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ArcelorMittal to Modernize Temirtau Plant in Kazakhstan

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
8 Sep, 2022, 6:56 am

Kazakhstan President Mr Kassym Jomart Tokayev received ArcelorMittal’s Executive Chairman Mr Lakshmi Mittal and discussed ArcelorMittal Temirtau's activities in Kazakhstan, as well as plans for the coming period, including issues related to ensuring safety conditions at work, fair wages for local citizens, the fulfillment of social obligations and the modernization of the material and technical base. Along with this, the President focused on the issue of meeting the needs of the domestic market through the supply of ArcelorMittal Temirtau products and special attention was paid to the company's measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Mr Mittal assured that ArcelorMittal would invest USD 1 billion in Kazakhstan in the near future, most of which would be directed to modernizing production at ArcelorMittal Temirtau.
China’s Steel Exports in August Down by 8% MoM

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
8 Sep, 2022, 6:58 am

Chinese Custom’s data has revealed that China's finished steel exports amounted to 6.153 million tonnes in August 2022, up 22% YoY & down 8% MoM while finished steel imports totaled 0.893 million tonnes, down 6% YoY & up 13% MoM. In the first eight months of 2022, China exported 46.225 million tonnes of finished steel, down 4% YoY while finished steel imports totaled 7.453 million tonnes, down 21% YoY

China imported 96.208 million tonnes of iron ore in August 2022, down 1% YoY & up 5% MoM. In the January-August period this year, China imported 722.922 million tonnes of iron ore, down 3% YoY

In August, iron ore prices moved down sharply in early August amid rising supplies. Later iron ore prices indicated a rebounding trend until mid-August amid the increasing capacity utilization rates of blast furnaces in China. However, iron ore prices softened again later in the month due to relatively high inventory levels. On 5 September, inventory of iron ore at 33 major Chinese ports amounted to 130.854 million tonnes, up 2% compared to 29 August.
Climate Bonds Initiative Publishes Green Steel Policy Paper for EU

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
8 Sep, 2022, 6:58 am

An international organization working to mobilize global capital for climate action Climate Bonds Initiative has published a new Climate Bonds Initiative report, A Green Future for Steel, which examines the policies required to accelerate the EU steel industry transition to net zero. This paper provides analysis of the climate impact of the steel sector and sets out key policy recommendations to accelerate its transition into the green economy.

74% of EU steel blast furnace capacity needs reinvestment by 2030

CBAM should be implemented earlier

Use of scrap metal can rapidly reduce emissions

Technologies to transition the steel sector already exist

Transitioning the EU steel sector to net zero requires relatively low CAPEX investment

The 2020s offers a perfect opportunity for the steel industry to transition in Europe. Blast furnaces have a life span of decades and coming investment cycles will lock plants into a specific production process. As the next investment cycle will not happen for at least two decades, failing to transition the steel sector could threaten government pledges to reach net zero by midcentury. Policymakers must guide industry and investors onto a climate-aligned pathway for steel. Green hydrogen and electrification, together with carbon capture use and/or storage technologies, present an opportunity for the steel industry to transition.

Free emission allowances cover 80% of steel industry carbon emissions subject to the ETS, due to carbon leakage concerns. The proposed Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism would address this, and free allowances could be phased out for sectors covered by the CBAM by at least 2030, much earlier than had been planned in 2035.

Strengthening environmental criteria and circular economy requirements for steel waste treatment would encourage reuse of steel scrap. Blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace production emits 23 tonnes of carbon dioxide per tonne of steel produced, compared to 0.7 tonne per tonne of steel from steel scrap production

It is estimated that EUR 21-31 billion in CAPEX is required to transition the European steel sector and meet the 2030 climate targets. This investment should be made within the next decade to meet emission reduction targets and avoid a commitment to high-emission production pathways. The green bond market reached cumulative volumes of EUR1.8tn by the end of 2021 and continues to grow rapidly. It is well positioned to absorb additional supply from entities in the steel sector, and investors would welcome diversification opportunities from an increased variety of sectors.

The strategy is to develop a large and liquid Green and Climate Bonds Market that will help drive down the cost of capital for climate projects in developed and emerging markets; to grow aggregation mechanisms for fragmented sectors; and to support governments seeking to tap debt capital markets. We empower our Partner organizations with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate, influence, and instigate change.

A Green Future for Steel

Climate Bonds Initiative is an investor-focused not-for-profit
EC to Discuss 5 Pronged Plans to Manage Energy Crisis on 9 Sep

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
8 Sep, 2022, 7:01 am

that steps being taken to manage energy crisis in Europe. She said “We are facing an extraordinary situation, not only because Russia is an unreliable supplier, as we have witnessed over the last days, weeks, months, but also because Russia is actively manipulating the gas market. I am deeply convinced that with our unity, our determination, our solidarity, we will prevail. And we have, over the last six months, during this war, very much increased our preparedness and we have weakened the grip that Russia had on our economy and our continent. We have done three things, as you recall: The first one was demand reduction. Demand reduction, so save gas in order to save it in the storage. We have created a joint storage, and this is really a success story, because now we are already at 82% with the joint storage in Europe. As you know, our goal was to reach 80% at the end of October. So we overshoot it, and that is good.”

She said “The second step that we have taken was to diversify away from Russian fossil fuels. And you know that we have stopped the import of Russian coal. We are winding down the Russian oil. And we have been working very hard to diversify away from Russia towards other reliable suppliers, like for example the United States or Norway, Azerbaijan, Algeria and others. Actually today, Norway is delivering more gas to the European Union than Russia. And we were able, if you look at the cuts that Russia has done in gas, to completely compensate so far the gas imports through other reliable suppliers.”

She added “And of course, the third step is the most important one. This is massive investments in renewables. We have REPowerEU on the table. The renewables are cheap, they are home-grown, and they make us independent. We will deploy renewables this year that are an equivalent to round about 8 billion cubic meters. So the renewables are really our energy insurance for the future”.

She also said “But we also see that the Russian manipulation of the gas market has spillover effects on the electricity market. So there is, on the one hand, the Russian manipulation, but there are also other factors during this summer. We see the effects of climate change. We see the drought. Hydropower has been reduced by 26% in the European Union, and by 46% in Portugal. And we have the fact that we have less nuclear electricity in the European Union at the moment being. And this is the reason why we are now confronted with astronomic electricity prices for households and companies and with enormous market volatility. Therefore, we will put forward a set of five different immediate measures.”

1. Smart savings of electricity

2. Proposed cap on the revenues of companies that are producing electricity with low costs

3. Cap on unexpected profits of fossil fuel companies

4. Addressing the energy utility companies that must be supported to be able to cope with the volatility of the markets

5. Lowering the costs of gas with a price cap on Russian gas

She concluded “So these are the five measures that we will discuss with the Member States at the informal Energy Ministers Council on Friday. These are tough times, and they will not be over soon. But I am deeply convinced that, if we show the solidary, the unity and we have the determination for that, we have the economic strength, we have the political will, that then we shall overcome.”
Indian Steel Sector Synopsis (April-June Quarter 2022-23)

While India was sole nation to have posted growth in steel production in April-June 2022 quarter, and Indian steel makers have posted strong performance, the prospects for July-September quarter are clouded due to decline in steel prices amid slowdown in China

Voor meer, zie de pdf file.
EU industry demands gas price cap, electricity reform

Representatives from across European industry have written to the European Commission asking for the swift imposition of a cap on gas prices and their decoupling from electricity rates.

The letter, signed also by European steelmakers association Eurofer, underlines that gas prices peaked recently at a level 15 times higher than pre-crisis rates. It also indicates that European prices are ten times higher than in the US, as well as above Asian prices. “It is clear that the relation with a normal market is lost,” the letter explains.

“Against the background of the State of the Union address of 14 September and ahead of the Extraordinary Energy Council of 9 September, we call on the European Union to urgently introduce EU-wide measures aimed at limiting the price of natural gas and also measures designed to disconnect electricity prices from gas prices. The temporary crisis state aid framework also needs to be adjusted to this new reality,” the letter seen by Kallanish concludes.

Emanuele Norsa Italy
Vallourec Pushing Limits of VAM CO2 Injection Testing Protocol

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:06 am

Industries are more than ever interested in carbon capture & storage to lower CO2 emissions, maintain global warming under 2 degree Celsius and accelerate the energy transition. Global leader in seamless pipes Vallourec joined the momentum in 2021 by developing a testing protocol validating its VAM connections for CO2 injection. Today, with incoming orders increasing in number, Vallourec has pushed the limits of its testing protocol, assuring product integrity in the most critical of CO2 injection applications. When research started on carbon dioxide injection, some operators believed that well conditions would be similar to those found in OCTG applications. After further research and testing, we now know that CCS well lifecycles are much more critical than OCTG wells’, therefore requiring specific and more rigorous testing to validate OCTG products for CO2 injection and storage.

When an operator approached Vallourec with specific CO2 injection well loads and requested to validate VAM connections to a higher number of cycles, Vallourec took up the challenge. But to validate its connections to such critical performances, Vallourec had to expand its existing testing protocol developed in 2021. Phase 1 consisted of a traditional operational assessment found in Oil & Gas protocols. Phase 2a is where things started getting more critical. Vallourec tested the connection in 500 temperature cycles between 40 degree Celsius and minus 20 degree Celsius at constant 100% tension Connection Evaluated Envelop. At 473 bar external pressure coupled with tension, we expose the connection up to its laminating limit”.

Next up is phase 2b where the temperature is kept stable at minus 30 degree Celsius at 50% tension CEE and the internal pressure is cycled 500 times between 255 plus/minus 25 bars. These two cycling phases simulate real-life CO2 injection phases of multiple injections over several years of well use. Phase 3 will then evaluate the connection’s resistance to a blow-out scenario by lowering the temperature to minus 80 degree Celsius in less than five minutes.

Phase 4 is even more critical still, maintaining an 80 degree Celsius delta temperature between pin and box at 100% pressure to evaluate the connection’s sealability after a rapid depressurization inducing the Joule Thomson effect. In order to maintain the pin at a very cold temperature while threaded to a box intentionally kept at a very high temperature, Vallourec had to develop new testing measures and tools capable of handling the temperature difference”.

Finally, a last phase of tests identical to the first provides operational confirmation of the connection’s sealability after the well returns to its normal state.

This new testing protocol includes 20% more tension and compression than 2021’s protocol, reaching 80% connection yield strength and 90% internal and external maximum yield pressure while also assessing several more injection cycles (from 75 to 500). The first connection that was tested according to such a rigorous CO2 injection protocol was 3 ½ inch VAM 21 CLEANWELL with additional connections and dimensions to come later in the year.

With incoming orders increasing in number, Vallourec’s newly updated CO2 injection protocol provides customers with real-life results and the reassurance they need to confidently run their CO2 injection wells. In addition, the validation of dope-free solution CLEANWELL provides customers with an alternative to standard compounds, improving running performances and reducing environmental risk for a complete low-carbon offer. Further tests on additional ODs and grades will take place soon, providing operators with a portfolio of validated solutions for a wide range of CO2 injection applications.
Tanzania Exempts Duty on Wire Products Import

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:09 am

The East African reported that Tanzanian companies have been granted exemption on imported products that attract 35% duty, after the EAC Common External Tariff came into force. EAC Council of Ministers chair Ms Betty Maina signed a protocol that companies can now import at 0% for a year raw materials and inputs for the manufacture of wire products.

The decision follows an application by Afriweld Industries, Tanuk Africa, MM Integrated Steel Mills and other firms for duty exemption.

This came just as the region started to implement the four-band Common External Tariff structure that came into force on 1 July 2022. The structure has rates of 0%, 10%, 25% & 35% for all products imported into the EAC. The maximum tariff band of 35% was considered the most appropriate rate as it has a positive impact on regional growth. However, Tanzania’s successful application has raised questions on whether the determination of the maximum CET tariff rate is implementable when countries are facing a shortage of products that fall under the band.
US Decides AD Duty & CVD Margins on Steel Flanges from India

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:11 am

The US Department of Commerce preliminarily found that Indian producers & exporters made sales of carbon steel flanges at less than normal value during the period of review 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021 and has invited interested parties to comment on these preliminary' results. US DOC preliminarily determined that the following weighted-average dumping margins exist

RN Gupta & Co - 0.69%

Norma / USK Export /Uma Shanker Khandelwal / Bansidhar Chiranjilal - 0.94%

Non Selected Companies -- 0.79%

On 24 August 2017, US DOC published the antidumping duty order on finished carbon steel flanges from India. On 2 August 2021, US DOC published a notice of opportunity to request an administrative review of the Order. Between 12 & 30 August 2021, US DOC received timely requests for an administrative review from the petitioners Norma Group, RN Gupta & Co, Munish Forge, Jai Auto, Cetus Engineering and Balkrishna Steel Forge. On 7 October 2021, US DOC published a notice of initiation of an administrative review of the order with respect to 42 companies. On 2 November 2021, US DOC selected Norma Group and RN Gupta as mandatory respondents in this administrative review. On 29 April 2022, US DOC extended the time period for issuing these preliminary results by 120 days until 31 August 2022

Separately, the US Department of Commerce preliminarily determined that Norma and RN Gupta & Co received countervailable subsidies during the period of review 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 & invited interested parties are to comment on these preliminary results. US DOC calculated individual subsidy rates for Norma and RN Gupta and determined that the following net countervailable subsidy rates exist

Norma - 4.21%

RN Gupta & Co – 3.61%

Non-Selected Companies under Review – 3.88%

On 24 August 2017, US DOC published in the Federal Register the countervailing duty order on finished carbon steel flanges from India. On 2 August 2021, US OC published a notice of opportunity to request an administrative review of the Order. On 31 August 2021, Weldbend Corporation and Boltex Manufacturing requested a review of 41 producers & exporters of subject merchandise. Further, between 9 & 30 August 2021, US DOC received multiple requests for an administrative review of the Order. On 7 October 2021, US DOC published a notice of initiation of an administrative review of the Order. On 15 November 2021, US DOC selected Norma and RNG as mandatory respondents in this administrative review. On 25 April 2022, US DOC extended the time period for issuing these preliminary results by 120 days

Non-Selected Companies under Review

1. Adinath International

2. Allena Group

3. Alloyed Steel

4. Balkrishna Steel Forge

5. Bebitz Flanges Works

6. CD Industries

7. Cetus Engineering

8. CHW Forge

9. CHW Forge

10. Citizen Metal Depot

11. Corum Flange

12. DN Forge Industries

13. Echjay Forgings

14. Falcon Valves and Flanges

15. Heubach International

16. Hindon Forge

17. Jai Auto

18. Kinnari Steel

19. Mascot Metal Manufacturers

20. MF Rings and Bearing Races

21. Munish Forge

22. OM Exports

23. Punjab Steel Works

24. Raaj Sagar Steels

25. Ravi Ratan Metal

26. RD Forge

27. Rolex Fittings India

28. Rollwell Forge Engineering Components and Flanges

29. Rollwell Forge

30. SShinHeung Machinery

31. Siddhagiri Metal & Tubes

32. Sizer India

33. Steel Shape India

34. Sudhir Forgings

35. Tirupati Forge

36. Umashanker Khandelwal Forging
Steel Keg Association to Showcase Circularity at drinktec inMunich

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:13 am

Denver based US’s Steel Keg Association, the marketing-focused organization on a mission to increase the volume of beer and other beverages served from stainless steel kegs, will be on full display at this year’s drinktec, the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage industry. Six Steel Keg Association members, each a leader in the global keg supply chain, will be exhibiting at the show in Munich during 12-16 September and will feature marketing materials promoting the association and the benefits steel kegs deliver, Efficiency, Sustainability & Freshness.

Also at drinktec, the Steel Keg Association formally welcomes a new member to its Board of Directors, Mr Giulio Guadalupi, a Managing Director with Disptek Group, a global leader in dispense technologies.

The Steel Keg Association’s members have each made a significant, long-term financial commitment to fund targeted marketing programs to educate beverage companies, bars and restaurants about the benefits steel kegs deliver. These marketing efforts are primarily focused on the US market in 2022, and will be expanded to include select UK and Western European markets in 2023.

The Steel Keg Association is a marketing-focused non-profit organization, on a mission to help increase the volume of beer and other beverages served from stainless steel kegs. The Association’s members represent a diverse collection of leaders in the global steel keg supply chain: BLEFA, Disptek Group, Hillebrand Gori, Micro Matic, MicroStar Logistics, Schaefer Container Systems, and THIELMANN.
Pennar Industries Bags INR 511 Crores Orders

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:14 am

Hyderabad headquartered India’s leading engineering products & solutions provider Pennar Group has bagged orders worth INR 511 crores across its various business verticals. These orders have been received during the months of July and August 2022 and are expected to be executed within the next two quarters.

The PEB vertical has received orders from Reliance, MSN Laboratories, TVS ILP, Sri Raghava Construction, Nongwoo Seeds, Banil Castings and Sanatanaya Warehousing.

The Ascent Buildings, USA vertical has received orders from Dunn, Penland Custom Home Builder, Sons Constructions, ACH Constructors Inc, S&S Contractors LLC, Chattahoochee Group Inc.

The ICD vertical has received orders from Yamaha, Emerson, Endurance, Haldex, Wabco, Tecumseh, SI Airspring, Kone, Fujitech, Schwing Stetter, INEL, Hydraulics, Elkhart, Kone, Sicor, Venus, Fleetguard and IFB.

The Railways vertical has received orders from Integral Coach Factory, Wabtec, ECR and Metlord.

The Tubes vertical has received orders from ALF Engineering, Thermax, IFB Automotive, Hindalco, Kirloskar Toyota, Patton International, Interoll India, RSB Transmissions, Forbes Vyncke Pvt Ltd, GI Auto, Mahindra Defence Systems, Scott Industries and COETZ

The Steel vertical has received orders from Saint Gobain, L&T, Prasad Seeds, Sitson, Zetwork, Thermax, VECV, IFB Industries, L G Balakrishnan, Bimetal Bearings, Johnson Lifts, Schaeffler India Limited, Mudra Fineblanc, Chromewell Engineering, VRL, Clair.
Auction for State Stake in Dunaferr Fails Again

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:16 am

G7 reported that last year's scenario was repeated in the sale of the state share of ISD Dunaferr in Hungary on 30 August 2022 where auction was only HUF 15,000 above the starting price of HUF 117,000 but two bidders pushed the price higher and higher. In the end, the winning price was HUF 5.55 million, i.e. roughly two and half times higher than last year. Despite high bid, the state could not sell its stake in Dunaferr.

The national asset manager first announced its minimum 0.0004% stake in the company in August 2021. At that time, the starting price was HUF 12,000 and it did not budge from this level for a long time during the six-day bidding period. In the last half hour, however, the events picked up and the price changed more than two thousand times, with more than 180 offers.

The latest July general meeting of the Dunaferr steel company, which was convened by the company court to finally elect a legal executive, turned into a farce. Once again, it turned out that the Russian and Ukrainian owners behind the company, who are fighting each other are indecisive, since their countries are already at war. The state owned Vnysekonombank, which embodies the Russian background, is bound by sanctions, and the Ukrainian steel conglomerate Donbass is literally on the front line.

Dunaferr in Dunaújváros is one of the largest industrial producers in Hungary with history of over seven decades is focused on customer oriented production, manufacturing of competitive steel products. Hot rolled, pickled, cold rolled, galvanized strips and sheets, as well as open and hollow steel sections produced by Dunaferr are used primarily for the manufacturing of engineering, automotive and construction industrial products, as well as for the production of steel structures, household appliances and other parts. Significant part of sales revenue is realized from foreign markets in Germany, Poland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy.
Maruichi Stainless Tube to Build Plant in Seguin in Texas

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:18 am

Maruichi Stainless Tube Texas Corporation will build its 125,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Seguin in Texas in US. Maruichi Stainless Tube Texas’s future Seguin facility will produce seamless stainless steel precision tube to support customers in the semiconductor industry. The demand for stainless steel precision Bright Annealed tubes used for semiconductor manufacturing is significantly increasing, due to global increase in semiconductor demand. The Seguin facility will help Maruichi further meet demand in the US from multiple construction projects for large-scale semiconductor manufacturing plants.

Maruichi Stainless Tube Texas Shareholders

Maruichi Stainless Tube - 42.5%,

Maruichi Steel Tube - 37.5%

Production Capacity: Approximately 90,000 units per month

Maruichi will build the new facility on a 33-acre site within the Rio Nogales Industrial Park purchased from the Seguin Economic Development Corporation. The SEDC Board of Directors and Seguin City Council approved a Performance Based Cash Grant formalized through a Performance Agreement. Maruichi is required to meet capital investment, job creation, and payroll performance benchmarks over the term of the agreement in order to realize the SEDC incentive.

The company expects to break ground on the project early next year, with operations commencing by the first quarter of 2024. The project will represent a total capital investment of USD 75 million and will result in the creation of at least 106 new jobs over a two year ramp-up period.

Maruichi Stainless Tube Texas is a subsidiary of Japan-based Maruichi Stainless Tube, a group company of Maruichi Steel Tube. The company produces high-quality seamless, stainless steel pipes and tubes fabricated through the hot extrusion process and cold drawing process. These products are used in power plants, the chemical industry, the semiconductor industry, hydrogen gas stations, automotive industry and for structural machinery.
US DOC Decides AD Duty Margin for Stainless Steel Bars from India

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:21 am

The US Department of Commerce has determined that exporters & producers of stainless steel bar from India made sales at prices below normal value during the period of review of 1 February to 31 January 2021. As a result of this administrative review, US DOC determined that the following estimated weighted-average dumping margins exist

Venus Wire & affiliates - 0.00%

Laxcon Steels & affiliates 3.76%

On 4 March 2022, US DOC published in the Federal Register the Preliminary Results of the 2020-2021 administrative review of the antidumping duty order on SS Bar from India. US DOC invited interested parties to comment on the Preliminary Results and on 30 June 2022, Carpenter Technology, Crucible Industries, GO Carlson’s Electralloy, North American Stainless, Universal Stainless & Alloy and Valbruna Slater Stainless. On 6 & 12 July 2022, Venus Wire Industries, Hindustan Inox, Precision Metals and Sieves Manufacturers, collectively Venus, and Laxcon Steels, Ocean Steels, Metlax International, Parvati & Mega Steels, collectively, Laxcon submitted timely filed rebuttal briefs. On 6 June 2022, US DOC extended the preliminary results of this review to no later than 31 August 2022.
7 German Associations Warns of Job Losses over Energy Prices

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:23 am

Seven German industry associations have warned that energy prices are throwing automotive suppliers off track and enormous costs have put medium-sized companies in acute danger threatening thousands of jobs in Germany and have that the relief package is not enough & politicians must give medium-sized industry more consideration

They wrote “Exploding energy costs and a lack of customer cooperation are throwing automotive suppliers completely off track. And the current relief package will not manage to steer companies back onto a safe route. We experience maximum uncertainty among our mostly medium-sized member companies. Without a government cap, a broader supply of electricity and company-oriented measures, energy costs in Germany will become a major locational disadvantage. At the same time, medium-sized companies need immediate support from their customers,” emphasized seven associations in a joint press release.”

Signatories include heads of German

Sheet Metal Forming Association IBU

Massive Forming Association IMU

Hardening Technology Associations IHT

Powder Metallurgy Association FPM

Metal Goods Trade Associations FMI

German Spring Industry Association VDFI

German Screw Association DSV
Aceros Arequipa Again Selects Danieli to Upgrade Rolling Mill

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:27 am

Peru’s steel maker Aceros Arequipa has selected Danieli to execute the project of the new rolling mill 3, to produce a wide range of profiles including flats, angles, channels and tees, as well as rounds, squares and rebars, feeding the finishing lines of existing rolling mill 1. Aiming to expand annual steel output with the most competitive OpEx, the new project foresees engineering, technological supply, on-site training and advisory services for a walking-hearth reheating furnace, continuous rolling mill and finishing facilities for rebar and merchant bars. The new reheating furnace and rolling mill 3 are expected to be operative within the beginning of 2024.

The reheating furnace, able to process 130mm & 160mm square billets with a length of 14 meters, will feed the new rolling mill at a pace of 80 tonnes per hour, for 330,000 tonnes per year of finished material.

With its 18 housingless stands and hot shears, the continuous rolling mill also will be supplied with cold-charging devices and furnace exit facilities, such as an induction heater at the entry of the first stand for billet temperature equalization. A quenching and tempering line before the dividing shear at the existing cooling bed entry also will be installed.

The upgrade of the existing stacker with bar counting devices and storage facilities for 6 to 12 meters bundles will complete the project supply.
Viraj Profiles Inks Solar Power Pact with Tata Power Renewable

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:29 am

Tata Power Renewable Energy has collaborated with Indian Stainless Steel manufacturer Viraj Profile to set up a 100 MW captive solar plant at Nandgaon in Nasik site to power Viraj Profile’s Tarapur Plant. Viraj will become one of the first stainless steel long products manufacturing companies in India to use solar energy to run its manufacturing plant. With the commissioning of this plant, Viraj Profile’s dependability on non-renewable power resources will be reduced by approximately 50%. The project will get commissioned by July 2023.

The plant is expected to generate about 200 Million Units of energy and offset approximately 170.43 million Kg of C02 annually. As per captive generation rules, Tata Power will own 74% of the generation while Viraj Profile Pvt. Ltd will own the remaining 26%. The power generated will be used for captive consumption by Viraj Profile's Tarapur Plant.

Tata Power Renewable Energy has created a special purpose vehicle TP Nanded Limited, which will undertake the construction, operation and maintenance of this captive solar power plant.
US Finished Steel Import Market Share Estimated at 23% in August

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:31 am

The American Iron and Steel Institute has reported that steel import permit applications for the month of August 2022 totaled 2.421 million net tons. This was a 7.2% decrease from the 2.610 million net tons permit recorded in July and a 9.5% decrease from the July final imports total of 2.675 million net tons. Import permit tonnage for finished steel in August was 2.063 million net tons, down 9.3% from the final imports total of 2.274 million net tons in July. The estimated finished steel import market share in August was 23%

Steel imports with large increases in August permits vs. July final imports include sheets and strip hot dipped galvanized up 33%, heavy structural shapes up 32%, sheets and strip all other metallic coatings up 17% and cold rolled sheets up 14%. In August, the largest steel import permit applications were for Canada at 0.587 million net tons up 8% from July final, Mexico 0.479 million net tons up 4%, South Korea 0.202 million net tons down 28%, Brazil 0.107 million net tons down 58% and Vietnam 0.107 million net tons up 110%.

For the first eight months of 2022, total and finished steel imports were 21.889 million net tons & 17.789 million net tons, up 8.4% and 28.5%, respectively, from the same period in 2021. The estimated finished steel import market share is 24% year-to-date.

Products with significant year-to date increases vs the same period in 2021 include wire rods up 77%, oil country goods up 65%, standard pipe up 55%, line pipe up 51% and cold rolled sheets up 46%. Through the first eight months of 2022, the largest suppliers were Canada at 4.709 million net tons up 1%, Mexico 3.894 million net tons up 35% and South Korea 1.962 million net tons up 10%.
SAIL & Tata Steel to Explore Inland Waterways for Logistics

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:33 am

The Business Line reported that the Steel Ministry has asked Indian steel-makers to tap the waterways route for transportation in the steel sector and Tata Steel & Steel Authority of India Limited have been asked to explore the possibilities in this regard and submit a note with specific actionable points on using waterways for logistics purpose in the steel sector. Using waterways provides substantial cost advantage apart from being a non-polluting way forward.

As per report, the note is expected to be ready by the next meeting scheduled on 21 September.

Incidentally, Tata Steel has been one of the few companies to have used both the inland waterways and the Indo-Bangladesh protocol routes. In a more recent move, the company is sending 25 tonnes of TMT bars to Silchar in Assam from Kolkata, through the use of multi-modal transportation. The cargo will move from Kolkata port to Chittagong port in Bangladesh and then sent to Assam through the Sheola-Sutarkhandi land customs station border points. The move is expected to cut down transport time to North East by nearly half.
Alfa Acciai Posts EUE 30 Million Profit in 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Sep, 2022, 6:35 am

Brescia headquartered Italian holding company owned by the Lonati & Stabiumi families Siderurgica Investimenti’s Italy's market leader in rebar Alfa Acciai has reported a consolidated net profit of EUR 30 million in 2021, exceeding the pre-pandemic year. Alfa Acciai said “The year ended 31 December saw a marked expansion in the consumption of steel and its derivatives at European level and in Italy. The Siderurgica Investimenti Group was able to take advantage of the situation, confirming its position as one of the leading players in the industry. By leveraging volumes, price, and efficiency in a year characterized by a continuous rise in raw material prices, especially scrap, electricity, and gas, the group succeeded in achieving reasonable margins.”

Steel production was just 1.8 million tonnes, up sharply by 20% from 2020, which was obviously affected by the first wave of the COVID19 pandemic and higher by 3% than in 2019.

Revenues increased by about EUR 560 million up 80% compared to 2020 to EUR 1.256 billion. The export share was 40%.

EBITDA amounted to EUR 65 million, twice as high as in the pre-pandemic year 2019.

The investment plan continued as scheduled, with a focus on facility upgrades, energy efficiency, environment, and safety, amounting to EUR 34 million, an increase of 9% compared to the previous year.

The Shareholders' Meeting, convened under the chairmanship of Mr Ettore Lonati, approved the new management structure of Alfa Acciai. After 13 years of fruitful cooperation, which began at the height of the industry crisis in 2008/09 and ended in the current positive cycle, Mr Giuseppe Cavalli, in agreement with the company, decided to leave the Group to pursue different paths in his future. Mr Giacomo Disarò replaces him on the Board of Directors. Mr Disarò brings with him twenty years of experience in the steel industry in multinational companies, working both in Italy and abroad.
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