For today: PP=3.365
Resistance: R1=3.38; R2=3.41; R3=3.424; R4=3.468
Support: S1=3.336
As it must be due to objective financials & accounting stuff (read old posts for details), the kpn net profitability will rise even at deteriorating revenue.
As for the '' publications (first at ~7:56, next one around ~10:00):
- "... De nettowinst verbeterde wel naar 48 miljoen euro, tegen 23 miljoen euro een jaar eerder...."
- "...Het telecombedrijf .... Het zag (kpn) daardoor zijn omzet en winst dalen...",
it's just an example of a (low-level) misleading info. Indeed, in that first article the "nettowinst" was described, while the second one referred to just a "winst" (not specifying differences, if any)
Such (misleading) "news" may have 'negative', or 'positive' bias, subject to particular fund, stock, etc..., reflecting price manipulation objectives.
One can easy identify actual objectives, if any, of a particular publisher (info-source) by comparing, for instance, its q-reports publications for different companies.... (for an example of 'negative' and 'positive' info-bias compare, for instance, last q-reports for 'kpn' and 'asml', projecting them on corresponding stock price reactions)
Take care --> the volume on rising prices is much higher than on declining ones --> you know what it means.