Uit het persbericht van 8 oktober 2012:
"In addition to INEOS’s joint investment programme with Accsys into the Tricoya business, INEOS Industries Holdings Limited has subscribed for 23,529,412 new ordinary shares in Accsys, at a price of €0.17 per share. Admission of these shares onto the London Stock Exchange and Euronext
Amsterdam markets is expected to take place no later than 19 October 2012 following receipt by Accsys of subscription monies totalling €4,000,000. The new ordinary shares issued to Ineos will represent 5.4% of the issued share capital of Accsys. The Company has also executed a warrant instrument in favour of INEOS, allowing INEOS the opportunity to purchase up to a further 16,468,236 shares at a price of €0.21 per share at certain times during the course of the next four years."
In principe mooi natuurlijk dat er ergens tussen nu en 2016 nog ruim 3,5 miljoen aan cash binnenkomt als INEOS de 16,468,236 nieuwe aandelen op 21 cent koopt. Ik vraag me wel af in hoeverre dit invloed kan hebben op de koers?