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Amerika, de ondergang van een empire.

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Weet dat het hier een beleggersforum is.

Nog nooit pcrs7 heb ik je betrapt op een iets dat met beleggen te maken heeft.

Alleen Russische propaganda

Het is om kotsmisselijk van de worden.

Rot op naar Rusland en neem die
pro-russische dorpsdokter voor mijn part mee..

Ik wil graag naar Amerika hirshi, het land van de vrijheid. Samenwonen in het land van de vrijheid mag alleen niet:

Living in sin: Unmarried Florida couples can face jail for cohabitating — and hundreds have been charged

Verbeek is een spion van:

Een andere spionnenorganisatie
Een selfie-spy

Take your pick
Lijstje met dode pliesie's in de US, niet zo vreemd dat ze wat sneller en heftiger reageren.

Overview by year[edit]
161 law enforcement officers were killed in 2010. The average from 1990-2010 was 164 per year.[1]
The FBI reported that in 2011, "72 law enforcement officers from around the nation were killed in the line of duty, while another 53 officers died in accidents while performing their duties."[2] NBC News reported 165 dead.[3]
For 2012, the Officer Down Memorial Page records 120 deaths in the line of duty.[4] The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund counted 127 federal, state and local officers to have been killed in 2012.
§List of officers killed[edit]
This is an incomplete list that may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries.
This list does not include deaths due to the 9/11 attacks; those deaths are listed here.
§Before 2010[edit]
Skagit County Deputy Sheriff Anne Jackson, Sept 2, 2008,shot.[5]
Richard J. Adair, Juneau, Alaska, April 17, 1979, shot[6]
Corporal Phillip Charles Anderson, Jerome County, Idaho Sheriff's Department, January 3, 2001, shot[7]
Earl Charles "Chuck" Ashton, Osburn, Idaho Police Department, August 17, 1976, shot[7]
Rodney Badger, Utah, April 29, 1853
Sheriff Ralph Francis Baker, Madison County, Arkansas Sheriff's Department, January 5, 1998, drowning.[8]
Doris Wayne Barber, Sitka, Alaska, July 28, 1960, shot[6] (male officer)
Gordon Brewster Bartel, Kodiak, Alaska, January 15, 1983, shot[6]
Luell W. Barrow, Alabama Department of Corrections, January 18, 1974, stabbed[9]
Harry C. Beasley, Newark, Ohio, July 2, 1931, "gunned down by an armed gang attempting the theft of a safe from a local shoe store"
Fred Beell, Marshfield, Wisconsin, August 5, 1933, shot
J.M. Bishop, Town Marshal, Girard, Alabama, April 6, 1903, stabbed[9]
Sergeant Robert Lee Bittick, Alaska State Trooper, October 11, 1994, British Columbia, Canada, aircraft accident[10]
Chief of Police Larry Neal Blagg, Trumann, Arkansas, January 27, 2009, accident[11]
Officer Leroy Garvin Bohuslov, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, March 5, 1964, aircraft accident northwest of Farewell, Alaska[10]
Guy Bradley, Flamingo, Monroe County, Florida, July 8, 1905
Thomas Bray, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 13, 2001[12][13]
Constable John J. Breene, Arkansas City, Kansas Police Department, November 27, 1906, shot[14]
Timothy Brenton, Seattle, Washington, October 31, 2009
Michael Leland Briggs, Manchester, New Hampshire Police Department, October 17, 2006, shot[15]
Sheriff Derwin Brown, Decatur, Georgia, December 15, 2000, assassinated by his defeated rival for position of sheriff
Waverly Brown, shot dead during robbery at Nanuet, New York, October 20, 1981
Edward Byrne, New York City Police Department (NYPD), February 26, 1988
Jeffery G. Casner, Berlin, Connecticut Police Department, February 2, 1985, assault[16]
Ignatius John Charlie, Alakanuk, Alaska, May 10, 1985, shot[6]
Jeremy T. Charron, Epsom, New Hampshire Police Department. August 24, 1997, shot[15]
Jacob Chestnut, United States Capitol Police, July 24, 1998
Roland Edgar "Skip" Chevalier, Jr., Alaska State Trooper, Cleary Summit Ski Area, Fairbanks North Star, April 3, 1982, shot[6]
Gail Cobb, Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, September 20, 1974 (note: first female American police officer to be killed in the line of duty)
John H. Combs, Parma, Idaho Police Department, September 22, 1969[7]
Night Officer Marion Albert "Bert" Conrey, Knoxville, Iowa Police Department, April 2, 1938, assault[17]
Samuel P. Cowley, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent, Barrington, Illinois, November 27, 1934, shot
Dennis Finbar Cronin, Alaska State Trooper, February 18, 1974, shot,[6]
Night Watchman Thomas Cummins, New Haven, Connecticut Police Department, November 24, 1855, assault[16]
Sheriff John S. Degman, Colfax County, Nebraska Sheriff's Department, January 12, 1886, assault[18]
Deputy Cliff E. Dicker, Wytheville, VA, December 6, 1994, shot[19]
Chief of Police Thomas Clifford Dillon, Bethel, Alaska, November 19, 1972, shot[6]
Kyle Dinkheller, Laurens County, Georgia Sheriff's Office, January 12, 1998
Special Agent Jessie Bruce Dobson, Jr., Florida Department of Law Enforcement, August 30, 1991, aircraft accident[20]
Correctional Officer William E. Donaldson, Alabama Department of Corrections, January 12, 1990, stabbed[9]
Troy Lynn Duncan, Alaska State Trooper, Alaska, May 19, 1984, shot[6]
Gilbert A. Duthie, Arizona Department of Public Safety, September 5, 1970, drowned[21]
Morgan Earp, March 18, 1882, shot subsequent to his wounding at the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Game Warden Wilson Conley Elms, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, January 5, 1981, shot at Owyhee County, Idaho[7]
Reserve Deputy James L. Epp, Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff's Office, March 1, 1978, drowned[21]
Luther F. Fails, Alabama Department of Corrections, March 12, 1974, stabbed[9]
Ronald W. Feldner, New Plymouth, Idaho Police Department, January 20, 1994, shot[7]
Johnathan Paul Flora, Anchorage, Alaska, September 8, 1975, shot[6]
Gregory P. Foster, 9th Precinct (Manhattan), NYPD, January 27, 1972, shot[22][23]
Constable William Francis Frawley, Westport, Connecticut Police Department, May 21, 1936, assault[16]
Sa Fuimaono, American Samoa Department of Public Safety, June 3, 1998, drowned[24]
Steven F. Gaughan, Prince George's County, Maryland, June 21, 2005, shot
Inspector Austin Dewey Gay, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement, April 14, 1979, shot[25]
John Gibson, United States Capitol Police, Washington, D.C., July 24, 1998

Lieutenant William S. Gordon, Norwich, Connecticut Police Department, July 7, 1881, assault[16]
Ralph Griffin, Anniston, Alabama, June 22, 1954, stabbed[9]
David Guttenberg, Brooklyn, New York, December 28, 1978; shot dead while off-duty during a robbery[26]
Harry Biddington Hanson, Jr., Anchorage, Alaska, July 17, 1986, shot[6]
Henry Hart, Opelika, Alabama Town Marshal, February 1, 1884, stabbed.[9]
Trooper Bruce Alan Heck, Alaska State Troopers, Glennallen, Alaska, January 10, 1997, assault[27]
Eugene Hobbs, Talladega, Alabama, February 12, 1921, stabbed[9]
Earl Ray Hoggard, Ketchikan, Alaska, March 30, 1974, shot[6]
Herman Hollis, FBI agent, Barrington, Illinois, November 27, 1934
Robert H. Holmes, the first African-American NYPD officer to be killed in the line of duty, shot during gun battle with burglar in Harlem, August 6, 1917
Guard Ezra Hoskins, Connecticut Department of Correction, May 1, 1833, assault[16]
State Trooper Linda Carol Huff, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, June 17, 1998, shot[7]
Calvin Wayne Jenks, Tennessee Highway Patrol, January 6, 2007[28]
Anthony Crawford Jones, Dillingham, Alaska, February 12, 1992, shot[6]
Harry C. Kavanaugh, Anchorage, Alaska, January 3, 1924, shot[6]
Sergeant Ronald Eugene Kelley, Ak-Chin Tribal Police Department, Tribal Police, Maricopa, Arizona, November 20, 1995, shot [29]
Robert E. Kendricks, Alabama Department of Corrections, March 29, 1971, stabbed[9]
Jimmy Earl Kennedy, Juneau, Alaska, April 17, 1979, shot[6]
Constable Lloyd M. Kozenieski, Woodbury, Connecticut Police Department, May 7, 1974, assault[16]
John Kevin Lamm, Fairbanks, Alaska, January 1, 1998, shot[6]
Rocco W. Laurie, 9th Precinct (Manhattan), NYPD, January 27, 1972, shot[22][23][30]
Leslie George Lord, New Hampshire State Police, August 19, 1997, shot[15]
Darrell E. Lunsford, Sr., Garrison, Texas, January 23, 1991, shot
Coleman Regis McDonough, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 5, 1965, shot[31]
Corporal N. Bruce McKay, III, Franconia, New Hampshire Police Department, May 11, 2007, shot [15]
Chief of Police Alvin G. Miller, Fairbanks, Alaska, November 2, 1908, shot[6]
Joshua D. Miller, Pennsylvania State Police, Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, June 7, 2009, shot[32]
Ralph W. Miller, Manchester, New Hampshire Police Department, October 2, 1976, shot[15]
Harry Minto, Oregon prison superintendent, September 27, 1915
Louie Gordon Mizelle, Anchorage, Alaska, June 6, 1989, shot[6]
James A. Moen, Alaska State Trooper-Fish and Wildlife Protection, near Lake Iliamna, Alaska, June 25, 2001, aircraft accident[10]
Corporal James Brian Moulson, Jerome County, Idaho Sheriff's Department, January 3, 2001, shot[7]
George F. Nadeau, Sr., Panama Canal Zone Police Department, October 31, 1957, vehicular assault[33]
Kenneth G. Nauska, Craig, Alaska, January 30, 1966, shot[6]
Lee Stewart Newbill, Moscow, Idaho Police Department, May 19, 2007, shot[7]
Sergeant James Stanwood Noyes, New Hampshire State Police, October 3, 1994, shot at Gilford, New Hampshire[15]
Wyatt Luther Nugent, Louisiana sheriff, April 21, 1936
Edward O'Grady II, NYPD, October 20, 1981
Oran Pape, Iowa State Patrol, April 30, 1936
Guard Herbert Orlando Parsell, Connecticut Department of Correction, March 9, 1945, assault[16]
William G. Pfalmer, Jr., Anchorage, Alaska, December 26, 1970, shot[6]
Trooper Scott Edward Phillips, New Hampshire State Police, August 19, 1997, shot[15]
Rodney Pocceschi, Virginia Beach, Virginia, June 23, 2003, shot
Game Warden William Harlan Pogue, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, January 5, 1981, shot at Owyhee County, Idaho[7]
Darius Quimby, Albany County, New York, January 3, 1791, the first United States police officer to be killed in the line of duty
Timothy Brian Ridenour, Baltimore Police Department, October 27, 1975, shot[34]
Frank Stuart Rodman, Alaska State Trooper, December 11, 1974, aircraft accident[10]
Hans-Peter Roelle, Alaska State Trooper, Wasilla, Alaska, November 24, 2001, shot[6]
Acting Police Chief Armand J. Roussel, Nashua, New Hampshire Police Department, October 27, 1971, shot[15]
James Arland Rowland, Jr., Palmer, Alaska, May 15, 1999, shot[6]
Ralph T. Russell, Lewiston, Idaho Police Department, June 15, 1970, shot[7]
Sheriff Jerry Ryan, Gila County, Arizona Sheriff's Office, June 1, 1890, drowned[21]
Donald Ralph Schultz, Phoenix, Arizona, May 12, 2004, drowned[21]
Dan Richard Seely, Anchorage, Alaska, October 26, 1996, shot[6]
George Seman, Evart, Michigan, June 13, 1966, shot
James J. Shaw, Mobile, Alabama, December 21, 1924, stabbed[9]
Wesley L. Silas, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement, March 1, 1994, struck by vehicle[35]
Arthur Smart, Panama Canal Zone Police Department, February 5, 1941, vehicular assault[33]
City Marshal Thomas J. Smith, Abilene, Kansas Police Department, November 2, 1870, shot[36]
Mark Arlin Stall, Boise, Idaho Police Department, September 20, 1997, shot[7]
Lawrence Stefane, 9th Precinct NYPD, May 28, 1970, stabbed[37]
Marcia Lynn Stella, Stamford, Connecticut Police Department, February 3, 2008, assault[16]
Benjamin Franklin Strong, Anchorage, Alaska, January 4, 1968, shot,[6]
Chief of Police John J. Sturgus, Anchorage, Alaska, February 20, 1921, shot[6]
Florence B. Sullivan, Danbury, Connecticut Police Department, September 8, 1896, assault[16] (male officer)
Deputy Commissioner Claude Everett Swackhammer, Alaska Department of Public Safety, October 11, 1994, aircraft accident in British Columbia, Canada[10]
Fasiolepia F. Ta'Ase, American Samoa Department of Public Safety, June 21, 1981, bludgeoned[24]
William Harvey Thompson, Seattle, Washington Prohibition agent, date/year unknown, shot
Russel Timoshenko, Auxiliary New York City police officer, Manhattan, July 14, 2007, shot
J.D. Tippit, Dallas, November 22, 1963 (aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy)
Samuel Violin, Panama Canal Zone Police Department, August 28, 1945, vehicular assault[33]
Henry Walburger, 9th Precinct (Manhattan), NYPD, July 27, 1964, shot[22]
Lieutenant James A. Walker, Emmett, Idaho Police Department, September 3, 1966, shot[7]
John Patrick Watson, Kenai, Alaska, December 25, 2003[6]
Fred White, Tombstone, Arizona Territory, October 30, 1880
City Marshal Charles H. Wiley, Seward, Alaska, October 4, 1917, shot[6]
Special Agent Dillard William Wiley, Atlanta and West Point Railroad Police Department, August 29, 1933, shot[38]
Special Deputy Marshal Mike Williams, Abilene, Kansas Police Department, October 5, 1871, accidental gunfire[39]
Ronald A. Williams II, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 4, 1995, shot
Officer Gary George Wohlfeil, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, March 5, 1964, aircraft accident near Farewell, Alaska[10]
Justin Todd Wollam, Anchorage, Alaska Police Department, July 9, 2001, vehicular assault[40]
Sydney Zaffuto, Orleans Parish, Louisiana Criminal Sheriff's Office, January 8, 2004, shot[41]
Ronald Eugene Zimin, Village Public Safety Officer, South Naknek, Alaska, October 22, 1986, shot[6]
Deputy Sheriff Ernest Zettergren, Anoka County, Minnesota Sheriff's Office, December 7, 1953, shot[42]
Correctional Officer Jose Rivera, United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Prisons, June 20, 2008, stabbed [43]
Deputy Commissioner Claude Everett Swackhammer, Alaska Department of Public Safety, October 11, 1994, aircraft accident in British Columbia, Canada[10]

fish and game een bloedlink departement.

Officer Gary George Wohlfeil, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, March 5, 1964, aircraft accident near Farewell, Alaska[10]

Je moet wel een eind terug gaan om moord te excuseren
Darius Quimby, Albany County, New York, January 3, 1791, the first United States police officer to be killed in the line of duty

Verder zijn natuurlijk de meeste slachtoffers ontstaan doordat ze mensen hun huizen binnenvallen voor drugs. Dat is dan gewoon zellfverdediging. De overheid heeft niet te bepalen wat mensen voor drugs gebruiken of verkopen.
Zo zijn bijna alle slachtoffers de schuld van idiote wetten.
De zelfmoorden zijn ook het hoogst onder politie en militairen.

pcrs7 schreef op 5 maart 2015 20:23:

Verder zijn natuurlijk de meeste slachtoffers ontstaan doordat ze mensen hun huizen binnenvallen voor drugs.

Natuurlijk? dat maak jij ervan of ben je er steeds bijgeweest?
LAPD Officers Slam Cancer Patient to Ground for Recording
Kennelijk is filmen ook al een bedreiging.

Geniet, ja ik volg het vrij aardig.
10 gevaarlijkste beroepen
agent komt er niet eens in voor

8 keer zo veel kans dood te worden geschoten door een politieman dan door een terrorist.

2008 police suicides: 141
2009 police suicides: 143
2012 police suicides: 126

Cop Shoots and Kills Little Girl’s Pony
Pony of kleine meisje had natuurlijk een wapen kunnen hebben.

Hernandez was shot and killed by a Marine sniper in camouflage who was part of a military unit conducting drug interdiction activities near the Mexican border. Esequiel was out herding his family’s goats and had taken a break to shoot at some tin cans with his antique rifle.

John Hirko
21 years old
An unarmed man with no prior offenses was shot to death in his house by a squad of masked police. In a no-knock raid, they tossed a smoke grenade in through a window, setting the house on fire. Hirko, suspected of dealing small amounts of marijuana and cocaine, was found face down on his stairway, shot in the back while fleeing the burning building. When the fire was finally put out, officers found some marijuana seeds in an unsinged plastic bag. The Town of Bethlehem settled the resulting lawsuit for $7 million+ and an agreement to reform police department procedures and training.

David Hooks
59 years old
East Dublin, Georgia
September, 2014
David was woken up by his wife, scared about men possibly breaking into their house. He grabbed a gun, and was shot to death by police. Based on the wounds, it appears two of the shots were in his back and may have happened when Hooks was face down on the ground. Officers were looking for drugs in the home, based solely on the word of an informant (who had been arrested for robbing Hooks’ property two nights before), but didn’t find any.

Lynette Gayle Jackson
29 years old
Riverdale, Georgia
September, 2000
Shot to death in her bed by SWAT team.

Officer Ron Jones
29 years old
Prentiss, Mississippi
December, 2001
Officer Jones was in the process of serving a drug warrant, based on an informant tip. While trying to enter the rear of a duplex, he broke into the wrong apartment and was shot by the resident, Corey Maye, who had no prior record and was protecting his daughter. No drugs were found. Maye was charged with capital murder, and sentenced to death.
Corey Maye was a Drug War Victim waiting to happen. Fortunately, his death sentence was eventually overturned and he was eventually released from prison.

Kathyrn Johnston
88 years old
Atlanta, Georgia
November, 2006
Kathryn lived in a rough neighborhood and a relative gave her a gun for protection. When she noticed men breaking through her security bars into her house she fired a shot into the ceiling. They were narcotics officers and fired 39 shots back, killing her. The police had falsified information in order to obtain a no-knock search warrant based on incorrect information from a dealer they had framed. After killing Johnson and realizing that she was completely innocent, they planted some marijuana in the basement. Eventually their stories fell apart federal and state investigations learned the truth. Additional facts have come to light that this was not an isolated incident in the Atlanta police department.

Jose Colon
20 years old
Suffolk, New York
April, 2002
Jose was outside the house where he had come to repay a $20 debt, when a drug raid on the house commenced. He was shot in the head by SWAT.

Gewoon een paar willekeurige slachtoffers van de war on drugs.
Laat het duidelijk zijn dat niets in dit draadje 'anti amerikaans' is.
Als je het voor deze mensen opneemt, ben je pro amerikaans.

geniet schreef op 5 maart 2015 20:31:

Natuurlijk? dat maak jij ervan of ben je er steeds bijgeweest?
Politie in New York deed alleen nog maar essentieele arrestaties omdat ze boos waren dat burgemeester diBlasio min of meer geimpliceerd had dat de poltie gevaarlijk was.

Met hoeveel vallen de arrestaties terug als de politie alleen maar essentiele arrestaties doet? 90% drop.

Geen aanklacht voor agent die 7 jarig meisje in haar bed doodschoot.

Taseren van 8 jarig meisje was gerechtvaardigd volgens politie


Maar als je het opneemt voor mishandelde of vermoorde Amerikaanse meisjes, dan worde je door sommigen een Amerika hater genoemd.

Dit heet dan bij hun: het amerika haat draadje.

Als je het belachelijk vindt dat een Amerikaan zonder strafblad levenslange gevangenisstraf kan krijgen voor een Facebook post, dan ben je waarschijnlijk weer anti Amerikaans.

San Diego, Calif. – In an almost unbelievable case, a man with no criminal record, Aaron Harvey, is facing the possibility of life in prison for allegedly benefiting from the crimes of a gang.

His alleged crime was posting pictures to Facebook in which he is allegedly flashing gang signs.

Harvey, as well as rapper Tiny Doo aka Brandon Duncan, whose case the Free Thought Project reported on previously, are charged under CA Penal Code section 182.5, passed in 2000 to prosecute anyone that “benefits” from a gang crime.

This definition has obviously given prosecutors too wide of discretion in charging individuals with a crime when they go so far as to accuse Duncan of the same crime as Harvey, but for lyrics in his music, rather than for pictures on Facebook.

Harvey, Duncan and 14 other individuals are accused of conspiring with gang members under this law. The gang members reportedly shot nine people in 2013 and early 2014, according to Raw Story.

It must be noted that neither Harvey nor Duncan were implicated in any of the shootings, but are being charged under the earlier referenced law for “benefiting” from the crimes of the gang.

In the case of Duncan, prosecutors allege that the sales of his music were increased by the shootings, a seemingly dubious assertion.

Read more at thefreethoughtproject.com/man-crimina...
Planten van bewijs in een moordzaak. Maar je bent natuurlijk anti amerikaans als je daar wat van zegt.

Ex-Kenosha Officer Admits Planting Evidence in Homicide Case

Politie schiet ongewapende student dood in eigen huis. Alleen Amerika haters geven wat om het leven van deze Amerikaan.
Politie schiet naakte duidelijk ongewapende man neer. Bedenk dat de forces of Darth Vader elke 8 uur een Amerikaan doden.

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