Coldlander13 hours ago
Partimefriend, Incredible find. I especially like this, "For all parameters, sustained suppression was defined as a >1.0 logio reduction from day 1 or a value lower limit of quantification at day 336. Safety and viral parameters (HBsAg, HBeAg, HBV DNA, HBV RNA, HBcrAg) were assessed in 8 CHB pts/cohort (NA experienced or naive; HBeAg +ve or -ve) who received 3 subcutaneous JNJ-3989 doses (days 1, 27, 57) of 100, 200, 300 (n=16) or 400mg. Patients started/continued with an NA on day 1 and continued throughout the study For patients with quantifiable parameters on day 1 and available data at day 336, a sustained suppression was observed for HBV RNA in 15/26 patients, HBeAg in 9/14 patients and HBcrAg in 10/24 patients. JNJ-3989 (100-400mg) with an NA was well tolerated in CHB patients. A >1.0 logio reduction in HBsAg at nadir was achieved in 98% of patients. A subset of patients had sustained suppression of HBsAg ~9 months after the last RNAi dose (mean 1.74); of. FIG. 22. Sustained suppression of other viral parameters was also seen."