Oproep BFRA om stemrecht voor komende vergadering op 3 juli over te dragen, zodat ze tegen de Balaton resoluties kunnen stemmen. Ze beginnen 'm nu toch wel te piepen bij BFRA, want 26% is best al veel. Balaton is ook nl stemmen verzamelen. Ze hoeven alleen maar meer stemrecht te hebben dan BFRA om hun agenda er doorheen te krijgen.
I / We hereby register for the Annual General Meeting] 1 and authorize the Company 's proxy, Ms Anke zur Mühlen, Leverkusen, to exercise the power of attorney and to exempt the restrictions of the Company § 181 BGB / to exercise our voting rights and instruct them to vote in favor of the resolution proposals of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, which were announced in the Federal Gazette of June 3, 2019 and to vote against the resolutions proposed by Deutsche Balaton AG June 2019, and abstain from voting otherwise unless otherwise instructed below.
The administration proposes to vote "YES" on agenda items 2-5.
Discharge of the members of the Management Board for the financial year 2018
Discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2018
Election of Prof. Dr. med. Franca Ruhwedel to the Supervisory Board
Appointment of the auditors of the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2019
The administration proposes to vote "NO" on agenda items 6-15.
Unless otherwise stated below, I am voting against the proposals published in the Federal Gazette on June 17, 2019 by Deutsche Balaton AG on agenda items 6 - 15, ie with "NO".
Decision to hold a special audit on the circumstances of the acquisition of Cutanea Life Sciences, lnc. by Maruho
Resolution on the conduct of a special audit on the circumstances of the cooperation agreement of March 19, 2019 with the (indirect) major shareholder Maruho Co. Ltd. concerning branded generics and indication extensions and distribution of Ameluz
Resolution on the assertion of compensation claims against the members of the Executive Board Lübbert and Schaffer and appointment of a Special Representative for the assertion of these claims in accordance with § 147 Abs. 2 AktG
Deselection of Supervisory Board member Dr. Ing. Ulrich Granzer, new election of a member of the Supervisory Board and election of a replacement member for the newly elected member of the Supervisory Board
Deselection of Supervisory Board member Dr. Ing. John Borer, new election of a member of the Supervisory Board and election of a replacement member for the newly elected member of the Supervisory Board
Amendment of the statutes in § 13 (resignation of the supervisory board office / dismissal of the office)
Resolution on the assertion of compensation claims against the members of the Executive Board Lübbert and Schaffer and against Maruho Deutschland GmbH and Maruho Co. Ltd. pursuant to Section 147 (1) AktG and the appointment of a Special Representative for the assertion of these claims pursuant to Section 147 (2) AktG
Annulment of the resolution on item 6 of the Annual General Meeting on May 24, 2017 (creation of authorized capital of EUR 4,000,000.00 with the option to exclude shareholders' subscription rights), creation of a new authorized capital 2019 and amendment of the Articles of Association
Withdrawal of trust in the board member Schaffer