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Waterstof auto, redding van de autobranche?

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Toyota Fuel Cell EV Mobile Clinic for Japanese Red Cross

Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital and Toyota Motor Corporation have agreed to begin demonstration testing of the world’s first Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle mobile clinic that uses hydrogen to generate electricity, by the summer of 2021. The organizations aim to use this demonstration testing to confirm the effectiveness of a commercial fuel cell electric vehicle in areas of medicine and disaster countermeasures, and to achieve carbon neutrality. By building an operational model of an FCEV mobile clinic for utilization during normal times and times of disaster, they will also contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions to help prevent global warming.

Toyota has developed the FCEV mobile clinic based on its Coaster minibus, with the power source using the Toyota fuel cell system*2 employed by the “Mirai” FCEV. On the road, it exhibits a superior environmental performance with no CO2 emissions or substances of concern , while offering a low-noise, low-vibration driving experience.

With multiple 100 VAC accessory power outlets supplied not only inside the vehicle but also outside the cabin, the vehicle is able to supply electricity to a variety of electrical products. It is also equipped with an external DC electric power supply system that delivers a high-output, large-capacity supply of power (9 kW max output, approx. 90 kWh supply capacity). Inside, the vehicle combines air conditioning with an exhaust system and HEPA filter*4 to improve infection control for occupants when working.

Typhoons, heavy rains and other natural disasters have increased in frequency over recent years, causing not only power outages for homes and evacuation centers, but also increasing the need for medical services in disaster-affected areas. In light of this, Toyota has been working with Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital since around the summer of 2020 to look into how these issues could be addressed. As a result, the two organizations have agreed to contribute to solving issues associated with natural disasters. This would be achieved with an FCEV mobile clinic that could be used to deliver medical services during normal times, and could also be used to support disaster relief efforts during times of disaster, while supplying electricity in disaster-affected areas as part of a disaster response.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Waterstof: ook bestelwagens moeten er nu aan geloven
Autoweek 13 uur geleden

© Aangeboden door NU.nl

Waterstof was lange tijd niet in beeld voor de aandrijving van bestelbussen. Maar met name de Franse autofabrikanten lijken er nu toch in geloven. Nog dit jaar worden de eerste auto's op de markt verwacht.

Renault maakte eerder dit jaar bekend te gaan samenwerken met het Amerikaanse Plug Power, voor de ontwikkeling en bouw van lichte bestelwagens op waterstof. Hun joint venture wordt gevestigd in Frankrijk. Maar Stellantis, het nieuwe moederbedrijf van Peugeot, Opel, Citroën en Fiat blijkt al veel concretere plannen te hebben.

Stellantis gaat de bestaande, elektrische bestelbussen van Citroën, Peugeot en Opel ervoor aanpassen. Dat zijn de Citroën ë-Jumpy, Opel Vivaro-e en Peugeot e-Expert. Hun elektrische aandrijving wordt simpelweg uitgebreid met een brandstofcel. Die brandstofcel wordt gevoed door waterstof om via een chemisch proces stroom te produceren.

Volgens Stellantis zal dit gedeeltelijk ten koste gaan van de accucapaciteit, om ruimte te maken voor de waterstoftank(s). Maar een brandstofcel is tegenwoordig zo klein te maken dat hij kan worden ingebouwd in de motorruimte van de busjes. Daar is plek zat, want een benzine- of dieselmotor nam daar vroeger veel meer ruimte in.

Volkswagen ziet waterstofbestelbussen niet zitten
Er waren de afgelopen jaren al tal van proefprojecten met bestelauto's op waterstof, maar die leidden vrijwel nooit tot serieuze plannen. Wel zijn er bedrijven die bestelauto's op kleine schaal ombouwen om op waterstof te kunnen rijden. Volkswagen experimenteerde er ook mee, maar topman Herbert Diess van de Volkswagen Group kondigde onlangs aan dit definitief niet te zien zitten. Hij wijst het niet alleen af voor bestelauto's, maar voor alle soorten auto's.

Diess: "Waterstof is zeker interessant, maar niet voor auto's. Het is tijd dat politici de wetenschap omarmen: waterstof is nodig voor staal-, chemische- en aero-industrie. Het hoort niet in auto's te komen. Het is veel te duur, inefficiënt en langzaam en lastig uit te rollen en transporteren." Bij de verkoop van personenauto's op waterstof lopen Toyota en Hyundai voorop in Europa. Toyota toonde vorig jaar ook zijn eerste vrachtauto op waterstof.

Het is inmiddels ook bekend hoe Stellantis de techniek precies wil inbouwen. Stellantis kiest voor een relatief groot accupakket en een relatief kleine brandstofcel. Stellantis noemt dit 'mid-power', het zoekt de middenweg tussen een krachtige brandstofcel en een brandstofcel die enkel als range-extender fungeert, dus om de reikwijdte te kunnen verlengen.

Op deze manier hoeven er geen grote structurele veranderingen doorgevoerd te worden in het ontwerp van de busjes en gaat de aanpassing voor waterstof ook nauwelijks ten koste van de bagageruimte.

Het accupakket heeft in deze basis 10,5 kWh capaciteit en de elektriciteit wordt uit 4,4 kilo waterstof door een 45 kW brandstofcel gegenereerd. Al met al moet het volgens Stellantis goed zijn voor minimaal 400 kilometer actieradius (WLTP) en het voltanken van de waterstofbestelbus zal hooguit een paar minuten in beslag nemen.

Toyota maakte onlangs zijn waterstofauto Mirai ruim 15.000 euro goedkoper. Wordt hij daarmee aantrekkelijker? Autoweek staat er uitgebreid bij stil in dit artikel. Autoweek heeft de nieuwe Toyota Mirai ook al getest. Dat zie je in deze video.

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Bosch & Qingling Motors Cooperate on Fuel Cells

Bosch is taking the next step to help fuel cells as emission-free drive solutions achieve a global breakthrough. Together with the premium commercial vehicle manufacturer Qingling Motors, the company has now established a joint venture in China, named Bosch Hydrogen Powertrain Systems (Chongqing) Co. Ltd. The new company will develop, assemble and market fuel cell systems for the Chinese market. The goal is to pool the technology and market expertise of both partners and contribute to the development of the Chinese fuel cell market and the transformation of the automotive industry there. According to the Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicle Technology Roadmap 2.0 by the China Society of Automotive Engineers (China-SAE), more than one million vehicles with fuel cell drive systems could be registered in China by 2030. The joint venture aims to provide all Chinese vehicle manufacturers with fuel cell systems. The components required for this, such as the fuel cell stack, air compressor with power electronics, and control unit with sensors, come from Bosch, mainly from the plant in Wuxi. Small-scale production will start there this year. Also in 2021, a test fleet of 70 Qingling trucks equipped with Bosch’s Fuel Cell Power Module will hit the road. The market launch of the fuel cell system is planned for 2022/2023.

Bosch is bringing its expertise in fuel cell systems to the joint venture. As a premium manufacturer with a complete portfolio ranging from light to medium to heavy trucks and a strong commitment to electrification and fuel cells, Qingling is contributing its commercial vehicle know-how as well as years of experience in the Chinese truck market.

Bosch believes in a hydrogen future and is continuously investing in this area. The company has already built up development and application competences with its fuel cell activities in China. Last year, the fuel cell center in Wuxi was built. The task now is to prepare the necessary manufacturing capacities for the components which will also be supplied to the joint venture. Bosch is thus strengthening its engagement in the Chinese market.

At its German locations in Bamberg, Feuerbach, and Homburg, Bosch is also driving forward the industrialization of the fuel cell. Together with the Swedish specialist Powercell, Bosch is currently developing the fuel cell stack to be market ready, in order to start large-scale production on its own from 2022 onwards.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Auto-toeleverancier Bosch verwacht aanhouden chiptekort
Gerben van der Marel 11:42

Stefan Asenkerschbaumer, financieel bestuurder van Bosch: ‘De pandemie blijft aanzienlijke risico’s met zich meebrengen.’ Foto: Marijan Murat/ANP

Bosch, 's werelds grootste toeleverancier voor de automobielindustrie, vreest dat het wereldwijde chiptekort voorlopig niet verdwijnt. Dat weerhield het Duitse bedrijf donderdag van het maken van zeer optimistische prognoses.

‘Hoewel we met vertrouwen aan 2021 zijn begonnen, blijft de pandemie aanzienlijke risico’s met zich meebrengen’, zei financieel bestuurder Stefan Asenkerschbaumer in een toelichting op de resultaten in het eerste kwartaal. Hij spreekt over een ‘gespannen situatie’ voor de automobielsector. Door de enorme wereldwijde vraag naar halfgeleiders moeten toeleveranciers en de grote automakers op de rem trappen.

Honger naar chips
De chips zijn nodig om de elektronica in de auto’s aan te sturen. De onderneming zegt alles in het werk te stellen om klanten in de autoproductie te ondersteunen. Maar een verbetering op korte termijn valt niet te verwachten, aldus Bosch. Het bedrijf rekent erop dat dit gevolgen heeft voor de zakelijke ontwikkelingen van de Duitse grootmacht die ook een grote consumentenelektronicatak heeft.

Bosch maakte bekend redelijk goed het jaar begonnen te zijn. Het bedrijf lichtte donderdag de eerder gepresenteerde jaarcijfers 2020 toe, samen met nieuwe resultaten over het eerste kwartaal. De omzet is met 17% gestegen vergeleken met de eerste drie maanden van 2020. Ook in vergelijking met 2019 is sprake van een stijging: 8,5%.

Bosch put hoop uit herstel in Azië en Noord-Amerika en uit het stimuleringsplan van de Amerikaanse regering. In Europa zal het herstel op een laag pitje blijven staan, aldus Asenkerschbaumer.

Lessen uit de pandemie
Bosch is als grootste private onderneming van Duitsland wereldwijd actief. Een van de lessen die Asenkerschbaumer trekt uit de pandemie is dat de toeleveringsketens in de automobielindustrie minder kwetsbaar gemaakt moeten worden voor ontwrichting.

Bosch is een van de grote spelers in de productie van dieselmotoren die sterk op hun retour zijn. Hoewel Bosch blijft geloven in een lucratieve toekomst van schone dieselmotoren, heeft de opmars van de elektrische aandrijflijn dit gemaakt tot een kernactiviteit van Bosch.

'Wij zijn winnaars'
Topman Volkmar Denner claimt dat Bosch ‘een van de winnaars is in de overgang naar elektromobiliteit’. Denner zei de softwareactiviteiten aanzienlijk uit te breiden me de koppeling van kunstmatige intelligentie aan het productaanbod. Tot nu toe investeerde Bosch €5 mrd in elektromobiliteit. Dit jaar worden de investeringen verhoogd tot €700 mln. De omzet van Bosch uit elektrische aandrijflijncomponenten groeit jaarlijks met 40%, maar vooralsnog gaat de kost voor de baat uit. Bosch verwacht in 2024 quitte te spelen.

Het doel van het ruim honderd jaar oude bedrijf uit Stuttgart is om de jaaromzet op dit terrein te vervijfvoudigen tot ongeveer €5 mrd in 2025. Op het totaal is dat nog bescheiden. Bosch boekte vorig jaar € 71,5 mrd. Dat was een daling van 6,1% ten opzichte van het jaar ervoor.

Bosch rekent verder op een rol in de groeimarkt van waterstof. Het bedrijf ontwikkelt stationaire en mobiele technieken voor brandstofcellen die waterstof omzetten in elektriciteit. Bosch plant de komende drie jaar meer dan een miljard euro te investeren in brandstofceltechnologie.

Behalve autocomponenten verkoopt Bosch gereedschap en huishoudelijke apparaten. Door stevige kostenverlagingen en goede resultaten in deze consumentendivisie wist Bosch vorig jaar met €2 mrd onder de streep winstgevend te blijven. Wel is voor het tweede achtereenvolgende jaar de winst ingestort.

Lange adem
Bosch opereert buiten de beurs met een lange adem voor investeringen in nieuwe technologie. In 2020 is de ebit-marge door de herstructureringsuitgaven teruggevallen tot circa 2,8%. Asenkerschbaumer zegt dat dit jaar opnieuw uitdagend wordt, maar reden voor optimisme is er ook. In totaal zegt Bosch tot eind 2020 al een ordervolume van meer dan €20 mrd verworven te hebben.

Originele link van het artikel: fd.nl/ondernemen/1381222/auto-toeleve...
Mitsubishi Chemical leads charge against China's EV battery giants

Company to boost electrolyte production by 50% to compete for surging demand.


De overheden gaan de productie van benzine en diesel moteren aan banden leggen vanaf 2030. Dit betekent dat de autoindustie electrische en hybride auto's zal moeten gaan leveren. Er is dan een grote vraag naar EV batterijen.
The Province of Noord-Brabant, Economic Affairs & Climate Policy and TNO invest in Holst Centre’s new generation battery technology


3 Ways Solid State Battery Technology Will Change The Automotive Industry


Het hele waterstofconcept is wel degelijk volop in beweging. Ik wees al op de Franse snelwegen waar door Engie overal waterstof-afhaalpunten geènstalleerd worden om met name zware vrachtwagens op waterstof te laten rijden.

Solvay sloot zich aan bij een ander project. Zie posting van Hans/ Voda hierboven.

En nu, zie bovenstaand bericht: Airbus en ArcelorMittal sluiten zich aan bij een groot Duits project. Zelf heb ik nog geen specifiek "waterstofaandeel, maar volg de ontwikkelingen wel en zie daar toekomst voor.

Alleen al afgelopen anderhalf jaar toch zeker een stuk of 8 grote multinationals die wel degelijk met grote ombouwplannen bezig zijn. In weekend las ik een totaal ander concept: Windmolenparken in de Noordzee...Opgewekte elektriciteit voor groot waterstofproductie-eenheid.

Geen loze hersenschimmen, maar er wordt concreet aan gewerkt.

De waterstofprijs is (nog) vrijgesteld van accijnzen. Dat betekent dat de overheid niets verdient op waterstof aan de pomp en we kunnen op onze vingers natellen dat dit zal veranderen. Dat maakt op waterstof rijden straks, als de subsidiebron opdroogt, veel duurder.

Tenslotte, dat wordt ook erkend, is de huidige waterstof afkomstig uit aardgas (grijze waterstof) en dus niet schoon. Voor het maken van groene waterstof is veel stroom nodig waardoor de prijs per kg fors gaat stijgen.


johan20090 schreef op 28 april 2021 09:41:

De waterstofprijs is (nog) vrijgesteld van accijnzen. Dat betekent dat de overheid niets verdient op waterstof aan de pomp en we kunnen op onze vingers natellen dat dit zal veranderen. Dat maakt op waterstof rijden straks, als de subsidiebron opdroogt, veel duurder.

Tenslotte, dat wordt ook erkend, is de huidige waterstof afkomstig uit aardgas (grijze waterstof) en dus niet schoon. Voor het maken van groene waterstof is veel stroom nodig waardoor de prijs per kg fors gaat stijgen.


toekomst PRIJS v Waterstof gaat juist Dalen want de Stroom die nodig is gaat met Solar en Windparken middels een electolyzer proces opgewekt worden, dus een Oneindige bron, daar waar de Batterij steeds Duurder word omdat de GRONDSTOF opraakt daarbij is de Grondstof ook nog niet Groen, btw wel leuk dat Musk die zich voordoet als Wereldverbeteraar met zijn Tesla nu ook in Bitcoin zit , een technologie die de meeste stroom nodig heeft, niet te geloven !!
Chevron & Toyota Pursue Strategic Alliance on Hydrogen

Chevron USA Inc, through its Chevron Products Company division, and Toyota Motor North America Inc announced a memorandum of understanding to explore a strategic alliance to catalyze and lead the development of commercially viable, large scale businesses in hydrogen, with the goal to advance a functional, thriving global hydrogen economy.

Chevron and Toyota are seeking to work on three main strategic priorities: collaborating on hydrogen-related public policy measures that support the development of hydrogen infrastructure; understanding current and future market demand for light-duty and heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles and supply opportunities for that demand; and exploring opportunities to jointly pursue research and development in hydrogen powered transportation and storage.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
FEV Designs Efficient Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine

Based on 40 years of experience in this field leading engineering provider FEV is picking up the pace in the development of hydrogen internal combustion engines. Ever since the EU initiated the “European Clean Hydrogen Alliance” in July 2020, the hydrogen ICE has increasingly been in the spotlight of the transportation sector’s debate on zero-emission drive solutions. Ongoing discussions about a decrease in CO2 emissions of over 30% for trucks and 50% for passenger vehicles until 2030 compared to the 2019 starting point add additional pressure to the development of zero-emission technologies. Nevertheless, due to its specific chemical properties like wide flammability limits and short ignition delay, hydrogen creates some challenges for the development of internal combustion engines, which FEV is successfully tackling.

To comply with existing safety requirements and due to the need of a secure, constant pressure upstream to the injector, hydrogen creates a unique demand for the design of fuel rails feeding the engine. “FEV has gained deep know-how in terms of the design of pressure-oscillation-free fuel-rails utilizing our multi-cylinder research engine. Besides fuel supply of hydrogen via rail, the admission through the injectors as well as the mixing process with intake air needs deep understanding of the fluid dynamics and interactions. The experimental results in combination with FEV’s well proven knowledge of charge-motion generation enables the company to optimize the interaction of fuel injection and charge-motion design to secure best possible mixture homogeneity.

The wide flammability limit and the low ignition energy needed is adding strict requirements to the design of the ignition system. Suppressing any kind of unintended discharge is key. Additionally, high flame temperatures result in an increased wear of electrodes and directs the attention to best possible controllability of the ignition energy supplied. Low density of hydrogen can lead to accumulation of hydrogen inside the engine crankcase, thus exceeding the lower explosive limit. In combination with the above mentioned low ignition energy required, this effect might lead to severe engine damage.

To compensate for the lag in transient response present at constant air fuel ratio operation, smart engine control functions combine engine drivability with lowest NOx emissions. Therefore, FEV utilizes its rapid control prototype setup to develop software tailored for hydrogen ICEs as time efficient as possible. In order to operate H2-ICEs in complete autarky without base ECU, even full control hardware and software are supplied by the company.

Maximizing robustness against pre ignition

Preignition is one of the major challenges limiting hydrogen internal combustion engines in achieving high, Diesel-like brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) levels. Preignition can be caused, among other sources, by hot surface areas or uncontrolled lube oil introduction into the combustion chamber.

With seven test benches for hydrogen internal combustion engines, FEV is able to operate each engine on a 24/7 basis.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hydrogen Solaris in Italian City of Bolzano

New Urbino models running on hydrogen are about to join the fleet of electric buses of Solaris which have been serving as transport means for Bolzano residents for years. Solaris Bus & Coach has begun the delivery of vehicles under a deal signed in May 2019. Public transport operator SASA Bolzano is the first of Solaris’ clients to opt for the hydrogen Urbino model. In line with the contract a total of 12 buses based on this state-of-the-art technology will be deployed on the streets of the Italian city. The official handover of the vehicles was carried out during a press conference that marked the finalisation of a deal signed two years before.

The hydrogen buses of Solaris are yet another option in the manufacturer’s zero-emission portfolio, next to trolleybuses and battery-powered buses; what distinguishes them from standard electric buses is that electric power is generated directly on board of the vehicle. The Urbino 12 hydrogen possesses therefore all advantages of an electric bus, while guaranteeing an extremely long driving range on a single refill, and with steam being the sole by-product of the energy generation process in the hydrogen bus.

Orders for hydrogen technology-based Solaris buses are gathering pace – the group of clients commissioning the hydrogen model has been recently joined by carriers from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Daimler Truck & Shell Join Hands for Hydrogen Trucks in Europe

Daimler Truck AG and Shell New Energies NL BV have signed an agreement to jointly drive the adoption of hydrogen-based fuel-cell trucks in Europe. The companies plan to support the decarbonisation of road freight by building-out hydrogen-refuelling infrastructure and placing fuel-cell trucks in customers’ hands. Shell intends to initially rollout a hydrogen-refuelling network joining three green hydrogen production hubs at the Port of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands as well as Cologne and Hamburg in Germany. From 2024, Shell aims to launch heavy-duty refuelling stations between the three locations and Daimler Truck aims to hand over the first heavy-duty hydrogen trucks to customers subsequently in 2025. The plan aims to continuously expand the hydrogen powered freight corridor, which will cover 1200 kilometres by 2025, in order to deliver 150 hydrogen refuelling stations and around 5,000 Mercedes-Benz heavy-duty fuel cell trucks by 2030.

Shell and Daimler Truck aim to deliver the optimal hydrogen infrastructure network by designing the network based on customer needs and usage patterns. The agreement also includes the joint aim to establish an open refuelling standard defining the interaction and interface between the truck and the refuelling station in order to realize customer friendly, cost efficient, reliable and safe hydrogen refuelling. Both companies invite other potential partners to join them in their efforts.

Both Daimler Truck and Shell are founding members of the recently launched H2Accelerate consortium and consider the group a key vehicle to support the rollout of hydrogen-powered transport in Europe. Daimler Truck and Shell remain fully committed to working with the consortium and aim to work through H2Accelerate to enable their rollout plans in the coming decade.

The agreement builds on Daimler Truck’s fuel-cell truck rollout plans and is an extension of Shell Group’s existing hydrogen refuelling networks in Europe and North America.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Solaris to Supply 13 Hydrogen Buses for Frankfurt

Solaris Bus & Coach has won a tender call for the delivery of 13 hydrogen-powered buses. This call was made by the company In-der-City-Bus which is in charge of public transport in Frankfurt. The contract marks yet another success for the manufacturer which has been gradually expanding its reach in the electromobility segment, supplying hydrogen buses, electric buses and trolleybuses to a growing number of European cities.

The technology used in the Urbino hydrogen makes for absolutely environmentally friendly transport, thanks to the use of energy supplied by a fuel cell (of 70 kW); the sole by-products of the chemical reaction that takes place in it are heat and steam. Electric power generated in the process of reverse electrolysis is transferred directly to the driveline, consisting of an axle with electric motors. What is more, each bus will be fitted with an additional electric power storage facility, i.e. a Solaris High Power battery. The hydrogen needed to propel the bus will be stored in gaseous form, in roof-stacked tanks.

The Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen buses will be fitted with a range of top-notch Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) solutions that support the driver’s work, including the MirrorEye system in which cameras replace conventional side mirrors thus improving road visibility for the driver. The camera view is transmitted to the in-vehicle displays. Interestingly, the screens can also show distance indicator lines for various parts of the bus, for instance its rear, particular doors or the axles, which will make it easier, and above all safer, for the driver to manoeuvre and to park.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Austria Tests Hydrogen Buses by Solaris

The hydrogen-powered Urbino hydrogen bus has been cruising on the streets of the picturesque towns of the Austrian province of Carinthia. Solaris has kicked off the presentation of its hydrogen-fuelled vehicle and, as a result, representatives of regional authorities and local transport operators are now able to learn more about the technology featured in that vehicle. The test drives of the hydrogen Urbino lasted until the end of May.

At a conference held in Villach, representatives of the federal land of Carinthia and of operator ÖBB Postbus talked about their plans to purchase hydrogen buses. This ultramodern and completely emission-free bus model has been raising a lot of interest among local carriers. Attended among others by representatives of Solaris Bus & Coach, Solaris Austria, local operator ÖBB Postbus, Carinthian regional authorities and international media, the event provided a great opportunity to learn more about the state-of-the-art technology applied by the manufacturer in the hydrogen vehicle.

The representatives of local transport operators attending the conference showcased plans related to the development of the fleet in the next few years.

Solaris is Europe’s leading provider of emission-free solutions for city transport vehicles. After its launch in 2019, the hydrogen-fuelled Urbino 12 hydrogen supplemented the manufacturer’s electromobility offer which also encompasses electric buses and trolleybuses that are already well-known in Austria, including to Salzburg residents.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Total Supports Hydrogen Taxi Operator Hysetco in Paris

Total has announced the acquisition of a stake in Hysetco, a French company dedicated to the development of hydrogen mobility in cities. Hysetco owns the largest fleet of hydrogen taxis in the world, launched in 2015 and operated in the Île-de-France region under the Hype brand, as well as hydrogen stations. The Hype project aims to demonstrate for the first time on a large scale the viability of zero-emission hydrogen vehicles for urban mobility. With the acquisition of a 20% stake, Total joins Hysetco’s historical shareholders: STEP (Société du Taxi Electrique Parisien), Air Liquide, Toyota and Kouros.

Hysetco currently owns around 700 taxis in Paris, with still a majority of diesel vehicles that will transition gradually to become exclusively comprised of hydrogen vehicles by 2024. The hydrogen taxis are fueled by a dedicated network of hydrogen stations operated by Hysetco. This network is expected to expand in the coming years to support the growth of hydrogen vehicle fleet. Total will make its network of service-stations available to Hysetco to contribute to the growth of this network of hydrogen stations.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
BMW Group Sets Goals for Hydrogen as Future Technology

The BMW Group has clear goals for effective climate protection and sustainable mobility up to the year 2030 and products and production are affected. As a green plant, Leipzig aims not only to be carbon-neutral but also to operate carbon-free production. BMW Group Plant Leipzig Director Mr Hans-Peter Kemser said “Our solution to the challenges of environmental policy is technological innovation. Technology is where the key to the future lies and it’s our constructive response for climate protection. Our vision is to fully decarbonise production by replacing fossil fuels with future fuels in the shape of green hydrogen.”

In a first step, hydrogen is already being used in logistics to power tractors and forklifts carrying required parts to the assembly lines. The first such vehicles went into service back in 2013, and Plant Leipzig now operates 81 in total. With a further 37 to be added shortly, Plant Leipzig will have the largest hydrogen-powered logistics fleet in Germany. Like conventionally powered vehicles, the hydrogen fleet has the great advantage of being very quick to refuel – and the filling stations take up little space.

The Hydrogen Summit also provided the backdrop for BMW Group Plant Leipzig to inaugurate its fourth on-site hydrogen filling station. The first went on stream in 2013 in the BMW i bodyshop and was the only indoor H2 refuelling station in Germany at the time. Two more followed in 2018, and a fourth is now also set to supply the steadily rising number of hydrogen vehicles. About 50 kg of hydrogen are put into their tanks every day – all of it certified green since day one.

BMW Group Plant Leipzig has always been planned as a “green plant” and has set standards in sustainability in many areas, from production of the electric BMW i3 and BMW i8 to the site’s four wind turbines and battery farm, and the hydrogen-powered vehicles operating in intralogistics. A holistic approach to advancing sustainability has been the goal throughout.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hyundai Motor Upgrades XCIENT Fuel Cell Truck

Hyundai Motor Company has released images of its newly upgraded XCIENT Fuel Cell, the world’s first mass-produced, heavy-duty truck powered by hydrogen. With design and performance updates, Hyundai’s zero-emission heavy-duty vehicle will become even more attractive to corporate fleet customers all over the world. Hyundai will begin production of 2021 XCIENT Fuel Cell in August this year.

Better driving experience with improved design and performance

Hyundai has upgraded both the design and performance of XCIENT Fuel Cell, adding to its competitive edge for a better driving experience. The updated exterior design expresses XCIENT Fuel Cell’s dynamic and eco-friendly performance. Decorated with a linear and bold ‘V’ shape of chrome details and multi-dimensional mesh patterns, the new radiator grille reflects the high-tech fuel cell electric truck’s unrivalled presence on the road, while serving its own technical function. The blue point color surrounding the grille and the decal graphics vividly visualizes XCIENT Fuel Cell’s use of eco-friendly hydrogen energy.

2021 XCIENT Fuel Cell is equipped with a 180-kW hydrogen fuel cell system with two 90-kW fuel cell stacks, newly modified for this heavy-duty truck model. The fuel cell system’s durability as well as the vehicle’s overall fuel efficiency has been improved to better stay in tune with the demands of commercial fleet customers. The 350-kW e-motor with maximum torque of 2,237 Nm further enables dynamic driving performance.

Seven large hydrogen tanks offer a combined storage capacity of around 31 kg of fuel, while three 72-kWh high voltage batteries provide an additional source of power. The maximum driving range of 2021 XCIENT Fuel Cell is set to be around 400 km[1]. Refueling a full tank of hydrogen takes about 8 to 20 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature.

2021 XCIENT Fuel Cell is now available in a 6×2 rigid body configuration as well as the 4×2 option introduced in the previous model.

With the launch of the enhanced model, Hyundai plans to accelerate the global advancement of its heavy-duty fuel cell truck. Hyundai shipped a total of 46 units of XCIENT Fuel Cell to Switzerland last year. As of May 2021, the cumulative driving range of those trucks in operation reached over 750,000 kilometers.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Hyzon to Supply 20 Fuel Cell Trucks to Dutch Transporters

Leading global supplier of zero emission hydrogen fuel cell powered commercial vehicles Hyzon Motors Inc has entered into definitive purchase agreements with subsidiaries of major Dutch transport companies Jan Bakker BV and Millenaar & van Schaik BV to supply a total of up to 20 hydrogen fuel cell powered trucks. Hyzon expects to deliver up to three vehicles in Q4 of 2021, and to deliver the remaining trucks in 2022. The vehicles, HyMax 450 Tractors built on a class-8 DAF truck chassis, are expected to have up to 520 km per refill with motor power up to 550 kW capacity. Hyzon expects to manufacture the trucks in its European facility in the Groningen area of the Netherlands, where orders are being taken for deliveries of Hyzon-branded commercial vehicles worldwide. The trucks have been purchased by Duurzaam Transport B.V., a subsidiary of Jan Bakker, and H2 Transport BV, a subsidiary of Millenaar & van Schaik.

Jan Bakker counts 17 companies in the corporate family, operating in transport, energy, and agricultural trade. Millenaar & van Schaik is one of the largest asphalt transport companies in the Netherlands. Both companies are committed to sustainable practices and utilizing renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. Implementing Hyzon’s FCEVs extends this commitment along their truck routes.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Renault & Plug Power Hydrogen JV HYVIA Launched

French auto giant Renault Group and world leader in turnkey hydrogen and fuel cell solutions Plug Power Inch have launched HYVIA, The joint venture is equally owned by the two partners and is chaired by David Holderbach, with over 20 years of experience in strategic, product and international sales at the Renault Group. The name HYVIA is a contraction of “HY” for hydrogen and the Latin word “VIA” for road, embodying the ambition to open a new path towards low-carbon mobility. Commercial vehicles such as LCVs require greater range and shorter refueling time, operational demands where hydrogen fuel cells are the unparalleled energy solution.

HYVIA’s activities will be carried out at existing Renault facilities in France:

1. The head office of the joint venture as well as the R&D teams will be located at Villiers-Saint-Frédéric, with the light commercial vehicle engineering and development center for Renault Group, to maximize synergy across teams.

2. The process, manufacturing and logistics teams will be based in Flins, as part of the Re-Factory project, and plan to begin the assembly of fuel cells and recharging stations by end of 2021.

3. The first vehicles, based on Renault Master, will be assembled at the Batilly plant.

4. The fuel cell integration will be carried out by PVI, a subsidiary of Renault Group since 2017, located in Gretz-Armainvilliers.

The HYVIA integrated hydrogen technology complements Renault’s E-TECH technology, increasing vehicle range to 500 km with rapid recharging time of 3 minutes. These advantages are particularly well-suited to certain uses of light commercial vehicles while simultaneously addressing the regulatory challenges of decarbonizing city centers.

The first three fuel cell vehicles brought to market by HYVIA will be based on the Renault Master platform and should be available in Europe by end of 2021 and accompanied with the deployment of charging stations and the supply of green hydrogen:

1. Transport of goods: Van version and Chassis cab version for large volumes.

2. Transport of people: City bus version.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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