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nine_inch_nerd schreef op 8 december 2022 13:30:

Bron? ;)
Gezond verstand en veel ervaring met dit soort 'grappen'.
Restart Underway

Work is currently underway for the recommencement of spodumene (lithium) concentrate production by the first quarter of 2023.

In September 2022, Sayona awarded a four-year, approximately C$200 million contract to Québec company L. Fournier & Fils for mining operations at NAL.

One of the largest such contracts signed in Québec’s mining history, the agreement will deliver significant economic benefits to the region of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. This includes the creation of 120 new jobs, mostly recruited from the region and from the First Nations communities of Pikogan and Lac Simon.

Under the agreement, Fournier will be responsible for the supervision of all stripping and drilling, blasting, loading and transportation of ore and waste rock, the maintenance of mining roads, and all other services related to operations. Drilling and blasting work will be conducted by another local
Québec company, Dynamitage Castonguay.

Operations were scheduled to commence in October 2022, with work to be carried out continuously, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

As at October 2022, nearly all permitting and procurement required for the restart had been completed. During the same month, Sayona selected Québec company, Solurail Logistique Inc, to transport lithium from the NAL operation in La Corne to the Port of Trois-Rivières for delivery to customers.

The C$43 million contract includes the rental of 110 rolling stock (railway vehicles), with the equipment to be made available for the restart of production at NAL in the first quarter of 2023.

Sayona also announced in October 2022 plans for a pre-feasibility study (PFS) on the production of lithium carbonate at NAL. Sayona is examining the options for lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide production in Québec, as per its commitment to the Québec Government for downstream processing in the province.

The potential move downstream is a significant potential value-adding boost in enhancing the long-term value and profitability of the NAL operation.

Major engineering firm Hatch will undertake the lithium carbonate PFS, targeting completion by March 2023, in line with the recommencement of spodumene concentrate production at NAL.

Significantly, the NAL complex already includes about 50% of the facilities required to produce lithium carbonate, having been partially constructed by NAL’s previous owners.

Sayona will continue providing monthly updates on NAL’s restart, prior to the recommencement of production in the first quarter of 2023.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 8 december 2022 14:08:

Gezond verstand en veel ervaring met dit soort 'grappen'.
Oké, onderbuikgevoel. Dat mag.
Join evt het draadje:

Zal veel 'tegengas' betekenen zoals we van jou gewend zijn. Als het maar gezonde kritiek is.
Je bovenstaand bericht staat er nl al een tijdje in...

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 8 december 2022 14:58:

[...]Oké, onderbuikgevoel. Dat mag.
Join evt het draadje:

Zal veel 'tegengas' betekenen zoals we van jou gewend zijn. Als het maar gezonde kritiek is.
Je bovenstaand bericht staat er nl al een tijdje in...
Ik heb al tientallen keren meegemaakt dat de opstart van een nieuwe mijn veel duurder werd, veel langer duurde of uitdraaide op een faillissement.
Kabinet wil meer zekerheid over toevoer grondstoffen en halfproducten

Home Actueel Nieuws
Nieuwsbericht | 09-12-2022 | 15:30

Het kabinet wil meer zekerheid over de beschikbaarheid van grondstoffen en halfproducten voor de Nederlandse en Europese industrie. De controle over deze grondstoffen krijgt naast een economische steeds meer een geopolitieke dimensie. Landen zoals China zijn in toenemende mate bereid om economische invloed in te zetten als geopolitiek wapen.

Kritieke grondstoffen zijn nodig voor bijvoorbeeld batterijen, halfgeleiders, medische hulpmiddelen, waterstofproductie, zonnepanelen en ledverlichting. Met de nationale grondstoffenstrategie zet het kabinet in op voldoende beschikbaarheid van kritieke mineralen en metalen, circulariteit, op het vinden van minder schaarse alternatieven en verkleinen van de impact op mens en milieu. De ministerraad heeft ingestemd met deze aanpak in de nationale grondstoffenstrategie op voorstel van minister Adriaansens van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, minister Schreinemacher voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en staatssecretaris Heijnen van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.

Nederlandse positie opbouwen in kritieke grondstoffenketens

Digitalisering en verduurzaming zijn de basis voor een sterke Nederlandse economie in de toekomst. Om hierop te kunnen inzetten, is het zaak om in EU-verband risico’s op nieuwe afhankelijkheden van grondstoffen en halfproducten aan te pakken. Nederland is op dit moment één van de meest concurrerende economieën. De Nederlandse industrie, logistieke sector en aanverwante bedrijven hebben wereldwijd al een sterke positie opgebouwd in traditionele grondstoffenketens zoals olie en staal. Het kabinet ziet kansen om ook een goede positie op te bouwen in de kritieke grondstoffenketens zodat Nederland en de EU minder afhankelijk zijn.

De Nederlandse bodem bevat zelf nauwelijks kritieke grondstoffen: deze zitten vooral in andere werelddelen en onder de zeebodem. Wel zijn elders in de EU grondstoffen als lithium en kobalt potentieel beschikbaar. Door in Nederland en de EU meer raffinage-, verwerkings-, assemblage- en transportcapaciteit op te bouwen en beter hierin samen te werken met andere grondstofrijke landen vermindert de kwetsbaarheid bij bijvoorbeeld tekorten.

Inzet op minder schaarse alternatieven

De kennis en het innovatief vermogen van onze bedrijven en kennisinstellingen kunnen we meer benutten voor het slim ontwerpen van producten, op het terugwinnen van kritieke grondstoffen en het terugdringen van negatieve effecten op het milieu. Daarom gaat het kabinet in haar innovatiebeleid scherper kiezen voor sleuteltechnologieën die bijdragen aan digitalisering, circulariteit en verduurzaming.

Bedrijven kunnen door te innoveren bijvoorbeeld kiezen voor grondstoffen die meer algemeen beschikbaar zijn. Zo is er nu voor waterstofproductie via elektrolyse - het benutten van elektriciteit om water te splitsen – in de elektrodes vaak veel van de kritieke grondstof iridium nodig. Andere methodes bevatten minder kritieke metalen, maar zijn soms nog wel minder efficiënt. Doorontwikkeling van deze niet-schaarse alternatieven vermindert op termijn afhankelijkheid van andere landen.

Bovendien zet Nederland ook in op het vinden van alternatieve leveranciers. Dat kan door samenwerkingen aan te gaan in EU-verband met zowel ontwikkelde als ontwikkelingslanden in onder meer Latijns-Amerika en Afrika.

Benutten van circulariteit

Circulaire strategieën zijn ook een belangrijk onderdeel in de nationale grondstoffenstrategie om de leveringszekerheid van grondstoffen te vergroten en de negatieve milieu-impact te verkleinen. Daarmee draagt de uitvoering van de grondstoffenstrategie ook bij aan de ambitie van het kabinet om toe te werken naar een volledige circulaire economie in 2050.

Het kabinet is bijvoorbeeld van plan om innovatie te stimuleren door circulaire eisen op te nemen in aanbestedingen. Zo kunnen we in de toekomst kritieke grondstoffen gemakkelijker terugwinnen uit onze windmolenparken. Het kabinet ziet mogelijkheden om dit uit te breiden naar andere aanbestedingen, bijvoorbeeld voor defensie, telecommunicatie of bouw. Hierdoor creëren we circulaire producten die de overheid zelf aankoopt, waaruit kritieke grondstoffen teruggewonnen kunnen worden.

De nationale grondstoffenstrategie vormt ook de basis voor de Nederlandse inzet in de EU op de aankomende Europese Critical Raw Materials Act.
Canada wants to speed up the approval of mining projects linked to critical minerals: "The gov wants to move towards innovation...he wants to help us develop the projects as quickly as possible" Guy Laliberté, CEO Sayona (Quebec).

Ottawa wants to accelerate the approval of mining projects related to critical minerals
Published yesterday at 10:01 am

While the environmental world is gathered in Montreal for COP15 on biodiversity, Canada is seeking to reduce bureaucracy in its mining sector.

The new Critical Minerals Strategy, of which Radio-Canada has obtained a copy, is to be unveiled Friday in Vancouver by Natural Resources Minister Jonathan Wilkinson.

The Trudeau government wants to accelerate the development of responsible projects in the critical minerals sector, the document reads, in order to attract more investors to a future market.

The main problem we are trying to solve is the deadlines that slow down mining projects, says a high-ranking government source.

It can take 5 to 25 years between the discovery of a deposit and the beginning of a mine operation, she continues.

Ottawa wants to reduce these delays, but does not yet have targets in mind on an acceptable target.

We need to accelerate the whole process, if we want Canada to be competitive in a sector of the future, adds a government source.

There is no question of relaxing environmental rules, adds this source, but rather of reducing bureaucracy, while protecting the environment and respecting indigenous peoples.

In particular, Ottawa wants to agree with the provinces and territories to better harmonize environmental impact studies. The federal government also wants to simplify the process of obtaining permits for all levels of government.

It takes us 136 different permits before we can open our mine, he confides. The government wants to move towards innovation, continues Mr. Laliberté. He wants to help us develop projects as quickly as possible.

Pillars of the 21st century economy

Global demand for critical minerals is skyrocketing, because they are essential for the manufacture of batteries for electric cars and electronic devices, as well as for the construction of solar panels and wind turbines.

Critical minerals, such as cobalt, graphite and lithium, are important pillars of the 21st century economy.

However, at the moment, China controls 80% of the refining of critical minerals and 77% of the manufacturing capacity of battery cells for electric vehicles. Ore is mainly extracted in Australia and South America.

Canadian soil is also full of many of these minerals. But Canada has fallen far behind in exploration, exploitation and transformation.

The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy therefore details the actions to be taken in Canada, in order to become a leader in the field, and to offer an alternative solution to European and American investors looking for reliable sources of supply.

This is an opportunity for a generation not to be missed, says the Minister of Natural Resources, Jonathan Wilkinson, in the preamble of the Strategy.

There are places like China and Russia, providers of these minerals, which are less and less reliable. There is an opportunity for Canada to provide the resources we all need in the transition to a carbon-neutral world, said Prime Minister Trudeau on the sidelines of COP15 in Montreal on Tuesday.

Ottawa's Critical Minerals Strategy is based on $4 billion in investments. Canada hopes to derive long-term economic benefits.

For example, a battery supply chain in Canada would have the potential to generate direct benefits of up to $24 billion by 2030 and to support the creation of 80,000 jobs.

Taking into account related sectors, the indirect benefits could reach $59 billion and reach 333,000 jobs, the document reads.

NB: er is een Sayona draadje hier:
12 December 2022

Sayona Mining Limited has lodged the following announcement with the ASX:
"Final Permit Awarded For NAL Restart"


• Final permit awarded for restart of North American Lithium (NAL) operation in Québec

• NAL equipment and facilities significantly upgraded ahead of recommencement of spodumene (lithium) production in Q1 2023

• Sayona on track to become only producer of lithium concentrate in Québec, with plans to move downstream into lithium carbonate/hydroxide production amid accelerating demand.

Emerging lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited (ASX:SYA; OTCQB:SYAXF) has effectively de-risked its North American Lithium (operation) in Québec, Canada, with the award of the final permit for NAL’s restart ahead of the planned recommencement of production in the first quarter of 2023.

The completion of the permitting process follows an extensive process by Sayona Québec, with the aim of ensuring the successful restart of NAL’s lithium mine and concentrator in compliance with all necessary environmental regulations and obligations.

The latest regulatory approval is among more than 130 permits to resume mining operations obtained from provincial and federal government authorities, including the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

Sayona has significantly upgraded the equipment and facilities of the NAL complex to ensure the successful optimisation of production, while respecting the highest environmental standards. As of the end of October 2022, procurement was 98% completed, with construction activities ramping up and mining contractors on-site.

Sayona draadje:
Call2Recycle and EVSX Announce New Agreement Securing Greater Battery Processing Capacity in Ontario
Montréal, December 12, 2022 – Today, Call2Recycle Canada Inc. and St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. (CSE: SX) (OTCQB: SXOOF) (FSE: 85G1) are pleased to announce they have jointly entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to sort and process battery volume with St-Georges' wholly owned battery recycling subsidiary, EVSX.

On the rise: Tanzania is one of the best investment addresses in Africa
For many years, doing business in Tanzania was fraught with great difficulties for foreign raw material companies. Even gold giant Barrick Gold (WKN 870450) had to fight and did not settle a long-standing tax dispute with the government of the East African country until 2019. Since then, however, the situation has fundamentally changed, so that Tanzania is now one of the best investment destinations in Africa, according to the Absa Africa Financial Markets Index 2022. So a good prerequisite for the companies observed by that are active there!

The criteria set by the Absa report include market depth, access to the foreign exchange market and market transparency. In addition, there are the tax and legal environment, the capacity of local investors, macroeconomic possibilities as well as the legality and enforceability of standard framework agreements for financial markets. And according to the report, the country, which is said to be one of the fastest growing economies in the region in the coming years, met five of these six requirements well.

Tanzania's Deputy Secretary of State for Finance and Planning also recently reaffirmed the government's commitment to ensuring stability, continuity and predictability of the environment in which economic decisions are made to create a favorable environment for sustainable investment - extremely important conditions for international companies that want to operate in the country or already are.

Tembo Gold: Active again in Tanzania after a long break

Among the companies we observe at, this includes in particular the Canadian gold explorer Tembo Gold (WKN A2P9RS / TSXV TEM), which has been exploring its extremely promising project of the same name for a long time - with a break of several years. Even before this interruption, Tembo Gold had already drilled 26.0 meters with 22.8 g/t gold, 11.1 meters with 8.2 g/t gold and 25.9 meters with 3.1 g/t gold on the property, which is located in the immediate vicinity of Barrick Gold's Bulyanhulu mine with its deposits of 13 million. There is an ounce of gold.

And before the start of a new drilling campaign in the middle of the year in its core areas, Tembo concluded a spectacular deal with its much larger neighbor Barrick at the beginning of the year. For 6 million In the US dollar, the company sold some licenses, which are in the neighborhood of the Bulyanhulu mine but not the focus of Tembo's interest, to the industry giant. Barrick also acquired a 5.5% stake in Tembo and paid another 1.5 million for it. Dollar, which is to be regarded as a strong proof of confidence of the Canadian group.

In the meantime, the first results of the drilling carried out in June have been obtained and, among other things, 12.96 g/t gold has been detected! However, the real purpose of the drilling was to better understand the course of the basic geological controls in the licensing area and to optimally prepare the resource drilling planned for the coming year. They seem to have fulfilled this purpose. This makes a necessary intermediate step on the way to determining a future gold resource.

EcoGraf: Advanced graphite project Epanko

Also represented in Tanzania for quite some time is the Australian graphite company EcoGraf (WKN A2PW0M / ASX EGR), which also has a second mainstay (processing from natural graphite to battery graphite) in Australia.

Here, too, there were long delays after EcoGraf had already advanced the Epanko graphite project far. Because the profitability of the project was already proven years ago in even two feasibility studies and Epanko is also the only African graphite project that meets the strict investment requirements of the so-called equator principles. Which would also make it affordable for European institutions.

And after the long forced break in Tanzania, the management now apparently now sees the concrete chance that Epanko could actually be built. Because only recently, EcoGraf sent an unequivocal signal in this direction with the personnel reinforcement by the South African specialist for the construction and operation of mines Chrisjan Van Wyk.

The Absa Index examines 26 countries in Africa, with Tanzania ranked eleventh as it did last year. In the East Africa region, the country comes in third place behind Kenya and Uganda. Throughout Africa, South Africa, Mauritius and Nigeria are at the forefront. The improved conditions in Tanzania are apparently already paying off for both companies and will hopefully continue to pay off in the future.
Ecograf and MTB Group Partnership Supports Battery Recycling in France
Lithium-ion Anode Recycling to Support Reduced Carbon Emissions for New Gigafactories
EcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR; FSE: FMK; OTCQX: ECGFF) is pleased to announce a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed with MTB Group located in France.

Key highlights include:

Agreement signed with a leading-class international manufacturer of pre-treatment equipment for recycling MTB group.
MTB is also a recycling operator in France with a significant market operating capability and a recognized experience for battery scraps.
Initial focus on production anode scrap recycling in emerging European market where battery manufacturing projections are over 1,000 GWh
Important step into Europe Lithium-ion Battery recycling market, with EU accelerating new policies to increase battery recycling with targets of 70%
Collaboration to support closed-loop anode recycling, to lower battery unit cost and carbon emissions
The agreement sets out a framework for EcoGraf and MTB Group to collaborate and develop a production anode scrap recycling business to recover both copper and carbon from Lithium-ion Batteries in France.

The intent of the collaboration is to localise a commercial recycling solution close to planned battery gigafactories and share the value proposition from the recovery of both the copper and carbon.
EcoGraf HFfreeTM Australian Patent
IP Australia Submission
EcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR; FSE: FMK; OTCQX: ECGFF) advises that it has lodged with IP Australia its Evidence in Answer to oppositions raised by two parties to the Company’s Patent Application 2021261902 “Method of producing purified graphite”.
The EcoGraf HFfreeTM purification process was developed by EcoGraf in Australia in 2017 and has since been refined through extensive testing and analysis conducted in Australia, Europe and Asia. Patents and trademarks have been lodged by EcoGraf in all key battery markets to protect the IP associated with this process and on 8 November 2021 the Company reported that the International Preliminary Examining Authority acting under the Patent Co-operation Treaty had deemed all 25 of the EcoGraf patent claims as novel and inventive.
Based on this positive examination and finding, in December 2021 the Australian Government, through IP Australia, confirmed acceptance of the Company’s patent application and published it in the Australian Journal of Patents as part of a 3-month exposure period during which oppositions can be raised to the proposed grant of a patent. Oppositions were lodged with IP Australia by two parties, who then provided their Statement of Grounds and Particulars in June 2022 and Evidence in Support in September 2022.
After reviewing the Evidence in Support, EcoGraf has filed its Evidence in Answer. The Opponents will be provided an opportunity to file any Evidence in Reply. Then it’s expected that the Commissioner of Patents will appoint a delegate to consider the matter (which may include obtaining additional information and holding a hearing) and issue a decision. It is open to a party to appeal this decision to the Federal Court.
Protection of EcoGraf’s significant investment in proprietary processing, innovation and new technology provides it with a competitive advantage and benefits Australia’s position as a major supplier of critical minerals to global battery markets. The development of new Australian technologies supported by patents strongly aligns with the core principles of the Australian Government’s Critical Minerals Strategy.

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 20 december 2022 10:08:

Ecograf and MTB Group Partnership Supports Battery Recycling in France
Lithium-ion Anode Recycling to Support Reduced Carbon Emissions for New Gigafactories
EcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR; FSE: FMK; OTCQX: ECGFF) is pleased to announce a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed with MTB Group located in France.

Key highlights include:

Agreement signed with a leading-class international manufacturer of pre-treatment equipment for recycling MTB group.
MTB is also a recycling operator in France with a significant market operating capability and a recognized experience for battery scraps.
Initial focus on production anode scrap recycling in emerging European market where battery manufacturing projections are over 1,000 GWh
Important step into Europe Lithium-ion Battery recycling market, with EU accelerating new policies to increase battery recycling with targets of 70%
Collaboration to support closed-loop anode recycling, to lower battery unit cost and carbon emissions
The agreement sets out a framework for EcoGraf and MTB Group to collaborate and develop a production anode scrap recycling business to recover both copper and carbon from Lithium-ion Batteries in France.

The intent of the collaboration is to localise a commercial recycling solution close to planned battery gigafactories and share the value proposition from the recovery of both the copper and carbon.
EcoGraf defends its Australian HFfreeTM patent for the production of anode graphite
In the dispute over the final granting of an Australian patent for its HFfreeTM anode graphite cleaning procedure, EcoGraf Limited (ASX: EGR; FSE: FMK; OTCQX: ECGFF) has now responded by responding to the timely objections of two parties. Ecograf now announced this in connection with its patent application 2021261902 "Process for the production of purified graphite."

The EcoGraf HFfreeTM cleaning process was developed by EcoGraf in Australia in 2017 and has since been refined through extensive tests and analyses in Australia, Europe and Asia. EcoGraf has filed patents and trademarks in all major battery markets in order to protect the intellectual property associated with this procedure, and on the 8th In November 2021, the company reported that the international preliminary examination authority has classified all 25 EcoGraf patent claims as new and inventive under the patent cooperation agreement.

On the basis of this positive examination and determination, IP Australia confirmed the acceptance of the company's patent application in December 2021 and published it in the Australian Journal of Patents as part of a three-month period during which objections can be made to the proposed grant of a patent. Objections were filed by two parties to IP Australia, who then submitted their reasons and details in June 2022 and their evidence for support in September 2022.

The opponents now have the opportunity to submit any evidence to the opposite. The Commissioner of Patents is then expected to appoint a representative to examine the matter (which may include obtaining additional information and a hearing) and take a decision. A party may appeal against this decision before the Federal Court of Justice.
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