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TomTom augustus 2015

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loesje62 schreef op 11 augustus 2015 12:27:


Jullie houden iets onder de pet.
Eerst is het mega belangrijk voor je om justin te bereiken, en nu zou je het opeens opgeven omdat,,,

Loesje, even een tip van Flip.

Trek je eigen plan, en trek je niet teveel aan van het forum. Het gezever waar jij nu op reageert gaat werkelijk helemaal nergens over, ik zou je energie ergens anders insteken.

loesje62 schreef op 11 augustus 2015 12:27:


Jullie houden iets onder de pet.
Eerst is het mega belangrijk voor je om justin te bereiken, en nu zou je het opeens opgeven omdat,,,

Jeezet heeft o.a. mij gemaild omdat hij een vraag had over samenwerking tussen forumleden. Er stond niets maar dan ook helemaal niets belangrijks in. Geen enkele info.

Als Jeezet iets kwijt wil over zijn vraag doet hij dat zelf wel, ik doe dat niet ivm respecteren privacy.

Groet uit Grunn.
Ik snap op zich best dat mensen bepaalde info niet willen delen/bronnen willen beschermen.

Aan de andere kant, als er constant commentaar is dat de shorters/grote jongens vals spelen vanwege asymmetrische informatievoorzieningen is het best frappant dat sommige informatie maar met een select groepje gedeeld wordt.

Begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben dankbaar voor alle info die gedeeld wordt, maar door op deze manier cryptisch met elkaar te communiceren krijg je dezelfde tweedsplitsing die je ook hebt tussen Piet Particulier en de Big Boys.


pwijsneus schreef op 11 augustus 2015 12:53:


Loesje, even een tip van Flip.

Trek je eigen plan, en trek je niet teveel aan van het forum. Het gezever waar jij nu op reageert gaat werkelijk helemaal nergens over, ik zou je energie ergens anders insteken.
Niemand hier op het forum heeft info die niet te vinden is op internet.
Dus laat je niet gek maken, zij weten echt niets meer dan wij.


The Third Prince schreef op 11 augustus 2015 13:01:

Ik snap op zich best dat mensen bepaalde info niet willen delen/bronnen willen beschermen.

Aan de andere kant, als er constant commentaar is dat de shorters/grote jongens vals spelen vanwege asymmetrische informatievoorzieningen is het best frappant dat sommige informatie maar met een select groepje gedeeld wordt.

Begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben dankbaar voor alle info die gedeeld wordt, maar door op deze manier cryptisch met elkaar te communiceren krijg je dezelfde tweedsplitsing die je ook hebt tussen Piet Particulier en de Big Boys.


Rabo schreef op 11 augustus 2015 13:04:

Niemand hier op het forum heeft info die niet te vinden is op internet.
Dus laat je niet gek maken, zij weten echt niets meer dan wij.

Het gaat mij er meer om dat de schijn dat dit zo is kan lijden tot consternatie onder forumleden. Dit voegt niets toe aan algemene informatievoorziening waar dit forum voor bedoeld is.

Voor mij persoonlijk maakt het allemaal niet zo veel uit, mijn plan is wel getrokken. Voor de leesbaarheid van het forum lijkt het me over het algemeen echter prettiger dat onderlinge samenwerkingen en informatie-uitwisselingen ook echt onderling worden verricht, en niet openlijk op het forum.

The Third Prince schreef op 11 augustus 2015 13:11:


Het gaat mij er meer om dat de schijn dat dit zo is kan lijden tot consternatie onder forumleden. Dit voegt niets toe aan algemene informatievoorziening waar dit forum voor bedoeld is.

Voor mij persoonlijk maakt het allemaal niet zo veel uit, mijn plan is wel getrokken. Voor de leesbaarheid van het forum lijkt het me over het algemeen echter prettiger dat onderlinge samenwerkingen en informatie-uitwisselingen ook echt onderling worden verricht, en niet openlijk op het forum.
ab, behandel dit forum net als elk ander internetforum. Het is soms handig dat veel informatie op deze plek samenkomt, maar het is hier op de eerste plaats enorm druk, en op de tweede plaats zweven er een hoop gekkies rond in die drukte, op de derde plaats mag een internetforum nauwelijks tot geen invloed hebben op je eigen strategie. Goed het kaf en koren kunnen lezen hiero.

Een internetforum (zeker deze)heeft voor velen toch ook een soort sociaal aspect. Er zijn nu helaas eenmaal mensen die altijd een beetje beter willen zijn dan anderen, of ze hebben gewoon een grandioos aandachtstekort.

Het is dan makkelijk scoren door gewoon te verzinnen dat je "iets" weet, en iedereen vliegt erop als vliegen op str...

Deze personen weten natuurlijk helemaal niets - en zijn zich daar voor zichzelf bewust van hoop ik - als ze dat namelijk wel menen hebben ze serieuze issues mijns inziens. Maar de aandacht is wel weer een tijdje op hun gevestigd.

On Topic; leuke koersdoelverhoging btw. Ik ga weer verder pitten tot de IAA.

The Third Prince schreef op 11 augustus 2015 13:01:

Ik snap op zich best dat mensen bepaalde info niet willen delen/bronnen willen beschermen.

Aan de andere kant, als er constant commentaar is dat de shorters/grote jongens vals spelen vanwege asymmetrische informatievoorzieningen is het best frappant dat sommige informatie maar met een select groepje gedeeld wordt.

Begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben dankbaar voor alle info die gedeeld wordt, maar door op deze manier cryptisch met elkaar te communiceren krijg je dezelfde tweedsplitsing die je ook hebt tussen Piet Particulier en de Big Boys.
Waar maken jullie je druk over? Lees nu eens wat Merijntje schrijft. Ik kan dat bevestigen. Het gaat echt helemaal nergens over.
John de Mol - BNR vanmiddag ;)

Allard Ruyl verdient goed aan de kleintjes. Zijn bedrijf BrandDeli verkoopt de commercials voor zenders als MTV, TLC en Comedy Central.
En John de Mol heeft ook warme, menselijke kanten. Dat blijkt uit een boek over hem, geschreven door Jeroen te Nuijl.
san marco
Mapmaker's team of rival automakers may expand
Here's buyers hope to share costs, benefits with others
Here has funded its work on three-dimensional maps by selling traditional navigation maps to automakers.

Automotive News
August 10, 2015 - 12:01 am ET

Audi, BMW and Daimler were bound to raise eyebrows around the auto industry by teaming up to buy Here, the dominant supplier of digital maps for in-car navigation.

So the Germans are sending a message to their competitors: Don't fear us. Join us.

The $3.1 billion acquisition of the Nokia subsidiary, announced Monday, Aug. 3, was mainly a defensive move. Audi, BMW and Daimler sought to keep Here from falling into the hands of a Silicon Valley company such as Apple or Uber that wouldn't share their vision.

Yet other automakers might have had reason to worry that the new owners could use their control of Here's maps to freeze out their competitors.

To defuse that fear, the German trio is now inviting other car companies to join their consortium, sources say, and share in the development costs and benefits as cars become more automated and connected through maps.

"Maps are a common denominator for everyone," Thilo Koslowski, an analyst at Gartner Inc. in Santa Clara, Calif., said in an interview. "It doesn't make sense for every company to do it themselves. But everyone can benefit from it. ... I believe this deal could ultimately accelerate the realization of self-driving cars by a couple of years."

Everyone working on self-driving cars, from Mercedes-Benz to Google, sees maps as critical. Sensors have limitations, and detailed three-dimensional maps of the world, charting the path of lanes and the position of objects such as fire hydrants and streetlights, make it far easier to follow the rules of the road and avoid crashes.

Here has worked closely with the German automakers on their experimental cars. In 2013, when Mercedes trained an S500 sedan to drive 62 miles from Mannheim to Pforzheim, Germany, to show its progress, it followed a route pre-mapped by Here.
"Maps are a common denominator for everyone. It doesn't make sense for every company to do it themselves. But everyone can benefit from it."
Thilo Koslowski

In an internal video explaining the deal last week, Here President Sean Fernback said his company would function as a neutral "Switzerland of mapping" with independent management, offering its services to any company.

The company's customer list already includes nearly all of the world's largest automakers, including Ford, Fiat Chrysler, General Motors, Honda, Nissan and Toyota. All may ultimately be invited to join the consortium.

Yet it remains unclear whether consortium members would need to take an ownership stake in Here or simply provide money and data in exchange for the latest maps and services, said Kevin Hamlin, a senior analyst at IHS Automotive.

"The three members still need to define what the consortium is," he said, "and what benefits you're going to get out of it."

Opening up the consortium is more about pragmatism than altruism, Hamlin said.

While the German automakers see Here as a protective bulwark against reliance on companies such as Apple and Google, the cost of building and refining three-dimensional maps is daunting, even for three highly profitable companies.

Here has funded its work with revenue from selling traditional navigation maps to nearly all the world's auto powerhouses. If Audi, BMW and Daimler wanted to keep the fruits of its labor in house, they would need to bear those costs themselves.

"It's been very clear that whoever was the buyer at the end of the day, there had to be room for substantial investment," Fernback said in last week's video.

While it's rare for bitter rivals to band together on a high-tech business venture, it's not unprecedented.

Back in 2000, at the peak of the dot-com boom, Ford Motor Co., General Motors and DaimlerChrysler teamed up to form Covisint, envisioned as a way to cut procurement costs by handling billions of dollars worth of transactions among automakers and suppliers on a single online exchange.

It didn't work quite as intended, and not just because the dot-com bubble burst before Covisint could make a splashy IPO, said Dave Miller, a veteran of the Detroit-based company who is now its chief security officer.

"The most difficult thing for us was finding places where [automakers] agreed that things would be done in one way," Miller said. "The one part of the platform where they agreed to do things commonly is the one thing that's still part of our platform."

That thing was secure machine-to-machine messaging, which Covisint, now fully independent, uses to run security credentials for connected-car services such as GM's OnStar and Hyundai's BlueLink.

Reflecting on his experience, Miller urged Audi, BMW, Daimler and any future partners to respect Here's independence.

The lesson, he said, is to "keep your hands off it."

You can reach Gabe Nelson at
san marco

Is Your Car Broadcasting Too Much Information?
2:05 am (UTC-7) | by Rainer Link (Senior Threat Researcher)

Car hacking is a reality the general public will have to deal with. Nothing can be as intrusive and dangerous as strangers taking over your car while you are driving it. Last week, Valasek and Miller’s digital car-jacking stunt using 3G connectivity on a Jeep Cherokee’s infotainment system illustrated how life-threatening this situation can get. The discovery of the bug has since led to the recall of of 1.4 million vehicles. A similar hack—but off-road this time—was also demonstrated a few days after, but this time via digital audio broadcasting (DAB) radio signals.

Last week’s revelations are not the first time that car security has been in the spotlight, earlier in 2015, German security specialist Dieter Spaar discovered vulnerabilities in BMW ConnectedDrive. We have been monitoring and researching this security area as well (Automotive Security: Connected Cars Taking the Fast Lane).

High Visibility Can Mean High Risk

Currently, we are investigating the SmartGate System, first introduced by Škoda Auto in its Fabia III cars, which allows car owners to connect a smartphone to a car to read and display data such as how fast your car is going, how much fuel you are using on average, how many days till your next oil change or service and the like. Škoda Auto, more known as Škoda, is a Czech auto manufacturer that is a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group.

Figure 1. Škoda SmartGate sample telemetry screen

During our research with the default Wi-Fi configuration, we discovered that any attacker can read more than twenty parameters similar to the above and even lock out the owner of the car from the SmartGate system. All the attacker needs to do is to stay within the SmartGate’s in-car Wi-Fi range (which is by default pretty long/wide), identify the car’s Wi-Fi network, and then break the password, which is secured quite weakly. Interestingly, staying within the Wi-Fi range would not be so difficult, because the attacker can be lurking within up to fifty feet of the vehicle and still be within range. The Wi-Fi range could be even wider if the attacker is using a high-gain antennae. From there, the attacker can read all the car’s data.

In our real-world test, we were able to break into the Wi-Fi even as we were driving behind the target car. Both cars were moving at approximately 30 to 40 kph. Meanwhile, reading the car data worked up to 120 kph, as for safety reasons we did not want to try higher speeds.

We also found out that Wi-Fi Direct makes it incredibly easy for attackers to determine the PIN. SmartGate firmware shipped with recently built cars (or cars where a Škoda car owner or his dealer updated the SmartGate firmware) supports Wi-Fi Direct.

You may say that this is more a privacy concern and less a severe security issue, i.e. we cannot stop the engine or blow up the gas tank or anything like that, however, unlike the possible attacks being discussed in the news which require the IP address of the car, which is quite hard to get, the Škoda SmartGate security issue has much less barriers to success: you only need the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), which is often clearly printed on the car’s dashboard windshield. But, to make it clear, our attack is not just reading the VIN from the windshield. With the default Wi-Fi config we can connect to the SmartGate of a car even if we drive behind that given car, but for this attack to work we need that at least one smartphone is connected to the victim’s SmartGate system.

Sufficiently motivated attackers can stalk targets using the leeched information. An attacker can wait for you to turn on the ignition in your car, and once your Wi-Fi gets online, the attacker can learn your SmartGate device password, change your Wi-Fi settings, and basically lock you out of the system. An attacker can then wait for you in some location knowing you will need to go back to your car dealer to have your settings reset.

Škoda Car Owners and Maker Need to Act Now

Furthermore, we found out that more recent versions of SmartGate support Wi-Fi Direct, sometimes called Wi-Fi P2P, which can provide an unseen advantage for the attacker: the system does not need the owner’s smartphone to be connected and, as mentioned earlier, the Wi-Fi PIN is easy to crack.

Right now, Trend Micro recommends all owners of Škoda cars that support SmartGate (in Germany it’s the Fabia, Octavia, Rapid, Yeti, and Superb, but it may vary in different countries) to do the following, where at least step 1 is highly recommended:

Change the Wi-Fi transmission (Wi-Fi TX) power to 10% 5%
Change the Wi-Fi password and change the Wi-Fi Direct PIN (if Wi-Fi Direct is supported)
Change the Wi-Fi network name

Note: When setting the TX power to a lower setting, the attack still works, but the attacker needs to be (much) nearer to the car compared to the default Wi-Fi TX power of 50%. Changing only this setting reduces the likelihood of an attack to be successful from a farther distance. The advantage of doing just step 1 is that only the SmartGate settings needs to be changed, changes as described in step 2 and 3 require changes to the Wi-Fi settings of the smartphone(s)/tablet(s) being used. For improved security we recommend changing the default Wi-Fi password and the default Wi-Fi Direct PIN (if Wi-Fi Direct is supported).

SmartGate is currently rolled out to other Škoda car models, so it is high time for Škoda to take action as well. These are good places to look into:

Re-consider to set the Wi-Fi TX power to 10% 5% as default via a firmware update.
Add a strong recommendation in the car’s manual for owners to change the password and PIN.
Design an “on/off” switch for SmartGate.

The SmartGate (Wi-Fi) is on when the ignition is on. But sometimes you just don’t need the SmartGate functionality. Admittedly, there is a workaround—you can unplug the cable of the SmartGate device which is located below the driver’s seat. However, that isn’t convenient for users, especially those who want to use the SmartGate function at times. There should be either a physical on/off switch or you can easily switch it on/off in the car settings menu of the on-board multimedia unit.

Governments and other regulatory bodies have taken great strides in ensuring road safety throughout the years, where the impact of physical components on physical security are scrutinized. With the integration of smart devices into everyday lives, security conversations should include the impact of digital components as well. The Internet of Things may be a much-abused buzz word, but it is happening now and has clear and dangerous consequences if security is not built in.

Vendor Statement

We asked Skoda Auto a.s. for an official statement, but we have yet to receive one. According to an article in a Slovakia magazine, which quotes the PR manager of Skoda Auto a.s., future versions of the manual will include the recommendation to change the default Wi-Fi password. Furthermore, it seems the app(s) will refuse to work when the default password is used. We’re still trying to verify this statement from Skoda a.s., as the Google Translate version of this text reads a bit rough.
san marco

We tried to reach a contact at Volkswagen AG (the parent company of Skoda a.s.) for several times, starting mid of April.

All tests have been performed with a Škoda Fabia III car, SmartGate HW version 0004, SmartGate SW version 0884, and SW version 0928. As of this writing, SW version 0928 appears to be the latest version.

More details and information about this security concern will be discussed at length in an upcoming entry.

Updated on July 29, 2015, 6:36 A.M. PDT (UTC-7) to update the list of cars that support SmartGate.

Updated on August 11, 2015, 1:36 A.M. PDT (UTC-7) to clarify the research details, the Wi-Fi setting recommendation, and to add a section regarding vendor interaction.

Legal disclaimer: The information provided in this statement is only of a general nature and only meant to serve as information. It is not intended to give any practical or legal advice and must not be interpreted as such. Without any specific practical or legal advice obtained from a third party, the contents of this document must not be relied on or interpreted as instructions for any action to be taken. Trend Micro reserves the right to change this information at any time and without any previous warning. Trend Micro does not assume any warranty or liability, in whichever form, for this document or its use, neither expressly nor tacitly.

The Third Prince schreef op 11 augustus 2015 13:01:

Ik snap op zich best dat mensen bepaalde info niet willen delen/bronnen willen beschermen.

Aan de andere kant, als er constant commentaar is dat de shorters/grote jongens vals spelen vanwege asymmetrische informatievoorzieningen is het best frappant dat sommige informatie maar met een select groepje gedeeld wordt.

Begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben dankbaar voor alle info die gedeeld wordt, maar door op deze manier cryptisch met elkaar te communiceren krijg je dezelfde tweedsplitsing die je ook hebt tussen Piet Particulier en de Big Boys.

Zelf heb ik een direct lijntje met iemand die ertoe doet. De informatie die ik daarvan krijg deel ik met enkele forumlezers die normaal gesproken hier niet posten. Er is een belangrijke datum op komst waarop eenieders strategie gericht zou moeten zijn, meer kan ik er hier niet over vertellen, maar ik zal het mailen naar sommigen.

mevr. Riet van Milt schreef op 11 augustus 2015 14:13:


Zelf heb ik een direct lijntje met iemand die ertoe doet. De informatie die ik daarvan krijg deel ik met enkele forumlezers die normaal gesproken hier niet posten. Er is een belangrijke datum op komst waarop eenieders strategie gericht zou moeten zijn, meer kan ik er hier niet over vertellen, maar ik zal het mailen naar sommigen.
Deel dan de helft hier...of datum of het vertrouwen

mevr. Riet van Milt schreef op 11 augustus 2015 14:13:


Zelf heb ik een direct lijntje met iemand die ertoe doet. De informatie die ik daarvan krijg deel ik met enkele forumlezers die normaal gesproken hier niet posten. Er is een belangrijke datum op komst waarop eenieders strategie gericht zou moeten zijn, meer kan ik er hier niet over vertellen, maar ik zal het mailen naar sommigen.
De datum waarop Tom2 overgenomen wordt?

san marco schreef op 11 augustus 2015 14:06:

We tried to reach a contact at Volkswagen AG (the parent company of Skoda a.s.) for several times, starting mid of April.

All tests have been performed with a Škoda Fabia III car, SmartGate HW version 0004, SmartGate SW version 0884, and SW version 0928. As of this writing, SW version 0928 appears to be the latest version.

More details and information about this security concern will be discussed at length in an upcoming entry.

Updated on July 29, 2015, 6:36 A.M. PDT (UTC-7) to update the list of cars that support SmartGate.

Updated on August 11, 2015, 1:36 A.M. PDT (UTC-7) to clarify the research details, the Wi-Fi setting recommendation, and to add a section regarding vendor interaction.

Legal disclaimer: The information provided in this statement is only of a general nature and only meant to serve as information. It is not intended to give any practical or legal advice and must not be interpreted as such. Without any specific practical or legal advice obtained from a third party, the contents of this document must not be relied on or interpreted as instructions for any action to be taken. Trend Micro reserves the right to change this information at any time and without any previous warning. Trend Micro does not assume any warranty or liability, in whichever form, for this document or its use, neither expressly nor tacitly.

Tja, san Marco... Wat wil je zeggen?
Dat HD- of DAB+ broadcasting dezelfde details aankan? Maar zonder probes te zijn? Wat wil je nou?

Oneindig copypasten kan ik ook, het gaat hier om meningen daarover...

san marco
Milt weet echt niets meer dan ieder ander hier, anders zou het voorkennis zijn !!!
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