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BlueScope Steel to Decide on Port Kembla BF Reline & Upgrade

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:21 am

Australian steel maker BlueScope Steel in a recent update said that feasibility study is progressing well for proposed BF6 reline and upgrade project and an update will be provided on 23 February 2023. Reline provides Port Kembla steel works a bridge to breakthrough lower emissions steelmaking when available and blast furnace reline is the only feasible option to secure iron making, given

1. Lack of prime scrap availability for EAF production

2. Green steel is decades from technical and commercial availability at scale

3. Does not lock to a full 20 year campaign life; underpins strong financial capability to adopt new technologies when commercially ready

4. Access to metallurgical coal during the transition is crucial

5. Project is broader than a typical reline scope

6. Includes technology options that will enable GHG emissions reduction

7. Partnerships and collaborations with governments, technology vendors and industry bodies are critical

The feasibility study covers

1. Installation of new downcomer and upgrade of dust collection systems

2. Addition of a waste heat recovery system

3. Repairs to tapholes, shell and tuyeres as necessary

4. Upgrade to cooling, gas and hot blast systems

5. Upgrade to stockhouse (raw material feed system

6. Installation of a top gas recovery turbine

7. Upgrade of water treatment plant

8. Upgrade to automation and control systems

9. New slag granulation system
Cleveland Cliffs & USW Ratify Wage Pact for Iron Ore Operations

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:22 am

US’s leading steel maker Cleveland Cliff announced that its employees represented by the United Steelworkers at its Tilden and Empire mines in Michigan and its United Taconite and Hibbing Taconite mines in Minnesota ratified new 47-month labor agreements at those locations. The agreements are effective on 1 October 2022 and cover approximately 2,000 USW-represented employees at Cleveland-Cliffs Mining and Pelletizing locations in Northern Minnesota and in the Michigan Upper Peninsula.

Headquartered in Cleveland in Ohio, Cleveland-Cliffs is the largest flat-rolled steel producer in North America. Founded in 1847 as a mine operator, Cliffs also is the largest manufacturer of iron ore pellets in North America. The Company is vertically integrated from mined raw materials, direct reduced iron, and ferrous scrap to primary steelmaking and downstream finishing, stamping, tooling, and tubing. It is the largest supplier of steel to the automotive industry in North America and serve a diverse range of other markets due to our comprehensive offering of flat-rolled steel products., Cleveland-Cliffs employs approximately 27,000 people across its operations in the United States and Canada.
Voestalpine Expands R&D for Products Digitalization & Green Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:24 am

Austrian steel maker Voestalpine is expanding its position as technology and innovation leader and has budgeted around EUR 196 million for research and development in the current business year. The steel and technology group appreciates that R&D projects positively contribute to sustainability. Research priorities include digitalizing the production processes, developing innovative products, and converting to climate-neutral steel production.

The Group is heavily researching digital simulation methods and processes that will prepare and support the transformation of steel production. For example, a Group project is assessing the potential for recycling byproducts into the production process and developing technologies for a circular economy to ensure climate-neutral steel production in the future.

On the product side, the steel and technology group is hard at work on developing new digital and smart technologies such as “intelligent” cold-rolled steel strip. For tailor-made functional steel, conductor tracks for the required sensors are integrated into a special high-quality coating layer. Intelligent sensors also ensure continuous monitoring in smart turnout systems. The development focus is to make sure the system detects and reports impending failures early on.

greentec steel is the voestalpine Group’s ambitious phased plan for green steel production. The first step will be reducing CO2 emissions by one third starting in 2027. Part of the existing blast furnace route will be replaced by a hybrid electric steel route. Research will focus on materials technology to ensure that high-quality steel is produced in the future, even with a different raw material mix.

Worldwide, the voestalpine Group has over 740 employees working in R&D in more than 80 companies. In the past few years, this intensive research and development work has enabled the company to establish itself as one of the leading technology suppliers to the automotive, railroad infrastructure, aerospace, energy, tool making, and consumer goods industries. Voestalpine cooperates with around 100 scientific partners in Austria and abroad, including renowned universities, technical colleges, research institutes, and competence centers. The Group also cultivates strong development partnerships with key customers.
Alro Steel Acquires Access Metals in Baltimore

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:26 am

US steel processor & distributor Alro Steel has completed the acquisition of Access Metals in Baltimore in Maryland in US on 30 September 2022. Founded in 2006 by Yolanda Drenner, Access Metals is a service center specializing in small orders with quick and competitive service to customers in manufacturing, machining, and fabricating. This purchase will allow Alro to grow our customer base in the eastern United States while providing improved service for cut-to-size metals.

Alro Steel CEO Mr Randy Glick said “I’m pleased to announce that, effective 30 September 2022 ownership of Access Metals will transfer to Alro Steel. It’s a well-established, family-owned business, founded in 1948. Alro shares my philosophy to exceed customer expectations through superior service and teamwork.”

Alro Steel was founded in 1948 by brothers Al and Robert Glick. The company is a distributor of metals, industrial supplies, and engineering plastics. Alro is focused on offering cut-to-size metals and plastics with next-day delivery to over 50,000 customers in North America. Alro operates over 70 locations in 13 states and provides a broad inventory of products under the following companies: Alro Steel, Alro Metals, Alro Metals Outlet, Alro Industrial Supply, and Alro Plastics.
Outokumpu Completes Divestment of Aalten Service Center to Roba

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:28 am

Outokumpu had announced in June that it will divest its plate service center in Aalten in the Netherlands to Roba Holding. Outokumpu has now completed the divestment and the Aalten service center will continue to serve its customers as Roba Metals Plate Center as of 1 October. All the employees, management and operations in Aalten will become part of Roba Holding. Roba is a family-owned business located in the Netherlands. The company is a supplier of steel, stainless steel, aluminium, recycled metal as well as non-ferrous metals. Aalten’s products, services and contact people will remain the same going forward, and Outokumpu continues to supply Aalten with plates produced at Outokumpu mills.

At PSC Benelux, located in Aalten in The Netherlands, plate service centers offer bending, sawing, welding, machining, laser cutting, plasma cutting and waterjet cutting. Plasma cutting is available in thicknesses up to 150 mm. Material up to 70 mm in thickness can be cut under water, reducing heat impact on the material. Thick dimension material (70-150 mm) is dry-cut.

Waterjet cutting produces clean cuts with narrow tolerances, reducing the need for further machining and additional costs. Benelux water jets handle materials up to 150 mm in thickness and maximum plate dimensions of 6 by 3 meters. Advanced laser cutting equipment is used to process sheets 6 meters long by 2 meters wide. A 6 kW C02 laser cuts material up to 25 mm in thickness.

Two quality cuts are available at Benelux: Standard, and Bright Line for high-shine, smooth cuts with narrow tolerances that need no subsequent processing. In machining, Benelux offers unique production efficiencies. Turning can be done in dimensions of up to 1,450 mm, and drilling and milling are performed on a table measuring 2,200 mm by 860 mm. The facility's CNC operation includes one machine equipped with multiple functions (turning/drilling) that streamline production processes.
US Steel Idles Blast Furnace No 3 at Mon Valley Works

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:30 am

Argus reported that US Steel is indefinitely idling a blast furnace at its Mon Valley Works in Pennsylvania in US. The report cited a company spokeswoman as saying that “The company is keeping its 1.4 million short tons per year No 3 blast furnace down after it completed scheduled maintenance to help balance our production with our order book.”

It is the company's second idling in less than a month. US Steel on 7 September idled its 1.5 million short tons per year No 8 blast furnace at its Gary Works mill in Indiana.

Combined, the two idled furnaces have an estimated raw steel production capacity of 7,945 short tons per day. If they were to remain down for the entire fourth quarter, 731,000 short ton of raw steel production would be taken off the market.
John Cockerill Supplied 6Hi CR Mill Produces First Coil in Spain

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:32 am

The Cold Rolling Mill supplied by John Cockerill to a Spanish client has produced its first coil. What is more: defect free, saleable & with perfect build-up. The erection of the new 6Hi Cold Rolling Mill was started in late 2021. The production of the first coil and the successful running of the mill at its maximum speed of 1200 meters per minute have been achieved

The design of the CRM eliminates safety concerns including safety fencing all around the area for the safe operation of the mill. Its process and optimized rolling parameters lead to improved surface finish and shape performance, as well as thickness reduction of the produced strip.

This is the first mill to be erected in the European Union by John Cockerill Industry and underlines our desire to consistently provide quality in every project we undertake across our global organization.
Tata Steel Begins Operations at Neelachal Ispat Nigam

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
4 Oct, 2022, 6:34 am

PTI reported that Tata Steel has started operations at Neelachal Ispat Nigam in Kalinganagar in Odisha has started operations nearly 90 days after it was acquired by a Tata Steel Long Products. Tata Steel Long Products & NINL Chairman Mr TV Narendran said “Given that the site was not in operation for two years, we wanted to restart the furnace quickly, deploying and demonstrating Tata Steel's strong execution capabilities. The focus is now on ramping up production gradually to rated capacity as per plan.”

The plan is to work to expand the capacity by building a 4.5 million tonnes per annum state-of-the-art long products complex in the next few years, and further expand it to 10 million tonnes per annum by 2030.

NINL was incorporated in 1982 to set-up an integrated steel plant to undertake manufacturing and sale of steel products. NINL initially set up a 1.1 million tonne per annum blast furnace in 2002 to produce pig iron. Subsequently, other supporting facilities like sinter plant, coke oven plant, power plant, etc. were commissioned. In January 2022, the Company had been identified as the winner of the bidding process to acquire a 93.71% equity stake in NINL in accordance with the process being run by DIPAM, Government of India. Further, on 2 February 2022, DIPAM issued the Letter of Award to TSLP for acquisition of 93.71% equity stake of NINL. The Company accepted the said Letter of Award on 9 February 2022.
Benelux scrap prices see another uptick

Following their rebound the previous week, scrap prices in the Benelux continued to increase last week.

Dock prices in the Benelux were mostly pegged around €315/tonne ($308) delivered on Monday, up from €300-315/t on Monday last week.

Turkey’s scrap demand is seen to have slowed, specifically in the second half of last week. Demand for European scrap in India, however, remained strong for both bulk and containerised cargoes due to the recovery seen in finished steel demand in that country. Although the price rises seen in Turkey last week have also contributed to the scrap price increase in India, Turkish values have softened again following an increase in the number of offers.

Turkish mills have been hit with another rise in natural gas prices as of October, and are therefore seen remaining cautious with their scrap purchases. Although European suppliers have offered HMS 1&2 80:20 at above $370/t cfr Turkey, following the recovery in Turkish demand the previous week, the latest bookings from various European suppliers were done at $364-367/t cfr levels last week.

Turkish producers are targeting even lower prices for scrap now, following the almost 40% hike in natural gas prices on Friday.

A scrap supplier tells Kallanish: “Although there has been no adjustment for electricity prices following the September rise for now, producers are expecting an increase soon. On the other hand, natural gas price hikes are also expected to continue in November. Mills, with further squeezed margins, are likely to purchase less scrap amid lower production.”

With overall Turkish steel production volumes continuing to fall, one southern mill is seen to have halted production again for a month, following its 15-day September halt, due to high scrap and energy prices.

In the Indian sub-continent, scrap prices jumped last week due to strong scrap demand amid a recovery in steel demand and improved sentiment. Offers for UK- and EU-origin containerised shredded scrap stand at $450-455/t cfr Nhava Sheva, up from $435-440/t cfr a week earlier.

Burcak Alpman Turkey
Deze start-up wil overtollige stroom uit hernieuwbare bronnen opslaan door ijzeren balletjes te laten verroesten
Andrei Stiru - Gisteren om 15:12

Form Energy, een Amerikaanse start-up, wil zogenaamde ijzer-luchtbatterijen ontwikkelen. Die zouden energie veel langer kunnen opslaan dan traditionele batterijen, iets wat broodnodig is om de vaak fluctuerende elektriciteitsproductie uit hernieuwbare bronnen optimaal te benutten.De actieve componenten in de batterijen die Form Energy ontwikkelt, zijn eigenlijk heel simpel. Het gebruikt in feite drie basismaterialen: ijzer, water en lucht. Tijdens het ontladen zuigt de batterij zuurstof uit de lucht en gebruikt het dat om een reeks ijzeren ballen te laten roesten. Wanneer de batterij wordt opgeladen, zet de elektrische stroom die roest terug om in ijzer en ‘ademt’ de batterij terug zuurstof uit.

© Aangeboden door Business AM

Volgens het bedrijf kan op die manier energie worden opgeslagen aan slechts 10 procent van de kostprijs van een lithium-ionbatterij. Bovendien, en dat is de belangrijkste use case, kan de technologie langer dan 100 uur energie vasthouden. Dat maakt het ideaal om energie van hernieuwbare bronnen op te slaan.

Die hebben namelijk nog te kampen met het probleem dat ze niet altijd evenveel stroom kunnen produceren. Door stroom op te kunnen slaan tijdens periodes van overproductie en het vrij te geven wanneer de productie tegenvalt, kan het elektriciteitsnet aanzienlijk efficiënter werken.

450 miljoen dollar
Het idee van Form Energy heeft alvast veel enthousiasme opgewekt. Het heeft nu volgens de Wall Street Journal zo’n 450 miljoen dollar opgehaald bij een aantal investeerders, waaronder staalgigant ArcelorMittal en de Amerikaanse investeringsfirma TPG. Het is niet de eerste investeringsronde van het bedrijf, maar wel veruit de grootste. Vorig jaar haalde het bedrijf ‘slechts’ 240 miljoen dollar op tijdens een gelijkaardige ronde.

Met het geld wil Form Energy een eerste grote productiefaciliteit bouwen, waarna het eind 2024 de eerste batterijen aan klanten wil leveren. Door samen te werken met ArcelorMittal, een van de grootste staalproducenten in de wereld, hoopt het alvast genoeg ijzer te kunnen verkrijgen voor de productie.

Concurrentie met andere technologieën
Eenmaal die productie van start gaat, zal het bedrijf concurreren met een aantal andere technologieën om elektriciteit op te slaan. Zo zijn op sommige plaatsen, waar de geografie dat toelaat, al zogenaamde spaarbekkencentrales in gebruik. Die bestaan eigenlijk uit twee waterbekkens die zich op verschillende hoogtes bevinden. Wanneer er een surplus aan energie is, wordt water uit het laagste bekken omhoog gepompt naar het hoogste. Zo laadt men in feite de ‘batterij’ op. Wanneer die energie dan nodig is, wordt het water terug naar beneden geloosd, waarbij een turbine wordt aangedreven die elektriciteit produceert.

Ook groene waterstof is stilaan aan het opkomen om energie op te slaan. Waterstof wordt geproduceerd door een elektrische spanning door water te laten lopen, waarbij dat wordt gescheiden in waterstofgas en zuurstofgas. Die waterstof kan daarna worden gebruikt als energiebron. Om waterstof te produceren, is echter ook energie nodig. Indien die energie uit hernieuwbare bronnen komt, spreekt men van groene waterstof.

ArcelorMittal launches furlough program for Spain workers as steel demand drops
Oct. 04, 2022 4:51 PM ET ArcelorMittal S.A. (MT)By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

ArcelorMittal Merger Creates Major Steel Company
Mark Renders/Getty Images News

ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT) said Tuesday it has implemented a temporary layoff program for its Spain workforce of 8,300, citing reduced plant activity due to weak demand for steel.

The layoff agreement will last until the end of this year, an ArcelorMittal (MT) spokesperson told Dow Jones Newswires.

Workers downstream of the company's idled blast furnace in Asturias in northern Spain will have working hours cut by 25% on average, which the Aviles steel works, hot strip mill and cold rolling mills will be the most affected.

The move comes as Europe's largest steel company has idled blast furnaces in Spain, Germany and Poland because of reduced demand.

ArcelorMittal (MT) shares have jumped more than 11% in two days, as steel companies post broad gains.

ArcelorMittal's (MT) "strong balance sheet allows for opportunistic M&A," The Investment Doctor writes in an analysis published on Seeking Alpha.

Now Read: ArcelorMittal, Nippon Steel JV to spend $5B in India expansion
South Korea to negotiate CBAM recognition

South Korea intends to open negotiations with the EU on its proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The goal is to exempt Korean exports to the EU from additional taxes under the scheme, Kallanish notes.

The Korea Emission Trading Scheme (K-ETS) covers a range of sectors including steel. Korea wants this scheme to be recognised by the EU under its CBAM rules. This would mean that companies that have accounted for their emissions under K-ETS would not have to account for them again under CBAM.

Starting in 2026, CBAM will levy an import charge on materials equivalent to their carbon emissions from production. From 2023, EU importers will need to report their embedded emissions.

Korea has also been discussing its own CBAM system. A stakeholder consultation on CBAM was announced in August. This could eventually mean carbon taxes are paid on ferrous imports from Korea’s major suppliers such as Japan and China.

Korea exported 2.134 million tonnes of steel to the EU27 over January-August 2022, up 31.6% year-on-year, according to Korean Customs data.

Tomas Gutierrez UK
ArcelorMittal Doubles Down On Indian Steel Manufacturing
Oct. 05, 2022 3:40 AM ETArcelorMittal S.A. (MT), NISTF, NPSCY

ArcelorMittal appears quite bullish on India. In fact, the company recently announced its intention to double steel manufacturing at one of its primary plants.
ArcelorMittal-Nippon Steel India Ltd. (AM/NS India) plans to spend US $5.1 billion at its Gujarat plant in western India.
Betting on strong growth in domestic consumption, the company hopes to boost its crude steel capacity to 15 million tons by 2026.
Headquarters of ArcelorMittal France

Original Post

By Sohrab Darabshaw

ArcelorMittal (NYSE:MT) appears quite bullish on India. In fact, the company recently announced its intention to double steel manufacturing at one of its primary plants.

ArcelorMittal-Nippon Steel India Ltd. (AM/NS India) plans to spend US $5.1 billion at its Gujarat plant in western India. Betting on strong growth in domestic consumption, the company hopes to boost its crude steel capacity to 15 million tons by 2026. The plant, a deal between ArcelorMittal SA & Nippon Steel Corporation (OTCPK:NISTF) (OTCPK:NPSCY), currently has a capacity of 7.6 million tons.

During a recent presentation to investors, ArcelorMittal said it wants to add the first one million tons as soon as March 2024. When asked how, representatives said they planned to “create efficiencies at the existing plant.”

A report by Live Mint quoted Takahiro Mori, Executive Vice-President of Nippon Steel saying that India’s demand for steel would outgrow the global average. With this in mind, AM/NS India wanted to raise its share of the country’s consumption to 15%. This meant expanding steel manufacturing capacity to at least 30 million tons by 2030.

ArcelorMittal Also Looking to Purchase Srei Group Operations
On top of its expansion plans, AM/NS India recently submitted an expression of interest (EOI) for Srei group companies currently undergoing insolvency proceedings. Last October, India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, invoked national bankruptcy law against Srei. The Bank ultimately superseded the board of directors for Srei Infrastructure Finance & Srei Equipment Finance by appointing its own administrator.

ArcelorMittal-Nippon Steel’s entry into the bidding process at the very last minute relied on permission from the financial creditors to two of Srei Group’s non-banking finance companies. What’s more, all of this happened just last Saturday. According to this report, the steel manufacturing company’s move officially turns the bidding process into a three-way race.

AM/NS Shuttering Steel Manufacturing Across Europe
Clearly, the world’s second-largest steel producer is prioritizing Asia after experiencing difficulties in Europe. Indeed, ArcelorMittal recently announced the closure of one of its European factories due to surging natural gas and energy prices.

Back in September, the company said it would close one of the two blast furnaces at its steelworks plant in Bremen, Germany for the same reason. However, they also mentioned weak market demand as an impetus for the move.

Either way, the message is clear: doing business in the European market is simply not productive at the moment. The question is, how many companies will follow ArcelorMittal’s lead?

Editor's Note: The summary bullets for this article were chosen by Seeking Alpha editors
EU Grants EUR 1 Billion to Salzgitter for Green Transformation

The EU Commission has notified that the application for Salzgitter AG concerning the funding of the SALCOS, Salzgitter Low C02 Steelmaking transformation program, and has therefore declared the state aid measures applied for to be compatible with European law. Another essential precondition for the granting of the requested national funding has therefore been set in place. Following the signing of an administrative agreement on 15 September 2022 by Minister President Stephan Weil and State Secretary Stefan Wenzel BMWK to mark the commitment of the Federal State of Lower Saxony and the Federal Republic of Germany to promoting SALCOS, the EU Commission's approval has also been obtained.

Pending a positive, conclusive review and decision by the national funding authorities, we now assume that, in accordance with the administrative agreement of September 15, 2022, the Federal Government and the Federal State of Lower Saxony will contribute up to EUR 700 million and up to EUR 300 million respectively to promoting SALCOS. Together with the funds already approved by Salzgitter AG in an amount of EUR 723 million, this would therefore secure financing the first development stage of SALCOS for implementation by the end of 2025.

Salzgitter's project was selected by Germany in the context of an open call to form part of an IPCEI on hydrogen technologies and systems, which resulted in the two approved IPCEIs. However, given its characteristics and objectives, it was better suited for assessment under the Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022. Germany notified to the Commission EUR 1 billion measure to support investments in the greening of Salzgitter's steel manufacturing processes thanks to increased production and use of renewable hydrogen.

The aid, which will take the form of a direct grant, will support the construction and installation at the company's site in the city of Salzgitter in Lower Saxony of a direct reduction plant and electric arc furnace which will replace one of the blast furnaces currently operated by Salzgitter. This will allow substituting the use of fossil sources with hydrogen in steel production, thereby avoiding almost all direct CO2 emissions in steel production. The new installation will produce in a greener manner approximately 1.9 million tonnes per year of crude steel

The measure will also support the construction and installation of a large-scale (100 MW) electrolyzer, which will produce approximately 9,000 tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year. The hydrogen produced by the electrolyzer will be used as feedstock in the direct reduction plant. The electrolyzer, the direct reduction plant and the electric arc furnace are envisaged to start operating in 2026.

Once completed, the project is expected to avoid the release of 3.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. In addition, to maximize the greenhouse gas emissions' reduction, the generated hydrogen will be produced solely with the electricity stemming from renewable sources.
ArcelorMittal Bremen Postpones BF Idling for Power Generation

At the beginning of September, ArcelorMittal Germany announced that it would temporarily shut down parts of the production facilities at German locations due to weak demand, negative market prospects and extremely high energy costs. ArcelorMittal Germany said “Normally the reduced quantities would be produced by a blast furnace, but against the background of the current energy crisis, the company will now adjust the utilization of its production facilities in order to maximize its own power generation. Therefore, the announced shutdown of one blast furnace will be postponed for the time being. Instead, the reduced production is planned with both blast furnaces, which makes more own power generation possible.”

ArcelorMittal Germany CEO Mr Reiner Blaschek said “As an energy-intensive company, we are dependent on our own power supply. With the decision to run both blast furnaces at a low production level, we are more independent and cheaper with our own power supply. This is an advantage in what is currently a very volatile and difficult market.”

ArcelorMittal added “ArcelorMittal is committed to a European industrial electricity price to enable fair competitive conditions. A first step must be to adjust the design of the electricity market so that the price of natural gas is not the only decisive factor in determining electricity prices. These measures must be promoted with the highest priority in order to improve the situation as quickly as possible.”
SAIL BSP Plate Mill Breaks 8 Years Record

News Riveting reported that Steel Authority of India Ltd’s Bhilai Steel Plant broke several records of production on 3 October 2022. The Plate Mill collective rolled 1040 Slabs, breaking the 8-year-old record of 822 Slabs, which was achieved on 28 September 2014. In the “B” shift, 355 Slabs were rolled breaking the previous record of 311 Slabs.

Record was also created in Finished Steel plate production. 6250 tonnes of Plates were finished breaking the previous record of 5921 Tonnes.

SAIL BSP’s Director-in-Charge Mr Anirban Dasgupta, besides congratulating the Plate Mill fraternity also congratulated their associated departments like PPC, SMS-2, RCL and other allied departments.
SSAB & Schlam Join Hands for Promoting Fossil-free Steel

Swedish steel maker SSAB has entered an agreement with Australian mining equipment and engineering services provider Schlam that will revolutionize the steel industry by promoting the increased use of fossil-free steel with a drastically reduced CO2 footprint. As part of the ambition, both SSAB and Schlam will look to integrate fossil-free steel into their existing products and Schlam will leverage SSAB's fossil-free steel to bring to market a new generation of sustainable products to reduce its CO2 footprint.

In addition to the steel products, both organizations recognize the need to cooperate not just in their capacities as industry leaders, but also in the areas of sustainability and CO2 emissions. A common knowledge exchange will be a consistent thread throughout the course of cooperation, as Schlam push ahead to make fossil-free end products the new expectation for the Australian mining industry.

Schlam is also a partner of SSAB's Hardox In My Body program customer. The program has more than 500 members in 60 countries and members serve a wide range of industries, including mining, construction, quarrying, road building, recycling, demolition and agriculture. The Hardox In My Body sign represents equipment that is manufactured to the highest standards by a qualified Hardox In My Body member. All members have been thoroughly assessed and have earned the right to display this logo as a sign of their commitment.

Schlam is a Western Australia-based mining services company that designs and custom engineers the world-leading dump truck bodies, underground dump bodies, and buckets. For over 25 years, Schlam's products have raised the productivity bar of open-cut and underground machines for leading Australian and global mining companies. Schlam's products and maintenance people work across mines on 6 continents, with an ambition to be at every mine in the world.
Thyssenkrupp & Mubea Sign MoU for Green Steel from Planned DRI

Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG and the global automotive supplier Mubea have signed the first official memorandum of understanding for the supply of CO2-reduced steel. Starting from the commissioning of the direct reduction plant, scheduled for 2026, thyssenkrupp Steel will supply the world market leader in the production of innovative and efficient lightweight components with climate-friendly bluemint® Steel. In the years up to 2030, the volumes purchased are planned to increase step by step.

Thyssenkrupp already offers its customers CO2-reduced and certified steels on the basis of its tkH2Steel transformation concept. To this end, various opportunities for CO2 reduction are being exploited within the existing technology framework. Thus, Mubea is already relying on bluemint recycled even before the direct reduction plant starts operation. For this CO2-reduced flat steel, a high-quality recycled steel product is used in the blast furnace. This new technological approach reduces the use of coal in the blast furnace. For the input volume of the recycled steel product, absolute CO2 emissions are reduced by 64% compared with the conventional blast furnace process.

The memorandum of understanding between thyssenkrupp Steel and Mubea strengthens the long-standing partnership between the two companies, and now lays the foundation for long-term supply relationships involving CO2-reduced steel as well. With their commitment to climate-friendly steel production, thyssenkrupp Steel and Mubea are pursuing the same goal: the transformation to sustainability and climate protection.

Mubea is an owner-managed family business based in Attendorn, Westphalia, Germany, with more than 14,000 employees spread across 44 locations in 20 countries. The top automotive supplier not only develops products for chassis, body and the powertrain, but is also active in the aviation, industry and micromobility sectors.
Tata Steel Subsidiary Divests Partial stake in Al Rimal Mining Oman

T S Global Holdings Re, formerly T S Global Mineral Holdings Pte, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Steel Limited, had entered into an agreement with Oman National Investments Development Company Tanmia and the existing shareholders of Al Rimal to transfer its 19% shareholding in Al Rimal to Tanmia thereby divesting its equity stake in Al Rimal from 70% to 51%.

Tata Steel Limited, through T S Global Holdings Re Ltd, has concluded the divestment of its 19% equity stake in Al Rimal to Tanmia on 3 October 2022, thereby reducing its shareholding from 70% to 51% in Al Rimal.

Oman’s Al-Bahja Group and India’s Tata Steel had formed a joint venture to develop the Uyun limestone deposits near Salalah in southern Oman in 2008. Tata Steel will took 70% stake in the joint venture company, Al-Rimal Mining, through its subsidiary TS Global Minerals Holding. Al-Rimal Mining was to develop and operate the mine. The mine was expected to produce 10 million tonnes of limestone over the three to four years.
Steel Dynamics Completes Acquisition of ROCA ACERO in Mexico

Fort Wayne Indiana headquartered Steel Dynamics has announced the completion of its acquisition of ROCA ACERO, as part of its North American raw material procurement strategy. The transaction was funded with available cash. ROCA, headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico, operates a ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals recycling business comprised of five scrap processing facilities strategically positioned near high-volume industrial scrap sources located throughout Central and Northern Mexico.

Roca currently ships approximately 575,000 gross tons of scrap annually and has an estimated annual processing capability of approximately 850,000 gross tons. When combined with the company’s existing Mexican metals recycling business, the total estimated annual ferrous and nonferrous scrap processing capability within Mexico will be over 2.5 million gross tons.

Steel Dynamics is one of the largest US steel producers and metals recyclers in the United States based on estimated annual steelmaking and metals recycling capability, with facilities located throughout the United States, and in Mexico. Steel Dynamics produces steel products, including hot roll, cold roll, and coated sheet steel, structural steel beams and shapes, rail, engineered special-bar-quality steel, cold finished steel, merchant bar products, specialty steel sections and steel joists and deck. In addition, the company produces liquid pig iron and processes and sells ferrous and nonferrous scrap.
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Vertraagd 7 mrt 2025 17:36
Koers 30,480
Verschil -1,690 (-5,25%)
Hoog 31,770
Laag 30,480
Volume 4.319.928
Volume gemiddeld 3.001.505
Volume gisteren 8.534.283

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront