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Ik vrees dat Apple allang haar goud heeft ingeslagen, ze zijn echt niet zo onnozel tot het laatste moment te wachten.
Verwachte sales Gold watches: 900.000 stuks in het eerste jaar, prijs tussen de GBP3.250 en GBP4.800.

"One way to begin to gauge quite how much more is to take John Gruber's estimation of sales of the gold Apple Watch. The Wall Street Journal reports that there'll be an initial 5 million run of Apple Watches once they go on sale this year. Sales are broken down into: 2.5 million Apple Watch Sports; 1.6 million middle-ground silver watches; and 900,000 luxury gold Edition watches.

With the latter expected before to retail at around £3,250, Apple would make £3.25 billion a quarter in revenue from that device alone. But, as noted above, it's much more when using Piper Jaffray's numbers: 900,000 sales with the new price point of £4,800 would mean a revenue of about £4.3 billion."

Read more: uk.businessinsider.com/apple-watch-re...
En het is weer 16.00 en de goudprijs schiet weer naar beneden. Elke dag hetzelfde verhaal de laatste 5 weken. Zeer opmerkelijk. Manipulatie??

pmsbutternutter schreef op 4 maart 2015 16:02:

En het is weer 16.00 en de goudprijs schiet weer naar beneden. Elke dag hetzelfde verhaal de laatste 5 weken. Zeer opmerkelijk. Manipulatie??
Nope, even je verstand laten werken en het plaatje word je meteen klaar en duidelijk op je netvlies gedrukt. Geloof het of niet, of je 't nu wil of niet, goud gaat vooralsnog een smak lager. Het zou me enorm verwonderen als we op 31 december nog boven 1000 dollar/ounce noteren. Maar dat is mijn stelling, en ik heb de wijsheid niet in pacht!
Als je van goud houdt -zoals ik- koop je simpelweg zo nu en dan een staafje of muntje. Maar mijd goudmijnaandelen tot de lucht opklaart, en daar kunnen nog enkele seizoen voor nodig zijn...

bodemvisser50 schreef op 2 maart 2015 11:02:

Tip, Siverwheaton. NYSE: SLW genoteerd in USD en wel te verstaan aankopen op Canadese beurs in CAD. Een beetje geduld, je zal er geen spijt van krijgen.
Waarom aankopen op de Canadese beurs. Heb ze overigens al in New York gekocht.

svenhedin schreef op 6 februari 2015 18:11:

stap -ten dele- over naar uranium mijnen
Wat rugnummers graag.
Andrew Maguire – Who Smashed Gold Today And Why As HSBC Shocks Clients By Closing All London Gold Vaults!
March 06, 2015

Physical Demand Exceeds Mine Supply – Takedown Is Naked Short Selling

The downside manipulations have become so embarrassingly obvious to anyone connected to the strong physical markets. There is no way of hiding that these sales are conducted in the face of a market where physical demand continues to exceed mine supply, meaning these sales can only be effected by way of high leveraged naked short selling.

Bullion Banks' 100/1 Leveraged Paper Positions
These too-big-to-fail banks are once again playing a high-risk game with taxpayer money. They are so obviously mismatched to their underlying physical holdings that large institutional entities are unwinding their fractional gold and silver risks. The resulting deleveraging exposes the bullion banks' rehypothecated positions. As this accelerates it is forcing a 100/1 unwind of paper positions.

Eric, last week we talked about a membership-based physical exchange that has stealthily been built over the last 3.5 years and is now bullet-proof from LBMA interference. In our interview last week we talked about how this physical trading platform provides a real alternative to the closed-loop LBMA system.

It all boils down to the fact that providing direct access to the wholesale market, without going through a bullion bank, empowers the end user. Up until now, the end user hasn’t been able to directly access the wholesale market.

LBMA Killer

The next exciting step is the announcement of a full-fledged institutional global exchange to compete with the existing archaic LBMA/London Precious Metals Clearing Limited unallocated market. All the institutional trading, clearing, settlement and technological facilities to do so have effectively now been built. There has been a slight delay with the launch but I will have a hard date for you as well as the name of the exchange by next week.

Within a few weeks this will change the way gold is traded as we witness large migrations of unallocated LBMA position holders unwind from high counterparty risk unallocated positions and then allocate into secure vaulted kilobar accounts outside of the LBMA bullion banking system.

In other words, real allocated bullion will have to take the place of fractional reserve holdings. This leverage unwind will wrench the reins out of the bullion banks' hands and force a cash settlement. We also have a treat for the bullion banks. As this deleveraging forces the buying of bullion, the soon to be announced exchange will introduce a new ‘pairs trade,’ short paper gold, long physical gold XAU/AAU. This will represent a low-risk trade and a nail in the coffin for the LBMA.

Eric just think, only one more NFP gaming to endure before things start to change! I will have more to share with you next week about this exciting game-changing news.

HSBC Just Shocked Clients By Announcing Closure Of All London Gold Vaults!

The other big news this week was HSBC giving only 2 months’ notice to clients that they are closing down all 7 of their London gold vaults! This is an unprecedented move. Why do you think this is? It is because transparency is coming. There is no profit in plain, vanilla bullion banking any longer.

I also suspect given the lack of warning and lack of any press release that the majority of these clients will be unable to make other vaulting arrangements in time. HSBC will no doubt make it easy for these clients to sell the bullion back to HSBC, who will then use this bullion inflow to repay some underwater positions. So something is brewing behind the scenes, Eric, and this is one more sign major changes are coming.”

Celente – Why The Closing Of London Gold Vaults Will Shake The World!
March 06, 2015

What’s so important about HSBC closing down all 7 of their London gold vaults is that the Spyder Gold Trust, ticker symbol GLD, the custodian of that GLD gold is none other than HSBC….
“While there are several gold exchange-traded products available, the SPDR Gold Trust, with over $60 billion in assets, is far and away the largest.

OK, so when you invest in the GLD you have an ownership interest in a Trust, which owns gold. Where is the gold, and who looks after it?

That is the job of the custodian. In the case of this ETF, the custodian is HSBC. The firm is responsible for safekeeping of the bars.

Where is the gold?

In the case of the GLD, in a vault in London…HSBC is required to notify Bank of New York every business day about the amount of bullion that is moved in and out of the allocated account. Every month HSBC also provides a weight list that identifies each bullion bar being held.”

Is The Gold Even There?

Gerald Celente continues: “So if they are closing down all the vaults, where is the gold going? Who’s going to be holding it, or is it really even there (in the vaults)? So this should be shocking news to everyone that the Spyder (GLD) gold is now crawling out of HSBC vaults, going to whom?

Dark Cloud Over GLD

Who will be the new custodian? Who is seeing if the gold is really there? So this is shocking news because this also puts a dark cloud over the whole GLD Spyder (Gold Trust) experiment.”

Eric King: “Gerald, when you say this puts a cloud over GLD, how do you think this will unfold in terms of how institutions view (the safety of) GLD?”
Mainstream Media Silence

Celente: “This is huge news and King World News and Andrew Maguire are the ones who are breaking it. And it’s not hitting the wires (of the mainstream media) as it should. How many people really know that the Gold Trust is supposed to be in hard bullion that’s being held by a bank that’s now closing its vaults?

So how many people (and institutions) that are in GLD know the details of who is holding what and how much of what they are holding and where it is? I would say very few. And less than very few know, according to the groundbreaking and earth-rattling interview by Andrew Maguire, that HSBC is going to be closing their 7 (London gold) vaults. That is huge news that should be headline news (in the mainstream media).”

China Has Announced Plans For A ‘World Currency’
By Michael Snyder, on March 4th, 2015

The Chinese do not plan to live in a world dominated by the U.S. dollar for much longer. Chinese leaders have been calling for the U.S. dollar to be replaced as the primary global reserve currency for a long time, but up until now they have never been very specific about what they would put in place of it. Many have assumed that the Chinese simply wanted some new international currency to be created. But what if that is not what the Chinese had in mind? What if they have always wanted their own currency to become the single most dominant currency on the entire planet? What you are about to see is rather startling, but it shouldn’t be a surprise. When it comes to economics and finance, the Chinese have always been playing chess while the western world has been playing checkers. Sadly, we have gotten to the point where checkmate is on the horizon.

On Wednesday, I came across an excellent article by Simon Black. What he had to say in that article just about floored me…

When I arrived to Bangkok the other day, coming down the motorway from the airport I saw a huge billboard—and it floored me.

The billboard was from the Bank of China. It said: “RMB: New Choice; The World Currency”

Given that the Bank of China is more than 70% owned by the government of the People’s Republic of China, I find this very significant.

It means that China is literally advertising its currency overseas, and it’s making sure that everyone landing at one of the world’s busiest airports sees it. They know that the future belongs to them and they’re flaunting it.

Alleen met GOUD kunnen de Chinezen de Dollar omlaag duwen.
Ik begrijp niet dat de goudprijs maar blijft dalen. Obligaties leveren niks op en zitten in een giga bubbel, aandelen zijn duur en worden een bubbel door Centrale banken. Valuta oorlog is in volle gang tussen Eur/USD en Asie en brengt ellende alleen dichterbij en Grexit en andere zaken hangen boven de markt. In die context snap ik dat Goud nog niet omhoog gaat en wacht tot dat alles losbarst maar ik begrijp niet met alles in het vooruitzicht dat de prijs blijft duiken?? iemand?

banjodokter schreef op 11 maart 2015 15:47:

Ik begrijp niet dat de goudprijs maar blijft dalen. Obligaties leveren niks op en zitten in een giga bubbel, aandelen zijn duur en worden een bubbel door Centrale banken. Valuta oorlog is in volle gang tussen Eur/USD en Asie en brengt ellende alleen dichterbij en Grexit en andere zaken hangen boven de markt. In die context snap ik dat Goud nog niet omhoog gaat en wacht tot dat alles losbarst maar ik begrijp niet met alles in het vooruitzicht dat de prijs blijft duiken?? iemand?

Goud zit al een tijd in een dalende trend, aandelen maken superwinsten en men denkt door de ECB daar geen risico mee te kunnen lopen...
De stijgende dollar is voor ons als goudbezitter wel gunstig, maar om (bij) te kopen wordt het duurder, toch zie ik dit als een gunstig instapmoment want dat er nog een hoop onzekerheid komt is zeker.
Zelf op diverse aandelen winst genomen en goud / zilver positie's uitgebreid.
Six banks to join London's electronic gold fix
4 hours ago

Six banks are set to join London's electronic gold fix when it starts tomorrow, administrator ICE Benchmark said today.

The four existing banks that run the almost 100-year old gold fix process will stay on for the transition, writes Henry Sanderson, Commodities Correspondent.

They include HSBC, Barclays, Scotiabank and Societe Generale. Another two banks, likely to be US banks, will also join. The ICE Benchmark Administration said no Chinese banks will take part.

The twice-daily fix is used as a daily benchmark for buyers and sellers in the global gold market.

A panel run by ICE Benchmark Administration will chair the fix, made up of internal and external experts, it said.

Critics have long charged that the fix process was opaque and vulnerable to market abuse.

In 2014 the UK's financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority, found that a Barclays trader had manipulated the London gold fix, and the British bank was fined £26m.

That spurred calls for greater transparency at a time when banks globally had been fined for manipulating another key benchmark, Libor, used to set the worldwide lending rate.


bodemvisser50 schreef op 2 maart 2015 11:02:

Tip, Siverwheaton. NYSE: SLW genoteerd in USD en wel te verstaan aankopen op Canadese beurs in CAD. Een beetje geduld, je zal er geen spijt van krijgen.
Hoe gaat dit valutaverschil zich uitbetalen. Leg dat nu eens duidelijk uit.
Heb Alamos gekocht (in Can.$), nog meer mensen hier die dit aandeel in bezit hebben?
Geen schuld, 360 milj. in cash en dividend uitkerend, sprak mij wel aan.
Hoor graag wat de andere forumleden van dit aandeel vinden...
BNP: Gold price will average in triple digits next year
Frik Els | March 12, 2015

On Thursday gold for delivery in April managed to eke out a slight gain to close at $1,151.90, up $1.30 from a four-month low hit yesterday.

That gold has managed to stay above the crucial $1,150 an ounce support level is a relief to gold bulls. The metal closed below this level early November, but soon bounced back.

For a sustained period of sub-$1,150 gold you have to go back to April 8, 2010.

Gold's resilience is the all the more remarkable since it came into the teeth of a rabid dollar. Gold historically has inverse relationship to the value of the USD.

Overnight the greenback surged above the 100-mark against the world major currencies for the first time since April 2003, before retreating just below triple digits during normal trading in New York.

The last time gold was beaten back for such a stretch of time was January 1998

That compares to a record low of 71.6 in April of 2008 and a record high of 164.72 in February 1985 when the price of gold bottomed at $284.25 an ounce.

The strong dollar coupled with rising interest rates in the US which raises the opportunity costs of holding gold as the metal produces no income, are high on the list of reasons analysts are calling for further weakness in gold.

France-based bullion bank BNP Paribas released forecasts for average prices this year and next that sees gold sliding back into triple digit territory for the first time since September 2009.

Platts News reports BNP sees a 2015 average of $1,160/oz and $975/oz in 2016 according to a research note on Thursday:

"Future policy action by the US Federal Reserve remains high on gold's agenda. It will continue to dictate the pace at which the dollar appreciates (and official sector demand for gold declines) and accordingly how much downward pressure will be exerted on gold," BNP analysts Harry Tchilinguirian and Stephen Briggs said.

The only near-term positive the pair predicted is that any hike in interest rates in the US could be put on hold for the time being, or postponed until later in 2015.

"On the physical side … further strength in the dollar stands in the way of import demand in [certain] key consuming countries, such as Turkey and India," the analysts said.

The spot price of gold in New York, which does not trade in nearly the volumes of the most active futures contract, is suffering its worse streak losing streak in 17 years.

According to Bloomberg it was the ninth straight session of losses with gold for immediate delivery falling slightly to settle at $1,153.73 on Thursday. The last time gold was beaten back for such a stretch of time was January 1998.
Could China actually have 30,000 tonnes of gold in reserves? Last year gold analyst, Alasdair Macleod, suggested that China had accumulated 25,000 tonnes of gold between 1982 and 2003.
Lawrence Williams | 1 March 2015 18:16

My attention has just been drawn to a note put out by a very well respected analyst and China follower which postulates that China could actually be holding as much as 30,000 tonnes of gold in various government accounts and that within the next three years the nation will link the yuan to gold. The nation’s official holding is only 1,054.6 tonnes as reported to the IMF, but there is widespread belief that it has been accumulating additional gold over the past several years, perhaps to the tune of around 5,000 tonnes while holding this in separate non-reportable (as China considers them) accounts. But, of course, this does not include previously high volumes of gold which may also have been bought, and stored, in the past, and again never reported as official holdings.
When Will China Disclose Its True Official Gold Reserves And How Much Is It?
March 30th, 2015
China is forced to buy in secret. The latest update on the size of their official gold pile was in April 2009, when they disclosed to have 1,054 tonnes, up 454 tonnes from 600 tonnes, which they claimed to have since 2003. Common sense indicates the PBOC did not buy 454 tonnes in a few months; most likely they bought this amount in secret spread over six years (2003 – 2009). More common sense suggests they continued to buy in secret since 2009 and they hold at least twice the weight they currently claim.

Gold Will Support Renminbi As It Moves To Join World

…For China, the strategic mission of gold lies in the support of RMB internationalization, and so let China become a world economic power and make sure that the “China Dream” is realized.

…Though China is already the world’s second largest economy, there is still a long way to go to become an economic powerhouse. The most critical part to this is that we don’t have enough say in matters such as international finance and matters regarding the monetary system, the most obvious of which is the fact that the RMB hasn’t fully internationalized.

Gold is a monetary asset that transcends national sovereignty, is very powerful to settle obligations when everything else fails, hence it’s exactly the basis of a currency moving up in the international arena. When the British Pound and the USD became international currencies, their gold reserve as a share of total world gold reserves was 50% and 60% respectively; when the Euro was introduced, the combined gold reserves of the member countries was more than 10,000 tonnes, more than the US had. If the RMB wants to achieve international status, it must have popular acceptance and a stable value. To this end, other than having assurance from the issuing nation, it is very important to have enough gold as the foundation, raising the ‘gold content’ of the RMB. Therefore, to China, the meaning and mission of gold is to support the RMB to become an internationally accepted currency and make China an economic powerhouse.

That is why, in order for gold to fulfill its destined mission, we must raise our gold holdings a great deal, and do so with a solid plan. Step one should take us to the 4,000 tonnes mark, more than Germany and become number two in the world, next, we should increase step by step towards 8,500 tonnes, more than the US.

"over six years (2003 – 2009)"
April 2003 - 600 tonnes
April 2009 - 1,054 tonnes (China announced on 24 April 2009)
April 2015 - ?
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