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Gold War

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Putin Flushes the US Dollar: Russia’s Gold Ruble Payments System Delinked from Dollar?

A New Financial System independent from Wall Street & city begins to take shape concretely in Russia?

By Umberto Pascali
Global Research, March 30, 2014

Russia “forced” by the sanctions to create a system independent from the Dollar.

Russia announces that it will sell (and buy) his products and commodities – including oil – in rubles; not anymore in dollars

Putin has been preparing this move — the creation of a payment system in rubles completely independent and protected from the Dollar and the killer speculations of the big Western financial institutions — for a long time.


B_B schreef op 12 februari 2014 12:33:

bennie, op 05 februari 2014 om 10:05 uur
Waarom verlaten de groten der aarde het strijdtoneel?
Wat weten zij wat wij niet weten?

Ben Bernanke (FED)
Mohamed El-Erian (Pimco)
Zhu Changhong (SAFE)

Zhu Changhong ("Invisible Man")had been the chief investment officer for the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), the agency that manages China’s $3.8tn mountain of foreign exchange reserves. He left a starring role at Pimco, the world’s largest bond house, to join SAFE in late 2009

Fed Board Member Stein Announces Resignation
WASHINGTON April 3, 2014 (AP)

Jeremy Stein, a member of the Federal Reserve Board, announced Thursday that he plans to resign next month to return to Harvard University, creating more turnover on the seven-member board.
Stein had argued in his speeches that the Fed needed to be alert to threats of financial instability that could be caused by the central bank's easy money policies.
Bloomberg News
Ex-Pimco CEO El-Erian Said to Write Book on Global Central Banks
By Alexis Leondis and Betty Liu April 01, 2014

Mohamed El-Erian, the former chief executive officer of Pacific Investment Management Co. whose exit spurred a leadership shakeup at the fund firm, plans to write a book about the rise and potential fall of central banks, according to a person familiar with the matter.
MONApr 7, 2014Updated: 5:53pm
US defence chief Chuck Hagel calls on China to respect its neighbours amid tensions with Japan
US defence chief tells Beijing on eve of visit that 'great powers have great responsibilities' as he announces deployment of warships to Japan

Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:35
China Warns US not to 'Interfere in Hong Kong Affairs' over Democratic Reform

2 vliegen in 1 klap
Als China ervoor zorgt dat de goudprijs in korte tijd verdubbeld, dan valt de Dollar en stijgt de Yen.
Negatief voor Amerika en Japan.

(De daling van de Dollar en de Amerikaanse beurzen, is dubbel negatief voor buitenlandse investeerders.)
April 8, 2014
Collapse Of The United States & A New Economic World Order

On the heels of continued uncertainty around the globe, today an acclaimed money manager told King World News that a “New Economic World Order” threatens to collapse U.S. supremacy and the dollar. Stephen Leeb also spoke about how this will have a powerful impact on the gold market in this fascinating interview.

Leeb: “Eric, last week we spoke about the threat being posed by Russia, China, and the various BRIC nations, against the dominance of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency. But if you look at the history of people who have challenged oil being priced in dollars, what happened is the U.S. has militarily wiped them off the face of the Earth.

“Whether it was Saddam Hussein in Iraq, or Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, the United States intervened militarily and both of these men were ‘eliminated’ for threatening the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The problem here for the United States is that they can’t eliminate President Xi and militarily occupy China, and they can’t eliminate Putin and militarily occupy Russia. These are countries which are armed to the teeth, and this includes nuclear weapons. So these countries are threatening the dominance of the U.S. dollar in the same way that Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi threatened the dollar, but the game is decidedly different now because of the military strength of both of these countries.

One of the things that’s starting to dawn on Saudi Arabia as they look and see the bodies strewn around Libya and Iraq, is that the petro-dollar is not a recipe for longevity. And it might make a lot more sense to price their valuable commodity, namely oil, in a basket of currencies which consists of economies that are there to stay such as China, Russia, Germany, and also to include gold in that basket.

So gold would be a very important part of how they would price their oil. I think the message of the demise of those former petro-dollar nations is telling Saudi Arabia that this is not going to end well for them if they don’t have a strong backing in place before they price their oil in the alternative basket of currencies and gold.

I strongly believe that Saudi Arabia has this message and they are already talking to China and Russia about how to transition away from the U.S. dollar in the smoothest possible manner. They certainly don’t want to end up in the same situation as Iraq and Libya. So this is a very delicate situation.

But everywhere you look right now, Eric, you see the Midas metal beginning to move front-and-center. Gold has been money for thousands of years and these cultures in the East know it. This will also be very big news for commodities such as silver, which I believe will be greatly revalued higher as this transition takes place.

The United States has a great challenge on its hands in terms of trying to stop these other nations from transitioning away from the dollar. Again, it was easy to wipe out the leadership in Iraq and Libya and occupy those countries, but the U.S. can’t do that with Russia and China. They are too heavily armed and they are well-equipped to deal with the United States. This New Economic World Order threatens to collapse U.S. supremacy.

What has taken place in Ukraine may have been payback for the closed-door negotiations that Russia has already been involved with in terms of trying to unseat the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The problem here is that Putin is a master at chess and this situation in Ukraine is not at all turning out the way the U.S. had intended.

So this is rapidly becoming a very serious situation, but clearly one that the United States cannot easily control or win. And when I look at the paper price of gold heading higher today, it may be signaling that the U.S. may finally be losing its grip on world dominance. If the gold market really begins to accelerate higher from current levels, we will have our confirmation. What I am saying is that the gold market is now becoming a watchdog for the collapse of U.S. and Western global dominance. So once again gold is doing what it always does -- moving front-and-center at one of the most critical moments in world history.”

Je zou zeggen dat goud nu omhoog gaat nu er oorlog dreigt daar in de oekraine maar het tegenovergestelde gebeurt goud gaat dik naar beneden, snap het ook niet meer.

pmsbutternutter schreef op 15 april 2014 10:04:

Je zou zeggen dat goud nu omhoog gaat nu er oorlog dreigt daar in de oekraine maar het tegenovergestelde gebeurt goud gaat dik naar beneden, snap het ook niet meer.
Sinds vrijdag proberen een aantal centrale banken (FED, BoJ, BoE, RBA en ECB) de Dollar met alle mogelijke middelen te steunen (o.a. verkoop: Goud, Euro en Yen).
Dit is heel moeilijk en zeer kostbaar.

Poetin wil voor 17 april (gesprek in Geneve) de boel laten escaleren.
Hij heeft geen zin om te onderhandelen.

De centrale banken proberen de daling van de Dollar te vertragen.
Wanneer de Russen (zuid-oost) Oekraine binnenvallen, zal de goudprijs en de Yen omhoog schieten.

Vandaag tevens winstnemingen op goud.
De Nasdaq zal verder dalen. Vrijdag wordt een zeer negatieve optie-expiratie dag.

B_B schreef op 15 april 2014 11:14:


De Nasdaq zal verder dalen. Vrijdag wordt een zeer negatieve optie-expiratie dag.
gerrit 69 15 apr 2014 om 11:28
Aankomende donderdag is de april expiratie, want vrijdag is de beurs gesloten.
Bedankt BB maar wat heeft het voor zin dan ze kopen alleen maar een paar dagen respijt????

goekuh schreef op 15 april 2014 15:07:

@ B_B,

Hoe ver verwacht je dat het goud tot dan zal dalen?

Ze hebben gisteren met succes de Dollar kunnen steunen.
Vandaag minder druk op de goudprijs.
Ze proberen de stijging van de goudprijs tegen te houden, maar ze willen ook niet dat de goudprijs crashed.
In 2013 hebben ze geleerd dat een te lage goudprijs, teveel Chinese kopers aantrekt. Dit zorgt voor een te kort aan fysiek goud.
Dan blijft goud rond de 1300 schommelen BB dan komt jouw voorspelling van een goudprijs van 1500 op 1 mei ook jammer genoeg niet uit.

pmsbutternutter schreef op 16 april 2014 14:11:

Dan blijft goud rond de 1300 schommelen BB dan komt jouw voorspelling van een goudprijs van 1500 op 1 mei ook jammer genoeg niet uit.
Nog 1 1/2 week de tijd.
China allows gold imports via Beijing, sources say, amid reserves buying talk
SINGAPORE Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:21pm EDT

(Reuters) - China has begun allowing gold imports through its capital Beijing, sources familiar with the matter said, in a move that would help keep purchases by the world's top bullion buyer discreet at a time when it might be boosting official reserves.

The opening of a third import point after Shenzhen and Shanghai could also threaten Hong Kong's pole position in China's gold trade, as the mainland can get more of the metal it wants directly rather than through a route that discloses how much it is buying.

China does not release any trade data on gold. The only way bullion markets can get a sense of Chinese purchases is from the monthly release of export data by Hong Kong, which last year supplied $53 billion worth of gold to the mainland.

"We have already started shipping material in directly to Beijing," said an industry source, who did not want to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media. The quantities brought in so far are small, as imports via Beijing have only been allowed since the first quarter of this year, sources said.

The People's Bank of China (PBOC) is believed to be adding to its gold reserves, according to the World Gold Council (WGC), as it looks to diversify from U.S. Treasuries. The central bank rarely reveals the numbers.

Gold's 28 percent plunge last year and China's record bullion imports in 2013 sparked speculation that the PBOC has added significant amounts of gold to its reserves, and could likely make an announcement this year.

Central banks tend to be very secretive about their gold purchases and sales because prices are extremely sensitive to their trades. Rumours last year of Cyprus selling its gold reserves to prop up finances sent the metal down more than 10 percent over two days - its biggest such decline in 30 years.

Gold has traditionally been imported from Hong Kong into Shenzhen, where nearly 70 percent of the Chinese gold jewelery business is located. Shanghai was opened up as a second port last year.

Only banks are allowed to import gold into China. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (601398.SS), Agricultural Bank of China Ltd (601288.SS), ANZ (ANZ.AX) and HSBC (HSBA.L) are among the 12 banks that can import gold.


China imported nearly 1,160 tonnes of gold from Hong Kong last year, more than twice that of 2012 as the drop in prices caused a spurt in demand.

An analysis of trade figures from data provider Global Trade Information Services showed that China imported at least another 194 tonnes last year from centers other than Hong Kong, likely into Shanghai, showing that direct imports have ramped up.

One of the reasons why China could be encouraging more direct imports was because it wanted to avoid taking the Hong Kong-to-Shenzhen route that makes its gold purchases public, while China wants to keep the trade a secret, sources said.

"There is a view that why should people know how much China is buying," said one of the sources at a bullion banking operation in China. "With the Hong Kong route, there is a lot of transparency and people can easily monitor what is going in and out."

Another source said the move to open up Beijing "is partly driven by the fact that Hong Kong is perhaps a little too transparent", but it is also to accommodate upcoming free-trade zones and non-jewelery demand.

The Shanghai Gold Exchange, the platform for all physical trades in China and in whose vaults importing banks store gold across the country, was not immediately available to comment.


Besides the 1,160 tonnes of gold imported from Hong Kong last year, China had about 428 tonnes of local production. The WGC has said Chinese demand in 2013 was 1,066 tonnes, leaving industry guessing about the "surplus" of around 522 tonnes, not including the amount of direct imports.

The central bank last disclosed its gold reserves in 2009, when it announced that its bullion holdings had risen to 1,054 tonnes from 600 tonnes in 2003.

Philip Klapwijk, managing director of Hong Kong-based consultancy Precious Metals Insights, has said China's official-sector purchases could have totaled 300 tonnes in the first half of 2013, and the pace likely continued in the latter half.

"The major increase in gold supply to the Chinese market in 2012 and especially 2013 could be partly related to large-scale official purchases," according to a Klapwijk-led survey for the WGC that was released last week.

The report said while a part of the surplus was being used for commodity financing deals, some of it could be for the PBOC as well.

Rumours on PBOC's gold reserves range from 3,000 tonnes to 5,000 tonnes. The United States is the biggest holder of gold reserves with over 8,000 tonnes.

Even a 1,000 tonne increase from last announced levels could prompt a jump in gold prices, which would make the PBOC very cautious about the timing of any announcement, said two China gold market analysts, who didn't want to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Putin’s Secret Weapon – How Russia Could Take Down America Without Firing a Single Shot
Thursday, 24 April 2014

Here’s a startling fact most investors have never heard: During the last financial meltdown in 2008, when the U.S. economy was on the brink, Russian leaders met with China to persuade them to dump the dollar – and destroy the world’s reserve currency.

Before they could act, the Fed pumped over $700 billion into the economy and delayed their day of reckoning. Still, the threat remains. China holds over $1.2 trillion in U.S. debt today. And with their Russian allies, they could drop the dollar at any moment.

B_B schreef op 16 april 2014 12:08:


Ze hebben gisteren met succes de Dollar kunnen steunen.
Vandaag minder druk op de goudprijs.
Ze proberen de stijging van de goudprijs tegen te houden, maar ze willen ook niet dat de goudprijs crashed.
In 2013 hebben ze geleerd dat een te lage goudprijs, teveel Chinese kopers aantrekt. Dit zorgt voor een te kort aan fysiek goud.
Goudprijs kan niet crashen, ze zijn bang dat de Chinezen gaan hamsteren.

bennie, op 08 mei 2014 om 10:52 uur bij AEX-index
Bij elke stijging van de Dollar en U.S. 10-Year treasuries wordt er meteen gedumpt.

(the bond's price and its yield are inversely related)
What Russia-China relations mean for the dollar
Matt Clinch
Tuesday, 27 May 2014 | 9:24 AM ET
Despite the details for the deal being scarce, many analysts predict that the oil exports would mean Chinese yuan being exchanged directly, into the Russian ruble. Thus the two countries would bypass the U.S. dollar - the traditional currency used in oil trades and considered to be the international reserve currency of choice.

Medvedev promotes ruble
Meanwhile, VTB, Russia's second biggest bank, has signed a deal with Bank of China that includes an agreement to pay each other in domestic currencies. Added to this, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke on Russian TV over the weekend saying sanctions imposed on the country by the EU and U.S. would make Russia use the ruble for trade and would eventually turn it from a "convertible into a reserve currency."
With the two developing nations trading outside of the U.S. dollar, many questions are being raised about what this would do for the greenback and for the U.S. The dollar's status as the global reserve currency has allowed the U.S. to borrow large sums of money, effectively living beyond its means, because there is always a demand for its currency.
Read MoreDebt deal done, but dollar's demise deep-rooted
According to Rickards, who has written extensively about the subject, the problem is that in complex systems - such as global financial markets - small trends can rapidly develop into catastrophic collapses.
"The larger problem is that the U.S. is taking the reserve currency role of the dollar for granted and risks jeopardizing confidence in it through (Federal Reserve) monetary policy and the Treasury's cheap dollar policy. Confidence in the dollar can persist for now and then be lost as quickly as happened in the late 1970s," he said.
China diversifies holdings
China has become the largest holder of U.S. debt. Its authorities hold around $3.8 trillion of reserves, the majority of which is denominated in U.S. dollars. However, they have expressed a desire to diversify away from the greenback, and have already pared back their U.S. Treasury holdings. Analysts believe the strength of the euro has been due to China buying the single currency and with the country rivaling India to be the biggest global buyer of gold, it appears this diversification could be well underway.
As China can't easily dump its Treasury holdings due to the market panic that it could cause, Rickards believes that it is creating a hedged position to preserve Chinese wealth.

"As the U.S. devalues the dollar through inflation, China will lose wealth on the dollar position but will profit on the euros and gold and those profits will offset the losses. So, basically, China is constructing a massive hedge using gold," he said. If the dollar's role as the leading reserve currency is lost, he believes the replacement would come from among euros, gold or special drawing rights (SDRs) - a supplementary asset maintained by the International Monetary Fund.

China Leads From The Shadows
By Felix Imonti | Tue, 03 June 2014 22:22

While the West tries to preserve the power and the glory of another time, the people with the plans and the determination to reshape the world are in Beijing and Moscow.
It has been a gradual, cautious journey from obscurity to the second most important currency in the world. The Chinese yuan achieved that standing at the end of 2013.

According to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, the yuan held an 8.66 percent share of letters of credit and collections in October, compared with 6.64 percent for the euro. China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany and Australia were the top users of yuan in trade finance.
Professor Li Yining of Peking University may have given a clue about the direction that China will follow in resolving what has become within the Chinese leadership a pressing issue when he addressed the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 2011. Li Yining, who is known as Mr. Stock Market, is viewed as the architect of the current Chinese economic development with his proposal in 1990 that state-owned industries should be privatized and traded on a stock exchange where the public could participate in the growth of the economy. Many of his former students, such as Premier Li Keqiang, hold high positions in the government and continue to look to their former 84-year-old professor for advice.

He advocated that China should diversify the foreign reserves being held by the PBOC by acquiring foreign businesses, mines, and property in order to increase the returns on the vast pool of capital. He proposed that gold should be accumulated. "China should increase its gold reserves appropriately, and China must take every chance to buy, especially when gold prices fall," Li was quoted by the official Xinhua news agency as saying.

The PBOC reported to the IMF in 2009 that it was holding 1,054 tons of gold. Prior to the announcement, the State Administration for Foreign Exchange (SAFE), an agency of the PBOC, transferred gold to the parent organization, which recorded the gold as a part of its holdings.

The SAFE is serving as a gold acquirer for the central bank. It can hold the gold on its records or on the records of the bullion banks or other government agencies. By scattering holdings through a number of depositories, the PBOC is able to conceal its actual holdings. Dispersing purchases through various bullion banks and other offshore agencies, the SAFE conceals the quantities being added to its inventory.

Gold enters China through Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, with Hong Kong the main conduit. There is an indication that Beijing is to become a fourth port of entry.

Most of the figures released about gold consumption in China are based upon Hong Kong figures that are more transparent than those provided by Chinese sources. Using the Hong Kong statistics as the guideline, figures released in January indicate that gold consumption in 2013 doubled over the previous year, to 1,139 tons. Based upon these figures, China has only one source of gold. Arrivals through Shanghai and Shenzhen do not appear, nor does gold acquired from domestic mines. China is the largest producer of gold with an estimated production of 430 tons, but the figures show none of these other sources.

According to Mine Web, the estimated consumption is closer to 2,430 tons with all sources taken under consideration. World production of gold is placed around 2,500 tons. This means that China is acquiring most of world production and that imports are drawing upon reserves elsewhere.

During January, 643,000 ounces of gold was transferred from J. P. Morgan. The gold appears to have been acquired in October 2013 for an unidentified client and delivered in January. As the bars are the type preferred in China, it is believed that China was the buyer.

Jeffrey Nichols, managing director of American Precious Metals Advisors, said in January that he is expecting the PBOC to disclose its gold holding this year. He calculates that gold reserves have more than doubled to 2,720 tons. Compared to the United States’ 8,000 tons, it is a minor amount, but what is interesting is the determination that the PBOC is demonstrating by its secretive. non-stop buying.

China has become such a major player in the gold and other precious metals market that the Shanghai Gold Exchange is now the largest gold market in the world. It, however, is limited to spot contracts.

The Chinese are intending to convert the exchange into an international exchange with a variety of derivatives and yuan-denominated gold contracts as China moves to gain an important position in setting global prices in order to break the dominance of the London daily gold fixing price, which has come under criticism.
The Federal Reserve Bank carries 8,000 tons of gold on its books as three quarters of reserves. The Fed, however, refuses to allow an audit to confirm that it indeed actually holds the gold. Many believe that the gold has been leased to bullion banks. It has taken the Fed seven years to return five tons of gold to the Germans, who have been holding 300 tons in the New York vaults and have asked to have it returned.

The unwillingness of the Fed to ship the gold on demand causes some to wonder if it has been loaned to the bullion banks that are unable to return it immediately. The suspicion that other central banks have also loaned out their holdings has prompted the Austria’s central bank to send auditors to London to confirm whether or not their bullion is still being stored where it should be.

With gold at a near equilibrium in supply and demand, it would not be difficult for the largest and fourth largest producers to bring down the world economy by making it impossible for the borrowing bullion banks to go into the market to replace the borrowed bullion at double or triple the price at which it was acquired. The next Pearl Harbor could be a press release from the Chinese and Russian central banks to the Wall Street Journal that they are adding large quantities of gold to their reserves. If suspicion that the central banks have mismanaged world affairs under a cloak of secrecy turns out to be true, that would trigger financial chaos.

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