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Twijfel nog om bij te kopen. Morgen komt SunPower (SPWR) met de cijfers nabeurs. En FSLR komt met een 2017 guidance en volgens mij meer bekendmaking omtrent series 5 en/of 6 panelen en wanneer we die op de markt kunnen verwachten.

Ik koop voorlopig niet bij Fred, om exact dezelfde reden als jou: FSLR is in mijn positie al onevenredig groot... ;)

domin8tor schreef op 9 november 2016 22:02:

Twijfel nog om bij te kopen. Morgen komt SunPower (SPWR) met de cijfers nabeurs. En FSLR komt met een 2017 guidance en volgens mij meer bekendmaking omtrent series 5 en/of 6 panelen en wanneer we die op de markt kunnen verwachten.

Ik koop voorlopig niet bij Fred, om exact dezelfde reden als jou: FSLR is in mijn positie al onevenredig groot... ;)
Sunpower komt vandaag nabeurs met de resultaten, Koers after hours -5%
Mr sponge
Voor mij is het meer iets met scheren en stil zitten...
Ik zit de storm even uit en kijk daarna wel of ik ga bijkopen.
Ik zelf ben wel positief gestemd maar de markt nog zeker niet.
Ik zie het als een positief punt dat ze het lastig vinden om 20% marge te behalen met de huidige panelen. Gezien het feit dat heel veel van de concurrenten al met verlies draaien...
Als straks de serie 5 en 6 panelen van de band rollen ziet het er helemaal goed uit.
En tel daarbij het Trump effect op.
Die ziet niets in groene energie. Maar hij ziet nog minder in producten uit het buitenland. Mocht FSLR dan beschermd/geholpen worden bij de projecten die wel gebouwd gaan worden dan compenseert dat weer. Ik begreep ook dat de individuele staten meer gaan over het besluit hoe de energie wordt opgewekt. Dus mogelijk pakt het toch nog gunstig uit met die gek aan het roer.
First Solar: Buy The Crash
Nov.11.16 | About: First Solar, (FSLR) Get Alerts
Fundamental Investing Fundamental InvestingFollow(2,438 followers)
Long/short equity, value, growth
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FSLR shares have been beaten down badly even though the company has managed to enhance its margin outlook on the back of more efficient modules.

FSLR’s addressable market in the Asia-Pacific is improving and the company is taking advantage of the same by developing new projects in countries such as India.

FSLR can tap more of the end-market going forward as it has one of the lowest cost profiles in the industry, which is lower than even Chinese peers.

FSLR’s focus on improving its module efficiency will allow the company to increase its earnings remarkably despite a drop in the revenue due to timing of project sales.

Regulatory uncertainty and policy changes across the U.S., Donald Trump's plan of not incentivizing alternative sources of energy, along with oversupply and growing inventories in China have proved to be headwinds for solar stocks in the U.S. As such, First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) is no different as the stock has continued to lose ground despite posting robust margin growth in recent quarters.

For instance, when First Solar reported its third-quarter results last week, the company announced that it now expects its gross margin in 2016 to come in the range of 25.5%-26%, which is way higher than the previous range of 18.5%-19%. Given the operational improvements at First Solar and the end-market opportunity that the company enjoys, I believe that the 20% decline witnessed in First Solar stock since its latest earnings report is an opportunity to buy.

A key reason behind my bullish stance is that First Solar continues to win contracts outside the United States, which bodes well for its financial performance going forward. Also, First Solar's effort of increasing its margins despite a dramatic decline in module pricing is another tailwind. As such, in this article, we will take a look at the reasons why it will be a good idea to buy the crash at First Solar.

Long-term solar demand will be a tailwind for First Solar

The cumulative global installed capacity of solar PV power is expected to grow at an impressive rate of 13.1% per year to 756.1 GW by 2025. The important thing to note here is that the Asia Pacific region accounted for 59% of the global PV market in 2015, topping the table for the third year in a row.
Het artikel hierboven geeft wat hoop voor de longs met een lange termijn,het lijkt
erop dat het aandeel uit bodumpt ,donderdag zal het bestuur hun lange termijn visie
kenbaar maken,mogelijk wat lichtpuntjes.
Benieuwd naar de 2017 guidance inderdaad. Als je naar de 2016 guidance kijkt, dan komt die redelijk uit. Ze zijn wat dat betreft redelijk consistent met forecasten. M.u.v. het verschuiven van de 1 miljard revenue. Maar dat is dus uitlegbaar.

Persoonlijk hoop ik op wat meer corporate deals, net zoals de deal met Apple in 2015. Ik denk dat er meer bedrijven zullen volgen, en met name het Midden Oosten is de kanshebber. Echter lange termijn visie laten ze daar nog niet zien. Zolang de olie uit de grond komt en je nog in je ferrari kan rijden is er niks aan de hand. Maar er blijft niks van Dubai, Qatar en Saudi Arabië over als de olie straks op is. Ze zullen moeten veranderen.
Er is daar ruimte voor grote velden, aanbod en vraag sluit op elkaar aan (airco's die overdag in heetst draaien). Ze hebben nu het geld nog. En ze doen hopelijk het liefst zaken met een partij die financieel stabiel is (lees FSLR) en niet chinese rommel.
Het belijd van Donald Trumph om het klimaat verdrag te verwerpen zou een nieuwe tik
voor de Solar Industrie betekenen,we mogen toch hopen dat deze mafkees tot inkeer
Zou jammer zijn inderdaad, gelukkig komt utiliteiten solar al een heel eind zonder subsidies. De vorige CEO heeft wel eens gezegd beter af te zijn zonder al die tax equity regelingen. Residential solar is nog zeker subsidie nodig om interessant te zijn in de VS (en waar niet). Dus voor FSLR zie ik niet groot gevaar.

Interessant interview trouwens met de CEO (interview van vorige maand al, maar blijft relevant):
Komt over als iemand die weet waar hij het over heeft, werkt ook al 6 jaar bij het bedrijf. Dus geen pipo die zomaar even binnen komt lopen. Strategisch goed onderlegd.
How Will a Trump Presidency Affect Solar Stocks?
Solar stocks are taking it on the chin after the election, but that might not be investors' smartest reaction.

Travis Hoium (TMFFlushDraw) Nov 12, 2016 at 11:05AM
Donald Trump is going to be president of the United States of America, and the solar industry is on its death bed. Right?

The conventional wisdom coming out of the election is that First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR), SunPower (NASDAQ:FSLR), Sunrun (NASDAQ:RUN), and SolarCity (NASDAQ:SCTY) are all in trouble because solar policies are about to be turned on their head.

But the conventional wisdom is often wrong, particularly when investing intersects with politics (more on that later). Here's why the solar industry is far from dead, and why it actually has a very bright future.



Solar wins on $$$$$
In politics, solar energy is often billed as a source of energy that's very expensive and therefore needs subsidies to survive. But that's simply not true anymore.

In Mexico, Argentina, and Chile, recent auctions for energy have led to the lowest solar prices we've ever seen, beating fossil fuels head to head -- and all without subsidies. In Mexico, the price for renewable energy sources recently came in at 3.3 cents per kWh at auction, and Chile saw prices of 2.9 cents per kWh without subsidies. By comparison, Lazard's most recent Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis says it would cost 6.5 to 15 cents per kWh to build a coal plant, 5.2 to 7.8 cents to build a natural gas combined cycle plant, and up to 21.8 cents per kWh to build a natural gas peaking plant.

Solar energy is winning because -- along with wind -- it's the lowest-cost form of new energy generation in the world. Utilities buy energy on cost, and regulators won't allow them to buy more expensive energy from coal just because.

If you've followed my solar coverage over the past six years, you may have noticed that I don't often talk about climate or the environmental benefits of solar because those factors don't make for a good investment thesis. But generating the lowest cost energy is a great investment thesis, and solar will beat coal any day when it comes to dollars and cents.

Sunpower Marin

State regulators drive solar
It's easy to think that the president will have control over what forms of energy we use in the U.S., but the reality is that states are the real power brokers. They define net metering policies, renewable portfolio standards, community solar rules, and many other factors that drive energy decisions by consumers and utilities. If you think states like California are backing down from renewable energy because Trump is president, Governor Jerry Brown cleared that up just two days after the election.

Where the federal government does have control in energy is with FERC, the regulatory agency that watches over interstate utility interactions. But it can't stop solar panels from being put on roofs or in fields or deserts within states.

Then there's the concept of energy independence. If a Trump Administration really wants to reduce reliance on foreign energy, what better way to produce more energy than by using solar panels and using that energy to charge electric vehicles? Maybe that's wishful thinking.

Political trends are good for solar energy
Donald Trump may not speak highly of solar energy, but the entire electorate is heavily in favor of solar. A poll by Gallup says that overall 79% of people think there should be more emphasis on solar energy (the highest of any energy source), and just 9% want less emphasis. By comparison, coal and nuclear power polled the worst, with 28% and 35% of respondents respectively wanting more emphasis on those forms of energy.

Among Republicans, 70% want more focus on solar energy, and 63% want more wind.

Solar energy is also a huge winner when it's on the ballot. As Florida was helping elect Donald Trump, it was also rejecting a ballot initiative from the state's utilities that could have killed rooftop solar before it got started. And 72.4% of Nevada voters punched their ballots for energy choice after NV Energy essentially killed the rooftop solar industry in the waning hours of 2015. People want solar, and they're willing to vote for it.

The solar industry also employs about 209,000 people in the U.S., according to a report from the Solar Energy Industries Association. Most solar jobs are blue collar, and the industry is growing at 12x the rate of the broader economy. To put the jobs picture into context, the solar industry now employs more people than coal mining and oil & gas extraction combined. If blue collar job growth is the goal, solar will play a big roll in the future.

Conventional wisdom is often completely wrong
Whenever an election takes place, there's conventional wisdom about what will happen next. And conventional wisdom is often wrong.

Two things most analysts, investors, and even voters thought would happen when President Obama took office was the collapse of the banking industry and intense regulation that would kill U.S. oil and gas drilling. First I'll show a chart of the investment performance of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and US Bancorp, which all outperformed the S&P 500's total return since the day President Obama took office.

BAC Total Return Price Chart


Conventional wisdom on banking was wrong 8 years ago.

On the energy side, U.S. production surged under President Obama, as you can see below. Since his inauguration, oil production in the U.S. is up 70%, and natural gas production is up 25%. Production of oil rose just 4% during President Bush's term, and natural gas production dropped 12%. Who would have guessed that?

US Crude Oil Production Chart


Presidents don't control energy markets very much at all, and I don't think President Trump will be able to do much to kill the solar industry even if he wants to. The solar industry is too cost competitive and has too much voter and state support, and there are too many jobs at stake.

The conventional wisdom is often wrong about how presidents will impact the market, and in this case I think the market is underestimates how well solar energy will do under a President Trump.
Het sentiment lijkt te keren voor FSLR,ook de stijging van de olieprijs is gunstig.

8point3 Energy Partners Enters Into Agreement to Acquire 34 Percent Stake in 300-MW Stateline Solar Project

PR Newswire PR NewswireNovember 14, 2016Comment
SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 14, 2016 8point3 Energy Partners (CAFD) today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire First Solar's (FSLR) 34 percent stake in its 300-megawatt (MW) Stateline solar project for $329.5 million.

8point3 Energy Partners LP Logo
8point3 Energy Partners LP Logo
"Consistent with our long-term strategy of acquiring high quality solar projects from our sponsors, we are pleased to add First Solar's 34 percent minority interest in Stateline to our diversified portfolio," said Chuck Boynton, CEO of 8point3 Energy Partners. "With the expected acquisition of Stateline, our portfolio will grow to interests in 937MW of solar projects."

The project is expected to generate approximately $32 million in average annual pre-tax cash distributions and has a 20 year contract life.

The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close on or about December 1, 2016. The partnership expects to fund the acquisition through some combination of cash on hand, a promissory note and borrowings under its existing credit facility.

Located in San Bernardino County, the Stateline project commenced operations in August 2016. The project is majority owned by Southern Company. Southern California Edison is purchasing the power generated by the project under a 20 year power purchase agreement.
Vanavond na beurssluiting de 2017 guidance.

TEMPE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- First Solar, Inc. (NASDAQ: FSLR) will host its 2017 guidance call after the market closes on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. EST. The Company will discuss the outlook for 2017 and conduct a question and answer session. Investors may access a live webcast of this conference call by visiting
Oh jongens, dit gaat een bloedbad worden. In 2019 pas weer 3gw productie up & running. 2018 zeggen ze wijselijk genoeg niks over. In 2017 leveren ze gewoon de al verkochte backlog en dat is het.

After hours halted?
First Solar shares halted after panel maker raises adjusted earnings forecast

Published: Nov 16, 2016 4:29 p.m. ET


Shares of solar-panel maker First Solar Inc. FSLR, -1.11% were halted late Wednesday after the Tempe, Ariz., company updated its guidance for this year and the next and announced a restructuring. First Solar raised its expectations for 2016 adjusted earnings by 30 cents to $4.60 a share to $4.80 a share, and said it expects a GAAP loss between $4 a share and $6 a share this year, whereas it expected GAAP earnings between $3.75 a share and $3.90 a share. It said it expects its 2017 GAAP results to range from a loss of 10 cents a share to earnings of 45 cents a share, and its adjusted 2017 earnings from breakeven to earnings of 50 cents a share. Restructuring charges, mostly related to layoffs, are expected to range between $500 million and $700 million. Such charges are expected mainly this year, First Solar said. It kept 2016 net sales unchanged at $2.8 billion to $2.9 billion. The shares had ended the regular trading day off 1.1%.
Shit zeg, dit wordt een > -10% dag morgen. Balen zeg dit, net een flinke hoeveelheid aangeschaft. Het zijn ook echt slechte cijfers. Verlies van $ 4.- / $ 6.- dit jaar waar een winst van $ 4.- werd verwacht en de 6 serie pas vanaf 2018, kom op zeg!! Wat een waardeloze outlook. 2017 wordt ook een rampjaar voor FSLR zo te zien, misschien pas vanaf 2018 weer omhoog kijken?
Business Wire
First Solar, Inc. Announces Acceleration of Series 6 Solar Module Production to 2018; Restructures Operations; Updates 2016 Guidance & Provides 2017 Guidance
Approximately 3 Gigawatts of Series 6 Production Expected in 2019
Series 4 Production to be Phased Out; Series 5 Product Cancelled
2016 Restructuring and Asset Impairment Charges of $500 to $700 million, Primarily Non-Cash
2016 GAAP EPS Guidance Revised to a Loss of ($4.00) to ($2.00)
2016 Non-GAAP EPS Guidance Raised by $0.30 to $4.60 to $4.80
2017 GAAP EPS Guidance of ($0.10) to $0.45 ; Non-GAAP EPS of Breakeven to $0.50
2017 Operating Cash Guidance of $550 to $650 million; Ending Net Cash of $1.4 to $1.6 Billion
November 16, 2016 04:05 PM Eastern Standard Time
TEMPE, Ariz.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) today announced an acceleration of Series 6 production into 2018, with approximately 3 Gigawatts of production expected in 2019. Over the course of 2017 and 2018 the Company’s existing production facilities will be converted to Series 6 production and the current Series 4 product will be phased out. As a result of the change in roadmap the Company will cancel its Series 5 product.

“The acceleration of the Series 6 roadmap is an important development for First Solar”
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“The acceleration of the Series 6 roadmap is an important development for First Solar,” said Mark Widmar, CEO of First Solar. “Following the completion of an internal review process to evaluate the best competitive response to address the current challenging market conditions, we have developed plans that will enable us to more quickly begin production of our Series 6 module. Although the decision to accelerate our Series 6 roadmap requires a restructuring of our current operations, we expect the transition to Series 6 will enable us to maximize the intrinsic cost advantage of CdTe thin-film technology versus crystalline silicon. Recent steep module pricing declines require us to evaluate all components of our cost structure and streamline our business model to best position the Company for long-term success.”

The Company will reduce its workforce at its manufacturing facilities both domestically and internationally as a result of the transition from Series 4 to Series 6 production. Additional reductions in administrative and other staff are also planned.

Resulting from the transition to Series 6 from Series 4 and other competitive factors, the Company expects to incur restructuring and asset impairment charges of $500 to $700 million, which includes a cash impact of $70 to $100 million. The charges are anticipated primarily in 2016 and are comprised of the following:

$475 to $585 million, including asset impairments related to Series 4, Series 5 and stored manufacturing equipment, and charges for cancellation of open purchase orders. The cash impact is anticipated to range from $50 to $70 million.
Up to $80 million for a non-cash impairment of goodwill
$10 to $15 million in cash severance charges, expected primarily in 2016
$15 to $20 million of other charges, expected primarily in 2017
These pre-tax restructuring and asset impairment charges are expected to have an offsetting tax benefit of $50 to $100 million.

In addition to the restructuring and asset impairment charges, the Company also expects to incur $220 to $250 million of tax expense in 2016 associated with the distribution of between $700 and $750 million of cash to the United States from a foreign subsidiary. This distribution will provide liquidity for the restructuring of U.S. operations and Series 6 investment. The cash tax impact related to this transfer is expected to be between $8 and $10 million.

As a result of the restructuring and other related charges, the Company has updated 2016 GAAP guidance in the table below. 2016 non-GAAP guidance has also been updated to reflect the sale of the entire remaining interest in the Stateline project and excludes the impact of the current or previously announced restructuring actions.

First Solar halted following guidance raise, restructuring
Nov. 16, 2016 4:32 PM ET|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor
First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) is halted until 4:35 after raising its 2016 EPS guidance, while initiating FY 2017 guidance for earnings, revenue and PV shipments below analyst expectations.

FSLR lifts its 2016 EPS outlook to $4.60-$4.80, and says it expects a GAAP loss of $4-$6/ share this year, vs. an earlier outlook for GAAP EPS of $3.75-$3.90; FSLR also sees 2017 GAAP results to range from a loss of $0.10/share to earnings of $0.45, and its adjusted 2017 EPS from breakeven to earnings of $0.50/share.

FSLR announces an acceleration of Series 6 production into 2018, with ~3 GW of production expected in 2019; during 2017-18, existing production facilities will be converted to Series 6 production and the current Series 4 product will be phased out.

Says it will reduce its workforce at its manufacturing facilities both domestically and internationally due to the transition from Series 4 to Series 6 production, and expects to incur related restructuring and asset impairment charges of $500M-$700M, which includes a cash impact of $70M-$100M.
2017 in ieder geval nog neutraal winst technisch. Zeer benieuwd wat hen er toe beweegt om series 4 en 5 volledig uit te schakelen. Wel daadkrachtig, dat kun je management wel nageven. Maar dat is ook het enige dat positief is!

2018 hebben ze ook nog wel wat MW geboekt staan. Failliet gaan ze zeker niet. Maar op boekwaarde wordt dus afgeschreven. Cash eind 2017 is nog 1,4mrd. Maar moet nog maar zien of dat lukt. Nieuwe fabrieken en technieken kunnen zomaar onderschat worden. Echter hebben ze wel onderzoek laten doen intern naar series 5 en 6. Het team heeft wellicht overtuigend bewijs voor series 6. Nabeurs lijkt de -14% niet helemaal bewaarheid te worden. -10%, hopelijk morgen >30$ blijven... Maar ik voorzie op kort tot middellange termijn geen positieve catalyst, juist omdat de productie eruit ligt xD.

@erikD zuur heel zuur dat je net gekocht hebt. Ik zit hier al in sinds eind 2014... Kun je nagaan
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