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Tenaris IT Team Optimizes Energy Efficiency

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 3:55 am

The Infrastructure Technology team at Tenaris has designed an investment plan that can reduce its CO2 emissions by 90% or a savings of 1,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide, per year. The team will achieve the improved performance through a combination of actions over the next five years, an investment of USD 2 million, that includes replacing old datacenters with more modern equipment, deploying over 15 km of fiber optics, and creating virtual versions of more than 1,700 Windows assets in IT datacenters around the company’s global operations.

Other components include the implementation of industrial cyber security tools and processes and the transitioning of automation applications to new platforms, while continuing to provide training and awareness to advance the company’s strategy.

The series of projects of varying size and scale support and contribute to Tenaris’s commitment to decarbonize its operations and develop products and services for use in low-carbon energy applications.
Nextracker Selects Vallourec for Solar Tracker Project in Brazil

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 3:56 am

Vallourec won its first contract in May 2022 for the Belmonte photovoltaic project in northeastern Brazil from Nextracker. The solar farm is scheduled to go online in early 2023. Vallourec Tubes for Industry was approached by Nextracker to provide 1,050 tonnes of torque tubes and 1,200 tonnes of cold formed open profiles to the Belmonte solar farm in Ceará in northeastern Brazil. The torque tubes (127 mm in diameter) run the length of each row of panels, supporting the panels and enabling them to turn to continuously follow the sun from east to west. The open profiles stand vertically on the ground and support the torque tubes at intervals. In this way, the entire tracker structure is supported by the tubes and open profiles.

Vallourec Tubes for Industry was formed by Vallourec and Incotep, a division of the Açotubo Group, as a oint venture in October 2021. Both groups can leverage their strengths in providing seamless profiled and cold drawn tubes, welded steel tubes and tubular solutions for several industry applications, including the solar segment both in Brazil and beyond.

Solar tracker technology holds photovoltaic panels and turns them from east to west, much like the rotation of a sunflower. This enables the PV module to follow the path of the sun, maximizing the amount of energy they can produce throughout the day. With this technology, they can see yields of up to 30% over fixed tilt applications.
Dillinger Restructures Sales & Marketing Set Up

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 3:57 am

German thick plate specialist Dillinger has been relying on a changed sales organization Since September. With a focus on reducing complexity, the structure has been streamlined so that internal processes can be accelerated. At the same time, focusing on customer needs and market developments remains a top priority.

In Sales, which has been the responsibility of Mr Danny van der Hout as General Manager since September 2021, there are now four Sales Departments which, together with local sales colleagues, manage sales tasks for their customer industries worldwide.

At the same time, a comparable structure was formed in the Marketing & Technical Support Department. Thus, the proven, joint customer service in the team of sales and marketing finds its successful continuation. The Marketing & Technical Support Department has been directed by Dr Wolfram Hölbling since September 2022, after he has been provisionally responsible for the team since 1 January.
TMK Introduces Voice Recognition Technology in Quality Control

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 3:59 am

Russian Pipe Metallurgical Company TMK has introduced a new digital tool for quality control of threaded pipe connections. The solution, developed by the STC group of companies and based on voice recognition technology, will speed up the process of fixing product parameters, as well as automate the collection and transmission of information. As part of the Translator project, a Voice-to-text system was developed specifically for TMK enterprises. The software and hardware complex automatically digitizes the voice commands of the controllers naming the geometric parameters of the products, and transfers them in digital format to the unified information system of the enterprise.

At the moment, the development is undergoing pilot operation at the Volzhsky Pipe Plant and is used to check the compliance of threaded connections of the TMK UP family with specified standards. Based on the results of implementation, a decision will be made to replicate the technology at other enterprises of the company.

The new digital tool reduces the impact of the human factor and automates the work with data in the production of TMK UP tubular products used in difficult operating conditions. The key goal of implementing such projects is to improve TMK products in the interests of customers.
Linde Expands Gas Supply Agreement with Jindal Stainless

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:01 am

Industrial gas supplier Linde has expanded its existing long-term agreement for the supply of industrial gases with Jindal Stainless Limited. Under the terms of the new agreement, Linde will build a second ASU, more than tripling the current total capacity of its plant at Kalinganagar. The additional supply will support the significant expansion of JSL’s facility. The new ASU is expected to start up in the first half of 2024 and will be an additional supply source for the local merchant market.

Linde already supplies oxygen, nitrogen and argon to JSL from its on-site Air Separation Unit at the Kalinganagar Industrial Estate in Odisha, East India.
Voestalpine Raises Outlook for Business Year 2022/23

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:02 am

Austrian steel maker Voestalpine has raised its outlook for 2022/23. It said “In its last outlook, the Management Board of voestalpine AG expected EBITDA of approximately EUR 2 billion for the entire 2022/23 business year. This outlook was based on the assumption of a strong economic slowdown in the second half of the business year. Based on the latest economic forecasts, this is indeed becoming apparent, but somewhat later than voestalpine originally expected. In addition, the geographic and industry diversification of the voestalpine Group supports the currently expected earnings development. The Management Board assumes that the market segments energy, railway infrastructure and aerospace will continue the prevailing positive trends even in the forecast more difficult economic environment. Furthermore, positive one-off effects of approximately EUR 120 million from a land sale in the High Performance Metals Division in Germany are expected in the second half of 2022/23.”

Voestalpine said “After the excellent first fiscal quarter, the development of the second fiscal quarter is expected to be in line with market expectations on EBITDA-basis (Bloomberg Consensus Q2 BY 2022/23: EBITDA Median: EUR 550 million) according to preliminary key data. Group-EBIT of the second fiscal quarter will be negatively impacted by impairment losses in the High Performance Metals Division and is therefore expected to be in the range of EUR 200 million.”

Voestalpine said “Based on developments to date and estimates from today's perspective, the Management Board of voestalpine AG currently expects EBITDA for Business Year 2022/23 to be in a range of EUR 2.3 to EUR 2.4 billion. This figure includes the non-recurring effects from the above-mentioned sale of land. This estimate does not include any unexpected economic distortions from the further course of the war in Ukraine or any energy supply problems in Europe.”
Jindal Stainless to Supply Steel to Yantra India for Defence

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:04 am

Indian stainless steel maker Jindal Stainless has signed an agreement with state-owned Yantra India Ltd for the development and manufacturing of defence products. JSL said that its defence vertical Jindal Defence & Aerospace has signed a MoU with the state-owned Yantra India Ltd for engineering, development and manufacturing of defence products with their respective capabilities.

Jindal Defence & Aerospace is leading player in advanced materials with nickel-based alloys, armour steel glass fibre, and carbon fibre composites for next-gen defence applications.

In the past, Jindal Defence & Aerospace has supplied material for key DRDO and ISRO projects, including satellite launcher PSLV, GSLV Mk-3, Chandrayaan, Gaganyaan, KS Nuclear Submarine missile system and missile canister for almost all missile programmes.
USITC Votes to Extend AD Duty on HR from 7 Countries

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:05 am

The US International Trade Commission has determined that revoking the existing countervailing duty order on imports of hot-rolled steel from South Korea and the antidumping duty orders on imports of hot-rolled steel from Australia, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, and the United Kingdom would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the Commission’s affirmative determinations, the existing orders on imports of this product from Australia, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, and the United Kingdom will remain in place.

The Commission also determined that revoking the existing antidumping duty and countervailing duty orders on imports of hot-rolled steel from Brazil would not be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury within a reasonably foreseeable time. As a result of the Commission’s negative determinations, the existing orders on imports of this product from Brazil will be revoked.

The five-year (sunset) reviews concerning Australia, Brazil, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, South Korea, Turkey, and the United Kingdom were instituted on 1 September 2021.
Emirates Steel Exempted from Import Duty in Saudi Arab

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:06 am

Zawya reported that UAE's largest steel and building materials manufacturer Emirates Steel Arkan has received an exemption from Saudi Arabia on the 15% rules of origin duty. An industry source told Zawya “A formal letter was issued by the United Arab Emirates Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security on 20 October 2022 stating that ESA has been granted a duty exemption for the Saudi market for the sale of steel products.”

The report added that Saudi Customs has decided on the exemption based on its visits to the ESA plant on 27 to 30 July 2022.
India Imposes AD Duty on Electrogalvanized Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:08 am

India’s Custom Department has notified that Electrogalvanized Steel originating in, or exported from Korea, Japan and and imported into India have been exported to India from the subject countries below normal values and the domestic industry has suffered material injury on account of subject imports from subject countries and has imposed anti-dumping duty on the imports of subject goods for 5 years to remove injury to the domestic industry.

Electrogalvanized Steel

7209, 7210, 7211, 7212, 7225, 7226

Korea – POSCO, Dongkuk Steel, Hyundai Steel, DK Dongshin -0%

Any other Korean producer - 16.05%

Nippon Steel Corporation – 0%

Any other Japanese producer 64.08%

Singapore - 79.73%

The product under consideration is 'Flat rolled products of hot rolled or cold rolled steel continuously electrolytic ally plated or coated with zinc, with or without alloying elements'. The product under consideration is commonly known as Electrogalvanized steel. The product under consideration may be either of alloy or non-alloy steel, whether or not of prime or non-prime quality. The product under consideration may be in coils or not in coils form. The product under consideration includes all types of Electrogalvanized steel whether or not coated, passivated, pre-treated, pre-painted, colour coated, thin organic coated, chromated, phosphated, printed, whether or not corrugated or proofed, and whether or not having anti-fingerprint treatment.

The following are excluded from the scope of product under consideration, namely:

1. Flat rolled steel products that are plated or coated with alloy of aluminium and zinc.

2. Flat rolled steel products that are plated or coated with alloy of zinc and nickel with nickel content being a minimum 9%.

3. Hot-dip galvanized flat rolled steel products.

4. Tin-mill flat rolled steel products

5. Laminated Electrogalvanized steel.

6. Printed Electrogalvanized steel.

The intended end use of the product under consideration is for protection from corrosion and is majorly used in the manufacturing of electronic appliances, auto applications, consumer electronics, furniture, HVAC, roofing and siding, ceiling grid, construction, office equipment etc.
Financial Institutions Support H2 Green Steel’s Debt Financing

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:09 am

H2 Green Steel announced that it has received support from leading European financial institutions for its EUR 3.5 billion debt financing. The institutions intend to support the company and its hydrogen-powered green steel plant in Northern Sweden through debt and credit guarantees. H2 Green Steel will finance the construction of its hydrogen-powered green steel plant in Northern Sweden through a combination of equity and debt financing. The debt financing support consists of the following:

H2 Green Steel has executed conditional commitment letters for EUR 3.3 billion in senior debt with AB Svensk Exportkredit and the commercial banks BNP Paribas, ING, UniCredit, Societe Generale and KfW IPEX-Bank.

The European Investment Bank has received board approval for EUR 750 million of senior debt funding for the H2 Green Steel project.

Leading export credit agencies, including Euler Hermes, have issued letters of intent to provide export credit-linked guarantees* of EUR 1.5 billion of H2 Green Steel’s intended senior debt.

The Swedish National Debt Office has issued a letter of intent to provide a green credit guarantee** of EUR 1 billion of H2 Green Steel’s senior debt.

H2 Green Steel has executed a conditional commitment letter with a leading infrastructure fund comprising large Nordic investors in connection with their lead participation in a circa EUR 500 million junior debt facility.

This milestone has been enabled by a thorough due diligence process that was initiated in Q4, 2021. It represents a strong statement of support of H2 Green Steel’s ambition to reduce carbon emissions in hard-to-abate industries, as well as the technical and economic merits of the Boden green steel plant by some of the world’s leading financial organizations. The commitment letters and approvals remain subject inter alia to completion of final due diligence and documentation, with a further round of syndication anticipated given the substantive interest in the financing from a wide range of other commercial banks and investors.

Societe Generale is acting as lead financial advisor on the senior and junior debt facilities. KfW IPEX-Bank is acting as joint financial advisor on the senior debt facility. BNP Paribas, ING and UniCredit are acting as Pathfinders for the financing as respectively market, documentation and technical banks.
Tata Steel to Supply Zeremis Green Steel to Permastore for Silos

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:11 am

Tata Steel and Permastore have agreed on a deal that allows Permastore to offer options for ZeremisTM Carbon Lite in its Glass-Fused-to-Steel and Epoxy coated modular bolted storage containment tanks and silos. The two companies have agreed on a deal that allows Permastore to offer options for Zeremis Carbon Lite in its Glass-Fused-to-Steel and Epoxy coated modular bolted storage containment tanks and silos. Tata Steel Nederland will supply the tank sheets through its Feijen Steel Service Center in Maastricht to Permastore’s high-quality standards which Tata Steel can fully meet with Zeremis Carbon Lite. With Zeremis Carbon Lite, steel with an allocated carbon footprint reduction of up to 100%, the company is now able to meet the growing demand for low-CO2 steel in all sectors and industries.

The lower CO2 intensity is generated from CO2 savings realized within Tata Steel Nederland since 2018 and verified by independent assurance expert DNV. Permastore, a technical leader and established trusted global brand within the modular bolted containment and storage industry, has now been announced as Tata Steel’s launch partner in the Construction sector.

The straightforward and highly flexible solution Zeremis Carbon Lite is available across all Tata Steel products. Customers such as Permastore can therefore easily implement the solution without having to compromise on product quality or service reliability.
Worldsteel Expects Recovery in Global Automotive Demand

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:12 am

The World Steel Association in its latest Short Range Outlook for 2022 and 2023 said that “The global auto industry’s recovery continued during the first half of 2022 amid the headwinds largely related to COVID-19 restrictions in China and lingering supply chain disruptions. In the US, light vehicle production is poised for continued upward movement provided supply bottlenecks continue to ease, even as the broader manufacturing sector slows sharply. In Mexico, after a weak performance in 2021, auto production is expected to show strong growth in 2022 and 2023 on the back of the gradual alleviation of the shortages of semiconductors. In India, the momentum for passenger car production is strong and is expected to remain healthy with strong order books and improving microchip supply. In South Korea, auto production is expected to show growth as the lockdowns in China and supply chain disruptions are somewhat alleviated.”

Worldsteel said “Meanwhile, in Germany and Japan, the recovery is taking place at a slower pace, with more visible improvement expected in 2023. In Russia, passenger car production plunged with weak demand and increasingly severe shortage of components.”

Worldsteel also said “More recently, supply chain disruptions are getting less acute, and it is expected that the situation will show further improvement in 2023. However, rising inflation and especially rising energy prices are squeezing household budgets, while rising interest rates make cars less affordable. Potential weakness on the demand side may weaken the recovery of production.”

Worldsteel added “However, the production and sales of EVs have been gaining momentum, especially in China and Europe. In China, production of EVs jumped by 120.0% to 3.28 million units, accounting for 22.5% of total vehicle production in the first seven months of 2022.”
JSW Steel Reports Loss in Jul-Sep’22 Quarter

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 4:14 am

India’s largest steel maker JSW Steel after stellar performances has reported net loss of INR 915 crores for the Second Quarter ended 30th September 2022.SW Steel said “The Company's performance during the quarter was significantly impacted by a sharp fall in steel prices, while benefit of lower raw material prices will flow through with a lag. One-off items such as NRV (net realizable value) provisions and inventory losses, mark-to-market unrealized loss on outstanding foreign currency loans and payment of export duty on exports further impacted the operating performance.”


Consolidated Performance

Crude Steel Production: 5.66 million tonnes

Saleable Steel Sales: 5.74 million tonnes

Revenue from Operations: INR 41,778 crores

Operating EBITDA: INR 1,752 crores

Net Loss after Tax: INR 915 crores


Standalone Performance:

Crude Steel Production: 4.95million tonnes

Saleable Steel Sales: 5.01 million tonnes

Revenue from Operations: INR *32,494 crores

Operating EBITDA: INR 1,742 crores

Net loss after Tax: INR 91 crores

JSW Steel Coated Products - During the quarter, JSW Steel Coated Products, including its subsidiaries, registered a production volume of 0.68 million tons and sales volume of 0.79 million tonnes. Revenue from Operations for the quarter stood at INR 6,723 crores, and an Operating EBITDA loss of INR 79 crores. Margins were impacted by lower realization and higher zinc prices. The subsidiary reported a Loss after Tax of INR 260 crores for the quarter.

Bhushan Power & Steel - During the quarter, BPSL registered Crude Steel Production of 0.63 million tonnes and Sales volume of 0.64 million tonnes. Revenue from Operations and Operating EBITDA loss for the quarter stood at INR 4,805 crores & INR 183 crores, respectively. BPSL reported a Loss after Tax of INR 340 crores for the quarter. Performance during the quarter was severely affected by non-availability of iron ore and disruptions due to heavy rainfall in Odisha.

JSW Steel USA Ohio - The EAF-based steel manufacturing facility in Ohio, USA, produced 48,691 net tonnes of HRC and 90,709 net tonnes of Slabs during the quarter. Sales volumes for the quarter stood at 52,862 net tonnes of HRC and 63,614 net tonnes of Slabs. Volumes were lower due to subdued demand for HRC in USA. It reported an Operating EBITDA loss of USD 40.25 million for the quarter, part of which is attributable to NRV losses.

US Plate and Pipe Mill - The Plate & Pipe Mill based in Texas, USA produced 77,172 net tonnes of Plates and 4,969 net tonnes of Pipes, reporting a capacity utilization of 36% and 4%, respectively, during the quarter. Sales volumes for the quarter stood at 74,665 net tonnes of Plates and 4,576 net tonnes of Pipes. It reported an Operating EBITDA of USD 24.73 million.

JSW Steel (Italy) (Aferpi) - The Italy based Rolled long products manufacturing facility produced 75,907 tonnes and sold 65,604 tonnes during the quarter. It reported an Operating EBITDA of Euro 1.0 million for the quarter.

JSW Steel in Outlook said “India remains a bright spot amidst a challenging global economic backdrop, and is expected to be the fastest growing major economy in the world. India has one of the highest Manufacturing and Services PMI's among major economies. The government is focused on building infrastructure, supported by healthy tax collections, and growing domestic manufacturing. The residential real estate sector is seeing continued strength, with strong sales and new launches, amidst healthy affordability. The outlook for the auto sector remains encouraging, driven by strong demand and abating chip shortages. A global slowdown and monetary tightening by developed market central banks could be headwinds to growth. Despite a challenging global economic scenario, we expect healthy steel demand growth in India during H2 FY23 which along with flow through of lower raw material prices should aid Company's performance in the coming quarters.”
Rio Tinto to Modernize JV to Develop Rhodes Ridge Iron Ore

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
25 Oct, 2022, 3:50 am

Rio Tinto (50%) and Wright Prospecting (50%) have agreed to modernise the joint venture covering the Rhodes Ridge project in the East Pilbara in Western Australia, home to one of the world’s largest and highest quality undeveloped iron ore deposits. The binding joint venture updates an existing agreement between the two parties dating back to 1972 and now provides a pathway for the development of the Rhodes Ridge deposits utilising Rio Tinto’s rail, port and power infrastructure.

The participants have commenced an Order of Magnitude study, conducted by Rio Tinto, which will consider the development of an operation before the end of the decade with initial plant capacity of up to 40 million tonnes annually, subject to the receipt of relevant approvals.

Rhodes Ridge contains 5.8 billion tonnes of high grade Mineral Resources at an average grade of 62.3% Fe. The project’s total resource, 6.7 billion tonnes at an average grade of 61.6% Fe, represents approximately one-third of Rio Tinto’s existing Resource base in the Pilbara.1 A resource drilling program is currently underway to support future project studies.

The joint venture will utilise Rio Tinto’s existing rail, port and power infrastructure, including the planned installment of 1 gigawatt of renewable power assets in the Pilbara.

The Rhodes Ridge project is located 40 kilometres north-west of Newman.
Aluminiumtrots Delfzijl gebukt onder gasdrama: deel personeel Aldel al ontslagen

Gisteren, 21:20

AMSTERDAM - Aluminiumsmelter Aldel uit Delfzijl heeft uitstel van betaling gekregen. De grote gasverbruiker slaagde er in de energiecrisis niet in financiering te krijgen. Het verwijt het kabinet bedrijven onvoldoende tijdelijke steun te bieden.

Met het uitstel van betaling hoopt Damco Aluminium Delfzijl (Aldel) tijd te winnen. Een curator onderzoekt of er overnamekandidaten zijn. „Enkele hebben al interesse getoond, maar daar is onvoldoende uitgekomen”, zegt cfo Eric Wildschut desgevraagd. „Met uitstel van betaling verandert de wereld: dan ben je soms tegen andere financiële voorwaarden opeens wél interessant, mogelijk voor dezelfde bedrijven. Dat moet nu blijken.” Naar verluidt zou een Noord-Amerikaanse metaalverwerker interesse hebben.

Merendeel van bedrijven is bezig met verduurzamen

Het in 1959 opgerichte concern heeft recent al meerdere zware bezuinigingsrondes doorstaan. In september nog zag het Groningse bedrijf zich door de gascrisis genoodzaakt 175 van de 200 werknemers te ontslaan. Een aantal bleef op de smelterij om de installaties op de zogeheten waakvlam te houden.

„Door de hoge energieprijzen en te weinig overheidssteun heeft de directie nu uitstel van betaling aan moeten vragen bij de rechtbank in Groningen”, aldus Wildschut. „In tegenstelling tot meerdere andere EU-landen waar wel steun gegeven wordt. Frankrijk heeft €40 miljoen krediet geboden aan een smelter bij Duinkerken, alleen al om door deze winter te komen. Wij krijgen niets.”

Kaalslag dreigt door dure energie: ’Risico groeit dat industrie verdwijnt’

De metaalfabriek ligt eigenlijk al sinds september stil, de ovens bleven goeddeels gesloten vanwege de hoge gasprijs. Er is niet concurrerend te produceren, aldus de bedrijfstop. Aldel gebruikt veel stroom om aluinaarde via een elektrolyseproces te scheiden in zuurstof en het lang gewilde vloeibare aluminium. De Groningers verbruikten jaarlijks voor 1,7 terawattuur aan energie. Ook andere energieslurpers zoals Yara (kunstmest, AdBlue-brandstof) en Nyrstar (zinksmelter) bouwden de productie af. PMC (staalrecycling) vroeg eind september uitstel van betaling aan.

Aldel werd jaren gedeeltelijk gecompenseerd voor de verplicht te kopen CO2-emissierechten in het Europese handelssysteem ETS. Grote vervuilers moeten veel rechten kopen, bedoeld om uitstoot te verminderen. Dankzij de compensatie kon Aldel concurreren met bedrijven uit landen die zulke emissierechten niet verplicht stelden. De compensatie liep eind 2020 af. Aldel claimt nog een deel terugbetaald te krijgen. „Eind oktober, begin november zou dat komen”, zegt Wildschut die in de zomer al vergeefs voor versnelde uitbetaling pleitte in Den Haag. „Het is zo jammer dat grotere energie-intensieve bedrijven geen steun krijgen”, zegt hij.

Rabobank verwacht nog jarenlange hoge gasprijzen

„Het is nu wel heel wrang dat een bedrijf dat schoner wil produceren het zo moet afleggen tegen buitenlandse concurrenten die meer vervuilen”, aldus Albert Kuipers, vakbondsbestuurder bij FNV Metaal. „En dat we dus nu aluminium uit Rusland halen, omdat we toch met z’n allen op een aluminium fiets willen rijden.”
Duty exemption concerns Saudi rebar producers

Saudi Arabia's rebar market slowed down last week. This week, it is silent due to the duty exemption granted to United Arab Emirates' largest producer, Emirates Steel Arkan (ESA), which produces sections, rebar and wire rod.

Last week, ESA received an exemption from Saudi Arabia from the rules-of-origin duty (see Kallanish passim).

Saudi Arabian tier-one mills’ rebar prices for October have been at SAR 2,670-2,750/tonne ($712-733) delivered within the kingdom. This is almost SAR 375/t ($100) higher than ESA's October-delivery domestic ex-works price at AED 2,222/t ($605) in UAE. Towards the end of last week, ESA increased its 10-32mm domestic rebar price by AED 38/t ($10) to AED 2,260/t ($615) ex-mill for November rolling.

Considering the $22-23/t transportation costs from UAE to Saudi cities Riyadh and Dammam, if Saudi mills do not change their rebar quotes, they will be at $75-96/t higher than ESA's Riyadh and Dammam delivered price. This is a genuine concern in the Saudi market, Kallanish observes.

Saudi rebar producers, traders and stockists, who have enjoyed strong market momentum since the Saudi Iron & Steel conference in Riyadh last month, are now concerned about what level November rebar prices will be at amid the ESA duty exemption impact.

"Since the rules-of-origin decree was announced and immediately taken into effect last year on 3 July, rebar supply from UAE stopped. We have extensive rebar production in the country, and resumption of rebar supply in the Saudi market from UAE should concern everyone,” explains a senior mill official. "We have caught a good momentum in the country since mid-last month and, undeniably, the protectionism was a shield for rebar producers in the country [Saudi Arabia].”

In October, Saudi tier-three mills’ rebar quotes at SAR 2,550-2,600/t ($680-693) ex-works or delivered within the same city were the lowest in Saudi Arabia. However, they were still higher than other Gulf Cooperation Council's tier-one mills’ domestic quotes.

Burak Odabasi Turkey
Advies van Kepler Cheuvreux over Arcelor Mittal
Beurshuis Kepler Cheuvreux
Aandeel ArcelorMittal
Datum 24 oktober 2022
Advies Kopen
Koersdoel 32,00 EUR

Detail advies
PARIJS ( - Op 24 oktober 2022 hebben de analisten van Kepler Cheuvreux hun beleggingsadvies voor ArcelorMittal (MT; ISIN: LU1598757687) herhaald. Het advies van Kepler Cheuvreux voor ArcelorMittal blijft "kopen".

Het koersdoel wordt door Kepler Cheuvreux verlaagd van 40,00 EUR naar 32,00 EUR.

Op 5 mei 2022 publiceerde ArcelorMittal kwartaalcijfers.
Mondiale staalproductie stijgt
In september stijging van krap 4 procent.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De mondiale staalproductie is in september gestegen. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van brancheorganisatie World Steel Association.

In totaal vervaardigden de 64 staalproducerende landen vorige maand 151,7 miljoen ton staal, een stijging van 3,7 procent op jaarbasis. In augustus ging het om een productiekrimp van 3,0 procent.

Die stijging kwam onder meer door China, wereldwijd met afstand de grootste fabrikant van staal. Daar steeg de productie vorige maand met 17,6 procent tot 87 miljoen ton.

In de VS daalde de productie in september juist met 7,5 procent, naar 6,6 miljoen ton.

In Rusland daalde de productie naar schatting 6,8 procent en in Japan daalde die met 12,3 procent.

De EU kende in september een productiekrimp van 16,7 procent tot 10,7 miljoen ton. In Duitsland daalde de productie met ruim 15 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
Prognosis is Bleak for Ship Recycling Market

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
26 Oct, 2022, 6:00 am

World's leading cash buyer of ships for recycling GMS said that “The world finally gathered last week at the Tradewinds ship recycling conference in Dubai, for the first time in three years due to the onset of the pandemic. The big topics of the day were discussed, including various green and ESG measures being introduced to secure the sustainable future of recycling of older seafaring assets. Of course, there has been minimal activity to speak of in terms of sales, as we usually see one or two deals being concluded and rates rising during the TW conference, but the event this year seemed to be an occasion for people to catch up, rather than conclude business, especially after the recent years fractured by Covid-19. Sub-continent markets remain subdued and deprived of tonnage as freight markets continue to fly. Depreciating currencies remain the chief concern, as do fragile steel plate prices, with rates well below USD 600/LDT and likely to move further down.”

GMS said “Turkey too, remains in a depressed state with levels that remain suspended USD 250/MT below its recent spring peak, as its own currency and steel plate prices remain buried, along with the sentiments that too remain diminished.”

GMS concluded “While the recent buildup seemed to suggest a greater level of activity come Q4 2022, this remains far from reality at this time as there is surprisingly little demand, due to strained banking & LC limits and disconnected & high asking prices from Owners, leaving most plots in the sub-continent stranded in idle. The prognosis is therefore not goodSteel exports slump in September”

GMS Price Assessment - India/Bangladesh/Pakistan – Week 42 Unchanged

Dry Bulk – USD 550-570 per LDT

Tankers - USD 560-580 per LDT

Containers - USD 570-590 per LDT
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Vertraagd 7 mrt 2025 17:36
Koers 30,480
Verschil -1,690 (-5,25%)
Hoog 31,770
Laag 30,480
Volume 4.319.928
Volume gemiddeld 2.986.909
Volume gisteren 8.534.283

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront