EuroMaidan PR @EuromaidanPR · 13 u 13 uur geleden
#Putin's regime: only force is respected & particularly b/c they a form of mafia they fear it …
Interessante analyse.
If you accept this analysis of Russia as a mafia kleptocracy - and it's almost incontrovertibly correct - then it becomes easier to assess the current Russian regimes objectives. Their first and foremost priority is maintain themselves in power since the whole state apparatus is subverted to operate to their benefit. Therefore they are base 'conservative' and view movements such a the Ukrainian Maidan and 'Arab Spring' who's base agenda is reformist with abject horror; a Russian reformist movement cannot be permitted as otherwise they'd all face jail, or worse. Thus the essential appeal to a form of almost Russian reactionary conservatism with a strong alliance with Russian Orthodox Church (who are given a 'cut' via tax free alcohol sales among other things - one of the reasons Pussy Riot chose to perform in the Moscow Cathedral was to highlight this seeming anomaly - Bukovsky is their 'hero'). In addition they are anxious to secure their revenues, mostly from siphoning off money from the sale of gas and petrol and other natural resources - exactly on the old Lenningrad model of the early 1990s - and in this context they would like to cut out any non Russian controlled gas supply to Europe. One of the main non Russian supplies is from the Caspian (Azerbaijan) via Georgia and in this context the whole Russian policy in the Caucuses - the support of Armenia against Azerbaijan, the Russo Georgian war and the Iranian alliance, can be understood; the recent Russo - Turkish rapprochement is just the latest part in this story. Gas blackmail is still one their strongest weapons in their desire to dominate more lands from which they can steal; to them Ukraine, Poland or Romania is the equivalent of a US 'street block' currently controlled by an opposing 'gang' but which they seek to control and 'manage' themselves.
Force is the only thing that the Russian regime respects as it is it's their own preferred method. Those of us who have studied this and been involved have no illusions; the domino that is Ukraine is no different from any other domino...
Belarus 'annexation' will most likely follow a successful Ukrainian 'take over'. Will it stop there? It never does sadly. By the 'Gerasimov doctrine' rules we are already 'at war'; the huge propaganda and 'troll' campaign, the funding of anti Atlantic alliance and anti EU parties, foundations and media, the increased airspace violations and cyber war, as well as the 'little green men' and 'soldiers on holiday' is precisely what the 'Gerasimov doctrine' dictates and this is not aimed at Ukraine alone but at their longer term objectives.
Today the whole world can learn a lesson should it chose to do so from Ukraine's brave desire for independence and reform opposed so brutally by a Russian kleptocratic mafia state. Today we, who recognise the true nature of the Russian state, must proclaim it loudly and stand with the old and new Russian dissidents from Vladimir Bukovsky to Pussy Riot. We must also seek to inform our western allies of the true nature of a regime that considers them already 'enemies' and seek their aid in order to stop this Russian neo imperialism on Ukraine's now bloodstained and sacred soil.
Write to your MP, Congressman, Prime Minister or President because only with western support can this end here and future lives be saved. Tell them that the words of Churchill apply now to Ukraine: "Give us the tools and we'll finish the job!"