machmit schreef op 24 maart 2015 10:22:
Langzamerhand naderen we het niveau van voor de splitsing, althans dat geldt voor mij: 0,79 GBP. Het gedonder met Diamond Wood heeft Accsys toen enigszins op achterstand gesteld, waardoor er sprake was van een koersdaling. Hoe de verhouding Diamond Wood en Accsys nu ligt is me onduidelijk, maar dit bericht van januari 2015 lijkt positief:'
Diamond Wood is addressing a growing market for performance wood. The market for performance wood in the countries the company is now supplying exceeds 15 million m³ annually with a value exceeding USD28 billion. The company works with domestic Asia construction firms and Asian manufacturers of wood products to support their offering of high-quality products made from sustainable wood.
Asian manufacturers of wood products are concerned about developing market trends of decreasing tropical hardwoods supplies and legislation that further reduce available supplies by requiring all wood imports come from legally logged sources. Diamond Wood expects that these trends will further increase the demand for the company's unique Accoya® Wood offering.
Diamond Wood expects construction of it its first phase of the Nanjing production facility to begin deliveries in early 2015. Until the Nanjing factory is completed and operational, the Company will import Accoya® Wood from Titan Wood's factory in Europe with a view to developing key Asia customers and channel partners'.