of households, and that in turn required an increase in purchasing power and regulatory forbearance on the out–of–town investor question. The transfer was ultimately unlocked through a considerable expansion of mortgage loans and a more lenient approach to investors.”

Dr McKay wrote “The upswing began tentatively, with the average historical lag relationship between the leading indicators and building activity comfortably exceeded, but ultimately an enduring upswing in sales and starts was put in place. It had a lower peak but a longer tail than prior cycles. The shadow of this cycle is still visible in the pipeline of work under construction today, which is part of the problem. Developers have been incentivised to start multiple projects but not to complete them in timely fashion. This oddity stems from the fact that buyers need to compete for access to developments by paying very large down–payments, 100% up front, a practice that has evolved due to the extraordinarily high demand for property assets in China which has historically put developers in a very advantageous bargaining position. If they choose to, developers have been able to dawdle their way through projects after the initial phase without repercussion prioritising the majority of their capital instead for the acquisition of land and the initiation of new projects.”

Dr McKay wrote “The authorities have progressively recognized that this issue was creating unhealthy imbalances in the real estate market. For some years, the response was to tread relatively softly, reflecting the sector’s central role in employment, the credit–collateral system, and the storing of wealth. National level housing policies have been directed towards limiting speculation, modest direct interventions via public housing and shanty town reconstruction and the building up of rental markets. These measures did not tackle the root causes of the starts/completion imbalance, one of which was of course the incentive matrix faced by developers. The enormous wedge between the volume of starts and completions that opened across 2016–2019 made this abundantly clear. The response was to place developers into a traditional SSR template, with specific macro–prudential guardrails now known as the “three red lines” introduced in August 202016. These regulations, finally, increased the incentive for leveraged developers to complete projects in timely fashion, as running down their liabilities to off–the–plan buyers counts towards the –10 percentage point reduction in the liability–to–assets ratios required of the sector. This has seen completions out–perform starts. But with most of the sector coming under financing pressure since Evergrande’s problems came to light roughly a year ago, even working capital has become an issue for some developers. That has led to a very slow supply response to the easier policy measures enacted to boost the demand side of the housing market; a distinct lack of progress on many semi–finished projects; and disgruntled purchasers in multiple locations threatening mortgage servicing strikes. This latter factor may have been the final straw that forced the authorities’ hand to intervene directly on the supply–side. Not long after this story created a local media stir, it was made known that a state–backed vehicle would be created to backstop financially distressed developers and get liquidity flowing to the sector again. The Politburo meeting of late July released some high–level details, alongside a resolute statement to “stabilise the real estate market” and “ensure housing delivery”. ”

Dr McKay wrote “This episode shows yet again that at this stage of China’s development, real estate is so significant in terms of its impact on employment, local government finances and consumer confidence, not to mention the backward linkages into heavy industry, that anything more than a shallow dip is difficult to absorb whilst also retaining desired levels of macro stability.”

Major housing data as of June 2022

The volume of housing starts, the key indicator for contemporaneous steel use in real estate, has declined by 34.4%.

Sales volumes declined 22.2% weighed down by pre–sales at 27% as existing home sales rose 16%

Floor space under–construction was tracking at minus2.8%

Land area sold was minus 48.3% YoY

Developer financing was minus 25.3%.

Dr McKay wrote “A final observation on housing: the scaled inventory of unsold dwellings is close to historical lows as we move into this next cycle phase. A sustained period of weak starts has diminished the pipeline of work, and the needed focus on completions has been delayed. That implies that despite the challenges on the supply side of the industry, risks for housing prices are not skewed downwards. In fact, the reverse may well be true.”
British Steel verhoogt prijzen vanwege energiecrisis
ANP Producties - Gisteren om 20:54

LONDEN (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - British Steel, een van de belangrijkste staalproducenten in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, verhoogt de prijzen voor sommige staalproducten vanwege de stijgende energiekosten. De marges van producenten in Europa staan al langer onder druk sinds energie nog duurder is geworden als gevolg van de oorlog in Oekraïne.

Staal dat gebruikt wordt voor de bouw wordt straks naar verluidt zo'n tien procent duurder. Afnemers moeten dan 100 pond meer betalen per ton staal, omgerekend bijna 120 euro meer, zei een woordvoerder van de onderneming. In maart verhoogde British Steel de prijzen van dit type staal al met 250 pond per ton. Dat was toen ongeveer een stijging van een kwart ten opzichte van de vorige staalprijs, meldden Britse media.

De Europese industrie gaat momenteel gebukt onder fors hogere energiekosten. Dinsdag stegen de Europese gasprijzen naar het hoogste niveau in zes maanden tijd. Daarmee nam de vrees voor een recessie verder toe. Diverse Europese landen houden rekening met een tekort aan energie deze winter, omdat Rusland de gasleveringen sterk heeft teruggeschroefd. De belangrijke gaspijpleiding Nord Stream 1 functioneert momenteel maar op 20 procent van de capaciteit.

Sommige producenten verlagen in reactie hierop al de productie of nemen meer drastische maatregelen, zoals de van oorsprong Belgische metalenproducent Nyrstar die zijn zinksmelterij in Budel sluit vanwege de hoge energiekosten. De installatie is een van de grootste van zijn soort in Europa. Andere bedrijven proberen de kosten door te berekenen aan klanten, zoals British Steel dus doet.
BHP expects volatile near-term operating environment

BHP expects its operating environment to remain volatile in the near term, Kallanish notes. Industry wide inflationary pressures continue to lift and steepen operating cost curves and extend timelines for project delivery, it says.

Many commodity-linked uncontrollable costs, such as diesel, increased to record highs in the financial year through June 2022 (FY22), and energy costs remain vulnerable to global geopolitical developments, the miner observes.

The lag effect of inflation, as well as labour market tightness is expected to impact the group's cost base throughout FY23.

Meanwhile, it says exchange rates have adjusted rapidly against the evolving macroeconomic backdrop, with the pronounced US dollar strength providing a partial offset for local currency cost inflation in its major operating jurisdictions.

"The net result of these many challenges is that the marginal cost of production is now estimated to be markedly higher than it was prior to the Covid-19 pandemic,” BHP observes. “This implies that price support is also expected to be higher than in previous cycles and low-cost operators stand to capture higher relative margins in certain commodities.”

Meanwhile, the global steel market opened the second half of FY22 strongly, both in China and the rest of the world (ROW), but momentum began to fade as the period came to a close.

While a steady improvement in end-use demand from China is anticipated, it says the slower-than-expected rebound in construction post Covid-19 lockdowns has dampened sentiment across the steel value chain.

In the ROW, it says strong profitability for steelmakers in the March quarter had declined by the end of the June quarter, as end-use demand softened amid high input costs.

ROW steel markets are expected to remain under pressure in FY23 as the macroeconomic climate softens.

For iron ore, the firm expects China's medium-term demand to be lower than it is today as crude steel production plateaus, and the scrap-to-steel ratio rises.

In the long term, it expects prices to be determined by high-cost production, on a value-in-use adjusted basis, from Australia or Brazil.

It meanwhile expects demand for seaborne hard coking coals to expand alongside the growth of the steel industry in hard coking coal importing countries such as India.

Long term, it believes higher-quality metallurgical coals will still be used in blast furnace steelmaking for decades based on its bottom-up analysis of likely regional steel decarbonisation pathways.

As for nickel, it believes the commodity will be a core beneficiary of the longer-term electrification mega-trend and that nickel sulphides will be particularly attractive.

Siew Mung Tan Malaysia
Graphene Dramatically Reduces Wear & Friction on Steel Surfaces

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:27 am

Scientists at the US Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have recently discovered that they could substitute one atom-thick graphene layers for either solid or oil-based lubricants on sliding steel surfaces, enabling a dramatic reduction in the amount of wear and friction. New studies led by Argonne materials scientists Dr Anirudha Sumant and Dr Ali Erdemir show that single sheets of graphite, called graphene, work equally well in humid and dry environments. Furthermore, the graphene is able to drastically reduce the wear rate and the coefficient of friction of steel. The marked reductions in friction and wear are attributed to the low shear and highly protective nature of graphene, which also prevents oxidation, tribo corrosion, of the steel surfaces when present at sliding contact interfaces.

Current lubricants, such as molybdenum disulfide or boric acid, have disadvantages such as environmentally unfriendly additives, or are environmentally unfriendly themselves. The oil-based lubricants need to be consistently reapplied, producing additional waste. The cost of applying solid lubricant coatings is rather high and, due to finite thickness, they do not last very long and must be reapplied thus increasing cost.

On the other hand, a graphene coating can be applied to the surface simply by dipping the surface into a solution containing a very small amount of graphene. The graphene was found to adhere strongly to the surface during the testing. It is interesting to see that even partial coatings are very effective at reducing friction because of the ability of the graphene to reorient itself during initial wear cycles, and can last a considerable length of time providing a low friction during sliding. Additionally, they do not produce any waste.

Dr Sumant and Dr Erdemir estimated that the reduced loss of energy to friction offered by new materials would yield a potential energy savings of 2.46 billion kilowatt-hours per year, equivalent to 1.5 million barrels of oil.

Dr Sumant said “It is interesting to see how a one-atom-thick material affects the properties at a larger scale. I believe that graphene has potential as a solid lubricant in the automotive industry and, once fully developed, it could have positive impacts on many mechanical applications that could lead to a tremendous savings of energy.”

Dr Sumant is associated with Argonne’s CNM, while Dr Erdemir works for Argonne’s Energy Systems Division. Funding came from Argonne’s Laboratory-Directed Research and Development office. The team recently published their findings in two consecutive papers in the high-impact journal Carbon.
Metinvest Supplies Steel for Pavlograd Bridge on Dnipro River

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:29 am

Ukrainian steel maker Metinvest has supplied high strength steel to PZMM for the creation of special auxiliary structures used for the construction Pavlograd bridge on a road across the Dnipro River in the city of Zaporizhzhia. Metinvest said that several high strength hot rolled steel grades, including A240 & C345, were supplied

Steel grade S345 is low-carbon low-alloy manganese steel of increased strength that meets the requirements of DSTU 8539 and GOST 27772 standards. Analogues of steel S345

Are Gr 50 type1-4 in US, SM490 in Japan, S355J2, S355JR, S355J0 in European Union, 16Mn in China & 2132 in Sweden. Steel grade S345 is used in the manufacture of rolled products intended for building steel structures with welded and other connections. Steel S345 can be welded without restrictions.

The highway consists of two bridges, girder & cable-stayed. It has 6 intersections and 27 artificial structures, which include 2 extra-class bridges with separate structures for each direction of traffic. The total length of the highway is 9.1 kilometers. The cable-stayed cable-stayed bridge in Zaporizhzhia is currently the highest structure in Ukraine and the eighth highest in Europe. The height of its pylon is 166 meters. The bridge was opened by the President of Ukraine, Mr Volodymyr Zelenskyi, on Sobornosty Day, 21 January, 2021.
ArcelorMittal Temirtau Commits to Ensure Industrial Safety

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:31 am

Kazakhstan’s leading steel maker ArcelorMittal Temirtau and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan have signed a Memorandum on mutual cooperation in the field of safety. ArcelorMittal Temirtau General Director Mr Biju Nair and Vice Minister for Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan Mr Mereke Pshembayev, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. This document contributes to the strengthening of joint cooperation in the field of civil protection and contributes to the welfare and protection of the population, the development and implementation of new technologies in the field of industrial safety.

In order to practically achieve the goals of the memorandum, joint participation in the Safety Management System pilot project is envisaged, which consists in using a modern digital system with remote access for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan to official documentation and digital data of the company's safety service employees.

This document serves the main task to ensure safety at the industrial enterprises of the company. Transparent and trusting cooperation between the Ministry of Emergency Situations and JSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau" will contribute to the achievement of the global goal - zero injuries at work.
Danieli Upgrades Billet Caster at Infrabuild in Australia

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:34 am

Australian steel maker InfraBuild has relied on Danieli Service for the upgrade of its Danieli billet conticaster located at Rooty Hills in Australia to a new 130x130-mm commercial section, to increase billet exports. After 29 years of successful casting with the 127x127mm section, the customer has started casting using 130-mm square moulds. The start-up was successful from the very first heat.

The main goal of the above-mentioned upgrade was to enhance productivity by 5% by installing plug & play equipment, with minimal production shutdown time. The scope of supply included eight new complete130x130mm moulds, secondary cooling cages, spare parts and the startup accessories like dummy bars heads and Quick Sealing Devices.

As Australia’s largest vertically integrated, electric arc furnace based long steel manufacturer InfraBuild, with over Our 100 years of operations, recycles, manufacture and distribute steel long products including reinforcing bar, reinforcing mesh, tubular and hollow sections, merchant bar and wire products. Infrabuild’s domestic supply chain includes 26 scrap metal recycling sites across Australia, which includes four shredders to contribute about 1.4 million tonnes of scrap metal annually into steelmaking operations. Its manufacturing network comprises of two Steel Long Product producing Electric Arc Furnaces in Rooty Hill in Sydney and Laverton in Melbourne and eight product manufacturing mills in Laverton, Geelong, Rooty Hill, Newcastle and Brisbane. Internationally, InfraBuild own and operate recycling centres in Poland, the US and Hong Kong. InfraBuild also has a manufacturing facility in Dalian in China.
Oryx Stainless Increases Credit Lines

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:36 am

Leading international stainless steel scrap supplier Oryx Stainless is increasing its financial flexibility with a syndicated credit facility in the amount of EUR 125 million, replacing the existing facility at an early stage, due to steep incline in raw materials prices and delivery volumes in recent times. This recent refinance agreement guarantees sufficient liquidity for further growth planning.

The syndicated borrowing base credit agreement serves mainly to finance the working capital of the European Group companies as well as to provide collateral in connection with commodity hedging business. It parallels the credit agreement in Thailand for the Asian business of the Group. The transaction was agreed upon with a long-standing unchanged consortium of six banks and runs for a period of three years, with an option to extend for a further year. The banking consortium includes HSBC Germany as the sole book runner and mandated lead arranger, with Commerzbank, DZ Bank and Rabobank as mandated lead arrangers as well as NRW Bank and Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf as lead arrangers.

Included in the documentation is an option to increase the loan amount up to EUR 145 million.

Founded in 1990, the Oryx Stainless Group, with its parent company Oryx Stainless Holding, is one of the world’s leading trade organisations for raw materials in the production of stainless steel. The focus of the company’s business activities is on the handling and processing of stainless steel scrap into Oryx Stainless Blends. These secondary raw material blends, individually fine-tuned for each stainless steel producer replace, above all, primary raw materials.
TMK Improves Efficiency of PNTZ EAF

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:38 am

Russian steel pipe maker Metallurgical Company TMK’s Pervouralsk Novotrubny Plant has introduced new technologies in the steelmaking process as part of its efforts to improve operational efficiency. Thanks to the modernization of the design of the electric arc furnace and the use of a new type of raw material, the enterprise received a significant economic effect.

The result was achieved through the introduction of a new design solution in the EAF of the electric steel-smelting shop Iron Ozone 32. An additional burner was installed in the shutter of the slag window of the furnace, which is designed to heat and melt the scrap metal remaining during melting in the cold zone of the furnace. If earlier it was removed from the threshold of the slag window of the furnace with the help of a loader, now the raw material is returned to the chipboard bath without human intervention. Such modernization made it possible, in particular, to speed up the process of steel production while maintaining high quality characteristics.

Earlier, as part of measures to improve the efficiency of steelmaking, PNTZ introduced digital technologies to control steel production. A thermal imager with software was installed in the electric shop, which captures the image of the metal flow during discharge into the steel-pouring ladle and transmits data on the percentage of metal and furnace slag after the steel is tapped to the monitor of the foreman of the smelting section. Automation of the process made it possible to minimize manual labor and reduce the amount of slag entering the steel ladle at the end of the tapping of the melt from the EAF. As a result, the quality of the continuously cast billet has improved, the consumption of ferroalloys has been reduced, and the level of employee safety has increased.
Gerdau Cambridge Selects Russula to Upgrade Finishing End Drives

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:40 am

Leading Canadian Merchant Bar Quality producer Gerdau Cambridge has chosen Russula for the electrical upgrade of the finishing end. 36 DC & AC drives will be replaced with the ABB DCS880 & ACS880 series, which will improve performance and troubleshooting. Russula will supply the new drives, electrical and software engineering, installation advisement, and commissioning support. The new drive line ups and auxiliary equipment will be designed to match the existing footprint to reuse power and motor feeder cables. Russula also has in the scope 9 motors that will be changed from DC to AC. Some of the existing DC motors will be converted to AC motors.

Modifications will be made to the HMI and existing PLC control system.

The new drives are expected to be put into operation during the two-week summer shutdown in 2022. Preliminary installations will be accomplished in the months leading up to the shutdown. Russula’s partnership with the Gerdau Cambridge plant has spanned over a decade including the automation and drives upgrade of the bar mill.
Tenaris Registers 1,000 Fractures in Vaca Muerta in Argentina

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:43 am

Leading provider of seamless pipe solutions Tenaris has surpassed 1,000 fractures in Vaca Muerta, record activity for the company, in the world's second largest reservoir for shale gas and one of the world’s quickest growing shale play, ear after the start of its hydraulic fracturing operations in Argentina. Hydraulic fracturing operations are initially concentrated in Fortín de Piedra, an oilfield operated by Tecpetrol, the main shale gas producer in Argentina and Tenaris’s sister company. This is a key project for Tenaris that not only allows to expanding our service offer to clients in the region but also contributes to the development of a key resource for Argentina. Throughout these 1,000 fractures we have learned from many challenges, reaching best productivity in the last operations, with an average activity of six fractures and with peaks of nine fractures per day.

Tenaris plans to continue consolidating its scope of services in Vaca Muerta. The company will strengthen current operations by adding new high-performance hydraulic fracturing and coiled tubing equipment. Higher power pumping units and peripheral equipment will also be incorporated, especially designed for the demands of the country’s shale formations.

Additionally, to contain the growing level of operation, Tenaris is going to build a new service base of 15 hectares in a location close to the main oilfield. The investment will include maintenance facilities, warehouses, equipment testing areas and a quality laboratory and offices.

In March 2021, Tenaris announced the acquisition of hydraulic fracturing, coiled tubing and wire-line equipment from Baker Hughes. Three months later the company completed its first fracture. The project has proved to be successful thanks to record set up of the equipment, the hiring of more than 100 people and the consolidation of a national value chain.
BaoSteel Bags Major Plate supply Deals for Wind Power Projects

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:45 am

Chinese steel giant BaoSteel has won two large orders for supply of steel plates for construction of wind power projects in China and Brazil.

BaoSteel will supply more than 20,000 tonnes of steel plates for several projects to the 8 million kilowatts wind power construction project, part of the 14th Five-Year Plan of Yunnan Province, and some of the steel products will be used in the largest onshore wind turbine project in the high-altitude region of southwest China;

BaoSteel also won the bid for Brazil's key land power project contracted by the largest wind turbine manufacturer in China, and the medium and thick plates from BaoSteel will be the only steel plates used in the wind farm's main engine tower.
US Retains AD Duty & CVD on Coated Steel Imports

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:49 am

The US International Trade Commission in their five-year sunset reviews that revocation of the antidumping duty orders on corrosion-resistant steel products from India, Italy, China, Korea and Taiwan and countervailing duty orders on CORE from India, Italy, China and Korea would likely lead to a continuation or recurrence of dumping and net countervailable subsidies, and material injury to an industry in the United States. As a result, Commerce is publishing a notice of continuation of these AD and CVD orders.

Weighted average dumping margin

India - 4.43%

Italy - 92.12%

China - 209.97%

Korea - 8.75%

Taiwan -10.34%

Cold rolled steel products from Brazil were also under review, but the US IRC determined that revoking countervailing measures and antidumping duties would not lead to the continuation of material damage in the US.

The Commission instituted reviews 1 June, 2021, determined on 7 September that it would conduct full reviews, and on 24 May conducted its hearing.

The products covered by these Orders are certain flat-rolled steel products, either clad, plated or coated with corrosion-resistant metals such as zinc, aluminum, or zinc-, aluminum-, nickel or iron-based alloys, whether or not corrugated or painted, varnished, laminated, or coated with plastics or other non-metallic substances in addition to the metallic coating. The products covered include coils that have a width of 12.7 mm or greater, regardless of form of coil. The products covered also include products not in coils of a thickness less than 4.75 mm and a width that is 12.7 mm or greater. Furthermore, this scope also includes Advanced High Strength Steels and Ultra High Strength Steels, both of which are considered high tensile strength and high elongation steels.

The products subject to these Orders are currently classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under item numbers: 7210.30.0030, 7210.30.0060, 7210.41.0000, 7210.49.0030, 7210.49.0040, 7210.49.0045, 7210.49.0091, 7210.49.0095, 7210.61.0000, 7210.69.0000, 7210.70.6030, 7210.70.6060, 7210.70.6090, 7210.90.6000, 7210.90.9000, 7212.20.0000, 7212.30.1030, 7212.30.1090, 7212.30.3000, 7212.30.5000, 7212.40.1000, 7212.40.5000, 7212.50.0000 and 7212.60.0000.^

The products subject to these Orders may also enter under the following HTSUS item numbers: 7210.90.1000, 7215.90.1000, 7215.90.3000, 7215.90.5000, 7217.20.1500, 7217.30.1530, 7217.30.1560, 7217.90.1000, 7217.90.5030, 7217.90.5060, 7217.90.5090, 7225.91.0000, 7225.92.0000, 7225.99.0090, 7226.99.0110, 7226.99.0130, 7226.99.0180, 7228.60.6000, 7228.60.8000, and 7229.90.1000.
Stelco & USW Local 8782 Reach Tentative Agreement

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:49 am

The United Steelworkers Local 8782 union of Hamilton Ontario based Canadian steel maker Stelco Holdings announced that Negotiating Committee has reached a tentative agreement. USW Local 8782 said “Meetings have been scheduled for 18 August 1at the Port Dover Community Centre & vote to take place on 19 August at the union hall.”

The United Steelworkers Local 8782's prior contract expired on 30 June & the union's membership had rejected the new contract on 28 July with 52% voting against.

Two other smaller USW unions at the mill have either approved their new contracts or are working to bring them for a vote to membership.

The Steel Company of Canada, Stelco’s original title, was given life in 1910 via the merger of Montreal Rolling Mills, the Hamilton Steel and Iron Company, and a handful of secondary companies located from Gananoque to Brantford. It was the result of a bold partnership that forecast emerging challenges and charted a path toward nation-building opportunity. To accomplish the deal, legendary Canadian banker, industrialist and eventual senator William McMaster joined forces with Max Aitken, a brash 30-year-old New Brunswick financier. In 2007, Stelco was acquired by US Steel and renamed US Steel Canada. Today, Stelco is independent again.
Tata & Nippon’s Auto Steel JV JCAPCPL Marks 10 Years of Operation

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:49 am

Tata Steel and Nippon Steel’s joint venture Jamshedpur Continuous Annealing & Processing Company, serving the automobile industry, has completes 10 years on 17 August 2022. As part of 10th anniversary celebrations, the company unveiled a sculpture commissioned for the occasion. This installation is designed to represent 10 years of Jamshedpur Continuous Annealing & Processing Company as well as the continuous nature of the automobile industry.

The Sculpture not only celebrates Jamshedpur Continuous Annealing & Processing Company’s path-breaking performance and the promise to achieve many more milestones but is also paying tribute to its creative culture within the works and in the hearts and minds of its people and the community that hosts it. It is also Jamshedpur Continuous Annealing & Processing Company 's commitment to a green earth and its own environmentally-sustainable systems and processes ever since its first dispatches by road and rail rolled out by July 2014.

Jamshedpur Continuous Annealing & Processing Company has served India’s growing demand for high-end automotive grade cold rolled steels & has relationships with all major passenger manufacturers in India and is currently a key source of cold rolled steels in the country.
SAIL RSP HSM 2 Creates New Production Record on Independence Day

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:50 am

The employees of Hot Strip Mill 2 of Steel Authority of India Limited’s Rourkela Steel Plant celebrated the 76th Independence Day by creating new production records. SAIL RSP HSM 2 rolled 7073 tonnes of slabs and produced 320 HR coils weighing 6896 tonnes on 15 August 2022, which as its best performance since inception. Besides, the HSM 2 also clocked the record Single Shift HR Coil production in B Shift of 15 August 2022, by rolling 2735 tonnes of slab and making 2670 tonnes of HR coils.

The previous best single day rolling of 6818 tonnes of slab and 6689 tonnes of coil was achieved on 19 June 2022 and the previous best record of rolling 2600 tonnes of slab and 2524 tonnes of HR coil for any single shift was achieved on 8 August 2022.

Hot Strip Mill 2 with 3 million tonne per annum capacity is a state-of-the-art mill with few parallels in India and will be producing world-class hot rolled coils. The Mill was commissioned on 31 March 2022. With high level of automation, this mill would produce coils of Carbon Structural Steel, High Strength Low Alloy steel, High Carbon Steel, LPG Cylinder Steel, Low Alloy Steel, API up to X100 Pipe Steel and Auto-grade steel. Equipped with the latest and sophisticated technology, the mill meets the stringent requirements of the customers in terms of quality, finish, dimensions and other parameters.
BlueScope Unveils Grand Vision for Port Kembla

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:50 am

Australian steel maker BlueScope announced that as the Port Kembla Steelworks approaches its 100-year anniversary in 2028, BlueScope is looking towards its low-carbon modern manufacturing future. BlueScope said “We are continuing to invest in robotics, automation and other digital technologies to deliver the next wave of customer, growth and productivity improvements. These digital technologies will also support a range of carbon intensity reduction initiatives, such as the now operational blast furnace digital twin model.”

BlueScope said “We are working hard to optimize our existing operating assets and are exploring a range of opportunities to reduce their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions intensity. This includes further increasing our use of scrap, the more efficient use of indigenous gases, the potential for injecting hydrogen-rich coke ovens gas into the blast furnace, trials of biomass injection into the blast furnace and a range of off-gas heat and energy reuse opportunities. We are also pursuing breakthrough Decarbonisation technology with continued progression of the assessment of a pilot hydrogen-based direct reduced iron melter and a hydrogen electrolyser. During FY2022, we established BlueScopeX, our fund for direct investment in start-ups and innovations in Decarbonisation and energy efficient buildings.”

BlueScope also said “The feasibility study of the comprehensive reline and upgrade of the mothballed No.6 Blast Furnace is progressing well. This project includes a range of improved environmental controls, along with technology options that will enable incremental greenhouse gas intensity reductions. Importantly, our planning for the reline builds a bridge to future adoption of breakthrough lower emissions steelmaking, once it is technically and commercially viable.”

As part of planning for the next 100 years in the Illawarra, BlueScope has commenced the development of a Master Plan for approximately 200 hectares of excess landholdings adjacent to the Port Kembla Steelworks. This 18-month program will be led by world-leading architects and urban designers, Bjarke Ingels Group and will create a vision for the reimagination and transformation of land surplus to steelmaking needs, with the potential to unlock a wide range of new uses and enable significant long-term economic and social value for the region.

BlueScope has a long and proud history as an efficient, trusted and innovative steelmaker in the Illawarra. It evolved from the coming together of three companies that pioneered the Australian steel industry in the early 20th Century Broken Hill Proprietary, John Lysaght (Australia) and Australian Iron & Steel Limited. BlueScope Steel became a stand-alone steel company in July 2002 after BHP had announced in 2001 that it was merging with Anglo-African mining house Billiton to form BHPBilliton, and that the company’s steel division would be spun out as separate Australian listed companies. The Port Kembla Steelworks has 2.6 million tonnes of steel per year.
Trials Underway for Head Hardened Rails at SAIL BSP

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Aug, 2022, 6:50 am

India’s leading steel maker Steel Authority of India Limited will produce small volumes of head hardened steel rails, which needs special heat processing to withstand 50% more pressure compared to normal rails, on trial basis aiming to deliver supplies to high-speed freight rail corridors under construction across the country. SAIL Director Finance Mr Anil Tulsiani told analyst in investor call “The head hardened rail is still under trial and we will be of course producing some quantity in this year but once the trials are successful then we will be able to finalize how much quantities we can produce for the head hardened rail.”

Mr Tulsiani, while answering a query regarding price revision of rails for Indian Railways said that “We have booked INR 489 crores in April-June 2022 quarter after raising invoices for this so the money will start coming for this and this is actually just a provisional figure which they have given us. Since we have already submitted the pricing for 2020-2021 to the chief advisor cost the organization which finalizes the price for us so we expect something like around about INR 5000-6000 extra for 2020-2021 and this price whatever they have given it is basically for 2021-2022, a provision of INR 5000 increase. This will also further go up once we submit our pricings to the CA cost so this is an ongoing affair till probably all these costs are finalized up to 2021-2022.”

Mr Tulsiani also said that rail realization in the last year was at around INR 62,000 and Indian Railways given us an increase of INR 5000 in this year.
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