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Aankoop patent eiwitcomplexen immunologie

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The Cell Factory develops therapy for Crohn’s disease.

Esperite’s business unit The Cell Factory, in collaboration with Women’s and Children’s Health Department of the University of Padua and the Padua University Hospital have started a translational project on extracellular vesicles (including exosomes) first in man use in treatment of Crohn’s disease perianal fistulas. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects approximately 0.5% of the western countries population and this number is rapidly increasing. There are over 0.5 million people in the US and over 1 million in Europe with Crohn’s disease, with over 10 new cases per 100.000 people every year. The annual cost of therapy exceeds 5 billion USD in the US only (CDC). Up to 50% of Crohn’s disease patients are affected with difficult to treat perianal fistulas, and 75% require surgery (CDC).
Zutphen, The Netherlands – 20 October 2016

sperite’s business unit The Cell Factory in collaboration with Women’s and Children’s Health Department of the University of Padua and the Padua University Hospital are developing therapies for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) using extracellular vesicles (EVs). The first target is Crohn’s disease perianal fistulas in adults. A first in man study using EVs including exosomes for treatment of Crohn’s disease perianal fistula will start in 2017.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompasses a spectrum of diseases affecting gastrointestinal tract. The most common are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD is a chronic and often recurring inflammation of the intestines with unknown cause and limited treatment options. In the most severe cases of Crohn’s disease, the patients suffer from perianal fistulas that significantly affects normal activity and may lead to complications such an increased risk of cancer and life-threating systemic inflammation. In Europe current treatment of Crohn’s disease is focused on anti-TNF-alpha therapy whereas anti-integrin biologics are an alternative available in the US. Unfortunately, perianal fistulas often do not respond to these systemic treatments. Several clinical trials are ongoing to target perianal fistulas using allogenic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with very positive results.

Our approach is focused on using extracellular vesicles (including exosomes) derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the first time in the treatment of inflammation responsible for Crohn’s disease perianal fistulas.

Esperite has acquired the full rights of a broad patent family enabling MSC-derived extracellular vesicles use in treatment of all autoimmune, chronic and acute inflammatory diseases. EVs including exosomes are nanometre-size, natural biological particles secreted by different types of cells in vivo and in vitro. They contain proteins, growth factors, mRNA and other molecules responsible for the therapeutic effect of MSCs. In addition, EVs have several advantages over allogenic MSCs e.g.: up to 10-times lower production costs, no risk of uncontrolled proliferation and differentiation, lower risk of immune response and easy and safe delivery into different tissues and organs in vivo. High stability allows for easy transport and storage of the “ready-to-use” products. All these features make the EVs a viable alternative to allogenic stem cell therapies in the near future.

Anti-inflammatory effects of EVs have been demonstrated in multiple preclinical studies in vitro and in vivo. The research team led by Professor Maurizio Muraca has demonstrated initially at Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome and now at the University of Padua in Italy, significant efficacy of MSC-derived EVs in treatment of IBD in animal models. Currently, Esperite’s The Cell Factory and the University of Padua are performing in vivo experiments in animals using clinical grade EVs to confirm their safety, efficacy, bio-distribution and to explain the mode of action prior to clinical translation expected in 2017.

The scientific and medical rationale of using MSC-derived EVs in treatment of IBD and Crohn’s disease is based on very positive preclinical and clinical results with allogenic MSCs. A growing body of evidence is suggesting that MSC secretory properties are responsible for their therapeutic effect. In addition, to date there is no convincing evidence that injected MSCs reach the injury site and survive for any significant time in the body. As a consequence, short-term survival of allogenic MSCs in vivo may limit EV secretion and therefore the amount of therapeutically active substance delivered in situ. Considering this, we expect that delivery of concentrated MSC-derived EVs directly to the site of injury would result in greater therapeutic effect when compared to allogenic MSC therapies. Local administration is safer for patients, and easier for medical personnel.

The extracellular vesicles including exosomes are produced at The Cell Factory, Esperite’s business unit focused on R&D and regenerative medicine. The Cell Factory produces ultra-pure EVs under GLP/GMP conditions, using proprietary technology for expansion of MSCs in fully defined media with no use of animal-derived components. Stem cells are expanded using a stirring bioreactor system. The Cell Factory’s proprietary, closed cell culture system produces high purity EVs using pharmaceutical-quality sequential filtration. The system can be easily scaled up reducing production costs and improving footprint and process efficiency. EV products can be manufactured with this technology at least 10x more efficiently and more cheaply when comparing to allogenic MSC equivalent products.

Esperite is looking for partners to support the development of extracellular vesicle therapeutics.

Prof. Maurizio Muraca commented: The positive results obtained in recent clinical trials with MSCs represent a promising background for the therapeutic use of MSC-derived EVs. In addition, it is well known that MSCs are characterized by an inconstant behavior, due both to inter-donor variability and to possible unpredictable responses of transplanted cells, determined by the recipient’s environment. At variance with their cells of origin, EVs are carrying specific signals which can be pre-determined during the production process. We thus expect their therapeutic effect to be more reproducible and less prone to the influence of the recipient’s environment.

Journalistieke versie,

Extracellular Vesicles at Core of Project to Treat Perianal Fistulas in Crohn’s Disease

Esperite’s R&D Division The Cell Factory is working with the Women’s and Children’s Health Department of the University of Padua and the Padua University Hospital in Italy on a innovative project to develop therapies using extracellular vesicles (EVs) to treat perianal fistulas, a serious complication of Crohn’s disease (CD). The first study in adult patients is scheduled to begin in 2017.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine, affecting approximately 0.5 percent of western countries’ populations; the number is rising. Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are the principal types of inflammatory bowel disease.

According to Crohn’s and Colitis UK, perianal fistulas are the most common fistulas in IBD patients and surgery often is considered. Perianal fistulas increase the risk of cancer and life-threatening systemic inflammation.

Treatment for perianal fistulas has relied in the past years on surgical procedures, either surgical seton (thin silicon stitch) placement for chronic drainage of the fistula, or closure of the internal fistula opening by creating an advancement plasty. Introducing anti-TNF agents (infliximab and adalimumab) shifted patients’ treatment from surgical procedures to almost exclusive anti-TNF -based therapies.

However, some patients with perianal fistulas often do not respond to these therapies. Consequently, clinical trials are currently testing the use of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to target perianal fistulas. So far, outcomes are encouraging.

MSCs are ideal for cell-based therapy in various inflammatory diseases because of their immunosuppressive and tissue-repair properties.

“Our approach is focused on using extracellular vesicles (including exosomes) derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the first time in the treatment of inflammation responsible for Crohn’s disease perianal fistulas,” Esperite wrote in a press release.

Extracellular vesicles (including exosomes) are small, natural biological particles secreted by different types of cells in vivo and in vitro that contain proteins, growth factors, messenger RNA, as well as other particles responsible for the therapeutic effect of MSCs.

Compared to allogenic MSCs, EVs have the advantage of being much cheaper to produce, they present no risk of uncontrolled proliferation and differentiation, they lower the risk of immune response, and they are easily and safely delivered into different tissues and organs in vivo.

Multiple preclinical studies have shown encouraging data on the anti-inflammatory effects of EVs. Using animals models, Professor Maurizio Muraca at the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome, and now at the University of Padua in Italy, and his team have shown that MSC-derived EVs are effective in treating IBD.

In collaboration with the Cell Factory, the research team at the University of Padua is conducting tests in animals using clinical grade EVs to confirm their efficiency and safety, as well as its bio-distribution. They also are aiming to better explain the mechanism of action of clinical grade EVs in IBD before they enter into clinical trials, scheduled for 2017.

Professor Muraca said in a news release “We expect (EVs) therapeutic effect to be more reproducible and less prone to the influence of the recipient’s environment.”

Esperite now owns a broad portfolio enabling the use of EVs derived from MSCs in treatment of autoimmune, chronic and acute inflammatory diseases.
dzw, wellicht tijd dat je je eerst gaat verdiepen, hoeft niet op dit draadje, succes!

Vitavita schreef op 13 november 2016 18:39:

dzw, wellicht tijd dat je je eerst gaat verdiepen, hoeft niet op dit draadje, succes!
Dat is zinloos zolang Esperite geen geld heeft, want dit soort onderzoeken zijn krankzinnig duur.
Er wordt naar een "partner" gezocht voor de financiële en commerciële ondersteuning.
Galapagos (jouw huidige en mijn vorige fonds vanaf 11 tot 30euro) zocht ook naar samenwerking.

Vitavita schreef op 13 november 2016 18:56:

Er wordt naar een "partner" gezocht voor de financiële en commerciële ondersteuning.
Galapagos (jouw huidige en mijn vorige fonds vanaf 11 tot 30euro) zocht ook naar samenwerking.
Ik geloof niet dat Esperite iets te bieden heeft, waar een partner op zit te wachten.

in ieder geval één of meerdere patenten....en medische partners, en dan heb ik het alleen over de mogelijkheden m.b.t. extracellular vesicles.

Vitavita schreef op 13 november 2016 19:05:

in ieder geval één of meerdere patenten....en medische partners, en dan heb ik het alleen over de mogelijkheden m.b.t. extracellular vesicles.
Patenten hebben in dit geval geen echte waarde, dat zie je o.a. aan het gevecht tussen Illumina en Genoma.
Voor de betrokken lezers waaronder DeZwarteRidder een ander artikel:

Exosome Diagnostics Unveils RNA-Seq Technology for Biomarker Detection in Exosomal RNA

Posted by: Exosome RNA Administrator in Industry News, Press Releases 2 days ago 0 171 Views

Exosome Diagnostics, Inc. in recent partnership with Takeda Pharmaceuticals has produced the industry’s first data demonstrating the power of exosomal RNA (exoRNA) for long RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq). This discovery will enable insight into a patient’s genetic makeup that was previously inaccessible, thereby enabling the development of new diagnostics and therapeutics that can be used to detect and treat disease. Data were presented at the American Society of Exosomes and Microvesicles (ASEMV) on October 24, 2016 in Asilomar, CA.

“The field is currently focused on small RNA-Seq, but the clinical RNA biomarker space remains dominated by mRNA. These results are game changing. The quality of long RNA-Seq measurements that we obtained, is not possible without our exclusive ExoLution™ platform. This includes isolation and ancillary technologies to increase the signal above the noise,” stated Johan Skog, CSO of Exosome Diagnostics. “To fully enable personalized medicine through liquid biopsy, we cannot rely on cfDNA alone. It is necessary to interrogate exoRNA to understand the transcriptional landscape as well as increase the copy numbers of circulating mutations.”

Data showed for the first time that exosomes are now known to carry both small RNA and long RNA cargo. To date, the long RNA content has been far more difficult to isolate and measure. Existing developments efforts and publications reflect this challenge. ExosomeDx’s RNA-Seq technology now brings the diverse population of protein-coding and long non-coding RNA transcripts into sharp relief. ExosomeDx’s exclusive technology and expertise has resulted in an optimal library strategy and analysis pipeline capable of revealing these elusive elements. This technology greatly expands the utility of exosomes as potential clinical biomarkers.

“After extensive side by side testing against commercially available solutions, it was clear that no other products performed near the level of our ExoLution platform, to achieve these results,” said Sudipto Chakrabortty, NGS Scientist at Exosome Diagnostics.

Highlights from ExosomeDx’s presentation at ASEMV:

* Highly sensitive detection of transcripts even at a shallow read depth (Limit of Detection @15million reads = 2 molecules).
* Excellent reproducibility of detection of RNA transcripts (R2>0.99)
* Wide diversity of protein coding and long non-coding RNA transcripts detected with full coverage.

“The capability to isolate and interrogate long RNA, derived from liquid biopsies, will yield greater insight into both therapeutic discovery and development, as well as diagnostic test development,” stated John Boyce, President and CEO of Exosome Diagnostics. “We are continually developing the capabilities of our platform to develop tests that will improve patients’ lives, and provide the tools to the entities developing medicine to treat disease,” Boyce continued.
Volgens TRacker:

4.) Het beheerst investeren in "The Cell facory", welke aktiviteit doorlooptijden kent van 5 - 10 jaar alvorens business wise renderende omzet verwacht mag worden.
volgend jaar eerste clinical onderzoek:

"Padua University Hospital have started a translational project on extracellular vesicles (including exosomes) first in man use in treatment of Crohn’s disease perianal fistulas."

Let op, mocht het project slagen, dan zal een versnelde procedure in gang worden gezet door de "approval authorities".

Immers, de nood is hoog gelet op de vele onbehandelbare patienten.

Vitavita schreef op 13 november 2016 19:33:

Tenslotte, heb je je al inhoudelijk verdiept in de materie? En wat is je mening?
Ik heb daar geen interesse in.
in ieder geval heb je mij de impuls en ruimte gegeven dieper op deze nieuwe loot van Esperite in te kunnen gaan, thx!

Vitavita schreef op 13 november 2016 19:40:

in ieder geval heb je mij de impuls en ruimte gegeven dieper op deze nieuwe loot van Esperite in te kunnen gaan, thx!
Je heb alleen oude berichten geplaatst waar niemand iets aan heeft.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 13 november 2016 19:48:

Je heb alleen oude berichten geplaatst waar niemand iets aan heeft.
Je opmerking biedt me de mogelijkheid nogmaals aandacht te geven aan de recentheid van de mogelijkheden van extracellular vesicles / exosomes.

DZW, wel ff lezen svp. Een paar berichten hierboven al geplaatst, vanuit een andere bron dan Esperite/The Cell Factory, dus niet verdacht volgens jouw gedachtengang...

Posted by: Exosome RNA Administrator in Industry News, Press Releases 2 days ago
Exosomes for cell-free regenerative therapies - By Rebecca Morgan

The transplantation of stem cells to regenerate diseased or damaged tissues, is an approach regularly investigated in regenerative medicine. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an attractive cell type for these applications due to their ability to home to damaged tissues, contribute to the regeneration process and modulate the immune response. While these cells hold great potential, there are limitations to their use. These include: difficulties in their characterisation, loss of genetic stability and function during in vitro expansion, immune-mediated rejection and risk of malignant transformation.
However, there has been increasing evidence that the beneficial effects of MSCs are due to the secreted factors they release via membrane-bound vesicles called exosomes. It is now thought that only a small proportion of MSCs transplanted into a body will actually reach the target site and survive in host tissue. In addition to this, the vesicles derived from MSCs have been shown to have similar beneficial effects to that seen for cells. This means that MSCs derived vesicles could have a role to play in regenerative medicine as a cell-free therapy.

This potential cell-free therapy could have many advantages over MSC-based therapies. Exosomes have lower immunogenicity than their cell counterparts, they can be cryo-stored for up to six months with no loss of biological activity and large quantities can be obtained by collecting from cultures over periods of time. They can also be standardised based on their dose and biological activity, and due to their increased stability, they can be delivered using less sophisticated delivery techniques. Overall, these advantages could allow exosomes to be made into an off-the-shelf product with lower manufacturing and storage costs and so be an attractive alternative to their cell counterparts.
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