wat zegt Gann
"First and most important -- You must get Knowledge.
"Make up your mind to spend thirty minutes to one hour per day studying stock market movements for the next five years. Then you will get knowledge of how to detect stock market trends and will make money. You will not be looking for a quick and easy way in make money. You will have paid in advance with time and study. The more time you put in in getting knowledge, the more money you will make later." W. D. Gann, New Stock Trend Detector, p. 10
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"There is only one key which unlocks the door to big profits and that key is KNOWLEDGE. You cannot get knowledge without work. I have made a success by hard work and you, too, can make plenty of profits out of the Commodity market, if you study and work hard enough. Work is the only way to find the ROYAL ROAD TO RICHES in Commodity trading or speculating. Money always comes to knowledge. Without knowledge, money is worthless. You can increase your capital and make wise investments when you have acquired the proper knowledge. ...
"A man who will not work hard and STUDY and pay in advance for success will never get it. If you will put in the time, study and go over the records of Wheat, Soy Beans, Cotton and other Commodities for many years back, you will be convinced that the rules work and that you can make money by following the main trend of the Commodity market." W. D. Gann, How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities, pp. 3, 29
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"You have often heard the expression '99 out of every 100 who go into Wall Street lose.' Then one man out of every hundred must win. Therefore, my answer is that Wall Street can be beaten and that you can make money by speculating and investing along conservative lines and by trading in a few selected stocks.
"But how are you going to do it? You must have knowledge and science. Know! Know!! Know!!! more than the other fellow or the common trader. Find out how successful men in Wall Street have made their fortunes; then go and do likewise. Remember that Knowledge is Power.' ...
"With each experience I had, good or bad, I accumulated knowledge, and after all, knowledge is the greatest power of all, for capital will always come to knowledge." W. D. Gann, Truth of the Stock Tape, pp. 3, 23