Lighter_ schreef op 19 mei 2016 19:57:
Dat is allemaal nog wel een beetje 'Nederlands' gedacht. Er is een internationale race gaande. Tijdens de paneldiscussie op de TU Update in Detroit gaat TomTom in op de overname van HERE door autofabrikanten en de battleground om maps. Er is daarnaast ook een keynote presentatie door Jan-Maarten de Vries over de kaarten voor autonoom rijden. Wat de toelichting bij die paneldiscussie betreft, de termen real-time mapping en 'living maps' zijn trouwens echte tomtom woorden. the Road to Autonomous DrivingWith autonomous cars becoming a reality, the requirements for maps are changing. In addition to guiding people from A to B, maps must now also play a role in helping vehicles become more safe, eco-friendly and comfortable.
Undeniably, autonomous driving will require an advanced on-board map to support various vehicle systems. Explore the role of the map in autonomous driving and how it can be leveraged to fulfill a broad range of advanced driving applications.
Learn how maps will play a crucial role in localizing the vehicle and seeing beyond the vehicle’s sensor horizon, extending the range of in-car sensors in autonomous driving modes.
Leverage big data experience and infrastructure to expand your product reach in the autonomous driving evolution based on high-quality intelligent map-making, combining professional sources, active community input and sensor data
Jan-Maarten de Vries
Vice President Product Management, Automotive Sales & Marketing
A Heart of Grid Lines: Moving Forward With Mapping at the Core (Panel)Real-time mapping is making huge strides in auto and is well-positioned to take the industry forward to realize the visions of the driverless car. We look at what it’s doing for the industry right now.
Consider the strategic implications of OEMs owning/ acquiring proprietary mapping platforms (lees: autofabrikanten die HERE hebben gekocht) and why this is a significant battle ground between tech giants and automakers
Understand how mapping is best placed to synchronize and display info from multiple sources in real-time to provide ‘living’ maps that allows for autonomous vehicles, smart cities and superior supply-chains
Prepare for the Future. Consider the investment in sensors and 3D mapping that is required today to produce the scale, resolution and accuracy of mapping that future vehicles will rely upon.
Pieter Gillegot-Vergauwen
Vice President Product Management, Maps,
Louis Brugman
VP Product Planning
Satish Kumar
Director of Product Management
Christopher Wilson
Technical and IP Consulting, Advanced Automotive Technology
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