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voda schreef op 14 juni 2021 07:20:

Daimler, BASF, Fairphone & Volkswagen for Lithium Mining in Chile

Several companies have initiated a “Responsible Lithium Partnership” aiming to work towards responsible natural resource management, including lithium, in Chile’s Salar de Atacama. This cross-industry partnership is funded at its inception by Daimler AG, BASF, Fairphone, and Volkswagen Group. The partnership intends to foster a dialogue among local stakeholders, generating and synthesizing scientific facts and seeking solutions in a participatory manner. The platform aims to facilitate a common understanding of the status quo and jointly develop a shared vision for the future of the Salar de Atacama watershed. In addition, it intends the co-development of a joint action plan to improve long-term integrated natural resource management and undertake the first implementing steps. Another aim is to synthesize and verify available technical data, improve on it if necessary, and increase accessibility. The Responsible Lithium Partnership will commence in spring 2021, with a planned duration of 2.5 years. It does not intend to facilitate the sourcing of lithium nor the purchase or selling of any raw mineral.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, commissioned by the companies, will coordinate the partnership seeking to find common ground by building a multi-stakeholder platform among all relevant actors in the Salar watershed - ranging from civil society groups including indigenous communities, government institutions, mining companies and beyond.

The financing companies Daimler AG, BASF, Fairphone, and Volkswagen Group are aware of their responsibility along the entire supply chain, including their human rights due diligence for raw material sourcing and production. They have, therefore, initiated the “Responsible Lithium Partnership” to promote sustainable development, contribute to the reduction of potential negative impacts and strengthen the protection of human rights.

Due to the expansion of e-mobility and digitization, the demand for lithium as key material in batteries is expected to grow in the next years. The World’s largest lithium reserves and large parts of the total production are located in the Salar de Atacama. The region’s ecosystem is fragile and there is lack of consensus regarding the impacts and risks of lithium mining and other economic activity in the region. Potential risks derived from water and brine table shifts could potentially harm the ecosystems and affect local livelihoods. Addressing such water-related risks effectively requires the collaboration of stakeholders.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
The Atacama Salar is the World's highest grade and largest producing lithium brine deposit, and currently produces approximately one third of global lithium output from two production facilities operated by Sociedad Quimica y Minera (“SQM”) and Rockwood Lithium.

De vraag is natuurlijk met wie ze dan in zee gaan...

nine_inch_nerd schreef op 14 juni 2021 14:59:

The Atacama Salar is the World's highest grade and largest producing lithium brine deposit, and currently produces approximately one third of global lithium output from two production facilities operated by Sociedad Quimica y Minera (“SQM”) and Rockwood Lithium.

De vraag is natuurlijk met wie ze dan in zee gaan...
SQM en Rockwood hebben niemand nodig om mee samen te werken.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 14 juni 2021 15:04:

SQM en Rockwood hebben niemand nodig om mee samen te werken.
Dat kan, maar als het zo is, dan zou het een positief effect hebben op het aandeel, of niet?
Mexico laat winning van batterijgrondstof lithium toch over aan private sector
Arthur Debruyne 11:48
Susana Gonzalez/Bloomberg
In het kort

Mexico zit op grote voorraden lithium, waar wereldwijd veel vraag naar is.
De Mexicaanse president overwoog een staatsmonopolie op de winning ervan.
Winning blijkt duur en technisch ingewikkeld te zijn, private investeerders mogen het nu gaan doen.

Mexico laat zijn plannen varen om de winning van lithium te nationaliseren. De regering wil nu toch een privé-investering toelaten om het wereldwijd zeer gewilde metaal, cruciaal voor batterijen van smartphones en elektrische auto's, te ontginnen.

De links-nationalistische president Andrés Manuel López Obrador had de mogelijkheid van een staatsmonopolie op de lithiumproductie in zijn land geopperd. Zijn partij, Morena, ging zelfs te rade bij Bolivia. Dat land koesterde ooit plannen om zijn eigen lithiumwinning te nationaliseren, maar ging uiteindelijk met een Duitse privépartner in zee.

De Mexicaanse regering komt nu tot de slotsom dat het te ingewikkeld en te duur is om zijn lithium zelf te ontginnen. ‘We zijn ervan overtuigd dat we een private investering nodig hebben en we zijn bondgenoten van de Mexicaanse en buitenlandse investeerders die ons respecteren’, zei senator Alejandro Armenta, een bondgenoot van de president, tegen persagentschap Reuters. In september wil de senator de wet voorstellen die privékapitaal verwelkomt.

De opkomst van Mexico als lithiumproducent kan een opsteker worden voor Amerikaanse autobouwers die de aanvoer van het metaal willen verzekeren. Tot dusver domineert China de bevoorradingsketen van lithium door ongeveer twee derde van de batterijen in de wereld te maken.

Winnen uit klei

Mexico wint koper en goud, maar telt tot dusver geen enkele operationele lithiummijn. Daar zijn wel plannen voor. De Britse holding Bacanora Lithium en het Chinese Ganfeng ontdekten aanzienlijke reserves in de noordwestelijke deelstaat Sonora, niet heel ver van de grens met de Verenigde Staten. De joint venture belooft vanaf 2023 jaarlijks 35.000 ton lithium uit de grond te halen.

De wereldwijde lithiumproductie bedroeg volgens het US Geological Survey vorig jaar 82.000 ton. Als het Sonora-project lukt, dan zou Mexico meteen een belangrijke producent worden van 'het witte goud', dat een belangrijke rol speelt in het terugdringen van de wereldwijde CO2-uitstoot. Australië levert nu 50% van wereldwijde voorraad, Chili, de nummer twee, 23%.

De meeste lithiumreserves in Mexico zitten in klei, en tot dusver is er geen bewezen, commercieel levensvatbaar proces om het metaal ervan te scheiden. Lithium wordt vaker gewonnen uit pekel of uit sommige rotssoorten. Maar Bacanora maakt zich sterk dat het uit de voeten kan met de klei. Investeerders geloven erin: het voorbije jaar is het aandeel van Bacanora 126% gestegen.

De Mexicaanse regering wil met de mijnbouwbedrijven een partnerschap aangaan waarin het zelf 51% aanhoudt. Vakbonden en belangengroepen verzetten zich fel tegen de voorgestelde nationalisering, met het argument dat ze investeerders zou afschrikken.
Hoge prijzen

Vorig jaar was er in de wereld voor het eerst niet genoeg lithium om aan de vraag te voldoen. Door lagere prijzen waren bedrijven lang terughoudend om te investeren in ontginning. Maar nu maken autofabrikanten zoals Volkswagen een inhaalslag in de productie van elektrische auto’s.

Door de grote vraag staat de prijs nu op $13.750 voor een ton lithiumhydroxide, wat investering in lithiumprojecten opnieuw aantrekkelijker maakt. Ook de Canadese bedrijven Advance Gold en One World Lithium exploreren in Mexico naar lithium. Tegen 2024 zou de vraag naar het metaal verdubbelen.

Over afnemers hoeven ze zich geen zorgen te maken. In de Amerikaanse staat Nevada maakt Tesla autobatterijen in een van zijn zogenaamde gigafabrieken. Ganfeng, China’s grootste lithiumproducent, wil in Mexico ook batterijen gaan recycleren voor de Amerikaanse autobouwer opgericht door Elon Musk.

Lees het volledige artikel:
NB: lithium uit klei halen is een praktisch hopeloze zaak.

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Ja, een kleine dipje voor LAS

Lithium Americas delays Nevada mine work after environmentalist lawsuit

A haul truck carries a full load at a mine operation near Elko, Nevada May 21, 2014. REUTERS/Rick Wilking
Lithium Americas Corp (LAC.TO) has delayed plans to excavate its Thacker Pass lithium mine site in Nevada, according to court filings, while a federal judge considers whether the former Trump administration erred in approving the project that opponents say could threaten sage grouse and other wildlife.

The delay is the latest setback for the U.S. critical minerals industry as environmentalists pressure courts and regulators to block mining projects from a slew of companies including ioneer Ltd (INR.AX), Antofagasta Plc (ANTO.L), Rio Tinto (RIO.AX) and others, even if those mines produce metals key to fighting climate change. read more

Thacker Pass, if completed, would be the largest lithium mine in the United States, producing 30,000 tonnes of lithium annually - enough to make more than 475,000 electric vehicle (EV) batteries.

The court case, though, is likely to push back the company's development timeline and an adverse ruling could seriously imperil it.

Mine opponents have asked a federal judge to rule by next month on whether Vancouver-based Lithium Americas may dig at the northern Nevada site.

The company had intended to start digging at the site on June 23, several months earlier than initially planned.

Opponents requested a temporary injunction to block excavation while the court considers the broader case, which centers on whether the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) erred in approving the project in January less than a week before U.S. President Donald Trump left office.

Thacker Pass has been under review for more than a decade.

Lithium Americas this week agreed to pause digging through late July, according to filings.


Environmentalists filed the suit after that BLM decision, arguing in part that regulators did not abide by federal statues designed to protect sage grouse. The company and BLM disagree, according to filings.

"These sage grouse protections are the law of the land and we feel we have a strong case with our injunction motion," Roger Flynn, an attorney representing conservation groups, told Reuters.

Chief Judge Miranda Du of the federal court in Reno, who is overseeing the case, has in the past ruled in favor of preserving sage grouse habitats.

If Du grants the injunction, Lithium Americas would not be able to develop the site while she considers the broader question of whether the Trump administration erred in approving the mine. A ruling on that is expected later this year or in 2022.

In a statement, Lithium Americas said it is "confident the BLM's extensive and approved environmental impact statement will withstand judicial scrutiny."

Lithium Americas told the court that blocking the mine would harm national security and impede President Joe Biden's plan to wean the U.S. economy off fossil fuels.

Reuters reported last month that Biden plans to look abroad for most supplies of EV metals, part of a strategy designed to placate environmentalists. read more

Lithium Americas has an unlikely ally in Glenn Miller, who founded the environmental group Great Basin Resource Watch, which is one of the conservationist groups suing to block the mine.

Miller said he disagrees with the group's opposition to the project and resigned from its board earlier this week.

"Everyone is deeply concerned about climate change. It's a question about values, and I go with the need for lithium," said Miller, a retired professor at the University of Nevada. "This is one of the least-impactive mine plans I've ever seen."
Schlumberger & Panasonic Join Hands for New Lithium Technology

Schlumberger New Energy and Panasonic Energy of North America have entered into a collaboration agreement for the validation and optimization of the innovative and sustainable lithium extraction and production process to be used by Schlumberger New Energy at its NeoLith Energy pilot plant in Nevada. This collaboration paves the way for improved lithium production solutions that will help meet the expected surge in demand for lithium as the electric vehicle market takes off worldwide.

NeoLith Energy’s sustainable approach uses a differentiated direct lithium extraction process to produce high-purity, battery-grade lithium material while reducing the production time from over a year to weeks. The unique process is in sharp contrast to conventional evaporative methods of extracting lithium, with a significantly reduced groundwater and physical footprint. Panasonic will provide their guidance to validate and optimize the lithium material for battery-grade consumption. Situated in Clayton Valley, Nevada, the pilot plant is just 200 miles from Panasonic’s large-scale advanced battery manufacturing operation, Panasonic Energy of North America, in Sparks, Nevada.

NeoLith Energy’s objective will be to pump brine from the subsurface, extract greater than 90% of the dissolved lithium, and pump more than 85% of the brine back to the subsurface in an environmentally safe manner. In addition to maximizing the reinjection of the brine, the ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for any fresh water from an external source and reduce the environmental impact.

Together, Panasonic and Schlumberger New Energy aim to accelerate the development and implementation of an innovative lithium production process, with a commitment to economical, environmental and responsible extraction to empower the world’s transition to new energy sources.

As a global technology company and leader in lithium-ion batteries, Panasonic has a proven track record in innovation and advanced products and solutions that power the automotive industry. Demand for battery-grade lithium is projected to grow exponentially over the next decade. As EVs greatly depend on lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, sustainable and efficient lithium production has become an important topic for regions, industries and technology companies, as well as battery and large automotive manufacturers. While the lithium industry is expected to attract large investments, the time-to-first-lithium-production for new development projects and regions will be critical for the industry to meet the surge in demand.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Iets ouder bericht, maar Canada staat op de agenda voor de 'grondstoffen'

U.S. to work with allies to secure electric vehicle metals
Trevor HunnicuttErnest Scheyder
June 9, 202112:58 AM CESTLast Updated 7 days ago
The exterior of the White House in Washington, U.S., June 6, 2021. REUTERS/Sarah Silbiger
WASHINGTON, June 8 (Reuters) - The United States must work with allies to secure the minerals needed for electric vehicle batteries and process them domestically in light of environmental and other competing interests, the White House said on Tuesday.

The strategy, first reported by Reuters in late May, will include new funding to expand international investments in electric vehicles (EV) metal projects through the U.S. Development Finance Corporation, as well as new efforts to boost supply from recycling batteries.

The U.S. has been working to secure minerals from allied countries, including Canada and Finland. The 250-page report outlining policy recommendations mentioned large lithium supplies in Chile and Australia, the world's two largest producers of the white battery metal.

President Joe Biden's administration will also launch a working group to identify where minerals used in EV batteries and other technologies can be produced and processed domestically.

Securing enough copper, lithium and other raw materials to make EV batteries is a major obstacle to Biden’s aggressive EV adoption plans, with domestic mines facing extensive regulatory hurdles and environmental opposition.

The White House acknowledged China's role as the world's largest processor of EV metals and said it would expand efforts to lessen that dependency.

"The United States cannot and does not need to mine and process all critical battery inputs at home. It can and should work with allies and partners to expand global production and to ensure secure global supplies," it said in the report.

The White House also said the Department of the Interior and others agencies will work to identify gaps in mine permitting laws to ensure any new production "meets strong standards" in terms of both the environment and community input.

The report noted Native American opposition to Lithium Americas Corp's (LAC.TO) Thacker Pass lithium project in Nevada, as well as plans by automaker Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) to produce its own lithium.

The steps come after Biden, who has made fighting climate change and competing with China centerpieces of his agenda, ordered a 100-day review of gaps in supply chains in key areas, including EVs.

Democrats are pushing aggressive climate goals to have a majority of U.S.-manufactured cars be electric by 2030 and every car on the road to be electric by 2040.

As part of the recommendations from four executive branch agencies, Biden is being advised to take steps to restore the country's strategic mineral stockpile and expand funding to map the mineral resources available domestically.

Some of those steps would require the support of Congress, where Biden's fellow Democrats have only slim majorities.

The Energy Department already has $17 billion in authority through its Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan program to fund some investments.

The program’s administrators will focus on financing battery manufacturers and companies that refine, recycle and process critical minerals, the White House said.

En dit bevestigt het ook:

North America’s leadership in the automotive industry is entering a new chapter as the move from internal combustion engines (ICEs) to electric vehicles (EVs) continues to accelerate.

The new US administration has made clear that it doesn’t want to fall behind in the EV race, with President Joe Biden making a flurry of announcements to push the industry forward since taking office — including a potential partnership with Canada for essential raw materials.

China has been at the forefront of the EV revolution, taking control over key aspects of its supply chain, and Europe is moving ahead as well, with the continent passing the Asian country as the fastest-growing region for EV sales in 2020.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 14 juni 2021 15:20:

NB: lithium uit klei halen is een praktisch hopeloze zaak.

Je kunt er beter dakpannen van maken.
We zullen zien. Cypress Development heeft een pilootopstelling voor hun mijn. Deze zal binnen enkele maanden moeten bewijzen dat het kan, en dat dit ook economisch kan.
Je kan gelijk hebben. Maar als ze het waar maken zijn deze mijnbedrijven, met lage waardering, een een enorme inhaalbeweging toe.
We noemen het dan maar high risk / high reward.

In de PEA heeft cypress Development een NPV van 1.5 miljard. Als ze bewijzen dat ze hun productieproces werkt, kan de marktwaarde (100 Milj), vlot x5. Als ze het niet bewijzen, dan kunnen ze inderdaad misschien dakpannen gaan maken. Misschien suggestie aan hen overmaken :-)
Ik herinner me een Canadees bedrijf dat alumina en andere grondstoffen uit klei wilde halen; voor zover ik weet zijn ze failliet gegaan.
Cypress Development holds one of the most advanced clay #lithium projects in the world, piloting a non-sulfur, sustainable saline extraction technology. Located in Nevada, this project could be one of the largest and cleanest in the world moving the US towards an electric vehicle fleet.
Run op elektrische bestelwagens verwacht

Importeurs en autodealers kunnen in de jaren tot 2025 een sterk stijgende vraag naar elektrische bestelwagens verwachten. Bijna de helft van de bestelbussen die nu nog op diesel rijden wordt volgens bedrijven die deze wagens gebruiken in de komende jaren vervangen door elektrische varianten.

Dit valt op te maken uit de publicatie Monitor lichte bedrijfswagens 2021 van de belangenorganisatie RAI Vereniging. Het is de tweede keer dat RAI Vereniging een onderzoek doet naar de toekomstige vervoersbehoefte van bedrijven die gebruik maken van bestelbussen.

Volgens de belangenorganisatie steekt één verandering 'met kop en schouders' boven de rest uit in het onderzoek: de bedrijven willen vooral schoner vervoer. Van de 1 miljoen bestelbussen die nu in Nederland in gebruik zijn, rijdt 89% op diesel. Momenteel rijdt slechts 3% op elektriciteit.

Snelle omschakeling

Daar komt in relatief snel tempo verandering in, zo blijkt uit het onderzoek. Tenminste, als bedrijven hun verwachtingen in daden omzetten. De geraadpleegde bedrijven denken dat in 2025 43% van hun bedrijfswagenvloot zal bestaan uit elektrisch aangedreven auto's. Daarbij gaat het merendeels om wagens met een volledig elektrische batterij. Een kleine minderheid zal bestaan om auto's die zijn uitgerust met een waterstof- of brandstofcel.

De vervanging van honderdduizenden leidt dus tot een grote vraag naar elektrische bestelwagens. 'Gelukkig produceren steeds meer autofabrikanten elektrische bestelbussen. Het aanbod neemt dus toe', zegt Huub Dubbelman, interimvoorzitter van de sectie personenauto“ en lichte bedrijfswagens van RAI Vereniging.

Er zit een grote verscheidenheid in de geënquêteerde bedrijven. Het kan gaan om zzp'ers in de bouw, zoals stukadoors en loodgieters. Maar ook personenvervoerders en pakketbezorgers hebben meegedaan aan het onderzoek.

Emissievrije binnensteden

Het verwachte aandeel van elektrische bestelwagens ligt hoger dan bij de eerste monitor uit 2019. Toen verwachtten bedrijven dat in 2025 32% van de lichte bedrijfswagens volledig elektrisch zou zijn. Dubbelman schrijft de stijging ten opzichte van het onderzoek van twee jaar geleden onder meer toe aan het convenant Zero Emissie Stadslogistiek dat is afgesloten. Daarin staat dat circa dertig steden in 2025 emissievrije zones zullen hebben ingesteld. Ook is de algemene maatschappelijke druk om te veranderen flink toegenomen,

Het is steden menens, bleek eerder dit jaar in Amsterdam. De hoofdstad benadrukte in 2025 een 'uitstootvrij centrum' te willen hebben. Dit betekent dat alle bestelauto's, vrachtwagens, bussen en taxi's binnen de zogeheten Ring op stroom, groen gas of waterstof moeten rijden.

Diesel blijft wel

Dat het aandeel van elektrische bestelbussen sinds de eerste monitor niet gestegen is, wijt Dubbelman aan de coronapandemie en de economische gevolgen daarvan. 'Die bracht veel onzekerheid met zich mee voor ondernemers.' Vooral bedrijven die in het personenvervoer actief zijn ondervonden de nadelige gevolgen van de pandemie.

Opmerkelijk in het onderzoek is dat het aandeel van bedrijven die ook in 2025 nog gebruik maken van dieselauto's is gestegen sinds 2019, van 44% naar 52%. Het aandeel van andere brandstoffen zoals benzine en CNG (aardgas dat onder druk wordt gehouden) spelen daarentegen nauwelijks nog een rol, evenals hybride auto's.

Dubbelman schrijft het gestegen aandeel van diesel toe aan de bedrijven die met hun auto's nauwelijks in steden komen. 'Die voelen minder de druk om naar elektrificatie over te schakelen.' Daarnaast is gebruik van elektrische auto's niet altijd mogelijk, bijvoorbeeld als er zware aanhangwagens getrokken moeten worden.
Hydroxide prices post gains on supply constraints

The global lithium hydroxide complex extended its firm tone over the week ended Thursday June 17 against a backdrop of persistent supply constraints and optimism for growing demand.

Battery-grade lithium hydroxide prices in both the domestic Chinese and seaborne Asian markets rallied because consumers are still finding it difficult to secure adequate feedstock.
Battery-grade lithium carbonate suppliers in China's domestic market held offers steady, supporting the price at current levels.
Europe, US lithium spot complex continued upward trajectory on tight supply and global uptrend.
The battery-grade lithium hydroxide spot price in the seaborne Asian market jumped after suppliers succeeded in translating previous offer hikes into business.
Fastmarkets’ weekly assessment for the lithium hydroxide monohydrate 56.5% LiOH.H2O min, battery grade, spot price cif China, Japan & Korea rose to $14-16 per kg on Thursday, up by 9.09% from $13.00-14.50 per kg one week ago.
Business was concluded close to the high end of the range while aggressive offers dominated the spot market in light of spot tightness and strong momentum in China.
Some consumers are less likely to surrender to high offers since they are sitting comfortably on supply agreed in long-term contracts, while some newcomers in the region have concern about security of units and are therefore more willing to accept high offers, a distributor said.
The spot price has also rallied because of broad market expectation that contractual prices for the third quarter to rise notably from the second quarter.
“Some suppliers cut volumes for the third quarter, and raised [spot] offer prices,” a trader said.
Fastmarkets’ weekly assessment for the lithium hydroxide monohydrate, 56.5% LiOH.H2O min, battery grade, spot price range, exw domestic China rose to 95,000-98,000 yuan ($14,734-15,199) per tonne on June 17, up by 1.58% from 92,500-97,500 yuan per tonne previously.
Consumers in China are still struggling to secure units at the moment while demand is ramping up at unexpected speed, market participants told Fastmarkets.
“Pressure to secure feedstock will grow since demand is increasing too quickly,” a producer said.
“Demand for lithium hydroxide will remain robust with overseas automotive manufacturers accelerating their ramp-up plans,” a consumer said.
In addition, a leading lithium hydroxide producer in China is putting some facilities under care and maintenance in the second half of June, which is expected to further add to the tight spot availability, a source close to the matter told Fastmarkets.
The same source also noted with the maintenance, the producer is likely to use up its stockpiled inventories in June-July to fulfil its contractual commitments.
In the lithium carbonate complex in Asia, prices were firm, especially in the seaborne Asian market where buyers have to battle with a shortage of supply.
Fastmarkets’ weekly price assessment for lithium carbonate, 99.5% Li2CO3 min, battery grade, spot price, cif China, Japan and Korea rose to $13-14 per kg on June 17, up by 3.85% from $12-14 per kg one week ago.
Fastmarkets assessed the lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 min, battery grade, spot price range exw domestic China as unchanged week on week at 87,000-89,000 yuan per tonne on the same day.
Despite a seasonal increase in production of lithium carbonate in Qinghai province, active production of lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries, which mainly feed on lithium carbonate, buoyed sentiment to some extent.
Europe, US lithium spot complex underpinned by global price trends
Spot lithium prices in Europe and the United States continued to move up, thanks to support from tight availability of technical-grade compounds, ongoing logistic disruptions and an upward price trend in global lithium prices, sources said.
Fastmarkets’ weekly price assessment for lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 min, battery grade, spot price ddp Europe and US stood at $13.50-15.00 per kg on Thursday, up 3.64% week on week from $13.00-14.50 per kg.
Fastmarkets' assessment for lithium hydroxide monohydrate 56.5% LiOH.H2O min, battery grade, spot price ddp Europe and US stood at $14.50-16.00 per kg on Thursday June 17, up 1.67% week on week from $14.50-15.50 per kg.
“I see still a premium on Europe, US lithium prices especially on battery-grade compared with seaborne Asia market as most of the battery-grade compounds come from Asia to Europe,” an upstream source said.
China Giant Ganfeng Says Lithium May Rally to Boom-Time High
Bloomberg News

Annie Lee

Jun 24, 2021 • 4 hours ago • 3 minute read • Join the conversation
(Bloomberg) — Ganfeng Lithium Co., the lithium supplier that’s extending an acquisition spree, says there’s a chance that a tightening market for the battery metal could push prices back toward a record high.

The world’s third-largest producer of lithium chemicals, used in batteries for electric vehicles to grid-scale energy storage, is positioning to capitalize as the market extends a rebound from a more than two year slump that ended in September.

“The industry is rapidly growing and we have a very upbeat forecast on lithium consumption,” Vice Chairman Wang Xiaoshen said in an interview. “I can’t rule out the possibility for lithium prices to bounce back to the 2018 level.”

Lithium prices surged from 2015 to mid-2018 as rising demand from electric automakers outpaced available supply from a small network of mining and refining companies. A subsequent rush to add new sources of raw materials, chiefly from Australian mines and South American brine operations, then sent the metal tumbling.

Moves by the industry to halt development of new projects amid that sell-off has meant a near-term tightening of the lithium market, and Wang said it’ll take time for the revived expansions and new operations to deliver new supply. That could see a deficit late this year or in 2022, he said.

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At the same time, demand for both battery-powered vehicles and storage systems for renewable energy is building quickly. “We will step up efforts on the exploration of lithium resources to meet the market needs,” Wang said.

Jiangxi-based Ganfeng, which raised $628 million in a share placement this month, has made new investments recently in projects in Mexico and Mali, adding to stakes in mining and brine operations in locations including Argentina, Australia and China.

Shares in Hong Kong climbed more than 3% and are up 25% this year.

Read more: Ganfeng Tops 2021 Spending Spree with Mexico Acquisition: BNEF

Accelerating sales of electric cars and government stimulus programs aimed at encouraging adoption of greener energy are adding to lithium’s positive outlook. Demand for lithium-ion batteries is expected to jump tenfold by 2030, according to BloombergNEF.

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“Prices for lithium chemicals will still have room to rise by the end of the year, demand for EV batteries and energy storage is still strong,” said Xiaoyi Liu, an analyst at Shanghai Metals Market.

According to Morgan Stanley, high spot prices in China reflect tight supply, strong demand, and low inventory. Smaller converters are already running out of raw materials and higher prices are likely to lead to gradual mining restarts in Australia in the second half, the bank said in a note.

Still, there are risks of a repeat of the sector’s 2018 tumble, according to Wang. Prices could pull-back if miners fire up supply projects too quickly, or if the pace of EV sales slips, he said in the Monday interview.

While the lithium market will remain tight for the next two years, beyond that “lithium producers will need to manage supply growth in a sustainable manner to avoid another crash in prices as occurred in 2018,” BNEF analysts Kwasi Ampofo and Peng Xu said in a note this month.

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Over the longer-term, the recovery of metals including lithium through battery recycling will also impact the market. Ganfeng currently has recycling facilities in China capable of handling about 65,000 tons of spent batteries a year, and is considering building overseas plants, according to Wang.

Until there’s a more developed electric car industry, and higher volumes of battery packs — that typically last at least eight years in a vehicle — it’s likely to remain a small source of supply, and may account only for about 10% to 15% of the lithium market after 2040, he said.

“We have customers and carmakers making queries over the supply of recycled lithium carbonate or hydroxide from retired cells,” said Wang. “It’s just that the batteries available for recycling are still relatively little at the moment.”

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Dividend Collector

Ik heb een kleine positie in dit bedrijf, dat gronden heeft in Canada en Argentinië waarin lithium zit. Als er straks mooie vondsten worden gedaan zal dit later een goed rendement opleveren. De beurswaarde is nog zeer laag.
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 Europe50^ 5.449,68 -0,02%
 US30^ 41.975,60 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 19.687,40 0,00%
 US500^ 5.664,36 0,00%
 Japan225^ 37.694,60 0,00%
 Gold spot 3.036,16 -0,32%
 EUR/USD 1,0853 -0,52%
 WTI 68,33 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


Arcadis +4,44%
JDE PEET'S +3,09%
B&S Group SA +2,12%
RELX +1,59%
CTP +1,44%


PROSUS -6,11%
Sif Holding -5,97%
AMG Critical ... -3,76%
Aperam -2,95%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront